rum two Daily Democrat ' F. P. NUTT'NG. Lcutt Enured at the postofficc at Albany, Oregon. a second-class nutter. Publiahtd every evening except Sun fey. Semi-weekly published Tues day! and Friday. BUSINESS MATTER. In ordaring cbaugea of adreaa, sub scribers should always give old a wall aa new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily elivered by carrier, per week 4 W Rellrered by carrier, per year 4.00 I, auil, at end of year 3-50 Ry mail in advance, per year 300 SemiWeekly At cad oi year IUJ Whaa paid in advance, one year 2i CLASSIFIED RATES lc ptn ward for first publication: yic or ward thereafter, payable in ad vaaea. Minimum chare of 25c- IMSlSJjfhl M 3S WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31. ALEAMY PART DRMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY U, HIT. FARM RENTALS The general experience is that rent ing farm property does not pay. The Democrat has heard a ood many complaints, few icporting even a fair return for the rental; but the Farm and Fireside says the business can be made to pay and tells how as fol lows: "'Our family ha been renting farms for fifty years." John A. Cava nagh of Des Moines, Iowa, owner oi more than a thousand choice acres, began his reply when I aked him why his tenants were successful and how tenants couid get farms of tlicir own. 'and I have seen many tenants come and go with sone of the successful ones going on their own farms. Dur ing that time I have learned how to make farms pay good rentals. I dn it by meeting the tenants more than halfway, and by managing the farms aa if they were factories. The tenants and 1 cut down the cost of production by increasing the yield, and we get the highest market price because we have the quality and sell after most of the grain in the country has been marketed. We store the grain 1 in well-ventilated, rat-proof, hollow-tile corncribs and grain bins. " 'Many things affect a tenant's ability to bny a farm. Health is one of the biggest factors, If a man en joys health he can work at top speed, his bram is clear and in ;ood work ing order, he is cheerful and optimis tic. If a tenant or members of his family are ill often, he does not have the ability to think and plan and work as he should to make a success. He needs horses and machinery and a knowledge of successful farm prac tiee in his State.' "All of the Cavanaugh farms are grain farms. An average year Mr. Cavanagh's share of the crops exceeds $10 an acre; in real good years it has been as much as $12 and $14 an acre. Mr. Cavanagh receives as rental one half of the corn crop, two fifths of the small grain, and $5 an acre for the pasture land. This shows how much money the tenants are making. All of the farms are' tile-drained. Where there is not enough manure produced on the farms to keep up the fertility, commercial fertilizes are used. All the tenants have to do is to haul H to the farms and apply it." FAT GOOD AND BAD In the February American Maga zine there is an article on reducing and gaining weight. The author says "Between forty and fifty a man who allows his weight to remain high is running more danger of an early de mise than he would run if he contract ed typhoid fever. What is more, if he were stricken with the disease -his chance of recovery would he ten per tent leas than normal. A man who is thinner than the average, on the other hand, has less danger of dying in this decade than a man who tips the scales at the normal figure. "When a man is in his twenties a deficiency of twenty pounds in weight makes him twelve per cent more liable to fall before the scythe of the implacable reaper. A slight surplus of flesh seems to assist one in escap ing diseases that cause death in this period principally turberculosis and typhoid fever. "A man in his fifties who is twenty pounds over normal weight has a fif teen per cent mortality handicap to face. Should he be forty pounds over weight his chances of dying are in creased forty-five per cent thereby." tSRTS There's no order On the border. And won't be until Villa the bandit s given a handout of cold lead. This Carrania of the defacto gov. has promised to do; but he quibbles and shakes and Villa continues to make trouble. When two men start fighting then s the time for neutrals around to sug gest peace, and not after one of them s licked. We are ferninst everything about war. Most Irish jokes are