Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 25, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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TsHilaJil end Thursday prhbtbly
hk m wit. a i1
- .. Um.i.Mmi
bUbtkM to IMS
fisst Adwrtieln. lltOim Iri
Una Count
No. I J J.
Commissioners to Return to
City With Electrical Expert
and Provd Report.
Letter From Fire Marshall
Walls to City Engineer
Penland Received Today.
The light ! on hclwccn tli. Stan
I :rc Marshall's Mm ami me Mfa;a
oi the I ity l.tigintor oi A'bj.iy. .
tOpf e( a Icllri mailed by i i , Mar
thas Harvey Weill lo City i-iginc.i
john K, 1'ctilatid was ictcivrd licrc
tin mum ami indicated that i,.c a'.a .
lire ullicc It going to oror the
statements rcvomly made ii tbi
three cummiasioticrt who lajnatllasi
the litr conditions in ih.s vti,
prove thr tin ii wfuttK.
Mr. Weill siato that he bai ae
cured the services ol an capcil Irciu
the NeUunsJ Llcctncal Uudciwntcrs'
Uoicau, vvjio wilt accompany the coiu
missioiiois Iwck to A I i.jh, 4uu g
over ihc electrical work installed here
and make an iliapection o tl.c re
Hirt died ui the ullicc of tnc cily
i'lre Marshal Wella criticizes i'..r
oty eniiinerr i'oi nut hunting u,. .he
H u.iioncrs while they were here
and going tm the work with ihim.
In rcoent letter published .n the
local papers, Mr. I'cnland critici.ed
the report oi the Saic l-'irc Maiahal
which rcflcctid upon his oft nid
took the cotiiniasionci s to lor
act tryi g to fid the wV
were on I i in his office.
Dlvorees Were Granted and
Civil Matters Occupies1
Attention of Court.
Judge Oj G. Hingham opened ruutt
n the i court Ihii morning and
at hem huty all day. He will proh-
bly lie here all day tomorrow. Up
2 o'clock one divorce had been
tauted, one was being tried and more
weie to come. Several other catet
occupied the judge't attention.
In the eaac ol the Douglas Nation
bank "I Kotrburg, sgaim.1 Grace
Wuig Maker. Chat. W. liaker. P, W.
''ay, etc., a decree ot foreclosure on
mortgage w at ay anted.
In the caac of Kva 1''. Ford againtl
Oicar Ingram el al, onlcr entered
oiiiiriiinig the kale oi really on exc
In ihc catc of J. W. Cutick & Co.
gaaial Margaret lllodgett and the
I'a. in. States Savings St 1-oaii Co.,
default wat entered at to the Tactile
Stale. Loan Co., and disunited at
Maigaret lllodgelt.
' deeiec uf divorce wat entered in
: case ol Willia llulton agaiuat J.
Huttoii on grounds of desertion,
ihc case of I.. T. Dike of i.alrt
aguintt 1'illie Dike, tuit for divorce.
nit begun al 1 o'clock. I'i alleges
hat a man named Welch wat the
ante of the trouble that broke up
it home. Several wrlr
ruliglrt to testify in the case.
Wcathcrford At Wcathcrford reprc-
tented the plaintiff, and Mill it
Markt represented the ttate.
Two or three other cases for di
irce will be taken up thit afternoon
The catc of Ada Rorelle against
W. W. Mown, to foreclotr a moit-
gage of SHOO on a note, occupied the
greater portion of thr day and will
tntimie over tomorrow.
Next Draft Movement
Will Be Colored Troop
SAN l"R A NCI St O. OcL 24 -The
neat draft movement, which is to take
place from OctOfcf 27 to St, will con
tat entirely of colored troops, says
an announcement from thr Wettern
Urpartrueni heaihiuartrrt of the rail
road war hoard.
C. J McDonald, attittant to Chair
man William Spronlr, ayt thr total
numher of ctdoml trnopa to be mov
rd it about HJ.rim. Of thit number.
Cutp Lewis' ,u.. m ia only U0, or
lett than one per cent of the 4o,ll
troopi raited in the Wettrin Depart
ment. ' i fj
tnr plant ot the war Department
caM f r origan rinrf thr national army
e.f 'Oi,t1tt(IO into 16 divitinna of white
troopt and one of colored troopt.
