ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. TUESDAY. JANUARY II 1917. Daily Democrat P. P. NUTTING"! Lesaee Entered at the postoificc at All au . Oregon, at second-clast matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly puolished Tues days and Fridaya. RUSINESS MATTER. In ordering changet of adrcu, sub scribers should always give old as well at new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week $ 10 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 By aail. at end of year J.50 By mail in advance, per year 300 SemiWeekly At end of year $1.50 When paid in advance, one year 1-25 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for firtt publication; pic par word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. etabliahed ia IMS. TUESDAY, JANUARY 15. 1917. MRS. DYE'S TRIBUTE In the death oi Dewey, of whom the American people have been proud since the battle of Manilla Bay, the country will tote a man who played his part well, with a clean record It also brings up the part the Oregon regiment, including a company from Albany, took in the capture of the Is lands. No better tribute has been paid than that of Mrs. Dye, as fol io wa: May 1, 1898, Dewey sunk the Span ish fleet in Manila Bay. May 25th, a regiment of Oregon volunteers weighed anchor for the Philippines. Jt was the Oregon boys that Hono lulu first feted; the Oregon boys that came to the Ladrones and diacmbark ed to effect the surrender of the is lands; the Oregon box's that anchored off Cavite 60 days after Dewey's fa mous battle. With the sunken ships of Admiral Montojo's fleet lying in the harbor before them, they watched the walled city; in 44 days the Ore gon boys were the first Americans to enter the gates of Manila. In the following Philipina war the Oregon boys acquitted themselves with credit in 22 engagements; in the Vanguard of all our brave Americans they captured Baliuag, San Ildefonso, Maasin, San Miguel and San Isidro. the insurgent capital. Oregon hey. made the gallant charge at Malabon and swept the trenches supposed ' to be impregnable. "Where are your regulars?" Gen era Wheaton was asked at Malabon "There are my regulars," he answered, pointing to the Oregon volunteers. No wonder the General called them his "Oregon greyhounds" nothing could hold them back. They have made the name of the American vol unteer respected to the ends of the earth. Where all were heroes, who shall be named? Never will Oregon forget General Owen Summers, whose "Move Forward" was the watcl.word of the Army. Never will she forget Povey, who .when Manila was taken, though the bay was lashed with storm and his launch sank under him. landed 40000 rations safely in Manila for distribution to the exhausted vol unteers. Never will she forget the warrior-chaplain. Will S. Gilbert, who nursed her boys in camp and swamp and battle, who, with the bullets fly ing around him at Malabon, went down into an old well to brins them water the only chaplain in the whole division that went on the firing-line and followed the 34 days' march oi continual battle from Ean Isidro to Calumpit. These are heroes, moral heroes, physical heroes, who have "woven a wreath of immortal glory around "The Second Oregon." WOMEN IN POWER People have often wondered what would happen when women get the ballot, and get a modern hustle on. The Salem Journal expresses it well as follows: Umatilla, where in its palmiest days a woman gynccocacy in the United States. At the last election the may or and all councilmen elected were women, but there are two hold over councilmen "vho being "mere men" have been not only told but si. own. that they are to have but little to say regarding the conducting of the city's affairs. The mayor by the way had her husband as an opponent in the election and beat him to a frazzle. The new mayor. Mrs. Laura J. Starcher, it true to name for she put starch in her bricfmea. which she. by the way. asked one of the male hold-overs to read, and then she ap pointed her committees, all of which are composed entirely of women. The "mere male" was not given a look in and the council can run its business at well without as with them. All they have to do is to do what they are told and the new regime being mostly married women are capable of telling them just what that is. As a hegining in economy the may or refused to apoint a marshal, say ing the city had no use for such an animal and that his salary would help pay for belter ttreet lights which she asserted the city would soon have, ai she would see the company furinishii'.g the lights got busy, and kept that w-.iy. Considerable interests