MUfWO Daily Democrat Win. H. 110RNIBROOK Publisher tmcrid ai the postoifice at Albany. Urcvmi. a second-class matte. Published every evening except Sun day. Scmi-wcckly publuhed Tues days and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER. la ordering changes of adress. sub cribers should always give old a: tH as new address. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Daily I rered by carrier, per week 4 j Delivered by carrier, per year 4.0 By mail, at eud of year - 3.5 By atari in advance, per year 3t When paid in advance, one year. lJs At end of year Established m 1S65. SATURDAY, JUNE 16. 1817 NEEDED LEGISLATION AlJUNV iai 1 V UBMOcVlAT, SATURDAY, VM1 11 MM, MARKET REPORT The prices given in the local quo tations are those aaked by the wholesaler from the retailer for fruit and vegetables. All other prices are those paid the producer. List corrected LOCAL Grains Wheat Oats, new Bran Shorts, per ton Hav, cheat ".10 . .. Mc - . $40 $45 $16.00 .$20.00 .. $J000 ..J941c Mc Conspicuous public service is per formed by the American Federation of Labor, the great hailroad orders, the Federation of Postal Employees and the labor members of Congress in uniting to demand prompt action up on laws to conserve, increase and control the country's resources, says the New York World. Though war was declared more than two months ago, Congress has not yet enacted the urgently needed leg islation governing food and other life necessaries. Even the compromise Lever bill, robbed oi many good feat area, is held up by a coalition of malign forces, of which partisanship, however base and petty, is the most respectable. While Congress thus has shirked what Secretary Houston calls a "polit ical and moral obligation and a mili tary necessity millions of bushels of wheat have been lost as human food for lack of a new milling standard to save more of the bran. And millions of men have wondered with Repre sentative Nolan why a 35-ounce loaf Unsold in France for 8 cents, while a 14-ounce loaf from the same flour sells1 in Washington for 10 cents. "Throughout the past three years," says Herbert C. Hoover, "two wogds have been written over the pages of English history, "Too I. ate!" Unless the Lever bill is passed immediately, before the grain is harvested, 'Too Late will be written in our history." The Lever bill and the Productio.-i Bill are not all that we would have asked, or need; much has been sacri ficed to placate the dark forces that in the very walls of the Capitol wort: against the Nation at war. But they are something ;they will help demo cracy. Congress will act, because it must act. Shall it be Too Late? ilay, vetch Hay, Timothy Flour, hard wheat SlVOw$14-S0 Sugar i . $8.53 flour, valley $10.o0 Butter Bptterfat Creamery Butter, Country butter, trad e J2&3$c Eggs and Poultry F.glts, cash 27c F.ggs. trade , 28c Hens, per pound ! t JfiilSc , Roosters , 7c Springs - . .. -16c Turkeys, live-Ducks ..10tu.l3c 18c Ducklings Pork. Veal and Mutton Hogs, $12(u $145 Cows 41-2(0 Steers CAafcc Veal 7(3?, c Bulls 45c Lambs ..11&11 l-2c 0fj tOc I. Hi-lie Business Concerns Pay by Check because it's not only easier, but Baser! Youv looV regardless ! the site of your business, arc in vited to have a checking' a.-count with this bank, whose watch words are Security. Courtesy and Convenience to depositors. Capital and surplus - fOO.tMO J. W. Cusick & Co. Hankers Albany, - Oregon Britain is putting Its kitchens on i w .u basis, Food Administrator Hoover says America must do likewise. Eastburn Bros. THE GROCERS ' HAMS Good sugar cured Country hams, shoulders and bacon. Qood Brooms at the saute, old price 50c, 60c. 7Sc, au1 85c each. Why pay more? .. Eastburn Bros. ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION No :;e is hereby given to the legal voter- of School Dist. No. 5, l.inn county. Oreuon. that the regular iclsaol election v. ill be held at tbc : Yearling Sheep 1 m e PORTLAND MARKET Portland, June 16. 1917. ' Club, $2.50 ; Red Russian.-!, $2.48 ' Bluestem. $2.54 ; Forty-fold. $2.50 ! Oats, tfhilc No. 1 feed, $46.50 ' Barley, feed, $42 : Potatoes, $3; new per lb, 5c ; Hogs, best live, $15'n$15.15 i Primc steer: $9 . ?!0 ancy cows, $7.50 w$S75 J Calves. $6S$.50 Sheep, valley yearlings, $8Ti$I0.5O I cL i-,.,.'. ateaRttteeA Butter, city creamery, 361-239c Butterfat, 39c Egs, selected local ex. 30c i Hens, 17frl8c Broilers, 1820c Geese, 12gl3c . Wil. '16, valley colswsifd. best 54 '.58e 'iiijll school huildir IS, 1917, between I ."'clock and 7 o'cloi Jay, at this election leetcd two director :crm of three year erssors arc electci' Attest H .I-2-18 NOT! . . . .', June hours oi -' p. m., of s:;i'l .here ill 1 to serv e U r a until ih It S'jc .d qua!'' t McF'. . . .IY , Ot.'i nan .lAOvl ,N v-lerk BOND REDEMPTION Notice is liereby yiven that the m; Jfrsacd Treasurer of the City oi Ulmny, Oregon, has funds on hand at' the Fiscal Agent for the State'..! tlrcon in New- York City to. ami will on fhi first day of July, 1917. say off, n-lteni and cancel Bonds N'os. ,l to 29 inclusive, of tlm Im provement Bo Qsls of ibe Ciy of AI b:-ny, Oregon, dated fan l,-l14. In tercut oil s.lid Bot.d. -lull ...,-e -t; July 1st. 1917. II. B. CUSICK, 9-16-23 m Treas. MAJESTIC - THEATRE 0RVALI.IS Msil Orders for $2.00 Seats Now TUES.S Box office open SAT. IF TOUT EPESME A ROSY Says we cant help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. mm ra r 'arja,Tv vswpnv aVi To look one's best and feel one's best la to enjoy an Inside bath each mom. toe to flush from the system the pr -vtous day's waste, sour fermentations and poisonous toxins before It Is ab sorbed Into the blood. Just as ccal, when It burns, leaves behind a cer tain amount of incombustible material In the form of ashes, to the food and drink taken each day leave In the ali mentary organs a certain amount of Indigestible material, which If n. ' eliminated, form toxins and poipon which are then sucked Into the bloo.: through the very ducts which are in tended to suck in only no ir: : -to sustain the body. If yon want to see the glow henlthy bloom In your cheeks, to sec your akin get clearer and clearer, yo are told to drink every morning upor s riilng, a glass of not water with f teaspoon fal of limestone phosphate In H, which Is a harmless means of wasb lags the waste material and toil! : from the stomach, liver, kidneys an bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening a:.' purifying the entire alimentary tract before putting more food Into the (torn ach. Me n and women with ssllow sklnr liver spots, pimples or pallid com plexlon, also those who wake op wit:. coated tongue, bad taste, nasty areata, others who are bothered with e, bilious spells, seid stomacl stlpstlon should begin this pho.-. hot water drinking and are of very pronounced results Is one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the dr.: tore bat Is sufficient to demonstrate soap and hot . water purifies and freshens tt the outside, so hot wster .li ne phosphate act on the Inslil we must always cor.