Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 03, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight tdn Wtdnssday SHOWERS.
EstablUtaMa 188
tdJM Ad Mr tilting Mttftan Is
Ham Coty.
No. 273
Action on War Declaration He
solution Delayed Till Tomor
row By Wisconsin Senator.
Three to Five Million Men Will
Be Raited; New Peace
Move It Promised.
m ' r '' '
Washington. April 3. PscM-
M lull in the person of LaPoIlette
hM effectually blocked action on 9
ins war resolution in congress S)
' until tomorrow. Through a par- S)
llmentary manuver dtwnandlng '
" tht regular order, ha haultcd
w Senate action. '
Haattd worda (ollowad. Floor
leader Martin declared there are
tremendous consequences behind I
the resolution. Lafollelte ob-
Jected to being lectured.
Martin declared the rnolutlon
mwl go through before any-
thing ele. Adjournment waa tak-
r an until tomorrow. The House B)
S committee waa expecting Senata B
action today, but postponed con-
') slderatlon until tomorrow.
IK. .. . ... ' .' " K )
Universal Military Training Bill
Introduced; Calls For a
Half Million Men.
(By Umtta Prat)
WualmiKton, April J. -War t-rcrc-Lf
ry lUlur MM tin mtfWjhtfl of llii:
,ilviHry oinimtlrc of tlir coutKil fur
ii. lionul tli Icnac urc diftciixinu ar
pMflfi on h three yvur bintls.
THi UKurationn uf food control (or
tin- nation, iinivt-ritil service, were un
tt r dipt u ...on.
A univrraal compulsory nitlitir
I Catalog liill wan introduced It pro
nlc tor army of liulf a million. Mil
l ilt cuipowcra the urcmlcnt to call
. pkytiotily fit RMM at Ihc 8RC of
irnt. A the nctraaary arinei men
(rom twenty one to twenty two and
three will nr called.
iii.trrtlatn, April J. flcrlin advice,
sell f lis. I Gcimalty i- i ontcnililulilli!
tnrmal protest ; i vinrrica's ac
ini declaring war. It is reported that
. rmaay hopes to gain South Aincri-
ul influence
Three Million Men.
Washington, Apr. 3 Three In five
millir.n mm will probably he raised
for America! miie. One member
the cabinet wants three million at a
minimum, while army men recommend
live million The arm- will he raised
in group, of five hundred thousand a
rapidly a they can he officered. Sen
ator Chamberlain, rhsirman of Ihr
senate military committee say Ihcv
can he obtained at n annual expense
tf one hundred anil (Itty six million
dollars The Kcnrral staff estimate,
the rost far greater.
Natlon'a Resourcea Pledged.
Washington, Apr. J. The Foreign
Relations Committee reported out the
administration war resolution a
amended to strengthen the wordim?,
with only Chairman Stone dissenting.
The president is directed M tmple)
the entire naval and military force of
the United States against Gcrn.a
to hrin;; the conflict to a successful
"AH resources of the country, the
resolution ends, "are hereby I- it '
by the emigres of the United States "
The Resolution, as nmincnded is as
WHEREAS i'c recent course of
the Imperial German government is
nothing Irss than war airainst the
people of the United State-of Ameri
ca. THEREFORE he it resolved h
the Senate and House of Representa
tives of the United Stales of America
in Congress -issn-iMcd. that the state
of war between t' c United States and
the Imperial government v-liich has
thus l-rrn thru . I upon the United
State- is hereby formally declared,
that i'rcsiilnit Wilson ie. and hereby
Is aulhmUc.l and di e, ted to employ
the entire Naval anl military force
of the United Slates an. I the- reserve
army to nirry o;i a ar acainst the
Imperial German government, and to
brittir the conflict to a successful ter
mination. All the re nurees of the
country are hereby pledged 1y the
Congress of the United States.
New Pelce Move
Amsterdam, April, 3. The Berlin
"Lokal Anxetgcr" say that the Cen
tral powers are planning a new peace
Continuous Sessions
Washington, April J. -The Senate
Steering committee decided this af
ternoon to hold a continuous session
from ten o'clock tomorrow moerdnf
until the "war lull" is acted upon. The
committee proposes to prevent filibustering.
