A0 TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1917. JDaily Democrat w. hTornibrook" Publisher Entered it the postoffke it Albany Oregon, a e .n.l- -last matter Pabbthed every evening except Su:. dy Semi-weekly published Tuet Joys and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER. la ordering changes of sdrsea, tub arisen should always give old at gjJtaj arw sd drees. SUBBCBIPTION RATES Dolly T vered by mii tr, yer week 1" Delivered by carrier, per year 4.0P By mail, at and of year 3.50 By aaaa in advaaea. par rear... J 00 SemiWeekly Wban paid in advance, one year IJ5 At end of year 81.50 BatabBalaad to IMS. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1917 STRAFFING" WILSON The finest indoor sport in Germans just now seems to be strafing Presi dent Wilson. The schoolroom child ren are being initiated into this fas cinating game, and take to it nith their usual docility and rest. Lately they have been having patriotic dem onstrations, in the course of whk they send telegram to the KaUcr Chancellor Michaelis and Martha Von Hindenburg, condemning o-ir President for trying to meddle in Germany's internal affairs, and pledg ing their support to the cvernrrent Similar demonstrations have been held by mercantile associations a,n! other bodies of adults There has been a flood of resolutions, all of which insist that the German people are content with their political con dition and will allow nothing to conic between them and their Kaiser. They urge the Reichstag not to yield to the demand for more democracy. All this, of course, is carefully ;:a ed. The resolutions are nearly all drafted on the same model. There it just as fine team work as thne was in America while the Prussian propaganda was in full blast here. But back of this play-acting there must be considerable political fer ment. We'd give a good deal la know what is really going on ir. the minds of the German people. We can't help believing, in spite of ap pearances, that a time will come when they'll start strafing Wilhelm instead of Wilson. WAR SHORTENS DRESSES OF FRENCH FASHIONABLES PARIS. Sept. 5. (By Mail) War restrictions invariably aroute protests, but the one limiting woolen material for women's dresses to four and a half metres (about five yards) has been accepted without a murmur even with alacrity. This measure was readily accepted by the dressmaker-' yndicate when the government point ed out itt advisability. The tendency of fashions had been towardt even ampler proportions of tkirtt. Since the war skirts under went a shortening process. The ques tion was whether the fashion of am ple tkirts thould continue and the quality of the material deteriorate, or whether a radical change of style be introduced. The dressmakers' syndi cate preferred the latter alternative, explaining to there clients that it is essential for the prestige oi French fashion that no concession be made to the quality of the material for tailor made clothes in order to pre serve the impeccable line which is so essential. One of the chief considerations, so the leading Paris tailors declare, is American customers, which would fall off if it were found that Paris clothes were of inferior material. The restriction only applies to ma terials containing wool, so that for dressing gowns and indoor dresses of non-woolen materials, those wh' prefer flowing lines and full skirts will be able to indulge their fancy at before. At striking contrast to the severe and simple tailor made, which will prevail in outdoor places, will be the exotic toilettet which several of the big firmt are about to launch for eve ning wear, some of which are direct copiet of Chinese models. WAR LIBRARY FUND IS GROWING FAST PORTLAND, Sept. 27. (Special to the Democrat) Fifty-eight hun dred dollars was the war library fund total announced by State Director Brewtter at noon as Oregon's prog rett towards her quota of the nation al million-dollar library fund. Three cities have made notable progreit. The Dalles heading the out side Portland dittrict with $459. Cor vallit announced $150 railed without solicitation and Astoria raited her to tal at noon to $JJ5. Bishop Kr.itrr. Washington .state director, announces Ofstgosi SlJOQO ahead oi Washington, but hopes to ttiualic when JX0 WO mcn all user hit state gat to work today. Other features of the morning in the librai fund were Moto, $.15. Junction City, $11; Suthcrlin. 