Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 07, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight nd Thursday, occasional
BttabMshwd la IS 45
Una Tany,
No. 2S0
Leg I Department Rule That
President Has Power to
Place Gun on Ships.
Campaign Started to Depose
Stone At Chairman roreign
Relations Committee.
(B) L'nilr.l PIMM)
Washington. Mar. T. Platidsat
Wiiim A expected to laatraei Sr.
rrtary DatWl ' American MM
chs.a trues witkln few hour, it . i.
liarnr.l cm tin highest authority tint
lllc Irgal department dc.i.lcl that tin
President Is luipowrlr.l t. a. I Sr.
rrtary Daniel. wU Of del n.mniaii'l
anil cif tlir Boston, Philadelphia and
S.ui Fran, is. o .inls to issue alt .rvail
allr guns.
The Srnatr rule. . omiiiillri- tfcll
annuo.. n aiiiiTil l.i a cloture t tilr
providing that a two tloils wt.- rail
limit .lebali- I.. "Mr hour for rich
rtrtltitl rule i approved h
W il.iin It will llCimrtd I" I'""
Srnati today, aflrr Wilson onaiill
with clr.iiiKrali. Senator. icgard
ing thr cloture.
i hr Di n'l stand a rojaspaarri
To ufttfl Senator StOOT I re elrrtioti
An iln li4Mttnatiliii of thr i' oil i .: i-
t.I.ittou. . Stonr lefusr.l
all interviewers
in RMobticM Semti ettwn Hi-
MsMtwa I umiiiin. anil Cronns fioln
thr -lining .. milliliter liccaitsc lhr
participated in tin- Hlitiuster. S n-'t"
Walsh opened thr floot debate la lbs
MrtMnikwtM r-ti 1 . hi said
'Traitor might tlrlay thr Scnatl
while thr cn.ntv- t inmlcri d at mir
gale. It is not incolicci . able
traitorous .entitm m s might actuate
Wilt Be Restocked With Trout;
Chief Deputy Game Warden
Tells ot Conditions.
lltr Sutr Ktt4i and (iaine Dcpart-
incni have i loacd Ihoiiiaa, llilyr u and
uriniatcr crerka for a period of two
ara l or inc t.ur.iosc ot rc-aius..".!
III trout ami other n-nnr holt All
hn rrrkt are in the viciuit ot
it and thr was made upon
tition of the riHwIciiti of that tec
tum of thr county.
l lu ahovr aUlciucut wan made this
norniiif by F, IC Brown, uMbtj
ity Stair fianic Warden who it at-
lending to iMiMtirtwi iiuiltcra in Albany.
Mr Itrown aya that the itate fih
ather al lionneiifille it in ejiocllcnt
liape and that there hae been but
r loilM reported itt fih Off gtflM
nag i he present year.
Mr. Itrown l ato of the opinion ihr improvement authuMsted for
11O1 Udder at Oregon City will re
nil in pt i Minting more ilM to ore. i
the upper Willamette
I Mi I'llitrd
Amsterdam, Mar. 7. (irrman news
paper, rullnl Si nalor l.atolliltr anil
Stunr "Rri.riM nl.i: i i s of AlttCriCa'l
brut ;i!rit " Tbt) HW Bed Hit
Ihi.1i i a a pfOptl "haiiltmu ol Pfl
ih in W'lUon'n iinrraHOnin.; i n . 1 1 1 n
W rh rcrdicl il thr .ohrr urnltmrnl
ot thr Ainrriran MOOfel who do not
wwit to join the war.
Th Lokal Anieigrr Ifntlcrly- at
ticket! the inauKttral irn h .m I . i. i
rtl that thr pjIdftM dajMBftlcd Ih
aiit"l It Lillnl Ibc Pnaldcnl
in ittlonioniac-
1 111 .it'll . ll IT. v .IV. IL . -.Oil " I'll.'
rvettina nf twiHif n bitterly eonttnen
iril ..n 'ilon' inan' yiic.-.h
Tiiry n.i.t that thr Ptlldfflt intn
iliirril ptirtbd niutr:ilil II. COII I
.-.I to party tin- r ihl t" kc war
lull rejf UMd thr J...I1H- rihl to th
othrt party". I hr I irrman prr. pl a
latd Attetriaj tqbtMriitc reply.
