el O WfeW. UOV.M THE WEATHER Fair Toniihl and Tueiday ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT Established in 186 Boat Advertising Medium la VOL. XXIX, ALBANY, LINN COUNT SON, MONDAY, JUNE 11. 1M7. Na j KERENSKY USING THE IRON HAND Russian Minister of War Tak iif Strong Meisure to Force Russia to Fight. AMERICAN NOTE MAKES GOOD IMPRESSION WITH OFFICIALS Pooplo Now Turning to Keren ky as Loader 1 1 Groat Nat ional Crisis Is oport l'rUO(lJ, June IN Minister ol War Krrcntky adotrd iron hand ! ciplinatory measure! lo force the Russian Iroopi lo tight. Mr ittucd ordert depriving dctertert from the army of the right to vote and front participation in thr dlttribution 64 Ruiaian land lie overruled the tubtidiary branch of the workmen' and aoldicrt' coun cil permitting nonr of the rompaniri of soldiers to Iravc thr front. Me re futed leave tn a whole diviiinn ' Ukraniana and tpoiitored the govern mtnt order making anti-war agitatoti in the army liable to ten yean imprit onmcnt. Kenrntky it evidently gaining atrength in hii effort! to make Ruttia fight. American Note Washington. Jnnr 18 Russia aa a devotee of democracy and individual liberty, muit rontmiir to tight tier man autocracy, thr I'nitled Slatrs de clared in a note tent to the Ruitian government before the arrival of thr United Statet conimitiion and made public today. The note declared thr commission it empowered to confer with Runia with a view to bringing about effective moderation between the two governmrnt in prosecuting the war. , "The commissioners bearing thit mettage to the people of Rttiaia were aelerted by the President with the apeclal purpose of giving epretenta tion to the various elements which made up the American people." the note aaid. "Among them all if the aame love of country, the aamr de votion to liberty, justice and loyalty to constituted authority." Earl Gooch. who live! near aVaaaV. burn, waa arreated Saturdav aft i r 111 Will for (lacking by I). II. liodine and a government uiarttiall. lie waa brought to Albany, keot in the coun. ty jail over night and ycatcrday be was atrn to Eugene, where a deputy U. I Attorney arranged to let him out pun hie mothcr'a putting up SIOUO bad. tiuoch claiiiia that Its ia J I veara old and hia parcnta atick to the atory. the IW3 United States ccntua and other record) allow that he ia 29 veara old. lie will face a charge before the United stalei grand jury. Two Benton countv alackere were uIk arreated in Linn County Saturday. U. S. ASKS ARREST BF ALFREO C0CCH' Washington, June 18, The State department cabled the Italian govern ment aaking for the arreat of Alfred Cocchi, alleged slayer of Ruth Cru tr. When additional evidence ia ob tained formal extradition papera wilt be tent. The department assumes that the reqneat will be granted, though a preliminary hearing may be neccti ary, Amended Complaint Piled An amended complaint waa filed to day In the caie of Eli Rainer againat Sarah Leate, et al. Bait to P oration The Douglae National Rank Roiehurg, has filed auit In the circuit court to forecloae on a note for SsWtnT) given by J. W. Bond and later tak (n up by Grace Wing Raker, et al. Moro la Patriotic C. H. Burggraf returned last night from a trip to Moro, where he ii drawing plana for a achool building. He says that the citizens of Morn, a town of four hundred people, raiaed SHOD In five minutes time for the Red Crott. Each of the business men agreed to give ISO each and the ap portionment wai raiaed without any trouble whatever. SLACKER ARRESTED BY SHEBIFF SAT. AFTERNOON Another Caso of Trying to Boat Government Stopped With Serious Results SEATTLE FIRM 6ETS CONTRACT Pa i DEMANDS m ON FOOD BILL United Statoo Shipping Boars Lots Contraet For Twenty four Woodon Holla. CONTRACTS FOR TEN STEEL STEAMERS ALSO LET CITY NBWS 9 Weather Report Yetterday't temperature ranged between 76 and 47 degree The riv er rote to 72 feet. Her from Philomath Mitt Sadit Edwatdt ol Philomath, it vititing at the home of I. Cady for few dayt. Undergoes Operation Dr J. K. Bridgewater yetterday pcrlormed a natal operation on Guy Funk of Jefferton. Will Climb Peak Aparty of prominent Albany men will leave today for Philomath from which point they will make the trip to Mary't Peak. Included in the par- y are