Daily Democrat Wnv H. HORNIBROOK Publisher Entered at the postoifice at Albany, Oregon, M second-class maitcr. Pabliahed every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tuea daya and Fridaye. BUS I NESS MATTE R. la ordering changes of adreaa, sub scribers should always une old tH aa new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily L rcred by carrier, per week $ '0 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 By mail, at end of year J.50 By mail in advance, per year J00 Sen:iWeekly When paid in advance, one year 1.25 At and of year . - .$150 Established in 1165. MONDAY. JUNE 25. J91T. e S3SS3 TANGENT ies9 Marvin Calloway and family, former resident! of near Tangent, but now living atWaterloo, attended church and visited relatives and friends in Tangent Snnday. Cooper Tnrner and wife of Leba non. visited friend in Tangent Sun day. Geo. Swank and wife of near Spo kane, visited with relatives and friends in and around Tangent last week. They were both former residents of this immediate vicinity, bnt left here about thirty years ago. They were accompanied by their twr daughters ami came in their auto. They had a fine trip and will return home soon. Mr. Swank has S00 acres of grain, growing on his place. M. F. Wood and family of Corval- lis, passed through Tangent Thurs day on their way to Brownsville to ake in the Pioneers' picnic Tangent has been a very measley city for the last month or six weeks, as many as fifty cases at once; so far they have all recovered. Tan gent is improving quite rapidly of late. On one street there are two new dwellings, a meat market and barber shop, the I. O. O. F. hall, which are all completed, and Mr. Bailey is now constructing a cement building in in which he expects to keep a stock of farm implements, and machinery. The crop proposition in this vicin ity look fairly good; fall grain is heading out but much of the apring grain is very small, especially for this time of the year. Young grain is making a vigorous growth and if there is rain at the right time there will be good crops. W. C. Scott, the road boss, bas geen doing some good road work lately. He has put up some fine grades. Gardens are very late but look qnite well, and with good cultivation will produca good results. A good rain would be of much val ue to all growing crops, as the ground is beginning to look pretty dry. ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY, JUNB IS, 117. PORTLAND MARKET Portland, June 23, 1917. Club, $2.10 Red Russian. $2.10 niuestem, $2.15 Fortyfold, $2.10 Oats, white No. 1, feed, $45.50 Barley, feed, $42.50 Potatoes, $275; new, per lb. 464 J 4c Hogs, best live, $14.90$! 5.00 Prime steers. $8.50a$10.0D Fancy cows, $8$8 Calves. $$tt$8.50 Sheep, valley yearling. $80$1O Spring lambs. $13(ji$13.25 Butter, city creamery, 35 1 -2038c Butterfat, 58c Eggs, selected local ex. 259SOc Hens. 1S15 l -2c Broilers, 18(atc Geese, 12813c Wool. '16. valley cotswold. best, 60c 64c Dreaded Twe Things. Nicholas Romanoff, late eaar of Roa sts, dreaded two thing assassination and revolution and neither waa a ram fear. Since 1301. when he waa assault ed and wounded by a Japanese named SaiiKo and escaped death only by the prompt action of Prince George of Greece, up to his abdication. berc were thirteen attempts to assassinate Swing Your Arvoo, "Don't keep your bands In your pockets.- soya Dr. C. E. Page of Boston. "Keep swinging them aa you walk. This Is neceesary to obtain needed and essential exercise when walking. Dent simply walk on your hind legs, bat keep all four in some sort of motion, aa nature Intended you should do." Tree being associated with the best side of human life, none bat the abort sighted and sttrpkl will descend to es timate their worth upon a coed wood valuation We make a specialty of Friendship Engagement, and Wedding Rings F. M. FRENCH SON Engravers Britain is putting its kitchens on a war basis. Food Administrator Hoover says America must do like wise. IlKET REPORT The prices given in the local quo tations are those asked by the wholesaler from the retailer for fruit and vegetables. ATI other prices are those paid the producer. List corrected daily. LOCAL Grains Wheat .. Oats, new Bran Hay, cheat Hay, vetch Hay, Timothy Flour, hard wheat Sugar Flour, valley -$175 60c 436 -$16.00 -$2040 ..$20.00 ..