!TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY J. 117. Daily F. t. NWTT-ICC. sVuerad St ths poetoffice at Albany, Oregon, at second-class matter Pshlished every evening except San dsy. Semi-wccklj published Tues days and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER. la ordering changea of adress, sub scribers should always give old as wall as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week S 10 Delivered by carrier, per year 00 By snail, at end of year J.50 By snail in advance, per year J.OO SemiWeekly At and of year $1.50 Wkm paid in advance, one year. 1.25 CLASSIFIED RATES lc par word for first publication: lc ,er word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charce of 25c. had in 1S6S. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3. OLDEST NATIVE Being the oldest white person born in the Northwest is an honor worthy of consideration. This is enjoyed by Mrs. Eliza Spalding Warren, with C. H. Walker, of this city, as the second oldest, and the oldest white man. Mrs. Spaulding in a letter to the Brownsville Times, writes as follows: I was born in this great western country. My father and mother aul Mr. and Mrs. Spalding were mission aries to the Nca Perce Indians, and crossed the plains and Rocky Moun tains in company with Dr. Whitman and wife, in 1836. My father and mother stttled among the Nez Perots There is where I was born, at Lap wai. Oregon Tcr . at that time, now Idaho, in the year 1837. Nov. 15. and Dr. Whitman had a little girl baby that was a few months older than I was, but when she was two years old she was drowned; that of course left me the oldest white child living that was born in this country. I feel sor ry for any one that will allow things to pnff them np. but I will say this, that I am glad that I am still spared lo tee how this great Western coun try hai developed in everything all my life. I saw Portland when there was but one log -house; now see the great cities everywhere, and school and churches. I am proud of onr grand country: I am proud of the people who have made this country what it is. I can say that I am glad that I am one among a very few now that are left, who have helped to make this country what it is, and I bow my head with reverence to the old Pioneer. With respect to your self and The Times. Sincerely Yours. Mrs. Elira Spalding Warren. CONTRIBUTED CLUES Portland Journal: Seven dogs were poison d in North Albany recently. Several bereaved families are now mourning for their pets and refusing to be comforted. Naturally the authorities are looking for the perpetrator of this crime. We can help them a little in their task. In fact, if they will follow our direc tions wc believe they can light upon the miscreant in a few hours. These arc the signs by which he may be known. His eyes are heavy with lost sleep. His face is haggard lor the same reason. His hands tremble because his nerves have been wrecked. His digestion it gone. His shoulders are bend and his knees ahake. It may be a case in which these woes have been brought upon him by iiowlins dogs at night. At least there have been such instances. By following these indications the North Albany protectors of dogs can easily arrest the criminal and we hope wlten they get him into their clutches they will show him no mercy. If the dogs have already nearly killed him, let the law finish the job. Meanwhile, it is a cruel hand that will deliberately administer poison to a dog. one of man's most faithful friends. " NOTHING IN IT Some papers arc extremely fond of intimating that wlien the war is over this nation will return to the free aottp days. Such drivel as that is what drives money into hiding and it is bat partisan coughing out of season. Woodburn Independent. And one of Oregon's biggest news papers sin-: lead in this anvil associ ation. The country is the most pros perous in its history, and the Oregon ian can't deny it so it fonts because Wilson was elected, and warns every body to look out after the war is over. Bat that paper it ever more partisan than progressive Be Hon Cowrier MFITS Oregon up-to-date educational sys tern