u ti O lMt THEWEAf TtUh, kU WtitnMtoy, tklk rttEi ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT VOL. XXX. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1917. RDM START NEW OFFENSIVE Germans Driven from First Una Trenchei by Russians at Several Polnla nnun ship twos ii i icq nRIUINfi nrnlllirn isinnv YfirlaW Htbumtu nun luuHi Over Seven Thousand Man Are Back on Job; Work Resumed at Two Yards at Astoria GERMANS BACK French Make Moot Important Gains ol the Year; Three Towns Captured HINZENBURG CAPTURED BY THE RUSSIAN TROOPS PORTLAND. Oct 23. U. P.)- Work ffll resumed ui all Portland shipyard this morning after a month's trfkr. Within two days work will bi normal, over 7,JU mm returning THREE THOUSAND PRISON 10 thr shipyards. The work was reaiiinrd in two Ai loria shipyards and a non-union force rkiiiK the (bird yard although a strike it still on. ERS TAKEN FROM FNEMY Germans Fall to Land Forces at Moisekul; Russian Fire Drives Them Back PLOT TO KILL PRESIDENT IS UNEARTHED Allies Sending Troops to Italy; Men Reaching Italian Front Daily from French Front LIBERTY BOND COMMITTEES WILL SPEAK IN TOWNS Tangent, Mill City and Other Places to Be Visited on Thursday Evening Tli.uaday evening several Li.x.n. It. i- speaker will invade the sir- t mit country town from this city. 'Al Tangent I'rcd Dason and Senator K. D. Cu-ici will speak apl tKt KlMMI 'Juaru.te will inv: ihe mc'i ng will be h'.d in the Method t :! ireb and Rev. Hughes will prei'de. Mill City will !.c viaited by V '.. .J.liiiiilt, J. K. Wiathcrford and W. H llornibrook. Other (ominii'.i :i wil' ,(o to variout t titer places i the Oi'iiiiiy. pktrograd, oct. 2J-(U. im- planned to Obtain an Audience With Wilson on Thanksgiving Day; Then Take His Lifa Suddenly assuming a new offensive. the sTlllal.ll troops on tSM Rig Ironl captured the limiun (root line trench es at Skulu. lliiidcnbiirg Manor. AI theer Manor. I.rnihrrg and ctr ertnri, it It olHl 'illy tiatrd. The enemy r. uaiod llindcnbuig The Russians also repelled an enemy attempt to land lONM near Moisekul Manora. eight miles north of Werd- I TELEPHONE 6IRLS WILL CINFER WITH OFFICIALS SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 23 (U r.) Organised telephone girl of Seattle and other .Vtthwel cities are sending reprcsciiteuvee to San Francisco to confer villi officialt of the Pacific Telephone 4 Telegraph company the Um of tint week, in an MEMPHIS, Oct. 23. if. P.) - Eight men were arrested on a i llairfr Lsj nn(. Icotor, conspiring to kill President Wil n. Their names arc withheld Secret service agents unearthed the plot. Detectives say three men plan ned to gain audience with the Prcsi dent on Thankairiviiig Day through oolitical influence, anil planned to commit the crime then. Four oi Ihr men were bound over to the grand Jury. SHIPPING BOARD STUDIES COAST LIVING CDSI J t t 9) J i v Participated in Attack 9 t Trance, Oct. . (U. I'.) The Q l.afayrtic Ktcailrille participated & in a vrciii Krench altai-k in the it it Announced. l"hc I'Vench advanced nc-uly . 0 milci OVjBf a front ol VfKh W thirds of u nitle, catiturintf WW- I mant. Vaudron and Malm-MAoi l'ort. The victory io one of :hc ft v yen iuot important. IVcinirr I'aintcve annomii atj i he drive ii a complete buccc. & i hree thoutand (ierman ucr ? ' made prikonera and 20 cannon were captured. The Frcm 'i ' ' reached Chavnoti brickyu'd, A vcrlookini the Ixan ulaina. 9 REV. C.B. PERSHING IS NAMED PASTOR OUUE CUE BEFORE J006E SWftN THIS P. M. Iowa Man Is Called to Local Churce at Congregational Meeting Last Night TWO WINDOWS OF PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH DEDICATED Win. Forlmiller Is Honored by Congregation by Being Noti fied of Dedication SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 23 U P.) Thr federal thipyard and laboi alustmeni board is studying living, eflort to turn the general nuke of locate along the coast before announc ed, meat workers scheduled 10 begin Saturday night Viewing New Road Nunly Judge U. It. McKntght and Ciinn