...) t i a a i
Ailea for Accounta
""A's'eattlr firm is sending out letters
la creditors of the "Morning Republi
can" which recently suspended pub
lication in Albany in which they are
Infill fill that Charlie Ohling will pay
. M the indebtedness just as soon as
he is able to ih so.
Glee Club Entertainment Off
On account of the Patriotic mass
. i.etinu which will he held at the ar
nnrr Priday lliuht. Manager Meyer
of the Globe has postponed the enter
tainmcnt which was to have been giv
mi at the Globe on that evening by
ihe U. of O. Glee club.
High Wage offered
The Hammond Lumber Company is
offering $2 SO per day for men to work
n the saw mill owned by the Compani
..t Mill City. This is t'ie highest sum
offered as wages for this class of work
luring the past five years.
Parker Wine weight Contest
D. I.. Parker of the Hamilton store
guested -within one pound of th.e cor
rcit weight of the men whose photo
ttiaphs appeared in the shuts window
uf the Illain Clothing store. His guess
was sU5 while the correct weight was
.W6. W. U Mlsner as second in ihc
eontest with I guess of JOT. Parker
rets a brand new hat for hit trouble
Athletic Atteoclation Meets
The regular meeting of the Hoys
thletic Association of the Alliany
high s.-Iiool was held yesterday .ii
noon at .1:31) o clock. A revised con-
ituatinn was adoi ted The new fi
uers were That there -hall be four
student msnairers. one each for foot
ball, basket-ball, baseball, and Iraek.
That if a student becomes elliili
hlc to play in nny athletic contest
on account of grades be shall forfeit
.11 previous credit earned toward a
Law Firm dlsolved
The law firm of Wright fk Minton
has been disolved. Mr. Minton. the
Junior member of the firm, has accep
ted a position ; assistant cashier of
the bank at Wheeler, Oregon, and will
leave shortly to assume his new duties
Mr. Wright will remain in practice in
Marriages in March
According to the records in the of
fice of county clerk R. M, Russell
there were 21 marriage licenses is
sued in March. One or two couples
were marled in I.inn County who sec
nrred their licenses out of the county,
and one cottplr went to Vancouver,
Parade at Seven o'clock and
Will Be Followed A De
monstration at Armory.
All Organizations in Albany In
vited to Participate In Mon
ster Patriotic Meeting.
A great preparedness parade, to be
Mowed y a monster matt meet
ing at the armory on rrulay even rag
. the jdan projiosed by t tic II. P. O.
Klks al ihc special meeting held in the
lodge rooms last nictht.
A committee consisting of Senator
K.I). Ciisiek, Mark Weatherford, and
diaries Ititrgraff wat appointed, with
JttwrtiobsT to invite every fraternal
anfaaiion in the city to join in
Nearly Two Hundred Members
Attend Enthssiatistic Meet
ing Held Last Might.
In the neighborhood of 200 people
leathered in the social hall of the
.'hurrh ktft night to h"M what proved
to be the molt enthuutic gathering
of thlj kind for some yeart.
The reporta were very heartening
and iomr extremely optimistic, as a
consequence the applause, oft repeated
was at ttmes prolonged, particularly
after the report of the Indies Aid
Society by Mrs. Hart, secretary, and
the report of financial secretary. Mr.
Fred Kort miller. Some financial aims
ct before the fcofigTC't at ion last year
were achieved unf new goals thus at
tained. The church indebtedness was
reduced and BU-p authorized to make
an appreciable reduction this car.
Dr. opened the incet-
itiK with the reading of scripture and
prayer. Jurim II. M rainier was
chosen chairman. Mr. William Fort
mllter acted as clerk.
The total sum raised for the church
nork at home was $5475.83. The
Ladles Aid Society collected thru its
many activities $730 and the church
treasurer reported excry h:l last vear
covered W subscription with a bal
ance. The benevolent work of the
ih-nomination and the war sufferers
in Europe received between $300 ami
$400. The congregation was nmch en-ci-i-raired
by this 'taking cf stock" and
i will undertake the new year' work
Largest Meeting of Campaign
For $6,000,000 Bond Issue
to Be Held Here.
