M6VMY. eet H M. Daily Democrat Wit H. HORN1BROOK. Publisher. Publisrtr Entered at the postoffice it Albans. Oron, second - class Duller Pirbliihed every tumi.; except Sun day. Sewi-Wcckly published Tucs dayt aad Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER In ordering changes o( address, sub scrsbtrt should always give old ai well aa new addressea - SUBSCRIPTION RATES DailT Delivered by carrier, .er week . .$.. 10 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 By snail, at end of year J.S0 Be mail, in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly When paid in advance, one year MS At and of year EU0 Bataallehed In III! MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1917 Holman & Jackson SPECIALS luyiiig groceries, bread and past)', from a store where clcam.ne. i- .iJe a watchword, is an important r.iaiur: but price should also be a .loidcration. (safe ever Ihcse specials- P ononis- Fruit .lars. 1-2 gals, pel dozen ... $i.23 Masons, 1-2 seal., regular 11.00, wide in. nth $1 '.0 ..cred Jelly C.las.c. Mc C.e in ine New Yo Maple S.r.ip. Mr tral $' fried Maple and l ane Syrup, per ;uart .. . 4. OUF LATEST ALLY a Mexico, after hating and tightiu us for years, seems on the point u changing into a warm friend an,! al'.y The new Mexican minister to Its..- celebrated his arrival in Rome a fe days ago, by issuing a s-jtemcn: i: praise of the United States. "r,i Nightmare of imperialism lias an ished since the United Slates cu'erc. the war." he said. "Our icUtioui with our great northern neighbor after our crisis, have now en; ueriod of cordiality. The 1 nitcd Sutes, in entering the wo.. flagratioa for the liberty oi pe. i-les and respect for the rights of m.V rations, has formulated a pTtaeipl which completes the Monro r Doc trine. This establishes foreve- ih position of Latin-American CsHtntrie with regard to the United States This may be taken as an authoii tative expression ol iresent Mexican policy. It is supported by t!'.- artioi- of ehe Mexican congress, whit' undertaking to commit the gov. merit to a declaration of bent,---neutrality toward the United Stat A resolution in tlie senate annoutnees that "Mexico, doing honor o history, her ideals of progress be with the nations that fight for jus tice, for civilization, for liberty, which is Mexico's own cause." There : similar measure pending in rile chain ber of deputies. There is sa- be a strong desire in both hou-es to go so far as a complete break with Germany. General ('Oregon, formerly nown as the ablest of Carranza's subor irates. now retired to private Lfc corroborated this view in New V the other day. He asserted tfta. th Mexican people are "friendly toward the United States." we can wen at lord to be rr.rsiftian imous toward a Mexico in this n-o. We have never bad any unworth.- de signs against her, and we rejoice that she has found it out We hav- srl terea mucn at ner nan.:, nut we re ready, as a government and as a na tion. to reach out our hand and el come her to the great fellowship of world-democracy, fighting its supreme battle against tyranny and brute force. ' i rk 9 1 CITY K3WS 9 9 ,! ) NoLrfgar Better Ernest Nofrujer, who broke his leg ttiree weeks ago, is expected to be able to leave the hospital in an other two weeks. Dr. Davis yester day plated the injured leg and Nof riger is making rapid prorrress toward recovery. To Visit Son and Daughter Mrs. E. M. Perfest and Mrs. W H Curry are spending the week-em1 in Portland visiting their on and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cur ry. Former Albany Woman Mrs. Laura Beard, former Albany dtaident, and Mrs. E. N. Keener, of Fossil, Ore., are in the city.. Mrs.. Peard is looking after property in terests here. Its Hair Cut. lie BeB PfcotM 198-J Try ah. Hotel Albany Barber Shop Tbrea Baal alaag barkers Wa want yaa and ytjar ehfldren AaiaraUt, Aa a ep sic IU Wast tecasai Street Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Oar Own Auu Hears Lady Aeatataat Bid, HOLMAN ft JACKSON. GROCERS AND BAKERS Broadalbin Street c7mJhmit ("Union iquaK-SatCJwncisco hitkecenttroftkt Giyb&feand Color TSatesfrmZper 'Day. loooT&onti Appreciated by THscrimi na tiny TruddentieZbrdarr. Wheel Vetch .! . horts lay, cheat ... !lay, vetch Hay, timothy Clover, ement ?. B. PHIPPS Oiiduat of the sV'e!u-rr Institute Druglesa Heal rut Chronic Nerv out. Lung snd r.