Initrad of cone rnt rating (II thr
colored mrn in thr few eantn i.nrnM
of the southern states, the polity of
the wa- derailment, it it aai't. i
be to '"i mate them more or leav
evenly throi'Rhoirl the 16 Nil! nl
Army ran onmenti.
No definite dale haa yea he-M set
for the movin of the halai ce ' the
National .rmy, amnnnting it I! per
rent, lest the colored 'fib.
Thoutaa Echo, Lightning Indian
Sleepwaler, Spaimotic Top
Morn, I'arker, the Slumber Diaturb
tr, Mann Clocka, at F. M. Krenc
ft Sona, Jeweleri and Kngravera
LOST A package containing dry
gooda and pattern. Kindly leave
at Firit National bank Clyde Wil
liatnton. o2.t-2S
WANTED Furniahcd home or fur
ni&he.f rooma for jiousekcrping. Ad
dreta V, Sftietmnn. Mhany, R.
care of Mary Jaeobi. oii-V
FOR RF.NT Nicely fumlthrd room
light, heat and large cfoart, real
hie to right parly. Call 41.1 Wath
St., morning o 26-29
Returned Laat Night
Dr. B. R. Wallace returned to Al
hany laat niitht and it at hi offic
again today. He will return again
to Seattle on Saturday.
Charter Amendments to Be
Voted on Dec. 3 Regarding
Changes In Elections.
Other Cities Go Up to 20 Cents
But Albany Houses Will
Only Add War Tax.
After a cooitrciK oi the tnaiua-
ert ot the local thcairct fttte t.-v
cgareUng the advitahtltty uf ItMaOf
he admtttiuu pnec to at) cenia al
ter Novci.'.bcr 1, no agreement wat
cVd ml the price will remain at
IS emit, with Ihc addition oi aft'
tw o-cent war tax, which w ,11 lOftfti
admiivijiia MM U ccnta aficr ll n
In ipe.-.Ving ot the mattci oda l(M
manager ol the Globe theatre Ravc
out the following itateinenti
While olhei theatre! all Off the
country are raiting to M cent! tr
regular picture! and 25 ccnl4 lor jpc
cial fealuji, we have decided to con
tinue at our old price tot a hile
longer, with the addition of the '
lax. We will be doing thia at x 1
to ourteUet. and it remain', , t
the pattoni uf the theatre to aa
how long wc wUI conitvue on ho
We cnaidenpd the mailer er
earefully, but finally concluded n t
rakte. We will iaattr two Itc'.c
One will he the tegular ticke; UrUog
15 centa. The other will be the wai
levntae ticket, coating two cenita.
"Reginning with the first of No
vember our running expemet will be
average of S7.S0 a day more on
, -rount of the higher claaa pictures
which we will run. With the full
Art Craft. New Paramount, and Oold
win aervkjea, our film coal will he
greater, and If an Increased patron
age ia ahown wr will continue at the
old price. Thl! meann that 50 more
people a day hon!d attend our !how
for ii! to break even. With the c1a
of pietnnea that we will exhibit. I
fully expect them to do It."
Manager dimming!, of the Rntfe
Theatre, whlrh open! November 15.
said he had nothing to aay resardini;
the future price to he charged. "We
will hav lo decide that after we
open," he said. Fverv city in Ihr
valley has gone np to 20 retaLs, he
aafd. "and If we give first cl!s hill
of first-rttn plrtnre! w may !uve lo
do the same ThaC xl!i only neat
a raise of three cnti on our part "
Speed Cop Not Elected This
Week; Accounts and Minor
Matters Close Council.
The iicccttary resolutions and or-
naucct were pattted latl night uy
Lbs city council calling for a special
I. .lion io be held December 3d, the
'' guiai dale for holding city elec
tions in the past, for the put pose oi
votuig upon aincirdmcnts to the coy
1 lie te.ulnlioii patted fast nijpst
srUI amend Sex uou i oi iTlffisi i
Use eu charier, to tuakc the city
eSu.liollt eouluuu at lo siitlc villi lu.