Dr. Franklin Dr. Grselbrach Dr. Young, Dr. Diven and Prefoitor Modge. They will sleep under the start and expect to return Tuesday right. Honor Guard Attention The Honor Guards will not drill thi evening but will hold their drill at the armory at 7:30 Wednetday ev ening. Keith Haa Poaition- E. Keith once employed aa Ad- vertiting Manager at the Hamilton store and later a resident of Tacoma, hat a good potitlon with a targe store at Cedro Wooley, Wathington. Vititing Father It. G. Rice. Jr., of Forett Grove, arrived yetterday for a vilit with hit father, J. R. Rice. Help Rd Croaa Nick Topolit, who conducts a thoe thining parlor in Firtt ttreet. an nounced Saturday afternoon that he would give to the Red Croaa all of his receipts for one ady thit week Nick it Greek by birth, but American by choice and it aa patriotic aa any citiien. School Election- The polls for the tchool election opened at two o'clock today and will remain open until aeven o'clock There are only three names on the ballot with two directora to be elect rd. They are W. A. Eattburn, E. F. Wilei and L. I.. Swan. W C T. U. Meeting The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Miaa Bertha Worrell at 326 Eaat Fifth ttreet, Tuetday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Went to Satlm Messrs E L. and C. H. Weider went to Salem on the morning etec trie. Returned to Portland Carlton I.agon, who haa been work ing In the Notrh Bank depot in Port land, hat been transferred to the freight depot in thit city and wilt re main here until he leave with Fifth Company. C. A. C. July 2$. President Attempts to Iron Out Trouble Between Members of Shipping Board. Wathington, June 18 Additional contracts for ten complete ateet ti camera and twenty-four wooden hull, were let by the United Statet shipping board. The Seattle construction dry dock .. in pane waa awarded the ten steel contracts and Eastern companies awarded the wooden ahip contracts. he eovernment will fix the oricet paid for the ateel used tn construct ing the fleet following reports that tteel companies had boosted price n a plan to make enormous profit! on government contracts it wat learned today. The government haa authority to commandeer all tteel products and plants for turning them out. THRIFT IN EARLY LIFE. That Waa th Start at the Fortune of vr Or. t. .t Financier. The early life of lb groat builder. tire M'lf uiiole i.ii.iik wi of tbl coun try, alrawa the early cultivation of the ant ing liabtt. With few etceptloua our RorkefM- u-ra. Illlla. Ilurrtniaua. are men who rmlurrd great privations to nave their drat few hujMlrvda or lliouaauda of dot- Ura rtu! In lbs uae of three taring thee rrx-at uieu of business tee torsi moat rstSatsv La. !i In i urn aUked Ida all on a little kuuwii and decidedly anaky proposi tion and stuck i t Is It until be woo out Itos Lrfc-llcr put bl few hundred. savod tiui.i a booUkeeper'a salary. Into iiiuklng a start lu the oil bualneaa, buatneaa to tiuknuwn ut that time, eo full of rnlliims. that It trtt with the utmost dltllruby be wits able to bor row any additional fuuda when In dee- Tat e need. Jamets J. Mill etaked hie few sav lug. scraisl together from hi work aa a dock laborer and clerk, on a well ulgb haukrupt rallroml. on which the eivrleuccd fluaiM .rr of bl day would aoun-ely lend a penny run! staked Ida own savings ou tmlkllng a gaa rtiglue and a small car. of which It waa the motive power. When be waa ready to bulk! his drat cars there la uo record of tbr- banka or the big fluancler of his day offering to furnish the funds to gather together the organisation and build the neces sary factory lo make and market bit product. On fit contrary, his outer prise waa ao poor a riak thnt the few tlioiiaaiulH i eccssnry to get hi Drat atart caul from wage earner ud mull bu.lnee men. the clan who no doubt were conaldered "piker." In vesting In a bnalnea which, had tb o called uunm-lal nut.' nrltle pah) any attention to It at all, they would have pronoun ad highly speculative. Vet tin .r and the hundreds of other auriesafiil enterprise that have built Immense corporations and made mil ll-ii s and millionaire are the kind of Investment thut npi cl most to th optimistic irogresslvcnes of the Amer ican Investor.