I - I THif LEATHER I Tonight mJ Saturday Fair I ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT h.tabli.hed in 1865 Km Advertiiini M I, inn "nni' VOU XXK ALBANY, LINN COUNTY. OUOUN. MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1917. No. 12. ALLIES BIG DRIVE STILL CONTINUES Three Great Offensives Are Progress Against the Cen tral Power Today in LBANY MUST PREPARE FOR 1918 G.JLR. MEETING City Mutt Sustain Confidence Shown In 2 to 1 Majority at Forest Grove ITALIANS CAPTURED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND MEN Ninety Square Mites ot Austrian Territory Lost as Result of Italian Drive London, Aug S . Thrrr great all -ir, uflrmivri tailed the tier man line on thrrr (mitta today. The Hut iah and Krriuli re. tuned thru offens ive and Italy i otifinumg her dnvr gaiui (hr Austrian. The Italians . ..'lured " thr wrrl, iMltrty 'nafr ttiilr e of trrntory. twcii s In r thousand ; rmnirri, a targe Horr ol v i 1 a .1 munition and in Muled itttrnd'Mi casualties estimat td at foil Bw thousand. Thr I'rrnrh Wt office rrporlrd thr niot vWMI COWMI attacki faitrd t force thr Lrriuh to relinquish thr ground gaiiwd trrda at Vrrdun German attack elsewhere (ailed. RI6HTS OF MARRIED MEN CHAMPIONED IN SENATE Washington., ,Vug. 27. Fearing that thr Mtltlltll1 insurance hill will hr rrganicd iti wcirnt gTound lor nullifying dependency claim, a Con gressional fight in developing to pre serve thr rights ( married men. The I'rovott Marshal General of" five hdd (hat the insurance law weaken thr dependent y of exemp tion claim Senator Week's announced that he would attrmpt to amend thr inur ance hill, o it would not affect de I emlni. y -aim v In connection with thr preparation t entertaining the 1918 oaaiott of thr Drpattinrnt of 1 Oregon Lruamp tneiit, Grand Artuy of thr Krpublir, he held in Alhany, the matter ol i gam ing a Woman' Helief Corp in Alhany, ha heen -drought up heforr Mcl'herson Post, No 5, G, A. R,, and air Oak Circle, No. I, Ladies uf the A. R After full discussion heforc both or gamration the unanamoua opinion of each waa that it was not expedient to organize a Corp and Mcllierton ot a, the final arbiter ao decidrd at it meeting latt Saturday. The at teirtiop of the Toil wai called to the action of the late meeting of the Na lonal Kncampiuent G. II Hah, tl - Ma . that fixed the place of meeting I01B at Portland, Oregon. Om otr majority won it over t- lantic City. W hen Albany won the Department ncampmrni for 1918, at Forest la une by nearly 2 t 1 vote over Port- am!, the victory was all the more marked berauve Portland's champions lamird it would greatly hrlp to sr- curr the National Encampment if the Department Fncampment were held in Portland. It is in thr province ol the Conn , of Adm i lustration, Oregon De- artment to change the meeting place o Portland Some comrade of Mc- hrrmon Pot frarrd it would be done. Thr writer thinks not, as the ma jority vote wa o deceive for Al- any. The matter largely rest with the rople of Alhany, and a proper tsV thtistasm MOI BO dubt bring the En campment 0 our fair city Nearly 1(100 were registered at Forest Grove. about equally divided as to sex. A word tn the wise is sufficient. C. ft WALKER Bell Man Her W (i. Thrall. DivMofl Traiiir Su pervisor, and B F F.wera, District Traffic CMtf of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Company, are in Albany on an impection trip. NEW CLASSIFIED FOR SALS -J Hortet, rt .