. uuuty and tlale- puuiaiiet and e'ee
iiutu. .icclioi. I'J will be ameiiiieu
lo name tiie polling places and three
udge- and two tttfefkO, oceliou li
flltOi titc bours at between It a. tu.
and ti p. in. o4 the discretion ut lu
.ouuc4 Scauosi jj of Cliaftcr J
iialnes the tcttn! ol ollicc oi uiayo'.
ouiKilmaii, recorder and chief ol po
lice at lour year-, two counciltncu
to ge ck.tcd every two years.
The polling places were name a at
ollowt: Ward 1, County Kccurdct t
office. Judges, Z. II. Rudd, lid vVat
'.urn. Cora K. Hopkins, clerks, Har
riett D. Van Taticll and Stella
Ward 2, City Recorder's office.
Judge, Gk H. Voung, Ella M. Swan
and Dan Johntton Clerks. Leila
Mitchell and Caroline Fish.
Ward i, KM outh Maui strcci.
between 1-irst and Second atrectt.
Judvc-s. W. A. Eaatburn. W. S. Walk-
and Amu Sharp Clerks, . L.
Limphrcys and Dena Fromiu.
flic liour! for voting at thit elec
tion were fixed at from 9 a. in. to
p. m.
The matter oi employing anot. er
peed cop was re-referryd to the
committee on health and police, and
no clertion of such an offi-'ei will
be made this week.
I'lie re-ignation of Jol'n Spoonvr
as tiuck driver of the fire department
was rc.u! and placed on iilc.
Body of Well Known Minister
and Pioneer to Be Buried
The funeral of laaac N Van V.' in
kle, who died in Portlakd yesti-riay
uiorn-ng, as held from the .a. dy
.esidence in that city this afteincon.
I he body will be taken to Browo.
s ill. 1-iiday, wjicrc the funeral at the
grave wilt he held at 2 10 o'cl el
Tlsr Itody and escort will leave thr
train at Halsey, the old home r- wn
of Rev. Van Winkle, al ; . ... be ?ai
rirel to Laurel Cemetery at rown--ville,
where five of it chiletrr.. an
buried . ' '
Berlin Claims Italians and
Staffs Were Taken in Isonzo
Drive Today.
iJepnt) S'ote Game V.'., . i' -s
Hawker a u sXMest this morn -.: :ha'
'he elk meat, whieji tfss killed near
the Santiam river nine mdet north
iast of here two weeks Sao. ha- l.een
mined over to the Red Cross and
that it ..ill be sold at the public nur
intl Sttlurday morning al 9 a clock.
One of he expert meat cutters from
the Ncbergall Meat ejeapaay will
carve the elk, which has been kepi
cold storage all this nine and
hould be as tender and delic out.,
iavorcd as a dish fit for the uods.
The meat will be sold by the pound
to the publk'. While no definite
rice hat been put on the meat, ft
s thought that choice ruts will go
a (1 a pound, the next liett 75 err Li
and the next best at 50 cents a ; oi.nd
A big line-up at the market, Sccoi I
1 Ferry streets, it expected.
Huns Also Retreat on Riga
Sector; Attempt to Land
Troops Is Repulsed.
I'ETKOUKAD. Oct 25. liic Ger arc attempting to lap J troops
SOOth of W'erdcr, but c.e r-.-puls-.-d.
it officially stated.
LONDON, Oct. n nioeril iiaig
eported another unsuccessful Gcr-
KU counter attack south of Hout-
ulti Wood.
miSalurwiil 5 bUAi Iau uaId
KCV. Us C "ii'Ps assxslMlOMIef
IndUhj arriHil ncrc lia4 m.i AUti
will ipeak at the Msmuuuitc thurti
till ctcmiit;, .a 7 u'clock. tic wil
utk to Uic children on cnituiiu
lue ot the khUiircn oi India eUid iit
6 u clock he will give a levture on
India, lie has L-ccn tlxre 16 year.
On the wa, hn thip tfll delayed on
.ccour. ot a German dcktroy chasinA
them, i'ur two day the lighU weie
oirt, not i vcii a match being lit.
Will Attend Annivcrsaty
Mr. and Mr. F. K. Churc'nll WW
go to Toitiand Kriday to the
4'th anmcrsary of the fonndm,; ol
the Ancient Order ot Unitec Wo
Viaitcd Aunt-
Mr. Verne Millci of Seattle Iri:
this morning for home. She is re
turning from a trip to California am
stopped here yesterday to visit hr
aunt, Mrs. J. M. Ralston.
