ItofctUV. NOVsiikirK k Nil. L-.iL!JH Just Received Sonic New Gray Gloves In tilk and kid, in shades uf gtay hi,.h are so much in demand tt present. In silk e have three shades of gray with contrast stitching. "Ni agara" make, priced at 75c. 95c and $1.25 pail Gray kid gloves in two shades with control stitching, one clasp, extra (inc quality priced at $2.00 pair Georjette Crepe Waists in the popular light colors. Very newest styles priced at -.. $5.50 each Floods Store 334 W. 1st St. bany this morntn visiting friends. Sht left on the noon train for Hrowns ville to viit her parent. Miss Wolfe is on a 14-day furlough. Mrs. Whetstone Here Mrs. Flrnrr Whetstone, formerly Miss Vaida Holt, arrived this morn ini from Bremerton and s;ent the day here visiting. She will to Tliomas tonipht to visit her parents. Her .husband is in the navy, Ration ed at Bremerton. To Spend Winter Mr. and Mrs. O. Skeen left yesterday for Devil's Lake, North Dakota, to spend the winter. To Spend Thanksgiving Miss Eva Thaeker of Albany high school went out to Harrisburg to s;end Thanksgiving with her parents. FRENCH-AMERICAN PARISIAN IVORY Do you want it? You can get it We have it FRED DAWSON'S DRUG STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY ( Visiting in Monroe Returned Hontf 'K Sunday with Miss Hi'l Cowan. j I Verne llotluii went to Mon- M, !-rnu Mat-key of Toitland re- roe Saturday to spend a few days. turned home this niorninit after spend- READ OUK WANT ADS li!Ml CITY NEWS Lebanon Postmaster Visits A. V. Kirkpatrick, postmaster ot Lebanon, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Hides Are Stored District Deputy state Game Warden Ed S. Hawker has a quantity ot dcei hides stored in this city awaiting in structions from the state game com mission. The Jiidcs will be sold. They were recently confiscated in the raids made on Ross and others. K. P. Initiation The Knights of Pythias will initiate in the third rank this evening. All expected to be present. Fisher Funeral Tuesday Th,e funeral of the late George Fish er, an aged man who was found dead in his room at the home of Henry Struckmeier. will be .held from the Fortmillcr Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. An effort has been made to locate relatives, but so far none have been found. An address of a woman in St. Louis, Mo., did not bring any additional information. It is thought that all his relatives are in Germany. He left a small-sized estate. Sam Worrell Here Sam Worrell, guard at the state penitentiary, is in the ciry today. Commercial Club Tonight There will be a meeting of the Com mercial club at 7:30 o'clock this eve ning. tAll members and other busi ness men are expected to be present to hear the proposition of W. K. Scott, of Fuyallup, Wash., who i' representing W. H. Paulhamus and the people backing the proposed can nery for this city. Every man inter ested in the development of Albany should be on hand. Dance Ijace Changed The Red Cross dance which will be given Wednesday evening twill not be held in the armory. Instead, the Elks' Hall has been secured and the affair will be held there. The dance will start promptly at 8:45 and the admission will be $1. The entire proceeds go to the Red Cross. All arc welcome. Attend Salem Banquet The followim? Linn county lawvers -attended the banquet of (he Linn, .vianon ana roiK county oar associa tion Saturday night: Judge P. R Kelly, who oresided at the haiiiiuet: 1. K. Weatherford, Judge H. H. Hew- itt, Oale b. Hill, W. L. Marks, I.. M. Curl, L. L. Swan, C. E. Sox, W S. Risley, Geo. W. Wright, N. M Newport and A. A. Tussing. Dr. Chamberlain Here