Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 25, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight and Thursday, showcri.
r 'j i
No. m.
Government Charged With Re
iponsibllity For Food Crisis
By Reichstag Member.
Resolution Rejected; Rolohstag
Wont Meet Again Until May
2nd Is Report.
AMSTERDAM, April 25. The new
anti-govcrnmcni Socialist party pre
ripilalcd a tumultuous disturbance at
yesterday KcKlnlag meeting, Mate
llcrlin dpachcs.
l-edhoun, onr of titr organiser of
the new party, charged the govern
ment with 1 , nliu fur the fond
crisi in (jermany. lie demanded
that tht- keichstag dicu the w hole
tiliiation ami tlie government' iml
administration Wednesday. Amid
triiipcsluou debate tlie resolution
was rejected.
I airt. lierlin dispatches state, the
Peichatag would noj meet again
till May 2.
General Grocncr, ehief of the mu
nition department, ia quoted sap
in that the govemmrnt r determined
to auppreaa all strikes regardless of
' Baf !
PTinti by Am-rlcam I'rra AarlRtkm.
Mjr Ganarai John J. Pr.hlnf
PORTLAND, April 25 Spot deala
in wheat for Portland delivery were
made thi afternoon at $2.54 per buah
el. Thia la robablp the highest rkeDfw
in the hiatory of the United State
Mass Formations Used Against
British Advance; 40 German
Aeroplanes Brought Dowji.
LONDON, April 25-Over JUOO
were made priaoncra since Monday'a
resumption of tlie llritiih drive, and
further advance were made deapite
bitter German oppoaition, it ia re
ported in General Main's statement
The .German are throwing every
available reaerve into the breach on
a nine mile front. Near Croiaillet
the lighting ia raging with a ferocity
unparalleled since the opening of the
war. The German Ire uing great
maaaea of men with reckless prodi
gality for In. The Mriliih artil
lery literally tore the tnaiaed Ger
man into hredi, and the hand to
hand fighting it of the bitterest sort.
Forty German aeroplane were
brought down yesterday, and the
llritiih complete mastery ol the air
give them a great advantage. The
German arc un-ihlc to apy the llritiih
move. The fighting on the French
front i principally artillery combat.
School Board Names Able Corps
to Handle Schools For An
other Nine-months.
Salaries Increased in All Cases
Where Maximum Limit Had
Not Already Been Reached.
reka diiatche indicate thai the
atcam schooner Coronado, which
caught fire off Humboldt bay lat
night, will be brought in aafely to
day. The (ire i under control and
thr crew waa reacued.
.) .-, n ! j) a 9 3 m is 9
Weather Report-
Yestcr.lav's trmueralure ranged be
tween 44 and 64 degree. The rain
fall up to 8 o'clock thi monwnaj was
17 of an iiKh and the river roe to
nine fect.
Retail Merchant. Meeting -
Theregular monthly meeting of the
Atanp Retail Merchant' Aaiociation
will beheld in the Hotel St. Charlea
tomorrow evening at 6:30 o'clock.
Thi ia important to the memcr.
Two Fin) Show. Coming
LAIhanv neoDle will hal wth delght
the coming to the Globe Theatre on
Map 15 of the John Cort attraction,
"Septemer Morn." Thia ia a mutical
comedy with a large cboru of girl
and a good caat of prinipal. Man
ager Meyer of the -Globe alao an-
nnrnrM that he ha booked for the
benefit of the Y. M. C. A. the great
aParaiuounth feature, I ne r.tcrnai
City," Hall Caine'a famou novel, alar
ring Pauline Frederick.
MrVtmnuUla Men Piah
D. N. Kelley. L. C. Thompaon, P. P.
Wrinht. J. E. Loop and Ralph Wort
man, all prominent McMinnvillr busi
ne men, passed through the city
vesterdav on theie wav to the Mr-
Keniie river, where they will aprnd
a few day Mining.
