- EASTER Is but a few days away and you will wed a aww ajar of glove for that oc- AX.jVrTT P11 MstOCeUT. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4, iftl, We haw the famous "DENT" KID GLOVE, white with black stitching. $2.00 Our line of "NI AGRA MAID" SILK GLOVES is complete, white and black pair 65c White with black stitching 75c pair White and black 85c pair White with black atitching, 85c pair White with fancy black stitching $1 BlackTextra heavy, $1.25 pair All aiaea from 6 to 9 NEW SILK WAISTS, all colon, all $3.50 to $5.50 FLOOD'S STORE 334 W. 1st St. WHAT YOU BUY WE STAND BY 99S9S? S9IS8 CITY NEWS 8 if 8ii.f i m 9 9 9 3 get anv more cars, which an article A I in this paper might have interred last week. Mr. Crawford states the fac tory in Detroit is turning ont 25,000 new cars per day and is having an Rev. T. F. Porter, pastor of the awfn time to keep up with the rir- Flrst Christian Church, of Salem, rc-1 mana and tftc assembling plant m turned to his home this morning. A ' or" na 15 " orKlnS "aru turning out large crowd attended the meeting at 2S. car 1 dav A car ,mJ " arrivc the local church last night to hear I ,hls werk for ,h,s mtory outside of Rev. Porters sermon on "The Ex- AnM- nd nt c loa' f eight altation of Christ." crs ' expected to arrive next week by boat for local patrons. Mr. Craw- Attending School Meeting ! fordannounces that he has sold 147 C. H. Burggraf returned this morn- : cars to date.sincc lat August, the be ing from Corvallis after attending the meeting of the school board of the city relative to the new plans for their proposed high school building. Navy ginning of the Ford fiscal year. Kipling Play Screened "The Light that Failed." a screen version of Rudyard Kipling's well known novel, vill Hj tii,- r .1 . Last night at 11:00 o'clock a car tnre at the Family theatre this even- of recruits for the U. S. Naval training ing and tomorrow. The play was pro station at San Francisco passed thru duced by Edward Jose, and contains the city from Portland. The boys , in the cast Rebcrt Edeson. the sterling will help fill the deficiency in the ! actor, and Mist Josie Collins, navy caused by the call for 18,000 j , more men. Several from this county 1 Modera WoodmCn Meeting win, join these boys. I'mn couny Modern Woodmen are meeting this afternoon in the lodsc Can Get Fords , -ooms for the purpose oi electing dc- W. W, Crawford, local agent for the legates to the state meeting which Ford automobile, states that he did will be held next month at La Grande, aet mean to lead the Democrat re- The delegates from out of town porter to believe that he could not ;o:rts took lunch at Hotel Albany this boon Left For Montana F. L. Edholm and Prat) CaMwaU Ml vesterda lor Mill City, Montana, where they arc eeking investments. White at Springfield . Managvi Wiile of the Oregon Power Company is unending to com pan) business at Springlirld. Visiting in Portland Mr. V. W. Fraucia is visiting with relatives in I'ortland. Wyatt Here Attorucv J. K Wjratt, a former re sident oi thij city as Itcre on !usi ncss yesterday. Jackson Invited W. I.. Jacsnn, former cou.ity s.hool supvrintoidrnt. today iteelvetl an invitation iron In.. - comity j to aust at an institute which will lie j held in Newport on April 25, 26 a.nl 27th... Owine; to his imsiness duties ;ic was unable to accept- Mr. Jackson declined a similar invitation from ltcnlon county d :iin.: toe Month of March. Locate in Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor have left for Oregon City where they will make their future home. May Buy Land 1). W. WNiite of Pendleton, is spend ing a few Jays in Albany in search oi some good farm land. He expects to locate here if he finds a good piece of property. Mary Miles Minter Returnee Little Mary Miles Minter, iormer Metro -tar, now with the Mutual Film Co, will make her bow to Alban patrons again tonight in a thrilling love and adventure, story, "Duncie's Adventures." Mis Minter. who is not vet 20 years old, started in the film l'iisincss-at a tender age and has be come one of the country's leading stars. She is pretty, girlish, and an adorable character. A iunny cooaed) and a Mutual educational picture. "Uncle Sam's Defenders" will also hi shown on the same bill with Miss Minter at the Rolfe toniirht and Thursday. Public Sale to Start Pen Sudtell has taken over the Pub lic Sales formerly run by the Commer cial Club, and Saturday will conduct the first of a series to be held by him on the vacant lot on West First Street adjoining B.