m X .MM m . . raWastaSwaaaaaaawS., lnxiMNHHMHMMMMai Organs Wanted ALBANY Daily DEROClWt. THURSDAY, .KPTKMukk to, Iklr We arc in need of a few used organs and are in position to make you a very liberal allowance for your organ in ex change n a Victrola, Grafonola or a Brunswick Phonograph. Woodworth Drug Co. Jitney Scrviie j H A N Y Buth Phones r. 1 NATIONAL BANK I RRVI MY SAVINO '.v.rv dollar put into ana bank will shorten the war ami save lilt and aulfritni It u la she everyday crlisen that the government loo km j; in tale ariaia and it tight not to appeal in Tain. Save (or the govern ment that I La ft done fto much for you. roRl H SAVINGS BANK The Globe Ptember 21 vaiuu price8 $ . 50 1 1 50 IT HITS THE HIGH SPOTS OF HILARJTV m 9 1 I TMtMjttVCT rJ flP A CYCLONIC B A CYCLONIC MUSICAL FARCE ffy frank MtwW ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kindt of Mill Work Olagf and Wind I,,. I'. II I'lill'l'S Oradiutc of the Weltmar Irvtitutr Dfllf Um Healing C'hronli Nerv 'Illi I 'lug mill Female lir ivea '14 l.y n St Albany. Or Horn flume Ill Bell 164.R STETTER'S POI GROCERIES M) CROCKERY VIERECICS BATHS First-clo i Workmen Only Open from 7:10 a m. to 7 p rr, . Saturday 10 j. in tir.l -net till. worth Streets TBI iiKsr HAKKD GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKERS "The Sign of Ou:it)" lib I um St. Bolh Phones FAMILY ORDP.RS for Ice Cream FILLED PROMPTLY THE ELITE Both phoneft A S. Human, prop Yom wilt always get the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for your ream Kggs and Poultry at Ike Haulwood Co. I .""H Wear Second St Look the List Over If ynu ma Inteieatcd call an, I gat our prices WINDOW GI.AjS. A 1.1. IIZEI VARNISH, STAINS. ENAMELS PIIOKNIX PURE PAINTS SHKF.P DIP STOCK TONIC POULTRY FOOD and .1 new and up-to-date line of Wall Paper. WE BUY RIOHT well SK1.1. RIGHT. Burkhart & Lee Albany. Oregon Hotel Albany A1BAN1 i ta i iMr Sii Sloeiaa of Solid Comli i ALBANY'S FINFSl HOTH Try Our ' 0 Dinner I K. K. Weslbreok Prop. Fortmiller Bros. I um riil Directors. Our Own Aula Hearae Lady Assistsnt Both Phone Masonic Bldg. CITY NEWS A QUALITY STORK all the beatat lowest price. W.I.I. Repairing F. G. Will Shaving, 15c Hair Cut, 3Sc Hell Phone 198-J Try lae Hotel Ylbuny Barber Shop Three firat-laaa baaers We want you and your rhiidren Ahftolutely Antiseptic 110 We. i Second Street Real Estate 1 .oans & Insuranct- Collins & Taylor Albanv Holt) HuiMing Fishcr-Bradcn Undertakers Lady ussihtunt rVnto Hon ita tunic tf dttirpd MILLIONS of DOLLARS are l-ting saved - !' in sju'e of the "Hijth Cosi of LlrhsSj1 TbtM pDOfla ha.r lcarnri that S'uncthing CAN le saved weekly, ind a bank Recount helps .hem. Vh not try bttMhsg BSMll. account ' tatf Saving lie-.irtrnent? 4 per cent Interest Allowed J. W.Cusick 8 Co. Bankers AlbtOY, Oregon Kept 20 Year Promise When J 'J dice I. I. Swan conduct ed the funeral services at the gr-tv Of the late L. T. Berry of I.eriani.n, bf Ic-pt a proinur made to the d -MOJOsI 20 yean a-ro. I-our atit'doa! I of Albany Woodmen of the World at trndrd lh- funeral services. Vi-ited Mother Mrs. Chas Elgin of Salem retun- d honir yritrrday after vit:ting h' I mother, ft, S. Freerksen. Stopped in Albany Mrs Mar I'ringle of Ross. Cal. -nd Mrs Million of Santa RoR. Cal. i''pped "ff Albany yesterday iht if way t Portland While hrrr the;- partook of a pier.ic dinner with R K, Ohling and family in Bryant 1 ark. Return From Portland Mr and Mrs. Will M -nil, Mr, End Ward and children and Mi- Fannie Brenner returned list night i'rom P'':tland, w here th v viiu ! nds. They, aUo made a trip oji CctouuMt Highway. On Bu'tintftt Trip Wn ..i ic went ta Pw 4 Ihll tiKirm?! 