Tn Connie Marry-
Counts- Clerk Ruiaell today issued
marriaire licenae to Scott W. Prin-
dcl, 40. of Pari. Lane county, and
Mr. Mabel I rectag. 30, of rhonia
and to ..Mvin L. Caebeer. 21, of
Sweet Home, and Prudy Holcomb
19. of Foster.
k,ll...l Two Wildcat
H. II. Beeson of Gate waa in the
. iiv today II hrouo-ht In two Wild
cat hide, for which County Clerk
Rusirll paid him a bountp of $4.
,51 f il :) ! (.1 (S) G S) H) S) S
i i
The Democrat want an ap-
WANTED Middle aged woman or
couple to keep houae for an elderlp
woman in the country. Hell phone
114-Y. A. 25-27
W. O W . Attention.
All Woodmen of the World are
requeitrdto meet the 11 o'clock Ore
gon Electric train on Thursday to
eacort the remain of our late broth
er, Edwn Hughe, to the cemetery.
All met at the depot.
By order of J. S. Monoamlth, C. C.
A. 23
Facta About tha Dollar.
When Ml rrak a dollar the piece
dlnpt-Hr mysteriously.
A dollar aM-ut la far smaller than a
dollar -Hvcl
muiblhm dollar la far harder than
dlvld It
A ib-ltnr thrown away can never
again I..- found
A la.rrov, I i'ii!'-ir l l-PTrt n big a
i dollar lent - litllnioie Sun.
Tk. riu.1 V.I...M. In tha Farm.
IV. yon know a monkey face owl
when you ce one? IVrhata ynn know
It aa the ham owl. nhow. If yon.
re one naimimt anmnii o"n i am h
tl'a ta-i-th al nr nlo-ht rata to Ton or
the farm nr aubnrban place-, arcordlag
to the atnte liMilopiat or ningro
Chicago Tribune
How snail I be able to rale over oth
an (hat bare not full power and a
and oear say eel? Rahehita.
Case of PauliiB Against Grove
Rev rated and Remanded
For New Trial.
At a meeting of the board of di
rector latt night het corpt of teach-
grtt re-elected to head the city
were choien. The onlv school not
Idled waa the Eaat School, for which
Superintendent Boettichcr -made no
recommendation at prcaent.
Superintendent C. W. Boettichcr
was re-elected to bead the dtp
achoola lor another period at a meet
ing tome time ago. Latt night W. B.
Young was named for principal of the
High school for another pear at an in-
rease o( aalary. G. E. Finnerty of
the Junior Hi i. O. D. Byers of the
Madison Junior High were kept in
thcr present places vith an increase
their salaries and Mrs. Anna Hodg-
kins was named principal of the Maple
Street school, succecdina; W. A. Scott
BBS Zina Bycrt waa the only new
teaher named last night The posi
tion of instrator n history in Central
Junor High is also to be named later.
Mss Jessie I. Painter waa retained
aa music and art instructor, while E.A.
Moaea remaina as instructor in band.
orchestra and atl.letica. Following
are the teachers named:
Senior Hij-h School W. B. Young,
prinipal; E. A. Hudson, manula train
ing and assignment; M. C. Clifford,
commercial and assignment; W. E.
Wood, mathematics and assignment;
S. A. Wold, science and historp and
assinment; Miss Lulu Heist German
and aasignmcnt; Miss Aurelia Burch
English and assignment: Miss Mae
Lews, shorthand, typewriting and as
signment; Miss Maude Miller, Latin
and assignment; Miss Lillian Thord
arson, domestic science and assign
ment; Miss Winnie Patterson, domes
tic art and assignment
Central Junior High School G. E.
Finnerty. principal ; Mprtle Worley,
mat hematic; Minnie Mc Court, his
tory and geography; Edna Metcalf,
English; Bertha Lee, English and
German: Otto Fox, manual trainimi
Vera Tracey. Latin; Harry Brook
hardt, mathematics: Lottie Morgan,
English: Margaret Riley, sixth
grade: Nellie Pate, fifth grade: Mpr
tle Currp. fourth rade: Letha McCul
iough. third grade: Gertrude Buehler,
second grade: Zclla Burkhart. first
Madison Junior High School O. D.