has been awakened in the new departure and the result ol a real woman's govern, inent will be closely watched. As a prelude to the kind of administration the city is to have the mayor remark ed: "If I did not believe every wom an in this council was as- competent as any man ever sat in it. I would re sign right now." From vhich. and" her handling of the situation from the start, it is fair to presume thlt Mrs Starcher. and no one el.e will be the mayor. IISFITS Havamu is rr,ortcd to be in dan ger. A boxing match is announced tor there. A writer says mush is use J both ;i a food and in conversation. It is found in both pantries and heads. Some is prepared ard some is like China. We arc already irettin;: used to 7-7- 7-7. The older men are aain coming in to their own, prepared to die game. The Times, of Marshfield tells of a man there who says his wife has faults, but he is ready to fight the man who criticises his hunting dog. Latest Story The little daughter of a college pro fessor had been taught to pray lor the things which she desired. It was very dry and hot and everybody was look ing anxiously for rain. Suddenly it occurred to the little miss that she could pray for rain, and she acted on her impulse at once. Shortly after there came a terrible thunder-shower. Streets were gullied out. trees were blown down and other damage done. After the shower the child's mother found her standing at the window looking out, with a rueful face, upon the debris and heard her say, in an awe-struck voice: "Oh, Lord, what have I done?" Not Dust. "I'm sure man is not made of dust." Said angry Mr. Kettle; "For I've sold lots of things on tnist. And dust will always settle Had Editor. Philomath Review. We do not intend to discontinue the paper we're not the quitter kind out we do intend to reduce the size of the paper commensurate with the income of the town. If Philomath wants a one sheet pap er, that's the kind we propose to give If that sire costs too much we'll cut it down to a half or a quarter sheet. That's what we're up against. Will the business men of this town wake up and show some cooperative enterprise or will the spider webs take it. The proposition is up to them. Get tin TJo. Getting up three hundred and sixty five timet a year as we do, a person would think we'd get used to it. But we don't. Not even with bellboys, alarm -locks, cold water, wives watting breakfast and other pernicious in ventions to egg m on, we don't. Folks have been getting up ever "iiK'e the world began; and they don't tike it any better now than they did the morning Cam slew Abel. It's just as easy to keep a good man 'lovn is to get htm up. About the ouly way to keep from gfrttiag up is to Vie down and die And that doesn't always work. Look at Lazarus. DANISH ISLES TREATY Washington. Jan. 15. (By United Tress) The treaty signed by the gov ernment oi Denmark, agrcein gto sell the Danish West Indies to Uncle Sam Ear $25,01.0.000. was expected to arrive it the State Department from Copen hagen today. When, Secretary Lan ding has placed his signature on the tocument the islands, long coveted by LTncle Sam for a naval base site, will h virtually, the property of the Unit" d States. SOCIALIST IMPRISONED Zurich, Jan. 15. (By United Press) A Berlin report is that Carl Lieb knecht. German Socialist leader, was sentenced to four and a half years' imprisonment at hard labor, and WM expelled from the bar. because he led an anti-war agitation. City Treasurers Notice The underpinned City Treasurer of Albany. Oregon, has funds on hand to ;ia- general und warrents No.s 817 to H2J. of the issue of 1914 and war rants Xo.'s 1 to 97 inc. of the issue oj 1915. Interest will cease with date of this :;.!. Ian. 15. 1917. II. B. CUSICK. City Treasurer. Jan 16-17-181-19 ATTENTION MOOSE All member and their families are cordially invited to attend the fifth annual anniversary and home-coming supper, to be held on Thursday eve ning. Jan. 18, at Moose Hall. There will be a uood program, good music, and a general good time is promised to all those attending. J. H KAUFFMAN, J15 17 Director. Every smoker in Albany should use Mc Court's Hand Made or Albany Spe cial cigars made by the Willamette Cigar Mfg. Co., and sold by all good dealers. WANTED. CHICKENS We pay highest cash price for poul try. Independent Market. First and Lyon. Jll-Fll PURE LARD 30c per lb.. Independent Market, First and Lyon; Jll-Fll LOST Glove between First Nat. Bank and Blain CIo. Store. Return to Democrat Office. J1316 FOR SALE OR TRADE A gent's bicycle in first class condition, at 413 Ellsworth St. J13 16 Clarified Milk from