Win. H HORNIBROOK Publisher Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, i second-class matter Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues days ud Friday. BUSINESS MATTER. la ordering changes of adress, aub cribera should always give old as ill as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily T rered by carrier, per week $ 10 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 By mail, at end of year -1.50 By nun in advance, per year 3.00 SemiWcekly Whan paid in advance, one year 1.25 At and ef year S1.S0 Eotahliahod ia 1865. SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917. ISFITS Here are some fashion notes: Hosiery in all the colors of the rainbow are to be seen on windy days. Also on other days. It dofcsn't take even a breeze to keep op with the fashions so short are some of the dresses worn. A frightful spectacle is a diminut ive Charlie Chaplin moustache being carried around on the upper lip by tome of the men. Portland has ttecn called a spins ter because one of the Curbetts lias a $60,000 cow pasture in the heart of the city; but Miss Spinster has just put on a new suit, to cost $3,000,000 when paid for, and henceforth will have the bloom of youth backed by the experience of a matured womanhood. A LB AMY DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. JUNE itlT. WET IEMT The prices given as the local quo tations are those asked by oat wholesaler from the retailer far fruit and vegetables. All other Cices are those paid the producer, at corrected daily. LOCAL Wheat Oats, aval Bran Shorts, per ton Hay, cheat Hay, vetch 4200 file 40 .$45 ...$16.00 $20.00 Hay, Timothy $20.00 Flour, hard wheat $U70r$$t4 50 Sugar $8.51 Flour, valley $12JS JO Butterfat Creamery Butter, Country butter, trad e J2(j35c Egga and Poultry Eggs, cash 30c Eggs, trade ftc Hens, per pound Roosters Broilers Springe Turkeys, live Ducks Ducklings , Geese ..1415c 18c 16c -lcVStrV JQftUt 18c 8c Pork, Veal and Mutton Hogs, $1250S$14.50 Cows A 1-2(56 Steers .0,18. .veal Bulls Ewes Lambs V earl bag sheep . -7H ...45c . 7to8c .11 l-2c .. 910c With many shipbuilding plants ma terializing and other new industries to match the city will continue to progress probably with greater strides tlian ever before. Because of an old and conservative tlement here, dominating commercial and industrial Itfairs in the iast. there has been an inclination among some to belittle the city's real greatness as a business center, making nucon.pii mentary comparisons with Seattle and other large cities. Whether just ified or not. it is a iact that just now much pep is being put into civic mat ters and the future looks mighty goo'I for Oregon's metropolis. E. U. Will, formerly o Albany, re sides at 1125 Williams Avenue and tunes pianos. Was passing along Russell street, when George Myers called me into his pressing and cleaning sliop. His brother, M. U, has an interest in a garage and repair shop on Hawthorne avienuc. near the bridge. Meet Dick Churchill frequently, now a confectionery 'salesman. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast SJr we cant look or feel right wtth the system full of poisons. PORTLAND MARKET Portland. June 8, 1917. Club, $2.49 Red Russian, $2.45 Bluestem, $2.5 Fortyfold, $2.49 Oats, No. 1, white feed, $46.50 Barley, feed $42 Potatoes. $3; new 6&6 l-2c Hogs, best live. $15.15$! 5.35 Prime steers ? 1 $10 Fancy cows, $7.50$875 Calves, $6$8.50 Sheep, valley yearlings. $H.5o-$l 1 25 Spring lambs, $13ig$13.50 Butter, city creamery, 36 l-239c Butterfat. 39c Eggs, selected local ex. 3I&J2 12. Hens, I81-2c Broilers, IS .:22c Geese, 12011c Wool, 'In, valley cotswold. best 52C 53c Council to Caucus The members 01 the city council held a caucus Thursday. The subject the discusion was not giroa out. but but it is thought it aattitaid to granting a permit to lb Standard Oil company to erect their filler station at Second and Ellsworth streets. ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School Dist. No. 5. Liu county, Oregon, that the regular school election will be helj at the high school huildinc, Monday, June 18, 1917, between the hours of 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. in., of said day, at this election there will be elected two directors to serve lor a term of three years or until their suc cessors are elected and qualified. Attest H W. McELMURRY , Chairman D. D. H ACKLE.MAN J-2-18 Clerk Eastburn Bros. THE GROCERS Flour is Going Up. Our price for Saturday Valley Flour, sack . $.275 Hard Wheat Flour, $3.00 Good Brooms at the same old price 50c, 60c. 75c and 85c each. Why pay more? Eastburn Bros. Kfllloiia of folks bathe Internally - . ' " 01 waning ueir system with drugs. "What's an Inside bath?" you aay. Well, It la guaranteed to per ioral miracles If you could believe these hot water enthn.lmta There