U. M 0 v BUOUNK tit$itttttt4tttm$ttttttntnmtitt THE WKATHKK Tonight a int linn iUy i- .11 ii J ALBANY DAILY DEMOCBAT Kitabliibad in IMS &Mt Ad.rrtnini Linn County ..... nniinniiiniiingmnnnnnnpp VOL. XXX ALBANY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEI'T 1?, No. 96. FRENCH GAIN ON WESTERN FRONT Third Lino ol German Defense Penetrated in Raid: British Repulso Germans BERLIN Ol AIMS HEAVY ENEMY LOSSES WO AMERICAN AVIATORS KILLED IN CALIFORNIA Machines Crashed Together in Air; Both Men Dead When They Reach Ground Kaisers Estimate of British Losses Greater Than Number of Troops Engaged sn Diego, Sept. U Bdwartf .Yalth it ( IjkUixl, I btOOOff iii Ati ill M Helen, i ilifonUai pii air. in tin I mlrU Milr Mgnaf Iltk Ml te killed in tiic llltikt "- tkmal Kviatioa m lion A inn u an itloi Virplamt piloted by t lie tWO MM i..!..l tugrlliri V' Hrt a - . - tlir arllt 1 . i ;. Ml til.- tui l into HMI '"'1 ' ell to tlir jffilUlnt. Hot It n il ir tb ad whrn thry rit ir lo.ed '"III "I'1 wm Iam. n inw mImUm ol the actios mi tmmtfliattly begun it i believed that in it In r .iv LltOf w I br other ap Pan, Srpt 1.' The Firnch pen ttated thr tblfd German delennei i 4 brilliant raid MM aWtnl Souplrt. it it oftuiatly BtatOd Hm ninny Uf" ton w 4 annihilated, Grtmant Kcpulacd I MOMVj MMl 12 OMtftl HtJfl 'r Mfttd ihr trpultr .il 1 1 m mnUblc OM man ittMM thu fitoriiitiK The en rinv .itt.Hfc.ru1 until i iurt "I si'denl barrage lot MsTMJm fir i attviMnhli pit German Qmm Ilritith HcAliuMrr. Srpt. 12 Srrkin filiation RM MM MM l.rm. the 1 MM stall vkMMti iImmm ol El Itlth Imim t the LeM MftiM afiralrr than KM a tual total MMMM. ( Hnluh OMMMbI thrie Th QtTWU tafl estimated the HniiV dead, wounded and missing at 3, ( It li it rrtainrd that 'rrttiun iMMfl Mfl double IM Kritiih. CITY NEWS I.t.vrs to Make HOMJ m Montana- John Sript. It V Jamrton, Ka Harper, Tom rnnit.in and familihr lilt yrstrrday tor Milrs City. Mont In makr their ("tuir home. Ml to Kecover Hdl and Ma-k a. ting at attorney for the plamtitt .today filed i ijitit tor Nam' M Gotland against H S Howard M MM HI prottiittnry nrte gtvm In ember X I"I7, at H per Tent interest Committeed to Asylum Mrs Marv I Walker Mi rstrr da adiudgrd tntam and a a taken t, the state hospital last evening hy Sheriff Hodine Thr MtHag OT iim. dy and rarr nf hl thihlren will he hrld Srpt 14. at 10 oYforw Judge Blnnhaun Cominf T itilftr Hinnham will hold roitrl Iit No. i?. of the ctrculi CMrt, tn ttiorrow at 0 n'rU l to In ar de Mifftfl and notion. I Milt Milter Here Hon M A Milh-r. I S CoOfrtOf fif !nlrrn:it rrvrniir, arrived tn the rity thi ifttrMVA. NEW CLASSIFIED pi i s l I OK F.XC1I NGE 1- :irrr .it MbaMy, imall bnildlngi climr in. iMealfcl Waul. lm'k talaiijf INOcmi .""i WO pw m.inlli Miuht rt bttttf for more aaf Iowa Mm $75 Can D4 I itMCt AlbUT. DrS S I.' If l'i K R l MT Roomi Doobtt it in lr, pHtiltgl "I Mtctttn f"r lirr.lk f f:nt. .mil laiimlri rimin Mr Clianrt " . Irr 123 IVrry. S 2-9 EWKS l-iili SALE toll .it 'i all i Sale. Friday, Sept 17 VWCf will lir ickncf'i Paw 14 S 12-14 AUTO HITS POLE; THREE INJURED Timber Cruisers Are Seriously Hurt When Reo Crashes into Pole Near Granger GUY LOVEGREN DANGEROUS LY BURNED AND BRUISED GERMANS OESIRE SEPARATE PEACE WITH U. S Kt.inr, Sept l! iermaiiy and Am u ni4) e k a epaiatt peace with lit- I'nitril Statra 1 he VotlCM informed and 1 rv, th.it im 'irtinan OMrnowai i , iiijt.. . tn hoM lar t He 4llir will . i.l ,1 (.. th- l:n;tn Siati v win. h ..tf ' 't '!" d the I andon com pact NO WHEAT FOR DOCKS SAY SPORTSMEN Portland and Valley Duck Hunters Will Conserve Food Supply Tltr .ji ol Our Lord 1917, will r a wlicitlr )car (or Wild Ihni,- Iiin lias Urn dtfutfltly drv ulrd l) ml iporUOMHi and it Ii aalklotMid tlut dm k huiitrr. in rcry .cclion or fc WnilHtll valley dl lake ainii jr aonoo With llir liottai!r