Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 19, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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    ol O .'"
Torljht ind diturd.y, HAIR.
eieeeeeiii... r nieiiiini
Btubliihtt la IMC
lo AdarHataa atadtao la
Una Coant?.
No. IM.
Total i ul j iDscnbors
Exuectcil tu Bu l it than
lor Fiii. istUO
Eighty Eight SubbCi ibui I He
coined lot Linn i Uiil) ,
Otlmrs in Li i .
VYASIUNGTl i n. 1 1 i (U.P.J
I tn Baaajaa l.jn.ri) i oin i il
tiltiputg nn.iiirnl.ini. although
f.l) i third tin- nl li
mlluin .iullan tin I rr tuntt i itie.
tic- llllutli .'ill reith i i tfoll il tin
BCCalafMhai i.nlmi.r. II tltr ti.rnt
'Htl.lal lirlir.i I' , n nilier ul tilt.
t. Ill'i iV II tic iltiili-.J) 4rtr I' I
loftl IN I'Ciiik inailr tu te-urr
ii'n mbicflhan u i l - lr
triii it wtttun Ml I'll DM "I ii
t mill. )i uling the iu1k.ii
ProGmtMn tffofta to luunMritta.
thr loan Hr ill inillm iinilrr l.r
OWMtMnl I tr iiri til ii ii tti'rj'
Md i iImm i ii' tWJBQjBUI
t0 l.unilt.
Oregon! Slm-mx
POBTLANDi ' r - i ii..iii :
ire the nninl.rr ol 1 IbcllJ tionil MV
Utriktfl in eich COM!) n !' tl..
ont.i.te of t'urllinil adl li tin I'.ft
Unit mi. I I, emu MM Hut thr till
InUl .1751. Ill IVtlUaftr of MA) mi
tnt.tcril'rr .
Hiker. I.M Hrntoii. IS.
1.17, l"tlt..... 114 Collin '
IHH. (r..k, .17 (.irr. I
M lloniUt RDl GflliaM
I Horary, V Komi It
ton, 155. Jotc iihirn. V
I Ui Its Mil
a. .13: Cool
I lotdiMi
l. Goal
r, ). lark
I .ike. 4 J
Ltoeota, 9 Uaa, x tafttraao, ?
LoBC, H-1 Klinutli. Mjlhrur. K5
Marion. .1S4. Morron. 4 liiltn.niul.
14. I'ulk. HX. Shrrnmi 14. UtMlittl
.15H, I'nion. l.W ... Wit
leva, .11 ik.1 WtahlaajMi
40; VWmlai, Q Y-niiinii. til
New French Loin
WtASHlNHTON. hi to fO.P
Tne (rritnrv dapOftmtTll ann'.iiniT
ilii 120,000,000 tu tirn loantd to
Frnre. The Inint now total $?.7JI
V O Team In Fvery Week
A pit tMi ul t ti' 1 car It 4 1 11 ti t 1
in)! i'i tti.iil teem of the UelvertJt
of Of Cgon appears in I'vrry Wn
Mjkuiik , .uhlit'nd ! ttlr I rnwr
Publishing Cow. Hm York, Mtli t!
ftlatrmriit ttii nrrv MCfttWl oi tha
.ik'-;; --1 ' 11 II in POtnC l'tani'h nf tin
C. S. icnrici Tkt Kftitci i w.irtn
tr liiuls OVt RiVtT) tnnnliri l th
tram li ilUird In MiMtithifl ivitli
Mil sxccflnon "i si KtiiKlngton.
whn 1 1 1 1 l tn.itn ttmrv I nit w .is
trir. Iri! frtiiit ri h h cM KCMlH
of ttii ln.ttt
Committrd to Inttitute
Kalr Dc4rfk0irfk tMl WOftlfaH
COWMlllCll t (hr 1 11 t it "If for tltr
I'Vcblc Mimlril Sltr he carcil
for by h M until room t tnailr
to n?cfir btf at M inititnti"ti
Work on Church ProgrKftinR
Thr work of rfmodclillfl lh Gfl
Prrhytcri.iii i lttir h prOfrCMill 111
Kooi tkapc, Win n otujilrlnl thr
huihlin w ill Navr twict .1 nnu 'i
floOf IptCf a hrrrtoforc.