00 iiness. Pi-Aenger to Salem E. E. Wieder v.a a pasenge- u Llem thiv ntorning Gcei to Corvallis ( ariton Logan - ent to Corvallii this morning on bi:ii.e. Sun Iniured irs. S. W. Copley ani rlr ct vrpt t. Toledo oday to it I Mr itt.ny's son. Rube.i, wh was injur d n the sawiti.U I that olaVC e trrda . Elks, Attention Members will meet at tike Elks I emple Friday, September 21. at o'clock, for the purpose of attending thc funeral of Bro. Henry Hector. TTlOSe who will furnish cars arc re quested to phone the secretary By order of E. R. Win. Parker. Secy Another Convict Escapes Harry McCleary. Igod 29. who wa sent to the penitentiary from Union county October 18. IV12, escape from the (Tegon State Penitmtiar last evening He was a trusty. Arrested Yesterday Joe E RStti 19 ears of age, who resides near Brownsville, wa. arrest- id yestrrday on a charge of contrib utiiig to the delinquency ot a minor, The girl is the daughter of J. P Tschudi. of near Brownsville. Evans is in jail prndiiifj t' e Grand Jury. H ia under $1,000 bail. New Teacher Arrives Barney Over field of Scran ton lYnnsy1vani.i. has arrived in town to leach mathematics in the Albany Irgh school, r'c t a graduate of thc I 'niversity ot" Pcnn Kania. H t.ikcs the place of Walter E. Wood who has gone to Ogden to teach Mr. Ovcrfield will coach the football team also. WB ARE LOOKING FOR MEN WHO CAN 1ELL Your wRges arc not limited. Complete line of superior nurs ery stuck Choice territory now open. Secure onr new contract at oace ALBANY NURSERIES 1st NationRl Bank Building Albany. Ortgon PATMTi X JT. R aV 1 -R j NOW! Buy Paint And Brushes Prom Barker Hard ware Store ?lfi W. Flrtrt St. lajuui RtPORT r r.e pricSM given in the IocrI quo ition arc those asked by the holesaler from the retailer for r utt and vegetables. All other ri tt I e those faid the produce i eo: retted diily " JM HAMII TONS' 5l Save Money h Buy the This eJantzen sweater is de signed espec ially foryounj fellows dt school or colleoe. T'.- JairalaVD !.j I,7iii;m TJ-TV !" fwaWlai flfi IWi-alten m ie r. IOg . i,Ur lv ,i,t Ait tHarf tave . . H H H z H Main Clothing Co. Rooatera, Broilers ... Seringa .. Ducks Geese Mc 16c ISc ll81Jc ( ) Don't neglect your great chance to huy needable and seasonable merchan dise at savings of consid erable money during the two days h Friday and Saturday Every "Blue Bird" is a rare bargain value. That's why we want you to buy and get your full quota at the big shoot on these two days here. Pork. ead . nd ;U--or Hogs 12c&16 l-2c Cows 4t5i5c Steers 57c Veal Hulls Ewes Lambs Yearling sheep 7c 4&5c 46c l : -J ib UZc 78c $49 I t HA I Grains Card of Thanks V ,U sire to gftprtfg our hckftfcll tli.uiK to tin- nrii;liliirs and IrieinN. and partK't'larly to memlicrs oi t 'i V. O, W.. iir their kindm-M gWafag our recent hrriavement. MRS. L. T ItKKKV Weather Report Yeterd;i tempcraturi- rsaaVgcd From 4i to si thigiiM, Rhrtf tatni I 1 (ect luenc Merchant Here F. K. Oitnn oi Dunn's Departnunt Store of !"m:i iic. was an llany vis itor ycflCldaur, $1.!, 70c .. $l .lu . no Wheat ats. new Itran Vetch seed Hay. cheat Hay, vetch - N $Jl Hay. timothy $2. Clover Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley . Sugar Butter Huttcrfat Creamery butter Country butter, trade 50-- Kggji -.id Poultrv Egits, cash - 39c Bgjsja, trade 40c Hens, lb - UrglSc PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Sept. 19. 