Visited Father-
Mrs. M S. DeUm-ev and children
who hac been visiting Mrs. Ie1an
cey s father, L. H. Ueiancey. went
to Corvalli this morning
D. H. Stumpff went to roTv.illi'
this morning on business.
Special communication of Si
lohn's Lodge N'o. 17, A. F
eV A. M. Friday evenine. Oct
J, at 7'.sfl o'eloek. Work in
the F. C Degree Visiting
hrtehren welcome.
fOetN R i'FVLAND. W. M
v'uuung Daughter
11 r. oud Mrs. fc. A. Thouipso . o
Sltvertosi cauic up last uiglu io rit
heir JaVttCblsr, .v,i, Llo. iliuri
Uo to Summt
-Mil Kalpn Cerrtud aud chie.c.
Ic.l tint noon lor "-uiu lor a wfiM
tail. ,
Wooerwoith Vatlung Son
D. U. Woodwoiiu leti cariy ibit
moriiiiig tor oeMic io visit hit ot.
MaraboU W.dwoith, bctorc he u
rausatarred to some point. Mau
ui inc boyi vvr.ii tiie uotpitai cor
avc recciilly oceli Irautlcrrcd to
liuucapolit and Marshall espects to
be uio.ed al any tunc.
Lieut. Bragg Here
Lieut. C. ii. bragg ot ate leak)
rigade atalkjned at tiAsati an La1 1
was in Albany this morniug oa in
ay to Corvallit to visi' fuenJt.
Working for Scho' - -
H. i Kand 411 ' wife, tJaroid 1'
Smile, i tcderick L. Urowii, John Mc
Incs, Sidney W. Curtis, George D
Andcrssjii, Leslie Curniack anu Clar
ence lirowu coinuose a party Iron
alt Lake City, who are on a .-
exang trip, iliey have spent a couple
ol days in this city and left this mori
ng lur Corvallit and Eugene. Soiu.
l the young men aic Sy US king
the way tor scholarships .o Jificrci t
universities by getting subs.'.bcrs .
Gets Commission
Carl Dtugglsssi a former Alban
hoy and a nephew of C. II. B'trggra
f this city, has been commi-sionc
first lieutenant in tlf U. S. army
and is now stationed at Fort Rilev
Marriage Licenses Issued
Licenses to wed were issued Wed
nesday for thr marriage of Ala II
Pturrtehi 46, a former, an.l Alma Vioi.i
Hoekins. ., teacher, both of Soda
lie: adn Willie F. Sylvester. J5
ad Olive Carlson, 18, both of Shedd
Filed Cross Bill
cross bill was fileil today to th
plaintiff's amended complaint, in th
rase of Tohn and F.lsie Smith agains
L. R. Ruck et al.
Here for Winter-
Mrs. Fancis Coates and little ton
arrived yesterday from Medforrl Mr
Coates ha! been here Home time an
they "ill make their home here thi
winter with Mr. Coate!' parents. Mr
and Mr T O Creates
Visiting at Riddles-
Mrs Florence Whittakrr, of !i de
tenrJence, 1 a grtesit at the home of
Mr. and Mr. DeD BidMle.
British Office Says England
Lost 46 Machines During
the Same Period.
LONDON', Oct 25. (U. P.) Di
rector of operations Maurice an
nounced that 274 German airplane,
v ere downed in September. Forty
era British machines were lost during
the same period.
Electrical Workers Demand In
crease of $1 a Day; Girls
Want Recognition.
lETKOJRA., Oct, 25. I'.)
he civil evacuation 01 Kronsudi
in to lay, i H officially announced.
udtntly Uic government pUn lo
ntr.itr its defenses on :he Vi
rg, llclsintffors and Kxonstadt fort
ati -ns.
I'LiKtitiKAIi, Oct. 25. Further
iJcruian retrc; t on the Riga scctoi
near i ... roai, i& utile latly an-
ounccd. The Germans dynamiscu
nri-Jgcs and buiWinys.
WASaiHpTOM, Oct CV.)
