Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 05, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Shu -
Igln and Friday
'11 Mil
ffitallesa la IMS
Urn ttwtnUkn 1Umm te
Vmm Coty.
No. art
Secretary MoAdoo Asks For
Over Thrt: Billion Oollari
For Army and Navy.
Ail Single Men Between Twenty
and Twenty-three Years
Will Be Registered.
I t) f) ' ll , V '
(fly Unllci ftMl)
i Wj' liitiiilon, April 5. The Vim -
(t) riran strainer "Mlssouilan," wilh :t
ft thirty two American aboard B
K on submarined without warning
in tnr Mcditrrirncan. a. fw.linK
V In itllpllrhll of United Stair
consul general. All wrrr Ycd
Wa.HiiiL'loii, April 5 The stjsara.
mint took the filt Mtivf lrp lowar I
war (.reparation lolay v.hen cretarv
of the treaiury McAdoo asked con
M to appropriate-three hillion lu
hunilreil million dollar (or army air!
navy expense. Secretary ol the navy
l'..rn-l tl at thr navy protinrl
he Increased Iron clirhty-seven to one
humlritl anil fi(t thiiiisaml nieiiiticr
of thr MgftM corps and Iroiu rw'n
tern lb thirty Ihoii.and.
Thr army. Ucadoo said, required 2
hillion nine hundred million, and lit.
navy two Imudrrd ninety million in
adftition to regular rspense. Appro
priatiou are in a blanket form calling
for muni) (or "military expenditure-. '
Unofficial estimates BTfaMltd in the
federal re-eric hoald null, ale thai ti"
billion. Call hr railed ililtnrdialel .
t! i h a l.ond i'ite hearing three
and a half percent War liuduct plan
were dlctlrd at a njagtlBS of thr ft
rrr himid. direct taxation b
crrae it propotcd.
Register Single Men
Waliiiigton, April 5 Mean of
registering alt ini;1r mm between
twenty and twctity-thrrr were di
cu.ftcd by the executive council of the
committee on lahor and national dt
fene.. Uncainca over univcr;'!
training i apparcnl and an extended
eoniirrftional debate i expected,
l eader feel lt under the prein
rireumlancea the meaure will pa
A. C. Schmitl. chairman of thr rx
rrutiic committee, of the Oregon V.M
C.A latt ni::ht attendrd tjir annual
meeting of the University of Orison
Y.M.C..V. and pokr at thr haniptci
which followed the election of ol
ficrr. It was one of the best at
tended meeting ever held in the hi
tor of the organization.
Mr. Schmitt taled to a Demoerat
nutiointalUi ihi morning that the
tatr organization i workim; nut 3
plan to .end a Y.M.C.A. secretary w ill
rvrry rcgement of troop mustered
into the service from thi tatr. Thr
secretary will havr undrr hi direction
one Mfllttf'M attached lo each com
pany in thr rejimrnt.
Assured By Germany of Safe
Conduct Through Danger
Zone Say Commissioners.
(!ly United I'rril)
Komlon, Atri 5 -I hc U I :i;in It
lirf htp "Trcvicr"
)if filMVealntin. i 1 1 n to a
i iiiiiidtn tli.iatch. I'wcnly four inrm
bff of the crrw luiulnl of tlum
i . In ..'! wumi'lcd.
The "'I rvricf ' is a tccl KTtW vc
I of three thousand torn. It wa
tilt in nineteen hundred and cven
atnd tfgliMftd t Antwerp.
Amu rod &af Conduct
New Voik, April 5, The "Trevict"
tt New York r-Yhnury 4). foi Hot
u-r dam. It ai jiim tt .i j(c con
Itu t throtiKh the i'.hxmarinr zone.
the conimitvion for ItrlKiiiin rcliri
tated. It carried only a (om iar,:
New Recruits Coming Daily
and War Strength Will
Soon Be Reached.
