Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, June 11, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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    Wl EU015HK
Fair Tonight; 11 Irlr and
Wai nicr.
Vu, XIX.
K.t.bli.hed in 1861
Baat AdTtrtUmg Madlam Is
Lion County.
No. Ml.
Sheriff, County Clerk and
County Health Officer Mem
bers of Board.
Applicants Must Be Examined
iwicy Before Finally Reject
ed by the Government.
V.nhitiP,iun. Juno 11. -A general
plan fur locol cx r 11 ipt ion board to
lint uut nun tin tl kclettivr service,
la proctfcoUy ftdoptod R agist ratioo
hoard I'dttMftiiiiK oi i.ic sheriff, coun
u cUril and unity health officer
will itiini tin l ..I vt ttipiioii hoard
It. ckifS l 4) ihr rci titra
tion Ixanl will tMCMM t hr exemption
board. Gotcrt-ors cf each tatc Mi
authorized ii ub i uijjdtculiutik (or
OWMffl in tin MHTSOSMI when (he
incumbent ;ifir ianitfrtly uutat
ltiaclnry. 1 Ik wi department utkrd
the sjovofoori lav mmtilom and
change thry deftirr.
Each local cacmption hoard will
ha.i u ph i-1.111 siting tin- hml lrt.
U lim ;hr nun u rojsjctod (hr hoard
ni'i-i MMROUM iMMhcf BftJ mcuii, who
mm mini mi mm if tiw licikidn u(
th MCO04 do. tor (l MM same, thr man
wtil It deiland m:it The rrgitlar
(hy'Ciaii who will :.- a nieinhri of
tin . Rvaiptlotj I will tritiall
he the count) tf cHjf ptiui.iu
The auuoiinceim .t rules guiding
exemption hoards is toon rxperted
Saturday ha hren dr.ignalcd as
Alhany day hy (he Mootc Carniwl
committor at Corvalli. The Mootr
are having a big drive this week, with
a big carnival the 14-15 and 16. A
large nninher . t Alhany Mooir, M
well a other from this city will at
Democrat Late
Owing to a delay in obtaining pow
er for conticc t ion for the Linotype
machine which was moved to the new
office Saturday afternoon the Demo-
rat wilt he laic thin evening. All ma
chinery ha now been moved to the
new location.
Dr. Davit Mere
Dr. S. T. Davit of Chicago, who
ha hern in Nevada in the mining bus
ine for (he past two year, arrived
in the city Saturday ami i vm'tlng
at (he hottv of hi brother. Dr. V.
II. Davit. I!e hat joined (he medical
retcrve corps of the United State
Army Mid awaiting hi order to
po to one ol the three mrdical re
serve training compt. Id will proh
ahly he stationed at Indiauapotit.
Money i jnt a- ernti:tl ai men
bl the siieressf "I proscciitiiiti of any
r. Satoeriba I'n a Ubtfty Bond
today. Any hanker will tell you ibotll
m wm
1'OR SAI.I At bargain. household
ftiritituie, Including MMtlti hciitrr,
oil stove, tlrik, hookraftr, chairs,
fruit jar. Itc. I nqttifv K. Walworth,
na . i ft ii st. j -1 1-13
POM SAI.I Milk wagon. 2.11 N.
Main. Impute C II. IiKan, Kog-
l-'nrnituro Store, 2ml and
I'.akk-r streets . J-ll-16
FOR SM I'. New 6-room house,
irooil lot. Will take good tram anil
harm on pnwuriit. Price $l5tHV
rVpptj 115 Santiain Koad. J-ll Id
WAN! I D- Ml MOOM to l.r at the
hall Wrilnc ftday etrtfltac June I J.
K o'clock., s, 0f iniportancr.
Hy order of Dictator. J-li-l-'-IJ
I'OK RENT -Up-to-date home on
round stnrrt. close in. Kruit and
garden. Kcatonahtr rent. W. C.
Ilurkhart. hoth ihon. J-l 1-1.1.
Well Known Albany Man Pass
ed Away In Portland Hos
pital Yesterday
Mariicit Charles Kroichel, of thit
city, died latt evening in I'urtland at
(he age of SI yean. He wat born
November 24, 1865, at Colutnbut,
Wiacontin. Hi parent! latter moved
to New Ulm, Minnesota. When 21
yean old he moved (o Bellmghatn,
Wathington, and engaged in the gro
cery huiinei. 1'iftcen yeart ago he
came to Albany and engaged in tike
ice buiinckt with hit brother.