-rrett Bros. Im plcinent house. All those having stock or good.-; to sell at public auc tion will enter them Saturdav morn ing at the sales grounds. Cuts Finger Floyde Safely met with a painful injury this morning when a chisel which he was working with sDnoed and cut to fin:- of hi.; rig! hind. Dr.Beauchamp found it necessary totake four stitches in the wound. COURT CASES DISPOSED OF BY JUDGE BINGHAM The following cases were disposed of yesterday by the Circuit Court: James Lamar vs R.T.II. I.eabo et al. settled and dismissed. I.ora G. Towers vs Charles L. Tow is, dismissed without costs Walter P. Storer et al v Hector Macl'herson et al, demurrer of defen dants argued and taken under adisc ment. Hammond Lumber Company v Frances Beckett ct al dismissed. J. Albert Wetiel et a) vs I.orna ctrcl et al order confirming report of referees. Albany State Bank vs John E. Morss settled and dismissed. Mi M. Meyers vs George K. Sehuy Uiiian et al, settled and etaffcissed without costs to either party. William f.aFond et al vs VV. B. IVairs et al, motion to make com plaint more definate and certain over ruled. Adlaide Endicott vs Joseph Endi eott, dismissed. Lilian HVrndon vs Richard Hern don default of defendent entered. Ellen Adams vs Abraham I.. Adams dismissed on motion of plaintiff. S. P. Bach vs Guy Gaylord ct al. default and decree o: foreclosure. A. H. Simpfon vs Lottie L. Simp on. default of delend. nt entered. Bert A. Millsap vs L D. Clevenger t al, default entered and decree of foreclosure granted. HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT ST. MARY'S Sir lata marking the closing omit, of Christs fife observed ;hi week ot St. Mary's church. O bese services "hich tie-in this evening and close an Faster Sunday arc particularly im prrssive and are attended by unusu ally large congregations The opening services will begin .it 7 .0 this evening. On Thursday srr vice, will he al o a.m. and 7 JO even ing. l ather Lane will speak this evening from the text "Jerusalem hath rcm cmlieied the days ol her affliction" ironi the Lamentations of the prophet .ltrcmiah. The faithful will receive coiiimuni on Thursday and will keep a vv.iuh of pi aver and adoration at the kites' ttl the Repository during the entire day The subject oi the cr mou will tie the Bocharlat, the text being "Do this in coiiimciiLir.il ion of me." Those who are llltcrc-tc.l in the 40 Men's Blue French Serge Suits Just Came Today Same kind you have been buying here the last three yeara Sises 55 to 46. A regular 125.00 value at all othr stores OUR PRICE ALWAYS THE SAME jj 1 (S.S0 Other suits at $9.M, 112.50, 114.75 in Blue serge and mixtures. Everything Always lor l ess jUm J Everything Always lor Leas 'A services of Holy week are invited to attend. 'ordlallv ONE IN EVERY TEN BABIES DIE BEFORE A YEAR OLD COSMOPOLITAN SOCIETY HIPPODROME DILL T0NI6HT DEALT TERRIBLE BLOW OFFERS GOOD ENTERTAINMENT (By United Press) Washington. April .1 Approximate ly one in every ten of all the bailies born in the United States dies before (By United Press) I Untie ( it. Apr. J. A tcr.ible blow his beta dealt that bj At BBS 01 MMipvhtau nocictv winch gathers at BOOTH TARKIN6T0N'S "SEVENTEEN" AT 6L0BE "Puppy Love." that (right ml epide mic to which the youth of all lands falls victim at the tender age oi sev enteen, is one of the richest an. I nstllt nile field for the imagination of -the humorist. Kor that reason Booth Tarkington's great novel. "Seventeen" which will.be seen at the Globe to night, has climrd into the ranks of 'he be-t sellers with phenominal -peed. It was because of its world vide appeal, and the fact that this lory contained so much humorous nction that the Famous Players decid 1 to adapt "Seventeen" into photo lay form for the Paramount Pro rram, co-starring Louise Huff and lack Pickford. In the role of Lola I'ratt. the Object of William Sylvan i;j Baxter's desperate loviv Miss Huff renders an enchanting portrayal. As v illiam, the youth who