V ALBANY DMLY DaVMOCHAT, WEDNESDAY, AUO 22, 1917. PAOK THRU Woodworks Poison Oak Remedy Our ftpplkallnn M til fi rv . nt ami ofl bOtlli uir oiy BAM "' pOtMl MM Mitt I mi k if nut MtllfacfDfy Sufriy (im Kp 4 bottfc m ii ni'i ''hi I Ui.i Urmr'l) i lift l.t r IIU Woodworth Drug Co, Jtlnry Service FOR CITIZEN SOLDIERS This COttTM ol thirty dtiily lesson it uffeird to MM lilCt1 lor n sue ill the National Awry at a pf( lull help m Krt'tr.jT, " tt led m the i cht way It I ifonnftl in tone an 1 dor nut attrmj t to t .vr hhttfm tul n thrctmn. These air iontainrl in the van H n tMMli ni iruli ton of the Urit t State Army, g w hi h t i m Course ti merely inti" due toiy I rrririm I fMOttl I Your . -.1 t Honor . Mjlnif G I 4 4 Sulitirr 4 Ottttef Hrady i'lmp 5 l;ttst lUv !ti GlMf. U t Irjiiln r ii- i amp 7 Ymr llralih. MmMmj ia4 ' ol ft rl I r.ttit Miri ut m.irtn tntty Bftf net m ith him su : li irnt fond, cloth iutt, shelter. Dlttting inBH .nid IMM n it in ttfcl ti of himself for a hort triod i ii u.r hr 'muld bi rp aratrd from Ins COWtMMy The tot.il sriht of hi loftd, in al Ittion to tht (tot lid hr r.u. o t, 71 poutidi The numhrr of article t tin iriiit - I) ttt Tlir ifg 0 devised, how rvrr, that hv inurttn.us method oi I icfciafl -oid .ti1t.i-.tini: thrv an all he rarrnd with llM lrat possiMr ef fort. Yon are personalis- rrspotis Mr 'or ..II the arm clothing, and pptltt it ued to yon Thr Inlxd loMfff Verps track of tlirm H know Named U te ll, at atl limr wlnti nri) one of hi Mrli.ntfiiitfft ik to ir found. You ar Ircajttirtd to keep thru, in Koid BOM IttftlOsl In HM rfii nrnl nth r arti ' lr, thrv in.) l lMJd 'o 'ii, l'ir th ir MfcHM m th.it CMM will Ml dnlnrt j U iron i nr nest pay You will let riv e on r iilutmriit an 1 .imple kiipi'l v oi i ! 1. . u, . in ludin tot only irr uniform, hut extra t hoes, shiti and underctotlirs. and ck You ma) not hr ahlr alwav to keep fOttt clothiiitf tpottr1 .Iran Hut when H leromr dirty or potted laVr thr HrM opportunity t lean it i horoimhly Ymr Inii h mint hr tlraurd and . ; olnhr.l Yfl iliOW. hoidd he care fully dfisd rtny men frripirntty i dry their khor duniiK the mtch h hlHlH 4 frw handful ol' dr v, clean prMdry hratm them in a meat can I M krtttr until they arr vrry hot, and fhtra ptaris thrm in thr hor. So ' t..- .i .thr fichhlc arr hot nioe thrm iboftf tti v in ,i whilr !.y hak;m; thr hoe Take earr not to heat thr pelddeji 10 hot that the timet will hr n orchrd tn urnrral. re to it that at! your clothing ll a neat and lean at pot I tit h at all timet Mrnd rip and ew on '.tittont without drlav Thi ill i add to ur ontfort a rl a ap p .ir mrr - .i yoof 1 it Mfoaht Don't a( fxt thr "kiuart atrk" t y le of filtn k the hat Krp all MMI4MM fa -teiir t Hove your trot.arrt and ! tf. ft pt oprrly l.i rd Keep yourtrll elf .-ii thavrd "arry yoiirtrlf like a oldlt r Hat in mind that lUrrr t a trndeu i y in amp htr for men to DMOJM BofTolfMfl tad untidy You mint u i very Inraflt to countrraj t thlt ten dency Pof tin MfpOM the ciiitorut -ml rtSttbtlOM of thr Army empti.i tir thr nr entity for MtftOMl tn a' lit and i If a n 1 1 ll J'hr oid tol difff keep elOfM walth on hiruirlf. K i extra ilolhuiK a loMlcf .ii in a Manl.rt, a rulttxr pom lio, 4 MnlMll. I VMM Ut inclii'liiiK me.'t .in, knile, fork, and kpoon, a i up, to! irt attn h i, a firtt aid pat kaxe, an l v.nir minor hrtonK'nKt. "nc of 0M MOM iite ful piotM ii nr half ol a thrltrr tent, witti i op. and puik The kto Iter tent it haul to hr a I rtruh invention wiinh wa in Irodocod lat the Amrrnan Army du-iriK the CMI War. In thr Arm. it i often t ailed a "dog tent," evi dently hr ante of itk thape and tnia,!! MM I mi men can coiuhirie (licit Ii.. he .mil ke up a tlirlter trnt in a ! N minute Whilr it can not b di i nhed at roomy, it it jut what it i jim implirt, a "khrltrr 'from wia: i d rain It it Mod only in lOaWpOfW) amp. Your ihirf fitflitmK lOOjl "ill f'e I tiilr, .i laouet in a tcahl-ard, a art tfldgi ,MI'. and an intrenci in ikI Other virapotl or delentet Herded ll; BlOdC fit art are Hill bi teierrcd to l.t n r Pq not, umlct any circumtftn tci loot track of thrtt article while n lield dut). So lOMJ at you pOOBoM tliem, )ou