ALBANY DAatLV DEMOCRAT, w t-.iNKi)AV. OCiOBKK 24, 1M7. Paily Democrat WM. H. HORN 1 BROOK, Pabtbktr Publisrsi Entered at the potlofficc at Alban), Oregon, u accond - class miller Published svery eveniiag eaccpt Sun day. Sewi Weekly published Tues days and Friday. BUSINESS MATTER In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well aa new addresses. 'nfiTTi saw ' - SUBSCRIPTION RATES IaTi7 Delirared hy carrier, per week . .1.. 10 Delivered bjr carrier, per year 4-00 B nail, at end of year MO By mail, in advance, per year 1.00 Semi-Weekly When paid in advance, one year 1JS At tad ol year $1 .50 Eatabliahed In l I 6 J WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1017. LIBERTY LAUNDERING One of the most entertaining schemes for luring surplus savings into the nation's war fund is being used by a certain laundry "some where in America.' The tor . t of ha appeal is proved by the testi mony of a citizen who until recently had successfully dodged his patriotic duty. "The Liberty Loan has mecn chas ing nay bankroll so botoly during the last few day,' he reports, "that it has become a veritable nightmare, a black spectre that drive sleep from my pillow. I awoke with start the other morning, reflecting optim istically that after all it was only a dream, and that I would hear noth ing more about the Liberty Loan until after breakfast, at any rate. "Bat nt aa I started to don a freshly laundered shirt, a slip printed in Urge, red tetter Ml from it and lay, face upward, on the floor, ft read: BUY LIBERTY BONDS because if the Kaiser wins the war GOOD NIGHT, SHIRT! "Now, what do you think of thatr' Well, if he ask us, we think it's . lever and effective, though potsiMy a bit broader in phraseology than some delicate souls may like. If the Kaiser i n the war, he sntgh- really feil disposed to stirp this country, even to the shirt on Uncle Sam' back. The dodging citizen referred has now done what he could to save hi own shirt. He's bought a I ile ladies were knitt for (he 1 Pad Cross. A dainty tunc t was u-rv- I c'. Those present were Veidain.-. ! atclhi.acher, Gourley, a- .taMvvll, 1 M.ln i Will Caldwell, Atlcson, Hen ry Stewart, l.aubner, Masterson, Misses Emma l.aubner, lora Sttw. art. Florence Eastman and Benin Heck. I Mr. Sara. Kurbank rctuuic' Thursday from Sheridan where shr hat be en via. ting for a couple oi week a. Ad Shew has sold hit place to ioiiry Sti-wan ami ill tfive oK--fcion in a short time. Mr. Harrod ha taught a Ford run- about Roland Allen has been cutting com I in the neighborhood the nst -areek. AH Mishler'a corn cutter Wfj Mown ; to pieces while cutting corn on th-. 1 Palmer place. The cause of the ac- I is unknown. I Callamette Grange held their rev;-j ular meeting Saturday night with a ' xery good attendance. It VII vote. to invest $251 of the hall fund ir liberty Bonds. Ernest Anjthony's engine is fur nishing the power for Henry Str art's ensilage cutter. GSUNH NEWS RIVERSIDE ITEMS RIVERSIDE, Linn Co., Oct 23 -(Special Correspondence) Lorris Daanahi is spending a few wee Is with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. taz ft Mrs. Swenton of Portland. ha been ssiuig at the lindstrom home the (.aat week. '! he club was entertVre! at the home of Mr. Dent Stewart. A de '.eht'ul time was enjoyed with ess. ' ersation and fancy wor'c. Several (y..LtaiiJUkrUttk IIMEI R! PORT CitcmdGJ Thy.HoooT&xmt 'Appreciated by