( ttoaMi harness, liutti win. B. J. Ricka haugh. M "' Kadroad A-27-J9 FOR SAI.K 25 like young cwn and one buck . Pair of fine ifrivcri 6 ami 7 yrars old Will aril or trade for a heavy team. One standard brrd and reentered. They are half liners and well matched, with pirn ty of speed inquire of T. W. liar per, Sunrise AiUI Home phone IJMJ. A-27-29 D4W- FOK SAI.K I IK KKNT IJO acre, of river hottom complete set machin ery and stock. Will tell stock to renter or purchaser. Hell phone 22-F-I2 evenings. A-27S-I I).W WANTED I'.lderly woman for com panion for old lady and to do light housrwnrk for family of two. Ad Jtmmam Vtr. lull Urn. haw. K 5 A-27; S I WANTKO -Four rooms or small hcnise close in ("all 1WII phone 41.1 I ,.r 11 'Hit I'errv St A -27-21 I fIR Rl' N'T -265 acres veil miprov ed Ml rods nf station most all farm land fine soil Price $Jt I.. II. Morse, llrownsville, tire A-37-29 MS acrr. Ron. WAjNTSD -I'resh cow, wanted for their keep jurlUg the winter. Phone Hell I7-I' 21 -27 n TO I. FT OUT A ysmnK Jersey hull On shares. Home phone 7.154. K. ' Goff. A-27-20 Notice to Hopnickif llopplckinft will start at the J. W Seaw yard. Corvallis. Seut. 5. Can use a few more nickers. Write W. I Butter, CotTlllf. A-27-S1 GERMANY PLANNED WAR ON AMERICA Evidence in Hands of State Department Showing that Invasion Was Plan ATTACK WAS TO FOLLOW DEFEAT OF ALLIES Definite Proof Secured by Gov ernment; Japan Was Asked to Help the Germans Washington. Aug. 27 The state U-partment announced that evidence owinx that (irrinany planned a war against the United Matrs attrr nc- fcatitiK l'rancr .nnl Fngland Secre tary Landing relurJ to .: pecitic videiKC. It i belired the evnlen e showed ermaity war plan-, on the n.r -J State weir brought here by 'ieraid tcrard frequmtly said that thr Tcu had eye on I'liftcd Stale Lord Kobert Cecil is claimed to have defi- late proof. Vast amount of data show ing a net f intrigue by the Kaicr agents in mrrica ha hern filrd away by the latc department, including Zimmcr n-an's attrmpt to persuade Mcxic nd Japan to fight the Unitetd State ALBANY OFFICERS LEAVE THIS AFTERNOON lieutenants Frank Powell, l.ee Bennett and K U Stellmacher left on I ) .105 train this afternoon for American Ijke. wherr they ill l stationed until the orders are received endinu them to the fiithting line in France. A lartfe numher of their friemls and relatives were at the station to ish them good luck and higher hon rs at the hands of the government 1 (9 CITY NEWS Grand ludr Meet The l.inn Countv Grand Judy for the September term of the (. ircuii roiirt met in the court house this irninir Several witnesses were ex amined Following are members oi the jury: S S. Gilbert. K. S. Hargar, II P. Raines, llarrv F Xfiillen. E. K riinimings. W. C Dowlin. Peter U I'orge. Hi it White, a former resident of Alhany, was renewing old friends in Alhany Saturday. r es Admiral Austin M. Knight. W.C.T.U. WILL MEET AT BLAINE HOME TUESDAY T he regular meeting ol ihc W. C. , V. will be in the form of a 10- cent social for the benefit of the com ing state convention, and will be held tomorrow afternoon. 2:30 at the home f Mr. I K. Hlain. Kverybody wel- nme and the ladies are requested to ring their Red Cross work (Mr H. Davis will Optofe 00 "Influence of War on Prohibition in ForeiKn Countriea." HOME OEFENSE LEAGUE DRILLS AGAIN T0NI6HT Tangent Organizes League and Ladles Taks Active Part in Drill The Home Defense League will drill in the armory again tlni even ing at 8 o'clock, and every member is urged to be present. Captain Hat lack states that while a fair-sirl platoon has appeared each drill nigh. that at least tv be as many should re port. Those who have not yet drilled, but who are expectiug to later on, ihoold get in now and lOVi a lot of wor- I cing repeated. Several Tangent men will be down again tonight to take part in thr drill Tangent League Organized Saturday evening Captain W G Hallack, Drill Master W. L ItOrks, Sheriff D. H. Bodine and Kd Wash burn went to Tangent and isolated in organizing a Defence League a that place. Thirty-five were pretefll and al! took an active interest in thr work. Twenty-two took thr oath Off 1 ei will le elected at thr ocsl DWOtfasg. Light ladiefl drtlLd with the men and are doing fine work. f SMOKE CLOUDS WILL PROTECT 0. S. SHIPS All Vessels Will Be Equipped