Uccuisc oatt.r is L.iiu tougui
BsUMBa Pl Man. The Aujuians
Ui A iresh chvuioub, iuIucsuk
many u 3, are attcmnn a
threat oiicuaivc. The ItaUttBij 4Uh
1-rcuch and Brituh rein' .'cetnea:s.
arc prepared to huld tncir ji
at all coals, Rome cables asscried.
Italian ofiicials clauu : c encuiy is
willing to sacrjiiicc .of
aaiiito in the iaoiuo, lo UrvBf1 hen
their people's morale.
ROME, OcL ihc
iiu.ii broke through the itarau fort
line left ol UooiO. u It c.ucialh
l'AKl, Oct. J5. The i reuch con-
liuucd to advance toward Laon, Rosy
arm, and otlu: positions being cap
tured, it it ollicially stated.
MMLRUA.M, Oct. J5.-i,U. l)
It si reported lhat t ie civiliaa evae
u.itiuii ot Mciun, t landers, one of
the principal objects oi the British
Irive .iiuiicaus that the Germans ex
pect to retreat.
I.RI. Oct. 25. trench airmen
icport that the Germans arc destroy-
vUlaget and trees, indicating thai
i u- tu riu. .ns are preparing (or
iraUfcic letriat toward Laon.
BEJtLlN, Oct. 25. (U. P.) Ten
thoussind Italians, including brigade
ami divisional staiTt, were taken pris-
e - in the Austro-German dricc,
U oi:icially announced.
MiuJi rich booty was taken.
SAM rRANXISCO, Oct. 25. (l
) A coast telephone strike .Satur-
- night is more likely now than
rver. A conference of representa
tives of the operators' union, elec-
t rical worlcera, opened today. The,s demand union recognition. The
lectrical workers want a wage in-s-1
case oi a dollar daily.
HOUSTON, Tex., Oct 25.-(U.P.,
The Hotnton labor conncil an
nounccd that betwern eight and ten
thousand oilfield workers will strike
November 1st, following the reitta't
of the operators to grant higher
Two bandits this afternoon ;ob-
bed the auditor of the Washington
total of 2,000 in cash, and escaped.
Nation Passes Three and Half
Billion Mark, While State Is
Over $16,000,000.
On Way to CorvaUia .
Mr. and Mra. J. K Synder, of Indi
ana, spent last night in Albany on
their way to Corvaltis to visit at
the home of Chas. Huff.
Crawford in Portland
W. W. Crawford U spending a few
days in Portland.
Leaves for Pipestone .
-Mrs. E. Douty left yesterday (or
her home in Pipestone, Minn. She
wUI stop in Portland and St. Paul
on the way.
Return From Portland
Miss Hazel Smith and Miss Thel-
ma ISurnett returned last night from
Portland a here they jiave been since
Tuesday. They accompanied their
brothers, Verne and Otto Smith, and
Lossil Burnett, that far on their way
to Fort Canby to enlist with Filth
Company. Kf
Woefully Discouraged When He Sees
Array of "Eats" Consumed In
"One-Arm" L unch.
The ninn who rrinN nil thi aiod
!i. :ilth stnrl.'s In M' iKiixliie nad re
cnnla hlmu'lf ns in ndept sua sear
dletlst ate Inn. h n i-ently In "one
itiii hush haassT rlowntnwn, snys the
ImllnnapoHs News 0 rally he cuts at
avaasa, nnd tin' rxi neniv wns a noeel
.Mlv.Mitiirc for aiir,
Nenrl.v. filling lil own chnlr nnd
rVerssaeklaj on tin- nr.u of the ehnlr
next Mat s;,i bin n an bale and
In arty, eansxaatlni u Ideee of apple pie.
thr. .' rkxtsthartts and Mc cm of
rSppiasltt, Knltoplsil Ihraxtett n cut of
n.t besHr, tttaahed potatoea, a chceae
aanshrMl and stowed prunes, wns a
vreinjut fellnvv. n hoo': keeper's stoop
haatatai his saaahktrs nnd aa ind.sir
balrat Spread "vor his fnre.