Bpcrs, principal; Doiothy Shank, sev
enth grade and assignment; Edith Mc-
Court. sixth grade: Mae Clemmo,
fifth rade; Anna Mayne, fourth grade;
Mwilda Wilson, third grade; Bcuie
11.11. second .Trade; Haiel Rolfe. first
Maple School Mrs. Anna Hodg
king, principal: Louise Nimmo, fifth
grade; Ella Thacker, fourth grade
Lorena Phelp. third rade; Mabel
Schulti, second grade; Zina Rprrs
first grade.
Eat School No recommendations.
Miss Jessie L Painter, music and
art: E. A. Moses, hand, orchestra anil
Colombia tha Hebrew Republic.
Cnlotnhbi l- I he nrnawrjlr .-M-.rhirr
of Spain. Hoe la twice aa largo aa bee
mother ami many rime aa promising.
And It may surprise you to learn that
the moat progressive element la Co
lombia ta not the Hpanlah population or
the natives, bat I Jewish opu railed
Antlouulans, who hare old Teataa
names, raise families of from twelve
to thirty children and are fast herean-
lag the dominant power In tat lamt,
both In numbers and Influence Co
lombia la the gnat Jewish republic of
the near future. Dsn Ward la Works
Tbc Supreme Court yeterday re
versed tha decision n Crcut Court
of Linn county in the case of Wlliam
Poutlai aganst K. M. Grove. The
caae was rcrcrsed and ordered re
manded ack to Judge Kelly's court
for a nc w trial Justice George II.
Burnett states that Judge Kelly erred
in instructing the jury that if Poulla
contributed to the accident by hi
own negligence he would not be en
titled to recover.
The suit was rough! to recover
$8400 for injuries sustained March
31, 1915. when Poullas, who was
working 'or Grove, fell through a
hole io a bars loft and received injuries.
Judge Burnett hold that to deny
Poullas the right for damages, even
f he was negligent, i contrary to the
rovisions of the employers' liability
Wratherford k Weathrrford were
attorneys lor the plaintiff and appellant.
WASHINGTON, April 25. Coo
struction of the first 1000 wooden
"sea jitneys" begins in a few daps
Secretary of Labor Wilson announced
Millar and Miehetsoa Brothers,
Wilbur and McBrlde Leave
Artillery Service.
High School Dismisses to Per
mit Students to Give Rotating
Send Off at Train.
Ships Rushed to Scene to Res
cue Crew of Nearly Four
Hundred Men.
SAN DIEGO, April 25. The naval
collier Brutus is imperiled on sub
merged rock "somewhere in the Pa
cific." Several United Slates ships
rushed to its assistance. How badly
it is damaged has not been ascertained.
The rescue ships were expected to
reach the Brntas last night and at
tempt a rescue today. The craw LOS
listed of 372 officers and men.
lea AeVtce an Build. ng and Frttifia
Up a Practical Oaraaa.
"The alao of the garage depends upon
the afcaa of the car It la to lie lased for."