Patton Will At k tor Endorse
ment ol Chamberlain Milit
ary iliyhway Bill
VViIImmi G 'I'alton, tpm tic! I
j it -.muter uf thr l'a itu 1 .i
NbliOnal I'rtrn.r I rdK'ir, it n tH
it In: the I'Urttotr ol Mfitl 'ij in
InfofBI'BI thr ;irolr ol I. inn 1 Hint)
f lh. ol the l ... loi ;:u
If d 'lolrr Jrlujtr ol ihc i itl
tii'- rin'.i4. ittag nriiu i'idill) an !..
IN 1 iilijty toad (a matin whii
in lit1 llAVfl hrrn IihckiiI .il t v,ai,
Ufo) Hblctl "ill run up into lh- mil-
llOBI "I 'li'llar
Iff rMUM ill mrrt iih ti" I rvu
1Ki.1l t lull t)ni r, cuinn whri 'bp
. 11 1 n t foi thn MOM IttpOftftttl
ploi I lion H III hr tuitri
III'. woik Of till klfttl MlU lc
nn f u 1 I'll through thr ( olttun rcial
2 .. tii, 1 .: i!..i meet In 1 loatghi
v ill hr n-rvrn ovn Q 1 1 a! pttrpoti
I hr I'jtiiu ( urn SikiimI Inline
Iraifiir i utgiug; thr nat'-.iafr l Srn
at. I'.ill No WVQ wht h .ji intro
hKa ! thr srnatr Utt Junr h.
Sruatoi i h.. in' r 1 1 , 11
Milrd for .-ill 111 .ill lol
low thr hnr of thr Pacific HipiWftj
which MOtlld (Totr of no I ttlr hrnr
fil 0 and 01 Wl low n ui I nil
MM luiii of I hr itair, to ta ROfhifl I
of ia utilitaiy value to thr fovirttRienl
Shout Jfi tiiriiihtrr ol thr umil.
Mi and Mn l 0 iaaWi ariSI
k'athri i thru bMM m i'rrr Mun
lay to irtrhra-r thr .o'd-n Wa44uMV
that 1 II knM coiiplr. an I li i
7th hiithdy ut Mr t ham'-rr In ir
fivr childrrn, Mr - I. Mdtr.
and Mr K .1 I .-hrr. ol MbM li 1
John nronlrr, of i 4tlr Km
W.ilt I . Wdhui t: 1 1 1. 1 rj
bamlttfaV oi 1 c rr
woudrrful crop ol ; . - i
I rum harvrttrd tinlay on a small tot
kt So 1I1 4111J Walnut ttffVCff I hr jio
to loci vmi i''' '. h . C Botanhl
h 1 mi -rrd irturrd ironi thr t iral
S'oHbf HI radAay two rar aafo Hr
L'ot two potatori and la t year itrc
f 1 ntlhtli rrd loi thr J I hilt jilanlr'
UMl ftunnK
I fWM I III hill aUiut huohi U
will hr ttathrrcd All arc fun. baj
I ol a tor . iiui- mrauritiK nrutl 1J
Ittdlfl 1'inu'. and MnOOth ikinotd and
IO IM nn at d Thry arc thr vanrtv
that madr thr V. P fa in out for it
haVrd pofJItOffl Thr tulirr can rd
fldHtb ominrnt hv pnMVftb . who
lloppffd 10 look at thr umiftital yitU
Menace of German Advance
May Result in Heinoval of
G'tvi rnmnt to Moscow
All irloon Island Taken by
Germans; Two Enemy Tor
pedo Boats Are Sunk
wJ -si '4f v j a -i1
PI I KM, HAD, . t V (U
P.)- It it ttatrd that thr ro i,"ovrrnmrin Ml preparing
H it, tnnvi fJM 11 pit 1H trotii Ptlro
Kfd lo Mm. u hrcautr ot ihr
tnrnat r ol th- trrrman ad-, .our
tinul ll'if MtrtTal Co-ntiiit-
IM Wa naiurd itultid tK Ifrtfrttg
t tnrmhrit M Tr 1 t ) akof I .
