u. DtooSw THE WBATHRI Ii'Mlght .III) S4t'lfljy I Jl 4LBANY DAILY DEViOCIIAT Kuabliihcd in 1865 l'- I4.,rflini MHtrtw ?l vol. XXIX ALBANY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON. I KIDAY. AUGUSTS 1-917 No. , BLOOD! BATTLE RAGING m LENS Desperate Efforta ol Germans to Rrt.ik Lens Are Hr pulsed CANADIANS ANO AMERICANS MAKt VALIEN! TIGHT Number Captui i d in ally Ex ceeds First Report of Battle h Win phQUp Ihneat With ihr Mulish tin. Aug 17 1 1 ill ;i rea vltfe Mood Ku h th Gcreaaj dfotolooi tn repeal i-ii ctfoii to itienin tbte miM,it jut imtitgfl iif lgb IVOOI ilie ( I liadlai-s Iohg ru n- n LeJ balilr Imiii desperate lighting n i 1 1 n ill progrr-i )' (In tCrgtt hitn 1 lu .ii. ...Ii.n t.'iiUil al! attagha Toda) tlx ' .ouioaiift M i aptll " C He St Augilstr ti "ill M h tltc) were rOCCOd gaf iu lit I lu- muiuImi uf ptteoMfi capMftd '" pfowohli great) rianl the Hrl rUmuln i he Gchmm ilctenod tai gc aoeaboi ol gllll 1 l)C i 4IMll4llk luugi.l tab rll. ' . : r, n g 0M0 er:y BCjeJttOg Mith twIldOfl triu.it) MM Ai.mii- i aii i ti iln i ana liars ilerlm. utg 1. lii. I .angcuia- k Iwu bei n i ounccd rc( aptme oi iliMul.y I ondon v. t eoaaaaltetoo has IftllOll III lilt" I-' 1 1 w ill ftttbmli i' i ilrnt ' n I'he trderal trad o'lipletrd an IflVCtti it stoej production report tu tht Vr il I ritVHtftfttVI ill I J y ill tin i).viiiiiii nl lrrl . nut i iirlHili Milt toon end tideoi Wilton pOCtCd In ti tin price tor .!! pfodnction Icnntedittety, beted ponunlMion! fit dnegi ,i. el ihr POPE UEPfii:b;iEO OVER PEACE HriuHObAL FAILURE kuiur, 17 li i reported th thr 1'ope i- jf tl eOOCOCtCd 01 ihr (irrrr.il un'av orabh- rr pi ion iik pegi i ippi il I in- Pootifi spending Btoel i his time atone. I .tin. Inn, uk I dela let rfOU t. oftri until alln wlllili ill I lltrntr pate .Sollie want lc llirs will pr.u r Prctidcot il " I h, ihr Pag . , rmtati Mli. v will i 1 1 it i Ii ac ihr MISWtl Loc4otL A.u 17 I HMW ril t' nt .ill th COMOlU 'I hrfnrr m mad'- mi I Hint: in C ..ul C 1 l EtotenM bo4 aiiiucr j minriil nil th1 PATRIOTIC LEAGUE TO ORGANIZE WED. NIGHT Meeting Called at Cburt House lo Work in Conjunction Willi Stale League. Ill ft spoiler tn a Ii .(Uft y thr Utr NlBcil ul Dtftnte, a mctliafl iia l i II . jlh ! ! .linU ixrliMIK H ii'i In. U ti hi Mid Hi tilt COttfl inn it. i tin- pofpoM "i ofgoalsiog I. tm t ooot) rtfiniit i igM Ihr llirrtltllf wis II. 1 )' Count) juiltcr I). It '.i. i... i i with wnooi hr IJtr till: ii lur I . ril III Ofrr ipondcttci it' ofgaftiutioo will !- formed, chwrMM thetrd '"l "UI iftttot iMOMltd A eoooti eooocal ( 10 or IS tin ti Mill bi nainrd in ii.r ilutiir ol eortBM uttoro. 'I hr i (Hint v ptgUrimHlffH Jff t iir m roll turn timi v. it It the t Irjk'iir tn thr inaltrr i.f Ihh .it l fin ! IMOrtrOtiot Rod jvitmi( in dffftflie IHOli i I hr orifaniatton will ..I in wnlk lit I iilljtlt linn with till' llnrir DefOM Lm ItM, otinitf OO Ii" lr lilfrirni nrk Ijrr 4'trinl.m i i Ittircd THREE ARRESTED FOR BOOTLEGGING WHEAT GOES OOWf! M1E 103S i IVAKCE Nith ifir uncertainty a tn thr 14 lu-ti ul tlu 'r-uni'-tit ....i titnnii- nn I Lu r in I itnlltn.; th. win Jl iHUtlnll, 1 r tit.t). nl ll.r litarVrl tt iffiM w r.Vrr. In a leloobooc i tiinriiuti'rstimi w ith I'nt tUnd t i moroloei tin Iforpln Seod st.irr leorord t ti t whctl will liWeli drop be Invv $.') Ii!. ir tin nii nl :ir Mr.' Ben u deolerr rr nocertoiti .n ' bmInm i net li 't will do ( Ml thr il'-t r h-iint. thr ln ni.ir kct i nn thr roitc iin.l record Dfi ti havr hrrn tru r, ,, ( hn .i-.i .in! Si l.oiiu. Thr hifa(o markrt to day i 4S ftffttl hnrhrt than it wa r ttrdsy anil Mltl DM m LocsU) boca idVooccd M cooti a boodrod tin loornin : WINMFRED ALLEN IN FEATURE PLAY T3N1GHT Dan Kennedy. F.Ward and John Boyle Sell Booze to Deputy Slierriff SHERIFF'S OFFICE MAKES CLEANING IN TRAFFIC Kennedy Convicted and Others Will Be Trifd This Evening or Tomorrow OFFICERS RETURN FROM SEASON AT TRAINING CAMP Albany Men Did Well and Briny Credit to City for I heir Five Showing SOCIALISM FAILS El "T0 Man Win. Modi I'.no.l", fra tttffQjJ ) It Ih vrn-.ti'v aim Winnilrnl Mini, ii h w ill bl ftboOrO at brC I hrjtrr tOOifbl it A hiik, u tnthr nnnnir ctnnnly dOlMofl with :i pOOBfl ooople whn dttormiot tn nokt 00d in N Vnrk . ity Thr inrrl .rr thr prrrntn.il ptWN i!rrrt .it .i New nrk hnaril m; lniir rtic) Art attroctod to eorfc ttl"-r anil 100 1 'If upon matri- rmny. Tool hot fOOl rn..ui;h HMM tit m.il . tin initial pPJfQMOl on botOe, offrrnl for .ilr nil tlir eWtof i'" n plan. Jack DtVoOoOJtt will be nutPid loi bil mm, pv tniprritmiatinn of Hh ymiiiH botioef I trail in "llrr Pbtbor! 'm rpi r " ltt. !r i niakrs 'n r dc' n' uith TfiMlglc tn lent pitturr. althtunrli hr h.i apprarrd m ODJOCfOOi pflO iloctkNtt iy nthrr cotopooin Pope t ; mp..al p ihIhik in oiinia drc:Mnii Thr lOfStftkrO 'hat Prtsi 'fit Vd inn tn.ikr !n irnlv a t.pokriuan lor thr .itltr boCStlif of btl rir-. ti.in.il tjualifirati'tti-t and thr pOftitKM of Alllrri. a. Ilirrt with k'f' at lanr II If dr. I urd that W ItOO OOtd " l 'v ihr firt xtcM Rprakrr ior pOOM NEW CLASSIFIED WILSON Will TAKE UP EXEMPTION CLAIMS Was'ntiKton. An;. I -I'rrsidrnt Wilton Mr roll today t. Srootoc Wocki tl Matftaihtirtt, that hr will take u; thr tnatti t .ik-auitt tht Woi I IVPOfO1 itienl rrara dinn the rrinption ol mar ried 'tn n with I ami lift I'hr lrri- dtMi letter pflinrcrod Scnotot n k Irltrr drilittiv that itrrat diatii n lion cMtt thrmiKhotit l!ii ronntry or tin pttint I an Krntirdy, Kranr; Wai d nd I. n I '. I r wrrc JT eOted tUl morn ing charjird with cIIirk U0or tiodc tin boot ''ry tot Bojrtt nrui tftoot' - d b DtfjOtl Shrnff Jor I 'rum. wlnt Aii rntponttblt foi IBM .icitii .if all t l.rrr Ward at lakrn l Shenh Hi .dim and Kit.mil wa hrnnght in Upon a warrant handed to lnf oi PottBt Juhn i atlm. -Ml w rn at i a urn-'! thin a' in noon m i. .it Jiut.tr of the I'rat r L, L $WM al pUad mi guilly. Kmncdv i a mint, diftlel) tricil, I i 'y'.i being tppointod fffOHfiT 1) the court' He wan 1 1 BVtCtOd and w ill bf M8tfJP i d at 5 JO o'clockt Ward nrto tn topijir (or trial at 3 clock, nod Boy It's trio! nrfll cotM u; L.tcr thi iittroOOO or loinorrow. Ihr .a . Hat w.-lkrd OU tr-.lil the Sheriff. olfiott. Ucputy Shrr.i.' J. K PtOfll plUMOd the MptUft ol the Bjh 1 1 tvd luMiili tiitm and -tatted out t.i pru art r. n!i M e He met J. C. . f a- ' I'd. ( it. and MCOTOd an intru duction to War d, from w horn hr boOflM a murt o( whiskey at JJ.50. lit houuht a bottlf IrotB Kennedy for J SflL the hih poicO Irtiu OCXaofcMtOd hy the fat that the tndft wtrr of a huh ipiality and hottled in h md. Lat rr, upon intrnducttoti, he punhased a naosl Irota Boyta. Itilyeu wa an unwiUiitK wttnett, not bnOOrfalg Ibt kttOtitjl Oi thr BOW depu t tbtl lit, battel big thai