I TBI wEATbU Tonlh and W.1ii,dr. FAIR. tm-trntrntm i P ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT EitablUhcd ia 1B6S Rr AdwtKISf M.li t tn VOL XXX ALBANY, I.1NN COUNTY. OKK CON. TUE8DAY. OCTOBER 16, 1917. No. 125. uncli! Sa'tl May 1 , in Ftotoriti in I Strlktrt Aotlvltlei nnjn fined $200 for P NTS Red Cross Will Get the Meat; Lodge Asks Governor for , Head and Horns Hi WAH RVI MA t : BOARD it CREATED Exemption ol SKilled Wo mibii from 'i.t duil U 1 tit tV man demy Hi eJ AMIIN'.ToN. i ). t If, (U p 1 1 ixii it of national defense t 1 imimJ t n: the 1 r cat ion ol wai Mfvki lahoi baaed 10 lolvi hr coa tantlj nit 1 rasltl,; pfohlcmi i lahol Kepla.uig mm with womm. tb r in pi fn ol tkilli .1 w orkiitrn trm the draft, labor I it ( ripiion, arc among t"r enajacta the oard would Ihr Li'xit flaufllga li . uttailiH the Mount urns outpui lt r war i)nr 1 mrtii t rinn1rriiH' taking Conscripts from f r eaaapa to laweafani I nth Make Gains LONDON. )ce If. U IM -Gen-efgJ Hi'if reported Dfll) raid and ar iillrrv firing' German guns were -t-vr in the Ypres St.orn district la I niv hi The I ruh m i rifuy i aided the German positions ii 'f'lri ti liullf rotirt. TWO INTERIM SAILORS make fwc; mm a. SAN I RANTISro. Ovl 16. (U. P t i tain W ( Mr an. h and Kit Itmrrr I .i"u. officcri ol the German ri e t r h .n I ' n s- In 1 here vbu the United ta'rs itit'-rnr 1 them whrn en tering thr vrsr, ' -i ironi the An- gel Island Uilr r nni nt amp, bill w ere i apt ui nj beiOCS noon ll i.it on San PtesdMe ''v GERWflNS F! .TFP OVER SUCCESS IN RUSSIA VMSTI klM. Od !6-U P Ever v (term an nrwpaper received l-rrr devntrd considerable spar to gloating nvrr the success of thr Ger man m.il ampaii;" against thr Rm Ian Islands of cel anil Ian. anI dfclsfing that Ocnnaa pvccm Uitw an .inwrr to thr rrrrnt war pt hri b allirfl Ira'lrrn of waninK A) ici man po rr AtttMfitl Hoxtnn Conteat Gro Rolfr ,n.1 Will Ho if lag toil. i for I'nrtLind whrrr thrv w ill tttfllld a boRlna ' "ntnt tonttihr Brcmghl Bopettai Mr ftfld Mi I" D. Tornrtt of (VftblrfC IfHvfd in Alhany odiy with it'lli' from thr Oahtrr- Ix'-'l It I) Dominion. charKcil with will m eth by Dvaaiy Itate Pan Wanlrn I S HaMkrr, thu BOmlM tnLi.il a plra of inll) in lit" ttt tur oiirt ami 4i KM ' Bm of UOO td ' ladfi 1 1 Swan 'lhi tfir iniiiiimim IIm lha roiihl Itgalll bi laVataai tmt him Ii the jiiititr of thr prate Thr t Mai laalaai E Unai Kfb M S I'.rh were ditfllltafd upon too ti..n ,,f Dmtul Xttorney Gale S Hill It I undrralooil, howaWfi IMJ th- aaiabboia "f ftiemu of Don i titi who wrtr RMMlaa aaaM aal m il propor to coafribau la ifr p) m-nl of the fior IMenati t':i Daaat The rlk w iM fe lurnril 'rt to llir Krii Croai aaaa tietiea for mh i itloa -1 T,r aWfcwn 'teem fit aaw aaai TMi aaafi eMWjrtd ,!i Irtirr rr.riw.l fcf t" H Strwar l( .lav fiom the Slatr dmif DtpATl merit inovnuent 4 alio ttartrtl to v lo Iftttfi tin- baad for thr BfJ I .(r ro.,m Uaott ordmar cifCttm t.inrri the heail would Ar ru ni tif Slate GaflM lrpartmrnt. l-xalted Killer Will MriT II h..