Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 12, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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    mob ran
Tread Mw "toad Lading the aai
Life WeJI Lived."
There to only out beet conduct of
Ufa for 70a. and thai U tbe one that
Is baat lor you. Tboa who wander
aimlessly In queat of toe elugle right
formula tar existence tr. 1 In man
through which Ihej must Ibmd their
way endlessly In search or I up .-cuter
which dora uot extol.
There b) no one reeli which will
eerve tor (II mankind. Each moat
lean not Ma neighbor's but hla own
beat way or living. To ooe It ma be
the routine taak. the dally round, to
curb the wandering will and bring coo
lest To another II may be the forti
tude to escape tbe sheltering rare of
habit or the laaatlude of alotli. To one
It should be toe abandonment of phi
losophy or totrospri-tloo to nib elbowa
with hla fellow men; to another, the
willingness to lei the aoul awaken and
breathe amid the iky rimmed prarla
and under the deathleaa aura: to one.
heart hat ooe and allppera; to another,
the aeven seas, the aurora boreal la and
the Southern Crane: to one. society:
to another, aolitode: to one. the quiet
which atilla the pa Batons; to an ther.
the eternal reatleaaneaa which brlaga
The beat rounded life eontatna some
thing of each and all. Tbeie are but
two altitudes to avoid the level Una
of least resistance and the rigidity of
aelf distrust which deolea every lm
pulse simply because It Is Impolaa.
Somewhere between the two Ilea your
course. Many are the thickets to ha
hewed down, many the crags to be
scaled But beyond stands the inn in
the Clearing, where faithful travelers
may find the refreshment, the rest and
the kindly words of welcome which
form the goal and reward of Ufa well
lived. -Collier a Weekly.
Have a Curious Habit ef
Washing Their Feed.
Kew American wild animate are mare
widely known or excite more populat
Interest than the raccoon, which occu
pies moat of the wooded nana of North
America from the southern border of
Canada to Panama, with the exception
of the higher mountain ranges.
Ita diet as extraordinarily varied and
Includes fresh water clams, craw-flab,
frogs, turtles bulla and their eggs
poultry, note, fruits and green corn,
nf hen near water raccoons have a curl
one and unique habit of washing their
food before eating It Their fondneaa
for green corn lea da them Into frequent
danger, for when bottom land corn
tempta them away from their usual
haunts raccoon bunting with doga at
night becomes an especially favored
port. Raccoons are extraordinarily
intelligent animals and make in te rent
ing and s musing pets.
They began to figure In our frontier
literature at an early date. t'oon
akin cape, with the ringed taila hang
ing like plumes, made the favorite
headgear of many pioneer hunters, and
coonaklna were recognized articles of
barter at country stores. Now that
the Increasing occupation of the coon
try la crowding out more and more of
oar wild life It is s pleasure to note
the persistence with which these char
acteristic and interesting animals con
tinue to bold their own In so much of
their original range. National Geo
graphic Magazine.
Learn to Be Thrifty.
Thriftiesaneaa seldom If ever la aba
to seize and detain opportunity or to
drive advaotageoua bargains.
What men call luck generally la a
combination of foresight, industry,
pluck and thrift in the lucky man.
To nave is to have, to own la to pos
sess power. Property apeaka loudly
and largely swaya the commonwealth.
The thrifty contribute moat to the wel
fare of tbe state.
The purchaser on credit pays not
only for tbe property, but for the time
It takes to complete the purchase. It
seldom b tbe thrifty way to finance
deals. Tbe extra expenditure la equiv
alent to tbe lane of so much Interest 00
one's principal.
A Bird Joker.
A moat surprising Australian bird la
the kookooborra. or laughing Jackaaa.
Ail al once In tbe quiet bush come loud
paala of uproarious, mocking laugnter.
One la uot Inclined to Join In tbe mer
rimentIt all see ma aa foolish and
weird as if an idiot boy were disturb
ing a congregation In church. When
the source of tbe laughter la located It
turns out to be a silly looking bird,
with rlumsi'. square body and open
mouth, Bitting unconcernedly on
stomp - National Geographic
Getting Bald,
"air. Borrell proposed to me
"And yoa accepted him, I hope."
"No. mother. I could never love a
nan with red hair."
"But, my dear girl, you should con
alder tbe fact that be baa very little
of If-Cbicago Herald.
His Color.
Utile Ben itu gentleman caller)
Ton aren't black, are you? Mr. Moo-Bey-Black.
hl Id? Why. no! I should
hope not! What made you think I
waa? Utile lien-Oh. nothing! Only
pa Bald you were awfully niggardly.
London Telegraph.
On the Other Hand, Men Whs Think
They Will Fail Uaually Da.
The man or boy who begins aa un
dertaking by any lag. "I know I shall
tall." generally does fall, while the 00a
who say a. "I know I ahall succeed."
generally does succeed. A very anc
ceaaful buaiuea man once said. "I al
ways bad perfect confidence In myself
and always made aura that I should
succeed before 1 began anything."
which was not Baying that ha paid no
attention 10 the possibility of failure.