With Smoke Producers! to Conceal Them from Subs RUSSIAN POLICY Guns of the Old Regime WHI Be Turned Against Foes of the New Democracy KERENSKY ISSUES WARN ING TO HIS OPPONENTS Washington, A us?. 27. Thousand nf smoke producers will protect thi American ships now being mole After October first n,o ship of any scrtption may sail from an Ameri can jort unless'so nitiipjied and point J by a system camouflage. Bocfc ship will carry a smoke fun nel and twelve smoke producers. The mokr producers are thrown into rsK ater when the submarine ipptPOQCh s and instantly throws off gi ea loud of heavy smoke and hides the ship. SILETZ TIMBER RESERVE TO BE SOLD SEPT 25 The Secrelary of the Interior ha approved regulations for the sale at the UojtOd States Land Office, at Pot tlanl. Oregon, beginning at 10 clock, a. m.. on September 25. 1917. d the live sections of timber lands 0 InCh w-ere reserved by treaty with the Siletz Indian. The laud includ ed in this timber reserve are in Sec tions 8, 17. lf. T. Q S. R. 9 W.: in Sections 20. 21. T. 8 S.. R. 10 V.: Section 5. 6. T. 10 S. K. 0 V . and all of Section , T. 9 S . R. 1! V., tal of 39934 acres. These lands were cruised by I gov eminent cruiser, who estimated the amount of timber thereon, making nl- iwance for defective timber. Tl cruiser found thereon lIWSMfMMl feet. For the purpose of sale, a tnin imum price was placed on the tim her of $1 per thousand feet for fir and spruce am! 50 cents per thousand feet for cedar and hemlock, and th minimum price of the land OfOI fixed at $1.25 per acre. At said prices, th aluatinn of the timber to be offered ir sale is $146,540. and of the land 4,074 44. a IO of $150.614 44. Pur chasers are remiired to pay at lea one-third down. These lands are sit uated in Lincoln county. Oregon, and the report of the logging chances are favorable. Additional information mav he obtained from the V S. Land ofi'tce at Portland. Oregon. MORE NE6R0 TROOPS SENT TO HOUSTON Houston. Aug. 27 More negro troops will he sent here despite the noting last week. Major General Bell announced. President Wilson Sends Cable to Conference Expressing Confidence in Democracy fcttO0.tw.0ft i a i, Washington, Aug. 27. hx- I OfOOOMOJ confidence in the ulti- 5 ' mate triumph oi democracy, ii President Wil-on today cab- ! led a OaOOOBOJi to the National Russian assembly at Moscow. ) .) d 3 S S 3 i 3 Moscow, Aug. 27. Rutaia will maintain her democracy at all costs. She intend to use the weapon. the old regime against those wish ing t-c old autocracy to overthrow the republic. This declaration of Premier Kcrensky is o: outstanding tnportancc at the all-Russian comer nee. lie insisted tbof the new- nation i Ooolooj through a period of moral 'anger and warned the enemies with- H e government that henceforth would be implacable in pursuin nd crushing with blood and iron all attempts against the people's power msky's speech was wildly cheer ed. The issue is tightly draw n between free democracy as against constricted eactiunalism. RUSSIAN TROOPS RECAP TURE STRONG POSITIONS INCOLN COUNTY JUD6E DIES IN MOTOR CAR Details Of the death of John Frank i Stewart, prominent attorney of loledo. Lincoln county, were receiv ed here bail night, the body having been brought 75 miles over mountain roads. Stewart was attempting to drive his motor car up a sharp grade in tht McKcnic Pass when he was sudden ly stricken. Mrs. Stewart and three children, ages from 5 to 8 years, were I the car The accident occurred bout 10 a. m. H. P. Hocy, conslruction engine of the Sonthem PaoiuC, motoring through the mountain. WM iirst t reach the griei-stricken tainily stard ing beide the lileless hot. v. Mr. I loc rought them to McKenzie Uri- nd arrangement were nunle to take them On to Kugcne. Mr. Stew art was on vacation an.! v.as taking Ml lamily to Lastern Ore gon and Idaho. rhe body passed through Albau early this