of whrat thru tit tlir 1'ailtu NnltliArM .ilul llir rr-nu rratinn DOM ol (lour Ml. any kunteri Irlt that II mvai ' bow n- tjir t., thr iood MMMfvatioaUll and tMrir ow n pflvafcl tin oinct to fol , tiir aaaal cnoiooi .if loaftag t"r tly BOOd whrat to thr wild (owl "limnlnai and otlirr Iood fcitt i not nrd dv thr hnitian iaiinlv will replace thr more iapatlt lerc wimi MM ktW aotw Ml yrat itonr hy CAKES WILL DE SENT TO SOLOIERS Jam. Jelly and Eggs to Be Col lected tor Next Thursday Shipment ARGENTINE GIVES GER- Entiie Submarine Question Re opened; Unless .Germany Explains Break Assured l a. 4. a i HtlHOl Airei, Sept. Z The ' AffMOtiM futcigti office hand id l.uxherjjf, Gcrtnan ctuvrttj ( Ui DMiPOftJJ today. . .... ar Breaks Pole; Wires Cross on Power Line Forming Con tact With Fence and Auto ytU SAM" .IN.iisrlinlil fiirnitn'e Will Mil ill or anv Nit Call 71 either phone S 12-14 POR SAT.1- One 1I7 Pord tonrinn ear in (rood condition t all 71 eith er phone. S-t?-M va NTED tronn boy PeriMMil work Chanre for advancement, fn tptire MMiiMi S 1. hop. S-IJ-IH Ff"R S.M.F Hano, (fortd make, in Al condition ("all 50,1 V. Addrr Ifl F-ml Srcond. J K. Darin. ThnrtdftJ tomes iMM tomorrow ..lid it is htpe. that witli it will come .i L-..I..I MMlv 'f article of food for th, bOTi of the FiMh o, i'oatt Ar tiller Corns, who are -tationcd at It ("anby Tomorrow afternoon Mrs Nellie Myeri will iklp -i taffi mm ratt and nnkies, Any one who cares t -hip with Mtv Myers is invited brifM their modi tO her house, I0S I U1 Fir-t St . and leave 10 cents with Which lO help pay raprcss Sweet arc rea tly in demand anions thf mi it. and are urcatly relished aftet ttting plain foods for so Imu NtSl Thursday. Sept 30, another ihlpmcnl of jam and jelly will he tnadr In writing home last week af ter the shipment was received, one of thr hoys said thai "the jam was mighty weet, hut not as sweet as ihe ladies who sent it." Those de lirttf to send jars of jam and jetly will leave it with Mrs Myers. It har MM hern MgMMMO that I collection of cnrs he taken M for tin hoy. and Mrs Myers will also attend to thr collrction of that RTrat 1 de-ind article. There should be at least a case, o give the boys one eK each, and to ive them two. enouh for a meal, there should be two cas es. Three eases would do them for four meals. Gm I.ov t Krcti. chief t miser in thr Mieifi.li and t .ilifoinia t.ainl clai- ation. I fen. i'l iiKoie. cruiser, Lnitii PorUMltd; MUl Harry Wilder oi RoMbaM h.ol a MkffOO SKIM from It-ath iboM II o'chiik last when thnr ut ti i r ashed into a MlMMM and 1'iHrr wire pole nir inilfs wet ol here MM GfMMfl LOVMTM, ae-i aU.ut 45, is rr srr i.usl iniurrd th eb trie burns on both sidrs, hi ok . both hands and body, and tbCf injur ii at a direct result of ;r act idem He it in a danK'crous on dit ion Pcr.Kore. ay id IMMU 4' I suffering ffm the shock, burns on tlx hands and from bruttrs. but will bc nit of the hop:tal toda Wriurr ak;r. 2ft, rn eived tevrre flrsh bums ai d MM He will be in the hot- al for a few days. The thr re men wrre returning to hraduarters of the land tjrant MM" if it at ion crew in this city from a amp mar llorton. wrt of Corvallis, ti thr co-t MM of th- n MjMMI Writer was iirivinsr thr !). Fro A second CTMtlaf of thr raUroM track near Grander the car skidded m thr rails ,f thr difficult double nrve and ho( in a irixnl ureil tel pbOM MM straight ahrad The pOM u broken nearly in two and thr ar was drtnolisltrd. indi at in' that a hiirh ratr ot spn d w.is bctM MM the straiptht. smooth itTOtcb Irad .... I NM t' this piacr I BMMTM and Writer were tfcfMM MMNfl thr car. MMN PMWMM was iMMi over a MM and into a firld trvrral frrt away. So onr MMMMjd the accident and it is not MMI bow MMJ it w as brforr Fr MMffW nainrd onsiiousnrss Fmrirorr. upon MMMMJ b vrtl- ed. but hra-d only the jrroans of oveirren He trird to eo to him Int whrn hr touched thr 'urhed wir.