was ihourouK.ily vindicated at Pasadena. The West certainly ftVC the eat a gocrlrubbin. It wasn't the first time. We did it last January at Pasadena. Also on the 7th of November. There is a pep in the W. not in the East. W. S. l"Rcn ..as been takmj the initiative by moving a whole court house over at O'lver. not waiting for ttic law to take its course. This is the spirit of the age. Down n Arizona two men are trying to fill the office of Governor. When a man is bent en he should step down and out. regardless of the rottenness of the politics around him. Tom Lawson is always calling other people black. It any one really gained by the ear ly leak of the president's note it is to be ! oped the person who turned the faucet is shown up to the Bait, Several years ago Tom did some attacking of frenzied financiers, and. the more he attacked the more money they seemed to make. Rockefeller. Archbold and the other fellov.'s just reveled in lucre afterwards. Frenzies have become so common they no longer disturb people. Herald At Baker there is indignation over a man .v'.o wc.it to church to pray and left his horse out in the bitter cold; that man had better see some one "before the fire A New Year's Resolution To be contented, but not satisfied; to be a credit to the work I am do ing and to make that work a credit to me; to greet e-ch day with a smile of confidence and end it with one of satisfaction; to work 1 cartily. to play freely, and to deal squarely with my God. my fellow rac i and with myself this is my New Year's resolution. Ketlogg SEE SCOTTY For hot tamales at the O K restaurart, 10S East 1st St TeL MR. Will deliver. 15c or two for 25c to take home, dlti LAWYER HUGHES NOW Charles Evans Hughes Rejoins Old Law Firm in New York Today New York. Jan. J. (Uy United Press) Rack at the flat top desk he occupied when he made his big rep utation in the insurance investigation :ases years ago, long before he wa even governor, Charles Evans Hughe today once more took up the practice ot law. Since he left the desk and the old office at 6 Broadway Mr. Hughe. Ha been Governor of New York, Jus tice of the United States Supremv Court and Republican candidate for President of the United States. He is. nevertheless, understood to he glad to pjet back into private practice. Hi personal fortunes are said to have suf fered as a result of his office-holding ARIZONA'S TWO GOVERNORS (By United Tress) Phoenix. Ariz , Jan. 2. Arizona has wo governors, two executive oti'iccs ind will soon have two staffs f officials. Thi- situation will con tinue until Thursday, for the attorn eys of Governor-Elect Campbell and Hunt have reached an agreement for in application to the Supreme Court preparatory to a writ to oust Hunt which will not be made before Thursday. Love and Hate Bertha Kalich will appear in a new William Fox photoplay, "Love and late." which opens at the Rolte The atre on Friday for a run of two days, 'ames B. Vincent directed the pic ture, and Stuart Holmes. Madeleine l.c Nard. and Kenneth Hunter are :n the supporting cast. The story tells how a woman fights off the love of a man who tries to break up the happiness of her home When the intruder finally succeed-, in causing the husband to divorce his wife, the woman goes to his apart ments and, repelling his forced atten tions, shoots him. Then the husband realizes the trickery that had been played on him, and the family is once more reunited. TOM LAWSON NAMED (By United Press) Washington, Jan. 2. Senator Stom denied the charges that any one prof ited by the leak to Wall street, and branded Tom Lawson as a disgusting HOGS FOR SALE Eight good ones. B. B. Jameson, K D. 3. Phone Bell 7F11. J 13 FOR SALE Light roadster automo bile. First class condition Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster aStl psrn oitw wMT ns NEW FEED STORE Hay, grain, chop, mill feed, flour, stock and poultry foods, chopping and cleaning. Buy and sell. Also have gasoline and oils. HAYNE & REED. Third and Main streets. Bell phone 589-R. Home 2278. F BeU Phone 19S-J - SHAVING 15c FOR FIRST-CLASS UP-TO-DATE WORK TRY THE Hotel Albany Barber Shop Three of