-Industrial Kepartment New. NEW CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Eattern Oregon ttock saddle, bridle and blanket cheap. In quire of the elevator man at IFrat National Bank bldg , or Home . ,. MM. M8-20 FOR SALE Tent 12x14 feet, need on teason, Phon 117-R, J-18-20 Another OlMSVSry. "rthakespeare waa one of the able of broker." "flow do you make that out?" "lty Ibe number of utm-l, quotation b furnished. -.New iork Times. th Had an Id. M1 wonder where he gets all tils fooeyr' "Perhnss he works h-inlrr than you da" -Detroit Free Press.. Mart Than Seme Can Us. Dlek-Tblnk I II use this old plaao for kindling wood. Duck Ton ought to be able to got a few corda out of It Ettor- Made to Speed up ' goniroi Legislation In Both Houses Washington, Jane 18 Regulative and executive branches of the govern ment are concentrating attention on the Lever Food Control bill. The Senate made the bBI the regular order of buiineaa, thwarting attempts to tend it back to toe committee. The Admlnittratkf, P resident Hoov er, Congretsoina! leaders are demand ing that Congress (Seed the food leg illation. The President announced in a letter to Repsetentative Borland eyptaining the Lever buVwhich, while giving Hoover control of the food sit nation, it not intended to control food, but release it from the grip of speculators President Take Hand Wathington, June 18. The Gocth- l Steamship etabroglio neared itt critical stage. The President consid ered the situation tafficiently serious to call Chairman Drdman to the Whitehoute for a pertonal conference Goethala tried to secure a hearing from the President, but previous en gagement filled the President's schedule. , REJECTED WOMAN SETS VERDICT OF $225' New York, June 18. Mis. Horone May O'Brien svaa granted $225,000 damages in a breach of promise tuit against aged John Manning, a million aire. The sealed verdict wat opened be fore Judge Cropsty. EO BfULEY PISSES THROUGH ALBANY A number of friend of Ed S. Bailey- anticipated hii pasting through the city Saturday night and were at th S. P. train at 1MB o'clock t: give him a farewell cheer. Bailey, (.barge of 24 recruit to the United Stater Marin: corps, was on his way from Portland to Mare I si an I. Cali fornta. Bailey only left Albany Thursday right for Portland to take his ex amination. He returned :o Albany Friday afternoon and left for Port land again that night. Saturday night he wa on hit way to the train ; sta tion and by this time ia iporting in thr; regalia of the soldier of the aca. That Bailey had become immedi ly popular with the officer and men it indicated by the fact that he -s. put in charge of the boy ro i.,' down on the tame ttain with him. He was familiarly called "Bill Bti'cV and a -pea red to have the coiultrc: and espect of every member. With !-ley't qualification there I; little coitl-, but that It? will nor --..r.'v an efficer cotnini t ' 1 Applied for Mr. Emma Alexander filed appli cation with the United Statea Depart ment of State, through County Clerk Russell Saturday for passports to Tela, Honduras, where her husband. A. E. Alexander, ia in the employ of the United Fruit Co. The aecurin.j of a raraport en-.i!t considerable diffi . 'lty. Application inmt be m I, through the county clerk In time or it to reach th- ttitc department al leatl 5 dayt before the date of sail in; Three pictures, each JxJ inchet, mutt J accompany the application, and full inlormatton regaratng tne perton -mutt be given Returned to Ki Arthur Leininger returned to Eu gene thit morning after visiting over Sunday with his parent. Dr. and Mrt. H. A. Leininger. Meeting Postponed The regular meeting of the Com mercial Club which was to have been held tonight, has been poteponed un til tomorrow night at 7 JO, on ac count of the Red Croaa meeting which will he held in the club rooms tonight MACHINES U. S. All) Thirty Thousand Will Be Built in the United States By the First of Year Is Claim. AUTOMOBILE PLANTS WILL MAKE THE ENGINES OtherParts Will Be Constructed in Other Factories; Arrange ments Complete. Washington. June 18. The Amer ican air navy will contain thirty thou sand machines according to the gov ernment's aeroplane program and they will be completed by the firtt of the year, it it officially learned. The aircraft production hoard told the United Press how