says C. H. Claudy In the Woman a
Homo Companion "A convenient alze
for matt cars la 14 by 18 feet This
will usually give plenty of room to
work around the car. Shelf room la
ntlal and abould be all along one
sale, seven feet bleb and one foot
wide. On tin- other aide bare plenty of
nails for bauging things on. At the
rear end. above tbe door, hare a abelf
wide enough to bo 'd apara outer tires
At each rear corui-r liave a three cor
nered cl.wet for old clothing, etc. At
the front corners have several threo
cornered ht-l ws act la
"A workbench ia an essential fea
ture. TUla should le built near a win
dow, ao that there will be a bondage
of light Make tbe workbench of two
Inch boarde und bare It aa large aa
space will permit Do not hare tha
supports, or less, come down straight
to the Door, as tbey will be hi tbe way,
but slant tbem back to the wall Make
draw era to elide under tbe bench for
holding nails, tools, etc A tool cheat
of common and useful toola under tbe
bench la a good friend Hare two
electric light extensions; alao a band
electric searchlight
"A fife saving equipment la a length
of garden hose that will lit over the
exhaust pipe of your engine. When
the engine la running, with doors and
window shut, lit one end of tbe hose
over the exhaust pipe and put the other
end outside through a hole previously
made for that purpose. This may pre
vent you from being aspb.v listed, as
tbe gas from tbe exhaust Is very pot
aououa and baa been known to cause
Chafing over the inactivikp of Fifth
Company, Coaat Artillery Corps, Paul
and Pete Miller, Fred and Harold
Michclaon, Ralp.i Wilbur and George
McBride, all red blooded athlete and
member of Albany High School, left
this noon for Portland, wherethey
will take the examinations for the
Unted States N'avy. All belonged to
the Coast Artillery company, but
wanted to nee more service than they
have been getting at present
It was a memorable event in the
high school. Studies were dismissed
15 minutes early and nearly the entire
student body went to the S. P. depot
to see their heroes of many a thrilling
football, aseall and asketball game de-
depart on the first stages of their
The crowd of teachers and students
surrounded the boys at the train, show
ering them with p;ood wishes for their
success and a safe journey. The
Jolly Entertainers" band, from
school in Washington, happened to be
passing through to Lebanon, and they
enlivened the air with "The Star
Spangled Banner" and other patriotic
There were smiles and tears, jests
and serious thoughts. It will be an
event long remembered by tbe
All are athletes, fine specimens 'of
manhood, and there is not the slight
est doubt but that they wilt pass the
physical and mental requirements
This done they will pass through Al
any in a short time for Goat Island,
California, where they will enter the
naval training station.
A Stump Jump Plow.
In western Australia tbey use a
rial type of plow called the "stump
Jump." on account of the fact that near.
ly all tbe areas susceptible of cultiva
tion In that region are heavily wooded,
and the land cannot be cleared of
stumps and roots because of tbe dearth
and high coat of labor. The stump
Jump plow, which la tbe Invention of
an Australian, la so made that It will
roll over stumps and other cJastrnc-
tlons lying on the ground.
The way to keep up tbe Interest la
gardening to not to do the same thing
year after year. That la monotonous
Try the new fruits, vegetables and
flowers. Bold to the old. tried and true
for malaataya. If desired, until the t
prove that they are what la wanted
to entirely displace older varieties.
New fork Sun.
lllc'al 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y azfL
"I t.Anr - PoATfoorf -. wfll II 1 1 1 1 at'
President's Yacht Brings Party
Down the Potomac River
and Crowds Cheer.
Japanese "i
Crepe In (mall Apses,
Japan might well be railed the land
of Infinite detail. Perhaps nowhere on
earth may one see detail carried to
such extremes aa In that land, whan
every available square foot of sol
must be made to yield every posatble
return. Farms of one or two acres
producing six, eight ten or a doxen
different crops are common sights, the
soil being fertilized and handled In
such a manner aa to bring results fax
every month of tbe year.
One peasant who ol.taiaed some over
flowed laud turned what In this coun
try would be waste ground to profit.
Converting tbe marshy overflow Into
ponds, be bred and raised snapping
tunics, which la Japan are considered
as much of a delicacy as diamond back
terrapin here. Tbe farm now prasSaces
tens of thousands of the snapping tur
tles annually, these being shipped to
Tokyo sod Yokohama mark eta by the
Japan has also a pearl oyster farm
la the bay of Argo I here baa been es
tolilhthed a plantation from which a
h.:; veat ia obtained.
In Mai or June stones weighing
from six to eight pounds are sunk in
r hallow wnt-r. and In August tbe tiny
shells beciii to snear no them.
stones remain for tw months, jut
since tha young oysters cannot endure
cold la November all rocks la leas than
Ave feet of water are moved farther
out. where the temp.-rature to
even. At the end of three years, at!
tbe shells are about two inches
tbey are taken from the water,
for tiearto Inserted In them and re
placed In lite v.strr, thirty of them to
every six a-tcaix- feet of bottom.
Torre they are left for four rears
Then, being seven and a half yean
old they are removed and eaarehad
for pearls. Washington Star.