-rrale Diseases 7M Lyon St Albany, Or Home phone IS) Bell -'M R FAMILY ORDERS for Ice Cream FILLED PROMPTLY THE ELITE Both phones vV. S. Duncan, Prop. COAL Just received, car of Nut and Lump Mixed No. 1 Coal, for range and neater. E. R. CUMMINGS STETTER'S FOR GR0CER11S AND CROCKER V Big Jazz Dance McELROY'S JAZZ BAND The famous "HYIU HEME" Orchestra real entertaining Jailers they have tlie "pep" out of pepper. Myers Hall. Corvallis, Oregon. FRIDAY NIGHT. October 26th 8 o'clock. Admission 10c. everybody. A REAL JITNEY DANCE Hoosiers Council of Kitchen Scientists Mrs. Christine Frederick, noted HousehoM E.' .-ienr authority . Si id of Applccroft Experiment Station. New York. Miss Alice Bradley, Principal o.r Miss Farmer's School of Cook ery, Massachusetts. Mrs. Janet M. Hill, Principal of the Summer School of Cooker. New Hampshire; Editor and Author. Mrs. Nellie Kedzie Jones. Household Consultant, Wisconsin. Mrs. Alice R. Dresser, Consultant of Household Administration Massachusetts. Miss Fay Kellogg, a prominent New York Architect. Mrs. Frank Ambler Pattison. Domestic . Efficiency Engineer, New Jersey. Mrs. H. M. Dunlap, Domestic Science Expert, Illinois. Each Hoosier expert is a leader in her field All arc cai able. All are noted. In practical kitchen experiments they discover many labor saving "short-cuts." Then we build the inventions of some into Hoosier Cabinets. Others, through us. give expert advice t.. women who buy the Hoosier. So the actual presence of the,. specialists in your kitchen is not necessary. By having the Hoosier, you ha' e the effect of their hands and brains at your side. HOW HOOSIER HELPS YOU It sifts your flour four times faster than old ways by giving you the patented SHAKER SIFTER. It makes flour light and fluffy, and does not grind dirt through the sieve. It saves you miles of steps by arranging places for 400 articles WITHIN ARM'S REACH I The most used articles are nearest. You sit and work in comfort You reach instead of walk. One brainy woman, through her patented Food Guide, answers each day that oM perplexing quc;on "What shall we have for dinner P In 40 work-reducing ways, the Hoosier saves you toil an! energy and time. And bear in mind with all these extra features the Hoos ier is priced no higher than ordinary. None can surpass its lifetime standard of construction. More than a million Hoosiers are in daily use. We know of none that ever wore out. WILL YOU ACCEPT THIS OFFER ? You must confess that you would like to have this cabinet. Then what excuse can exist to prevent you Certainly not the price Hoosier prices are low, due to enormous output. Certainly not terms you can pay as convenient. More than that, we let you try the Hoosier. Make a small pay ment and we will deliver it. ALL MONEY REFUNDED IF YO U' R F. NOT DELIGHTED! Sold by Fortmiller Furniture Company Masonic Temple Have you heard the wonderful P athe records as played on the Pathephone? We will be glad t o entertain you at any time. MARKET REPOrtT Till- PRICKS gjven in the local quotations ate those asked by the vvholcsal. r hoiii the retailer tor fruits and scgctablca. All ataV er priees are those paid the producer. List is corrected duly. LOCAL Grains $17? l-2.i$l s: TOc Hi SJ..U SJ $) $ '1 $20 Eggs, selected extra, 5lfiCS2c. Sugar. JStK' Live 1'uultty Mens. Ptyasoara