he .was a Hi togar. lab the Koforanatiajaj in bSOtX tbi SbarvTl Offieo turned thr ia. BOOf to the l:-'rut ttorney otfne .witert it 001 handled hy liepu ty PrOtOCMtaag Attorney W. L Marks Doriog tht trial an ataoaatg bavV tient happened that caiifttd a ripple in t niirt. Boj h real name wa not Viniwn and hr was at irtttd under the r a me of John Ioe. lu reading th. i niplaint he listrnr'd tn thr g -rd J. -hu Dor." and w.icn asked what his right name (tally was he replied that the itr! name was all right hut thai tin- si n nd name wasn't. A group of olf.it -r frOtB the he serve (Jtfncr' Traioiog coanoa at the l'reiidio and Ft. WmlielU Scott, Sag I' ran ihu, arrived -omc .hi morn ing and will ptgaiia 00 a furlough lor a lew dajrg t.Ml w dl report ior duty .. ii on August Thoai arrnag todai ocn Caggaia Mark V. Wcathrri.jrd, PlrOI Lieuten ant I rank M. Powell, Stcood Lieut en ant Mflgg MiKc), and Sot ond Lieu U BOM John Gibfton. 1 irt Lieutenant Lee Hen net t and Ln ii tenant I rank C. SUllinacher, tiiartermastcr't d' -pa'trnent, made the tup up the coast t boOl and are due t arrive thiv evnnug Li'titenaut Art !d was dt Ia i d m Safl Fran cisco on account of hi inability to get hi s uniform from the tailor's, it bring necessary to wear the ann etocboa, Albany did as wi ll as any r it yin thr ttatC, outside of I 'or t land, and pTO ducrd some strong men in thr tarn; I 'pon their report iog (or duty lac men will he dastriboted as follow: C aptain Weathrriord ami Lieuteii ntt Stellmacht-r. GiBOOO and Itcnnrtt Mill if(J to American I-ake. Lieutenant Mi Key will re-prt at thr Coat De ft nr of the Cnhinibia, Ft Steven. Lieut. I'owell will repfirt at Coast I -firiM-s of San l;ra;r ism The training i amp was grtgUa rtt inyrd hy all Kerensky Realizes Fact and Blames Condition of Cities and Country ORGANIZATION ANO OPERAT ION OF ORAINAGE DISTRICT Typical Case Cited by Prof. W. L. Powers in Reference to Oak Craek Project NEW CONFIDENCE EXPRESS ED IN RUSSIAN ARMY HOGS GO HIGHER ON CHICAGO MARKET K RENT .Five-room how nrur l HW, Mill li.isrm. nt. Kntil anil btf rir in 4t.l. mil ill (AfdcR iddrcM (i V' Mi.oii, tarr DciUOCnil I," a tOU si 1 1 OHver ChilM, two-kot loin 14 nn h powvf liff h I iraclot tfnir Tint.! i.I.ih can be ati licit Ha. ilimnl lrt th.n tti .ifrr. I ITiti-a.-i.. nr 17 -II. -us rra.linl l .iti lr . i n .it KroaUM ft BaliOH'f I flftftD a hunilr. .l Bright today. 45 l..rr, All.any. Ore. A-I7-2J I crnti bot rcttcHay, I rnljlmd. Any 17 Hogl a.lx.Ttt.T.I WANTKI -l.ncly lor Iwn monll' i,,n t . nlv li.- . int. t.. .. x ntrrii cdlM'atimKil ..rk Sal.ity anil ail ' .:..ll.ir. heir. r.l.aMj ItlC NMl trt' Morale and Combativeness II Greatly Slrenythened by Korniloff NUKES HIT IN EAST vain rinrnt ttn fur travrlmu pg situ rn. S."lar add tOpCOtOi tatr past in i-upation, gge addroat and telephone. X, f n o lh 'rnio, rat ir ! oi d. British mm RAIO mm STATIONS I t R REN1 I ' hi risom Iwmse on Wist Third Strrrt Call 521 Mont j Rtmirry ttTOtt. Melt phone SJO-J. -17-lJ i Lottdoaj, Aosj, 17 Tin- Adrofratt 'm I .iiiii'innced that mens; tons of rpl"- WAN'TS WORK Uv man will, fam V'" nvTv ',roWd on rnemj atfTO ilv on far.., by ihe BtOOtl end rtltwaj Oat ..... vester Mr m lii. L l.ln; Raal hhri tltMl i nay. tl r.il iit s wi re oierrii tol- boni if. ift ; lowbtg rui-'- on Otttttd aod Thour 1 i iilwn st.i!inn and 'h Chi FOR RKVT -Modern S room house tell. s aerod. Hie ' n 1 .11 ft- with connected kitchen nUlfft and rfir aerodromes m botabed and l.inndrv tra.s Call Umadathin ntporli attacked. St. A -16-18 j J tO 0 a ft CITY NEWS al Will Trach This Fall V sta I ami', who has lieen w orking m the Bataaoloa deportntcoi at O t" , has returned home She will remain here until this fall when the til i-ii tn Willamette near Vrgon City to teach in thr high school at that place. 