-$1370$14.S0 48.53 410.40 Butter Butterfat J8a40c Creamery Butter J8c Country butter, trad e 323Sc Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash 77c Eggs, trade . 28c Hens, per pound - 12(3, 14c Roosters fr Broilers 1 16417c Springs '. 16c Turkeys, live. Ducks Ducklings Geese l618c .10 13c 18c 8c CHICHESTER S PILLS - Aa rear lm ( a . Y "a s Dest. MM. A kM - fce , ' SOU) BY FflGfitSTS tVtlWKB Large Business Concerns y by Check because tf a not only easier, bat Safari Yon, too, regardless ol the aire of your busiassi, are in vited to nave a checking eeVvant with this bank, whose watch words are Security, Courtesy and Convenience to depositors. Capital and aarptna $90,000 J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany, Oregon 23 J That's the number to call for Storage Battery Troubles WILLARD SERVICE STATION Auto Electric Shop 118 W. Second St 1 -JJ JI ! - i Eastburn Bros. THE GROCERS Santiam Wilson Strawberries $1.50 per crate We are able lo supply the trade with Wilson's this week. Get your order in early for the only good canning berry. Eastburn Bros. HAYNB A REED FEED STORE Floor and Food. Chnersag sad am One Third and at am Bell Phono 5SS-R H SUMMER COTTAGE Owner of desirable three-room, ful- y equipped and furnished cottage at Seal Rocks, tightly location, ia willing to sell at a great sacrifice, on easy terms. FRANK S. BAILLIE, " Cornucopia. Oregon June 18, 25; July 2,9. Headquarters For Berry Boxes Standard Deep Pint Boxes $3.50 per Thoussnd Tia'Tops Crates Murphy's Sepd Store Pork. Veal and Mutton Hogs 412g,$14 Cows 41-2S76 Steers . - -...6g8c Veal 785c Bulls 45c Ewe. 7toSc lien 1-2. Sheep aVSlOc ICE CREAM 100 i i front extra select cream from " I Flavored with pare frost jtncaa Sherbets sad special orders for parties or " - Oat the habit of Using Ideal hot Both Albany Ice & Storage Co. oing Campingr Take a look at our tents, camp stoves, and firelctts cookers. New stock of Hose and Lawnroowere Barker Hard ware Store 216 W. First St Golden Rule Dairy . MILK aad CREAM 1 Dally DaHvertss. Both phones H. M. PALMER. Prop. Western Electric Scwinf Machines WE HAVE THEM Let Us Show You RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 310 West Second St. FAMILY ORDERS for Ice Cream FILLED PROMPTLY THE ELITE Both phones W. S. Duncan, Prop. ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill Work Class aad Wind SaisMs. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Hotel Albany Tat Wsm BW Six St.rU. of SeM Ceaafart ALBANY'S FINEST HOTEL Try Our Soaday Das airs B. R. Westbrook Prop. Do your eyes blur when reading? If so. Glaaaet are needed to overcome the strain Let me help you. E C. MEADS, Optometrist P. B. PH1PP8 Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 714 Ly n St. Albany. Or Home phone 2185. BcO J64-R VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Open from 7 JO a m. to 7 p. m Saturday 10 p. an. Car. Aral aad Ell. worth Str.ru You wit) always get the HIGHEST MARKET J PRICE for your Cream, Eggs and Poultry at the Hazeltvood Co. 128 West Second St A I B A N Y NATIONAL BANK SERVE BY 8AVIN0 Every dollar put Into the bank will shorten the war and aave life and sulfating, li Is lo the everyday cltisen that the government la looking ia this crisis sad it ought not to appeal in vain. Save for the govern ment that haa done so much for you. loRl U SAVINGS BANK aaasveaa BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED WANT BUSINESS UlHtCTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. Gil a Chiropractor. K ioma 5, 7. in, Cusick Bank Bldg Nature cannot cure a disease nuleta the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove Iho cause The Chiropractor's Way Is Nature's Way . Eaaminatigu Free Dr. Geo. J. Ktnagy Suite t ' J Nation ol Hank Bldg. KEAL SKI ATK ft INSUKANCK And Money to Loan It. M. PAYNE Farm iaii and est) property lor sale. Heat estate loans Eire uuurance Surety Homl. Room. 19-21, Cusick Blk . Albany. 