sioner J. I) Irvine left th-s UM ruing by auto for Caacadia to lo k over the new Shay Hill cut-off .m ' other road mailers in that diatri't (.'ommissioncr llutler went up yet t-'ulvy. Judge McKnighi and M Ulttlel promise lo use lietter ju.lg mint as to direction this lime and ri'u r.o risk of being lost in lh ..ds as they SrOCjl a couple of w;eks ao. ly staying or the blared tr.i Her Shopping j ing a new shipyard wage scale. Sen Francisco unionists declared $6.1' is now equal to $ a few years agii CRUISER IS TORPEDOED: NONE ARE LOST LONDON. Oct. U. tU. .!') The admiralty announced that the mer cantile cruiser Orania was torpedoca without casualties, and a destroyer atink by a collision. Oddfellow of Gates WASHINGTON. Oct. 2J.-(f. P.) The French ami British reinforce ments are reaching thr Italian Ironl daily, official Rome cables stated. The troops are moved from France b y train. Large quantities of munitions and many artillery battalions accompany thc soldiers. LONDON, Oct. 23. (f. P.) Gen eral llaig tcportnl that tne uermans successfully counter attacked the new British positions in the southern por lion of the MoiithoulM ...,!. tore ing the Itritish to retire slighly. This the first counter blow the Gentians have nude in the last two British drive. The British front dipatchcs fore Bonds f' i Xmas WASHINGTON, Oct 23 Th. reasury department is urirntr Anier ins to buy Liberty bond for Chrst ma resents In the five r main.n' the country must raise $2,750 fS!.(tl i. make the Second Liber': an a 'icces. Secretary MoAdoo. Samuel Gom- r- ".'. Icane- and other 'i.-r't i-ud-ised the ! .1 -rty b..nd s-1 mas present movement. German money will a!ao be ti ed i buy I.ibertv bonds. A. Mitchell Miner, .-ustodian of alien property who has just opened his offices, will ontrol German property and money nd w ill invest the money in bonds NEW CLASSIFIED eis-l.- I llwrlv llnnrlg ''"ted another combined British and I I'M. II UIIC11SIVC III in. ' i I IIVIUI. That the members of the Oddiel- I s lodge of Gate do not prop.)' e FOR SAI.K Sow and ten pigs, also I to miss step wnn ne marcn oi i.iu- (ive two-months' pigs, all good 'rty i i an progress t inmcatoa .y L c.i . I the laet that the nrgannatior. its oM-'5 Ivcled t'" pnrcnase ju worm oi nc llinnds. The order wa received thu CITY FISH MARKET I now open! morj,,,-. by J. W. Cuiick A Co. or business at West Second St." Both phone. Free delivery. o23-2S BIG BF.N BABY BEN Seth - Thorn Echo, Lightning Indian, Sleepwaler, Spasmotic Top Morn, Parker, the Slumber Disturb er, lAlarm Clock, at K. M. French ft Sons, Jewelers and Engravers. 018-24 FOR RENT Furnished houe. In quire Bell phone 157 V ..2.1 25 ) CAKE TO RE SENT SOLDIERS ON THURSDAY Thursday morning Mrs. Nellie My cr will ship a quantity of cake to the boy of Fifth Co., stationed at F'ort Canby. Those who care to join her in sending, good things to t h e soldiers should deliver their cake to her residence, Firt and Main streets Thursday morning. Mrs. Myers has taken a leading part in supplying dainties for the soldiers and has sen perhaps more cakes, pies, jams, jellie 9 CITY NEW8 t : . a i ( e a c County School Superintendent Can non. of llenton county, has tieen in the city conferring with Mr. Id Maxwell dimming, uperintendent I etc , than any other person in Linn of Linn county schools, regarding I county. the coining teacher 'institute, which FOR RENT Three modern furnish- will be held here November 26 to 28. The hrnffrim it nearly enmnlete and ed housekeeping room, on ground ,,.,,, lomr of ,he ltnori,y in the state on school matter, and some of thr best lecturers in the ,.rth went. .The program will he WARRANTY DEEDS floor. Also good barn. 224 Raker St Call at ,,23-25 WANTED R ENTER l'roo.1 tenter wanted for 9fKt-acre stock and dairy tint out in a few day I f ! I A i - C . I. ... . . . rancn. impure oi i. v. s-n-iuiosi. i gagj f irst National Dang. o-ar CIDER -LAST CALL Grind for last time Oct. 30th. Phone orders now. C. R. Widmer, Hotne 25.18 woZ1-29 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS -Wanted at once at the Home Res tauran. o23-2S FOR RF.'NT Furnished 5-room mod ern bungalow. 