'n Fishing Trip Q Flood and 1 V, McDowell oeol to Meet this mom ng to spend the day HtJmf, Returned from Newport The Mieaet LoeOlc Soydcr and Ruth Ltteofjoodi w hn aoee oeea nojeatt of M i" food rjowtoo at Newporti re- '.rrilrd " tunc today. Wimmcr is Sued 1' W. Horskey has btOOOjht suit tltamtt W . 11 imiiu-r to collect fjp alleged to le due gg 1 MU ot Bjoodt porchated froai the plaintiff Whttroer, oho ooerated a jitney, w fretted near Hoaohorg, Wednesday morning on a boothrgojaaj charge. G'-selbiacht Family Arrive Alhauy trietidt of I he Re and Iffl 1 1'. Hi Oeeelhroehi ill be gbd t. (hear that they arrived in lawrencc. ; Kansas, last Saturday and were giver I a hearty reception hf. the people 1 Mrs F. Ii IVanklin received letter trom hef sifter, ta t'"at town today. ' in which she slated that the folks f netted the QetelbrajelH family ver; charming and that Or. Geselhracht pleached his first sermon last Sun play. That the Ore (for. 1o;anlrrry is niak- in a hit in the r.at shown by ihr 11" ing" clippmn from the Toledo (Ohio) News-Bee of August let Th s drink is destined to tOOt t ome a DO alar a BTape juice, and will he COON more so when people eOOratt Ii arn of the superiority of Ibt logaO berry over the grape. The "ll-U-Hurkel. U-V-Uuckel. H-L-IIuekel! I" ditty ii pate. Dame nature It tiilroducmir .Miss Lngar Berr ti the la teal creation. In a Toledo KM cream parlor recent a crowd of young ladies seated themselves around the table ' 1 'H take some Lonberry juice." said one. Wants It In Pie What's thatf exclaimed her COM pamon Well. 1 H take a piece of 'k'anhrrry pie." "Loganberry is the rage today." rr- trhod the third person. "I's a Log- toberri lemonade for me. 'NT other put up some lat year. andtht v were just fine." said the fourth girt. "BtM what i it?" asked an intruder Comes from Oregon Ray Donnan, Lucas CO Ifricol tural tgent says "It is a species of the tdackberry. It is shipped here from l regon It if rows on a bush the same as other berries. Where it got the name I don't know "The curio-ity of the public is what is making it popular. They lag a new name and they try it to find ot:t what Il The tote of the Ixiganberry are the same as the blackberry. It can be GOOhodL canned and made into sev eral Idodl of drinks. by Win. Shepherd Moscow , Aug. 17. -sSocialiaoJ hat laded Rttteta PreOtlco Kerensky has rccogoifcd thi tact. The grca; uaaferooce here August 2.ird, will mark tht- end ol the fgOvSoc talis tic rule tn Kuvia ud t:.e entrance 01 new clci.it n: of I iMttt I tUlleill The socialists realise that they failed tn the aiutiipt to gotcrn stiiglt -uanded. ' hi was due to the fact that Russian cities are socialists mIiiIc the couu try is COOacrvatrrc and tccaue thi t i-asantt refused to sell Cood to th' Crtiea, declaring that mopey i uselcs- beoaeuM of high prices. Petrograd. Aug. 17. GcPiraJ Korn iloif cxprc.scd new confidence in the ainiy lot low ing an extended confer