1917. Blurstem. $200 Fortyfold, $1.98 Cluh. $1.96 Red Russian. $193 Oats, white No. 2 feed Barley, feed $48 Hay Willamette Timothy, fancy, $21 Vetch, ( ) Cheat. () Clover. $18 Vegetable otatoes, $1.75 Beans nominal. Small white, 15 l-2e large wMte, 15c: pink, II 3-4c; limas 15 l-2c; bayous. Ill -2c ; red. 12c. Livestock Prime steers. $91 $9 5. Hoits, belt live $17 75W$1785. Fancy cows, $6.75?$7.5n Calves. $7'T?$950 eep. valley yearlings. $in$in..-f. Spring lambs, $11.75'Stl2.50 Buttr, Eggs and Sugar Butter, City creamery, 44 l-2c Rutterfat. 48c Fggs. selected ex.. 40c. Sugar. $9 15 Live Poultry Hens. Plymouth Rocks 19 l-2'o20c. Broilers, 19'rT20c Turkeys, live. 19(T?2c Geese, live, 10s Pckin Ducks. 18fii2nc Wool. 16 valley cotswold best, 55c medium Shropshire. 60c Hons. '16 crop. 20(S21c: contracts. 3536c QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY . .. $20 .. $12 UOJO .. sut 49v ... 49c Taka UbleerpooEfal of 9Jta If hurts or Bladder bo thars Drink lots of watar. H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H Glassware Seven - piece Glassware Set. includes Covered Sugar Dish, Covered Butter Dish, Cream Pitcher, Pickle Dish, Spoon FTolder. 89c N X H H S H X N X H SB H X N Z H X N X H X H X H i H X ft X N X H X H S H X H Furniture Polish Calol Liquid Gloss, reg ular 50c size, one pint 29e 25c size, half pint . . 19c Some Blue Bird prices!! Groceries A Combination Offer H X H X H 5 H IWffiil1' wmm, jgEHSsaBH One three-pound can Royal Club Coffee $1.05 and one 16-oz. can G. A. Baking Powder H X H X H Free with every can of coffee purchased. This is not limited to the two days. CORN FLAKES If Quaker Brand fresh X toasted, three pack M ages 25c Attention! Bathers. Lawn Tennis and Base Bsll Players, bicycle and Motorcy cle Riders We can supply your wants Goods ol Quslity st the right price We als make keys, do locksmithing and all kinds of mechanical re pairing. Service is our hobby L. B. HIXSON JR. Bell Phono 165 R 129 Lyon St. Albany Oregon Wa arc a nation of meat eaters and oar blood is filled with urio acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard agaiaat kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating aeid, but lcone weak from the overwork; they cvt alumriah: the elinunative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and sou havs atinging pains in the back or the urine is eloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severs kraad aches. nervous and duly spells, sleeoleee ness. acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces ot Jad Salts, take a table poonful in a glass of water before LI .,Trw.T breakfast each morning and in a few WASHING POWDER . i , : , , . A aaftja ww dsVS vour sianrja wiu uii. i .n,. Mil. ia made from the aeid of ' rrarvs and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate dogged kidneys, to nrutralire the acida in urine so it no Uinger a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts ia inexpensive sod cannot iTiiiire; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink, aad nobody oan mak sK a mistake by taking a little iwoaaiooally i I , keep the kidneys clean aad active. X BITTER JJ Best Creamery Butter 1 95c H X s IN "Dew Drop" large park age, weight t h re e pounds HAMILTON'S 19c CHICHESTER SPILLS Wi ti!Ti nauitia. I J i.. ' tkisitr M eseadrr's IMitaem I'll I. Masai 1 I t.,.1.1 K.e, amlsl wtth h r RI I star alawr II - t Ml. Avslflill ND IIKM Values Worth While St N 31 X N st H X H X H X H X H X H S Km HAMILTON'S soid BrDW(rOiSistnmfaii(i