He wm married to Mitt Louite
llaiiting ol New Ulm, Minnetota,
July M, I8V6. Hit wife, and four chd-
Iren, Viola. Klla, Charlet and Al-
hcrta, turvivc him.
lie it alto turvived by hit father,
ugut Kjof hel, Sr., thnec brothert,
L. A., Sam, of Mcdford, and ,ugut
Krotchel of Alhany; five niters, Mrt.
,ugu( Kreuger, Albany; Mrt. Ida
t'jartkc, Kugene, Mrs. H Smith, Lot
ngelea; and Mrt. Charlet Murtcll.
Oakland. Cal.
lie ha been a lifelong memher of
the Lutheran church and the funeral
will be held from the local church at
.i date tu be announced later. Kev. C.
I t.eyerltnr will have charge of the
ten icet.
L. A. Krotchel went (o Portland
1 evening and will return with the
'oily thia evening.
Madam Imprevtmantt In thv Lffatima
of Ont Obtervor.
In the .hirtltiiu Mnirulltia IrUn S
t'obb hat an arth Ur oirlitfd "looking
! Hi XVaya l-'nim Kurty." in whleh ht
"I've arru the KaiiMt cyclone find a
worthy r-ii. . in itiM Sunday. I
" rreeut on tli i-t.r. wo to apeak.
mbm Ci audlbli ivlluloid cuff. E. I'
Hoe, th pug dug. tbo con great icalter.
the liammcr gun. the tufety btcxcla.
tlit- muttache cup. parrbcul. tba catch
er who loot m off the Uit with hi
l'nro haudN. the i a ti krruel watch
clianu. ii. t- pouttv rafr. the oprrathui
fur dehorning tin huruau apiendU aud
the I w tt movement gav way. locb
liy Inch, to tht Mpltball, the automatlc
ejector, the rent ur the cmM aloragf
egg. BOBIJ r'rd. the cabaret. Orvlllr
and Wllhitr Wright, eat-and ftTow thln.
pn -and grw thinner, rural frea deliv
ery, the huforted Scotch ulbllok. Kit
imr Clyu, middling meat at 42 centa a
pound ui.d MOWfl pnMM at 4 btta a
Krtloti In unv iir-t HlUi restaunnt.
"And If 1 huv tuck I mIiuII m400M
te an eycwItueiN to i tudlug awuy
of thetv things Into the liuckgnumd of
'if iatt and the MMOMlOS f yet more
Muiely evltleiiccn of tht1 onward aud
upward tnnieh of prorcn. following
along, one hehiud the othwr. In a
Qilghty pCOfOMMB1
Weather Report
Ve(erday't temperatunV ranged
between 40 and 63 degrcet. The river
foot to 74 feet and the rainfall W9M
Iti inchri.
No Flag Day Celebration
Owing to the tact (ha( Mayor Curl
!ia been crowded with work during
the pat two week he find him sell
Mobil tu arrange for a flag day cel
ebration and reitiet(t the Democrat
10 Male that none will be held at thi
ttuya Liberty Honda
Dr. V, 11. Davit hat purchased
liberty bondt tor each of hit four
Attend Picnic
The Hammer Quartet furnivird
the musio at a Suntlay tchool picttk
hlM at Scio vebrrday. An MtOOtltfll
UfOgltai was presented.
Portland People Here
Senator I. . Day and wife of Port
!uid. are tpending a few days in Al
bany. 1-m Greaby Visits (
Jame W. Grigthy. former ntcniV't
of ;he Democrat fore: who pent
Min i.iy in tlie rity on a 48 i tt
bavs of absence. Me retirtted to
hi ,ost Sup !,iv if ..( He Hkr
hll w rk in ti e navy yard very Much
beint; employed at a firt dan print
er. Attending Eastern Star
Mr?.. L. IT. Fish and Mrs. Mary
Hileu left this morning for P.irt
land here thfy will attend Sc '"irand
Lode' of the Fastern Star.
Splendid Talk on "Leadership
and Service Made By
President W. H. Lee.
Commencement at Albany Col
lege in Full Swing and Will
End Wednesday Morning.
'Leadership and Service" wat ably
discussed by Dr. Wallace Howe Lee,
1'rtrsidcm of Albany College, in hit
K.u calaureate tvermon to the gradu
ating cla at the l'irt Presbyterian
church yesterd.iy afternoon.
The church was well iillrd by an
apprct lattve and atlentn e audience.
