Daily Democrat WM. H. HORNIBROOK, Publisher Entered at the pojtoliice si Albany Oregon, at second - class matter. Publiihed every evening except Sun day. Sewi-Weckly published Tun day and Fridays. B LSI S ESS MATTER (a ordering changes ol" address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new addresses. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week ..$..10 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 By mail, at end of year 3.50 By mail, in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly When paid in advance, one year 1.25 At end of year $1-50 Established in 18 6 5 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1917 BRAZIL'S GERMANS Dispatches from Buenos At.es a that Brazil is pmIciiziiiu an army i the southern part of tht cunt.-y 1 iitrol 1 cr Gcniaii -o' -tni-'ts. Apparently the Germans have ac tually taken up amis against Brazil, their adopted country. There are half a million of them in the three states of Parana, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catharina. And they are doing precisely what the Fatherland expected of them. It is well known that Germany dcliber- ately colonized southern Brazil, a a step toward gaining eventual con trol of all Brazil and eventually of the South American continent. The Brazilian ro eminent admit ted the German immigrants and per mitted them to live in their own way. transplanting their own institutions and remaining a separate people, the belief that they wopld never be able to make any serious trouble. But their insidious purpose was never abandoned. One of the intercepted messages of Count Luxburi;. the re cently expelled German rmntstcr to Argentina, written only last summer, said: "I am convinced that we shall be able to carry- through our principal aims in South America, the mainten snce of the open market in 'Argentina and the reorganization of South Bra zil, equally well with or against Ar gentina." The German revolt undoubtedly will be put down. Brazil is not petty land of savages, but a civilize"' country, with a territory larger than ours, great military resources and a racial and national prio. that will brook no insolence from disloyal cit iiens and ungrateful immigrants. The real sufferers from this treachery will be the Germans themselves not only those -directly affected, but all Ger mans, everywhere. Their record will be another lam'Sable chapter of history that the German people wil. have to live down. Jt will be long before German .hon or is trusted and German business is welcomed once more in South Amer ica. And the lesson is not lost in North America. We may be "idiotic Yankees," as Dr. Dernburg called us. South Amer icans may be "veneered Indians," as Count Luxburg called jthem. But both have high standards of honor and high requirements of citizenship. And nowhere in this hemisphere will there be a Jiaven hereafter for any foreigners who will not honestly re nounce their old loyalty and prove their good faith by assimilating them selves with the life and institutions of their adopted country. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY WANTED To buy, all kinds of USED FURNITURE From $1 to $1,000. All kinds re wanted. We now have a good line of New-SccondllandFurnilure Bargains of alt descriptions. Complete line of everything de sired. Before buying you will do well to see E. ROGOWAY Second and Baker Sts. Bell 134-R. Homa phone 2227 Men Wanted Owintf to (trike condition. Tor work in Paper Mill at Camas, ";.h., and Otrsou City, Oreon: and i for nine hours. Apply J. A. HourJ, JtJ5 Nt St. MAKE ALL YOUR SOCKETS PULL SOCKETS AND DO IT YOURSLI.F jS-s. No ls-lr.cUa 'J N...rr. SimpljT i I buv an Arrow E ' S I full Sotk.t At- ' ' ..,1 -. Si t.hment. No. 35024, and crW it into your pr at outlet. 1S wiring m Msary. For sale by the RALSTON ELECT RIC SUPPLY CO. BUSY CORNER Grocery Goods bought right and sold right Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. 25c Sauer Kraut, quart 10c Good Coffee, lb. 19c Best White Laundrr Soap, five bars . . 25c Wp HAVE OUR OWN DELIVERY Grant Froman, Prop. 331 Lyon Street Both Phones CyA ffTnr noieLJt.rranas' ("Union juaTt-San7rancisa On ike center of fke Giy'r&feand Color TPatef from. 