Idftf the event on of the xreatest with renewed vigor .Generous and
nonMrations of its kind ever held in
i- history of Albany.
The parade will be held promptly
I 7 p m Friday and will be in charge
a committer to be selected by the
;ianish American War Veterans. In
tine wilt he the members of the Coast
Artillery Company, Spanish -A meri-
War Veteran v member of the
VR , fraternal organisations and
v hoo children. The parade w ill be
teaded bv the high school band.
L. T. Harris Jnitice of the Supreme
Court of Oregon, will be the princi
pal speaker at the armory, lie was
ailed up last night at Salem and ac
cvptcd the invitation to speak. Judge
P R. Kelly. Mayor Curl. Capt. Knox
f the Artillery Company, and repres
entatives of the Spanish-American
War vctciam and the OA U. will also
be heard from. Attorney Mark Wea
thrrford will preside at the meeting.
tp-tv refreshments were prepared and
served by the Ladies society.
The following officers were elected:
Klders: to serve until 1930; Mr F
I Miller. Mr. C. H Crowell. Mr. Will
iam Fortmiller. Mr. C. H. Cusick.
Deacons, to eenre until 1920 Mr. J. U
Hulbert. Mrs. F. G. Franklin, and Mr.
P. E. Van Tassel to serve until 1919.
Trustees: to sersr until 19. Mr. D.
O, W'ootrworth. Mr. Weider. and Mr.
Ct. At Flood to serve until 1918. Fi
nancial secretary to nerve one year,
Mr. Henry Vollstedt. assistant. Mr.
Gostav Abraham.
Text of Aesolution Supporting
President WirrJ to Washing
ton By Secretary.
Over 90 Men Expected at Drill
In Armory Tonrfylit; Boys
Anxious For Call.
C. E. Spence, of Grange, Will
Oppose Conrad Olson, of Leg
islature in Debate of Bill.
In the opinion of many, the good
reads meeting which will be held in
this city April 12 wiil be the biggest
of its kind to be lieH in the state be
fore Ihe June ele.-tion. when the !u!
las will be called upon to pass on the
$6.(1)0.000 bond bill passed by the legislature.
Krx Davis, of Harrisburz. was in
he city last week and made arrange
ments lor the meeting which will
e held in the armory Thursday, I1?-
12. If the weather is nifht the
tneettn;; may te held in the open air.
The other officers of the l.inn coun
ty Good Koads association of which
Mr. Davis is president, are A. C.
Schmitf. treasurer, and John Ft Pen
land, secretary.
date has been arranged for !e-
tween S'ate Senator Conrad P. Ol
son, of Portland, and C. E. Spence.
Oregon City. Master of the state The tornicr srill th
affirmative side of the bonding bill
und the latter will talk aumnst the
rai-ing of bonds. Senator Olson was
hmrman of the Senate commutee on
Reads and highways. Both speakers
good and will present an interest
ing argument.
The l.inn County Oood Koaus Com
mutee n desirous ot getting tne mai-
cr before the people and i not taking
any ?i5c vn nonn i-sue one way or
nother. me idea is to get tne sa
me tairly discusseu ann leave uic uc-
vision to the judgment of the voters.
Representatives are expected ftom
ill over the state and it will probably
Id the biggest of its kind in the state.
Maisemy Captured and Main
Cenjer of Hindenburg Line
Is in Danger.
(By United Press)
New York. April, J The British
-forces thrust a northern enveloping
movement around St. Ocentin still
further1. indicate tlvc
capture of Maissemy, five miles north
west of St. Qucntin.
The British menace seriously the
German communtations between
Cambrai, supposedly the main center
of the Hindenburg line and at St.
Petrograd officially reports that
violent German attacks on a north
eastern front were repulsed.
United States Will Make Com
mon Cause With Allies la
Fight Against Germany.