pirtiuhtit of thr rtottonm Mil
I l P,ilji Innsk . , prrtidriil ot
thr Xalioml DtlCBM lommnitr.
and MiniMrr it Public WVIferr
I M tal rtfOri that t! r irr
' man llrrt i computed of trit
drradnoitkhtt. left c ru rtn t. 5"
Jtltroyifl and riudii or trn Ittb
One German Arreted Follow
ing Death of Itbok on Farm
on Which H Worked
DBS VI K. Oct W IU ' 1 rd
r j I author 1 tirt c 1 rd ordt r - t
nnrtiati an all rd plot to uoisOl
ti-outatidt of it'tlr m4 hrrp h
I Uctof -nthia rrtli. 111 thr Path
finder Uaiti rrrr voir nrar CatpCf
Krrd Turnrr, a Ql 1 Mill, wai ai
retted following thr fJ ilk ol 4-t rat
th on a ranch w hrre h a rtn; 1
. . .
Pacific IjoxtntiK
Tonr-ess Convenes
si vni k, Oct i (U. P.) Le
ber prohtrnm. tttitaldr furl for lok
V'tnu 1 ampn and I-.- .-v..- railroads
Mnltcttontnd lhi camp cookhonw
nctfl thr varying MlbJcCtl di"curd
hrff tOOCA at hf .mnual convention
of thr Pacific l.otfu'inv COIMpCM Tin
convention opened pcttcrdoj kndendi
Several boon were ipeni thi mora
itik' debs tin 1 hcthcf thr eoobhoum
in a lotfrftUht camp thotild m.iVr
Welfare of rmplovrt occiiptril in
ITOoJl part of thr timr of thr loCjfJCf
lodav ("amp taniiation and a idrnt
1i r ration wrrr ditcit-rd at Irtu-th
FOR RF.VT- Nieety Inralebed rorm,
linht. hrat and larnr . lotrt, clor
in, pcceocuiblf io r 1 uli t pert d
araae It cere of Democrat 01932
W'A'NTFIV Good '"'Ik tOW, . ell
Homc phonr 4144 olMt
FOR SAI.F -I rM- acted black t.-d
dlr marr. tie rCCf I otd, pnir bred,
toiind and ttrntlr. Rraton;ihh- II
tebca at mcr. Jor Thompson, ai
Rriclcyard. oMD
Oldest Pensioner Puts
Savings in Liberty Bonds
Bmll I rn-k. of Oakland, thr oldrtt
itvintt peneioner on thr Southern P
ctfici honor roil, hat Inverted hit ie
Ingi in Utbcft) Bondc PHci i" i
VCCri if eCe. and rntrrrd thr railroad
lervlci on Novcntbai 9tt ihm, ievcf
i iri before thr golden Iptkc linked
Cctlforntl ind thr rrtt of thr rotin
Ire with the Hrel t ran icont iiicnta!
i iltrocd
I -' ni it ivick it a Prenetimen by birth
"My heart reCfM to hr ovrr thrrr
hr Igyi stmplv. "I would gtvC mv
lii'r willint;lv for PVcncC if it won1
. vail, hut I llacre that mrrtra can
dr morr than 1 for France, and so 1
tend to mrrica m navingi.
Subscribe for The Democrat.
IT TR m;r D. Oct. I 1 1T P. i -
pri it -'li of thr UCnnCi flrr .if
forcing iVr Rrttian racujtion of tl.
el "a al har Thr ttr i r
Kovci View declared that ;
vacua'i in ' " k . i i Turtlay.