are an tnttid toldu r cap a lle of drtrndiiiK our keif and of i trfomiing effects e lorvico. With out I MM you are for all Mottles! ;ur ; os. bilplOMi iH courtr, thi state ffjoMt dor not apply to UMM nacn who arr armed in MM other wfty. Huh a thokr who arc kcrvtri artil ! t y or mat hine gun. IllC Mtle i the koldier'k CMWOp trtend. Hit fir t thouglit thoiild tic o . ltd N and care for it above all UU ithrr MMMM He expeett tt to lOMJ tare of him in emergent' icft In i rdiu.iry timet he mutt take are o: it. In taring for a rule it it especially important to keep the bOti clean In 10 doiMJ I"' Mfi to avoid injuring the ilt lu ale r tiling which caue t lie hul h t to kpiu at it it forced out anil thut greatly increaek the MCMMty tn fir ing Never put away a rule that ho I 1 1 ii Hrtd or exjiotrd to had weather w it!: out first cleaning :t Never lay a rttlr ilat on the ground. Rett it -ccurcly again! something In lower ing the rifle to the ground, wiiether di ring drilling or at any other tune. ke that it louche the ground gently. Don't pity with your rifle A rifle or revolt er. w hrther loaded or tin hade1, thotild never he pointed at a i erton unle ton fully intend to thnot that prrton. if ncceary. XHZHXHZHXNXHX H H X H X H X H X H X N X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X N X H X H X H X H X s M Ll X ' Mil v ;mip HXHXHXHXHXHXM HXHXHXHXHXHXH X H HAMILTON Warner Corsets Actually Rustproof the performance of your duty. When a firearm i, put into your hand ) on re intruttrd ith a grrat rtipOMlbtl il for itt proper ute. uyhod) in normal phytical comU MM can Uaru to he a good hol. 'J wo of the ino-t impoi taut pOMtl to re mrmher are to take a deep breath jutt I efore completing your aim to that )ou hold the riile wUk MfMCfl ttradi t etk, and to k'jueee the triggr r to tliat Hi guii wi'lT Ml bi irrked fffOM Ik aim at the MMM of fir ing When ou hecomc an expert mark man provided oti have alto th' urage winch pet mitt you to fc in cool and COfliCtid on the hat lie firh you will MVC added M menry to your value at a citieu tol mer 1 tie kiinplr ta t t at you oual ify at a marktman will give you more M f COOfldiBCj and mH ontrol. 'J'hr amount of ammunition w hn h in -turriran iniantryman i arrte into I .dtle it -iuall) J3 roaada. In an a'- . am ed firing potitioti. w here it i Iii'ficult to hring up rrtrrvet of am munition, it it necrary to hr econ- i I Hrar t' - in mr d dunrig your target practice and learn to make ti :) ltit t otint. In inodrri warf.nrr thr intrrnchin; not it an ettrntial part of the your t ght ing equipment Thr eiht nun m raeh ttpud carry MM K toolt: 4 hovels 2 pick mattock. I polo or hand axr. and 1 wire cutter. In or dinary toil you can 'pinkly throw up a thai tow trench w hich w ;II pro ten ) ou to a great extent from the rn- my't fre. After a trench hat onc rrn started, it can he deepened W ' extended, ren in the nCi of thr en- iny , w ithout thr vddirr rxpoting himself to direct fire Don't look on practice in digjfin trem hrt at if it were drudk'erv. Skill : teeking and making cover from thr neniy't fire it far from being a tign MMM on the toldier't part Kathrr it is a iign of thr drtermina tion and courage that mark I really rffieient fighting force. Thr day ha ne by when neither officert or men ?re expected to ttand out in the open. They should ute every effective meth od of srlf-protrction to long as it help, to gain ground and defeat Mi enemy. . to CITY NEWS t i re model for every figure Now on display and sale in our corset department. A Warner will instantly appeal to women who like to feel their figure is properly corseted. I he new models carry out the straight Tall lines. Figure Revealing lines Warner Corsets are priced from SI. 00 to $3.50 Warner's ("ill Edge Hrassiers They I'it I hey W ish They Wear Vnd they blol cut that awkward line of the cor a ! top. giving a smooth, graceful line ft om shoulder to waist. They an- mtdc i'l ntnj kwdcla. Bach one perfect!) urttoftt1 mill athrtl) titled 65c tr $3.50 HAMILTON S H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H H X H X H X H X H X H X N X N Worth While x XNXHXHXHXHXHX On Vacation Mr Clarence Cameron of Hamil