morning. STEAMSHIPS COLLIDE IN ALASKAN WATERS Seattle, Aug. ZI. the steamsm; lefterson" ol the Alaska Steam -hip Company, collided with the Canadian Pacific steamer "Princess May" SvOJMOO Hay near Cone Island Southeastern Alaskan waters this morning, according to a wireless from Captain NoftV Oetali are lacking The Jefferson carried a poilCPg list of se enty-five. Visiting Relative Mr. and Mrs. CovctI of Cherokee Iowa, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. I. A. Knapp. Mrs. Covell ,nd Mrs. Knapp aro sister and hot! formerly resided in Iowa. The Co ells arc en route to Yamhill county where thev have purchased a fine farm and expect to locate. Petrograd, Aug. 27. Russian troops on the Roumanian front northeast of Sovcia recaptured a height which Teutonic assaults first forced them to relinquish it is officially stated. The Russian fleet in the Black Sea estroyed eleven motor boats and seven feluccas. MRS. LYDIA LARGE DIED HERE SATURDAY NI6HT Pioneer Scio Resident Passes Away at Home of Daughter Mrs. Hackelman Mrs. Lydia Large died Saturday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Virgil Mackleman. She wa 72 year old. Mr. Large, whose horn? as at Scio, came to Albany a week igo to visit her daughter. Her death came after a short illness. Born in Loami, Illinois, Mrs. Large Ihed near that place until 1873, when she crossed the plains with her hus band, settling at Scio, where they lived until the time of their deaths. She was married to Thomas Large. Knoxville, Tenn., 55 years ago Mr. Large died in March, 1916. FoJr daughters and two sons mourn the death of their mother. They are Mrs. Tirvah Campbell of Loami, 111.: Mrs. Frank Tharp of Tangent; Thom as Large. 5cio. Mrs. W. D. Hoeye Mosier, Glen I-arge, Brownsville, and Mrs Virgil Mackleman. Albany. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Nancy Bil- yeu of Scio, and two brothers in the Last. The body was taken to the Fortmil lcr Funeral Chapel, where it will lie in state.ncamcC&zuOTiSrlN'aSHSHS nntil the arrival of Mrs. Camptell from Illinoiv The funeral will be he! from the Federated Church, Scio. Rev. H. B. Ilcr. conducting the ser vices. Burial will take place in the Masonic Cemetery. Mrs. Large was a life-long mem her oi the Christian church. FOREST FIRES Supervisor Hall States that All Blazes in Forest Ar Corralled MT. JEFFERSON FIRE THREATENED MUCH TIMBER BI6 APPROPRIATION ASKED FOR DESTROYERS Washington, Aug. 27. A new ap :ro;ri.t':on of $35.000.000 tor de stroyers will be asked this week by Secretary Daniels. Special plants will be built for de stroyer construction, Daniels said. He declined to say how many destroyer will be constructed. HAS FINE PROGRAM CLASH ON WEALTH CON SCRIPTION IS SERIOUS Washington. Aug. 27. Wealth con scriptionists blocked the efforts tt hasten action on the revenue bill and the new cloture rule may be used. The circulation of a petition has been started. Johnson and Borah are vigorous! ppOOOd the cloture. One of the best Grange meetings of the year was held Saturday even ing at Grand Pr..irie Grange No. 10. L. Snow. Master, in the chair. The evening was mainly de.otej to a pro gram under the leadership of Lcctur- F. M. Mitchell Mr. Mitchell sang solo, "The Wonderful City", Mrs. GfOCC LoSolle, accompanying Ofl the piano. C. II. Walker. Acting Chap lain, sang "Rosalie. The Prairie Flower," a popular song 50 years ago, I wo instrumental selections rcn rcd Iv Mrs. I .i Salle and Mis Martha Killis of Portland, who is vis iting at the home ot Mr. and M rs. Ed Holloway, were warmly ap plauded. The subjects discus-ed were "The Dairy, the Hope of the Small Farm," by C. L. Shaw, leader, and others 'Feeding the Dairy Herd," by Les He Cade; "The Construction and the Filling of the Silo." by Fd Holloway In the last subject Thomas Fro man advised against putting vegeta tion in the ilo when too green. Ma terial placed