If el 0 UfcMf, I THE ' WEATHER Kelr Tonight; Tuesday Fair and Warmer. ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT Established In 186 Bt Advertising M Liu County. VOL. XXIX. ALBANY, UN COUNT. OBBOON. MONDAY. JUNK M, 1917. ALBANY RAISES FIVE THOUSAND Quota It Pasted But Report! Art Not All in and Sum Will Be Much Larger. OTHER TOWNS IN COUNTY MAKE FINE 8H0WIN6 P. A. Young's Team Still Holds Record With C. M. Burggraf a Close Second. Albany has railed over five thou und dollars, the sum apportioned) " the county at liy thr Krd Crota committee. ThU became known this noon ticn reportt (turn moil o( the the precincts in the city wetc received The report! from each o( thr nr.e i anli are " follows: No. 1, tlW; No. 2. $ .W X No. 1. $1350.25; No. 4, 1294.65; No. S, $543; No. ft. $155 .'5, No. 7. 13)1.50; No. 8. $1V5. No. 9. $199.25. I'll.- total rr policy in up to noon being &4AI470. Lebanon and viciniti have raited up to noon today the MM "I $50U0, hile the apportionment for that territory it 13.300. Tangent hat raised $925. and Or leant $250, according lo the report of Homer Sperr ln in town today. Up to Saturday tvMiatl Mill QtJ hid raited $1400, l.yout $li, UfOWne ville $llin. Crawford ulk- .". Ho'. Icy $225. Shcdd ' Kajeny, ItflO, and Scio and vicinity $1200. The apportionment fm Linn coun ty hat now liecn raited from $15000 V $30,000. PAIMOTIC SUNDAY WILL BE OBSERVED GENERALLY Churches All Over Country Will Work For Red Cross and Army Y.M.C. A. Patriotic Sunday will be obtrrvrd all over the I'nited Statet next Sun day Allan H. Hanks of thia city, ii hi receipt of inttructiont from the Stair Sunday School Association, ask- irtK him to boon the idea and twell attendance at ehurch and Sunday tehnnl that day. The main uprpote it to raite money money for the Army Y M. G. A of which $o".nri) it Oregon's and Ida ho't thare. Thr Armv Y. M. C. A doet at much for the well aoldfrrt off duly at the Red Crott doet for the tick ami wounded. The nation need. IVOOO.Om for ArmyY. M. C. A buildingt. equipment and mainten ance for 1917. Next Sunday in nearly every church in the Unitetd Statet the ininlttert will ditcutt thr contrrvation of food Thr problem it a trrioui onr and the United Statet government atkrd thr telephone companies to notify th miniiteri of thr rountrv to make this subjret a topic for July I. Manager Geo. Senders reportt that he hat not ified all ministers in 1iis district, and with but one exception all have re piled favorably. URGE CROWD ATTENDS MACGA6EE SOCIAL SESSION Big Delegation From Corvaliis Hare; Excellent Program It Presented By Members. One of the ben atlended and mott enjoyatile tocial tettions of the Mac raher lodge was held Saturday night when the Sir Knights and l-adict of Albany entertained the Sir Knightt tid l.adirt of Corvallit. One hundred teventy-five people litlrned lo thr addrett by Lady Dep uty Cotitmandrr llerrin of Cortland, and the program prrtented by the loiter member, which was followed by refreshment!, cardi ami dancing. The ball wat beallltfully decoialed for thr occasion and every number on the program was encored. Accurdling to an announcement made by one of ihf members the. lady Maccabees have taken in fifty-one new membrra since I'cb. oth. Hie program follows: ddirti by I Umiiundcr W. A. Cox; Response by l.ady Commander Mrs. Auslon, o-ong, .Miss mac i.ewis; I'.aslbiiru Oiiartettr, Address by State Commander Sherwood "I Portland; Violin Sido. Miss l.rna Tobey; Read- . Miss Gladys Gilbert; Kastburn Ouaiietlc: Whistling, Miss Lena Tob cy; Song. Mrs. Percy Kelly; Coon Song, Allha Achcnbach. BOYS ASK LINIENCY AFTER 60NFESSIN6 WOOL IMS Attorneys Ask Parole of Four Men Indicted on Charge of Taking 1 S13 Pounds The arrand iurv met Saturday and brought i a true bill against W F. and Frank Davis, Frank Koos and Arlliur waggoner for atea. iw 1513 pounds oi wool valued ai avi 'rum Wheeler Bros., near Shedd. They did not indict Win Morgan, the 17- year-otct boy arrested with the others, Saturday afternoon the four were ar raigned before Judge Kelly and plead guilty J, K. Weather ford and Judge I. Swan, appearing lor t it lour men, made pleas lor leniency ana naroli- for family and other essoin. judgr Kelly imposed an ineUtermin ate srntenrr of from one to ten years on rarh of the dependents late Sat urday afternoon, and then parolled Frank Koos and W. r. Davit. WORTH WILL HOLD RED CROSS OAY SALE Tomorrow will be Reel Croat day at the Worth Department store. Ten per cent of the entire days' cash sales will be turned over to the Red Cross fund. The advertisement appears in this iatue of the Democrat. Ptiolo