Car Waa Too Hi.h
h'lirl. ll.". Biaflrini "h. n th fir
on Rlectrii Frdfhl traitt mrltch
in r i ii thr cra.'i. on Water Slrrrt
an Mti u'vt i a in. 1. 1. to run an
limiohilr car Mtdcff the utrrl In iii::r
Thr i ar W.l too lli-'ll mil ll'' I. -"It
VM that t!ir car .trn.k rmler th
htiiln . i.iniiii.'.l 5 n imrrr nil. am
liftin.; tin- bride Tin- brld
rests on thr rar.
leeeeesis j
New Capital Secured. F ..-in. s
Will Be Paid and Juice on
Hand Marketed.
Ol iaMNM to jhe roe'. ol l.llin
anil Baalon COMMMta i tin bd tbat
a re-orualiualion ui t lie All. any l-ruit
Juice Co. hai been afected and they
will immediately- tart tip on protcfta-
im tai jaica anil placing it on the mar
I in aacaaaary capita t pro. red
..nil baa bean tectired ami the famteaa
lo whpn money in due will bexin to
receive their checka. Thi proiniiev
lo he one of Albany biir induitrie
ami will he an important thing duritu
thr coming aeaaon.
J. wish Society Reaenta Filibuater
WheehtK. .Mar 7. The Jewish o.
IttM cancelled the l.alollctte lecturr
hrre on account of popular resentment
to ho beater.
Over 200 Firefighters and
Many Others Throng Elks
Hall at Entertainment.
Local Officers and Lodge Will
Have Charge of Work; Big
Crowd to Attend.
J. M. Reed, of Cm atfla
rity today
rm RENT Uti-k b iMh cowici
IK and Terry, for any line of hui
nca. AdreM R. C. Crow, Kneiie.
Ore. m7-
SOWS POR SAl .K .1. bred to rcir
i-tcrrd boar. Home phnr HI S.I.
i Hinson lonnjnt
Dr Hintou, qM f the l s knuv
m ni-'M appu.iatcilsS.llU" rato'Vi i
he rucific Nttthci will open
.m s of revivju Bcnricci at the Bai
. - In. tin, rvrillliu: 1 r. HlttM
.. . bfM in ll.iny before and In
im arr therefore vertam t be
. II attended .
I :ic From Peak
M 1). Urandcberry, of Teak, Or ,
in the ity lduy on butinos. Mr.
.i.4ndrbcrr) u a ioriner AJi-aiiy man
.u l it well known here.
imminent Democrat Heri
A ill Mo..!. , member of the PcUMO
mlk Slate Central eommtttre from
ni itilta county and endorsed "t the
lOtitlsM of Collector of Cuftlom by
h iMriifHratic State Central com--tit
ice it meelinu MNM (he local
lajnocrtti in Albany and vicinity.
l ire Alarm In Ni;hi
I lie nre department wat called out
. ! 2 o clock thik moruiUK to put
ut a ftre in an obi hiuae on hithth
StftCl llTrti Maker and I.yon.
Uan Mahoncy Buried
DM Mahotiey, the atfed minor and
tne Kr""lcr b died ai the kits'
tout one week Sunday, wa
tuned thif ti-rnooii. The lunor-l
vti hsrhl fltNn the I ttrtmiller I'bapel
IK 7 car, old.
obcrt Owena Buriel
UoUrl OWtfta, ho dud al tht
l tuinty hospital Monday .it llu
( 7.i, was buried tht morning at ' bil.
.ille ceim tar. The luneral wax In b.
frotV Mm rer.ilence of hit tit phew J
! ((.million.
I roiii Toitland
Waefr Itlcvent. of l''rl1and. wa in
th - city while in the eoitnt, talVi In
lantjent b the illnea of hi moth r
Mrt. A. Hlcvetit. who waa better to
day. Mr. Itlcvens i a card a:t'-t. il
in a good deal ol work lo Portland
pl.t)hour for vaudeville, diday.
Tiom Myrtle Point
R0J Wurlev. t Mwlle Poif, i Iff
the city. He re-ently soi l Wt busi
nrt th re, and i he . w4tfl ths- vlfV
ul till' :ii tun ; a n c local i ti nif
where in the valley. His family will
join him later.
;.rre From Brownaville
Hon. W. IV I'.lmore, of Hrowntvillc.
. bo not) rrpreisented l.inji t'ounty
i the la -1 Kviilattire, arrived in the
I it this morning.