M . tin- last nttiht at a special called
mccAnjr, meiifbrr of the I). P.O. E.l
lodge unaminotisly passed a rininK
resolution of support of President
WiUon and pledged the members to
i-f-ope rate with the Administration tn
imttini the nation in a better state
of preparedness for the conflict with
(ft'rtnanv. The resolution passed is
s follows:
Resoled by Albany Udft N'o. 3Q0
H.I'.O. Elks, of Albany OrcgOO that
the members of this lodtje plcdw
their most hearty support to the pres
ident of the United States in his policy
of administering the affairs of this
ciuntry durini these critical times.
Bfl It Further Resolved that we
pledge our mott hearty co-op.-rat ion
in support of the Rovernmcnt on land '
and sea to tlx end that (he traditions
qJ our free institutions, the honor of
our Nation and the welfare of man
kind may be defendeitnnd maintained.
Al the hour of Koini to preis. Fifth
Company, Coast Artillery Corps lacks
but two men of hawng the minimum
. ar strncKtli Yesterday ciht new
men were taken in and today two
more joined the colors. Carlton Uo
Oft, son of H. S. Lotfati, today enlts-
Ud as a Omsictass. Ihc company now
numbers 107 officers and wen, and be
lore night will be over that limit.
'The boy ase aiwfcMUiy awaiting
the order wiil them to cami
and arc chafing at the delay of con-
Drill tonilit will be one of the best
mvfe 1Mb at the .irmory. There will
be about 90 men in uniform on the
floor, including an akward squad of 15
or more. - 1 hese men have heen rc
eivinn the applause of the crowds, and
should be mcouraKcd in every way
Those joining the p-st two or three
dan are lay Fainter, hlliott spnUtT
... ts . I - aA. I .f .
r. Ltlcn li.iocrt, r,ennriii nsvw
Carlton 'Logan, Ralph Ililveu. Jesst
Ellis lav- Willard. llarley Nelson
I7r...l Mi.-twUoii Owncv Whetstone,
Lawrence Moore. Ratph Lucas, Alva
Strrr and Roy MeClainc.
State Highway commissioner E.
(Adams will be the speaker at the Rolfc
tomorrow afternoon al J
Mr Adams will speak on the ;"
. in i.ondin quc-tion, a sul
eel which he has given a great deal
of careful thought and attention since
the passage of the measure by the
( r- xon legislature. A large crowd
is anticipated.
Bar Role Adopted
The rules of court procedure p.o
poed by Judge Bingham, were adopt
ed by a committe of the Linn County
Bar Association with slight alteration
late yesterday aitcrnoon.
Old Residents
Word was received late this after
noon that E. D. Schofield died at his
home near Tanecnt at noon today
The desceascd was seventy-five years
of age and was on old ami highly res
pected resident ot Linn county.
Circuit Court Tomorrow
After adjourning court yesterday
afternoon. Judge Bmghain set Wed
nesday at 10:00 o'clock ?.s the time for
r. suming business. The Judffe is in
Salem today attending to matters
that city.
Comity Court to Convene
The regular April term of the Coun
tv Court will open Wednesday mo.n
ing at 10 o'clock to hear such matters
as mav come bciore it. the early
I n-rt t-tf ths rtMlr ta K4n snen bv
Winners in ESSay Contest WlH ! the court in examining and passing on
MM,-. .11.11 ,'. S . .11., t.V ...v....,,
Be Present; Good Musical
Numbers on Program.
. Washington, Apr. 3. The break
with Austria is by no means avoided is
lh general view here. In postponing
the discussion of he situation the
irrtrli- lit Ills frit- ,rlirl nnliiv that
null's:. Aiiatriu 1 nii. lu r handa nf
FOR SALE or TltnF. NVw. mo.1
crn lioiisr; one norr nf lanil. fruit
anil hrrry trecs.closr in, al a bar
gain. In Cotlnnc Grove, Ore., Ilrll
phnnr 116-R, Homr plionr IJ02.
I DST-Onr Slinlchakrr Four rim
with inllalcrl lirr Ihcrfon. Prnhab
Ir lost hrtwri-n Archilalil farm and
Albany. Finder plrasc rrtiirn to
AHiativ naraRe nnd secure reward.
n .1-10
Pre -Foster Meetings
The vre- Faster Week of meetings:
i ihe Christian ehurch beitan last
night wit li a splendid attendance and
interest. During the opening exercises
rei.nrts were heard from the vanoit
ilrnartmenls of church work. Miss
Mac Hrown saiw I soln. the Eastburn
Cjnartette rendered a selection. Mr.