Ihr tirrtuaii Bret i tlur.iti t i.i
a al p' otam against thr in',
1 inland The racttatton of .; v -
h rat d oclv mflw from IVtr i
rad. gnjlfeted tcol th, Gereccc '
iiicnacitiK Riitt:.t morr than ".
t r t titppo! i potxililr
Two tirrman toi,' . i i
nuk mi thr HfOOC Sonn.l mm lux.
tl i of l i. tally ttatrd
KcrntNky rr turned from ' at
hi adpiaitrrt and hd. now r
'in his rcccea innncntc attack w
recMed at the cabinet meeticgt
M9R1 iv. ' it W U P 43ei
irCCJ Metered all of Moon Uland.
officially Mated
Enrmv Artillrry Active
LONDON. Oct. 19, General Hai
porti d enemy artQIery fire on tli
Mrtnn Road necgfcborhood eroce
'. mnrhrVe.
Dr. me Returns
Ir. M 11. 1 Hi returned yrtterda;
im Portland, where he attended .
Hireling ot he nti I mM rCCIOCII CO It
nt ion, w hu h i m hided fcpreeeetn
r 1 1 oni tix iiortlnvestrrn ttalri
Mi Klltt hat held the position ol d
tor of i hit or gen lent ion let 1 1
t year He remained OVCf a da1
Portland lo attend Grand Opera
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 (t
It i" Irarned that an entire, x
tnan regiment mrjcding offlccri 1
mi th ir own arms, turret let
r Roumanian Thr rrKim- ni
mpoecd f Mohumuii dan Se
Thr MramCedCf driland thai
kLfrendcred ohtniar:Iy o the-i co
n1i! n the Jugo Slav legjton I
I legej formed
Hinti on Mttnaj-ement
Of tho Potato Crop
the letting uud ftorliu
ii pntntcee b) rercei
ciiy m
City Engineer Says that He
Was Not Asked to Co-Operate
With Fire Mai
DID iHAt-ii ASbErtTb
(Juicials Failed to Inspect City
Kecoruers Itecoidb ; only
u 10 icoik Uefeciive
Sixty-Seven Men Lose Lives
No Troops Aboaid at the
lime of Sinking
I u sn i MGTOX, Oct. 19 t u. a
P.) Siity-trven nteinliert of 'If
?' the irr of in iriMird liound
0 AajoricM mtapofl lo. tlieir '
j liin !alr tint iftrrnoon when thr
t vaaaffl i tunw la the Atimtic. I
t) The trintport cirricrl i rat '
'S oi I7'l men. No trooot were
akoafd it the time of the ditlt- 381
M ter.
9 -I)9ll0993f,
Convention of Strikers Propos
ed Strike; Oppose Further
1 :i I llljlli
pmlity of
I "ir i i iui i ii inii market end Injun
your etntef umrbet t'. pie log Icrfe
oeoetttJeM ui tin reded Btaea on tin
iccfbel ni bnrveettca liaee
Deai't iblp en) froet deranged1 pate
tccci li i" dlattatroco.
Hun t deinoreltee the alreed) ovn
bcrdeurd treiwN-rietlnn tct ilttlee by
blppttig rail pi tetore L'nleee pota
tece ire eitfemeU etab in price eaaa
will nni bt iui ttnetiportctloe ttUaTgCi
I neat overtone, thv ed nntcgee -f
"mecbllie alTer." Thr. are Cvtvteg of
greet rnlee hi men: thlpp eg m itom
Dccj't eiped geeeblne - ; em i i grade
T r tpiallty enll hnn hands ran
ejiedtocji ice aeteetlye tebere
Oeei rcb Ni- i end I ercdci ee
tat.-et. Tin re CIC I'CCl BMre eCO uV
tire eoeh eefeiretctdi lert iio col eeet
tceea mixed
pctt nfctlouC the itntato ercemi re
omraeoecjd by the Petted atetee depnrt
meet or crtrnttere end ice Putted
state food cdmlcharctieck
To Attend Grand Opera-
Mitts Lottie Morgan, Miss Lelie
t'ollouRh anl Miat Nellie Pair WW
to to Portland thti eveoncg to -pen !
the week-rnd and attend the Greed
'per a.
pixifirld Hrre
Chaf. Rrdfirld ot Drsrhutr. i
rn Oregon, was hrrt vrterda i '
ing hi fathrr. F. M K. dfield.