manufactured; Hit nevertheless they arc always ill- wresting. Here is another one: "Which reminds us oi the Irish gent oho got off the train at a station and liked into the lunch counter to in .alc a little food. While he was Jigging into a doughnut the bell rang md the ratler started off. Out hot oots Clancy with a halt eaten sinker n his mitt.. "Hould on!" yowled Clancy as he beat it after the chug rer. "Hould on, ye'ye ot a passen ger on board that's left behind'" The latest is that a can opener is riven free with every purchase of a Ford. Don't let it get out that there are nough wolves in Oregon to devour a man, or T. R. may invade the country. The startling news comes from New York that Mr. and Mrs. Vincent As tor, enormous millionaires, are to be lcmocratic. A millionaire with brains ought to be democratic, instead of the conceited -hump he is apt to be. The man with wealth who holds his lead up and puts on aristocratic ways needs a dose of genuine democracy - CD Iff D in alopathic quantity. Comforting Thought i.arette Times So far as O. A. C is concerned, it occurs to the Gaicttc-Tinics, that the report of the special legislature in vestigating committee is more than vindicatory, it is encomiastic. Trapshootera ( Twelve Oregon trapsliooting clubs are now affiliated with the American Amateur Trapshooting Association. This includes Albany's. There are now 1286 in the U. S., Pennsylvania leading with 163. Illinois 122. New York 117. Trapshooting has become a very popular American sport, with many enthusiastic devotees. SEA PICTURES Mrs Henderson's Sea Pictures and sea poems, may be secured at Fosbav & Masons. C. B. Essex, and H. J. Jones. J293I READ OUR WANT ADS O. A. C. WOOD BIDS The Oregon Agricultural College renursu bids for the furnishing of all or any part of the following wood supply. 1500 cord's oi Fir wanted and bids requested on 3500 cords of Kir, addi tional; 80 to 100 cords of Oak; 30 to 50 cords oi Ash. Coarse, split, sound wood only re quired and in tour foot lengths (sawed ends preferred). Oak not less than "four inches in diameter and when over ten inches, split. Fir to be large and to be cut from trees not less than eight inches in diameter. Delivery to be made and piled in ricks in the wood yard on College Campus before October 1. 1917. Please describe wood ill bid, statinc first or second growth, etc. The College reserves the right to accept any part of the bids submitted and to reject any or all bids. Sealed bids should be submitted plainlv marked on envelope, "Wood Bids" These will be opened in public in College Business Office at 4 p. m., Mondav. February 5. 1917. E. XI. DUFFY, Business Manager. J2SFJd&w For Taxicab Call 327 Bell; 6 Home Office Hotel Albany Closed taxis Experienced driven Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, dry prop erty: money to loan, insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St 6 "L Mortgage Loans have plenty of local money to loan on good farms, long tone. No de lays. Large or small amounts. Write or call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Second Street, Albany. ft FARM LOANS We Have One Million Dollars to loan oa improved farms in the Willamette Valley. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST COMPANY J. M. & H. M. HAWKINS General Agents ... Albany : vkiicv. 61 CHINESE NOODLES Friday evening 5:30 to 7:30. U. P. church basement, served by Y. P. S. C. E.. only 20 cents. All invited. J29-F2 Be Sure the Milk You Use Is Clean THERE is no question about tbe superior food value of milk and the greater economy of using more of it in place of other less nour ishing and more costly foods. , Five cents worth of bread and milk has more food value than any other kind of a lunch that can be prepared at three times the cost. You should look carefully into the manner in which the milk you use is produced. Cleanliness is a most important factor. We have never hesitated to adopt any means that would make our milk cleaner and more wholesome. The latest improvement added lo our rairy is the De Laval Milk Clarifier. On learning that there could be no certainty of milk being per fectly clean unless centrifugally clarified, we installed this machine It removes impurities that are present to some extent in all milk, re gardless of how carefully it is produced. The use of this machine is "imes "suranc to TOU ,h mijk will be uniformly clean at all