- ce he was thrown tcj the ground and bodK burned by elrt tricitv When thr car hit the pole the telr phone w ires were torn loose and MMMtd of a 1 1 t volt power line, and the i'.inlintf ends came in contact with Ihe fetu'e. The wires UM touched the automobile. piam making an effort, Penecorr MM boartls from the fence and made a bridge ovr the charged wire. Up on reaching Loi MTM ht found Mi cb'lhing huruitiK, and it was witli dr fn ulty that he and AA' ii;cr w ere r tr acted frtni their dan err oils posi lions. A patsing car broupthi thr thrn liutnos Aire, Sept. 12 The Arg ntiM Kovernnient reopened thr en tri tabm&rinc cootrovrrty, hinting that an ultimatum BIMtMiOl a ft nan trak. QcrMM wdl bc asked to rrdrfinr hn tubmarmr potition Arvrrntine holds that if thrac arr satisfactory Berlin will be permitted to sn.d an- oth. r miaiitcr to MMM Airrs. Oth rrvMR Argentine will witlidraw her ii nisier from llrrlin. SENATE DEMANDS ALBANY SHOULD STAND BY ALBANY COLLEGE The Military Affairs Committee Scores Opponents of the Selective Draft HARWICH AMENDMENT WOULD WOULD MAKE U.S. A JOKE Senator Propose to Limit Act ivity of National Army to American Soil WOKEN WILL MEET AT ARMORY TONIGHT Organization Being Made to List Women for Work Done by Mnn The MJ MM meeting of women oi Um County will lie hrld in th- armory at 8 o'clock thi evening to btar ihe address ol Mr. Charles H Kasinrr of Hood River, and to cre ate ir.tnci in the stale-wide regts LfMSOti day for women on Sept. 15 It tlsOt M bs uuderstt that thr ItMtMjjg i open to t , ibttc and that nun as web U w. ire urged to le present Hut MMcitUy the vYO men art- wantrd, ajid evrrv w MMI who can do So i MMfJ to be oil hand. The following proftram will en: Song. "America"; Patriotic :iig. Pra.r. Mrs. Wallace H. Solo. Dr Kits en's "Recessional," H. B. CMrfctt; UMMMMj dress. sing Lee Mrs Mrs t'. H RMtMT, Statt Chairman Worm n't Commitlie. N'a- t'tmal Council of De!ensr; Sons. "Star Sp.mglrd 1'annrr." audience 1"he i-oinmittre on re-ristration will DM a'ter thr meetinff. Weather Kcport- 1 eiKperaturc i and 5. degrees, l L Washington. Srpt. 12 Critics of th slective draft are placing the nited States tn an extremely peril it position, thr Senate Military miti.ittec warned. The committer unanimously rccom cndid the rejection of the Harwick n "ii linen!, declaring that thc OMMMMtt w-ould disorganize the MVC the nation powerless and aka thr United States she world's UitKhing stock. The Harwick amend ment ould prevent sending con- MTifjMi to Europe. t larw ick is planning a v igorous fight for the amendment. Washington, Srpt. 12 The Sen ate passed the Chamlnrrlatn rrsolu- t on authorizing conscription of trimd'y aliens. The resolution pro- rMef t'u at all aliens of allied coun !rii will br drafted unless treaties ixiinpt them. The soldier insurance bill is ched ilrd to pass the House today. With College Ready for Open ing Dr. Lee Appeals for Strong Home Support J; Next Monday registration will gm for rctwrul otutiritt, in Al- !;anv Colleirr. 'lh:s will be continued 04 - J,-, so that regular recitations . - in Wednesday morning at d clock. K very thing it arranged to Ko ol: like clockwork, and the titty M ond car promises to open verjt auspiciously. The outlook for stu nts is very bright. Thr following faculty will bc in hargc: Wallace Howe Lee, Acting Preii- Knt; MUi Alice Clement, Graduate PaciTic L'nivcrsity Conservatory. Pu pil of Alocrto Jonas, Benin; Lucien Becker, University oi California. Director of Conservator;. . Piano, Ur- an( Harmony. Frank GcOTgC Prank- Im, LS L. Cornell Lni r,ity; Ph. 1 Univerait) ol Chicago Professor of istoiy and Political Science. Miss Berenice P. Hackleman, Albany Col lege Conservatory. Assistant In structor in Piano. W W. Hodge. A