9D7 Cataoooia. Call BeH phone 506. o23-2S FOR RENT Four room modern house, reasonable rental. Inquire Of W. C. Burkhart. o23-29 Deputy State Game Warden F.. S Hawker has received official notifl ration that the elk meat i now vail able for the Red Cros and can be sold by the association over the block or otherwlie. He must first be in formed, however, as to the use to which the association propose to make of the meat before it can he turned over. i.OST A package containing dry goods and pattern. Kindlv leave at Firat National bank. Clyde Wil llamaon. o23-25 J. D. Parsons ami wife to l.esl Cade and wife, Oct. 1917- lards in Tp 11 S . R. 3 Vet. W II. Richards and wife to Javnc K I'ailes and wife. Oct l, 117 tis in Tp 10 S., R. 3 West: SIO ADVERTI8ED LETTERS The following is a list of advertise letters remaining in the postoffir Alhanv (OVegon October P2, 1017: Mr , . .. Bolken. Mr. A. T. Cum mings (51, Mrs. Joel Guild. Mr.. P. S Harris. Mr. and Mrs M M IToyal. Mi-s Minnie Klemsen. Mr Long. Mrs. Jesie O. Mitchell. J. G. Prather, Mr. Anna Retherford, Mr. George I. Roberson. Mr. Win. Stew- art. C. H. STEWART, P. St. CITY NEWS Filed Exemption Papers i i,4i. K. Gould oi this city, who i with Co. E, bignai Reserve Corps at Monterey, California, iu scut his ex emptioii papers to the local cxaiuiuing board. Gould claiuu cxciuption from he draft on the grounds of military acrvicc. Applies for Citixenahip Anton llolub, although a good American, today filed his declaration to become a citizen of ihix country His father look out his paper after IM present applicant was 21 years o'd. which made it necessary for him apply for himself. Demurrer Sustained Judge G. G. Bingham has issue an order sustaining the demurrer c plaintiffs in the cXse of W. R. Hi. and J. R. Wcatherford against Jain. Crouch and Chester Crouch. Demurrer Overruled In the case of Lisle A. Smith, ad n.imstrator, de bonis non of the tatc of Lee A. Johnson against Mar Taret A. Johnston, the demurre plaintiff to defendants anssser wa today overruled by Judge Bingham Assumed Business Name Seth H. Baker has filed the nam "Brownsville Flouring Mills," witl County Clerk Russell is the assmii ed name of that business. Left for Portland L. R Smith. O. II. Smitl and K L. Burnett were supplied with tran portatinn to Portland this mornin by Postmaster Stewart and left the morning train for Portland where t'.ev will enlist n the Coast Artillery 1" . rxPTl to iret into Fifth com iv if possible. At a meeting of the congregation of the First Presbyterian church held i.st iitinng, a formal sail was ex tended to Dr. O. B. Pershing to the pulpit of the local church. Dr. Per .siting, who came here from Acker, Iowa, has been preaching here for tlic past month and has made a splcn- impression upon his congregation. Dr. W. II. Lee presided as Modcr r, and S in. Forlmiller as clcrl the session. Other business mat s concerning the church were trans- led. Mrs. Viola Price 1 rankliu presented report on behalf oi the wirtdot utuunucc, dedicating ouc oi Hi amed gisas windows lo William i uruudlcr and Ibf olilcr lo Miss Wu ow lluichiusou's Sunday school 14SS. At UM aanta ifmc axis Hutchinson uuiiay school class dedicated a win The one choscu was "The Wo- man al the Well." Miss Hukuuisow was the first tea her to inspire her clas lo take one I the window tu the Sunday school qoxo, Mrs. John aim, son. another mem r oi the window committee, h. harge of the ceremony. After pay g a fine tribute to Miss Hutchinson nd to the girls lor their work, sh read the names ot the members the clan. Mass Hutchinson, teacher; Delia tover. Vera Smith, Zola Morgan eatricc Sanders. Carolyn Wrigh Nathicl Donaca. Marciel Austin, Har ett Van Tassel, Mina Scott, Lee Sftmittcri Hazel Ross. Mrs. Franklin paid Mr. Fortmillc beautit'til tribute in dedicating the intlow, "The Walk to Emmausa,' i him. She told of his connection ith the