Lebanon People Here-
Mr. and Mr- UCOnaf ' F a
and Mrs M Vaiihan "I Lcban
Cat yrsterdav in Albanv viiitfn
relcrhree and friend.
Sheldon Here
Mr Sheldon of Salrm. a former
Mhanv man, it in tow n todav Oti
Old-Timer Here
W. W. Hainrt. of Fufjene, i n
town visiting "Id friends Mr. Haines
i past 90 years old, and a form CI
trti rnt "f Albany for a num'x
leoetmg Postponed
The regular merting of the Monrrr
Travelers for this eek and the 00X1
will he held October 27th at thr home
of Mrs. P A Goodvi in
Tried CO Steal Pipe
Someone tried to tea. thr fa" e!
from ne of the ptpce in Wen. hor
mfller! yard at Fifth and Ferry
streets last night Thil moron t
when Mr. Fort miller went into tlir
vard he found a fountain of a-alrr
spur ing up from one of thr Irrlge
tion pipes. n attempt erci mad t
take the faucet, evidrntly. and he rn
r ptee eree ecccrcwod from ice
pipe leading to the ho'tse. the marl. -
o a pip' wrench hfimr left on th
pipe. Fvidrntlv frichtened. t h
thief ran awav. leCVtng 'he faucet at
ter he had taken it off
Adding :o Display Space
G. A. Pood has rented thr ." n
window in the old boitdmg formerly
oe en pled hv thr TVecey Clothinp C
and will use them to thow more
his onds than can he put into th'
wndowt at present This wfu in
prove the looks of the hutldim: lto
O. A. A. and Idaho
at Pendleton Saturday
P1N1M ETON, Oct 19. U P
The inland empire football sea to,
ill he formally opened here lomor
tow afternoon with a k'auir on tin
Round I'p ground between thr I'ni
VCreity of Idaho and the Oregon g
rlceltnreJ acfleejO fast cnepp;
eemc M expecteif.
Pectarice thai the iJipuiy .. .
rire levelmli who recently me -MTrvey
of v ond t ion n .hany faded
to get in touch ith htn eeeV
tod made no eiior: to make i; i r
at the CUy Recorder's oliice lor (.i
oid of wiring permits, k n i Oafic
ter John Ptolmd tho afternoon ,o n
ed eecc with State Fire MereocJ M II
in a communication which he MM to
in Uemocrai. 1 he coini.iunical on it
too voluminous to be printed bt full
m tint itstie. but we tirm: batata lit
Merc-ting features of the rttV
nerr'i reply;
me part oi tne rCOOTt says. 'L'n
the present system, wiring pgr
' ' I ar supposed to In made hv thi
rty KiatgeCeCf but the inspei tTCC
mid no records madr ' I go M i
tmmm wher, these men expected 10
nd tec recorcc bot I it onM boee
lipror ejlod t leecti .. phone cab from
them 1 sltould ha.e hrrn elat ..t
prnnige ol In them and
going over iome of the vori
them, not that I could have been -
material astiitJuice to thtm mm tfa
it kyoetd hove lren help to CM
pvrnn-iiiing my amirs. :r.u a ritei
IVItem if vlopti d hv ihe , it Ti
.ii Rreorder Ho nfortrt m th t
mCjoiriec lor records nere n ad-
them at his ott'ice.
For the benefit of the peo: h ot
the city I will nay that there a
cofcete record of all t? e pcrre'r,
i veil at hecpecteco certinceJe Fm
the tame. isued since 1 mil
n m inspector nearly three yean
:o. and I should !iac bceC ctreeod
hnve had UMCe inspectors
r.i MV and all of the irin.
ed by the, permits at well i
cord thetneles.