Will adreaa Meeting
Dr AV. V. White left thi.t morninK
ior Portland where he will met t with
hi Itatc hoard tf the Christian b'ndea-
1'ook PtUoneri to Salem
Sheriff I). H. Hodine went to SaV
em thi morning with Michael ( 1 ay
rtiitl John (rtvrs, two yiunn nun who
were cau.'ht robbing bc hl,,sr I rs
dclaide F.ntHcott. Dee. 30. They wilt
Mivr from one to seven year in the
si ;ite pnon.
I-ikta Oregon
Mra, Kato llove. who ha p- nt the
pat eiiht month at the home ol Mr.
and Mr. J. J. Cipman, left yrsfr
($ajr for her home in Kana City, Mo.
Mr. Hoyee in so-well pleated with
Or-non after spending a summer ami
winter here that he will return here
to make her home . No more cold
winter and blizzards for her.
tBv Untied Preat)
WuMfaftOt), Mar 7 I'he Kovern
oicnt filed - petition in the tuprcmc
oiin .ikniK that two million tin
: umtTf d thoiissaud acre of (JreKon
land- worth thirty milion. of dUtr
!m forfited to the Koiccninenl because
th, ( lrei;on-(alifornia Railroad tailed
to . t mply with the ;raiit condition.
Musical Program and Wres
King and Boxing Events
Prove Strong Attractions.
Thr I. inn County Cow T eating Av
.'ni.ition met bare tuda and coin
.leteil pernMUient ecganlantlop. H- J
M, lino., of (iolira. w a rlested presi
dent: llrnry Srewart. sice prenticnt .
I. M. Di.kton, Shcdd. MCI Clary; and
hi .1- with Thomas Spillinan of l-'ro-tian
and (irorgc Connor, oi Deter,
.ill he the hoard oi direvtora.
The atternoon was spent in diactis
in.: the . ork of the organization and
n .tiling experiences for the benefit
.( each other.
Annapolis, Mar " - It is reported
that Rdieoa will pio'thly nait t!ie
N'altona A.Unor, Bet' l antraa a
lutes! experimental iSoeatOry is buib
?. :-andy Hook.
Tlie Plrcnaaa'l Smoker held at the
I lka Club rooms last mght waa a
i am in every particular. The event
waa alien. led by about 75 of the 166
firemen from Corvalfts, the 70 irotnthis
rity, several from Portland, Salem,
filiailne. Lebanon and other places
It was a good live hunch and the pro
1,-ratn was greatly enjoyed.
Chief W. A. Kajtl.urv, of Albany
was master of ceremonies and was a
K-ood one. Mayor Curl welcomed th.
.i-iMrs lo the city and marie a few
retnmrki abate! the department. Then
each of the city eouncilinen spoke
t'oiimilmen Kobnett. Tw-rdeale, Mc-
Elrourr. Wltet, I.yon- and Ixrigh each
.poke in ttirn, offering encouragement
:.. the lire boy s pledging their support
to the company and otimdin a w-rl
come to the visitors.
Counciinan W. C. TweedBlc injected
.in interestitiK bit o; history into his
lalk. lie was a member of both the
irst fire brigades that were ever lortn-.-.1
i:i lbany and Corvallis. and stated
that the Albany bucket brigade was
Inc first department in the Oregpn
Territory. He ijave some interesting
information and made pleasing
mark. Me stated that the boys of
tolay are as good as the boys of years
.ears ago. but that they need an incen
tive. The volutin cr departments of
ihr smaller cities are better in spirit
than the big city paid department
-met the boys deserve the best there i
for their work. The best departments
are those which have nothing to do,
lor a busy department is a loss to th
ity. Prevention heats protection, and
he best apparatus is the cheapest pro
jection in the long run.
Tom (irahain. the ever popular chief
d the Corvallis Fire department and
Friday evening a large number of
local members of the Kebeckahs lodge
will go to Tangent in motor trucks
and autos for the purpose of institnt-
a new lodge. The ceremonies
will be held in the new Odd Fellows
hall which is nearing completion.
The instituting work will be in
harge of Mrs. I. M. Sears, secretary
of the local lodge, and the Albany de
gree staff will exemplify the work.
The Tangent lodge will have a char
ter roll of 10 members, and 20 new
andiilatrs will be initiated. There
are several members of the lodge who
live at Tangent and these -will with
draw their membership and enter the
new' lodge.
All Rebeckaha are invited to attend.
The institution will take place in the
afternoon and the decree work will
be in the evening.