This waa considered and disposed of
before the venture waa made.
I remember that a woman once canes
Into a business office In which I waa
employed. She had with her a tall,
strong looking boy of about fourteen.
who had coma to apply for Inn position
of office hoy.
The manager of the onVe. keen,
live business man. explained the du
ties of the situation to the boy and
"Do yon think yoa could do the
"11 don't know," wan the hesitating
reply. "I'm afraid that maybe I
couldn't" .
"You might try. James," said hi
mother, who seemed aaxtoaa that he
should secure the place.
"Yes." he replied la a hesitating
tone. "I a'poee I might bat I'm afraid
I can't do all tboae things."
"Then It Is not of tbe least us for
yoa to try," replied tbe bnalneaa man
ager, a little sharply.
And tbe boy went away with bin
mother chiding nun for hla lack of salt
Ten minutes later another boy of
about fourteen cam In by himself,
walked up to the counter, took off his
cap and asked to see tbe manager. He.
too. was an applicant for the place.
The bnalneaa manager carefully ex
plained tbe duties of the situation, and
the boy listened eery attentively, walla
seeming to weigh, the matter wall In
hla mind.
When asked If be thought ha could
do the work ha promptly replied:
"Ob. yoa; 1 know I can."
"And yoa don't feel afraid that yoa
won't succeed 7"
"Not a bit afraid. 1 can do tt"
"I think yoa can. too," replied the
manager, approvingly. "I think you'll
And be did. He Is In the same efflos
still, bat la no longer an office boy. Ha
la tbe head bookkeeper, with a large
salary and a fair prospect of becoming
a partner In the boose some day.
i'btladelphla Inquirer
Hard Lin,
la fiaa Dotal trouble? What Is itr
"Oh. I promised to pay Rrown 110
today, and I've got It. and be knows
I've got II. end be knows I know Be
tanwa I've got 11 ' - Puck.
friend may I affronted la tan and
kM In ent er earnest
1 know of an elderly man wbe fan
ty years ago stopped smoking, lief ore
that be consumed about a dollara
worth of cigars every day.
Boasting to a friend bow be had
aaved money by not smoking the
friend made a. quick calculation.
Yea," said tba tatter, "you moat now
be at least 110.000 better off."
Tbe ex-smoker reflected a moment
and then sadly observed:
"Well, no, 1 haven't a cant of It
While I Imagined I waa saving la my
smoke bill 1 must have spent that
much more somewhere else."
Mora I. -Closing the spigot tight wont
keep tbe barrel full If yoa open wide
the bung. -G Irani In Philadelphia IsnV
Cultivate Enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm Is tbe dynamics of your
personality, without It whatever abil
ities you possess 11 dormant You
may have knowledge, sound Judgment
good reasoning faculties, but no on
will know It until yoa discover bow to
put your heart into thought and action
A wonderful thing la thla quality
which we call enthusiasm. If yoa
wou'd like to be a power among men
cultivate enthusiasm. People will like
yon better for It: yoa will eacape the
dull routine of a mechanical existence.
and you will make headway wheiever
yon are. J. Ogden Armour to Leslie's
Evils ef Peer Cm king.
Poor cooking often makes
food either difficult or Impossible to di
gest. Tba hard earned money of the
household goea to tbe purchase of good
food, which la often ruined by the
housewife Ignorant In tbe art of cook
ing. Good rooking la not n matter of
whim or flattering tbe ialate. It Is aa
absolute essential to health. Therefore
the sit should be taught to our schools.
says a food expert
Hard to Kill.
Snalia are alow, even when It comes
to dying, and one naturalist who bad
mounted a shell upon a card was but
prised to find four years later that the
warm water employed in soaking the
ahell off tbe mount bad revived tba to
mate, which be had long supposed to
be dried and dead.
Don't Ba a Quitter.
It la nothing for a man to bold np
hla head in a calm, bat to maintain hla
post when all others have quitted their
ground and there to stand upright
where other men are beaten down thla
la divine and praiseworthy. -Seneca.
gterm Warning.
Stude facet loualyi-Tbla steak M Ilk
a day In June. Mrs. Boredom very
rare. Landlady (croslllyi-And your
board bill Is like March weather-always
unsettled - Pennsylvania Punch
Wall, Why Metf
Why wouldn't It be a good plan ts
make a woman tbe speaker of the
bouse of representatives 8b Is Id ev
sry other bouse -Milwaukee Sentinel
Once more Albany's two leading style stores M. Sternberg
& Co. and The Toggery ring up the curtain for the
presentation of the season's newest fashions
A comprehensive exhibition of
Women's and Misses' Suits. Coats, Dresses,
Millinery and Accessories
Next Friday and Saturday evenings at the
Globe Theatre, under the direction of Miss
Blanche Cochran, a New York model
and style critic
of practical, medium-priced apparel selected
: our stocks Complete change of garments
evening. Those for Friday evening will be selected
entirely from The Toggery, while the Saturday
night display will be from the M. Sternberg & Co.
Friday and SaturdayThis Week
M. Sternberg & Co. The Toggery
L . n
He who brings ridicule to bear
against truth Snds to hla hand a hand
without n bUt.