- 1 M nultrf up witli GovtnMM VI ithv oniLc and a tctiet madr that i r tiirnrd over lo tlie local lodne I air hi aftrrnoon DcpMty Stall l .nir Wardru I S Hawker lilk .''h ihr Slatr GaflM !rparttnen: ! uri to thr diftpotition that h- nil he madr of ihr elk He wa i I W I i aai hr aioald aoi Mm the meat ovci until T-e re. eipt f official intru. t-on which afeonM rflacn him in thr morn huL Delay in Sending Diplomatic Mail Pouches by Britain Cause of Trouble HINTED POUCHES CONTAIN DIPLOMATIC SECRETS Swedish Government Also In dignant Because Denied Cable Code to Stockholm ClOVFR SEED BUYER SPENDS BIG SUM HERE F. N'enhatit, clover teed buyer Mm York tatv. let! MLain to-Liv ftrr padlaa hi the- Willamette val V. ihr aflfll of for clovei erd. fully V Bat rrnt of wht h wa MSI in LMB county. The erd w -H niu. h blgbtf W it.ir than heretofore, the ivrriif ti r ..!(! hrinn ah'ut Jll cent per HI till LINN COUNTY NEWS NOTES Croti for ihr 1 1'int v chaptcf NEW CLASSIFIES FOR 9A1 B IMS Model Bolck, in Ifood nll'littiin. ;il $J4I Bdl pfcOIK 2?) I oWW rim i mh-k i ihkk i will call I .i pOMf ht Md rrtnrtl it till rd Willi ulrr f-i 5 mil .t Kllnn F. M Mh hell, Hrll phone U 4 olft If P( iR S 1 I IF13 lir witittl. Ilrll nhom nlft 1H FOR sm i .ii head f pi R art oM, PoImihI i'liin;i tock: 5 hi frnin 7ll .i 120 pottn4tj I MiikIi ItOtTt. I II nlinnr M4-J., Home boM 7421 oift-is I (1ST fold f r 1 1, r ii it y pin, ri'limi lo Jnlm Meely .ii Mli.inv Gun inrc olftlH' for sM Fori loafing car. A l cnnHilinn (in In- ct-n at P.irilic Cuaffr; llll Or ncr C. R Reed. ol6-I8 OREGON LIBERTY LOAN MAKES BIG GAIN 9 I'OkTI.AKD, Oct. 16 (U. '' I' i Ihr Oreon Liberty Loan ' total it four million, on- hundred and ninety one ihoiiiand. ninr Ixindrtd and fifty dollar rOflf undred arid eventy-ix ihou- aaaa tigan hundrri aoUara lu I baaa MibacHbad dorintt thr Un aj i 25 aoari . , ! '9j ) ) fj ') ) ' WOMEN PICKETS GET HEM JAIL SENTENCE BIG PROPERTY LOSS IN KANSAS CITY Seventy-Five Hundred Head of Cattle and Over Three Thou sand Hogs Are Killed LEBANON AND SCIO TO HELP CONSERVE FOOD Organizations Started in Both Places to Hnlp Win the War O.S. FAMOUS STOCKYARDS ARE PARTLY DESTROYED WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 U. P.) Sweden t'ii withdraw her riuiioin niiMoii from WathiiiKlon ,( ritaia aVlfljri I'rr rtlploaaitk aoacbtflj wwlallflli offhaali atd It li offn :ll uti d that thr mail nut COfltflla r ilk rivaling thr 1 uahuiK attar SvV.inh rapra acatattVai claiai ;hi mi. he t t.iit.tin prirn iiall food ta ktiri Thr Swede arc hihthly iridik'iiant tCCaaac tur illMlr((r it! ialIINK lo Stockholm in C04t Ml leiiiel thcin WVSM1 VfJTOS', Oct. 16 I -Point- Jude Mullowney tentemrd fn'r uffr.ir While Monte pickrt to. i month each in ihr workfiouae. Ierlariri that vumen refute to ti otftnf .. law he didn't help to make, thr women amioumrd a mori atCf drrnoiitr:ition tu he held baiof hi White Home on Svemler H Twt:nty-Five Acres of Ground Rumen lu Mrtilrnads Embaigo Shipments CONVICTION OF PORTLANU PHYSICIAN IS SUSTAiNLU SALKM, Oil 16 l". IM The Sujireme t.ourt atlunird thr convic tion of l)r A V Aitiplunil of I on bind, cotnirtt .t on a ih.irut ol man- nuhtri ir thr death of Auaa An- OtTlon, resit Mi tit I torn an ulehral Op- LA FOLLETTE INSTI GATION IS HALTED L;. Follettf- Oechnes to Make Verb. il Slatempnt nf Case: Other Testimony Sought p. i atiofl Aataplaad iiiprituniiient tron i a eiitrncr. ti ne to 15 rarv SPEAKERS LEAVE THIS AFTERNOON FOR SCIO lion I .lir.ir H Plpaf and Statr SaiN or I l Cflfllcfe left iMt atlrrm .n r Scio, w hart the w-ill tprak hi ior of the new Liherty 1-oar l oiiirfhl at 8 o'dov k thr MflM lpcak rt "ill addrt s a meet hp: at h.