I rTj: f T I' l!aaBJtSe ' Nr
I I BJBaje jaai - aafflar - '
U ' . Bk jHr gK?' . I
1 I - ' - t BJb, e
H g t-' iB g
BaV B)' 9 km. gL'"g
NWNja, sB 1
bbw aaj aasasaaa aw Batr! Nft
Mabel and Christa MerriU Be
come Brides of Elmer Miller
and Glenn Henajiaw.
(By United Pi ess)
Washington. Mar. 7. The War De
partment instructed the border reg
imrntal commanders to submit a list
of sixty men in each regiment capable
of being made officers and training
recruits. It is a precautionary step
n event additional officers are needed
io handle an armv of half a million
issalu il
San Antonio. Mar. 7 Tbe war de
partment ordered thirty thousand bor
iler militiamen mustered out of the
service before April firet because con
gress failed to pass the army bill pro
viding for their maintenance.
Thi morning at 10 o'clock the
inante of the Orace Preabyterian
church was the tccne of a very pretty
double wedding when Mabel and
Christa, the two charming daughters
of Mrt. Jennie M. Mcrritt, and Elmer
Miller and Glenn Hcnthaw, two of
Albany's tturdjy Jfoung men, wtere
united in marriage.
Among thote who witnetted the
tercmony were Mrs. Jennie M. Mer-
ritt, and Mrt. Sada Harrison, of Can
ada. Mrs. Harrison also is a daughter
of Mrs. Merritt. It is the expectation
of Mr. Miller and his bride soon to go
to Canada to make their home, hut
Mr. and Mrs. Hcnshaw will establish
their home in the old neighborhood
sourheast of the city. The high re
gard and good wishes of a large cir
cte of friends will follow these happy
young people in their new relation
Fifteen Allied Aeroplanes Des
troyed in Fighting en the
Western Front.
London. Mar. 7 The trial of Alice
Wheeldon and Two daughters and
Arthur Mason charged with conspir
ing to poison Lloyd George and Ar
thur Henderson was started in the
Old Bailey. The Crown's experts
testified that the plotters planned to
hoot strychnine hydrochlorate in
poisoned darts from an air gun. The
toisons were exhibited in court.
Chanties and Correction Conference
To Deal With Woman
(By United Press)
Chicago, March 6. The abolition
of human misery will be the keynote
of the annual national Conference of
Charities & Correction at Pittsburgh
june 6 to 13. General Secretary W
T. Croat announced here today. Un
fair food prices, neglected children
slum districts, criminal classes,
sane, mental defectives and immoral
conditions in out of the way rura
districts will be delt with and plan.
outlined for the elimination of then
from national life. President Freder
ick Almy- of Buffalo will talk abou
The Abolition of Poverty. Other
speakers will be Thomas Mott Os
borne, Wilfred S. Reynolds of Chic?
go. Robert A. Woods of Boston, Ed
ward T. Devine and Morris Hillquit
of New York, who will speak on soc
ial insurance: Dr. Owen Copp of Phil
adelphia. Thirty five hundred social
workers are expected to attend th
conference from all part of the United
Two Hundred Thousand Tans
ot Shipping la Submarine
Toll For Three Days.
(Br United Piesc)
Berlin, Mar. 7. Tne fifteen thou- ton Russian cruise "Rnrik" hit
mine and was damaged. She docked
;.t Ki-onstadt. rtlteen allied aero-
lanes were destroyed on the western
nt in air fighting.
Submarine Toll Heavy
Berlin. Mar. 7. The official preaa
bureau announced that the submarine
e ports indicated that ship totaling
tw o hundred thousand tons were sunk
Set ween March first and third.
(By United Press)
Portland. Mar. 7. The Portland
Railway.Ligtit and Power Company
and the N'orwestern Electric Company-
arc planning to safeguard their plant
in the event of war. following receipt
confidential was department advices
: c idol of Corvallis people, made a
tew pleasant commentaries then pro
eeeded to say a few things for the be
rctit of the Albany department so that
the council could hear it. He made
the statement that the Albany comp'y
OliUI 'e perfectly helpless with a fire
above the third story of the Hotel
Albany. The city is in great need of
an extension ladder truck. He pro
nounced the Hamilton Store fire two
years ago a needless w-aste of proper
ty lor lack of proper precautions and
proper equipment.
CMei Kastburn stated that this fire
could have been spot out in its incip
iency with a $15 instrument, had it
been provided.
Walter Kline, a popular Corvallis
business man and booster for their
ire department, made an interesting
alk and assisted with the rest of ttie
Ti e w-. stling events were tnterest
r.j. In the 14! pound class Walpole
mil Iluttcrhick. both of Corvallis, won
a fall each and tied on the third.