Discriminating fnakUntiMiam. Baa. J THE PRICES given In the local i Qaotatksai .ire those asked by the wholesaler from the retailer tor t . fruits and cgctuMcs. All oth er prices are those paid the producer. List is corrected d.itU. LOCAL Grains Rose Dodge is at her sister, Mrs. Da' Elmira visit. n e Anderson WHEN answering Clasit;ed I se atentSna tr- IVmocrat P. B. PHIPPS Q s-disate f t4e Wehnior Institute froglett HeaKig, Csroslc. Nsrr as. Lang and Female Disease. m by -c St Albany. Or Oswsst prratM ?!tS Bell JS4-R. FAMILY ORDERS far Ice Cream PtBLED PROMPTLY THE ELITE ST. . Duncan, Prop Wc .-ell coats, suits and skirts at manufacturer's prices. Wheat fl 77 l-2u4t SI Oats 70c Brau, . tU Vetch seed - $3..5 Shorts $J Hay. aasat W Hay. vatra $JU Hay. timothy B Clovar $J0 Flour, hard $10.58 I'lour. valley $9.o0 5ugar .. $803 Beans "ecu, He rtjtifr Kutlerfat SOc Crsjasnari hu:tei ... 4Vc C Matfy hut'er. trade 50 Fr.-s Snd hauls. V Fags, cash SOc Eggs, lr.ide . 51c liens, per pound Uctalo. Roosters 10c Ifroilcra ItV Spring . 15c Docks I4ii5c Ccese .. 10c l'ggs, selected es.. 49c. Sugar. $K00. Live Poultry Urns, Plymouth Rocks. IBcdi lc. nroilers, 0(sCJ0c. liukos. live. W4.'e tieese, live. 1-c. Pelin Ducks, IS, I JiV Kunner Pucks I4c(g)l7c. Wool. 16 valley cotswold. hsst, 55c inediitiu Shropshire. 60c Hops. '16 crop, .'5 . contract. JOc(,i40c. ALBANY PLANING MILL AH Kindt of Mill Work .'.I... sni Wind Shields STETrER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKER Y Fortmiller Bros. Fuaoral Directors Oar Own Aaas Ream U Aaaktant Both Phana Ha al Bldg. Holman & Jackson SPECIALS Jtiyir.g groceries bread and yait-y, from a store where cleantineis made a watchword, is an imuortant I matter: but price should also be a c . nide ration. Look over these apecials- Evonomy Fruit Jars, 1-2 gals., per dozen $,.23 Masons, 1-2 gal., regular $1.00. wide mcuth i. ;o Covered Jelly Glasses JSc Genuine New York Maple Srjp. per gal. 00 Gtod .Maple and Cane Syrup, pr.- uart is, HOLMAN 4 JACKSON. OROCEKS AND BAKERS Broadalbin Street Pork. Veal and Mut'on $IJoi$IS50 4iS$ l-.vj $$?$! 7.t,c 4aU 57. 8 1 -2ell 1-2,-. Hotel Alban jainasan . H it tlSttai of S'.tld l" ufor Al RANTS KINCS1 MOTH Try OirSund-y I lnrrs h. R. We t brook. Prop. You can put it off for a little while yet Bat rf yon desire to get some of the prettiest Christmas Card you ever had the pleasure of sending to your friends, we mast have your order before th 25th of November. BUT WHY SHOULD YOU WATT UNTIL THEN? We have samples now, and they are cheaper than you think, Especially when you consider that your own name i engrav ed thereon. That's the little extra touch that puts them in a separ ate class They are different. Saw Oar Window Display Fan Style Week, October 22-27, 1917. Stationery Engraving Greeting Cards C. G. Rawlinga Printer A Stationer Albany, Oregon. Hid A Junk Co. MN Unit hi irkfta, Paha. Para, Robber, of Big Jazz Dance Mcelroy? jazz band The famous "HYIU HEHE" Orchestra real entertaining Jarrrrt they have the "pep out of pepper. Myers Halt, Coreallis, Oregon, FRIDAY NIGHT, October 28th j S o clock. Admission 10c, A REAL JITNEY DANCE COAL Just received, car of Nut and Lump Mixed No. 1 Coal, for range, s n d heater. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES Portland. October 20, 1517. Bluestem. $2.05. Fortyfold. $2.0J. Club, $2.01. Pad Russian. $198. Oats, white No. 2 teed. J49. Barley, feed. 49 Valley flour, $980. Hay. f. o. b. Portland Willamette Timothy, fancy $24. Vetch. $22323. Cheat, $2-"s23 Clover, $2I&$22. Vegetables Potatoes, $1.2!