-non. and Urge crow d i cx- H ' a bolli place. WASHINGTON! ct. 16 t 1 I afottrttf't rcfaaaJ to pro., all i!i-loal tt.ttrnienti until they are thown to he lalae hy hi acttseri, I to'la tsdfld tli( hearing in the La felletta investigation. Chairman PojacttM announ. rd, fI r,g an executive eion. that no imre lira ring will le held hy the apacial i -0111111 iitee toaraMariajf Lafot ht: '- rxpilK on. i'he Citnnntre will . .'lain n nit r,r mat ion from other conrcrs am! rcpotf ha the Ttfcemher ii - ilotl "f conRTcaa. I ntead oi making ; verhal otatr Hunt. L (toilette' jiavc the comurttrr i h-tttr outl mnp hi-, po-ition, and de.Iaitntf that he had done every Mfla) poaaAlc to make the investiea- tioa rontplttflL KANSAS CITY. Oct. 16 (U. P. -Hire deoiroyed crral acre of stock lard and killed over 7.50 cattle at vie Kana City Stock Yards tint morning. I'roperty damage is ctun aiai at Stockmen believe that locomotive aparla caaacd the fire. The raaaaval n cendiarisin i mu onfinned T h C ,rca:rr rt of tht yards were saved KflMflM City Stock Yards company this atom on m bl Bttd that 75J cat tle and 8100 hogs were killed. Twenty t.ve acreere hurncd over. All railways, except the Missouli Pacific, laaatal aa emhargo against attle fhirni"ti to Kan-as City un til conditions are agaifl normal. k M lamirier and L K Harnit wh, wrnt to Lebanon and Scio ft alflTflflf to ortranie associations to hand!- th- food conservation cam taiajftl jn thoe loealitir. report hav ntr had Bioal siiccesi'ul tnrettnirs an 1 aaiag ajccompliahad noteworthy re mits. The paoali of both placaa have tak n hold of thr work of savini? the ood supply for the soldier and the eoplr of the hungry allir, and show (treat ea--netneM and a wil!infnr to rooperate. t Lahaaoa an orjraniration was rn.ed w:-h Kev. Frank James, chair- tr O. F. Cotper, secretary; R. L. Gflaon, trranrrr. with Dennis Cor ner. Dr. J. G Gill. S. If. Garland nd ! r Geo Wagoner, president oi ihr Woman's Civie club, on th- hoard. A I Scio a nucleus for an organiza tion was formed with Prof. H. L Kobe, chairman; Mrv W. F. Gill, sec retary. and Mrs. A G Prill. E. C. Peary and Mrs. D. C. Thorns the other members of the committee. A ; rmarent organization will be form ed soon. Well Known Man Is Elected at Annual Meeting Held Here Last Night MRS SUMMERS AND C. H. CUStCK AhE RE-ELECTED THREE AKK KILLED IN COLORADO K. R. WRECK UiSlRibi 16 HOlUS SUCCESSrUL KQAU uAY Tat people of Road District No. 16, W. A. Gilkcy, supervisor, held a HOO.J roads day yestcrduy and ac complished a considcrahlc amount ot work, and .t noon they were served a delicious big spread on the banks of Crabtrer Creek. Besides doinrf good work on the road, the day was enjoyaMy spent. District 16 is one of the hest in the couniv tor volunteer work. TWO AMERICAN STEAMERS ARE SUBMARINED DENVER. Oct law (U P. Three) ttammrn were killed and one injured i a hen an etwine pulling a Santa Pal BOcTTOX, Oct 16. tt. P.) The train exploded today Several cars) White Star line announced the sub fl ere derailed and much track de I n.ariuim; of the steamers Hostonian stroyed. an. I Memphicon. SHFOO MAN BUCKS STREET CR WITH FOPO To buy ? second hand "Flivver' ' day and then on thenext to at- trmpt lo run down a street car. wa hr experience of H. H Hamilton of P!'edd. Linr ottntv It hsm rhn Mr. Hamilton bouRht his Ford in Portland and was hurrying home wttii hi machine when he eot tanttled u; with a -treet car yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. He was