Another hatch of recruit a takc:i
i hy l-'ilth Company last nirfht at the
rmory. The latest to join the color
are Darrcl Auttin, John IliKtf. Lostkt
SchoMSi Stanley Adam. Illmer Aver
lioff also ha filed hi application.
There tl plenty of life aliout the ar
it.ry at all time. Men are COtuiog
and gt.iiiit at all lime of the day. l're
paration arc under way for any cm
mtfgffKy, and the couiiany could
mohihe and uel away from the city
n short notice.
The company it expect. iik the dai1
irrival of 150 new uniform and othr.
applies are on the way.
The lreu-'th of tin coliuiauy If
now almost 120, and will easily
hat fik'nrc hy nicht. Yesttrdaj
outs went to l.ehanon and looked
ver the Mluation. but. in view oi lh'
uct that a company of infantry is he
ug considered lo rthal cetion, no
ffort wa made to enroll men then
.t thi time. If the l.ehanon company
does not mautrialtc hct veen Jti and XI
en may join the local company from
Rousing Demonstration of Pa-
triotism Will Be Held on the
Streets and in Armory.
Fine Program of Addresses
and Music Will Be Given
Following Parade.
I'Orl SAt.E-$l25 organ for $65ffl
One hay mare tins mark 2.1K, untile
for lady to drive, cnuuive Davrn
fiort Mnic Storr. a 5-8
IfcfliD lOT.ATOKS Soaritf variett
for sale. Call Home jihunr X-525
a 5 I2
I'OR SALE Sr nll place of 2 1-2
aero, new house, I 1-2 miles from
court house or l.ehanon road.
Small payment down, rest on term
1111 phone 510-1. a 5-12
orr 100. J C. Hall. Home phon
M-5.W. , 5-7
I'OR SAl.h A six room modern
. .1 .1 .) .- . , ,) .1 .. 4.
i s e 9 J t s
K. of P. Meet tonight
Members of the Knights of Pythi.i
vi meet at the lodcc looms thi
eveninjr to make plans for l' c part
v. hich tllcy will take in the Kteat pal
riodc parade which vill he held in
Alhany at 7 o'clock tomorrow niitht
t oaler Hat New Jolt
accepted a position as secretary of the
the local Y.M.C.A. bat now of Karl.
logSi Idaho, has hecn offered and MU
accented a position as secretary of the
V.M.C A. at Sacremcnto, California
Hr will atop off for a few days in Al
bany cnroiHc to his new home.
Preached Last night-
Rev llowaid McCoiincH of Dallas
occupied the pulpit at the Christian
church last nlht.
Committee Working on Plana
Huh llryanl, chairman of the com
niitlce appointed to secure the siijna
turcs of the r ti it growers in the vie
inily ol Alhany for the Una and llen-
Ofl lirowers A'sociation expects to
have the work well under way in a
few day.
Gaaon Preachea Tonight
Alhyn Ksson' will prrach toniuht
at Ihc Prc-I'.aster mcttinns heinw con
In.nd at thr Christian church. His
stlbiect will he "Why They Tarried
will In- unu hv Mrs. J. F
Walso.i Hie puhlic is cordially in
vitcd. On account of the patrioti
nieetinn at the armory there will he
no service at the Christian church
Friday niitht
Back In Albans
Oscar Powell, who prior to four
years ago was employed in the Elite
Confectionery hy R. C. Churchill, has
returned to this city and is arrain mak
in.- candy for the same tore nndc
the management of Mr. and Mrs. V
S. Duncan. During his ahicrtcr he
kAll. -,na i... ... i tm i . ..:
at 1105 Santiam Road. a J-I2 h h:n in BonentTR- and Dallas
Arraugeuients arc complete for the
alriolic parade, demonstration and
i'logram wrich -all he held in the ar-
ry 1-riday ni.-ht. C. II. llrrggraf.
f the i-ilk lodh'c committee appointed
. arrange for the meeting and in-
Mc the to-oicr;iliou of all otuer fra-
rnal and civic boihes as cell as mil
iary and patriotic or, -lnizations of
c city, reports tint the affair will be
a great success.