-' ir ' sanitation is vastly ; outsti a c the sMn nor i Into the I . pores do. bbbhbbbbb?TE wL?JfiltX, Need Any Garden Tools Wo have evorylhintf nceMry to make gardenini aaiy Rakes, Hm s. Spdei. Mmul Cultiv-iora. Etc. Barker Hard ware Store W, !"i ! Golden Rule Dairy MILK sad CU1 AM . 2 Daily Dsbveries. Both pa ll M PAl.MKR. Prop f tfs VicMcrn F.lrclric Sewinj; ''.! .-- wk ham: rm:M Let Us, Shun Yuu RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 310 West Second St. FAMILY ORDERS for Ice Cream FILLED PROMPTLY THE ELITE Both phones i .'.' Z. 7!- Prop. w - - , T IHil Has i , T ' T ALCANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill Work (.Uu . i 1 Wind Sn . ' . STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CR0CKF.KV B PKXE5 J2.0C, SIJH). SI.00. 75. SE.T tALE SXTUROW that Just Skat on asternal portent laa1lllii Amateiir Kodak School Tonight 7 to 9 O'clock Our expert photographer will show yo u how to develop and Print your own pictures free of charge. A cours e 'of instructions free with every kodak we sell , Kodaks rented and sold on small payments. Woodworth Drug Co. H tel Albany :srr ALBAMVla fINI Six Stories of S ii I Comfort ALBANY'S TifJiJT HOT! I. Try O r Sunday Dinners B. R. Wcslhrojk Prop. Do your eycr. blur when resding? II o, Glssses are needed to overcome the strain Let me help you. E C. MEADE. Optometrist P. B. PHIPPa Orsduste ol the Wettmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic. Nerv aon, Lung snd F'emsle Dlsesses. 7.x Ly..n St. Albany, Or. Mime phone 2ISS. Bell 364-R. A B A rsr Y H NATIONAL BANK 8KRVB BY 8KKVINQ Every dollar put into the bank will shot ten the wsr and save lifa and aufferini. ll Is 10 the everyday ciliren that the government la looklni in thla crisis snd it ought not to appeeal in vain. 8ave lor the govern ment ha haa done so much for you. ore u savings bank BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED WANT ADS business wmi CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE Chiropractor Rooms S, 7. 9, 10, Cuskk Rank flld. Vlturc csnnot cuir s disease unless the csuse is removed Chiropractic tdjustments remove thr cause The Chiroprsctor'e Way is Nature's Way I'seiuiiiiitioii Ficr Dr. Geo J. Kensgy Suite ' i . Nadoa .1 Hank HU. REAL SRTATE r) INSURANCE And Money to Loan III I I' WAN I FI) Frmslc.-An in IcUiScnl pfrSOl may ram Jlihl Bionthli correapoadiag lor newt, papers; $4o t sii aionihli in spars time; experience unnecessary; no chavasslngj injjscts sagisststf, Send l.-f MrtivuLiK Kstlonal -a I'res liurr.ui, Room 4.thS, Iluifhi. SV Y M-JI V .'I MISCEI.LANIOUS tl. M I'WNR K-rin lands and cil) l -r. i ly lor sale Kc.l! , t I l.-.nn Wfs intatsnce. ?-iiren Rands, Ro-.u. I" .'I. (',.. I, I i'. 'ICS... i MONEY TO LOAN on (arsal at pft tent with piuilcuc oi payiug olt'siiy part of the priuap-l M My liiite. We also lon money on city Prop efts on ten ycs(s time, istc 6 per liccker lleam, 1.1.1 Lyon street. M.l-7 CHICHESTER S PILLS a I ' - I i . ..u..J L F. sli.X Real Estate. Loans, Kits Insurance. First National Bank It.iild.ns H. P. MERRILL Insurance, Loans. Surety Bonds Special attention given to care ol nfapei ty pafoagiaESo not rssMaats lt,oni Bio. I. lecojuJ floor, l-'irst Bsv nsgS Hsiik buililriti. Albany. Ortsjoa. l'OK SALE ; VLc.RECK'S BATHS Firsl-clas: Workinen 0,.rjr Oprn 7n s. m. to 7 p. m.. Situr!ay 10 p. m. Cor. first a I Ellsworth Streets You vill always get the HIGHEST MARKET ITilCE for your Cr -am, Erks and Poultry st the Hazclwood Co. 128 West Second St. Shaving ise Bel) phone rxj-J Hotel Albany Barber Shop Three ol the best barbers in ths Bute. We want you and your children the shop oi class Yours for good service. STRATTON-WOPLET snd HUSTON Absolutely Antiseptic 1 l'l West Second' tjsaet W. A. McCLAIN . Contractor and Builder ' Cement Sidewalk. Wall. Bmemr nt and Sewer Work Cemetery Work a Specially 231 S.. Baker SI, BeUPaoa. 