30J0 Redmond. $J5 .50. St. Itcncdi.t. $-V. r.aiidoii. IMO laiscd b a patriotic tea with an entertainment to augment the total, Moutoe. $10; Port Orfoid. So. The campaign it now on its salt half. WOMEN RUN STATE FAIK STATE FAIR GROUNDS, Salem. Sept. -5. (U. P.) Women ran the State Fair today. Women were on the program and women crowded the fair grounds. The way on the program is called women's societies and food preparedness day Campbell's American band opened ti day's progTam at 10 o'clock with concert. Mrs. George McMath, rep resenting the Mother's Congress and the State Parent Tcacneri' associati.'r tioke. and Alice Price Moore, of Ba's er. sang. The speed program opened at 1 -1 o'clock this afternoon. Between events, Anna Marshall l)well. of Al bany, and Campbell's band furnishei' music. Millie R. Turnbull spoke at 3 o'clock and the day's program was rounded out with a balloon ascention and parachute jump. The Death of Custer or the Battle of the l-ittle Big Morn, is tonight's feature. REAL SPORTS TRAINING PROVIDED FOR MEN OF NEW NATIONAL ARMY By H. C. Hamilton. United Press Staff Correspondent. NEW YORK. Sept. 27. Following cut a plan evolved by Secretary Bak er after much study, the War De partment Commission Camp Activit ies is ready to begin on training its rational army recruits in sports as well at in war. Instructors have been appointed and assigned to the cantonments. These will be augmented from time to time by others. Sports of all sorts, it has been found, have a distinctive part on the life of the embryo soldier. Fven childcn's games have been used by French and British in preparing met: tc w-hip Germany. Most attention in this country, however, will be paid to baseball, the national game. Announcement already has been made o: the following assignments J. X. Ashmore. University of Colo rado. Deming. N". M.; John R. Bend er, University of Tennessee. Camp Sevier. Greenville. S. C; John M. Booth, former Yale t h let r Twenty sixth Division: John Breden.us, Co lumbia University. Camp Wheeler. Macon. Ga. : Walter Camp, former Yale athlete. Camp Hancock, Augusta. Ga.: John R. Case. I.eland Stanford University, Camp Kearney. Liaoa Vis ta, Calif.: T. G. Cook. Butte High school. Camp Lewis. American Lake, Wash.: J. G. Driver, Xewbury Col lege. Camp Jackson. Columbia. S. C.: Frank Glick. former Princeton athlete. Camp Upton. Yaphank, N. Y.: J. I.. Griffith, Drake University. Camp Dodge. Des Moines, Iowa: W. H. Hutsell, University of Missouri. Camp Beauregard. Alexandria: I.. K Keller, ObctUfJ College. Camp Gordon, At lanta. Ga.: Ward Lambert, University of Illinois, Camp Taylor, Louisville. Ky. : R II. Lansing. L'nive'sity of Missouri, Camp Doniphan, Ft. Sill. Ark.; C. J. Merner, Columbia Univer sity. Camp Pike. Little Rock Ark : B. R. Murphy, John Hopkins Uni versity, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Pa R. F. Wrlligan. .mherst College. Camp Drvens. Aver. Ma".: B V Og- den. University rf Pa.. Camp Mc Clellan. Anniston. Ala.: Lewis Omrr. N'orthw-estern l.'niversity. C a m p Grant. Rockford. Ills.: V H. Pearl. Detroit PuMir schoos. Camp McAr- thnr, Waco, Tex.: M. J. Pickering, University of Pa., Camp Meade, An napolis Jot.. Md.: J F. Pixlee, Mis souri Wetleyan University. Camp Bowie. Ft. Worth. Texas: W. D Powell. Western Reserve University, Camp Sherman, Chilliocthe, Ohio; F. G. Rowe, University of Michigan, Camp Cnster, Battle Creek. Mich.: R. R. Templeton. University of