the beat barbers in the State Stratton, Worlev. Huston their service can't be beat. SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO 110 Wast Second Street CHILDREN Near Lyon ' We Embrace the Opportunity to draw attention to our WHITE QUEEN' flour. Af all the high grade flours the WHITE QUEEN it the best as is evidenced by its increasing use among those who have tried other brands. Order a tack in time for the next baking. It costs a little more ;er tack but less per LOAF than the lowett priced flour and the bread is so much better. MURPHY'S SEED STORE They're Here The new MICHELIN TIRES with the UNIVERSAL NONSKID TREAD in 30x30', sire for Ford. $16.95 MICHELIN QUALITY RALSTON'S 310 Writ Second Street Mortgage Loan. Have plenty ot local mosey to loan an farms in amount from 11000 to fJSOU; also have Eastern money, and .an nuke loans in amounts ranging from $J5W to SlO.tWO on good culti vated fatms in Linn or Benton coun 'ics for long time. No delays in ob taining the loan. See J. V. PIPE, 203 Weat First St. WANTED Woman capable to take entire charge ot house. Prof, K. I.. Wilson, 323. parry St. MISS ARMSTRONG S ART CLASS Class days Friday afternoon and Saturday morning at residence E. C Viereck. Orders taken for Christ mas cards, pictures in oil and water colors. Leave orders at Art Craft o26tf Your Opportunity. To make ttoou monev selling our splendid line of Fruit. Ornamental and Nut Trees. Small Fruits and Roses Choice territory and ..rospects for heavy sales. ALBANY NURSERIES. 1st National Hank Bldg.. Albany Ores. n!6tf. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Albany Creamery Assn w:ll he held in the office ol the Cream ery on the llth diy ot Jan., 1917. at the hoar of 1 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose ot transaction ot anv business that iimv come before the meeting. C L. SHAW, llec 8 Jan 10 17 President Willlamette Lodge No. S59 L. O. O. M meets every Wed ev ening Moose Halt cor 2nd and Lyon St. J. F. Kennedy, Sect. Visiting members welcome. Every nlckle or dime spent for Hand Made or an Albany Special Ci gar means a bigger industry for Albany. Have Moved to 201-205 East Fint St where we will continue to buy hides, pelts, wool, furs, metals, rubber, machinery, etc., at high est market price, OREGON HIDE & JUNK CO. Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, city prop erty; money to loan, insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe. 203 W. 2nd St. COFFEE With the Flavor Beat on Earth Chase & Sandborns SEARS GROCERY and BAKERY 1st Ferry Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collint & Taylor Albany Hotel Building A STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones ATI 330 W. First St. Albany. Ore. For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Well located. See Dr. A. STARK 'OR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 423 W. lit St Reasonable price. Bell phone SI. m3ltf Having disposed of the Ideal Grocery t the Eaatbum Bros., I wish to thank my many pa trons for their kind and liberal patronage during my three years in buaineaa; and hope you will be as liberal to my successors. H. A. Stearns p. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmec Institute Drag less Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 74 I.y n St. Albany. Or. Hams phone JI8S. Hell J64R. Fisher-Bradcn Undertakers Lady assistant Auto-Hearse service if desired. Large and Small Checking Accounts Are invited by this bank which has for its recommendation a banking system that la SAFE and PROGRESSI VE a system which safeguards the interests of every depositor alike. On this basis we cordially in vite your account. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 190.000. J. W. CUSICK CO.. Bankers Albany, Oregon VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Open from 7:30 a. m. to 7 p. m., Sa tarda y 10 p. m. Car. First sad Ellsworth SlrswU Go East Union Pacific System OREGON-WASHINGTON LIMITED Leaves Portland Union Station 10AM. Dairy via tht Famous Columbia River Route The only Through-to-Chlr asto tram electrically lighted, automatically protected. WM.McMURRAY Caaaral Pesnenger Agent PORTLAND A Jy 1 NATIONAL BANK LOOK BACK 1 1 yon had started a year ago lu de poall (J.U) u week with this Bank you would lime li.ul more than JltMOO now LOOK AHEAD ml Imurr ROW much better nlf you will he next year if Ml begin to save now. U SAVINGS BANK TDK BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES. PRODI ICE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality" 136 Lyun Si. Both Phones THE HOME OK GOOD MEATS AND FISH Including; LIN NO KB HAMS AND BACON l. E. NERERGAU, MEAT COMPANY Both T'lonea 47 8KCONU A. . n ,,UN STS. STETTER'S H'K GROCERIES AND CROCKERY ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kinds of Mill Work Class sad Wind Shlslds. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albsny. Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM S Dally Deliveries, Both sihos. H. M. PALMER. Prop. Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cores heaves "rice $1: for sale by sll drug gists a?tf Patronise Home Industry Smoke Albany Specails and Hand Made Cl-gara. A QUALITY STORE W. ..II tits bsslal low.. i prleee Watch Rssslrta F. G. WiU DIRECTORY ! CLASSIFIED wr BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMKR C. OIPB Chiropractor. Rooms i. 7. 9, 10. Cutkk Bank Bldg siurc cannot cure a disease unless; 'he cause is removed Chiropractic idju'tmrnts remove the cause m STi.L"! The Chsroprsstor's ' Way sb nature's way Esatninaiioo I'ree Dr. Geo J. Kcnagy Suite Rstinn sl Bank Bldg. LAWYERS. virATHEKi-'ORlJ & WEATHER FORI) Lawyers. Albsny, Ore C. BRYANT Attorney g tiw 'l-s Nrr In, i Nslsofjal Bana baUdV 4. Mt'anv. i .-stun L C LE WELLING Attorney at law Notary puliir Allisuy. Oregon. HEAL MTATB ft INSURANCE B. M PAYNE Fsrm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Kir insurance. Safety Bonds Rooms 19-21. Cusick Block, Albsny, Oregon. I- P. SOX Kcal Batata, Leans, firs Insurance. I irst rHtisage Bsnl Building H. 9. Ins arses as, ssassa S see sal vssaagBBB Ream Rs I BasaarS inga stash HSssssaa, gSea la ears of ss aaaesMtnts. -, First asv- n snssTBi-LSfnaus IIKUSTITCNINC- 10c s yard. Sue Breekenridga. JJJ Second St. Bel! 96 Home 111 FOR SALE Fresh cows on easy terms. II. Bryant. D4tf FOR RENT 5-room, modern house, 115 Madison St. Call Huh Dye Works, or 904 F.. First St. nJVtt THOROUGH BRED HOI.STEIN Hull for ssle or trade for good cows. Write or phone C. R Widmer, R. D. 4. Home 253ft dftwk ndtf WANTED Woman wants wasliinK to do at home. Will go away to work on Saturdays. Home phone U72. nUif FOR RENT Furnished room, light and heat, 41.1 Washington St Bell 2n-. Dec2tf WANTED A housekeeper. Inquire at 417 E. 6th or Bell Phone 401-J. Dec2ftJJ FOUND On Cottage St. package, insosjSi and ribbons. Democrat of fice. Wil l. TRADE -10 a.res snd good house for Portland properlv, or will rent. Inquire Mrs. Rooklrdge, 517 Wet Second street or phone 621. J224 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGR-A 10 million timber alflm In Doaglss county for city property or gMd fsrm land. Home 114.1 ftrJtt FOR SAL C oi rR.DK-F.t.y,-rn ind stool foosl ligrTfajn, Cay ttrtns. call HcM pht He s't . address. 2J.H We.t l if-1 St. dI5 li , w WAN I'KDI.eKhorn hens not more than yearlings. F. E. Clem, Home plione WIS. or call at Hiilhrrt-Ohl-ng'. D27J3 FOR SALE Five passenger Ford, first class rondition, S260 eomptsts or $215 without body. Home phone 2143. jl 3 WEAVING-Carpets and rugs. Sa tisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Smith Mills. 426 Denver Street. Hell phone 479-Y. WANTED Place to work for hosrd duririK the winter. In city or near town preferred, by man. Phone JBcll 28F2. D28J3 Smoke Albany Specials, best 10 cent cigars. ARE YOU GOING TO LET THE NEW YEAR PA88 without attending to your eye,? You neglected them tht past year, hut re member, delays are dangerous. There comes a time when it is too late. Let us esaniine your eyes at on.-e--we are res;ialrred optometrist!- -nnA advise yon. Oar service sS Israhe- able. cat prices moderate. E C. MEADK, Orrfornetrkrt BOARD AND ROOM4rvmonl Hall offer, board and loom lo youiiK women after Jan. 1. Make arrani(ernrnts now. DI5lf