By means of tremendous centrifugal force it expels from milk im purities that cannot be kept out and cannot be removed by straining or filteriog. De Laval Clarified Milk is the only milk you can be sure is per fectly clean. Insist upon getting it. Bell 134-R Home 1204 or at tbe Dairy, Bell 17F21 Byron Peebler's Dairy Every nickle or dime spent for Hand Mad or an Albany Special Ci gar means a bigger industry for Albany. WANTED. CHICKENS nf pay highest cash puce lor poul try. Independent Market. First ami Lyon. Jll-Fll Patronise Home Industry Smoke Albany Specials and Hand Mad Cigars. POTATOES Wanted, in large or small lots. Highest market price J. D. Ellis, Home phone 4105. J25-FI NOT CHEAP Only in Price STANDARD CORN 10c STANDARD TOMATOES 10c STANDARD PEAS -. 10c RAISINS, large pk 2 for 25c LARGE ORANGES doz. 25c ALL KINDS CHEESE VEGETABLES FRESH EVERY MORNING PHONE US YOUR ORDER Both Phones S 1 Sears Grocery and Bakery 1st and Ferry Smoke Mi Court's Hand Mad ci gars, 5 cants. The new style glasses with their stay-on clips are ideal for oftice or literary work. The eyes have full play without restriction through the big, round lenses and the clips keep them from tilting or falling off. Why not havr a t air end piovide real com fort for your ryes? E C. MEADE. Optometrist Williamette Lodge No. 859 L. O. O. M. meets every Wed ev ening Moose Hall cor. 2nd and Lyon Sts J. F. Kennedy. Sect. Visiting members welcome. Have Moved to 201-205 Bast First St where we will continue to bny hides, pelts, wool, furs, metals, rubber, machinery, etc.. at high est market price. OREGON HIDE & JUNK CO. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Roth phones 60 330 W. First St Albany, Ore. For Rent FINK STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace 1 ated, Well located. See Dr. A. STARK Go to Eastburn Bros. for your GROCERIES Have you noticed they keep the best supply of Vege tables and Prod uce in the city ? GOOD VALLEY FLOUR SI. 75 a Sack Will This Interest You? A salesman's position carrying lib eral commissions and representing one of tile oldot and most reli able Nurseries on the Pacific Coast. Our stock the best on the market. ALBANY NURSERIES First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Fmal Diseases. 734 Lyon St Albany, Or. Horn phone 2185. Ball 364. R. Fishcr-Bradcn Undertakers Lady assistant Auto-Hears service if desired. Money Paid Out IN SETTLEMENT OF BILLS s oftn forgotten about and shortage of cash follows I With a Check it's different, the RECORD is there snd no mistake can be msde. An an aid to your buslnaa transactions have a Checking Account with this bank and pay by check. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Ho. ooo. j. W CUSICK CO, Bankers Albany, Oregon VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Opaa wa-7: a. m. to 7 p. si, Sjasasjskay It p. m. Co,. Fir mmd Ellsworth Strswta NEW PUD STORE Hsy, grain, chop, mill feed, flour, Mock and poultry foods, chopping anl cleaning. Buy ind sell. Also have gasoline and oils. HAYNE REED, Third and Main streets. Ball phone JSS-R, Home 3371. READ OUR WANT ADS. WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME? I will sell you a new modern home on small cash payment, balance on monthly payments. Or will sell you lot, help you design your house, draw plans and build to suit your own ideas. I can furnish you with all the very latest improvements in the mod ern homes. Call at 834 West Ninth St.. or phone 8F31 Hell phone. GEO. C. RICHARDS, Contracts and hpjH huililer. )10f FOR SALE A Regular Snan Three acres, house, barn, nice chick en parks, good bearing peach orchard and other fruit, one horse, one wa gon, harness, three cifltivators, plow, reflrr and a lot of gnrde tools; Ml bushels wheat, 60 bushels oats, two tons of clover bay, some hour -hold fiirnitunr. 40 chickens. This is all nice garden land, sandy soil and situ ated J" minutes walk from Albany Price $2200.00 cash if taken right away quick. See . V. PIPE, 203 Wesl Second St. JlPtf SEE SCOTTY For hot tamales at the O K. restaurant, 108 Fast lut Si Tel. 68R. Will deliver. 