They Are Unlike These to Ba Sean In
Any Other Country.
One readily understands why tba
Australian loves hla trees. Tbe (rare
of giant eucalyptua form pictures nev
er forgotten, and tbe scent of tba wat
tle brings a homesick feeling Ilka the
smell of saga to tbe weatorner.
Tba Bora la not only beautiful. It la
unique, and has no counterpart In oth
er lands. Of the 10,000 specie of
pUnta most of tbern ere purely Austra
lian and are unknown even In New
Zealand The general Impression on
fete of Australian forests Is their total
aniikeneaa to anything seen elsewhere.
The great forests of timber tree, an
not damp and shaded and all of one
species, but are well lighted and filled
with other forests of shorter trees. In
pieces tbe woods consist of Isrge wide
ly spaced trees surrounded only by
bunch grass, and evn to areas where
water I not to be found on the sur
fara for hundreds of square miles true
foreatB of low trees are present
Porma which may ba recognised as
tulip. Illy, honeysuckle and fan take
on a surprising sspect. They are not
garden flowers, but tree, and the land
scape of which they form a part re
tods one of the hypothetical repre
sentations In books of. science ot a
land-Ma pe of mewxolc times a jiertod
antedating now by millions of jours.
Tbe trees are Indeed tboee of a by
gone age. In America mid Eurotie
sbsdowy forma of fossil leaves of
strange plants are gathered from tbe
rock and studied with ; In A us
trulls many of these ancient treea are
living. The impression Unit one la
looking at a landscape Winch has for
ever disappeared from oilier parts of
the world Is so vivid thst the elms and
maples and nek In of the city
streets strike a Jarring not The trau.
sit Ion from Jurassic to modem I lines Is
painfully abrupt Mtinaal Orographic
Baal Nice.
Bobble That Mrs. Amlih said some
thing nice nlidtol yon Mrs Brown
(purrlngi-Wlial wna It. Hobble? It.. I,
ble Mia said you didn't show your
age. London Tolcgrapb
Mb Gets In Early.
Do yoa sit np for your nasbandf
"No; 1 am an early riser and am al
ways up In time to greet Mrs. "-Detroit
free Press
The Servant Question.
"Keg pardon-, mn'mji." Bail lb-' hol
ler, "till your aon has Just oloed with
the cook."
"Tee. I put him up to It." replied
Mrs Uppson. "Hhe's the Ix-ai rook we
ever bad, and I don't want 10 lose her."
-Indianapolis Ktnr
An Expensive Luxury.
"Tea." said the literary man. with a
sigh, "style is a tine thing for a writer
to have, hut Whetl his wife's got It lou
It takes all the profit away." liar
; ir'a
WHEN a is wr ring Classified ads,
please mention the Democrat.
Ancient and Historic Capittl of
Mesopotamia Fails Before
the Pursuing British.
Amstrrdam, Mar. II Bagdad has
(alien to the british.
From the historic, battle scarred
citadel of the ancient Mesnpotamian
metropolis flutters tonight the Union
Jack, and for beyond the city's out
skirts British cavalry is hard' on the
heels ot the Turks fleeing northwest
along Both banks of the Tigris.
N'rws of Bagdad's capture by fien
rral Maude's army rcarhed London
lute Ibis afternoon. It was promptly
flashed N broaden it and came to all
Knropc as one of the greatest sur
prises of tbe war.
Quick Capture Surprise.
That Ihr city would fall sooner or
latrr w.i generally rxrrpted, but that
t lie capture would come so soon sur
prised even the most sanguine Brit
ish military experts. The Turks had
been expected to make a stulriiorn
stand on the river Diala, six miles
away. Only a few days ago Major
General Frederick B. Maurice, chief
dictator of military operations at the
British war office hail predicted a
hard battle. The idea was svneral
that for two years the Turks had been
busy constructing powerful defenses
to ward off the final British onslaught.
Entente Capitals Jubilant.
All Knglnnd was jubillant tonight,
m 1 ording to l.omlon dispatches, and
nirvicrs from the other entente cap
itals show that the spirit of triumph
is fully shared there.
The capture of Bagdad, it is felt,
foes a long way tow. .1 1 1 -tahlishing
the badly iniparnl British prrstage In
thr near and far east. It wipes out
the humiliating Mot of Kul-cl-Atiiara
mill obliterates much o Ihr blackness
the Dardanelles disaster left behind.
To the Turks the revrrse is one of
the worst they have suffered in the
Severe Blow to Tarka
It is rxprcted to deal a telling blow
lo Ihr morale of the Ottoman army
and to the sultan's prestage among
Hie Mnliatnmrdan world.
Bagdad has been in Turkish posses
sion since 16.18, wki n Sultan Mitrad
IV wrrslrr it from Ihe Fill liana. Two
centuries ago a desperate fun futile
effort to retake it was made Ivy Shah
Vadir. Bagdad represents, thrrrfore,
a precious page in Ottoman history.
The Mohammedans have given It the
name Dar ej Salatn, which rnenas City
of Salvation or Cacred City.