A splendid musical program proceed
ed the sermon. Dr. C 1 Gibson gave
Scripture reading at the opening of
the service. Mrs. Julia McN'eal and
male chorus sang the anthem. "When
Thou Comes!," by Kossiui- Parks.
Rev. C. J. tiresrne of Corvallis, offered
prayer, After the offertory the chor
us choir sang "Jubilate Deo."
Dr Lee took for hit central thought
the quotation from the Scripture,
Whoever would be great ett atnonif
you shall I- your servant." ii- DhsO
trated his point through the quota
tion of several paradoxes.
Dr. Lee then made a few remark".
to the dOM giving them at a text a
quotation from John LL.V "Call ye
Me Teacher and the Lord and ye do
!. II. for su I am."
In the evening the Yuung People's
service was made a union service of
all the churches, and a large attend
ancc was present. The address to
tlie Y. M.. and Y. W. C. A. was made
Kev. Clinton Jennings Greene of
Corvallis. Rev. R. J. Diven. D. D..
govt the invocation, followed by
rcadtng from the Scripture by Dr. W
P. WTiite. Dr. G. H. Young offered
The musical program included an
tiithem with violin obbgato, an an-ilk-m
from "The Holy City." The
t fertory, Raff's "Cavatina" was ex-
i-piioiiaity goou as placed . Miss
Alice Clement, whose work at the
OTgM was appreciated at all service.
W. A. .astburn, President of the
retail merchants association h&s
.ailed a meeting of Albany business
men at tlie Commercial Club room
r'or tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock for
the purpose of deciding as to wheth
er or mt a patriotic demonstration
ill be held in Albany on July 4th.
A pjetilion has already been circu
lated in the businesse district and Mr.
Kastburn urges all of those who are
interested to attend the meeting to-
;;:(Trov ni lit
mong the mimes favorably men
tioned in connection as successor to
School Directors 1 fenry McKlmurry
and l-'.d Wiles are W. A. Fasthurn anil
ttorney L. L. Swan .Friends of both
f these men have urged them to
make the race and they have indicat
ed that they would accept the offlft.
The election will he held, on June
TV Democrat was informed this
Wternoon that both Mr. Wiles and
M r. McKlmurry have been urged to
make the race but was unable to as
certain a to whether or not they are
billing to accept in the event they
an? elected.
HI 91. HIAnl u MIUnUAIj
Prominent Member of Catholic
Clergy Passes Away; Irn-'
pressive Funeral Tues.
The Kctcrcnd J. A. Van .Vcl,
Stale Cluphtm oi tbj Kmglita ol Co
lumbat and OJM oi ihm most popular
members of the Caliipitc Clergy in
Oregon, died Saturday nrooigg at OL
Mary's HoiNtal at the Ogi o 62
ycari. He baM been in por health
tor tltc DOM l" yeats and lor two
months pa'. i)uiic p'jrly, I ii-cc
weeks ago he was taken to bis bed
and ucver recovered from liis illnetj.
lie wat born in i lauucrs,
llelguiin, in lel5S. In W he was 9
daiucd a Kouiau Catholic i'ricsi. 'i he
tame year he went to Vancou-;
Itland, 11. C, and up to about seven
years ago he remained there in In
dian Mission service. For several
years lc taught i nSt. Louis College,
Vancouver, ii. C, lie came to Albau
seven years ago, being assistant to
Avthur Lane, of the local par
ish for a year, later boiog OOBOOClcd
1 1 Is t. Kuse't pi r PofUoOsI
tlie church at Grants Pass, MBtWM
kec and otrr places.
His relatives live in Hcluim lad
I'raticc where he brothers, COM
ins, nephews and friends on the tir
ing line with the lielguim army.
Hie funeral will 1 condLctrd at
St. Mary't church Tucadgy nHraing
at II o'clock. The Very Kev. Prioi
Maurus, i). S. II.. of Mt. Angel, will
ting the Requiem Mrss and Arch
bishop Christie, D. T., will preach
(he sermon. A special tram leaving
here at 1:15 p. m . wilt bcOff the is
mains to Mt. Angel, where iuteiiaent
w ill be held at 4 o'clock.
Honor Guard Drill
The Honor Guard girU will drill
at the armory tonight at 7:30. if any
Ol the Kirls haw finU'n-,; lli- r . 1 . .
kjet squares they should loin- i:vu
me armory this cvemnv.