ence with I rcmirr Kcrenskv . Ke cent measures have considerabij Itraogtheocd the- army's combat iv ness and morale I hope the army may OOn le completely regent raled," be declared. CITY NEWS 5 CITY NEWS McKiniie River Hunting Trip- Mr and Mrs Clingrrman of Ta Bta, W;ih . the former gganjfaj tr.an- nger of the trectn-Washington and Idaho Water and POO rr ompany. and Mrs 1 I. White and tht hitter's sister tf Portland left this mornmii hy auto ip .1 hunting and Rah log Iftg on the MeVCegait river They expect U be none about four itayv Returns from Visit Verna McCl.v'n has returned ffOai a trip to Portland and Salem Mherr she ha been vWeaag ith relativt s and rrieoda. Visiting Here Choc. P. McCoQoogh and ertft of l'orilam: are visiting at the home ot Mr and Mrs. J A McCollouifh Mr McCotteaajh it employed in the furni tOft department of one of the larg. department store- in Portland Returned Home feorcia and Porothy wHMel wh have been visiting at the home of T F TcClain have returned to their home in Salem, Return from Fishing Tiip H C Roberts of Gray Station and Geo. Anderson ot Pittsburg. Pa., rc turned last night from a fishing tr., near Foster. Elks Visit Hector Hturv Hector was again delighted last evening by visit from another group of his :cllow lod'emen when about 35 members of the local lodge of Llks called at his home in North Ibanv. Refreshments were served and a fine time enjoyed ' y all. Mr Hector has been in poOff health tor the past few weeks and unable to at tend loiijkC 'tiecttngs, go the visits from his associates in frattrnal orders are appreciated by Mot 1-a-t week the Maccabees paid a -.miliar rail to Mr Hector. Goes to Salem Mrs. W. I'., Chance went to Salem is morning on a business trip. On Business Trip J. V. Shank and Frank Sktpton were passengers to Portland this morning going down on business. Goes to Monroe Mrs. M I Ficklin went to Mon roe yesterday for a few weeks' visit Going to Clyoverdale Miss Mar:a t ladder Icit this morn ing tor Portland. From there she will go to Clot erdale. Oreg . where she is thr assistant principal of the school. Returns Home Mrs F. I, Urvine has returned to her home in Portland after a severa isit at the home of J. J. Col tins. Operated on This Morning Mrs Ct Ei Mann was operated on this morning at St. Mary's hospita by Pr It R Wallace. She is getting ;dong very well. Visiting Cousin ( cal.n.Mi as'imcton. mot orco to Moony vestenlav tor t vist of H total days with his cousin V C.ilavm of the Main Street Drug Store. On Deer Hunt Geo Van DtOO and Lloyd Curry le last gighl for Riddle. SoOthttl ("f gOO, on a bunting trip. They expect to bring hack the limit. Likes American Lake O II. rronian returned tins morn ing from merican Lake, for a days iit with his father. Thorn Protean, He joined the Second Washington Infantry in Tune, and has been at American I ake in traitrn -Mice then He says that he like the work and the boys are all treated fine. Oregon Agricultural College, Cfaf On gun, August is. 1 be lib rooofc Drajajggt listrict was the trrnt be trganicd under t.tc modern drainage la m ' 'regon enactc-a in V a. osncc the i illainook distric: ak been earned to successful com- lion a brief description ot its or- aoitation and operation should be of interest 'o those concerned with com munity tlrainagc problems. Preliminary survey At the request the intcrc-'ted land ow ners, the ritcrf a compamed by Mr. A. G OCta Liiginccr of the United States office of Drainage investigation, made preliminary examination of the di- trtCt -May 15. l'vli. The tract a mile me b one and onc-hai! imle long lo.atcd just outh 01 the city 01 ilUmook and includes a body 01 marsh and ovcrilow land which was O ct to aiford much pasture. Tiie met son t pc in the area is peaty mui k, several feet deep and under d with clay .