$$1 0 Beans aaminal. small while, M 1-2. large white 14 1-31 slak. IS Ma, lamas. 11 I Je; hayons. IS 1-aV; rd. IS 14b. Lhrsataek Prime steers. S8$10.25. Hogs, best live. $1675H$17. Fancy cows $7'3$8. Calves. $5(S.50. Sheep, valley yearlings $:: r- Jl.' Spring lamhs. J . ,t Buttr. Igg and I j aar Butter, city creamery, 48c. Butterfat. 52c. Liberty Bonds on Installments Wc wi,l cll Liberty ltond on monthly pay men U. You pay ut $1U00 per month till $101.50 U paid and then you get a $10) bond upon which you collect $400 at end of year. $501) per month or a $50.00 bond. This it a plan of tavinic that aluuiM commend itaetf to you. J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albtny, Oregon Pianos W e want to exchunge a Vtctroll and Rooordl ) or a good Istuond Rind plnno. Woodworth Drug Co. Iitnsy Service stk Phone IS CLASSIFIK1) ADS AM) BUSINESS I)1KI: I0KY Dr. A. I'. How ells Dr. Mary Ilowells Oitctipiithic Phy aiciuns and SureoDs Savings Bank Bid. Bulh fhunca Albany. Oregon CLA8S1FIBD Pot Sale MK SAt.ft - Kent, or trade, seven room u.odein house. Imiuor t: 5J5 Second and Calaixioia St. r R SALE A foiv parlor organ must be scad--a bara,i il taKvn al one. Call 225 W. 3d St.. Bell phon J94-R. ojtf cur SALS vti BAmiAfrOR a rs 1.ioa usaSvr SSSSSS ra Doaaias "n. tai sity trBerty si aad ratiu ian4 h..r) uSw iiosr For Rent 7S-J. for Sal ISM heater. I ; ! I f p riiMMiKir.c I H ll T 1 1 JLAJUK Lite llSL II Over I If you ara la tares led sail and get our I srlcaa. WINDOW OLASS. ALL SIZES j VakJPflSH, STAJN8, BNAMELS : rmjimm purs paints . 11 : SHIEP DIP STOCK TONIC lj S POBLTRY food II I L-and a saw sad SMS dats line ol II I Wan Paasr. WS BOY RIGHT liM well SELL RIOHT. U Burkhurt & Lee J Albany, Oregon jj I Beans Wanted Highest Market Price paid for First-Class Beans. Murphy Seed Store FUR SAI.K Osteunoor matress, li hrsry table, wheelbarrow; at r.k I-.' W. 7ih St. olJ-.'S FOR SAlK-tiood (arm. ilose ni Owner will guarantee 6 yer cent income on your investment. See Fish dt Hodges olS-24 FUR SA I. K "Thirty to 40 young atst grade Cotsoold ewes Will a g small lots or all in one Ijt. C. G Dodele, Alliany, OrtflOSV, R. I D. No. 4. Home phone 7J6I. ol8.4 T k s! I Choice new boi.s and tatoes. N. Talbert. Home fumf JStt Address 215 N. Ilarr...,n. Fc-S SALE Ash, mains and I i cord wood. W. H. Ik.varl, 4): W. First St. lloth phones, ol!. F(R SALE One fine sestet resi dence lot on Washington, yavrd street, cement curb, sewer at 25 pcV cent discount; terms part down balance installments; no interest for first year. ALo Other select lots in Wright's Addition close 10 store, same discount on ajasj laeas. Also one large select Mr,c ol ciillil lots adjoining city, same terms Also farm in Linn county. See. write or phone Geo. V. Wright, lawyer, Albany. Oregon o2?ni2 I'OR SALE Sow and ten pitta, also live two-months pigs, all good stock 404 Calapooia street 02J-25 hi K RENT Furnished 5-room mod em haagaloaj W7 Caiapooii CStl Hell paoat 5. ...m js FOR RF.S'T--Foui room modem house, reasonable rental Imiuire o W. C Hurkhart. o2.l Si FOR RENT Furnished' house. In- uuTrc Hell phone 157- V. SMS For RENT 'three modern luruisli rd houiieUerting rotous on ground floor. Also good barn. Call at 224 Ilakrr St. o2J-25 CIDER -LAST