15c or two for 25c to take home. dltf A Lf B A INT Y 1 NATIONAL BANK A Checking Account with this bank brings accuracy and convsiiUnc Into your money transaction. When bills ara paid In cash mors frequently occur which would not happen If a check had been used. Start your checking account today and bay a record and receipt for every payment fondi J SAVINGS BANK THE BEET BAKED GOODS GROCERIES. PRODUCB and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign oi (Jualiiy" 136 I. yon St. Both Phones THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS AND FISH Including' LIN NO KB HAMS AND BACON I). E. NX BERG ALL MEAT COMPANY Both Phone. 47 SECOND AND LYON STS. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKER V ALBANY PLANING MILL AU Kinds of Mill Work CUa. aa Wis Shield. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albany. Or. Bjfjl phonei. Lady AtsisUai WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lac curtains a specialty. 25c per pair. Bell SVo J. or 3t3 E 2nd 4I Daily Democrat by Crnsr. H Yr Golden Rub Dairy MILK aa CREAM 1 Daily DsSvarhs. la H. M. PALMER. Prop. A QUALITY STORE W. sail Iks bsatat lawaat prica W.tch BspaWag F.p. Will BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED WANT BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE Chiropractor. Kooms 5. 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg Vatare cannot cur a disease unless V cause is removed. Chiropractic cuts remove the cause ml law Chiropractor's Wvy h) Nature's Way Examination Pre Rt. 0o. J. Kanagy Suite 401-2 Nation al Bank Bldg. LAWYERS WEA THF.RFOUD & WEATHER PORD Lawyeis. Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law "I New K.rst National Bank build ing. Albany, Oregon. L. C LKWELLING Attorney at Law Notary public Albany. Oregon. REAL 8ETATB INSURANCE B. M PAYNE Farm lands and city property for (ale. Real estste loans Pir Insurance. Surety Bonds Room IP 21. Cusick Blk, Albany. Oregon. E. P. SOX Keal Estate. Loans, Pir Insurance. First National Bank Building H. P. MERRILL Insurance, lagans. Surety Bonds Speciil attention given to care of property belongingto non-residents. Room No. 1, second door. First Sav ings Bank builditg. Albany, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. tlEMSTITCHINGIOc a yard. Sue Breckenridge. JJJ Second St. Bel! 96 Home- 182. FOR SALE Fresh cows on eisy terms. II. Bryant. D4tf WANTED Woman wants washing lo do at home. Will go away to work on Saturdays. Home phone M72. nlJtf FOUND On Cottage St.. package, insoles and ribbons. Democrat office. HOARD AND ROOM-Tremont Hall offers board and room to young women after Jan. I. Make arrangements now. DI5tf WEAVING-Carpets and rugs. Sa tisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Smith Mills, 426 Denver Stretl. Bell phone 479-Y. HOUSE FOR KENT Modern five room house at III Main St near East First St. Horn phone 2JOH or inquire of W. A. Sharp at 1120 East First street. JJ6K2 FOR SALE-I58acre farm 8 miles north of Corvallis. First clas im provements. Easy terms. Geo. II. ""in. R. D. I. Corvallis. J25F8 WOMAN WANTS WORK-Wash-ing. ironing, crocheting, or any kind of work. HOSQ. plionc 1 Jr. t ,,, 221 Madi.on St. JanlVtf FACTS I guarantee lo teach anyone all the ci,. union chordi and minor chords on tbe psajsa one lesson by mail, new method, you can leach others. Money refunded il not satisfied; prica $ J. ; -fay. lor, V. O. It.. v 4J7, Portland. jU l4 FOR SAl.H-7iacre farm 7 miles northwest of Albany, well improv ed; one-half mile from electric na tion, usjo, II Bossa, K D. L Cgsl J2SPSJ vallis FOR SALE 40 acres lis and one hall miles northwest of Albany, all in cultivation; AO rods from electric tatlon. Ceo. H, Boom, Corvallis K " ' J 25 Fa FOR SALE-2-ye.r old registered Molstein Hull, $50.00. Also 4-yar-old horse, weight 1200 lbs. Ceo. " Boom, R a I, Corvallis. J25F8 FOR SALE-160 acre of unimprov ed land, one-fourth mile from Mor rison on C, E. Ry. Price S2S0O, $1200 cash balance on time. J. R. Hicken. Portland. Ore. 125-31 NEW A rubber heel th.K outwears leather, and doesn't slip. Takes the jar off your spinal system, nurr.s. The Shoe Doctor. J6-PSdAisw F(iRJ;A,'ETnrcc ln t hay. D. P. Thrift, Bell phone 40H-Y . JJ0FI THOROUGHBRED iioi.steiN Hull for ssle or trad for good cows. Write or pl,ne C R WWi.lmer. R. D. llome 2S.W rVwk n6tf WANTS WORK-Lady asms work hy day or bour Home i honet 34SO. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St Reasonable price. Bell phone 3P-R. mJltf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim In Dnaglas county for elty property or good farm land. Home II4J llfttf I OR SAI.E-Span of colts, 4 and J years old, weight 1300 and 1400 pounds. Bell phone 314-J. JJ0FI2