Here's ., cow that pays its owner,
I. R. Harris a naverajje oi JJ0.7K
per month.
h i. a 5-year-old Jercy an.I the
records of the Albany Pure Milk
Cream company show that for a per
iod of seven months Mr. Harris re
ceived the sum of $145.4') for tile mil'.
old from his prize Jersey. DnrJtu
the one moBtt he sold 1373 I
milk and realized the sum of 129.12
Secretary of Navy Says There
Is a Spy and Traitor in the
Navy Department.
Charges of Defects inOrdinance
and Ammunition Will Be
Subject of Inquiry
Washington, June Li. r'ollowiirg
tcutatii'iiat disclosures itclorc the
StMMS naval affairs coaimitlec, a
eti:i investigation nai Lccn or
cred o: charges of defect n. ordi
auct aud aountiBltiort, wliicli a
. mniunicalt d to Senaiur Kreylua
SecrctaT Uaniela chained thai a
iy and a traitor is in tiw navy de
f-reyliu tlhuysen received an anony
uous letter containing specific refer
t-ncr to . 'i.'.drmta! and
troagfy timatrd that a discharged
. i .:i imile l employ wrote the letter.
Cot nty Clerk R. M. kuell wants
oIui.; lulu to assist in making
:o;ies of tlie war cciimis rej; -t rati on
ardt srOich were filled ut l-t 'l ues-
lay. There are iS4i cards. must
je copied and the work i entires about
ive minutes jer card.
Mr. Russell utcs that he would
.Itrcciatc the service o." ant-onc who
iil give even an hour's time.
A large number of former students
f Albany College arc expected to
attend the annual t .n. and re
union of the aluuini which will hi
held Wednesday evening in the base
ment of the Pint Presbyterian church
-it 6:30 o'clcok.
It will he an important meeting
! ! I EllsJv 1 'If WL ,r Ijjfei v . ' j35!BB
iBjKyo2l& iLiSv SaaswS
onsw ' ;-'v wHBp yj&?3iM-,i
is j r I v
u J ii iirrii
Rattling Ford of Antiquated
Model More Alluring Than
Tin Pant.
The I'ied I'iper of Hamlin has noth
ing on the 1912 edition of the Kord
when it comet to beet.
Larry" Hofer, son of Col. K. Hofer
of Salem, was mo:oring to Newport
Wednesday in his Lord of 1912, which
he bought for the Newport trip. Hje
came upon a small army of youngs
ter beating furiously on some tin
ans, 'Mr. Hofer could hardly hear
the clatter above the purr of hi mot
or, which rattled in evedy joint, but
he thought, "11a, the little ruffians
making sport of my motor car.
But they wttrcn't. They were swarm
ing bees. As he whizzed past the
boys and the beet the racket of
the Ford proved more fascinating and
the bees followed in hordes.
::d would you believe it," said Mr.
llot'cr, "they chased me for two block"
MXiag around my head and neck and
lighting on my oofs and face and 1
was afraid to speed up on account oi
n.ore rattle. '
Mr. Hofer came back on the train.
America Asked te Send Hun
dredt of Machines and
Men to France
Mritaln is putting its kitchens on
war basts. Food Administrator
Hoover says America mnst do likewise.
"The Evil, Eve,"
Scene from -The Evil Eye," featurin s Blanchr Sweet, at the On
Help Win The War
Buy A Liberty Bond
Banking Me,t!y a Dollar a Weak la a
Good Investment.
It la mighty ban." au unfortu
nate working..;:: :t noma time a"o to the
writer, "to save ni a thouMDd dollars
by layins anlde a dollar or two a week
.iihI then to take It out of the rarlnto
bank and low it to a et rich qaiek
Hwlndler, an 1 bare Just done"
The pour fr-llow could work and sate,
hut be U:U not bad even a kindergar
ten education In nuance, else bla story
would bare bevn different. De bad
never cleen a thought to Interest and
i was absolutely luorant of growth
through comtHHUMl Inter est and, tf
coerrne. laid nerer beard of that woo
derful peoccaa of accumalatlon known
aa "prusresslre eoanouud I u teres t."
One dollar detmited In a sarinp
bank that ray 4 i it cent will amount
to 1! In fwcuty yrara. Thia la aim
pie comiKKinil Interest. Now, If you
dcfiosit 51 every year for twenty years,
or In all. the sum to your credit
will nave grown to X.97.
Any wage earner can put by $1 a
week. That mouey detosited In a aar-
Inpi bank for twenty years will hnve
iucrrased to $1.1512. A detiosit of SS a
week will hare grown to SS.OOO, anu
this at 4 per ccut r.ill be J-'.-H a year.