Thr time i arrain el-anged for the
paraile and it will occ ar at 7:JO o clock
originally planned. The committee
eceived so many reqnesl lo post-
one the parade until after supper
hat they feft louipillcd to dost. Thi
arOJ give all an opportunity to parti-
The parade will leave the armor;,
romplly at 7:30 o'cloc1 , and all pai -
icipant are asked lo he on hand early
and get in tin : r places to that there
m ill he no delay.
No Autos in Parade
There will he no automobile in the
parade except those carrying the Wo-
irn Relief corps, and some of the
nemheni of the Grand Army of the
'o ;nitos will 1 allowed on FirM
Street during the parade, and all .are
sked to park their cars on other
itrrets without 1 avin;s to he told. Th
olicc will he on hand to enforce
his rruurt.
Flagi For Children
All school children arc asked to he
in line. There will he a flag for every
iy and girl.
"Hie parade management has been
iirned over to t!.e r-snish-American
War Veterans and Captain I" C. Stell-
nacher will be the officer of the dav.
Parade Formation
The parade will form before 7:311
.'clock at the an lory and will tic in
he follow in;, order;
Albanv high school band.
tldest oldiers The C..A.R. and the
Women' Relief Corps.
Fx-soldiers Spanish War veterans.
Present soldier Fifth Company
itst Artillery Corps.
Future soldiers Albany hiirll school
Junior high school and the ajradl
.-hooH -I V
Patriotic citizens AM with thr ori- oh! rci! corpuscU in their vein.
Exercises at Armory
Inimcdiatrly following thr a
the rxrrcincs at the armory will lc-
in. Thr protrram will start with inn-
ic by thr Globe thratrr orchestra
which lias bcrn furnished free ol
hare by tnanarrr Conrad Mryrr
Mark V. Wcatherford will tr th.
chairman of thr evening The pro
trram follows:
"America," by thr audience.
AddreM by Mayor la. M. Curl.
Sonc Rolfc Quartet.
Remarks, Dr. F. H. Geselbrarht.
Remarks, Circuit Tude, R. Kelly
Mtk -Hammer Quartet.
Address of the evening' Supreme
Justice I T. Harris of Salem.
Rrnarks, Dr. C, K. Gibson.
"Thr Star Spangled Bannrr," by the
Demonstration at 4:00
Friday afternoon at 400 o'chx-
there will be a demonstration on the
street in which the Albany concert
band and Fifth Company, C.A.C. will
take part. The band and coast de
fenders will parade tl. Touch thr prin
cipal Mrects in military form and add
zest to thr demonstration to follow in
the rvrninfr.
J. B. Yeon and 8. Benson Claim
$20,000 Damages As Result
of Published Article.
S. Hen-on find John If. Yeon, of
Porland, iave beun suit to collect
$20,0(1) damagfe from W. C Dcpuw,
editor .in-! publith r of the Lebanon
Critcrian, and it. F. Stern, who wrote
thr article ptftfeliihrd in thr Critcrian
March23 whicfc it the cause of the
Benton ii referred to at one of th
defrndantt in "the notoriout Henton
liyde timber bnd frauds," and both
Benson and Yepn are ,inihrl of bein.;
ttockholdcrt lu the Warren Conttruc
tion Co. CoLjC.K.S. Wood, of Port
land and Weitberford nd Weather
ford, of Albany, are attorneyt tor th '
Benson and Yeon ttatr that it is not
to collect the money that they have
" " ii these suits, but to punish tome
of the people who have been liblin-:
them, to trace oct who is behind thr
efforts to bcandeiize them, and to
clear their namet of any connection
with cither tre Hyde-Bcn-on land
fraud cases or with the Warren Con
struction Co., or any other pavin ;
otiipany. They claim that the pub-
tcatton bad dartared ti crn, Mr. Yeon
burning that such a reputation would
..miter him G''n his btd tcrvicc
Hi. h-s.iy Commi!ioner in hand-
lintr the road bond faMMC and as road
mater of Muhnoma'i county.