C.M.I -Grind lor last time Oct. JOth. Phone orders now. C. R. Widmrr. Il.smr .J.W woil-J9 MSIYfSS DttESTMT Miscellaneous Your Fall Suit Why not hsvt It mads to measure? Why not save that great combination of style, quality snd fit? It costs no more. New Goods Arriving Most of our fall goods ars here. Mors are com ing but we have clothes to fit sny figure and to suit any taste. Let us demonstrate. SWEATERS, MACKINAW8 and RAINCOATS W. F. Pfeiffer First Street CITV FISH MARKET la now open ior business at 209 West Second St. Both phone. Free delivery. o23-25 WU.M.IN music stuoio Oasaa Stkasltl, Hunt Uldst . Ilroadalbm (or srirtillitient of pupils Saturday, laslaattai 2-'nd. at 10 a. ui . u corner of I lord ft-lltl Ml) Hell ia.i.1 1 1 il all ... ifc a , i ustSsH t'. Sati pi asas 4U ." .OOD SAWI.s'G Call Nswton llro .'29 Tine St., Home phone 4401. Pell phone 377-1. Ollic with Cum. laings Transfer Co. ol-nl5 Uesl -'state, Insumnce and Money to Loan H, F. UE'Kll.: Insurance. Liana. Surety Hondo velal sir.-inn g em to ran ol unpeti) halaaghiaig aoa-rsaktfBts o s ' se n llm.r. I-It ; ?a,. r .S ..ll4,.f SKspv 'tecrsw PSR CF..V I MoRTGAC XMNS long time, sn aanoint, ate good cultirate'd bnm Call net J. V. Pise. 30J W 2nd St. S-l tl R. M. PA VME--far in Ianus JUd iiy property. i,M aaal Rca; eillte loans Firs ibiuisi f. Bonds Rooms 19 21 Cusi k M, Albany. Oregon For Sale Ueal Lstatc J. V. PIP Keai Baate, Parma and City Pro perty. Plr Insurance. Nstary Pub- hs. a. i ti Lssns WAKE Ul'-To the fact that Mr. Hoover does not need any of our Alarm Clocks, so you are at liberty to buy thrtn. F. M. French St Son, Jewelers and Engravers. olg-24 CABBAGeToR KRAUT Nice cab" bage for kraut at Hamilton's for $1.75 a hundred pounds. Ilace your order now. o20-26 WANTED, MEN -in ship-knee camp will pay 13 50 to $5,00 per day steady work. Apply to Loeh Brothers, Harris, Oregon. 020-31 L 'ST Pair child's eyeglasses. Find- r :lease call Bell phone 4?il H I'.e aru. IK 4 WANTS WORK An ant- mcthsric .ants work for winter, also a ier end hand light touring car. Ad 'nss V. S., care of Democrat .22 ',4 Surety Send E. F.SOX Pit, Casualty snd Automobile Insurance. R(a Batata V 111 1st Nstional Bank Bldg UOROE J KKNAOV Clttrspraaase First National Banh Building KLMRR C. orPB Chiroeraetor Room 5. 7. , 10. Cuslel Rsnk Bldg N'stur cannot ear s diseaae unless the cause Is removed Chlrnprsctie sdinttniepts reippva the eeita wasawsj assssawswssawswsvwaiawa. HAY. SIAIN PRBD -Stack and Psulrry aaattas Oasellns and Ola U. . HATNB Esst Third snd Msln Streets WANTED Good residence or vse snt lot. Am looking for bsrgain for cash. What have you? Ad dress XL, rare of Democrat, and give description, location and low est cash price. o20-24 LOST A package containing drv goods and pattern. Kindly leave al First National hank. Clyde Wil liamson. o23-25 WANTED RENTE RGood " renter wanted foe 9110-acre stock and dairy ranch. Inquire of A. C. Schmitt, First National bank. o23-29 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS -Wanted at one at the Home Res taurant. o23-25 Shavteg, Sc Hair Cut. SSe Sell Phone IPS-J Ta aVs Hotel Albany Barber Shop Three f1rtlass hsrhers Ws want yaa and yoar ehRdren SdkMlataly AaBseswc IIS Wast ABB LOOR1NB PAR Mast waa cam bbll WB Tsar wsaas as sot Smksd. IrTrtS la-tiXf!: ": " swear. ssasssss ssBawrary aaw 'a. Wears oar aaw cssatrMt ai.bant aaaaasuaa Ut NsMsevsl Bssafc MMbaf