There ia no secret, no mystery, about
thia. It la as clear aa the cloudless
sun. end the method la Just aa dean
and booest. Christian Herald.
Stations Will Be Established
In Many Parts of the Country
to Train Men
Washington, June 11. The govern
ment has asked Congress Tor five or
-l hundred million dollars to develop
the .-..ncrican aeroplane service, on a
great scale. Suucoiiiinittecs oi the
naval affairs committee dcci k I u
egiu the hearings tomorrow on the
zjuiVpard-Hullcrt biM, crcat:ng a iep
arate aeroplane department.
Before the year is past the Con
gress will ask. an appropriation of a
lillion dollars for the aero service.
Representative Hulbcrt said. "Its
he idea of the council for national
lefc-nsc to establish aviation stations.
at intervals across the continent
where the men will be trained and
the machines repaired. It is impos-
ible tor the government to send a
arge number of troops to Europe
efore nine months or a year. It can
train five thousand machines ready
y August first.'
Hulbert said the military authori
ties oi England and France stated
that the air service must be devel-
ped on a great scale, and declared
he greatest service that tiae United
States can do ia to send machines
and aviators to France.
Thm Srv a a Play Schema aa Wall
a a Protection.
Some f the California schools are
et.uij'Trod with novel fire escape, which
urv uot only a safeguard, but afford
the ehtUlrru as much ainusotneut aa a
regular ; !a ..r. und equipment Ud of
these Are escape lu Tropieo, uear Loa
Anjreles. eonsuits of several long sheet
nxtul ebutes. re-vuforeed with angli
Iruu ami secured to the walla of the
bulMtrtg. They extend fretu an Iron
platform on the second floor, which
kads f::.i the main eorrldor. Sena
rate ehuts are provided Dot the boys
and KirU.
The K'acbera euenuni'.'e the use of
the al:d -s in tin :si t..e:it to accus-
torn the eblmrw t. them. EncU slide
tttds in a it! 'glit upward eurve to cheek
the aoHMtuai f Um de teut. At the
,Hint when t'le ihiK'.ren rx'arh the
.1 a i ile of lovse rand breaks the
In VeokO. CaLt a itplrol bute U em
plo;d. nhl h is tu loned lu a cylln
tMrsd BjatJJl en?lng. This la entered
from a platform t iding from the U
ler p:uty. the .strnkht slide. It la
used us nn amusement devhe by the
pu. i!s. A lu itul mnkea us of
one f the snti..- ih siim.
Oh. weaki e-; :t..' ! de Isl- n of mind
If not ? ourselves vlees, to how much
of exquisite Mhsfflj do you not sime-
tlmes pave the way! -Walter Sott.
Tea Chast Lining.
The Chinese BJMJ ns in alloy tor Ua
In tea hests a metal foil consisting of
12" parts of lead and 19 parta of tin.
Grading Started
It reported that irradinir ha been
Parted between Turner and Jefferson
for the purpose of preparing the road
for the paving. Five crews of mer
tH snid to be engaged in the wort
hfJl the Democrat has thus far beer
unable to confirm the report.
The second automobile collision of
he year at the corner of 3rd and
Washington streets occurred yester
day afternoon when the car driven
by F. L. Holrrrs and another by Ira
Sliortridge collided. The occupant
of the cars were not injured but the
uack of the fender on the Shortridg
:ar was bent and a spoke waa broken
n the Holmes machine.
Four accidents of a similar char
acter have occurred on this corner
luring the past three years.
D. P. Mason. Dan Johnston, C. H.
Cuticle and Jno. R. Pcnland, went
to Portland this morning to attend
he Grand chapter. Royal Arch Mas
ons, whic hopened its annual session
there today.
The Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M .
ill convene Wednesday. The dele
gates fram the Alhany lodge are W.
!.. Marks, J. R. Pertland and Judge
1'. R. Kelly.
The Grand Chapter, Order Easter
Star, is also in session.
Spell it backward or forward, it
just the same Ftanalp.
Coinsequjently, Ensign J. H. Mart,
uninan!ing the local recruiting of
fices of the navy, viewed with sus
picion the applications of Robert
Ward Pl.malp, 25-year-old twins from
Alhany. Oregon, who sought to jolo
the navy.
Ensign Hart nnd his recruiting staff
thought at first, because of its oddity,
that the boys were enlisting under as
sumed names, but investigation proved
their statements and they were both
acepted and parsed. They i illlsjsjsjsf
as firemen Portland Telegram.