ALBAKT DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY, JUH HIT. An Opportune time to buy Summer Underwear tor Women and Children Women's Union Suits Fine Ribbed Sleevelet or Wing Sleeve, tight or looe ! kneeall ite 35c 50c. 6Sc, 75c $1 00. $1 M Women' Vest Children' Full range of sires from 36 Fine ribbed sleeveles. to 46. Priced from 10c to 50c 10c, 20c Boyi Union Salts Qirla' Union Suits Poros knit Sic Fine Knit Sleeveless, knee-Cross-bar muslin SO length Me Ladies Muslin Petticoats Trimmed with embroidery, lice and ribbon . Si .25, $1. 35, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 $2.25, $2.50 FLOOD'S STORE 334 W. 1st St. WHAT YOU BUY WK STAND BY Look the List Over If yon are interested call and get our prices. WINDOW GLASS. ALL SIZES VARNISH, STAINS, ENAMELS PHOENIX PURE PAINTS SHEEP DIP STOCK TONIC POULTRY FOOD and a new and up-tejdate line of WaB Paper. WE BUT RIGHT well SELL RIGHT. Burkhart & Lee Albany, Oregon N N X H N Z M S N Fashion Comfort Wear You have them ail if You are Wearing J (BP 4ff s They are authoritative!' or the season's fashion and dress. Whether yon select one of the higher price or the lower, it win shape the kind of figure you require. Do you require a lightly-boned model, or a more sturdy one? Whatever the style, it can be a Warner and you will be satisfied. Prices from $1.00 $350 leery corset guaranteed and fit by our expert Bin CMh Value- HAMILT0NS' Si I 1 z N Worthwhile M HZHZHZN Kodaks 75 Cents to $100.00 YOU OUGHT TO HAVE ONE FRED DAWSON'S REXALL STORE i J Zf HllsOtakA Zfl Rk.osjr.1 Vjj -- i 1 "The Store of Quality" Get Next to Comfort Warm summer weather demands not only a change to lighter underwear, but if you expect comfort you must use care in your choice of underwear. Insist on Kenosha- Klosed-Krotch Union Suits BLAIN CLOTHING CO. THIRD SERMON .OF SERIES Tathcr Lane will give the third ser mon of his special series Sunday, ev ening at St. Mary's ciiurch.. The subject will be "Ritualism. Is it Scriptural and Morally Klevating?" It will be shown from the honks oi the Old and N'cw Testaments that certain rites or ceremonies have a all times been used in divine worship that there can lc no valid objection raised against this practice and that on the other hand the symbols which .ire used in the church convey moral and doctrinal lessons. NOTICE OF BOND REDEMPTION Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Treasurer of the City oi Albany, Oregon, has funds on hand at the Fiscal Agent for the State of Oregon in New York City to, and will on the first day of July, 1917. pay off, redeem and cancel Bond Nos. 13 to 29 inclusive, of the Im provement Bonds of the City of Al bany, Oregon, dated Jan. 1, 1914. In terest on said Bonds shall cease on July 1st. 1917. H. B. CUSICK. 9-16-23 Trea.. S0CML Mrs. C R. Allen was liostcM on Thursday to the Rural Ladles' Clul.. A social time look up the afternoon's hours uhicli wcrfc completed with light refreshments. As rompttnwiutd guests Mrs. William Weaver and Mrs. William l.ooney and daughter, of Al bany, ami Miss Gladys May spent the afternoon The club members present wire the Ueedame Virgil Looney, Barber. Shirley. V. r . i. Loorey, V. I ',. Smilht. Cochran. Mr.;, McKarland. Conn, p. s. Attcrnmt, Fuller. Irh Shroi'c. N-lson Alter malt. Shoal and peke. Alice Davi , .mil ihe Misr Qra Jordan, Jettiv Snrode, Nora, llacl and I.ncy Ash tun. 5 S Mrs. Wtimiirrd Worrell is enter taining as her house guests Dr. and Kn II. J. Kavaaangtl and little daaghler, Jane in Xhursday afternoon, Mr Frank Daittesjre emended the hospilalit) of li.r koine to the member oi the KrowtWtfta Club. Re freshmrnls Iru- closing feature of the aficr ii .! .!. ..a, penl in fancy wrtlt and toeial chat. .'( For the pleasure of Ihe graduating 'las of Albany high school, those Globe Tonight Constance Talmage Triangle's Beautiful Young Star in a 5 Act Comedy-Drama "Betsy's Burglar" KEYSTONE KOMEDY "Her Cave Man" A Riot of Fun 5th Epi sode "The Mystery of the Double Cross" featuring Molly King - More I'xciting Than Kftt Any Seat 15c Children 5c Afternoon 10c HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. EVENING AT 7p ANOTHER SMASH 1NG BIG BILL 10 People 10 . 