It . Rippon College: A. M.. Yale: A. MOSCOW IS LOYAL TO DEMOCRACY Troops Pledge Support to Ker- ensky; Korniloff Plans to Restore Empire v ... : ween 7 rier stands at New York, Sept 12 It is pcr-tst-eiitly nporud tMI American de tioycrs engaged in several battles. The New York Tunes prints a let ter declaring that inerjcan destroy its raided a submarine base, sinking l'i e. Another dcstroet it reported sunk M German warship "Clan Many details, evidently correct were given. men to CoftnlHl where they wrre MMM to tlir hospital. LOMlglM sf one of thr best known timber cruisers on the coast, and Pcnegorr is MM well-known man M that line o- businrss. im SAILORS WANTED FOR UNCLE SAM'S NAVY I i . Adams, in char :- ti the U S Navy recruiting station at Salem returned to that city this noon alter looking up recruits in this city. H .. that, contrary to reports that tin nil Ml full, that ocr men are still wanted for that branch of th - 1 V ICC. 1 lie maximum strength Ol the navy it present is 1(4,541) men. wh.le the 1 1. listed strength is 141, MO (Aug. It Machinists, cooks, bakers, musicianf arc principally wanted at present. I lie submarine sen :ce i particu I: rl short at presrtu anl many men are required to briM it up to full MreCutth. The pej in this branch oi the service is MMM. better than th. regular service. He regular navy otters COngCI i creation, work aiul chances lor Mil ancemcnt. The term of enlist ment is for tour years, or during the war Information may bc had at th local post office or by writing to th recruiting station at Salem. (X2 wmmtLittjmmm sr.; OATS SHIPPED FROM EAST SELL CHEA 1 It may sound unreasonable to state that oat can be shipped from Minue MMM and sold here cheaper than they can be bought from home grow irs. Yet. this is the case. M. OMMTi ami company has ju received two carloads of oats from M imietapohs, which he says cost h Uss than he can buy them for in th market here. The oats. however were MsfeOMtd several MMeM ago brftre thr raise in price and hav been in storage Alter paying 51U a ton freight, Mr. Senders says that ht is MM to sell for 2Jfl a ton less than the MMM buying price. BATTILION DRAWN BETWEEN RIVAL FACTIONS M. University ol WVconsin. Profes sor oi Lhemf.ry and thysics. .Miss Klizateth Irine. A. B., and A. M Muskingham College: University of Chicago Professor of English. Freer- rick C. Kent, A. B., University of Michigan ; University of Colorado Fxchangr Trachcr to Prussia. Pro- f w r of .Mathematics and Astron- niy. Wallace Howe Lee, LI,. D.. 1',, and A. M.( Williams; Um- erait) ot Calttornia. Proiessor ot Classic Languages. I. X. Madsen, B. S.. Coe College; A. M. University of i sra. Professor of Education. Corien- i uez Lockman, Voice, Public school Methods, Glee Club, and t horns. Miss Jane Mullenlmch, A B. University of Michigan; A. M iMreeveiey oi ChifMn . Berlin and Pnris Professor ol German. George H. YoMg, A. A. M.. B. D.. and I hi Beta Kappa. Colgate University Professor of Bible. Elbert D. Botts, ssistant. AHany C ollege :s receiving some l ard blows frtim those who ought to be i s frientls. Citizens arc sending their chil.ben away, when they can get just the same education at their home college. If these same citizens ear of MMM one purchasing goods iway :rom town, which thev carrv in their store, they are incensed. How .an we build up a tow n, when the c'tuens do not patronize their own initiations? Let all stand bv their borne town and send the young pro pie to Albany College. Then others are saving that the College is not going to run this year Of DCXI year. 1 here is no oettcr way ill any Institution than bv con tinoaliy spreading such false word Albany CottCfgC is here to stay will Si in operation, when all those croakers are in their graves. What is necessary to do is. to talk and act along the line of