Armstrong won the 170 pound event
witli two falls from Norton, both of
borrallia, and Pete Milter showed
In the ISLAND OF DESIRE a Wm Foe spectacle
Mill City. Mar. 7 (Special to the
Democrat) Miss Davy, Miss Albee
ami Prof. Spragiie of the Mill City
schools were visitors at Salem during
the week-end.
Miss Denny- oi Salem was the guest
of her sisters Misses Martha and Anna
Denny, over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sullivan left ior
Portland Satursrav morning for a sev
ral days visit whh their daughter Mrs
W. Wilbur.
Mrs. Ed. Thompson was a pleasant
hostess to the Embroidcrv club at her
home on Thursday ofternoon, mo
of the members being present.
Mrs. W. M. Holt ami children
Thelma and James are visiting
Portland. Mrs. Holt went to Albany-
Monday- morning being called on the
A parent teachers meeting will he
held at the opera house on Friday
re skill than his brother Paul and evening March 9. to which all are in
..on two strait falls. vtted.
Art McChessnev- was ba-tlv out The date of the Old Folks Con
sointcd in four two minute rounds I cert has been set for Friday even
bv Daniels, a clever boxer from O A. C. I inc March JJ.
McChessnev is clever, but showed a' The Sunday school class of Mrs
decided lack of training amUcnowlrdge ! II. Godttard was organized Sunday
.f tlir name The c-o was stooped bv md took the name of Helpers. The
Mayor Curl in the fourth when it took 1 memtjeri of the class choosing Min
British Near Bagdad
London, Mar. 7. The Mesopotaro-
an expedition official announcement
laid that the British are almost within
range of Bagdad. The cavalry fought
be Turkish rear guard Monday at
jjj. nine miles southeast of Ctasip-
French Make Gains
Paris, Mar. 7. It is announced that
'rench raids, and sapping activities
gained many prisioners. Hie raids
centered between Oiee and Aisne. The
ttacks were heavily checked.
: Trilling Game Taken After Affair
Develops Into A Kr.ock-oown
And Drag-out Contest . .
Eugene. Ore.. Mar. 7 In a hang
replete with tbrille.-s. the Eugene
:h school basket ba'l s.tiad last
i ipht defeated the Salem tearr. by the
arro- margin of 21 lo 30 in the loca
eru.l - . rnnasium.
The contest was (he most inter st
Bg that has been enacted in these
arts for some time and in the last
half the excitement mounted to a high
egree. One minute before the
inal shreik of the referee's mouth in-
truinent the score stood 20 to 20.
'artisans mounted to the tips of their
ves, rhe noise grew similar to that
f a bad ward in a mad house, and the
H ie settled down to a clean cxhibi-
:on of the knock-do wn-and-drag-out
ariety. K.ns made the winning
.oint from the foul line.
Transport "Dix" In No Danger
(Bv United Press)
Seattle, Mar. ;7. The Merchants
F.xchange reported ihat the army
'ransport "Dix" is returning to Seat
tle under her own steam. There is ao
langer but be was reported distress
ed off the coast.
rn a serious appearance with both men
sw incing wildlv nt each other.
Tlie parade before the smoker look
ed rood. Lead by the AMiany high
school band, about 200 firemen, the
Corvallis band and the local fire equi
pment, marched Mp Second to Ferry
n'e Kaplinger, president: Mona Holt,
viec-pres, Ethel Mason, secretary and
I ram HubefnSesrker, Treasurer.
A large force of men are at work
rebuilding thr railroa.' bridge. ,A
new roof is being put on the hospital.
The mill is busy at present. The
and back to First to the Elks lodge, snow has about disappeared after a
making s fine appearance. Itwo weeka stay.
Arthur O'DonnHI. a half-breed Haw
aiiart, who can play the ukelele and
sing dreamy south sea melodies as
well as he can repair automobiles,
is in the toils of the law charged with
stealing an overcoat and motor meter
from the Overland Sales Rooms, some
wrenches from J. A. Howard, and
possibly other things. He was ar
rested at Gray this morning as he
was trying to make his rscape to the
He came here from Takoma two
weeks ago and has been working for
thr Overland garage and doing other
time work. He claims to be an ex
pert Packard repairman, and to be
long to the U. S. aviation corps. He
was given a preliminary hearing this
iftrrnoon before judge Swaan and
was hound over to the grand jury aa
der $500 bonds.