Chi cago. Camp Travis. San Antonio, Tex as; G. M. Tratttman, Ohio State, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Ala ; B. S. Walton, Girard College. Camp Dix. Wrightstown. N. J.: Or. Paul Withington, Harvard University. Camp Funston, Ft. Riley, Kas ; Joseph S. Wright. Francis Parker srhool, Camp Logan, Houston. Texas. DRAFTING OF YOUTHS OF 19 AND 20 URGED By George Martin, United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON. Sent. 26 The Army League, claiming to be backed b ythe War Department Genei.il Stall today advocated immediate .uneiid inent oi the selective draft law to include youths ol N and JO. Among the officers ot this organ ization are Joseph 1 eiter. president, ex-president Tan, !oiiot.ir riOO-prea ident; Perry Belmont. Dr. William T, Hornaday. Or. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, v ice-presidents, and Clark Howell. George W. C. Prexel, Thomas Nelson Page. Col George Tmesdcll and Gen John A. Johnston, members ot the executive council. The league says the Genet al Stall thinks thetc boys are needed and should be conscripted and put in training at once to insure triumphal closing of the European war. Asserting that youths of t':is age have played vitally important parts in previout wars, the league quotes L.eut.-Gen. S M B. Young's state ment, gleaned irom the records of the war department as to ages oi soldier -in the Civil War. These are: Boys under ten years of ae. 25. 11 or under, 3S: 12. 225; 13. JO0; 14. 1 523: 15. 104.S5&-: o. 231.051. 17, S44. 091: 18, 1.151.438: 21. 2.15'JJ'sW. 22 and 01 er. 46.626. "To keep dow n the expenses of con ducting the war." said the league's statement, "the government should a oid as far as possible the calling of men with dependents Bncn at great er cost it is doubtful whether as many men can be secured between the ages of 21 and 31 as will be available be tween 19 and 21. "The amendment could be so frain-' ed that the men called out under it would not be placed in active military tervice until they have reached the age of 21" MARKET REPORT The prices given in tbe local quo tation are those aaked by the wholesaler from the retailer for fruit and vegetables. All other prices are those paid the producer. Litt corrected daily. LOCAL Grains Wheat Oats, white No. 2 feed, S4Q. Barley, feed $51. Bran, .. Vetch tsed Short! Hay. cheat Hay, vetch Hay. timothy Clover Flour, hard wheat . Flour, valley Sugar Butter liutterfat Creamery butler Country butter, trade Eggs ar.d Poultry Eggt. cash Eggt, trade Hem. pound Roottert Broilers Springs $1.9ii - $35 $3.10 - $39 . $2" . $2o $22 .. $2" - $12 . HO20 .. $8 "Vi 49c 49c 50- 39c 41c 12014 8c 15c 16c Ducks 14-S,I5c Geese i DafL v. " - - - BBB1 eVHl -ti . Hogs . 12ca,16 l-2c Cows Steert Veal BuUt Ewea Lamb1 4 .;.- 7"i8c 4'rzpc -...406c 8 I-2cal0c Yearling theep 7'oaSc PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Sept. 27, 1917. Bluettem. $200 Fortyfold. $1 98 Club. $1.96 Red Russian, $193 Oat, white No 2 feed. $50 Barley, feed. $51. Hay Willamette Timothy, fancy, $2! Vetch. ( ) Cheat. ( ) Clover. $11 Vegetables Potatoet, $1.75 Beans nominal, small white, 14 l-2c large white 14 l-2c; pink, 10 3-4r . limas. 13 l-2c; bayous, 10 l-2r; red, 10 12c. Livestock Prime tteers, $9Ti$9 75. Hogs Us, live $7.X5';$f. Fancy rows, V 7?.$7 50 Calvet. $7'a$50 Sheep, valley yearlings. $10 ,751i $1 1 .00 Spring lambs $1200; $12 75 Butter, Eggs and Sugar Butter, city creamery, 44 l-2c Bttterfat. 48c F.ggs. selected ex . 41 l-2c "ugar. $8.10. Live Poultry Hens, Plymouth EOcks, I6917c lb. Broilers, I9c. Turkey-!, live. 19g2e Geete, live, 10c Pekin Ducki. ISaOc Wool, '16 valley cotlwold, belt. 55c medium Shropshire. 