it proposed to tecure a great number of aircraft when eurht small American factories latt year were unable tofill half of the government's orders. The United States will make three main clastet of war aeroplane, train ing planes, bombing machines, and ob-ters-ation aircraft. Britain and France will continue to manufacture the speedier battleplanes. American plants will be utilized to make .tandardized engines. Furniture fact-sries, typewriter plants and other mills will manufacture the wings and other parts. These arrangements have already been perfected and await only the appropriation of $600,000. I ?, SJ ft is) ' d m A s .1 0 CITY NEWS r ft v j S", , Fred Plant Fred L. Plant and Miss Edna Ev rnsen n re mar-" ' Sunday afternoon in the apartments of Mr. and Mrt. L B. Self in the K. P. buUding. Dr G. H. Young performed the ceremony. Both Mr. and Mr. Plant are very known young people in thit city and are popular with a large numbc of fnendt. Mrs. Plant' parents re- tide in Portland. Mr. Plant is in the plumbing department of the Baker Hardware company. Mr. Plant is a member of t'te local military company and wilt leave next month for duty. Harriaburg Conies Through Up to noon today Harritburg has raited the sum of $300 according to a message received by D. S. Smith. The First National Bank gave $100, Dr Dales, W. A Lane, T. W. Summer- ville and Geo. Wilhelm each gave $50. Swimming Time Here The good old swimming time is here. Molt people have not tus pected it, but the tchool boys have. For a week the youngttert have been plunging in the river and making the hot day cool by their pleasant exer cie. Marry boy are twimming at the low dive on the Benton county side of the river. The rising water might be a little cold just yet, however. HIGH CLASS OPERA AT CORVALLIS TUESOAY Flora Bella" Is Delightful With Top Notch Actors in Cast. With witty lines, clever tunet and graceful dancing. "Flora Bella," thit season't mutical triumph, from itt long run at the Catino theatre. New York, will be the attraction at the Majettic theatre, Corvallis, Tuesday. June 19. In this delightfully fascinating of fering will be found a plot that holds things together splendidly, stage set tings that tatisfy the eye and a cast which make! merry in a most admir able manner. The book it bv Felix Doermann. revised and adapted by Cotmo Hamilton and Dorothy Don nelly. The lyric! are by Percy Wax man and the score by Charles Cuv- lllier bchwarzwald. The staging it the remit of the artistic direction of a master workman, while the scenery and letting! come from the Urban school. The scenes of the play take place in Russia. A princess, without her hus band's knowledge, has been a cabaret linger, out believing that a princess should be cold and dignified, the for gets her old w-ayt and almost foses her husband. She returns to her cab aret life tor just one night, and is dis covered there by her husband, who hai been driven away from home by her coldne!!, and as usual everything ends happily. Ai for the music, there is- the dreamy waltz that recalli in it! mel ody and swing the famous number in 'The Merry Widow." then there is a march that charms fully as great ly, and numerous other aoloi, duett. and concerted numbers that arc un uaually pleasing. In the tplendid cast will be found: Eleanor Henry, Irving Brooks. Lily Leonard, Mortimer H. Weldon, Guy J. Sampscl. Adolph Link, Ben Grin nell. Dorothy Rogers, Kate Stout. Jack Dell and two icore others. DRIVE 70 START HERE TOMORROW Final Instructions Will Be Given Members of Committees at Tonight's Meeting. SUPPLIES WILL BE DISTRI BUTED FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS Albany Must Raise $5000 Out of $15,000 Allotted to Linn County. FUTURE OF NEW CANNERY IS NOW ASSURED QXF f AeNaW I E, WARD I m Wtty ito'"the 'resicubj' 1 On Saturday of last week Mr. .1 B. dinger, the local field man of the Linn and Renton Fruit Growers As sociation, completed hi canvass of the fruit growers. He stated that a large acreage oi strawberries. Mack raspberries and phcnominal berries will be set out this fall and next spring. Owing to the hiteness of the icj son, not much fruit was set out this spring. The usual way of starting a cannery in a community is to erect a building and buy a lot of expensive