ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, TMUMDAY, JULY J. 1017. MOtTMBS Look the List Over II you are interested call and cl our prices. WINDOW CLASS. ALL SIZES VAKNISH. STAINS. ENAMKLS PHOENIX PUKE PAINTS SHEEP DIP STOCK TONIC POULTRY FOOD and a ntw anil up-to-date Una of Wall Papar. WE BUY HIGH I wall SELL RIQHT. Burkhart & Lee Albany, Oregon Millers Wara Here Mr. and Mr. FVaak J. MUlei ol Salem, ,peni t)ir Fourth in this city with thru daughters, Mri. A. B. t'oates and Mrs. J. I.eroy Wooes Salam Paopla Here Among the htimlt-d aho attended ihr Kound-l i baft yesterday (rum Sulcm ward Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Skill. Here (rom Portland Mr jiul Mr. Aiidrrmn Canttun anil Mr ami Mrs Ktomr Vcvip i( Port land, wrrr Round-Up visitor!. - Ml - re- California Summer Attractions SHASTA NESOKTS Dc.tfhtM plat r. (r a vacation out inn Shaa i., Sjirinn, Utnmi. for their water, and many Othtf mountain rttOTtl alonn the Sacramento I arty on llrrr yuu may hunt, ft!., cliinli mountain pcika, or rrit in comfort, to your heart's, content. , IAN FRANCISCO A atop la thl city ii alwaya a i.leaaure. The cool autniner climate, the air of lohemianiim, the fine hoteli, rratauranu, parka and houte varda, all conlnhute to the enjoyment of the s viiitor. CALIFORNIA BEACHES m . the "Road of a Thou.and Wlnndera". from San Kranciaco are many (klttfhlfut beach rr.orta. Some of the moat enjoy able are Santa Crux, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific (irove, Santa Barbara, Long Beach, and Venue, where the carefree throuif bask in the I'alifornia tunahine. A round-Up ticket, with taop-ovrr privilegci, will enable you to viait all of theae places, making a deliifhtful aummer outing. Aak local agent for partkulara John M Scott General Paaaenger Agent Portland Southern Pacific Lines 1 Today Only Two Big Plcturaa Sessue Hayakawa Thr talented Jai aner actoir, supported liy Tauru Aoki ami Vola Vale "Each to His Kind" A Powerful Rai ial Drama Charlie Chaplin In hi newest two-reel scream "The Cure" Any Seal ISc Children 5c Globe Theatre MARKET NEWS North Portland, July J. Tha re i eipts u( cattle were rather liberal in the yard, yesterday including a tram load from California and a good shipment of grain-fad ttuff from Cen tral Oregon. Ituyer, were plentiful Mad thnr taite, ,ccmed to be in har mony, and leaning decidedly toward faj well finiihed atcert which told readily al $1025 to $10.50, common to medium ituff brought $9.00 to $9.50 with a rather alow tendency. Stocker and feeder steers brought $6.00 to $H0U und old readily. Cowa were very plentiful in the yard, and moved tlowly at a lower figure than last week. Some good cows sold for $9 hut a good many went from $6 to $H JO, There is a steady tone to the market on bulls, there being ready buyer, at kteady prices ranging from 5tl to $7 50. Hog. The general tone of the hog mar ket yesterday and today has been trong with an advance of 10 to IS cents. Several carloads sold at $1575 bile the bulk went at $15.50 to $1575, with otnr light hogs going at $i5.45. The feature of the day was a load of choice hogs from Joseph, Oregon, tip ping the scales at a 2ff)-pund mark and topping the market at $15.90, lliese hogs showed extra ordinary kill ing qualities and were considered some of the best hogs ever offered here. Sheep The sheep market remains un changed from conditions prevailing at the close of last week's market. The supply is very light with a falling tendency in most varieties. Larrrhs are being quoted at $12.75; yearlings, $9.50; wether, $H.50 to $9.00; with very little demand for culls at $500 t.. $n.On. ' (tl t ' ' 'at Ca tJ v 1) to RIVER8IDE fe fisvatotiI9 Kd Duty has purchased a new Oak land touring car. The W. II. Truax baby has been quite ill the past week but is some better now. Henry Stewart ana family attend ed the Jersey picnic Thursday at R, L. iiurkhart't. Archie Miller and Prank Roberts and sons, Lcland and Harold, motored to Kugene Wednesday. Misses Frances and Vera Marsh of Albany, have been spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs. Chas. Masterson. Frank Roberts went to Salem on business Thursday, returning Friday evening. Mrs. Paiuton of Purtlaud, is spend-1 ing the week with her cousin, Mrs. 11. ' 1). Jameson. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Caldwell, Mrs. I Gourley and son, Ray, and Mrs. Mc Clang motored to Rock Creek Sun day. Mrs. Sarah Gourley ha, as her guests (or over the Fourth, her ncice, Mrs. Frances F'rench Williams, hus band and children of Purtland. Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Morris and children of Albany, spent titc week end at the A. C. Miller ranch. July 3. 1917. Skeeter BUI" Winning Manager Clarence Adams of the Albany Round-Up, yesterday received a telegram from "Skeeter Bill" Rob bing, who left here the last minute before this show to attend the San Jose Round-Up, that he had won his way to the finals in bull-dogging and steer roping and stood a good chance to win. Two of his brothers are al so doing well, and his wife, Dorothy Morrell, also is making a good show ing White there was a great deal of disappointment and some hard feel ing over their departure, they made many friends while here who will congratulate them upon their good luck. They have attended the San Jose round-up for the past three years, and the management made them such an attractive offer that they felt com pelled to accept. Dorothy wept real tears on leaving Albany and wanted to stay. hxhxmzhj HAMILT0NS' N WOOD J tut Received CAR LOAD DRY FIR E. R. CUMMIN OS FARM LANDS ADVERTISED LETTERS Fallowing is a list of the adver ti e,l letters i nthe post office at Al lany. Oregon, July 2, 1917: Mr. W. Gill Mrs Pearl Morgan s W C. Powell Mr, C S Parker W. T. Wood Mr. Tedrtir Ward C H. STF.WART. P. M. The Government needs Farmers at well as fighters. Two million three hundred acres of Oregon and Cali fornia railroad company grant lands Title revetted in United States. To be opened for hometteadt and tale Containing tome of the bctt land left in the United Statet. Large copy righted map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rain fall, elevations, temperature, etc., by counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant landt Locating Co., Box 610, Port land, Oregon. J-23-O-l DaS-Wkly until Oct. L 1 V . "I HP Visited Relatives Mr. and Mri. W. Robert Mc.Mut ray of Portland, spent Round-Up week at the home of Mra. McMur ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor. We make a specialty of Friendship Engagement, and Wedding Rings F. M. FRENCH & SON Jewelers and Engraver N X N X N X H X N X N X N X H X H X N X H X H X H X H X s H X N X H X H Hello Fellows 5 Weren't you hot yesterday, it surely wat a day when you could nearly tee the beat. Waa it altogether the weather', fault, or wat it partly yours1 Have you put aside your ehavy underwear? H You can be j Cool and Comfortable h if you wear Madras Muntingwear or u B. V. D. both made of the tame material, jutt thaped differently, come see these garments, invest and enjoy this weather. Then men, theer are other helps fof keeping cool Sport Shirts Light Colored Socks silk and fiber Silk Shirts Soft Collars B. V. D. fa) Madras Muntingwear Svort Shirts Silk Sox Fiber Sox .. .11X0 a Suit to $1.00 a Suit H $1.00 each X -60c a pair j Silk Shim Collars (new stylea) H X H Cash Values 30c and 50c a pair H $3.00 each jj JSC each j' 1 Worthwhile HEHXHXHX HAMILTON S' ZHZHZHZ COMINGNEXT, July 11, 12 D. W. GRIFFITH'S $2,000,000 Colossal Spectacle " Sf asWMttMtlaMaM v. 1 aJT asssjBB . SKfMtrm MtfkmW 1 1 IX , 4r4 1 a rMaaajayapaiayawagaj Take a Kodak with you. Mo vacation it complete without the Kodak. Kodaks from Brownies from $6-00 to $75.00 $1 to $12 Amateur Kodak Finishing promptly and neatly done. We rent and tell kodaks on small payments. Woodworth Drug Co. One of the hundreds of massive scenes The WORLD'S GREATEST BIGGEST SHOW See it at the GLOBE Theatre Attention! Bathers. Lawn Tennis and Base Ball Players, bicycle sad Motorcy cle Riders Ws can supply your wants Goods of Quality at the right price We sis make keys, do locksmithing a ad all kinds of mechanical re pairing. Service fat oar hobby L. B. HIXSON JR. Be" Phone 1SS-K 129 Lyon St Albany Oregon HOSIERY T. ailie,' Lisle Hose, white end black i n all sixes to 10 1-2 outshte SSe Children's mercerised half host with colored striped tops JJc Children's Host He, 23c, SOc KNIT UNDKXWBA RFOR LADIES Knit Union Salts i SSe to 65c Vests i . . Us to m The Albany Art Craft