60c Hops, '16 crop, 24'5 25c; contracts, 3840e. Dr. A. 1 Howclls Dr. Mary Howelll (Kliopal liu I'ln Me l ius ;itul SuFfwMI Savings K.mk Hid;.. Hulli I'lionrs Alliauv, OrafOB CLASSIFIED Help anted Male WAN TF.lV -An rxptrttactd nun foe gMffftl tiiiu WOrt IViiuatu-ni po sition. AxMfMi trrtaf parttailari GNffV Dorr, Crftbtrttj Ore Ut! Help anted Female SA1 BS WOMAN wanted; a good Ktuc to hotic cMTMMtf f'r coun try districts in I. inn county. Sal.ir Ai c;cnc to riicht iurt VI i!rcs Varks Uo , 2M l.aitatK'r St, rortland, OftCM tZ? 29 For Sale rOK SAl.K IstOtuI team ot work liorc and h.wr.1. also ivur docn Wl-.ttf Lfg&BOfH btM and ptillits at a harain. I 11 I;ikon. K I D. N. L riNP FOR SALK !iniitrf table, thaifv tuitfet. COOk toc. lcd IBffiaCI ICfS W, A. Cox. 5 West Ftm trrrt. 3J7tf FOR SALS Do not MlN thi bar gain 13 acres nearly all tciui cottage, harn, several outbud tintf fruit trees, two wells and good w.i ter. Sec Norman 1 Hindes, R I D. S. J6-,sS FOR SI.F- 1915 5-passenaiei F.nd li. on my place eery 1'ursdtv. com Cu Hell PbOM 30SY or iiujuin- at J. H. Rtitter. 6:h and Maple Stre-1 KLMKK C UtPK Chiropractor . looms 5. 7, 9. 10, I'uiick Bauk Hldg Natur cannot cure a diietta utiiess the causa is lemoved Cbiropr ct.c altustments reuiovt th came tilCOROK J KKNAUY Chirapractor PtaM National Bank Hulidlug Loans Surety Band B. P. s o x Kite. Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Real atstate HI ttt National Hank Mda. STETTER'S H)K GR0CBRIE8 AM) CROCREBY A QUALITY STORK We II lb bf.i.t low.t pitaaa Walsh Kpiring F. G. Will i- h raim QvsjdMM of the Weltiner Institute Diuicleaa lle.ilinl Cbionu Nerv o.it, Lutaf and l emaie Miseaiet is l.v n St. All sov. ti Home phone .'IIS M JM R Fisher-Braden Undertaken 1 4idf .i -si -.i ii hi Ante llemse srivlie i ile.lreil 1 1 AY, liUAIN. PBBO tM(k ami Poulliy Siippllee QajOtlM 'ml f)ilB U. 0 IIAYNK Ke.t Thiul snd Mam Street. Vif .nffrfff 90004 FARM LANDS Fhe Cj tyttinini ueetlt Fanners well as ftffhtesa. Two aiiUion thrae i buudrad aaia ot Oragoa aad Call-1 tomia sUi J outiuaux giant Uods Title revMtcd iu lrui(ad Sutts To be oueued lor bitnettaad and aaJe ' ontaining oine of tbe best laud lait iv. the t'uiud eliataa. Farga copy- Iiaktaa Ui.iU athn Wlsaer b. .Iltitli ftiiJ Ida . ' i l. ai . ! Jiu,tn rain, t rail, eltvaiiotia. lainpaaturc. etc.. by coantier Postpaid One Dollar (Jcant lands Locating Co , Boi. A10, Fort land, Oregon J-23-O-l SWEKT CXDKK Will u;ak iwi-; cidtl fol tbe pub Fortmiller Bros. Puosrsl Dirfloton Our Own Auto Hrtitc I-ady At. i. nut Botb Hbonei Matomc h' men. a September 18 until lurthe BJOticfl C K Wi.liuer. Albniv, Route 4. Home I h.'lie. 25 W l W. S6-H 6 KOR SM.l -Kre.h cows mii cl termt H. Brsant 114tt FOR SALE OR EXCHANOK A 10 million timber cUim io Douirlas countv for citv property or good farm linn Hme 1143 M For Rent FOR RKN'T rurnished room with privilege of kitchen Hell MS-R.30G We.t Third St. FORT RE-fT Fully equipped 'turliei shops and furnished h-uisc at rea sonable rental Tall O F. lunch counter. Bell J68-R i24-2 FOR RFN'T lflD acrei ..i land, will take work on place for rent, or will trade for small place near Albany Address Dan Stoekdi-ll. l-'.lnura. Ore s24-2H F'OR RKN'T Fiie-room modern bun galow at 941 F.ast Fifth St. Furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. Dan Johnston, First Na tional Bank Hid,- t21tf FOR- RFN'T Five-room cottage' partly furnished; one block east of hiyh school; also light housekeeping rooms. Inquire .133 South Jefferson or Home phone 41 2X. 25tf Miscellaneous LOST I'. F.. O. pin. Finder ple.i,- i return to Democrat otfice. s2b-2H LOSTA hunch of keys Return t i Democrat office. s2o-2t l VVAN'TFID Good, young, fresh Jer sey cow B F. Rorelle, BtU phone 436-Y. Home K-544. s2o-2X' MClC LESSON Mrs. Winmfml Worrell, teacher of piano and organ, will receive pupils after Oct Itt. Residence Studio 636 West Thir l St Bell phone 43H-Y. s27-o3 wii.son music STUDIO Opcaa for enrollment of pupils Siturdiy, September 22nd, at 10 a m. A. M. Sehmitt, Hunt Bldg. , liroadalbin. corner of Third. S-15-tf PRIVATE LESSONS re you han dicapped by poor writing or spell ing1 Lei me help you. No charge unless we get results. Mrs. Carrie S. M Henderson. 