420J Salesman's Position Open Good territory Li Weal terms j l.l'.oV NURSERIES I . bfjl National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. . Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Allianv Hotel Riiilding A QUALITY STORE We sell Use eestal lowest prices Wateh Resxdrtaa F. G. Will Ft Ik SALK Fresh cns on easy terms. II. Brysnl, . 1 '4 rORTJ FOR SALE 49IA l ord in sl etiant condition ior alr at a Kain. Irvine fisrage. FOR Ij.M.i; Milk waiion. 2JI N. Mam. inquire C. H. Dtiaan, Ko oway's Furniture Store, .nil and llakcr streets . J -1 1 - IC A HARGAIN House and lot, snd furniture Price $&). Hell llionr 373 J. 334 LyoS Street. J-14 !(,.' FOR SALE New Sarooai hriasc, good lot. Will take EOod tssnf sad harness on pa!nrut. Price Apply IdO&Seniieat Kvad. J-II-I& I OR SALE OR EXCIIANt.b A II million timber cls.m in DoukIs county for ci!y property or good fsrm laud. Home 114- (I6li FOR RENT i OK RKNT 5-room rsnrUhed c-t taire for rent; also two liitht l.-utr keepain riMms. ln.iuir .1.1.1 S. St., or phone Home 4IJX. J4-tl. I'OR RENt-i I liree-foiirlln of brick building, well locatgd on Pltsi St, reai-,e rate. Ask W. C. Ilurk harL J-1.1-19 WANTLD. HELP U'A I kl ) M.ilr An in telligent person may earn $1(J0 monthly corresponding for news papers: $40 to $50 monthly In spare lime; experience unnecessary: no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Room 4J8S, Ruflslo, N. Y. M-2I-N..1 WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace rurtsin a speelslty. 2.r per pslr. Bell MR-1. f SH R 2nd 4tf WANTED Womsn wsnts weshimr to do st home. Will go away lo work on Satnrdavs. Por Informa tion rait Home phone l2rVl nl.ltf WANED A competent girl for gen eral housework. Apply 532 W. 7th street, or call Bell Phone 197-J. J-15-lg WANTS WORK lady wsnts work Sv dav or hnnr I f rhoee .14JH) IIFMSTITrHING 0e a yrd BrerVenrldire, JJJ Second St BeP Phone 4S2-R. WHEN answering ClaMil'ed ad, please mention the Democrat. Rrnl stnt- for Sole Itarifiins in farm land, city property, m-ney to l-an. ht ll. a rr wr.ttni'in the sSrostf" est old lint eoasaaasss, Noawy PuMie, j. v. Pipe, an w nd St. II AYNF. A Kl i ; FEED STORE Float snd Peed. Chorpin. and cleaning. Ossotine snd CKtl Third and Msln ItrSSt fle;i Phone fi.R H. rr ?lri" $5o Masec hr.u) $)'' l.t"" J-'.."', f .r ...I emtivatad farms, sec J. V. Pipe, 20.1 West 2nd St. IRON. IRON. IRON It is your ditty to your country lo ac every piece of scrap iron. Every piece helps. We need J cart of iron ami ."e in a pOilUoa to pay the hiithcil We also pay -Saisa) high est market price for all kinds of junk and srmnil hanSl f0WSi OKFXON 11 IDE ft JUNK CO First and Bckcr St. J. C. YUEN Chinese Doctor Try me hen all else fails. Con sult itlon free. Home Phone 1147 324 Jefferson St., Albany Ore. Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Our Own Auto Hearse Lady Assistant Both Phones Masonic Bldg. WOOD Just Received CAR LOAD DRY FIR E. R. CUMMINOS Fishcr-Bradcn Undertakers Lady assistant Auto-Hearse service If desired. THIS II EST BASED GOODS GROCERIES; PRODUCK and I K I I I S t PARKER'S "The Sinn of Qu.l ly" 136 Lynn St. Both Paoaes