Dr. Chas. Chamberlain and wife were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cusick. Dr. Chamberlain is a son of Senator and Mrs. Geo. E, Chamberlain. Pullman Restaurant Closes The Pillman restaurant closed its doors this morning under orders from Dr. B. R. Wallace, administrator of the estate of Ira Shortridge, vhn made a flying trip to Albany to at tend to business and professional -natters yesterday. Ke1 Cross Dance The Red Cross dance will he neb', in the Elks' Temple on Wednesday Special music has been secured fo the occasion. Spent Sunday With Parents Miss Zoe Trask sicnt Sunday with her parent! in Lyons, returning to Albany this morning. Went to Farm R. A. Marsh returned to his farm at Dever this morning. Drove to Scio Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Noble, Mr. ana Mrs. E. E. Warford and Mrs. Iiarnes drove to Scio yesterday and spent the dav with friends. Spent Week-End With Friends Miss Cynthia Ross spent the week end in Portland with friends. Went to Portland Mrs. F.dwin Hughes and son Roy went to Portland on business. They expect to return to Albany and make their home. Here From Bremerton Miss Genevieve Wolfe, yeoman of the second naval reserve force of the Puget Sound navyyard, was in Al SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETINQ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 5 of Linn County, State of Ore gon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at High School Building on the 27th day of November, 1917, at 7 o'clock in the p. m. noon, for the following objects: For voting a Tax for the Support of the Schools of the district for the coming year and for such other business that may come before the meeting. Dated this 13th dav of November, 1917. ATTEST: D. D. HACKLEMAN, District Clerk. - W. H. DAVIS, Chairman Board of Directors. Estimated Expenditure for School District No. 5. Linn County, Oregon, for the year 1917-1918 Board and Clerk $ JO0.O0 Elections and Census 125.o) Medical Inspection and Tru ancy Clerical and Auditing Stationery and Postage Supplementary Readers and books . 23.00 50.00 23.00 100.00 33.170.tKJ . 100.00 , 2,670.00 . I-.", Stationery and supplies .. . 250.1 J I Teachers Salaries Substitute Teachers Janitors Salaries janitors Supplies Superintendent salary 2,260.00 Fuel and phones 1,050.00 Water 313.00 Light and Power 650.00 Building Repair and Upkeep of Grounds 350.00 Repair of Equipment 70.') Insurance 602.00 Other Expenses 50.00 Equipment of Old Buildings, Charts, Maps. etc. 415.00 Bond Sinking Fund 2.01C.00 Bond Interest 4,936.00 Manual Training, 7th and 8th grade Domestic Science, 7th and 8th grade 90.00 110.00 Interest on Borrowed Money 650.00 Borrowed Money 1,600.00 Equipment for Domestic Science, High School 200.00 Miscellaneous 400.00, J'aving 600.ftl Formal Opening Thanksgiving Day !!'!:',! ' ''! . .'! !''? i! it' i 'el, I JUST STOP AND THINK When )il no to buy a Mil of it, Is Use a iMf lir We alway buy lor our 175 llii- St.n es ill In-r mores buy fur niie. We pay spot -the ollin man lakes all ihe tune .he i.m in t and then nearly alav must luuum inonr) to pay his hills We pay no bin lent, do not delivci. have no line llMuns oi idle i'lelks. We in buying and selling y on get pait of this -living. . . 17 12c Men', half wool ox C 1S Men's Manuel .lints $I.M. $191 ... Iuc Men's stag .Ion. .. $4.50 15c. Mc Mm', mj.kiii $fW. $7 90. ... .. 6V W90. 