?: indeed tfOC tha then
e erberc additional wirin:
been dan in , .,
oi in wr ;
on doing the wirinr. failed .o nh
I i ermtt. therefore to in-ec;:on bee
eec made nor anv record .
Vresc case, howevet. are not CjeeCCt
MM and occur only where bnildim
alrrad cceieected ith 1i.-ht m
poo er.
"! ih to etnphaiie the fact tht
tin wiring which i being done Hot
t . iter the prcjceet tyeteen, and hat
S eh has hern done for th. 'av
three or '"our year- and evrn loCCJCT
oilb thi excepti.'-n of a few i
In ted cetee II ibOV mentioned,
good ondition. np n date, has pg
eu or wi'i ncM Hie irttica' iiwpection
i f ihr Vitional F1e tr'cal I'm'rrw
er. who ar men ejnaliflcd to pa
such w ork "
Cttv Enenei
ARI5, Oct 19i L P.) Obue
'fctinan inbecerceee arc robbing f .!
hips 01 their cargoes, and then Itok
tig 'hi reeeell without leaving a CABi
.ording to confidential emha-y .
I anes
Will Dine
on Danish Dishes
m fatib y
-.I- lant Heiu, a Ipcjoei
resident ol Rutia Uit now- locate I a'
Lyons, has w ritten several times t.j
relatives and friends in Russia, he
agj not beard a word from bit old
ft tend for more than a year, and i
convinced that the censor i- neceeoj
ir.g thr despatch of letters to t hi
Hen is of the opinion that tre
vartou- Kneflnrtiog religious :d-is ir
Roeeia is the cause of the failure of
the RceeJcC people to get togetrei
and put up a united front to th
Germans. The large German popptg
tion has been more, or lets succt-t;il
in iniprctxtnk' ideas on the mind
sf a portion of the Russian peo-h
.nd iertuan intrigue has : la -' no
miall part in preventing united action
Northwest (.rain Crop
to Ke Large in 1918
-Washington. Idaho and Oregon
rext year will far exceed all prcvinu
gra:n production records.
fhat't practically assured today
With halt a cl COCCi the inland empire
will product millions of bushels more
than ecr before.
Thousands o! acres are being put
into nrheet tor the first time and win
ter wheat is particularly popular with
the farmers. Weather conditions now
are favorable tor planting and the
farmer! are taking full advantage of
Officers Drill Like
Rawest of Recruits
CAMP IF WIS. Oct. 19 (U. P
--Pity the olflcen particularly t
grceoetCC of the Presidio training
v.imp. They are busy from earl
noroieg until latr at nicht. The day nothing hut work for them.
In addition to drilling their squa
and going to school, officers from the
PreekBo IcbOol themselves are hcing
drilled Bbg the rawest rookies. Di
vided into sijads they are put through
the simplest movements.
Commanding officers explain that
ca officer soon get rusty if they
r erety command a com;any ill the
relephone Girls in Seattle Plan
to Walk Out Next Monday
if Demands Fail
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 19 ftt
P.i The convention of the Paeittc
ition oi the Brotherhood of Klec-
-tcal trCaVIMri today Sanction d the
pioposrO strike oi employe- ol th-
P I I Telephone and Telegraph
company Delegates and union leai-
s atated that the strike would ti
lled Monday.
Delegates from a number of states
ctgred that they would not partici
te in lurther mediation conferences,
r situati'n is a'hnitted to he grave
Telephone Girls Ready
SF-XTTLF. Oct. 19 The telrphone
gCftl plan to strike Monday The
girlf union head- declared that a
settlement before then is unlikely.
LATF.R Manager Sanders receiv-
wire late thi- afternoon to the ef
ct that the strike order had been
cancelled and that another vote wilt
1 e taken on October 24th.
TAJCOafA, Oct If, (u Pi Plf
ty soldiers of Danth birth stationed
Camp Lewis will he given a ban
(rCCt here today by the w omen ol
the Danish I utheran church. The
be nonet will coeiitt eaejrcly ol D.m
ih dishe. terved in old countrv
Astoria V. M. C. A.