The linn and Benton Fruit
Association Is NameSelected
By Committee.
The following, is. a list of tsst ncv.-
ly elected mci.ibcr of the board of
lirectors of the loeal chapter of the
Red Cross Society: Mrs. Lena
Wood, Mrs. Ralph K rot's, Mr. G. A
ITood, Mr. Curtis Winn, Mr. Boctti
cher. Mrs. diaries Cirsiek. Dr. Mar..
Howclls, Dr. Riuccll Wallace. Mrs.
Mary Hilyeu. Mr. Chas. Stewart, Mrs
Clias Weider. Mrs. Carl Sox. Mr. II
K. Worth. Rev. G. II. Young. Kathir
l.anr. Mrs. Pimm Pfeiffer, Miss Flor.i
Mason, Miss Tones, Mrs. Rocky Ma
in, Dr. W. II. Davis. Walter Tarkcr
Mr. I.. K. Hamilton. II. R. Wcstbrook.
I. I. Collins. A. C. Schmitt. Elmer
Williamson, Mrs. H. S. Locan. Mar
Wcatherford. I.. E. Wain. Guy I.ew
llintt, Miss Pauline Birch. D.O. Wood
rorth. E. F. Wiles. Mr. Dr. Diver
Mrs. Ed. Cusick. Mrs. R. E. Greene
Raider Sunk Rumor
Buenos Aires. April 5 It is presis
tently. reported that a British cruiser
sunk the German rlerr "Seeadler."
Confirmation is unobtainable.
) e
Roie Bushes Wanted
The women's committee of the com-
mercukl club desires to collect twelve
ro .e bttr.hes to he u.-d in decoratir...
tbe approach to the Chautauqua uro
unds.. Will those willing to donate
a rose b"sh leavr the same at 3J9 W
4th St., imme'iately? The Oreson
Electric is doing a irood deal to im
prove t. is ncuni'ornooa ana it is
hoped to make it more beautiful be
fore Chantauipin meets.
DsBtnk Lecture Postponed
The last of IM series of 10 lecluri
v hich Dr. B. .W. DeBusk. of the Uni
versity of Oregon, was scheduled to
deliver at the Library Friday evrnins:
lias licen postponed on account of the
patriotic demonstration. As this was
to be the la t one it is not Ijnown
wl ether or not Dr. DcBus': will he
ahle to return the following Friday,
rmt ar.uouncement will be made
such is possible.
I'.ecoveri Prom Operation
Miss Jessie Upham, of Wenatchce
Washinitton, who underwent an oper
ation at St. Mary's hospital recently
has sufficientyl recovered to leave the
hosnital. and is now at the home of
her grandmother. Mrs. E. S. Upham
tin East Second and Geary. Street
where she will 'emain until able to re
turn to her home.
Returned to Salem
Mr J. A. McClain returned to Sa
lent last night, after spending the last
three weeks at the home of her son
Funeral of Mrs. Rodger
The funeral of the late Mrs. A. I
Rogers, who died in Canada will he
held at the Raptist chnrch tomorrow
at one o'clock and burial will talre
place in the Masonic cemetery. The
funeral sermon will be preached hy
Dr. Youn g.
Stock Subscription Books Open
and Funds Will Be Raised
During Present Week.
"The Linn and Benton Fruit Ao
iation" is the name of the new cor
poration which was organized here
late yesterday afternoon for the pur
Ioe of building and operating a can
nery under the supervision of W. If
The article of corporation have
been completed and the stock suV
.-ription bopk afe now open to the
ublic. A committee of local busi-
lies men will at once commence the
work of raising sufficient fund t
put the concern on a solid business
basis an it is anticipated that lin
stock will lie subscribed in less than ;
The articles of incorporation arc
as follows:
Know all men by these present-,
hat we, Ajc.iic C. Miller. Hiram
I'arker. Alfred C. Schmitt, G. A.