machinery, and then to endeavor to get the gTowers to raise the fruit. Mr. Patilhamus insist that the fruit mu!t be set out first and contracts signed that the berries will be de livered to the cannery project successfully undertaken. The local asiociation will take care of all the fruit that they have con tracted for for this seaton, including the green beans for canning. Mr. W. A. Eastburn is secretary of the local organization, and any one who has fruit or beans that they have contracted for with the association should see him and make arrange ments to have it taken care of. b FANNIE WARD HERE IN NEW PLAY TONIGHT fnm Bttjr te th RtMctM", at Dm GUIm tonight Having scored such a pronounced success in "Witchcraft" and "The Years of the Locust." Fannie Ward, the veriatile Itsky star, will be seen tonight in "cBtty To The Rescue," at the Globe theatre. In "Betty to the Rescue" Miss Ward has a play for which she is especial ly adapted, anil ss-hich is unlike any thing in which she has ever appeared for the l.asky organization. Tnstearl of the beautiful society matron as she was seen in "The Years of the Locust," the captivating star is now a romping, hoydenish tomboy with tousled hair, bare feet and it clad fre quently in a dilapidated pair of overall. While the general canvas for fund for the Red pros wa begun in the county at large this morning, the or ganization in Albany was not quite ready and the start will not be made until tomorrow. But it will go like a flash when once under way and a wave of coin will aweep into the cof fer! of the local campaign committee. Fred Dawson, who has charge of the work in Albany, has called a meeting of all his assistants in Al bany to be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock-, in the Commercial Crab rooms. Final instruction! will be giv en and the start will be made in earncit Tuesday morning. Receipt books and subscription cards will be given out at the meeting. Yesterday talks were made at sev eral of the churches. Fred Dawson addresied the Christian church and W. A. Eattburn the Baptist in the morning. In the evenin? Dr. C. E. Gibson spoke to his congregation at the Methodist. E. D. Cusick was at the Presbyterian, and other ctinrch- s heard of the work. The largest crowd addressed yes terday was at the Globe theatre where Fred Dawson appeared in a box between act! and told of the work of the Red Cross to the packed house. He compeltely won the audi ence and received an ovation equal to any of the acts. So person in Albany, Linn coun ty, or any place in Oregon or the nation will be overlooked in thi drive for funds which starts today and will last a week. Everyone will have an opportunity to give and each one should have the amount decided upon when the committee arrives. Many wonder what thev -ould give. Ten per cent of one's salary or wag es for a month would not be a bad way to figure. Mr. Dawson expect to get at least $5 from each of the thousand families in Albany, which mean! that the average person mutt trive about $10. the poorer working man $5, those who can give a little more, $15, and those who can afford it from $25 up. There should be many $10TI subscriptions in ATrir.r.v. The subscription! are not all f ay able at once. They may be paid in 'our equal parts on the first of Julv, August and September, with the Hrst payment at the time of giving the si bscription. If one desires $1 can be used to pay for a membership in the National Red Cross, for this con tribution it an emergency fund and not in the retrular Red Cross mem bersbip assessment. Every dollar given may save a life on the battlefield, in a flood, storm or some other disaster. It it as neeess ary as money for ammunition. And one thing about it, every nationality neutrals, bcligvrants an dall, en subscribe, for the Red Cross is inter national and itt members rare for wounded and unfortunate people wherever they are found. 6ERMANS REGAIN POSITIONS FROM THE BRITISH London. June If. Tremendon dormant attackt on the newly-won British positions east of I.onchy Le proux forced the British to rcleare certain advanced positions General Ilaig reported. The Britith retained Infantry Hill and Monchy Le Promt, live miles tontheast of Arras, th turning point of General Hlndsntwirg'a line.