Marjran and Mr. WatSoti sans a duet,
and Mrs. Powell ard Mrs. Indue Kelly
rendered a verv besntiful duet. The
numbers were r.ll well received. A. L.
rrim, of !.ugene. wa. the striker of
the eve:. inn, and det'eered a masterly
serin' n on "Ths llelief of L'nbelief. "
A IQeittl iiour followed and refresS
tnents were served.
T. i". Porter, pastor of the Salem
Christen church srffl preach toniishi
on "The Victorious Christ." Mr. Har
ry Wilkins will sing a solo.
The service begins promptly at 7. .111.
This is "Official Board" ninht and the
members of th- hoard are to sit i.i a
bodv. The public is most cordially In
At the junior his school gymna
sium on Wednesday evening at 7:45
the prize essays ai. awarded by the
W. C. T. U. to students o'' the put'ic
-ehools will be read by the authors.
The foQostring is the program
High School Orchestra
i iening Remarks Mrs. L. E. Blain
High School Essay, first prize
Read by writer
Pianoforte Solo Miss I eila Watsor
Iligh School Esa). second prize
Read by writer
Seventh and Eighth Grades, first prize next two year He is representatlng
l-,i k.. wriur an eastern company and will nave
Sue for Services Rendered
Dr. A. P. Howells. a local osteopa
tbic nhvsician has begun suit against
eGo. W. and "Jane Doe" Taylor, to
collect $111 for services rencrered dur
ing 1915. 1916 ami 1917.
Club Meetine Postponed
The regular meeting of the Alban
Commercial clun was not held 1
night owing to the tact that there wa
no, a quorum present.
Firemen's MeetirTg
The firemen will held a bn?inrs
meeting Wednesday evening at 8
clock at the firemen's hall.
Leaves For The North
Claire W. Dawson left this after
nonn for northern Canada where
will engage in the fur trade for th
Calls on President and Says
Message One of Greatest la
American History.
By K. J. Bender, United Press
Staff Correspondent
Washington, April, 3. Pro-
nouncm? the president's war
3 mesagc one of the greatest doc- 9
urnents in American History, and
S offering to lead a fighting divi- 9
sion of Americans to Europe. 9
Roosevelt called at the White 9
House this afternoon, but missed 9
the president.
Washington, April. 2. (U. P.)
President Wilson tonight accepted
Ihe "gage of battle with . Germany,
hose acts have constituted war
gainst the people and the government
f the United States.
As to relations with Austria, the
; resident asked tne Iroerty to post-
one o discussion for the present St
In a dramatic address to congress
n a joint session, the president recom-
c tided Ihe ecrtion of all this coun
ry's power and resources "to bring
the government of the German empire
to terms and to end the war."
Cheers and applause thundered
from the floor and the galleries as
he president solmnly read his in-
lictment of the nation which is "wag-
ng war against mankind."
"Motive Is Not Revenge."
"Onr motive will not be revenge or
he victorious asscition of the physi
al mijht of the nation," he said,
hut only the vindication of right, of
nrnan right, of which we are only a
ingle champion."
Chief Justice White, who sat with
the supreme court justices immed-
lely in front of the president, led
he outrnrsls of applause.. Not only
!id the chief justice applaud vicouorn-
Iv at all times, but more than once
bis voice was raised in cheering.
When the president concluded his
address. White, rubbing his' hands,
::irly shouted:
"Great Speech! Great speech?
dreat speech!"
Stocks Soaring
N't-w York, April 3. The president's
var message to congress sent the
stocks soaring in the exchange, trad
ing is freer and more spirited.
Portland, Or., 2. A determined
fight against Use petition of the rail
roads for a list increase of 15 per
cent on both class and commodity
rates is under was here today by the
West Const l.timhrman's association.
The d'rictors and traffic committee
weie authorized -to apjvear before Ihe
haters tale commerce committee to op
pose the move of the railroads.