suffers from the overwhelming burden oi self-im posed dignity which is common to his sex at the advanced age of srven- een. Jack Pickford is wholly inim- . table. The combination of tnese two onipKting twelve months of life, IheltMl lime every year to swarm the Federal Children's Bureau announced , Boardwalk Easier Suu.. . Ktotel men to day in connection with N'alional 1 1, ive organized and decline M pilot Baby Week. May 1 to 6. The .t.ste- , . ,, , p,,t,V rati, pup, adl1- Thi- horrible c.i.t bj bakta b) Uh "It was once t.iought that a high j aristocrats as .1 direct effroat But infant death rate indicated a greater . the hotel men are ada-iianl. S'nJ.v.' degree of vigor in the survivors. .Vow ! nd that goes! C'.irs, poodles and it is agreed that the conditions which I fancy special., are all relegated to a "'"" " many oi tne youngest lives JcommOO, rough general kennel, where oi thr community mujt also result in nppling and maimiag many others and must react unfavorably on the I ealth el the entire community." Two thousand, one. hundred com munities have reported to the Child- Three vaudeville acts await patrons of the Glebe Thiatra 6istM on the lli". t.il! TerltOB and Tall inn, the l)el'rene sister, and joe King. t Oa the pi. Inn bill .ire Jack Pick ford, Louisa ll.ii and Mat l.indri Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks in our man) Irleaas for their i u al kindaesj during our bearervrmeal ami for the beautiful floral ofierings. FAMILY of FRANK PROPST, Ihi must be checked, like umbrella, and hataj if you please. Hach hotel has rmplovrd a keanrl keeper and matron lor the eanine nur ,rry. When rnlo has his aii on t'.r ardwalk he must be na heel ,! and Ball Scores Revelvcd Ml I'k.isI league ball s, ores will lie announced at M. Mpin and Scfllo ser's cigar store. Bell phone IIIH V a .1 nwreaa me iteiail. ol a Itat.v Day !e, alwut by his master But - he must or Baby Week b) w luj. h they called at- ; aol lead him into the hotel Mel even t-nlion In ihe need of piotecling their QB thr front porch, babies. This 'uilletin may be had by i Freak gowns and the niml fancv .-.ddressin-: the bureau, w hich contin-1 iKdota of society are here in plenty urs: "The United State, in. lu.ies M.ISh incorporated cities, tow ns and rUl et md it i, toubtfi-l if among the thou sands which have never had a Baby Week there is a single town or village which would not profit from such a ampaii'n. READ OUR WANT ADS II the) 're under cov er until the dawn 1 Sim lay morning. 'he hotels have ' een crowded to capacity for more ban a week. Some suites rent for flu) a dav. The city expect, to have I population of 3!)0.nm during the cele bration Easter Sunday. ,i4 C 9 9 v e 14 o Subscribers. a It Ihe bov fail tn deliver the ,.l .1 . I I. .1.,. ! .1 ? ...name Iii.ll ! -,,,, ,,.,, , ...... ... . ; I. , - - nin.ii, piiiine i to ll.- wilier The managemaal IvVtavtlci complaints frees us pa i velops between them, vvilb its tiiiiu thus obstacle:., makes this iiicturi ation of Booth Tarkington's great lory a notable one. ml will 'sulry service c V. Si IT) V Hotel Albany Movvvs I IM Sis StorUs ol Solid Cvatforl ALBANY'S FINEST HOTEL Try Our Sunday Diansrs B. K. Wrslhrnok Prop. GLOBE TODAY GLOBE 3---HIGH CLASS HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE ACTS-3 BOOTH TARKINGTON'S famous story of the "painful age" "Seventeen" Ami Mtt SlM, II Jr 1B,7I EVERY ACT A GOOD ONE 1. Du FRESNE SISTERS TOCwEJl?CHARIIINO,u, CAPTIVATING MAIDENS IN a SONO and DANCE OFFER ING. Exhibiting many gorgeous gowns. 2. TARLTON & TARLTON BELL RINGERS and NOVELTY MUSICIANS in a comedy muairal ,ct. Mia. Tarltan is a clever rnmallflajl as well a. finished musician and embellishes her act with the blast in gowna and millinery. 3. JOE KING-IMITATOR A Versatile Entertainment with imitations of everythi if. Also the smallest cornet in the world . INTRODUCING TO ALBANY Max Linder ONE OK THE WORLDS OREA TEST COMMEDIANS. in "Max Comes Across" 30 minutes of screen Comedy HE'S NEXT TO CHARLIE CHAPLIN Globe 8 Piece Orchestra THINK OF A BILL LIKE THIS 5-PEOPLE-5 7 REELS PICTURES-7 25c Children 15c Matinees 2:15 Evenings 7:30 BBBBBBswaJV ; ijiahav "nii In MaxLindr.r " "Max Comej Acrojj" See this and youll know why Europe is mad about hif