by AmarWun t'rvss Association. Rear Admiral Thomas 8. Redgere Smith Stops Off Shirley Smith, formrr managrr of the Albany Furniture Factory, stop ped off in the city yesterday on his way to Portland from Oakland, Cal ifornia. Attend Funeral Mrs. O. E. Martin and Mrs. Lee Whitcomh of Indeprndrncr, returned! home today after attending thr fun eral of Mr. T. J. Stiles yesterday afternoon. NEW CLASSIFIED Bonedry Amendment ta Food Control BIN Maket Pottage Of Bill Uncertain. OPPONENTS OF AMENOMENT MAY CONDUCT FILIBUSTER War Tax Bill Alto Held Up Pending Action; Liquor Re venue Lest If Patted. WANTED AI man with Ford car can give hett of references, to han dle the greatest modern accettory ever manufactured for Fords. Give occupation,' experience and refer ence in answering this ad. Lock box 587. Portland, Oregon. J-25-.10 FOR SALE Two Jersey cows, one 3 years old, and one yearling. A bargain. Call Home phone 4.W. j-25-27 WOOD SA W I NO R. R. Tower, of fice with J. C. Banks Second-hand store, corner of First and Baker streets. Home prone 1309 Bell 475- ... i . cd f a c (s, s I CITY NKWS '.'! Returns Home Dr. Rowland B. Miller and ell A Tatom returned to their home in Leb anon today after spending Sunday in Albany. Picnic Tomorrow First I'reshytrrian church and Sun day school picnic will he held tomor row, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 p. in. in llryant's Park. Races, priiea and a surprise for the children. Mothers arc expected to supply the (picnic lunch and dishes for their children. Returned to Albany S. N. Ilraden returned to Albany Satunlay after a trip to Portland. School Board to Meet The tchool board will meet Tuesday evening to nrganirc lor the new year. F.. ,F. Wiles and W. A. Eastburn. elected last week, will be sworn in and thr new organisation affected with Dr. W. If. Davis in the chair. The other members of the board are J. K. Wrathrrford and A. C. Schmltt. Returned from Canada, J. L. Huntley and family have re turned from a two -month's trip to Carinengay. Alberta. Dr. Huntley States that there are very few young men in Canada, and that labor is at a premium. I he wagrs arr nettrr man he lias ever seen any place. Concert Thursday Those who will take part in the re cltal to br given Thursday night by Prof. E. L Wilson and Mrs. Frances Wilson arc working bard on their selections, and the affair promises to be a genuine treat. The ticket sale is progressing splendidly. Seats will be 15 rents and every cent of the proceeds are to go to the Red Cross. Youngest In Red Croaa Mary Lee Prlchard. daughter of George A. Prichard, Is the youngest member of the Red Cross In the city. Mary Lee joined thia morning and la a full fledged member. Mr. Widmer Better C R. Widmer, who is in the Cor- s alii hospital, suffering with a brok en shoulder and had hruiiet and the hork as a ersnlt of the accident last Thursday, it reported improving tort state tl.at he will be able leave thr hospital in a week. Hit escape was very narrow, for the auto truck in which he wat riding war turned over teveral timet and com letelv drmolisl rd. He wat found tinder thr truck. No signs of interns njiirines have become apparent. Joined the Navy I'rancit Finnennan, city editor of she Herald, went to Rugritr yester day and joined thr United Statet navy. He expects t oleave Albany nrxta month. B. Y. P.'U. Holdi Rally The Baptiit Young cPople't Union, Central Association, held a rally yes terday at Vorth Palestine church. An interesting program wa sgiven. Albany Girl Married Miss Ella Martin, daughter of Mrs. Ed Young, who resides on Eaat 4m street, was married in Vancouver to Lee Hasrkworth of Portland. They will reside lu Portland. NICK TOPOLIS AND SON 6IVE PROCEEDS TO FUND Nick Topoli and son, the well known shoe shiners located in the Globe theatre building, contributed $6 to the Red Cross fund yesterday. They offered to frive their entire re ceipts for fhe day to the Red Cross, Washington. June 25. The liquor question hurled confusion, dismay and ast uncertainty into the Senate food ontrol fight Just as it appeared that Ac Administration was holding the upper hand with the aid of pow- rful Republican support and waa about to force the passage of tbe hill this week. The bone dry amend ment the House adopted has com pletely apsct everything. The wets wko were favoring tbe I. ill heretofore, are now hedging:. The drys have soot on the extent prohi bition s bonis! ass be inaugurated Danger of the honor contingent fili buster is admitted. la me meantime . h ,. ,hines. senator i hajnsserlain who is m harge of the food bill, declared that 1 ... . he Senate would agree to the Houte """Incr "T" amendmenta including the bonedry Temperature ranges between 4 section. 