The luntfttinien cot-tend tliat the 1 of Monroe are voting on whether the
.binson law. on w hich the railroads j Utfted States should go to war with
base their claim, ss-ill not increase the ' . . . . . .
operating cost, of American railroads ! ,''"V- The vote k being taken Ht
SW.ix-O.frtl annually, as the roads al- j connection with the regular city ele
lege. They say that the increased op-i ction. A notable percentage of the
, crating costs ..ill not be over M.fKXV population here is German and Swiss
IU 1ST 1, 1 III I 111' 1,1111 N.tM. , -
Monroe. WW., Apr.3. The first war
referendum in the United States is
being held heretoday. The citizens
Seventh tnd l itihth Grades, sc:nnd
prize iscan y ts-msn
Ladies' Quartette by the tea hers
Fifth and Sixth Grade Kssiys. first
prize Real by writer
Fifth and Sixth Ksays. second
prize Read by writs t
Solo Mrs. Frank Powtll
Presentation of Prizes
.Professo. Bocttielur
Address of 1 l ar.ks, Mrs A. H Arnold
1 vV-fl I, M ... t,s un,L ., rin.-h .r. rnnl.n.l il..t th!, ..... .' . 1.... .'
the war between the United Stales and j a wn.,i ...Ura Rr nhnns 22-1 time for Ihe increase in Inmher r.nie.
FI2. s 3lf" as the indif trv cannot ttsnd it.
ami ihe result is being watched with
After being closed for two weeks 1
on account of weather conditions in '
logging camp the mill operated by the
Albany Lumber Company was opened
According to a statement made by
one of the officials of the company !
enough orders have already been re- !
ceived to keep the mill running until
the summer months.
harge of 12 trading stations on th-.-
kMacKenzie river.
Leaves Hospital
Walter Workman -who was recently
operated upon by Dr. Robnett for ap
pendicitis was able to leave St. Mary's
hospital yesterday.
Red Cross Meeting
Permanent organization of the Red
I Cross society will be held in the Li
brary tonight at 8xl o'clock. Wm
; W Hush, field agent of the Pacific
t division of the National Red Cross
j Society, of San Francisco, will be on
band to take charge of the work. Al
I 'ian- has the fifth organization to be
I formed in the state, none being in
I Oregon prior to Tanuarv 1st. The
pnblic is cordiallv invited to attend the
meeting tonight.
I The Red Cross is the only volun
1 leer organization chartered bv Con
- gers that can assist the army and navy
! in time of war. o a-re limit is impos
ed and every body can belong.
E. D. Cttsick and Mrs.
t. W
Germany, she comes under the ban.
i , ,.
keen interest in Washington and else- 1 r,nr,,,A u.r. ,i,, wi,i ,.a rPW
Portland. April. 3. Another grain
record is smashed. Five thotisand
bushels of April blnestem sold at
dollar and eighty cents, and five
thousand bushels of May wheat sold
nt the same price. A further advance
in flour is expected.
Beauty, comedy, music, good dan
;n x and pretty gowns are promised
n the Hippodrome vaudeville bill at
he Globe theatre tomorrow night.
Hie DuFresne Sisters, two pretty.
Ttng girls, will present a clever sing
n ; and dancing act. in which t!iey db
dav mjnv prettv gowns.
Tarlton and Tarlton hell ringers
-nd comedy musicians are a hit where
ver thev io. and Joe King, iiumitator
who produces all kinds of sounds,
forms the third number of the MIL
On the picture bill are LooifC Mtilf
nd Jack Pk-kford in !o'h Tsr'ting-
i.m's play. "Seventeen." and Max Lln-
ler in a two reel n-n n. a i mes
cross. Ther? will '-i a mall " t
?:15 as well as an evening perfor
Three lodges of the Knights of
Pythias in Linn County will receive
official visits next week from Harry
G. Wortman. of Medford, grand chan
cellor, and Walter G. Gleeton. of Port
land, grand keeper of records snd seal
of the Grand lodvr or Oregon. These
officials srill visit the Albany lodge
.Vpril 9, the lodge at Brownsville Ap
ril 10. and the Lei anon lodge April