-ilt loam coders the rcoaaiodcr of the land thai was trot- he rainfall is nearly 1UU inchc- a ear. I relnninary lev els and soil examinations w ere made to deter mine the feasibility of the drainage he o:I and topographic conditions ere found 10 hr favorable. Organuation A canvass was then aried out to determine the senti ent 01 owners in regard to the or ganization 01 the district. Little or ppusition was encountered aftei i.c plans and methods of operation explained, so a petition tor d:a:nage district was prepared accord- g to t.ie new state law. this pe tition ggve the proposed district, stai the purpose and general plan 0 outlet drrfhet. and ga. c the bound r ies so a to include all forties which tended into the wet area as w el as the names of owners and acreage ownej t.y each. 1 DC petition w as ued by nearly all the resident land ners. Alter due publication ot no: oi beoiing the court considers nd approved the petition erUch pro ided a ttusiness organization, i lire n the laud owutijs were t . :. electe tors to handle the business u district. These directors thei secured a detailed phm and estimate ind carried out the construction bj cr n tract the same summer. taaeesueeot of Bcoefite The cour appointed three reviewers who went over the land and ciassitied it assess it.g the costs ot outlet according to 1 he wettest class oi latu .1 s 1 - - . drainage joints an ETC while otner classes were assess j lata, There were 69i.h acres it the district and the drainage point ssessi-j totaled 41.JUJ. 1 hese were netted five cents a point, raising 2,156.11 The total cost of securin the outlet drains amounted to $1,612. 57 leaving a balance of $452.56 in th treasury to be u-cd tor mamtenance The actual coM of outlet was there tore a little less than three dollars a: acre. 1 he various items ot expense were: Attorney fees for drafting petition 4 50.m Engineer and helpers 38.1 Advertising .. 3O.O1 r.xcarating new ditch and repair ing old ditch SVQLeO Old dttch used by drainage dis trier - .. ObU Three Commissioners, one day . 15.00 Clerk, one dav Kfl Total $1,613.5 The secretary of the Titlamoo 'rainage district states that they round thr taw adequate and practical ind that the increased crop yields re turned the total cost of the district within two years. Several land own crs in the district have completed the-r tteld drainage hy supplementary i-n Irrdrams since the outlets ha been provided and the local tile fac lOry has been sold out of most mzcs the tile due to tins successful demonstration of the value of drain ego, TVe secretary tayi he spent a 1 roximatelv JI an acre tor tilinkr . I nl btl marshy land. This land had produced little pasture heiore til trg nut the following year four tons t erain hay and enormous yield Ott and vetch for silaee were gtgdL Thr owner states that the cost of the drainage wa$ returned it the first year 5 crop. Supplies Being gathered for the Trip to