581-R S26-28 SUITS TO MEASL'Rh We make tuits to measure. Iricet low; fit guaranteed. W. F. Pfeiffer, West Firtt street. 19tf Our Future Depends NOT on what you Sl'KND to day, but on what you SAY I" ' Opportunity may kno. k a I your door but ONCK be pre pared to grasp it, by hacin money in this bank tt 4 per cent interest. Small account! welcomed. 4 per cent lutai Alleweo J. W. Gisick & Co. Hiinkcrs Albany, - Oregon ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill Work firm aad WW Shield. WK ARK I.OOKINO rOR MBN WHO CAN SILL Your wages are net limited Cams-Lie line of tnperior nurs ery ttosilt. Choice territory now pen. Secure our new contract al once ALBANY NURSERIES Itt National Bank Building Albany, Oregon 1 1 i are tbe Li-I and I niaAlnft touch In motor car equipment aim- lul. lv rurlill.ll to fllllr.t el.).iy- lurnl of motor I tig. Without Cordon Csiver. a new ur eiM.n s - a . , i.l iiti i- "i ii .i eat eatae twifct sea x Mi.1... , i saks ti .1, . ,i a i - ' r araxai i tmJtjos - i. knit ii... teat '"rtf" (.OUOON I 1st on Yf yj i mi. i us us fll .11 ll... .Ill ' rf h HmJ MM ai.t l .1 h a.1.. U.I. AJUI .. . Inn. l-t a 0.-41. uJ I RALSTON BLBXTRIC IUPPLY CO VIERECK'S BATHS Firtt-class Workmen Only Open from ?;J0 e. rn. to 7 p. m . Saturday 10 p. m. Cor. t it .1 and Ell.warth Mlrt. Ihaetag. ISc Hair Cut. 3ac liell V oi.,- 198-J Try ike Hotel Albany Itiirbcr Simp Tbree firtt-clats barber i Wc want yon snd your children Absolutely Antiseptic 110 Wett Second Street COMING! Dorothy Dalton in " THE FLAME of THE YUKON" Watch for Dnlca THE GLOBE East burn Bros. THE GROCERS Haadquarteri lor Prtrita and Vegetablei Home-made Sauer Kraut. Fan cy Dills, Sweet and Sauer Picklct. Regular prices of Flour; Hard wheat, patent. $2.90 -,k Valley Flour $2.65 ik We carry the best the mark.' affords. Eastburn Bros. You will tlwtv. get lb. HIiyMBal MvV K K. h I PKK E for your Cream. tnd Psultrv at the liuzelwood do. 128 West Second St. FAMILY ORDERS for Ice Cream FILLIS PROMPTLY THE ELITE Both phone vV. S. i Jim- dii. Prop. Public Auctions V9Ul TgfcMi nnme to be announced (A L. Steven.on. Corvalb. Tbe dates bsjlt w tie irsnsed by the following ; sf.i-tfmukh wth K Olenn, Nn Pilot lua Chmh OCTOHFK 1st Charley TbotppiOSa. east of Cor villit 2nd Peter Zeht. H. I'. 1). No. 1, Crib tree. 4th Harry Asbabr, 2 miles north Cor villit. Mh w ii Hsunphiy, ablahy fth S. L. Carr. Altea. If you want a dare. BfTrtt the tin lernigned l"r itsignment and other partirulirt. A. U STKVF.NSON. Auctioneer BUSINESS DIRECTORY Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan H. F MEKKILL Insurance. Loans, Surety Bonds Special attention given to ' are ol eroperty belongingto non-resident.. ejoni No 1. sceottd floor, PlritSov' inrs Ban! bnildinE, Albany. OrcflOfl PER CENT MORTGAGE IAN' long time, any amount, for good cultivated farmt Call on J. V Pipe, 303 W 2nd St. S-l-tf B. M. PAY.NK Farm lands ld city property for sale Real estate loans Fire insurance. Surety Bonds. Room. 19 21. Cuti;k Hlk . Albany. Oregon. J. V. PIPE Real Estate, Farmt and Ctty Pro perty. Fire Iruraranoe. Notary Pub lic S-l-tf PAINT NOW! Buy Paint And Brushes Prom Barker Hard ware Store 21 W. Pint St. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel HulMIng TBI HK.HT HA KI D GOODS (.ROGKRIES. PRODUCE nd FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sin ol Ouslily" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones The Children! Kye sight should he preserved and pro tected for them until they reach the ai;e of discretion! Often weaknesses of the eye can he cured during the formation period of child hood, by Wearing glasses of a proper nature to strengthen the muscles of the eye. I-vcry child should have the benefit of an examination be fore the lu'Pinninp of school. E. (-. MEADE, Optometrist hi .s I i faWUN'u M. a Ttri Sue Mrec kenridne, ,1J3 betond St Bell Phone 4S2-R. READ OUR WANT A US