12 I 2c Men', union. $1.25. $1.44. $1.64. He, $1 2.1 $1.11. . . $1 44 II,,!.' lel-cys $1 49, $1 69 $198 Hoys' siiralers .. Mc. 9c 9c H.O.' .nils $2.48, $.149. $4. JO. $1.23. $144 $4 98 79c Ho).' knee pint. 79c, 48c, $1.49 39c Hope nui.lin . I on. dale inu.llll . llelklev No ( .to ill. Peii ales . . House lining While ollllllg No .1 balls . ' pound wool hall. 3 pound wool halt. Vile waists I lint. e dresses . . Men', leatllen'.iee gloes Men's hra y wool sos .. Everything Always (or I .ess KverythinJ Always (or I. ess !" ;! Beginning at 3 ll A. M. THE Imperial Cafe Albans's Newest Ealing Place. N'e furniture and fixtures throughout. Come here for your Turkey Iay Dinner and save work, worry and money, and enjoy a m: open i n g D A V M E A I. I Ml-. I.I.!! :!.!ii ; Our 75c Thanksgiving Dinner ; Albany I.nganbrrry Juice Crab Cocktail Soup Imperial Soup Crisp Crackers California Ripe "lues Young I rlery Roasted Young Turkey Stun'ed with Russian Dressing Roast Goose Cranberry Jelly Brown Sweet Potatoes Russian Salad French Peas Home Made Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Home Made Pineapple Ice Cream Assorted Cake. Tea. Coffee or Individual Bottle of Milk After Dinner Russian Tea Music throughout dinner hours. II .HI A. M to HHI P. M. To the Country Trade: The Imperial Cafe, formerly the Home Restaurant, invites a con tinuance 'of your patronage and assures you cw.i better food and treat ment than before. Look for us at 20 First Street J AM ES It. CHRIST. Manager WE NEVER CLOSE The Sample Store's TKI-WIHKLY REMINDER November 2h, 1917. MEN'S UNION S Cotton ribbed 7J to $1.25 Part u,,ol . $1.65 Wiic'in'. mooI $2.65 UNDEKSItlKTS AND ' DRAWERS I. ley ord $1.45 BOY'S UNIONS Cotton li'ibid 49c to 65c MISSES' UNIONs Cotton, while. 65c. 69c WOMEN'S UNIONS Part wool .98c WOMEN'S HOSIt Wool 25c I I. e. e lined 25c I'oti J lor 25t BLANKETS liu v wool nap double. .. $J4S Part ..,,!. plaid, $J l-,ne ...,len plaid. $ 45 COTTON HATT 3 p., im. I, J I - ai.l. i.!e. 3 .ltd. I- 'Ilk! 8St K .. bait, 2 for 2V. 1 Stores ill' lliiii $54,038.00 Estimated Receipts County Fund -$9,227.03 High School Fund 4,850.04 High School Tuition (est.) . 1,11.00 Institute Fund 220.00 Miscellaneous ID") Cash on Hand .. 6.439.42 Cash in .hands (treasurer) .... 1,327.00 $25.o47.74 Assessed Valuation of Proocitv In School District No. 5 $3,777,975.00 Estimated value of Public Service Corporations .... 647,850.00 Total Valuations $4,25,82S") i otal Amount to be raised $.-)4,05"s.m estimated Receipts - 25,647.75 Amount to be raised by Spe cial Tax $28,410.25 W. H. DAVIS, Chainnan. D. D. HACKLEMAN, Clerk. Last TV eek of Sale There hat been a most wonderful hii-iness done during this sale; showing that the people are quirk to grasp the opportunity for buying first class goods at grc-.Hly reduced prices. Pictures This Week 35 to 65 0 off Sepias, Carbons, Water Colors and Oil Colored reproductions ol masterpieces. SCHOOL PICTURES A SPECIALTY EVEkYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED XMAS GIFTS RESERVED on payment of one-fourth down. THE ALBANY ART CRAFT C. J. Brcicr Company YOU DO BETTER HERE FOR LESS n STORES Thanksgiving Fowls Pelicious, home Krow" Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens for your Thanksijivini; or Sunday dinner. All fowls dressed hy Mrs. Claude Vunk. Ihe finest poultry in the city. Phone orders to Fastburn Itros.' (.rwcry N. I). Pratt's (snH-cry, I:ast Third (Jco. ('. Hamilton, 1KX5 Ivjst Second Dr. Nelson, the v,rcat foot specialist from Portland, is here. Cures corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, moles Chilhlanes and warts. Consultation absolutely free. Headquarters, McDowell's Shoe Store. Phone him. .X -. - A , i lS"" Last Time Today G L O B E The Man Without a Country G L O B E Edwraid Everett Hale's immortal classic. The cinema sensation of the day.