79 degrees. River 5.7 feet and falling. As a result of House action, the ar tax bill now being drafted is left ; in mid air. Approximately seventy five thousand dollars were to be lev ied under the proposed bill on wines. nd beers. If bonedry prcrhinition is adopted, a redrafting of the bill will I necessary. Congress wiU adjourn between Aiisiist Its and 15th. Majority Lead er Kitchen predicted. HELPS TO SOLVE THE COMMUNITY'S PROBLEMS. P ruminant Cemmunlty Oevelepenent Autherfty at Chautauqua. In keeping thr ...immunity develop oiriii pImm- of t'hniitaiiqua prominent ly 111 Ibi- foivcroillid thr KUIon White Chain.." .0:1 t h 11-ur evvurv an ex OR. A. E. TURN EM. pert la this RrM. Thia yrar they erarsj rici ptloiiullj roitunatr- III obtain Ilia thr services nf nr. A. K. Turin- nsliiinnl am Inn it.i on municipalities Dr. Turner la not only dM of the most ought after smtnrrrs In I'haiitaiKiua. but also a lending pom-r In tbe Cneo tauiua n-.itvriiK-ut Itself. In. Turner gives nuniuiiiiitli-a wluit Is railed the Turner Walk" a progrrealve stride of pnnioaeful "pep." I HAUNTS SENATORS UOR QUESTION THE ENTIRE ZAIMIS MINISTRY HAS RESI6NE0 Venizolos Said to Be Slated At Head of the Now Cabinet; Allies Favor Plan. Athens, June 25. The entire Zaim ministry has resigned. It is re ported that Venizelos., ex-Premier and president of tbe provisional govern ment, is now en route to Athens and will probably be named head of the new cabinet. Venizelos, it la known, left Salonikj, and arrived in South ern Greece. King Alexander is known to have great admiration for Venizelos and allied officials say that Alexander could not nuke a more popular move than to appoint Venizelos. Such a move, it is declared, would immcdi ately reunite the monarchial and pro visional governments. 6.A.R. DELEGATES TO INVITE STATE MEETING Annual Department Encamp ment Opent at Forest Grove Tuesday ; Sox a Candidate.,; Twenty-one members of McPher ton Post No. 5. G. A. K . were pres ent at a meeting held at their hall in the armory Saturday afternoon. Tbe semi-annual report of the Quar termaster thowed 40 members in good standing. By a hearty vote the use of tbe hall wat granted to the state mail carriers for their convention this week. The delegates to the State Depart ment encampment, which meets at 'Forest Grove June 26 to 28, were In structed to use their influence to se cure the 1918 session to meet at Al bany. The mayor, council and Com mercial Club were invited to coop erate in the invitation. The delegates were also instructed to use their best efforts to secure the election of Past Commander E. F. Sox as Department Commander. Most of the comrades and their ladies oi Hie G. A. R., will go to For est Grove this evening. ohn Catlm this morning picked up two young hoboes and charged them with smoking cigarettes. They claimed to have purchased the goods r, Seattle. Judge Swan fined each ot them $4. without which they were srnt to the county jail for two days oh Moth are under age. The boys gave their names as Weav- r and Way and claim to nave come rom Washington and Chicago. Here from Walla Walla- Tom Stevens, who has been lo cated in Walla Walla the past few months, is in the city visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stev ens. Leaving for California Mrs. H. Duncan and daughters. Na omi and Bernice .leave today for San Diego, California, where they will make their futuure home. , MARIE DORO APPEARS AT ROLFE TONIGHT .3 Klbfc' Ae ' A 'J THIS MORNING Prominent Albany Dentist Suc cumbed to Long Illness at His Home Here. BODY WILL BE TAKEN TO PORTLAND CREMATORIUM HONOR GUARD 6IRLS SELL ALL THEIR PAPERS Imading the city like a flock of New York newsboys, the Honor GuasSf- girls, directed by Miss Janet lasvson in tlie absence 01 their lead er. Mis Mae RaHack, Saturday sv imped 1 down on all co-ner and sold every one of their 5D Tele gram', for a -.otaiof $36.35. This av eraged better than 10 cents each. Some of the girlt got papers back and and resold .them. The squads took differrnt sections of the city, one bunch of fair maidens goin to the trains and canvassed tbe passengers. The girls had lots of fun and the Red Cross netted .1 lair-iizcd sum. Of the 20 girls' vsMio Sold'the follow sold more han $2 worth: Ruth Ros-. $9.19; Carolyn Cannon, $8.20: unrtha Smith. $669; Aune Dawson, $6 40. Helen Gibson. $2.89: Ruth Beal. $2 v : I.ois Vebergall, $2. Was Prominent Member of the Albany Lodge B.P.O.E. and Popular With Friends. Dr. William Austin