R..,ks. lit I Me, I It.oileis I7er lV, i Turkey., live ISadtMc. Geese. Iise. IJc 1 ekin Mucks. IS. .H ladlaa l'-.nner Ducks Mc(nl7c. Wol. 16 -alley aaUoM best. SSs I medium Shitip.biie. (s'e Hops, 'lis ,iop. lawsvci eontracli Flour, hard v. heat .. (MLSI Flour, valley $V)bU Sugar S0S ALBANY PLAN1NC MILL All Kinds of Mill Work Class assd N ind Shisldt. Pis inos X c want to exchange a ViOtTOll and Records lor a jjood second hand piano. Wnnriwftrat" h hrno Pn Jitney Service llofh Phones 25 ej Beans Occill,' t-lter Huttert'at Creancer) butter Country butter, trade BVS and IVultrv ! ggs, trade Hens, per pound Roosters .. Ifroilrrs - - apriaga D.icks Geese . Pork. Veal and Mutton .. 50c 49c 0e 48c 49c I3c lfv w ItV 15c . 15c 10c ... 14. Hogs i. ow . ... Steers e Veal -.lulls Fwes .. Lambs venrl:n sheep PORTLAND 4tB5 l-V $ST$8! ,. 76Pc 4-...V S7c 8 l-2cill 1-3 .i 7ftiHc Hotel A Hum Mi? SB mm Aiuv a iimsi Seafiae of Solid Comlori M.IIANY'S FINEST HOTEL Try OurSunJay Dinnrrs K. Westbrook. Prop. 3. B CLASSIFIED AIS AM) BUSINESS DIRECTORY JOBBING I9U PRICKS Portland. October Hluestem. $205. Forty fold, S2.03. C lub. $20! Red Russian. $19 Oats, white No 2 feed. $49 Barley, feed. $49.50. Valley flour. $91. Hay. f. o. b. Portland Willamette Timothy, fancy $24. Vstcb. $22$2J. Cheat. $22"3$2.V Clover, $21 (U22. VegeUbles Potatoes. $125i&$I 50 Bears nominal, small white, 14 l-f. strge white 14 1 Jc-l sink. 10 3-4 . Ismas. 1J Mr; baynus. 10 l-2r; red, 1 I -2c Livestock Prime steers, $8$10. ' -. let In e $15 2- '$15 50. Fancy cows $7''t$S Calves. $5'$9 50. Sheep, valley yearlings $12.50f5$13. Spriag lambs. S1J.5" '"$14. Rutter, Eggs and Sugar Putter, city creamery, 4aV. Butterfat, 52c Liberty Bonds on Installments We will sell Liberty !!ond on monthly payments. You pay us $11100 per month till $101 .50 Is paid and then you get a $! bond upon which you collect $400 at .end of year. $5lJ pel month for a $5000 bond. This is a plan of saving that ehoaM commend itself to you. W.Ctisick ft Co. Brnkers Vlhany. - Oregon Beans Wanted Highest Market Price paid for First-Class Beans. Murphy Seed Store Your Fall Suit Why not have it made to measure? Why not nave that jjreat combination of style, quality and fit? It co-t". no more. New Goods Arriving Most of our fall goods are here. More are com ing but we have clothes to fit any figure and to suit any taste. Let us demonstrate. SWEATERS, MACKINAWS and RAINCOATS W. F. Pfeiffer Fsrt Street Dr. A. P. Bowells Dr. Mary Howella Osteopathic Phyalcfauu and SlIlffiOBI Su villus Hunk liid. Both PImMM Alhunv, On-Unn CI ASM I II; 1) For Sale POll BALA Kent, or tru.tr. cvcn- 5JJ Scisjinl .iml . ftpoSt St. aNn !' OR SAl.K A Ihh j'arlor orgti inu( be ialil -a bar if a i.i it tuktn ! one, c.mi 22$ v . H St . Nil phone JW-R oJif MM ir lit ty t4 do I bOTOi iitornotK f.i two of UK eVtLti I fv UCCietAaftUI It itnllis u ttm.wi' cus.in m i 1 Igfl M CiMinty lor city ptcpttty or ' li tn UnJ Humr i i4J ti( .1 FoR SAI.i: One fine NltCt rtU dens e lot on Wuhintor. ;vr 1 street, cement curb, trver. at 25 per cent discount; .inns pad iloWfl lulai.ee in tall nir nis; M tottfi M (or first year. AltO Oth tf mImI lots in WriK'lit's Addi!i"i i 1 IN I 1 store, same discount M MH1I tmn . Also one large select bloC4 of ei't lots adjoining c ty, NOM term Also farm in Linn COttflCi See. write or phne ieo. V. Wrl lawyer, Albany. OrtgM I' OK S l ! ijihi. in if"d condi lion. Clirap if taken at n r ("all at ST Sevond St. Home phon- WANTED ti it; lit am! three weeka. Call Hons a ph. me MB o24-26 EXPERIBNCBt) WAITRF.SS Wauled at once at the Nome Kc taurant. o2J-J5 WANT I 6 KIM IK I I rtftttf wanird I'.u yi-actc stiuls and daii ranch hn.uiie f A i Si hnnlt. Ftrtt National hank o2S-29 WANTS WtiRK- An innde joti i.r a Mf Home ph.nr IJ4 0a7J0 For Rent Fi K Kl-.N'T Paralal r! Soaaa ni"d ern bunualciis- Si7 