are vast numbers of men and "Joan who. Immediately upon arising Jn the morning, drink a glass of real Ma water with a teatapoonful of llme tOM phosphate in It This la a verv excellent health measure. It la in- uanoea 10 nusn the stomach, liver kid aeye and the thirty feet of Intestines Of the previous day's waste, sour bile and Indigestible material left over In the body which If not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels, the quick result li poisons and toxins which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou- 73 JACK TAB WEEK SEE THE MEW JACK TAR MIDDIES IN OUR WINDOW! t'. YOUU SURELY WANT SEVERAL FOX THE OUT Of DOOR DAYS THAT AXE HERE TO STAY. IS MADE TO FIT nWafl .Graf HUB 'EM TUB EMSCRUt.tM Trafsjr Casey Up Smiling ALL PRICES ALL STYXF ALL SIZES And . Ft- MmorM Cff ' 'ti Or. SPttelAl roa I .... w l AT Popular Prieei M. Sternberg & Co. , MdMT misery, sleeplesnness, Im- awasuuu mmv Ma. Bar alaarf .nri II a. f ::...., People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who limply can not gat feeling right are urged to Mala quarter pound of limestone nfcoapaate at the drug store This will cost very utile but la sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of internal sanitation. Jaaa soap and hot water act on tno.akte, rtoaaslng. sweetening and . 1 ' WVW SM manors and bowels. It la vastlv hxrportant 10 bathe 09 the Inside than ea the oeaatae. because the skin pores rati dr. War Bonds Everyone should subscribe to the new Government 3 1-2 per cent War Loan. Small amounts are acceptable. This bank offers its services without charge. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers Albany, Oregon Valley Doctors Meet The Central Willamette Valley Ssenrea Association nirt Thursday niulit at Corvsllla, g Western Electric Srwinf Machines WE HAVE THEM Let Ui Show You RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 310 VYeu Second St. FAMILY ORDERS for Ice Cream FILLED PROMPTLY THE ELITE Both phones W. S. Duncan. Prop. HAYNE & REED ' "FEED STORE Klour and Feed. Chopping and , cleaning. Gasoline and Oils Third and Main Streets Bell Phone 569-R Home K78 1 1 I olS Tj Headquarters For ar?M? Berry Boxes i 1 Jtf9UJWlm!in& Standard Deep Pint Boxcn FkJEejp S3.50 per Thousand agm AJEJlS1 '!' Tin Tops and Crates P-JC3 MurPh'sSeed $50 Mnjim Loans 000. $3,000. -mi. for good cultivated farms, see J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. Real Estate for Sale Itargains in farm land, city property, money to loan, in surance written in the strong est old line companies. Notary Public, J. V. Pife. 20J W. 2nd St ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill Work Class and Wind Shield.. STETTER'S FOR GR0CERIF.S AND CROCKERY Hotel Albany Six Storiei of Solid Comfort ALBANY'S FINEST HOTEL Try Our Sunday Dinners B. R. Westbrook Prop. Shaving 15c Bell phone 1M-J Hotel Albany Barber Shop Ihree of the beat barbers in the State. We want you and your children the shop of class Yours for good service. STRATTON-WORLEY and HUSTON Absolutely Antiseptic 110 West Second Street W. A. McCLAIN Contractor and Builder Cement Sidewalks, Walls, Basement and Sewer Work Cemetery Work a Specialty 231So.Bs.rSt.,B.IIPUMe420J Need Any Garden Tools We have every (hind necessary to make dardenind easy Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Hand Cultivators, Etc Barker Hard ware Store 216 W. First St. Golden Rule Dairy MILK aad CREAM S Daily Deliveries. Bath phones H. SL PALMER, Prop. Working in artificial ur imperfect liitM i a t rain mi the rye. The optic nerve become weakened, rc suit iit if iu imperfect .iiftit. Urforc it lio late let U fit you with ihc proprr Klassrv They will aid your tiklHt ami save JTOOf cye for the future. K C. MEADE, Oprornttriat c3 Li B A N Y t NATIONAL BANK PATRIOTISM AND SACKIK1CE Although uur country is rich aifl lis financial institu tions slrong, it is the people who must subx ribe to the great war loan if it Is lo lie successful. The war U the concern of ever cillsrti of the Unilcl Slates. F.uh must do hi, little bt. This bunk ollcts its scrvicr, to the public (lee of any 1 barges whatsoever, pithei Im li:-' punhaser or lo the OoVtrnnieul, in securim the new Uovrinmenl War Itvndi loRgl U SAVINGS BANK BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED WANT AOS IUSINESS ItRECTORT CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE Cairo praetor. Roomt S, 7, 9, 10, Cask Baae Bids Nature cannot cure a disease unless he cause is removed. Chiropractic sdiustments remove the cause The Chiropractor's Way la Nature's Vay Examination Free Dr. Geo J. Kenagy Suiic 'l -' Nstiou al Dank Bldg. REAL SETATE INSURANCE And Money to Loan m U. M. PAYN'li l'"arm lands and cily property for sale. Real eststc loans Kire imurancc. Surety Bond, Room, lv Jl. Cusick Blk . Albany. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN on farms at 6 per cent witb privilege of paying off any part of the principal at any time. We also loan money on cily property on ten years lime, rale 6 per cent. Hccker & lieani, 1 JJ Lyon street. M-l-7 Wt'RK WANTKD-Will go out or lake work home. I.ace curtains a pctulty. JSc pel pair. Bell SW.. ur SU V. id a4l( WANTED Woman wnt aailiing to do si home. Will gu away lo work on Saturdays. I'or uiforma lion call Home phone IJ06. nUlf HIM. P WANTICD-l-tmalc -An in lrlli.;rnl person may earn SUM monthly corrrspomling for news papers; $ U $, mnuihly In spire time: experience unnecessary; no canwiiuK, tuhjrita sngtfe,lril. Send for parlicuturs. Natiuiisl l'rc Wgraaii) Room 4SSS, BaJlalOi N. Y. M41-N-2I WANTS WORK l.ady wants work by dy or hour Home phonr. MISCELLANEOUS' IIKMSHTCHIKG-IOc a yard Sue Rrerkenrldge. M Second Si Hell IW E. F. SOX Real Bauta. Loaaa, Fire Inaurancs. l int Xslional Bank Uuilding P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drug less Mealing. Chronic. Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diaeaaea. 734 Lyon St Altsny, Or. Home phone 2185. Bell J94-R H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Bonds SoCCUl BllCnilun Uiveti lo . :. ol property beloagingta non-rcsideuls. Kooin no. I, second lloor, rirst Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. NOTICE Mr. PmaJ Kurhl. who (or five rears COwdgCtad Ihc S'c Reach Rukcry, N'rw-pt.ri, t)regnrt, is now in my rmplov Mr, Knrhl i con- lidered one of Ihc he, I baker, in lite talc Gir him a irial Jacob l icli J-8-9 - TEST W. NTED With H i to 4- fool waii, sjag skoal Nail Can Half phone .rx.R, or Home phone 1.152. FOR SALE FOR SALE Fresh cows on easy terms. H. Bryant D4if I VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Open from 7:30 a. m. to 7 p. m, Saturday 10 p. m. Cor. First aad EUawertk Streets You will always get the "HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for your Crram, Eggs and Poultry at the Hazcltvood Co. 128 Weat Second St Salesman's Position Open Good territory Liberal Unas ALBANY NURSERIES First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor FOR SALE A good row boat with two pairs of oars. Inquire at J15 E. 1st street. J .v 1 1 FOR SALE CHEAP 2500-gallon California redwood tank; two water tanks for thresher outfit. Inquire or write to C. R. Widmcr, Route 4, Albany, Oregon. M-26-J-9 FORD FOR BALK 1910 Ford in el egant condition for sale at a bar gain. Irvine Garage. FOR SALE Seed John Zcllrr, R n., 5905. potatoes. Call Home Phone CHICHESTER S PILLS VFfv 1 1 1 1 it 1 v 1. 1 ' v ii M U Mi snnn mm; iy IRON. IRON. IRON It i your duly lo your country to ave every piece of scrap iron. Every piece helps. We nerd 15 car. of iron and are in a position lo pay the highest price, Wc alio pay ihr loud est markrl price for all kind, of junk and rcond hand iioods. OREGON HIDE a JUNK CO. First and Bsker St. J-7-I4- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim In Dougls, county tor city property or good farm land Home 1141 f FOR RENT NEWPROT COTTAGE For Rent for entire season including electric light, and city water for $75. Two or more families may lease and di vide expense. C. B. Winn, Albany. Ore. June 7-S-9- FOR RENT Two nice light clean rooms, furnished (or light house keeping. Inquire of Dr. W. A. Cox, 225 W 1st St. M-26-tf J. C. YUEN Chinese Doctor Try me when all rl.e fails, (d.i solution free. Home Phone 1147 124 Jefferson Si, Albany Ore. Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Baildind. Alhenv. Or. Botfc phones. I ad) Assistant FOR RENT 5-room furnished rot lage for rent; also two light house kcepaing rooms. Inquire 3.1J S. Jefferson St.. or phone Home 4I2H. J-4-tf. FOR RENT Light aousekeepini rooms, 421 W. 1st St Reasonable price. Bell phone !t?-R. mlttf WANTED. AGENTS WANTED For our non- irrigated, low-priced trees. Un equalled proposition for right man. Our new Agent's Contract is a win ner. Address Pacific Nursery Co., 1221-2 Grand Ave., Portland, Ore gon. M-2toJ-2 WOOD Will be shipping in about 10 day sawed second-growth fir at a reasonable price. Get your order in for winter wood. E It CUMMINOS Albany Hotel Building A QUALITY STORE We sell the be.t.t lowest prices Watch Rapawtag F. C Will HELP WANTED Male An In telligent person may earn 1100 monthly corresponding tor news papers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare lime; experience unnecesssry; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Room 4MS, Bnffalo, N. Y. M-21-N-2I WHEN answering Classll'ed ads. please mention the Democrat. WANTED Good second-hand cream separator. Call Bell I7-P-21. J6-ff Fishcr-Bradcn Undertakers I.udy uasiatant Auto-Hearse service if desired. THE REST BAKED GOOD9 GROCERIES, PRODUCE aad FRUITS PARSER'S "The 9ita of Qui lity" IM Lyon St. Both Pkaaca ..