driving al such a speed that hr and the two other occupants of the car w-ere thrown to the street and the front of the car pretty badly damatred. The injure nn arera attended to by Dr W. H Pyrd. The Ford wa taken to t VfCa a race for repairs and Wr. Hamilton and friends proceeded t Shedd with the ear. The streetca I u fmag sooth on Liberty and Mr. Hamilton was driving east on Court le hit thr streetcar on the rear dhole. Salem Cap-tol Tournal. RIVERSIDE ITEMS Mr and Mra. Frank Roberts hi hipped their icoods to F.ltnira am ill so. n ir there to make their nmf. !r llatfod and fainil havr arn d and taken possession of thr p!a ifinetly ownrd bv J D Harbrr lr nna atfladCf and Miss rs tub r son spent Sunday wl tlxir mother, Mrs Janata nderaon The Thnrtday club was entertalnc tin- home "f Mrs Henry Stewart r ntnal plrataai riaat wai enoye nd a dainty lunc'i was sered TI lllowiaa ladies were present Mrs ainrs Stellmachcr. Battman. uout l.-y. Caldwell. Masterson, Miller. Calctwtll, Mhaaon, TrtMUt Wltchtjr Shru, I a tih u r, 1 odne, M isvs hit e Eaitman, Rose Dodn, Vera Wtllibatiks, llertha Mrck. F.min ulmer and Dora Sir art Miss Stella Hoover of Albany was an hon- red Ratal Mrs Dent Stewart waa lao present M iss Bertha Beck spent Ihe week nd Whh relaties in CorvalPv Qttlte number of the Riverside ifoplc attended the Palmer sale Sa- tnrdaft The Conntrv Club was entrrtainrd :.t thr Dodaa home PrUhiy nu-ht The haft fllfnUhrd China pheasants foi lunch, and they were (rreatly enjoyed by all. Game were the pastime of the rvr nlflaT A fine time was reported. Mr and Mrs lohn Rred. Mr and ( Mrs Tavlor and John Rred Jr.. of ti ar I ebanon, were caller at the Miller ranch Sundr.y niirht. Mrs Fllsworlh Shedd of Shed, I. Mra, Mike Btaer at Careatha and 1 Mrs less Dalton of COTt, Oregon, j wara callern at the Miller home Sa turdav afternoon. YES. THE OREGON FARMER WILL BE THERE WITH THE GOODS. RECKON 10 BETTER. DO MY 5HAr?E I. PF 0. TO ASSIST MANUFACTURERS ( , . i ffBk Carnon bv Scci1 OmrUs) tal OVwJM Juunwl School of Commerce Will Col lect Data and Supply information Free Cartoon bv Sect1 fourtaaj, oi OfwROfi Juiaraaj l'I V KRSTTY OF OREG'. Eu Kne. October 16. Manufacturers ri.Tcnam and other business men who are interested in trade condition In the outside world attain will hav an opportunity this year of obtainin free ol charge, the regular bulletin leaned by the Industrial and Commer cial Service Department of the Uni ertity of ( )reaTOa School of Com merce. inc school of commerce is in con ataM and direct touch with the fed era! department of commerce and with all organizations that are enpac cd in collectim? and dissenrnatin formation on trade conditions am trade opportunities in this country .ind abroad. As fast as this information reaches the ofiwe of tlie school of commerce i: is placed in the form of convenient concise, accurate and eomprehenstv bulletin and distributed to interr-ti persons throughout the state. Tn addition to the regular bulletin service, anyone wishing particular In formation on any special subject can secure it upon request. All this serv ice is free of charge. , Shad O Krantz. who for seven years was industrial and financial re porter on the Oregonian in Portland, has charge al this work this year, and is making special effort to aupply information to legitimate Oregon in dustries. Anyone interested in this service should communicate with Mr. Krantr, care the School of Commerce. I Eugene, Oregon. LINN RED GROSS Reports of Officers and Con - mittecs Show Locai Chapter to Be in Fine Shape D. S. Simth was elected last night t'j head thr Albany Chapter of the mencan Red Cross association, al the annual meeting held in the Elks' r.