always keeping the home college at home and operating and then there will be more liklihood o: keeping what sTC have, and making : 'utter and larger. Patronize home industries. Be a Booster, not a kick rr. and evil prophet. Let all turn and say a good word fot Our Col lege, and MOM its way smootha patronage and tmanclial asststanc WALLACE H. LEE Fight Between Forces ot Dem ocracy and (he Empire Will Decide Russian Fate Petrotfrad, Sept. 12 Tcarkoe Sclo, where the czar formerly spent much ct ... time, is probably the scene of the lirtt battle between the rcuels and provisional government troops. tvorniloit is rapidly nearing Tcarkoe Sclo and a claah i momentarily expected. Ihe public's chief anxiety i cen tered aoout the food situation, ret rugrad food supply is severely depicted. I be provisional government issued a proclamation calling Kornilofl, L)e- itikinc, Litkomsky, Markuit and Kas hskoii traitors. Martial lav. hat been declared for the motcow district. Moscow Loyal Moscow, Sept. 12 Tiie Moscow garrison pledged complete fidelity to the provisional government and the municipal council issued a proclama- on demanding that all cities support Kerens ky. Propose New Empire London, Sept. 12 Kori .off plans to place the head of the Dolgorouki family on the Kutsian throne it is reported. Pledges of Support Petrograd, Sept. 12 The provision 1 government proclaimed a gener al state of martial law. Vice Premier Nekrasoff announced that all gener als on all :'ronts except the south- cstrrn. had pladged full allegiance and loyalty to the government. Loy al troops hold Pskoif, originally Kor niloff s headquarters. "SLACKER" SHIP IS CAPTURED BY U.S. NAVY San Diego, Sept. 12 The "Anvil", wuh alleged slackers and Germany agents aboard arrived this morning in charge of the Uuitsd States auth orities. A United States warship seized the Anvil as the vessel was making for the west coast of Mexico. Secret service men believe the An vil passengers may include those re sponsible for the Mare Island ex plosion. Another boat load of slack ers is reported at sea. Warships are chasing the craft. SCMITT IS MEMBER OF WAR LIBRARY COMMITTEE .J UN in c riDSJ C?B wnetcat LAJ":.v- ::jnr Blanch Sweet Returns to the Globe T oninht in "The Tides ol Bsrnegit" FRENCH UNABLE TO AGREE ON NEW CABINET Paris. Sept. 12 M. Painlevc, for mally reported that hr is unable to form a new cabinet. President Poin c.uc urged him to conttnue fit forts. W. A. EAST6UAN HAS PAINFUL ACCIDENT W. A. Fastburn met with I patn ul MjeJdent rarly this morning at his residence at Sixth and Jefferson streets. Mr. Fastburn was splitting wood in the basement of his home when a knot struck him on the right eyeball. Or. Fibs ami called and upon ex amination found that the wound was serious but that the prospects for saving his ryrsight are good. He is suffering a great dral of pain and was unable to attend to his usual duties M trie store today. Been Visiting Gladys McCourt Miss Gladys lones returned to her home in Jefferson this morning after visiting Miss Gladys McCourt. A. C. Schmitt this morning re ceived notification that he has been appointed by Governor Withycombe as a member of the War Library committee of the state of Oregon. The purpose of this committee is to supply reading matter for mem bers of the army and navy and the organization expects to raise five cents per capita in every incorporat ed city or town in the state. Return from Portland Wm. Pollack and wife returned yesterday from a trip to Portland. Leaves on Vacation A. C. Schmitt and son Lawrence, left this noon in a roaodter on a trip In American Lake and other points in Washington. They will then motor through Eastern Oregon and expect to visit Wasro, Prineville. Klamath Falls, and Crater Lake, going as far as the California line before return ing to Albany.