Tuberculin-Tested Cows 6c a Quart, 3c a Pint FREE SAMPLES IN ANSWE TO PHONE CALL Byron Peebler's Dairy Phone Bell 17F21 MAJESTIC THEATRE Corvallis, Oregon MONDAY, JANUARY 22 "GREATEST CONIC OPERA OF THE CENTURY" Big Beauty Chora Fashion Show, D bghtnd Corned and Dances. Augmented M H I Tal l aV alMMyllhl'k Andreas Dippel ntum the Joyous Musical Success that Captivates1 Hew Torn, Chicago. Of erg Brilliant Musical Genu IM THXXX ACTS BT CHABL1S CVTILUSB Original; Cast, Company and Production Intact, Direct ro Oae Year at the Fortr-f ouxth St Theatre. H V. PRICES: $2, $1.50, $1. Seat tale Wednesday, Jan. 17 Mail ordera received, and filled in order of receipt WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME? 1 will i It vmi u nrw iiii.ilcru Ii.iiii on -ii 11 cash payment, balance on monthly payments. Or MO c'I 'ou lot, help you design your houe, draw jdans ami build to suit your own ideas. 1 ean furnish you with all the ft-v !.,!-! llMwiwftl.MIl in it i.l ern homes. Call at 8.14 West Ninth St., or phone 8F3I Hell phone. C.Kit, c Rirnvurw rn.mrii and hOttts. builder. jllllf Patronise Horn Industry Smoke Albany Specials and Hand Madt Cigars. Williametu Lodge No. U9 L. O. O. II. meets every Wed ev ening Moose Hall eor. 2nd and Lyon Sts. J. P. Kennedy, Sect. Visiting members wel HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! Ladies, have your old switches and combings made up 'THE BET TER WAY - A complete line cut hair switches, transformations, water waves, puffs and curls, all hair. Guaranteed first quality. MISS M. LIVINGSTON Phone M9-R si"', Lyon St. Albany, Oregon Cakes like mother makes. We specialise in Fancy Cakes for Socials Bxittr Nut or Table Queen Bread, always fresh and sweet SEARS GROCERY and BAKERY lat Ferry Proper glass's improve the appear ance instead of detracting from it The glasses we supply are exactly idanted both to eye necda and fea tures of the wearer. Don't risk your sight for the sake of your good looks. There's no need to sacrifice ither un der our methods. E C MEADE Optometrist Have Moved to 201-20S East First St where we win continue to buy hides, pelts, wool, furs, metals, rubber, machinery, etc., at high est market price. OREGON HIDE & JUNK CO. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both ohones 60 330 W. First S Albany. Ore For Rent FINE STORK ROOM Firat Street All ready, with fix Cures, furnace heated. Well located. See Dr. A. STARE Kustburn Bros. Successors to H. A. Stearns Staple and Fancy Groceries A Square Deal to All is Our Motto Give Us a Trial Will This Interest You ? A salesman's position carr ing lib eral commissions and representing one of the oldc-t and most reli able Nurseries on the I'.icihc Coast. Our stock the best on the market. ALBANY NURSERIES First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmsr Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous. Lung and Female Diseases. .M I.y n St. Albany. Or Home phone 21S3. Bell JM K. I Fisher-Bradcn Undertakers Lady aaaiitant Auto-Hearse service if desired. Money Paid Out IN SETTLEMENT OP BILLS s oftn forgotten about and shortage of cash follows I With a Check it'a different, the RECORD is there and no mistake can be made. An an aid to your business transactions have a Checking Account with this bank and pay by check. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190.000. J. W. CUSICK a CO, Hankers Albaay. Oregon VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Worltjnen . Only Open from 7:30 s. m. to 7 p. m, Saturday 10 p. re. Cor. First east Ellsworth Streets NEW FEED STORE Hay, grain, chop, mill feed, flour, stock and poultry foods, chopping and cleaning. Buy and self Also have gasoline and oils. HAYNE ft REED, Third and Main streets. Bell phone 589-R. Home 227S. PROPOSALS FOR .PURCHASE OF LOTS Proposals for the purchase of all or single lots of Block 32, Hackle man's Second Addition, Albany, Ore gon, will be received until 6 p. m. Jan uary 31 ,1917. For terms write C. C. HOOVE, M5 High street, Klamath Kails, Ore. J5 25 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annuaf meeting of the stock hol firs of the Albany Creamery Assn. ill !e held in the office of the Cream ery en the llth day of Jan.. I'd, al the hoar of 1 o'clock p. m . for the ; i rpor.e of transaction of any business f it ntiv come before the meeting. C. L. SHAW, Dec 8 Jan 10 17 President. POR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. lit St Reasonable price. Bell phone .11 '-R. m3ltf SEE SCOTTY For hot tamnte at the O K. restaurant, 108 East lt , Tel 68R. Will deliver. 