France With First Division NORTHERN TROOPS TO GO TO AMERICAN LAKE War Industries May Be Pro tected from I.W.W. by Troops Washington, Aug. 17. The Second Rainbow Division composed of uardsmen trom each New England tatc will soon go abroad. h may leave with the first Rainbow Division. Supplies are being gathered now for the division. Major General Clarence dward, commander tiie Northeast- rn department, will command the division. Washington, Aug. 17. The War Department announced a general re- lstnoution ot troops to cantonment camps. Alaska, ashington, Oregon, Cali fornia, Idaho, .Nevada. Montana, Wy- ining and Ctah troops were assigned to American Lake. Washington. Aug. 17. Federal troo-i will be sent into Washington, Idaho and Oregon it necessary lo eep the war industries free from I. W. W. activities it is officially inti mated. If the threatened I. W. W. strike called, th- department of Justice nay ask ior troops. Dies In Salem Mrs. I R Render too passed away fat the hospital at Salem, yesterda The remontt were taken to Browns ville today for burial there tomorrow Mrs. Henderson is a prominent pio boot citicn of Linn county. Former Albany Girl Here Mrs. F R. Wear of Fresno, Califor ma, arrived thu morning for a visit w ith tbany relatives, ami w ill also iit her parents in Lebanon. Mr Wear arej former! v M ss Amy M Krnnir of Albany. Baby Girl Bora A 7-nound baby ir:rl nrgl born last glg-ht to Mr. and Mrs. Kd Hammri of Nashville. Mrs, Hammer has been visiting at the home of her mother, M-s .1. Porter, tt 725 E. 5th St.. for several weeks. ALLEGED PRO-GERiVAN TALK HALTS COMMISSION Senator Poindexter Presents Charges Against Army Officer. Washington, Aug. 17. Pending the investigation of alleged pro-German utterances, the Senate Military Aff airs Committee has postponed eon- irmation of Colonel Carl Reichmann, newly appointed Brigadier General. Washington. Aug. 17. Senator Poindexter presented charges against Reichmann. He declared that he had ured information from a reliable source. SUIT FILED TO COLLECT A6ENTS FEES A suit has been filed in the Cir uit Court bv Meeker and Beam, to tecover $325 alleged to be due them trom D. v. Burge. It appears from the complaint that Burge listed his place of 4 acres, one mile east ot Dever, to be sold on certain condi' tions acd Heckcr and Beam allege that they have fulfilled their part of the contract. : g 9 y CITY NEWS 9 m Here on Business E. B. Wallace of Crabtree, it in Al bany on a business trip. He expects to be here about a week. Home from Belknap Springs Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irvine returned last night from Belknap Springs, af ter a few week's outing. Gone to Salem Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurry of I'orttand, went to Salem latt even ing for a short isit with the latter, sister, Mrs. Harry Hawkins after a few days' visit at the Taylor home. Mrs. McMurry will accompany her husband to San Frtrtcisco. California, to pass a few days, before Mr. Mc Murry goes into training in the Offi cers' Reserve Camp. She will then return to Portland. California Girl in Town Mis Jennie Frrekson returned home last niifht from a a v-s:t- of a few weeks with relatives in San Fran ris' o. Cat She was accompanied by Miis Gail Stuart, who will be here for about two months. Mite Stuart is a well-known newspaper woman of the Exposition City. i