Tnll. bony nnd ascetic, the man In
the lone. Mark coat dnhbled In bowl
of eHiektn broth nnil :i plate of wafers,
while the plump little sterMJai aplsw at
lil ,-IImivv nte ii Mate of bonns and a
Kr.-neh nnitrv wlih reJIab. Trie capnhle
raStee innnneer of n woman's employ
meal bmvnu. who it aaar the uoor
was enrofnlly asastlcatlnf Ixdled hom
Heavy Work Will Have to Ba
Done Friday and Sa.uidayto
Save Cojnty Standing.
PORTl a.' Oct . With the
unotiicial ...tai annonn.'e-l by the
.blicity oepaitmeti. the i itctly
oan at toon as $lc;.l,'as' this
bii.ed it lelcgrapi.ic ',. .1-. i'.viii
every communay in the sta.c, ana
wiih die official formal bank an
nouncements that the total is 14V
601,350 there is now no siucstion but
chat Urv. :. will raise her minimuin
quota of $I8,Osa),000 by Saturday night.
The onfy doubt remaining cohceins
how near its marimum of JO millioi.
Oregon will go, and an effort now
being made all over '.he state to
orce Oregon upwards on the ladder.
All over the state a spirit of inspir
ing determination seems to have tak
en hold. The pace set by Pendleton
is now the admiration of other cities.
WASHINGTON. Oc.. 23. -(U. P.)
It is strongly indicated lhat t.lic
country has passed the fo,3s.S''JUi,0lai
Liberty Loan subscription, at noon
today. The treasury depart. ncnt re
ports indicate that the enti.e niton
roused tu the highest patriotic
lervor. The hve billion do.iar goal
will probably be reached Saturday
night. Bond buyers are overwhelm
ing the banka and Imsl coir.pantes.
Panama, Hawaii, and the Pr.ilippincs
report brisk sales oi bonds. The
president and all the cabinei of Pan-
ma subscribed. The Midu.c West
German districts are heavily sub
scribing now.
ORANGE, N. J., Oct 25. (U. P.I
Thomas F.dison speat the laat ten
weeks on the high seas striving to nj, n ehl.-k.-u sawlwlca, n lettuce snlod
perfect Some means of defeating the
submarine, his laboratories announc
ed today.
Feh'son his issued a Liberty Pond
:vpiral. It is believed that beta. is,-
Edison's sea voyage is announced as
ended, from the tricte-t
concerning Fdison's whereabouts, ui, .
,.,..1 ., ill.h of fresh fruit wniie euii
Mssataa on naaee asariaieesnesil with the
v ie., i.reshl, ni of mi lnnnince com
Baay who wns eettlag away with raw
...,iv, ', and saata Irani and
stromr lilnek coffee.
KinUl.inj hi. inot enreftilly select-
e.1 lunih. the aura teat dletlt left the with :' bnffled expression.
shook Mtaaatj to-
lhe Madison street school will
give a short program tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock, in honor of Fran
cis E Willard. The W. C T. U
will present the school with a pic
ture of Frances E. Willard at this
time. Only a short program will be
given on account of not having aa
assembly room for the children, and
the program will be given ia the hall.
Word was received in Albany to
day of the marriage of Lloyd E. Hol
ley to Miss Anna Dever, in Vancouv
er, last Saturday afternoon. Lloyd
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C A.
11 "Hey of this city and was a mem
ber of the Democrat force until re
cently, when he joined the naval re
serve. He ia now off on an indefinite
furlough, and working in a shipyard
in Portland. The bride is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dever of this
city, and is well known here. They
will make their home in Portland
until he is called to service again.
: . i cui.. .- i . t. i. nntlsc'l on ine rill''
invrnior lias prooaoiv :ouno ine muni - . . , .
....... ,. K.'io.'r iinu no --
wanted anti-suhmarine weapon. It .w, V he Jissendl Irving Cobb
is understood that Edison's experi- mrr (nj(, ,.,11,", when he wrote,
ment included the duplication, as lar vhat Is the moral of It allT Ton can
as possible of Germany's submatinc e.-h me!'"
warfare methods. - ..'
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25 (U.F.)
Fropeety Iselonging to citizens of
Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria wilt
he seized along with German proas.
erty. A. Mitchell Palmer, alien prop
erty rnstodtan, announced today.
Their money will he given to the
treasury department for Liberty