in the silo too green i apt to sour and not !c palatable to the stock. Many old time ongs were sum: by an improvised Grange choir. Ice cream and cake were the re freshments served, which were grcat q enjoyed on the warm evening. Several interesting subjects were assigned for Saturday e ening. Sept. 22, at which time County School Su r -erinterdent I. M. Ot turnings is to be present. BARUCH APPOINTED ASSIS TANT P0RCHASIN6 A6EN Washington. Aug. 27. Alexander Leege, General Manager of the Inter national Harvester company, has ap pointed as his assistant, B. X. Bar tich, in purchasing war materials Directors of steel and copper will be appointed under Leege. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bilyeu went to Dallas yesterday for a short visit with relatives. McDowell's Return Mr. and Mrs. I A McDowell have returned from an outing at Cascadia. a Clinrdinst Captain Jos.ph Siratiaa. L Most of Fires Said to be Due to Carelessness of Camper in Leaving Fires The iorcst fire situation ia very much bttttr today. Forest Super ior C. C. Hall went to Detioi: thia morning to direct the sctivitie. of the lire fighters in that vicinity, but he- ore he started he stated that he waa ol the opinion that practically all of the fires were under control. The fire on Mt. Jefferson is the largest burning at this time, it has destroyed about 200,(XI0 feet of tim ber, but has been confined to snow .brush and smaller growths most of the time. Unless the wind changes and blows from the opposite direc tion it safely in hand. Twenty-five men have been lighting this blaze. Mr. Hall's trip to Detroit this morning was primarily to look after the fire which broke out yesterday on White Water creek, 15 miles east oi Detroit. This plare has burned ver a patch of green timber covering two acres, and unless checked it threatens a fine body of timber. The Duffy Lake fire is under con trol, as are one or two fires near the Big Meadows. The fire at the Pyra mids has not been located, but it is thought that it is a single tree which was set afire by lightning. There is a fire burning at Quartz- ville, but this, too, has been brought under the control of the fighters. A hig fire has been reported near Gates which is outside of the San- iam Forest and out of the jurisdic- on of the forest service. Reports were lacking on this fire, but it is thought that tiie men are equal to confining it W Mr. Hall was to have telephoned to the local office if more serious con ditions prevailed, but up to 3 o'clock no call had been received, which indi cated that all is well in the forest. As any men as are needed seem to be on hand. The firemen receive 45 cents an hour for their work. Mr Hall is of the opinion that the fires started in Linn county have not been the work of incendiarism, but of lightning in one or two cases and of careless campers in the others. The fire on Mt. Jefferson was discovered to be the result of a camper ieaving a burning fire. Thte fire at Berlin is reported to le burning fiercely this afternoon. Parties visiting the scene yesterday said that the blaze was extremely menacing and that a large amount of damage was being done. Rerr Bowersox returned from to ward the Alsea district yesterday and said that the fire warden would not permit him to cross the mountain on ccount of the danger of being pen ned in by the fire. The fire on Alsea Mountain was said to be a bad one. ONE THOUSAND AMERI CAN 006S FOR WAR Washington, Aug. 27. Secrelary of War Baker approved of the bill in cepting a gift of one thousand dog for service abroad. The Unitted States will send a regiment of dogs to France. U.S. DRIFTING TOWARD PAGANISM SAYS COMMITTEE Kansas City. Aug. 27. The United States is rapidly drifting toward Pag anism with all of the accompanying vices, according to a report of tka morals committee, of the American Confederation ol Catholic societies.