ton's department store, it enjoying a t wo-wreV't vacation. Will Return from Farm Mrs. Winnitred Walker and daugh ter Iorothy, will return to Alhar.v tomorrow front their farm in Benton county for a few day vitit. Visiting Dr. Marshall Mist Mary Slate of Tangent, i visiting at the home of Or. Marshall a few days. Return from Trip Win. Tohl of Woodwork's Dru More, and wife returned last nigh from a trip to Tillamook. Will Be At Toggery Mrt Lillian Redeker and Mi Clara Hitchncr returned last night from Portland and Seattle. Mrs Red eker will have charge of the millinery depaitmcnt at the Toggery this fall Buying Fall Hats Miss Fdna Smith returned last night from Portland and Seattle where shr ha been huying t'ie latest styles m fall hat for her store. c .f lu J 1) RIVERSIDE a 'dirrtrr's (iiec Grassier Miss Mary Jameson left on the Orc gon Electric Wednesday to visit with relatives in Portland. Archie Miller and Frank Roberts et Philomath isitors Wctlncsd.i i i v ruing. Dtrthi Heck spent a few da In Corvollll the past week. Mrs. II. H. Roberts left Saturday for Newport. She was joined m Cor vallis by her daughter. Miss Ernestine . Roberts. 1 eland Roberts left for Elmira. Wednesday where he expects to work for a time. Mr. and Mrt. G. E. Anderson are moving to Camas, Washington, where Mr. Anderson will work M the paper milt. Mrs. Anna Meadcr of Portland, spent the w erk-end with her mother Mrs. Jenie Anderson. Richard and Teddy Me.ulrr w'io have Ih-cii spend ing the past week in Portland return ed with their mother. Alfred Frreksrn anil family and Cleve Starns and family motored to Cascadia Sunday. Mr. and Mr-. Arnold and Ida drove to Cascadia Saturday returning Mon-day. THE LAST CALL We have juit eight SUITS and eight COATS left from our SPRING and SUM MER sellinx, we would like very much to diipoie of these few that are left, we want to maintain our policy of not carrying over f om ieaon to season anything pertaining to ready-to-wear, so if we have your size in any of these garments, it certainly will pay you to purchase some of the few that are still here. We want all the room possible for our new Fall and Winter Suits and Coats which are arriving daily. We'll appreciate showing you the latest styles. Just 8 SUITS Left 1 Only $32.50 Tan Suit size 36: 1 Only $25 00 Mustard Suit size 40 1 Only $15.00 Fancy Mixture slat 16; 2 Only $15.00 Fancy Mixtures, size 38; 1 Only $15.00 Fancy Mixture, size tt; I Only $27.50 Reseda Green size 38 $7.95 $3.95 Just 8 COATS Left 1 Only Copenhagen Blue Talfeta Silk Suit, size 38, slightly faded. $29.50 value, can you use it at - 2 Only Black and White Check Coats, $12.50 values 1 Only Red Cloth Coat, trimmed with red and white check, $17.50 value .. 2 Only Navy Blue Coats, $18.50 and $2,". 50 values 1 Only Kelly Green Jersey Cloth Coat, $22.50 value - 1 Only Canary Color All-Wool Serge Coat, $22.50 value 1 Only Tan Kersey Cloth Coat, $lt.35value $7.95 $3.95 $3-95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 Just 4 MIDDY WASH SUITS Left $3.50 $3.98 and $t.98 Middy Wash Suits left in small size only, out they Qft- go at, each vCJsv DRESSES 2 Only Linen Wash Dresses, natural color, $4.95 values. Sale Price 1 Ot'ly White Voile Dress, a $13.98 value. Sale Price 1 Only Copenhagen Blu; Dress, satin stripe, a $15.00 value. Sale Price .. 2 Only Pongee Silk Sport Dresses, $12.50 values. Sale Price $1.95 98c $3.95 $3.95 Dresses Special at $9.95 1 Only Rose Kayser Jersey Silk Dress; 1 Only Grey Taffeta Silk Dress; 1 Only Navy Blue Taffeta Silk Dress; 1 Only Black Poplin Silk Dress; 1 Only Purple Poplin Dress; These five go at $9.95 25 DRESS SKIRTS SKIRTS, Lot 1 Models that are not altogether new, but are desirable for utility weir Serges. Gabardines, unfinished worsteds etc. Various styles and materials in this lot formerly priced at $4.50, $5.50, $5.95. Carry thrm away at SKIRTS, Lot 2 All-Wool fabrics in a wide range of styles and patterns, former values. $5.00. $6.00, $8.50, now - - SKIRTS, Lot 3 Choice of any colored wash skirt in stock, values to $4.95, at $1.19 $2.19 98c JAPANESE CREPE This hand woven yarn dyed fabric usually sold at 29c 19c WHY PAY MORE? Worths Dep't. Store