3 Big Acta 3 Return Engsg emenl of Ives, Farnsworth & Weaver "We that Sing" . And they certainly do sing the late t and moil popular hits in a manner all their own. Downey, Willard & Irwin In a Character Comedy Playlet 'A Call on the Doctor" A witty and humorous sketc h acted in an able manner The Four Taketa Japs EquUlibristk Genii High Class Acrobatic n ; i; alancing Act. 6 REELS P ICTURS 6 Dorothy Dalton Who was in Portland in person last week in ADULTS 25c "Back of the Man" A Gripping, 5-reel Drs ma Triangle Comedy CHILDREN 5c GLOBE Theatre LADIES' l.adie Buy you uiHleitnuiliu hi The Golden Unlf Sttd NW 15 rr rt nt. You can do it nihu . .tu- cct) d..i. 1 lie) an1 i than )on can nasi litem - ll's in Ihe bii)iug Kn our 175 llny Starts .We Corct C6vr. Our everyday prior 05c CoTSil Cover. Our every day price Jl in ".' ton Suit Out err da prlo $1 mi Cotnbinatlos Baits Qui sears da) pries; l&QQ CoBsblaatlon Snll. Out nni d.i true $1.50 fllntSSS Slip. Our every d rr $i.rm Gown, Our ever) day prioj ... $1 Ml tiowii. Din ii'er) il.i pile "5c Skirl. Our every day price $1.(1.1 Skirl. Our eveiy day price $1,50 Skirl. Our ever) day preSS tt.t$ Skirl. Our rvrry day purr ..t i Skirt. Our SVtrf d.iy price c full) braprr 25c 49c Mk 9e $1.49 9'Jc C9c 9Sc 49c 69c 9S $1 W Jt Kverylhin. Always for I. cm K very tiling Always for Lc-i ho luil . i.i.ln.iu .1 foniutl), rnu i Utitril with u I'ioitu. In a IttltftMl 1'lace on lltyui.t'n I'.irk ilu trOVll l .. M-tl the tVMlMgf'l bOUTl in pmrv And aruun,l h catupfirr. A plctttC fcrtl tx utir ui the U'siturci o HliC wu ft 9 ft AT THE CHUKCHKS Grace Prebytcritn Church Robert lctth DivtS, mtniicr. H .i. in., pibk ichoolj II ... in., MiHMntK i.nniMi, "Hi- i hihlrrii mul Thrir (arcni." The will he no allrriKin lervicts in t hi rhntr!i toila U urt itit cnnliall inMtctl 10 hear tltr Ita. A.ilaurcatc tcrnion hy Or l.rr, in Plrit rhutch at pi m . Ukl llu tcrmon hy Kev. Clmttui J. tirtmc, at H . m. in the MN pltCC, tl Ql ttiiK that thr mrtnher. til this chnrvh ohttw t lu it interest in thee 1 k' iiunentrtncnt cxcrciari. Church of Christ 1). ! ... ; UoOJUi pantor. Morn liftj service, 10JU a. m. "Stumling the ift.'' ftlbll whtiol, II Mi a .tn. At .1 p. in., Mr. MorKan u ill preach at the Houston ti'hool hotuc, and at the North Alhany chool house at 4 p, in. VuiuiK people's meeting at 7 p. m. All young peopkr invited. I'.vru ing service at 8 p. ni. Subject of dit course. "The Sin of Kins;. We cordially invite you. I irt Methodist Episcopal Church I'n . liiu.: at 10 JO a M Sunday 'I I 11:45 a .m. Kpworth Kcagitc at 7 p. ui. tjuaitcrty conference on I'riday, 7 :J0 p. tn. Prayer meeting Ihtirs4.iy rvening, There will he no Sunday evening preaching nn in, to the L'ntou terv ice at the 1'rerthyteri an church. Chas. I Gibson, pastor. jnited Presbyterian Church W. I. White, pastor. The pastor preaches at 10:JU a. m. At 3 o'clock lie addresses the Union Sunday school .Covcntiou in the grove near Dever. I'here will he no cvrniiig servi c on account of the address in the I'reshy trrian church to the youni people of the college. Weather Report The temperature ranges from 4I-K4 degrVes, ami the river is 6.J ft. TONIGHT ONLY a Genevieve Hamper The Most Beautiful face in the world In the powerful dramatic play "Tangled Lives" Fox Film Comedy "His Merry Mixup" Featuring Chas. Condlin in two rollicking reels o( humor Bests 15c Children 5c Fortmiller Furniture Co. Albany Invites the Public To ee MK HOWARD Ml. MS, AS flST, from PtlUaehhla, p.iint iciure in bfl Itof hiii dow tverj 4llrruo.ui from I lo 4 a, m . Itrxinninu June 9 An opportunity lo Procure (ien uine Hand Painted OILS A I llie oi oi l !- l'.ina and Paint OREGON SCENES Mt. Hood Horetil pl Silver Creek Pslls Multnomih Kill , Castle Rock nd many other Wohinglon and California Scene, 8cene from The Netherland Eattern Scenery Beautiful Oil Painting on Glau OreKon, Capitol rluildint. Special low price on Hand Oil Paintinif, 9 111 50c 12 x 13 10x20 12 x 20 M 14x20 $1.00 16 x 20 T 75c Portrait from any photograph, "wtT color or crayon $1.50 Thi its the fine! work thai fan he lttSti Opportunity of a Lite Time Come and See