Starts Campaiirn
Reeeir Love will make her coce
.nee at the Globe tbeetrc lonigbt
"The Scwooet Rlne?.M new Trienojc
play bv T V Ttffer-n Th: t a
i!e1tghtfnItorv of c:- Kg life, show-t-g
boo I little cir'. the daughter of
the proprietor of a three -ring outfit,
and of a HlOtbef long separated from
her Iweneed through a mfmndf ritend
;ntr. hrinc about their reconciliation.
P-essie T nve appears i Tane Cegic,
who. beraCM of her mother's extreme
t overly, ? tnnbbed hv he ther ebfld
ren She f:nd solace m the COCOnOOjy
ol her one td.iv rnate. boy beet her
own nee. w ho i victim of the
" i same v tiiaee retre snonmsnnrtt The
STOR. Oct 10. (IT. PA Dr ;two children finaflv taVe to thr emen
I trOA mica IO double th- ieeeeCCtMetl toad, determined to start I flirt CC
iceabcreMp, i tbrce dcj V M r of hetr own Irtlieac In n rllraint
membership rampaign opened here to n, hev are offered a ioh with
this mornine ObcVf MtCCtM pIcM t reaf etrcMs that is Maving there
the campaign will prohahL he one Here Vts T.ove has the onnortnnltv
of the HeCCt in thr history of th' to dlsplav tier eMtftT as a ha-rhaeVe-l
V. M. f V in the state rdrr
Scio Men Here
G R Cornwcll. manager of the Sci
Condensed Milk company, and R. 1
1 ogan. secretary-treasurer of the
s. me company, were attending to
-taBMTCee matters in Albany today
Mr. Logan stated that a receiving sta
t on might later be established in Al
Dry Month Predicted
urc i the weather prediction for
the next month, straight from W. A
'"ox, who has the faculty of rfuessin.-
it right The next month ill he :
i.rv one. according to Mr. Cox, tvex
that I art night t had the Rftl
Cry moon in as many months.
QATKS. Oct. 19 i Special to the
Democrat' The B O club met at
the home of Mrs. Roht. Munro last
Friday afternoon.
Mr. Ida Gaffney. spent Thurstlay
and Plidny in Niagara.
Mrs '.. M. Revier returnea from
Albanv hriday morning.
Mr tnd Mrs. Ellis of Lebanon are
visiting their daughter. Mrs. J. V.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rcvicr re-
tnreed home Wednesday from Mhany
tftcr visiting several week- with Mr
Mevier's mother and father.
Mrs Fred Hester i visiting hei
K Graff of Hall Camp was in
t .un i - !.n-iness last Ihursoay.
A Iahy girl came to b!ess the home
of Mr. and Mr-. P. Rctrhurg last Sa
turday. Mrs. P. Rressler of Fox Valley
passed away Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.
RfOMCrr i the mother of Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. RHl May returne.1
(''oni Lebanon Monday with a baby
girl, which arrived while in Lebnnon.
J. W. Mott spent the week-end in
A grandson of T. Bradley of Niag
ara, who was hurt last week by t
rOW kicking him. is slowly recover-
Mr and Mrs. C. D. Gaines, Mr.
and Mrs A R. Horner motored to
Sodaville last Sunday.
Little Gwenneth Dike has been
luite ill Dr Allen of Mill City has
the case.
fr and Mrs Chas McCurdy were
in StnytOO on huciness Tast Wednes
Mrs P. Kramer of Halls peered
ru on her way to lhany last Wed
nesday To have her mtle trirl op-
rated upon for appendicitis. She
left her hebg in care of Mrs. L. F.
Here is some heifer. It belongs to
Mrs. Poindexter, who resides one
nnUe rat of Scio, and brought her
I check tor the sum of $17.90 for
one month's milk, which was sold
to the Scio Comrented Milk com
pany. Th e heffer is a Molstein and
ears old.
i two ye