church since joining on larch 25, lv. He became an elder on Sept. 19, JSSo. In 1905 he sue eded Dr. W. B. Lee a clerk of c sessions and it ti believed that e has Yepresented the church resbytery and Synod meetings more imcs than any other elder in Ore i In lP.s he wa a commission to tiie general assembly in Ne York, lie has been connected with choir and music of the church since 1886, serving regularly and to ill in when needed. His work as a trustee of Albany college was noted, he being a mem her of the board since 1895 and sec rerary of the board since 1910. Besides his church work, his li as a citizen w as pointed to as an ideal and a model for hi faithfulness and fidelity. Judge L. L. Swan i this afternoon earing testimony and arguments in c case oi M. Uuard against George 1 Earl Lucht lor the recovery of a240 damages tor the alleged loss oi over hay to that amount. Buisard alleged that he was a third wner of a crop of clover with the Lucht brothers. There was something 30 acres in the field. The first rop was cut for hay, from which he ceived his third interest. Of the cond crop ten acre were clipped seed crop, but before harvest ne Bussard alleges that the cows ere turned into the field and the crop was destroyed. He asks $240 aniages. In their reply the Lucht brothers aim that of the second crop, tne n acres clipped for seed crop never 1 WHEN aiswering Classified ads please mention the Democrat. RI'TTE. Oct. 23.-(U. P.) Federal agents are ronductme a thorough probe of the activities of an alleire.l German espionage ring, which aimed to cripple the output of copper here ft i learned that agent requested a presidential warrant, it is believed for the arrest of the ringleader. materialized for the reason that the ry weather never permitted it to fill ut. They allege that Bussard helped! rive tne cows into tne pasture anc as aware of thr fact that the cows ere in the field, which was in the same enclosure with another field of etch and other grains. F. E. Van Tassel represents the plaintiff, and Hewitt ft Sox the de- ndants. A jury of six is sitting in the case, as follows: Tom Cummings, A. Young, W. B. Stevens, Fred Dawson, M. P. Baltimore and Joi. Gilbert. Bussard Suing Lucht Broth ers to Recover Alleged Loss of Clover LINN COUNTY'S RECORD IS POOR Is Listed as One of the Three Slacking Counties la Entire Willamette Valley LNCAL SUBSCRIPTIONS BVEB ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Oregon Subscriptions Are Now Over Eleven and a Half Million Dollars ERARD PLACED UNDER BONDS TO KEEP PEACE J a 3 3 " S Albany Subscription 0) First National si) J. W. Cussck ft Co 2J.SSJU si State Bank 6,000 B Total .4102.6II0 0) 9 PORTLAND. Oct 23 (Special to' the Democrat) Lake with 107 per cent, 'Harney 75, Umatilla 67, Lincoln. t7 and Wallowa with 60 per cent head the list of countic in Oregon in the great Liberty bond drive, the quota of which the percentage are figured being based on one-eighth of the total bank deposits of each county. i.ake, Harney. Umatilla. Wallowa and Wasco head the countie cast of the mountains, and Lincoln, Polk, Jackson, Benton and am hill the counties west of the mountain in ihe order given. The lowest five counties are Curry, After a lengthy and tedious trial I in the Justice Court yesterday after noon, Eugene Gerard was placed un-1 Giant, Jefferson, Gilliam and Klamath der $600 bonds by Judge Swan I tlic lowest in the Willamette Valley Gerard was charged with beating I being Linn, Clackamas and Washing- his wife. Judge Swan, in placing the I ton. The lowest in Eastern Oregon man under bonds to keep the peace, (are Grant. ri"'"" and Morrow. Of remarked that he had too much off the three cities in Oregon having the German idea of authority andUuotas in exces of t-Ou.000 Pendle- obedience and wanted to give him a I ton w ith $623,000, or 83 per cent of lesson. In, quota, heads the roll. Salem baa Gerard was born in lAlsace-Lorrainc I subcribed $238100 or ii per cent, and lived for 19 years under German I and Astoria $2U),(XX) or 36 per ce rule. He came to this country to es-1 Ten Oregon cities have already cape military service and the oppret-1 1 cached or surpassed their quotas. sion of the monarchs, hut flew into I They arc Carlton. 