'Zper Day. -ooo7Sbomr. Appreciated by TDiscriminaiing Hrvdelers fielflorldooer. hfanaqemeni (amesJiiodr J LIGHT LUNCHES Sandwiches, Tamales, Hot Coffee and Chocolate, Hot Drinks of all kinds. FINE HOME MADE CANDIES THE ELITE Both phone W. S. Duncan, Prop. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building WE ARE LOOKING FOR MEN WHO CAN SELL Your wages are not limited. Complete line of superior nurs ery stock. Choice territory now open. Secure our new contract at once ALBANY NURSERIES 1st National Bank Building Albany, Oregon I T vi1 y - .tf a5 ta jii v v1 v i FASHION HINTS I . y ! Written for the United Press by Margaret Mason y k. i"1 jP . y v1 iS i? f 3 v9 j She had a teardrop in ,her ce. An ear-drop in her ear. She'd let the other car-drop diop. ' And th.it explains the tear. 1 XI-'W YORK. Nov. :..- !( sou ask any female ti lend you her ears these days she will he forced to lend sou ' her earrings alone with them. to. an ear without a dandling eardrop or a , button of pearl sntK;hii close to it pink lobe is scarcer even than si: ir : or coal. IVrhaps you are laborinc untler the I delusion that when you hac a pair of stockings, shoes and nloscs to match your new cowu, your toilette i complete. You're all wroni; 'Ywcre Setter fir to he (.-loveless than car rinlcss, and dow n in Greenwich il lai;e they would even rather piss u the hosiery, Earrings tor every da in the week or for every drvs i your outiit are Uie cryinn needs ot the moment and the mode. There are Ion,; drops of jet, jet halls hoi' Mine on chains or round and o al hoops or jet. jet buttons or pearl buttons and pearl halls hohhinc on chains to wear with the smart ttowns of black and white satin or clv now so chic. Turquoise, lapis lazuli, and iniita tion sapphire oiier shades of Mm in all shapes to ro witli your JrovVs of the blues. There is amber, cloud ed or clear, and also eardrops oi chas ed and lilire gold for your yellow ish toilettes jade, crysojdirase and imitation emerald for the reen K'rls and coral, pint: and red for the ros robes while new- hoops, ovals am! odd shaped pendants of tortoise shell offer shades iVr any frock tha done brown. ror me evening cVicntal cf:eets of every color in the rainbow cn han.-ed with brilliants arc guaranteed to make even the dullest girl bright if she has an earfull. It is true that suffrage .has at la ', forged the figurative fitters and shackles off the New York woman but she is seemingly content to walk abroad heavy laden with her bean and neck bent beneath the load of literal chains. Her head sags with the burden of heavy pendants dang ling from her ears and her neck bow s beneath the weight o: heavy links of yellow metal alternated w ith hunk; of colored stones. The span of years between the primitive cavc woman of the dark ages and the enlightened suffragette of '17 has been bridged with link of gold and silver and the eternal woman revels in her bauble chains Whither it is a bear claw- necklace worn by a idanketed Indian or a Tif fany necklace sported by a Duchess, it's uite the same effect, I assnrt you. only a question of a little dif ferent sett:ng and a little different set. Most of the elaborate chains, pen dants and necklaces that the smart est shops are showing have the Ori ental colorings, shapes and tenden cies. Chinese seals, carvings, tassels, ivories and jades vie with Egyptian scarabs, slabs or lapis, jade or tour luoise cut deep with hieroglyphic", from some gummy mummies' tomb. -Some of the stunning new Egyptian earrings are large dangling oval slebs of light or dark blue, green or blac composition with Egyptian figures of sphinxes, Xantch girls or lotus bear ing beauties set on in embossed gold or silver. You naturally expect all this junk to he derived from the Orient whert folks dress more in beads and ban gles and less in woolen unionsuits ann goloshes in wet weather; but I got a shock when browsing amcng th jewelry counters of a smart Fifth Avenue shop the other day. rt display of ornate and barbaric necklaces, earrinRs, pendants, brace lets and rings, carved, colorful, tas- sellrd and tinted rpiite along the same lines as all the similar stuff from China, Egypt, Peru ; Rallied, istan and where not. was