'regon. MONEY TO LOAN on farms at 6 per rent with privilege of paying off any part of the principal at any time. We also loan money on city property on ten years lime, rate 6 per cent, llecker & ftllh. Ill Lyon street. M-l-7 WANTS WORK Lady ,tnis work h day or hour Home rhune, 3489. HEMSTITCHING 10c a yard Sue llrrrkenridge, .133 Second St Bell Thonc 452-R. WANTED- Woman wants washing to do at boss Will go away lo work on Saturdays ' l ot informa tion '-all Home phone 1266. nlJtf WANTED Boy to work on delivery wagons. Call W. A. Eastburn, at Eastburn Bros. Gro. Store. J-2I-2J WANED Lady Cook. Phone Brownsville Hotel, Brownsville, Or. J-21-25 HELP WANTED Female An in tclliftrnt person may earn $100 QOalnly corresponding for news papers. $40 lo $50 monthly In spire time; experience unnecessary; no cauasuttnci subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National I'tesi nureau. Room 438H, Buffalo. N. Y. M-.'I.N. 21 WtOD SAWING Reasonable pric es. Give me a trial. S. H. Bridger. Hell Btl 1 Home phone 147$. Res idence 1118 W. 10th. J-I9-JIO Salesman's Position Open Good t-rit.ry Liaoiol taross ALBANY NURSERIES First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. Us Ben nboae lSS-j Hotel Albany Barber Shop Three of the beat barbers ia the Ws want you aad year chUdrsn the sbop of class Your for good STRATTON-WORLEY sod HU8TON Absolutely Aadnptk US Wast Second Street W. A. McCLAIN Coatrsctor ind Builder Ceasent Sidewalks. Wsfts. I mt mi Sewer Work Ca stcry Work s Specialty M BBaamSi,BaHPheaa 4S0J Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins 8c Taylor Albany Hotel Untitling A QUALITY STORE We sal nVs bostot Item prtM. Waaaa Bapaaiag FCWill E. F. SOX Keal Eatats. Loan.. Fire Inaurance. Fit.t National Hank building H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Boada Spvcial attention giveu to care of property bctonginglo non-re.idculs Room No. I, second floor, First Sav Bag Hank buildHit. Albany. Otcnon MORTGAGE LOANS 6 PER CENT on good cultivated farms See J. V. Pipe. 203 W. 2nd street. J-19-tl MISCELLANEOUS Real Estate for Sal Bargains in farm land, city property, money to loan, in surance written in the strong est old line companies. Notary Public, J.'V. Pipe. JDS W. lad St. FOR SALE OR SALb Fresh COWS on ess) terms. II. Bryant. D4tf FORD FOR SALE 1916 Ford m el e;ant condition for Kale .it a bar gain. Irvine Garage. FOR SALE Pointer pups fo7tle. From finest hunting dogs in the country. See J. A. Humphreys at post office. J-22-24 J. C. YUEN Chinese Doctor Try me when alt else fails. Con sultation free. Home Phone 1147 324 Jefferson St. Albany Ore. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million limer cisim in Dougls. county for city property or fcoit '"fin 'ind Home 1143 flftif "OK RENT FOR RENT Four-room modem lituise with or without barn. Well and city water. B. Ilarlcher, at Fortntiller Furniture Co., or 725 W. Oth St. J-23-26 POll RENT Furnished room. De sirable location. Reasonable to right party. Phone 292-J. Call 41.1 Washington St. J-23-2ri IRON. IRON. IRON ll i. your duly to your country to save every piece of scrap iron. Every piece helps. We need IS cars of iroj and are in a position in pay the highest prices. We also p.iy the lilgh r.t market price for all kinds of junk gad second hand goods OREGON HIDE ft JUNK CO. Firtt and Baker St. FOR RENT-Furnished rooms In private family. Desirable location, reasonable. Bell phone 197-Y, or call at 540 W 7th street. J-2I-27- Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Our Own Auto Hears. Lady Assistant Both Phone. Masonic Bldg. FOR RENT Desirable house with modern conveniences. Partly furn ished. Inquire 1015 W. 9th street. FOR RENT Newport cottage, for balance of June and the month of July. Inquire of Mrs J. C. Way, 620 W. 4th street, or Home phone 2250. J-20-36 FOR RENT 5-rootn furnished col- Inge for rent; also two light l.otise kerpsing rooms. Inquire 333 S. Jefferson St.. or phone Home 4128. J-4-tf. WANTED. HELP WANTED Male An in telligent person msy esrn $100 monthly corresponding for news papers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare lime; experience unneeettiry; no canvassing; subject, suggested. Send for particulars. National Prest Bureau, Room 43SJ, Buffalo, N. Y. M -2I-N-2I WORE WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtain, a tpeeialtv. 2$e per pair Bell JS6-T 10 TO F 2nd .iff WANTED Girl for general house work. Inquire of J. M. Raltton, 632 Baker street. J-22-24 WOOD Just Received CAR LOAD DRY FIR E R. CUMMINOS Fisher-Braden Undertakers Lady asslstaal Auto-Hearse service If desired. THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE ad FRUITS at PARKER'S "The Sin sf Qyslirr" 136 Lyea St.