ALBANY DAILY DXM0C1AT. WXDMXAOAY. APRIL M, Ml r Look the List Over If you art Intended call and gat our prtcaa. WINDOW QLASS. ALL SIZKS VARNISH, STAINS, ENAMELS PHOENIX PURE PAINT! SHEEP DIP STOCK TONIC POULTRY POOD and a now and up-to-date Una ol Wan Papar. WE Bl all SELL RIOHT. WE BUY RIOHT Burkhart & Lee Albany, Oregon held Saturday. About fifty ware pre tent. Mfn Bertha Beck attended a meet ing of the Omocron Mu Club at the home of Mitt Helen Myert in Albany Saturday evening. The Country Club wa entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doty Saturday evening. Dancing wai tiie diversion, of the evening. Mrs. Mitchell was teriouily ill Sun day, muthroom poisoning being the caute. Dt, W. II. Davis was called and she it rrporlrd much better, Mr. and Mrt. George Atkcson and Mr. and Mri. William Caldwell mo tored to Kenton county Sunday to visit the Anthony boyi. Ixland Koertt apent the week end with relative! at Philomath. Milt Krnettinc Roertt spent the week end with her parenlt, Mr. and Mr- Frank Robert). t RIVERSIDE ITEMS (wi5ftt Mr. and Mrt. Frank Krwin ami their three children arrived Monday from Idaho to vitit Mrt. Krwin't par ent!, Mr. and Mrt. II. II. Kastuian. Mr. and Mrt. William Slrllmachcr were Albany vititort Monday. Mr. and Mrt. Herman Anthony were in Alany Monday. Ad Shew wai in Albany Monday. Mr. and Mrt. Will Caldwell were in town on utinrt, Monday. Mi. and Mrt. C.lauien and ton. Robert, were chopping in Albany Monday. Mr. B. B. Jameton took a load of potatoet to Albany Monday and re ceived for them $112. Mrt. Jennie and Miti Agnei An derton entertained the clubt Thurt day. Owing to the unpleasant weather the. attendance wai tmaller than utuat, but a plcatant time was enjoyed and a choice lunch wai erved. Mrt. Frank I-twin wat an honored truest. Mrt. Miller, Mrt. Ilurank and Mrt. Jamrnn attended the Sunday school convention at Lebanon Thursday. Mr. and Mrt. Archie Millrr and Mrs. Bnrank went to Charity Grange Saturday. J? An unusually lively and interesting meeting of Callamelte Grange wai LAST OF SEASON'S VAUDE VILLE N GLOBE TONIGHT With tonight's vaudeville offering at the Globe Theatre, the season for Hippodrome Tour B will close in Al bany. Sixteen bills have ecn pre sented here in the last four months, and the manner in which the theatre going , public hastaken to Manager Meyer's offerings bespeaks their ap proval. Tour II has been a success. Plans arr ajirady under way for a bigger and better tour next year, and the acts which will be sent out of Chicago for a tour of the smaller cities of the Wett will be even better than the ones this year. And yet, many of the acts which have appeared in this city this winter have gone on to the Or pheum, Fantages and other circuits after leaving here. Tonight Manager Meyer offers three sparkling acts with a five-reel Paramount picture and a two-reel L Ko comedy. !!- and Alfredo, the two hickt from Hiclcvillc, are an in fectious pair with pleasing rural com edy. It is a novelty creation with a delightful blcndiiv of mirth and mu sic. Mitt DeFay't imitations are a special feature and assure a hearty laugh. Mist Lee Yoke, Chinese character singer, will render a number of popu lar and classical vocal numbers . There is much to admire in her vol ume and flexiility of the singer's up per register and precision of delivery. There is an air of finish and class to the offering of the Misses La Varde and Wilton. Their opening number, the Blue Bird, is done to har mony and graceful action. Mits Wit ton follows with an artistic dance and Miss La Varde with a solo. The con cluding number, a medley with saxo phone and voice, it decidedly pleas ing. Wallace Rcid and Clco Ridgeley in "The Yellow Pawn" will delight in the five reel Paramount picture, which hat to do with the artitt life in the fashionable Bohcman set in New York City, and deals with the love affair etween the wife of a district attorney and a famous painter. Defendants in the case of William Schneider against M. Kerf hat eeen filed. Good Creamery Butter 45c HIOHEST MARKET PRICE PAID POR CREAM and EGOS and PRODUCE Harelwood Co. 12g West Second St. COAL Just Received CAR LOAD E. R. Cumming's Fuel Yard Two very important facts for young men about this store trrSH Hn S k-t-, 1 ONE is that we believe in young mn; the other is that they believe in us. It's a great combination. It has brought us the trade of the best dressed young men in town. Right now they're all strong for these new Hart Schaffer & Marx Varsity Fifty Five suits You'll like them toor another reason why this store is a young men's center. Older men like to come here. We can do a good thing for all of you in the best clothes made; all-wool and stylish. Fit Guaranteed. The Toggery The of Hart Scbaffner & Matt clothes Thursday GLOBE THEATRE II Friday LIMITED ENGAGEMENT OF JULES VERNE'S "20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA" Nothing Like It Thrilling Beyond Your On Earth Wildest Dreams Produced at Coat Exceeding Half Million Dollars and Requiring More Than Two Years ill the Making. SEE The death trrapplr between gi ant octoput and pearl diver. (The only motion picture of itt kind in the world) showing an octopus and a man in ferocious hallle on the ocean's hottoni. SEE The weird grave digging scene at the ottom o( the tea. SEE The daring crew ol the sub marine Nautilus leave the boat from its under side, to battle with the strange inhabitants of the deep. SEE The magic submarine window, and view the amazing panoramas of the deep, more fascinating than anything on the face of the earth. SEE The Nautilus rise from its orean bed to battle with the II. S. Ship Abraham Lincoln. SEE Captain Nemo's party explor ing the ocean's bed with the new diving apparatus rnpiiring nei ther air bote nor life line. SEE The hair raising combat be tween divers and giant sharks. Undersea Photograph? Made Poaal ble by the Williamson Invention. BUM 11 STUPENDOUS and SPECTACULAR The Under-Sea Motion Picture achievement of the Century; flashing before the eyes of the world the most enthralling scenes from the depths of the ocean; maritime marvels that for countless thonsands of years have been denied to the sight of mankind; the wildest and most fan tastic dreames of Jules Verne and the moat noted fiction writers realized and ( surpassed visualized for yeta in pictures heretofore deemed impossible. IE only production of its kind in the world the only photo- drama actually photographed at the bottom of the ocean, amidst huge changin sharks, the feared tiers of the mighty deep. The dream of the wildest romancer "'outdone. The production that reveals to the people of the J earth the strangest sights of the ocean's depths; sights that for thousands of centuries have been denied to mankind. YOU WILL SEE The fwiftest dramatic action hair raisins battles thrilling escapes fearless attacksall at the very bottom of the ocean. You will see Jules Verne's dream surpassed. You will witness sights that up to the present day no man on earth has ever set eyes upon. . TWICE DAILY-2:15 P. M. 7:45 P.M ADMISSION CHILDREN fil m