labeled "Esquimaux jewelry." Something new---."Well it was new to me all right and I rather expect it would be new as well as news to the F.snui mcaux." From all reports and photograph r-.squimeaux belles they are full oi ittr outside and blubber inside with ew points of vantage left .'or vani ties like these. Still females jaded with Chihes" jade and no longer buns over Egyp tian scarabs were fallini? over thei.t selves, each other and the counters for this new F.squimeaux jewelry What will you bet that the some thing new in Esquimeatix jewelry romes from New York or at least New Jersey? New Barber Shop at Motel St. New Equipment l'iUitoe 'Hcst Service. KAY HUSTON Roasters and Carving Sets for Thankigmng. Watch ihi pav-e !it Xnu SUiiC-tlt'll. Barker Hard ware Store 2IS W. First St. MARKET REPORT TllE PRICES given in the local quotations are those asked by the wholesaler from the retailer for fruits and Tegetables. All oth er prices are those paid the producer. List is corrected daily. LOCAI Grains Wheat $17 1-2-t$1.KS Oats W Bran. $J5 Vetch seed $'-'5 Shorts Hay, cheat Hay, Tetch J-1 Hay, timothy .. ... V' Clover, V Flour, hard wheat $Ui.58 Flour. Talley Suar Beans c!Hc Butter Bi::erit Creamery butter Country butter, trade - Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cask . 51c 51-; 50c I 5t)c, 52c Sic 14c ! llc : 14c Large, infertile eggs, Eggs, trade Hens, per pound . Roosters . ... . Broilers inngs trncks 12cfa.!6c Geese ... 8c Turkeys, on consignment, dressed in Portland Pork. Veal and Mutton Hogs $12$b Cow 4'! 6c Steers . Veal Bulls Ewes I-ambs $5'5$K 7'a9c 4'i ic 57c 9cS12c oc'SlOc Yearling sheep PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES Portland, November 22, 1917. Bluestem, $2.05. Fortyfold, $2.03. "V Club, $2.01. , Red Russian, $1.98. Oats, No. 2 white feed, $51. 1'arley, feed, $51. Valley flour, $9.60. Hay, f. o. b. Portland Willamette Timothy, fancy iMiutli. Vetch, 22o.23. Cheat, $22'a$23. Clover, $21 fa. $22. Vegeublea fotatocs, $1.25fi$1.50. Beans nominal, small white, I4e, large white, 13 3-4c; pink, 10 l-4c-limas, 15c; bayous, 10 l-2c! red, 10c. Livestock Prime steers, $6.75'S$9.S0. Hons, best hie $16($lf,.40. Fancy cows, $6.75(5$7.15. ' Calves, $7.'$9.50. Sheep, valley vearlinirs $12f.$12.50. Spring lambs, $13'6$13.50. Butter, Eggt and Sugar Butter, city creamery, 48c. I Butterfat, 52c. 1 Cocoanut Meal A substitute for Linseed Oil Meal which is asw alts it las kigli to use. COCOANUT MEAL contains 21 per cent protein snd 8 per cent fat. Makes butter solid and rich. FEED not to exceed 3 to 4 pou nds daily. PRICE: $2.50 PER 100 POUNDS. . Murphy Seed Store . Fisher-Bradcn Undertakers I.atly assistant Auto-Hearse service if desired. TUB HKST HAKK1) GOODS GROCKRIKS, rKOlH'CK ...J FRUITS SI PARKKR'S "The Sijtn of (Quality" lib 1 yon St. Both Phonn PLUMBING Carpentering and Repairing Call me for any kind of plumb ing or rejmir work. FRED MICHEL 6JS E. 8th St Bell phone 226 H 1'ggs, selected extra. 50c. Sugar. J.i'. Live Poultry Hens. Plymouth Kocks. -Vc l-M 1 .V Hn.ileis ITcdiluc Turkeys, live. c'uVJ 1-iV. Dressed, fam v. J ! ,V : culls, .'4. Geese, live. IJc. Pekm Pucks. ISciiJic. Indian Runner ducks. McilTc. Wool, 16 valley cotswol-J, best, 55c medium Shropshire, ftOc Hops, "16 crop, 254i27c; contracts. .Vic''i J5c. ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill W 1 1 CUsad Wind Shi. Id.. Hotel Albany Sis Stories of Solid Comfort ALBANY'S FINEST HOTEL Try OurSunday Uinntn B. R. Westbrook, Prop. Wealth Doesn't Chase s man it must shased, sot empty handed, bat with money with whtdi to make more. Osr Savings Department paying 4 per cant interest on savings is the patk wkick to aiaks your start J. W.Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany, Oregon Ts'VT-Jwa'sCw;?'"- 'cr-BM Victor Victrolas COLUMUIA GHAFONOLAS - On the L:a.y Payment Plan. Now i tin tun to reserve YOtlKS for CHRISTMAS. Woodworth Drwl Co. Cl.ASSIl II I) ADS AM) Dr. A. I1 Ilowdls Dr. Mary Howells ()NU'iiiiilliic l'liyiii;iiis und Surjliiuis Suviiis Bank 11! J. Itnlli I'lnuu Alhany, Orcijoii Cl.ASSIl 1 1! I) For Sale FOR SA1.E Rent, or trade, seven- room modern house. Inquire st 5.15 Second and Calapooia St. s-Nif I OR SALE l ord m in Kud couilition: cook stitve and cod sasli ttaiut, retrteralor, ruij. stand table. Call Hell phone J5-Y l r 4Jt. E. ,'d St. nM .'