-mplr. Mr. Smith succeeds Dr. H. M. Ellis, whose efficient executive bility Mas one of the greatest ta rs in getting the local chapter start- d Dr, Ellis wai nominated by Mrv B Winn, but declined to be a ndidate for reelection. Mr. Smith is a pioneer resident of e county, is know n in every part oi this territory, and faflJ shown an active interest in the work of the ad Cross all year. His election was nanimoua. Mis N. Gordon Can held, who ha .tic cue oi the niuH active members n the organuaiion, was chocn iirsl ice president; Mrs. Mary Bilyeu, .ho has also devoted herself to the work, was honored uy being named ccond ice president. Mrs. J. D. fnmmcra was complimented upon her vork as secretary for th past year y being reelected ior the eneajflg year, aud - it. cusicks ciiori. a3 treasurer for the past year were toted by his being placed m the ot e tor another term. The officers will meet Wednesday evening to name the .icads 01 the rarioos committees, who shall act as the executke board oi the associa tion. Acting upon the request of Secre ry oi the Navy joscphus Daniels. the society ad vied a motion to have a naval auxiliary to tnc local chap ter to assist in the relict of the sailors well as the soldiers. Officers of this branch will be named by the cxe CUrJvc committee at an early date. The various reports showed the Linn county organization in fine shape. Dr. Ellis, in his report, traced the growth of the chapter from the cginn:ng, and quoted figures to il ustrate the strides made. Mrs. J. D. hummers, in her report, gave the total membership of the Linn county chapter at over 17U0, and of the Al bany chapter at 523. The report of the treasurer, C. H. Cusick, showed a total of $4744.6X3 on hand, outside of the money made from meals, amount-, nig to over $2100, which has not been turned over to the treasury yet. Miss Canfield, chairman of the eommittee on organization, reported on the organization from the begin ning to the present. She reported for the four branches, Lebanon, Har lisburir. Mill City and Brownsville, ar.d for 16 branches throughout the county. There were 391 members in the auxiliaries at the time of organ ization, and the present membership shows a growth of over 100 per cent in the last five months. Miss S. Fdna Tones, chairman of the finance promotion committee, who 1 as hern responsible in a large meas ure for the success of the money- ii iking enterprises undertaken, show fd that the chapter has cleared $3178 on benefits, donation a, soldiers meals md goods sold during the past firf months Mrs. R. F. Mason, chairman of the membership committee, reported on he erowth of the local chapter. Mrs. C B. Winn, ol the supervisory com- littee. reported on the work done at the room. Mrs. Nellie Myers, as su perintendent or the room, reported on he nnmber of articles made, ship ped, and the nnmhrr on hand await :ne sliiprrtent. Will Merrill, chairman of the mili tary relief committer, was about the rnlv ona having no report to make, which was pleasing to the members. Vo local hoys have yet taken part m anv conflict. READ OUR WANT ADS