Flood and L. M. Curl, desiring to
ncorporate ourselves under the la:
of the State of Oregon, have this daj
voluntarily associated ourselves to
irether for the purpose of forming a
corporation, and we hereby certify:
First; That the name assumed b
Ihis corporation and by which it shall
he known is Linn and Benton Fruit
sociation and the duration thereof
shall be prepetual.
Second: The enterprise, busines
ursuit and occupation in which this
orporation purposes to engage is the
buying, selling, cannin ,; and prese
ng of fruits, berries, vegetables and
ill other farm products estal
lish and maintain a market for the
ame and to do any and all things
necessary to be done in conducting
the business relating thereto.
Third: The place where this corpor
ation purposes to ha-e its principal
office and place of business is Albanv.
Linn County. Oregon.
Fourth: The amount of the cadital
stock of this corporation shall he
twelve thousand dollars ($12.000001
Fifth: The amount of each share of
uch capital stock shall be fifty do!
lars f$5000.
In witness whereof we have hereun-
o set our hands and seals this 4th dav
of Ajpril. 1917.
Done in presence of:
Massed Attack Reported From
Russian Front; Kaiser Hopes
to Crush New Government.
London, April 5. Interest now
enter on the eastern front because
of the probability of a big German offensive.
he first massed attack forced the
Russians to retreat along the Stochod.
etrograd dispatches mention asph-
xiating ga, heavy artillery and bi
orces of men all indicating concerted
and carefully prepared assults rather
hen resumption of general fighting.
Immediately after the new Russian
government was organized, a Ger
man drive was foreseen. Germany
made hurried preparations and eviden
tly hoped to take advantage of the new
governments lack of organization.
A. H. 1.. .mm consulting and con
struct. ng engineer and also consul
tor the Norway .it Cortland, was at
tending to business matters in Alban
Mr. Lamb submitted bids on the
plans for the First National Bank at
the time it was constructed but his
firm did not receive the contract.
All of the boys included in the sen
ior'clas of the Lebanon high school
want to enlist with the Oregon troops
This news was brourjht to Albany
yesterday hy Zell Tatom.
Max Millsap left Lebanon yesterday
for McMinnville where he will at
tempt to make arrangements with th
officers of the McMinnville company
to include the Lebanon volunteers in
the organization, in t' e event tha
they are called by the ROvernment.
Six Senators Vote Agsinst MU
DeeUrtftf State of War
Against German Empire.
Unpublished Parts of Zimmer
men Letter Rrove Sensation;
Resolution Will Pass.
Prizes Awarded Public School
Students in Three Divisions
For Papers.
Some interesting papers were read
at the Junior high school building last
night at the peblic school contest
held by the W.C.T.U. for the high
school. Miss Elizabeth Eagles wo:i
rst prize of ;4 and Mi s Lee Fort
miller won second prize of $2, at:
Hubert Fortmiller and Nina Bcndin ;
received honorable mention on the:;
essays on the subject, "The Efect ol
Narcotics on The Mind Body anc
In the 7th and 8th grade division
Miss Helen Burgess won first prize
oi $3 and Miss Morine Cornice, sec
ond, $2, and Miss Vera Roycroft hop
orable mention. In the 5th and 6tl
grade division first prize of $2 was
won by David Edgar and second pri
ze of $1 waj won by Vernita Devane;
and honorable mention s'ent to Wil
ma Rorabaugh. A fine program was
given along with the contest.
........ j t t i a
Passion Week Services
Dr. E. H. Geselbrach, pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church, announce
the following services tonight in men.
ory of passion week: The parsages c
the four Gospels in an interwoven ac
count will be read. Thursday evening
at 7:30 "The day of Fellowship" Fri
day evening at 7:30. "The Day of Sui
ering. Sunday morning at 700 "Th
Day of Resurrection."