( FOR SALh OR EXCHANGE A H million timber claim in Douiiiss county for city property or good lum land. Home I14J tlOtl FOR SALE One fine select rcti denes lot on Wsrhmtfton. ysved street, cement curb, sener. si 25 per cent discount; terms psrt down baisrure instsllments; no interest for first year. Also other sele:t lots in Wright's Addi'ion Jose ta store, sains discount on asms torms. Also one large select bloc of eight lots adjoining city, asms terms Also farm in Linn county. See. writs or phone Geo. W. Wriuht lawyer, Albany. Oregon ollnZl I Ok SM I. -One bilhai.l latde, three pool tables, one back bar, one soila .louutatli. Inquire I.co t obeli, J.fl l.yull street. liJIll I-OR KENT Six room furnished t.ouse on vaved street. W-. F Pieiffer. nl.'U FOR RENT l'lirinslji i or tniinrmsb- eil rooms, turn ice h.it, hot and cold Mater, privilege of laundry. Very reasonable rent. Itell phone 57.1-V. nJ4.'7 HK SAI.I- -Will sell both my car. -Saxon 4, roadslet, urally Item , Hcrlaud "Wl" loiinuir tar, kooi! as new. l-or particulars call 4'.l R. II. H. Obermever. V14 E .M St. n24 27 Miscellaneous WA4TF.I-To bu, all kinds of hides, junk, sacks, second hand goods, etc. For sale grubbing ins chins and cable. Well drill. See Rogoway, Second and Baker. oJOtf WOOD SAWIMr ( all .Nrbn Bros. J. I'ine St. Home plioue 4j4. Bell phone J77-J. Oilier with CiitiiuiiuKs Transfer Co. nI5jl W S I I l)-(;nl t.t assist will, housework. Call I'M.' Washinuton St l:.-ll i.honr 5KM.J. n'.l 7 CHICHESTER S PILLS LArfirst! Aak lralaf. A r llM.Xrirs.4A 11 1 U 1 H4 i.. 4i.l tntsiik nlt ltBi ll'u MM-a. VX Taka. arfhrr. Umw f a V UrmmmAmt. At f'4'lll. 1(1 K-TfRU' IflAUi'in IIU. Nit l.l.t, f.w tA an kn.nas tsi, Mmt. A I H l ia u SOLO BY DRLOOISTS LVLRVtHLRE Shaving, 15c Hair Cut, 35c Bell Phone 19-J Try tha Hotel Albany Itarhor Sho p Three first-class bsrhers We wsnt you and your children Absolutely Antiseptic 110 West Second ttrsct VIERECK'S BATHS Fint-clas Workmen Only Open fr-jrn 7:30 a. m, to 7 p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. Cor. First and Ellsworth StrMte 1U SIM SS DIKIICIOKY I'ANCV I'KI ShT I l IIU KI NS, lmks and ur sr tor sale at l ast burnt' stole and I'latl's stole on l ast Maui stieel, Saluiday. u.M .'4 I'VI-RH Vl'I.INti ARS - An,,,... is!uiih their ear oserhaitled at their hon e and in the same tunc you can et acquainted with your ear. 1 can tiiw fust class rein riit'fB if aus one i Iniii; this op puitiiiiity call Ii ip up l,y llnmr phone 41.'.;, alter 0 p. in. J Km. n.Md7 HOTEL ST. FRANCIS Best J 5c and 50c meals in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pit tie. proprietors BUSINESS DIRECTOR! WILSON MUSIC STt-fDIO-Opruo Schmitt, Hunt Illdg. . Uroadalbia, for enrollment of pupils Saturday, September 22nd. at 10 a. in. A. U. corner of Third. S-15-ti Oregon Hide & Junk Co. 201-205 E. 1st St Dealers In Hides, Pelts. Purs, Rubber, Metals, Mschinery snd all kinds f second-hand goods 1,000 Potato Sacks for Ssle Bell 72-J. Home III ..'OOD SAWING Call Newton Uros 329 Pine St., Home phone 4404. Pell phone 377 J. Office mih Csai. uiings Transfer Co. oI5-n!5 Heal L'state, Insurance and Money to Loan II. P. MERRILL Insurants. Loans. Surei Ron. Specisl attintion :ven t., t.,c sronerlr hcloiiiriiort,, mm., Rsoin N. I, second Moor. First Sav mgs Bank biiildi-n. Albany. Oreunn 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS long time, any smount, for gaod cultivated farms. Call on J. T. Pipe, jnj W 2nd St. fc-l-tf It. M. PA YNE Farm lan.li and citr property for sale. Real rslste loans Kiit insurance. Surety Bonds. R mn 17 21, Cusi.k lllk . Albany, O egon. For Sale Keal L'state j. v. PIPE Real Estate, Parma and City Pro perty. Firs Insurance. Notary Pub. lie. B.1.BJ Loana Surety Uooas Ii. F.SOX Fire, Casuslty and Automoblls Insurance. Real Estate 213 1st National Bank Bldg KLMER C. OTPS Chiropractor. Rooms S. 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg Nature cannot cure a disease unless the csuse Is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic Bldg. Our Own Auto Hearse Lady Assistant