Balfour Asserts That Allies An
Fighting For the Liberties
of Mankind.
WASHINGTON, April 25,-The
final step bringing representatives of
the world's greatest democracies to
gether came today with the arrival of
the French commissioners.
As former Premier Viviaai ayi (
Marshall Joffrc came sliding down
the Potosnlc on the yacht Mayflower,
Secrctarp of the Treasury McntloO
handed the Britiah ambassador. Spring
Rce, a treasury warrant for $200,000,-
000, Great Britain's first participation
in the seven billion dollar war finance
Few more impressive scenes in the
history of the United States hare
ever been enacted than the trrival of
the French commissioners at 12 J this
afternoon. Thousands of people lined
the road from the navy yard gate to
the pier where tbe yacht was docked.
Scores of navy and army officials and
Secretary of State Lansing were
awaiting the party.
When Drink Is at the Bottom.
In a large proporthHi of ra-ew." says
a contemporary, -drink to found to lie
st the bottom of the trouble when accl
dent to J o riders occur.' Quit so.
and at the hotiooi la the man outside
of tbo drinks, while on top oftentimes
Is a couple of tons of twisted metal.
some combustible upholstering, a tank
of gaxollne with a broken feed Hoe and
a lire spsrk l-oulsville Courier-Jour
Net an Insult
DM yon call that n.utemporary
lowbrow and a bouebeadl"
Tea, I did." niiswered Senator Sor-
"He resents the Insult"
"That was no Insult That was a
diagnosis "-Washington 8tar.
The Dull Man.
The dull man has no Imagination
He does not possess the faculty of put
ting himself In the other mail's place.
Therefore be to certain to blunder, to
be unjust end to be cruel. He cannot
be charitable.-Arnold Bennett In Wo
man's Home Companion.
"I wtoa a ton of coal, pi
"Tee. madam What sixer
"Dear ana. I didn't know coal cams
ta sixes: I wear a .No. S eboe and a No
0 gtove-"-Loulvllie Courier-Journal.
An Inatanos sf Woman's Superiority.
No man ever dared tell the truth
about women: only a woman can do It
-K W. Howe's Monthly
hmm Ins YsjUow Paw . t)a Glob
(Bv United Press)
WASHINGTON, April 25 The
Navy Department aaa receved a re
port through officials channel that
the American steamer Mongolia sank
a sebmarine when the German under
water craft attacked it
Because tbe dsjaartmant's
tion 't not positive and the message
aasjsflalli. the State Department re
fuses to discuss the report The Monl
gotia was hound from the United
States to E saltan.
ROME, April 25. Pope Benedict
is informed by papal nuncios in the
Teutonic countries that the general
strikes closely approximate a revo
lution According to a report in Vati
can circles, it is asserted that the
revolts indicate that a general revolt
to back the people's peace demar-'s
might develop.
9 0)
Visits His Father
S. A. Whitney, a former Albaap
bop. ut no wa successful j rains; usi-
ness man of Portland, is visiting at -the
home of his fatt er, J. J. Whitney.
Mrs. Weatherford Returns
Mrs. Mark Weatherford returned
last night from Ann Aror, Michigan,
where she haa ben visiting at the
home of bet) mother for several
Ships Stock
D. E. Neberal last night shipped a
carload of fat hog.; and cattle to
Portland. The last shipment he
made topped the market
Visits Her Daughter
Mrs. W. Parker ia visiting at the
home of her daughter at Cottage
Returns to Albany. si
Mrs. Carrie Wolfe, who recently un
derwent an operation in Portland for
appendicitis, has returned to Albany.
Makes Business Trip-
Charles Weider returned last niht
from a business trip to Milt City.'
Citp Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the city
council will be held this evening.
with ma
PETROGRAD, April- 2$.-The de
struction of tbe Turkish harbor work
at Karasune and live Turkish vetsets
is officially announced as the out
come of a successful Russian,
destroyer and subsnarinc raid,
Karasunt to a Mnaort of ,
Turkey on the Beach Sea,