ralaflOOel l ali llrll phone 5t)6 oJ 23 LOT POa sl.l Plat i 't oa pared Ureas, dir m. traav assd caaaaai siilrwjlk, at a haraiii. ltituire of W C, llurkliart u27n2 K K SAI V (..,! -llltr (ainilv horsr. and liusinr. Call IU-11 MS Hill, llotnr 4tH. a7a Mucellaiieoua LOST The uil of red l.ix fur. ("all Hell ishone 4J6 J. ...';. i SOVED - The sVuiaraaru i iKai l:actiry lus HM.s-rl fri.ni ll5 I. yon Sirrci to vi4 Baal SacasW Btraea For orders rail M-k. a37a2 N CTOA N C rWTIierc wilt be no dance tonit&ht it l)avc 1 rssis' liain, lint thrf will be lino I;rii!ay, N'ov. 2 o26 LOST I'ir ,4 tortoise slirll aas)M Ffadar plrasr leave at Detnocral office. o26-J9 CITY FISH MARKET Isnownnen lor business at 209 West Second St Both phones. Free delivery. o23-25 WAKE UP-To the fact ib.it Mr. llnover does not neM any of our Alarm Clocks, so you are at liberty to buy tbtta. F. M. Frcncll & Son, Jewelers and Engravers olH-24 CABBAGE FOR KRAUT--Sice . ab hage for kraut at Hamilton's for $1.75 a hundred pounds. I1ace your order now. o20-26 WANTED, MEN in ship knee camp will pay $3 50 to SW per day steady work. Apply to I.oeb Brothers, Harris, Oregon. o20-1l 1 ST Pair child's eyeglasses rip I r ;ileaie call Bell phone J?1' V.r svanj. i2 .4 VV.'NTS WORK An aut- me ha. ir s. -nts work for winter, alio a' tec end hand tisrht tourin car. Ad- iss V. S., care of Demo.-rat JU-'M WANTED T.ood residence or vac ant lot. Am looking for bargain for cash. What have you? Ad dress XI., care of Democrat, and give description, location and low est cash price. o20-24 WAjNTFi ) "stock rTntc hTv good piei-r of land, good soil with some timber at reasonable price, or will exchange good city prop erty for same. Call Home phone L-S29. o24-26 LOST A package containing drv goods and pattern Kindlv Iciv at First National bank Clvde Wit- liamson. o23-?5 I HELP WANTED sAnyone that can' pick up potatoes. Hector Bros. Jr. Homr phone 7104. o2l-27 For aaMT Poai pmm nedara house, reasonable renul In)utre Of W. C HurUiart o.M Fi R RENT Furnished i, ate. Ill quire Bell phone 157-Y. o.M-.'S POR RENT ihtrr modern furniih d houtekeeping looms on ground floor. Also good bam t all tl 224 Bsker St. o2J .'5 POR Kl Nl -Modern O'toom kjOtBSI on l ust Itiatt Inquire at Hub Dyt Works o24-2o FOR RENT NKely furnished room, light, heat and laiK-c chsM, rca.ru ablc to right party. Call 4IJ Wash St., uiorniugs. o2(WV SUbiakSS eiRtl'IORT STILSOM MUSIC STUDIO "truo It Uailt, H ; i IU . aioadalbm. for aaraHwaai of pupils SainrSav, Itlaiabt1 Qaj, i 10 t. in .i. M coiner of 1 bud. -lf-il Hftaisi I l,n..o . t jiu ZuT 6i. ktantsatsi eaatssl ht, uci, rhenc 4M-R. '..OiUJSAWI.sii t all Newt Srot 121 1'mt St., Home phone 44n4. Bell phone .177 J. Offict with Ouni t.i ngs T rsnsfer Co. o!5-nl5 Heal b'state, Insurance and Money to Loan i. P. MBRKILL Iniursnco, Loans, Surety Bend sfecl.i all ntinn ireu to isrc ol aroaerij btlaaaiaatt tma-rttidtati Rnnni Ma, I. .ecoiid ilo in b test Sat ins nnL soildo a. M'.at.v rTl CSMJII. PKR CRN ! MoRTOAeK UANHl) long time, an itseunt, far goad uiitivttrd Canaa, Call on J. v Pipe. JOJ W 2nd St. S-i-lf B. M. PAY HE Pa at lsna snd city proprity . i sale Res' eslstr I ai lite nsn- HICi Siiretj BofVdl Room, 19 Jl l usi-k Illk. Albany. f'les; r For Sale Real Estate J . P1PB Real ItMte. Seams and Cits; Pro perty Flit Intarantt. Natary Pub lie. S-1 -ti Loans lurety Bond E. F.SOX Plre, Casualty snd Automobile Insurance. Reel Kstttt 211 1st N- i , Ratal Bldg ROROE J. KRNAOY Clilrepractar Flrtt National Bank Building RMIRR C. flTPsT CMroprsrtor Jf Rooms 5 7 9. 1(1. CiulrV Itink Rt rfaiar laol mr. , 4laM unless the eu It removed CTttrorrraetle i ll' - ents remove the m"e w" Jf LOEINC POR asm who CAM SM I. ISLSJJSSj tra aat Mmkad. teytfasA. 4k alts. MKt aaw opa. Saeore oar new raalract ALRANT NVMMIEg lit N.tlonal Rank RaUdhif Albany, Ort(oa