Cox died here this morning at his rooms over the Albany Gun Store on First Street Dr. Cox bad been in poor health for some time and gradually sank until the end. He was 47 years old. He was born in Chicago, April 3, 1870. He was educated in the public schools and was graduated from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery in 1891. He came west to Portland in 189J, and practiced in Portland for 17 years, coming to Albany in 1910. Dr. Cox wat a member of Albany 6HIAR0 IS PLACEO UNDFR $250.00 BONDS M ' aafl Btee";1. BJi "- H Photo t American Press Association Rear Admiral Nathaniel R. AJeber A meteoric rite from a newe girl to a society debutante and newspaper re orter. is depicted by clever Mane Doro in the Jesse L. Laskev produc- lon "Lost and Won which will Pe teen at the Rolfe thea;re tonight. This unconventional tiory was rrsin es pecially for the charming Laaky star by the two noted dramatists, Chan ping Pollock and Rennold Wolf, and waa prepared lor the screen by Mar garet rnrnbniL SCIO MAN DIEO IN PORTLAND HOSPITAL According to telephone advises re ceived thia morning by Will Merril, Charles Weslev of Seio. died in a Portland hospital last night and his body. Will be brought here tor bur al. The funeral arrangements have as yet not been made bat it will be con ducted by the Elks lodge. W. H. Gillard was brought be fore Justice of the Peace L. L. Swan this mornini? and bis case was contin ued to the August term of the orana Jury under $250 bonds on each of the two counts of setting fire to hav and assault with a dangerous weapon. He put up the bond and was released GYRUS WALKER TELLS OF VISIT TO CANNERY Dr. W. A. Cox, who died thia morn ing. lodge. No. 359, B. P. O. Elks, the oc- fraternal order with which he was (filiated. His wife in this city and bis moth er. -Mrs. Sarah J. Merrirtitb of Port- and, survive him. The funeral survices will be held at 1 30 p. m., Wednesday in the Elks temple and the body will be taken to Portland on the 305 electric for cre mation. K':"'r" 1 Ban T tnw LmV J Lw mm jj HteaSE4snfc LT lrltMom east MASI E DOR. "LO- T AMOWON Scsmm from MUot and Won" feturinf Man Doro at IIm Globo Tonif ht The Brownsville Cannery is now- working exclusively upon gooseber ries, putting them up in large tin cans. The berries are first out through a machine with revolvinu knives that cut off the stem and bios som ends. The berries are then limped into a large sink where they are washed .and then the- women workers deftlv scoon them up their hands and place them in the cans Then these are taken to a table ar ranged with an endless chain pro cess that carries them upright into and through a steam heated box cooking them by tbe time they merge on the opposite side. They arc then carriecLalong to where the can is automatically lifted to cover in waiting that is placed on top and pressed down. The cans are dropped clown and carried on to where man takes them oil ny rwo nnui sufficient number are loaded re carted off. to be stacked for ship ment. Manager Hutchings, garbed tli same as other men workers, neip speed the work. His lady steno crapher. when not needed In the of fice. helps fill fhe cans The man ager remarked to tne eirect mat sn would rise in the business world And sbc will. She Is ncit "putlin in time" and watching the clock, just for the money in the job. Mr. Hutcl ings is desirous that people visit the cannery, ind inspect the work for themselves." He and employees will gladly show you around and explain the workings est the machinery. . CYRUS WALKER 6ARDEN OF ALLAH TO DE AT 6L0BE Famous Photodrama Will Be Given Two Days; One of Best Known Film Productions. "The Garden of Allah", a twelve- part picturiration of Robert Hichens' favorite novel bv the same name. comes to the Globe today for a two days' engagement. A cast headed by Helen Ware, thousands ol supernum eraries, several Hundred Arabs, cara- ans of camels, and entire streets built of stone in exact imitation of desert towns of the Sahara are but items in this massive motion pic ture spectacle. MRS. JOHN TOMLINSON BURIED AT N. PALESTINE rh- funeral of Mrs Almira Tora- linson, wife of the late John Tomlin- son, took i lace at 2 o'clock today at the family home on the Independ ence Road. Rev. J. W. Osborn deliv ered the sermon. Mrs. Tomlinson was a member of the Baptist church. She waa of pio neer stock, her father being one of' Benton county's first settlers, eet tlinu there in 1850. She was 71 yearn of age last April. She Is survived by two sont, W. S. and A. C. Ton linson. and four grand children, nfl of Albany. .Interment wa made a. NttfaV nana