120: Helix, 112; i rage and beat his wife, it is al-1 lone 127, Jacksonville, 102, Lakeview, eged. w hen she wanted to go to I luo. North Bend 122, Paisley 114, Sea- church. "It is all right for her to laid. 100, Westfall 180, More 103 all go to church." he said, "but she should I per cent of. quota. An unique record not ask me first if she could go." Mother's Doll Story A Pair cf Stilta is claimed from More, where $48,600 ha been invested in Liberties, every dollar having been paid in fttlL State Subscriptions Big PORTLAND, Oct 23. It is unof ficially estimated that Oregon Liberty Loan subcriptiona reached '.l and half million dollars The official total was ten million seven hundred and eighty-one thouaand, eight hun dred dollars. The Portland flouring mills, toge ther whh T. B. Wilcox, bought half million dollars worth of bonds; the Oregon Short Line $400,000 worth. TUNGFNT GPINBE Will P" WOOING Sd' TANGENT. Oct 23. (Special to Or Democrat The meeting of the Tangent Grange to be held next Sa turday is a home coming mee :np for o'd inemhrrs. All persons who hav, e: been members of Taruren' jrsn'c especially invited to attend as teal ol the present mcn.' s It I Im an all-day mectinr u ith the al grange dinner.. A roll c.ill of nr'er members will be had A bit ry of the grange bv a charter mcn- N ill be read and. no don's mam , tr.i.iisrenees of olden times reived, present memhers should nt al - (line tit.cn u tunc- Iwy doll had a iH-uutiiiil luir of stilt-. They were made of two tfandea itieW. mid small boi hmi liuihil two cleut on i In in to stand on While nil the l til dolls were playing pattleake and Ihe aiiiciul dolls were Lurking und DgMlng uud toe otDer noy dolls wore whittling o: I uurneiy chairs, tills doll who owned the stilts n.ird to praethe welkin4 kI.im thein. At first he used to gel terrible turn tiles. Who ula.'krd your Krl the little Bears uncle was always Baking when ever be vlsPed the BUrsTrr itut thr bar doll was very faithful to anvthlm; he on. o IT1 to do 8o kept en practicing: till he eottUI ataasM run uiistiilr. And mat Is ii trees hard thing to d.. on stills. One dm- Hat little bet's con-In came to visit him. She was a beaatirnl ebOp and she titoti 'ht w ith her n iet gag Probably hoi cousin em Bl Ash, for in .!, ud of bus Ing a happj tiuio with her ho noon bo-iin to uuurrol. Finally b Ito Irs: Ids lomior nvd threw.het I Attempted HoMlID ! ...... . . i. , S.I I d. II I'tllllt HI' in mo nir. v. n. re t. wins..,. n n eornor of the l-wkruBe and bung Tbo tltllo girl .oiisln '!od like any ti.ti a i..i !. v.ii. i ui .I'll to rest eft til- tcp of I ho I ' I.' niso 1 11 ..-el coin doll fr y ir or i-d the boy dntl And lie walked on hN stilts rt l,t no it.. bL.Itish of io ...ol..e .. ! ins ,-od the is.r d..'s ; itnt. Then h.. wulkl down the rli'lTe of th hi okeaso unit ilrt- here thorn all FRENCH CABINET TROUBLE IRONEO OUT PARIS. Oct 23. (U. P.)-After 24 hour' confusion. Premier Painleve apparently adjusted the cabinet dif ficulty by switching ex-Premier Ri- hot from the post of foreign minister to minister of state, succeeding !. Barthon. The cabinet attempted twice to resign in a body. Reported in North Albany George F-. Schaeffer, of Salem, atent for the New York Life Insur ance Co., arrived in the city this Rushing oat of the brush, aa un identified man attempted to grab the bridle of a hore driven hy Dan Brem en in North Albany at aa early hour this morning. Bremen whipped the horse and got away without aa-n difficulty. It was dark at the time, taw be unable to state a to whether or not hi assailant wa armed. -i .rr.. . k '.'i i minima lo attend to prospects in f.o.o neiahhorimr eranves will be tl.is vicinity, tie is registered ai in welcome. Albany. Weather Report Yesterday' temperature 1 from 33 to 73 degrees. River jOB feet