Visiting Mrs. Davis
Miss Kate Burroughs of the Port
land public schools is a guest at th-.
iodic of Mrs. W. H. Davis.
McElmurry Invited
Councilman Henry McElmurry has
accepted an invitation to be present
at the opening cercmom oi the Wv
renton Clay Company which will tac
place Saturday. Governor Withy
combe will be one of the men of stat
prominence who will be present. Mr
McElmurry will leave tomorrow mot
a Killing
Oscar Deattey, of this city, today
collected $28 bounty on 11 bobcat and
4 coyote skins killed between reb.
and March 31.
Christian Church Bazaar
The Ladies of the Christian church
will hold a bazaar and food sale on
Saturday, April 7, at 206 west First
Street. Thev will serve sandwitche
and coifee, ice cream and cake, a 5-0
Easter Tea Postponed
The Easter Tea to have been given
at the home of Mrs. Dawson has been
Gates Mm H
J. E. Welc'.i, of Gates, road super
visor for that section of the county
was in the city yesterday calling on
the county court and attending to oth
er business matters.
Grand Lodge Delegates
Albany Lodge No. 4 I.O.O.F., last
night elected delegates to the Grand
lodge, which mets in Eugene May 21
Those elected are Dr. A. P. Howells
N. E. Hoover. Victor OHIver. W. E
Gillette, John Robson.
Washington, April 5. The United
States senate at 11:10 o'clock but
ght passed the resolution declaring
.it a state of war exists between Ger-
tany and the United States and au-
horizing President Wilson to take
easures to bring the war to a sue-
essful conclusion.
The vote was 82 to 6. The senators
who voted against the resolution were.
Gronna of North Dakota, La Faltette
f Wisconsin, Lane of Oregon, N'or-
ris of Nebraska, Stone of Missouri and
Vardaman of Vlissbsippi.
Zimmerman Letter Again
Washington, April 5. Reading what
he declared to be the unpublished part
of the Zimmerman letter. Milter, a
member of the house foreign com
mittee, declared the plot included the
stablishment of a submarine base on
he Mexican coast and the invasion
the United Mates by Ocrman rescr
ipts from Mexico. He declared that
the Germans are making munitions
ti Mexico now and said German of-u-rs
control the villa and carranza
Secretary of State Lansmsr denied
Miller's declaration and said the as-
ertion is without foundation. the
ouse will undoubtedly pass the war
Washington, April 5. The House ex-
ected to vote on the war resolution
efore adjonming. Stirring speeches
were made for and against the war
md over a dozen speeches against the
tieasure are expected. Majority lead
er Kitchin, it is rumored may speak
i -ainst the resolution.
It was a real delightful bill that
reeted the packed house at the Globe
rhcatre last night. Each of the three
' I ippodrome acts was worthy, but onr
vote would go to the DuFresne Sis
ters, two clever girls who sing de-
i rhtfully and wear a lot of pretty clo
hes. Joe King made a big hit with
tits immitations, especially witn nis
ugle calls and immitation cornet
solo. He brought the house to a roar
with his recitation, "Our Flag." Tar-
Iton and Tarlton presented a fair bell
inging and comedy act.
The special services in observance
of Holy week will be continued at St.
Mary's church this evening. The ser
vice will be similar to that of last eve
ning and will begin at 7:30. The
church bell will not be rung, nor the
organ played because, of the period of
mourning, which it observed at this
time. Father Lane will take as hi
snbject "The Sacrament of the Euch
The services on Good Friday wfll
begin at 9 a.m The alter and erosl
will be draped in black and thr clergy
wearing esments of monrnrnj will lie
prostrate and silent before list alter
for a time. The narative of Christ's
death will be read front St John's
gospel and the cross will he presented
to the people and veneVated. Tht
faithful will gather again for
at 3 p.m. and 7 00, thi-. later
will be shortened so as to liiigsS aS
to attend the patriotic
t the armory.