15c or two for 25c to tale home. dltf A L. B A N Y II NATIONAL BANK LOOK BACK If you had started u year ago to de posit $2,110 ii week with this Hank you would have had more than $ltRMK) now LOOK AHEAD nd figure how much better oil you will he neat year if " begin to save now. roRl J SAVINGS BANK 9 THE I1K8T BAKED GOODS GROCERI F.S, PRO MUCK and FRl'ITS at PARKER'S "The Sign ol Uual :y" 136 Lyon Si. Hold Phones STETTER'S FOR ;K(( kkii s and CROCKKKY THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS AND. FISH Including 1. INNOKK HAMS AND UACON D. K. NKHKRCALL MEAT COMPANY Both Phonea 47 SECOND AND I.YON STS. ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill Work Class and Wind Shields. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albany. Or. Both phones. lady Assistant WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. I ..or curtains a specially. 25c per pair. Bell 596-J. . or 3T3 E. 2nd 4tf Dally Democrat or Carrier. S4 Year. Golden Rule Dairy MILK .ml CREAM S Daily Deliveries. Beth plies H. M. PALMER. Prop. A QUALITY STORE We sell the hestal lowest price Welch Recalling F. G. Will BUSINESS Al 1 Q P I T I T n WANT DIRECTORY U L H U 0 I I L U Al,s Business directory CHIROPRACTOR BLMBR C. OIPK Chiropractor. Kooroa S. 7. 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg stnre cannot cure a disease unless 'he cause ia removed Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause m The Chiropractor's Way la Nature's Way Eaamination Free Dr. Geo J. Kenagy Suite 4111-2 Nation al Bank Bldg. WHO PUT the prices of meat down.' lodcpciidcul Market. Kirst and Lyon, Jll-17 IIOAKt) AND ROOM-Tieinont Hall offers hoard and room to yoeiag women after Jan. I. Make arranucinrftta now. I1 u POR RENT OR SALE Cheap, a small place close to the North Al bany school hoofta, a six room house and a good harn. Inquire of ' J. S. Morgan. 3.U Jefferson St. Al hany J 15-20. WEAVING Carpets and runs. Sa tisfaction guarantee. Minnie Smith Mills, a.'!, Denver Street. Hell phone 47V-Y. LAWYERS. WBATHERPORD & WEATHER FORD Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Lass 201-2 New Firt National Hank build ing, Albany, Oregon. L. G. LBWELUNG Attorney at Law Notary public Alhany. Oregon. REAL SETATE ft INSURANCE H. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Rc.V. estate loans Fire insurance. Surely Bonds, Rooms 19-21, Cusick Ulk , Albany, Oregon. K. F. SOX Real Estate. Loans, l ire Insurance. First National Hank Building RBAD OUR WANT ADA H. P. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Bonds Special attention given to care of property hcloiH'.iiiKlo non-rcsidcnti Room No. I, second floor. First Sav ings Hank huildi'ig, Albany, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. - HEMSTITCHING -10c a yard. Sue llrcckenridge, 3.13 Second St. Bet' . Home 12. FOR SALE--Marred Rock coekrels, O A. C. strain. SI III cash. Mrs. A, Esson, Moth phones. J 10-17 LOST Sterling silver circle broach set with amethysts. Finder please leave at th s office. J 15 17 TO KENT OK SELL 1J acres J. good river hotlOM land. 4 acres reV orchard Address Henry C. Wood. A Iba'n y J 1 1 -24 WANTED 125 sheep on shares or to feed; 3 hrood sows. Hell phone BFT2 J3-24 FOR SALE Light team, about l,UI0 lbs. each, or will trade for hravier horse. II. mi. ii Asihe, R. I). 2, Horn plume SMS, JI5-I7 WANTED To buy While Emhden ganders, or could exchange geese (or ganders. N. W. Schradrr, R. D. 5. Hell fsj4 J 13-16 WANTED Experienced gj t0 do grnrral house orl Good wages , 'or right parly. HM2 Washington RW hell. I 12 - IK OLD SHOES made as g. nd .-s new for btile money, by Hum the Shoe Doctor, on, I'. O. Jo l,i POR SALE Fresh cows on easy terms. H, liryant. I)4t( WANTED Woman w-ants washing to do at home. Will go away to work on Saturdays. Home phone 3372. nLltf Pf)R SALC or rkADE I st.y ntlI, and stool good Itaraailff easy ttrms. call Bc'l pru ne 4' I ;, - aefdrtll 238 West Fif'i St. d!5 Ii s w THOROUGH BR ED HOLSTE1N Hull for sale or trade for good rows. Write or phone C. R Wiiiiner. K. I). 4. Home 25.IH d&wk nMI FOUND On Cottage St., pack-ige.J insoles and ribbons. Democrat of lice. WANTS W IKK -Lady wants work hv d.iv or h..ur If. one hone .14M9. FOR SALE OR EXCHA NGF. A 10 h million timber claim r. Douglas w county lor city property nr good farm Isnd Home 1143 llfttf Real Estate for Sale Bargain! in farm lands, city prop erty: money to loan. Insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J V. Pipe. 20 W. 2nd St 6 i Mortgage Loans have plenty of local money to loan on good farms, long time. No d lays. Large or small amounts. Write or call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West Scond Street, Albany.