PA OK MK Ail ANY DAILY DKMOCRAT. WSDNB8DAY, DiIC'.MBKK IT, '016. Blankets at a Saving Big high-grade Blankets that cost no more than the ordinary kind $7.50 wool blankets $5.50 pr. 8.50 wool blankets 7.35 pr. 70x80 cotton blankets, an ex tra food buy, $1.50 pr. Home-made comforts, filled with good, clean cotton $2.50 and $2.75 ea. FLOOD'S STORE 334 W. 1st St. GParamouritpictUreS-' Tonight GLOBE Thursday OLIVER MOROSCO Ppeent RITA JOLIVET In "An International Marriage oy Lreorge Broadhurst Wherein Foreign Men of Title are shown up by an Amer ican and the Value of an American Husband is Greatly Enhanced Over the Lure of a Foreign Title. PRODUCED BY THE OLIVER MOROSCO PHOTO PLAY CO. CUB COMEDY REEL LIFE NEWS PRICES 15c 10c, 5c The trade mark that stands for quality THE SWEETEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD The story of a woman who marries a man st-crctly, who is separated from him through the play of fate, and who kill herself when she learns that he is head This is Shakespeare's immortal ROMEO and JULIET tlie magnificent photoplay in which William Fox presents the foremost actress of the screen Theda Bara WIUMM rax Scenario by Adrian Johnson Directed by J. Gordon Edwards FRIDAY and SATURDAY NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Evenings 15c Children 5c Afternoons 10c STUDENTS TAKE NOTICE BLANK BOOKS It's Time to Get Them, and the Place Is FRED DAWSON'S REXALL STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY" J 1 i 4 4 , V . i ! 4 CITY NEWS 9 S Marketmaatar Hers C. J. iurd. the Eugene market master. arrived last night for a visit here and also to several of the gran ges in the county. Draymen's Ordinance t the meeting of the city council EASTERN STAR ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR Mrs. Caroline Kih a elected Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star at their annual eltettoi last evening. Chas. H. Wider mtl elected Worthy Pa 1 1 on, Mrs Mary Bilveu, Associate Matron. Mrs Del- 0. H. LUCK SAYS U. 0. WILL DEAT PENNSYLVANIA tonight the draymen s ordinance will ,,hia I lockcnsmiih. Conductress; Mis. come up for amendment. It it up J Nellie Coeka, Associate Conductress, I.ila Van Winkle. Secretary; Mrs. Grace Watson. Trcaurcr. Thee trustees were elected, as follows: Mrs. Aunctu Wsalherford, Mrs, Car lotta Taylor and Mi Lillj Oaltng, F. M. Rcdficll was elected trustee for the building fund. to the draymen to attend and investi gate the proposed change. To Foreclose Mortgage Suit to foreclose a tax lien was fil ed today by Otis J. Frisby vs. John Kelly, et al. Answer Filed Deicndant in the case of Nettie Williams vs. F.-ank E. Williams, in a suit for divorce, has filed an answer asking that property belonging to the couple be partitioned. Council Meets Tonight The regular meeting of the city council, the last of the year and the .": .: - .- . . -i I ' ....a, .eei.g , vie prc.c.s couuvm. ,h(. ,tw,,y .sj Wiiam Fox has will be held tomorrow ,,-enmg. Al- , , inlo jj though this is the last meeting of the ofl.,t,lltfll ,inrt , 0,K. ,,f present council, the new council will ,hc drJ,atis,.s W()rkj jj be the same. is fan of portc psS4aic, which are I familiar to everyone. There is Romeo's line, for in,l.itice, "He jests at scars that never fell a I wound." The youthful hern says this when he has entered Capnlct's garden, to vigorous protest, we understand, to wu" nl Junci. have him released. He is not yet old I Thc balcony scene which follows enough to ioin v ithout their consent. I' of fnB passages. Juliet, re- LOVE'S TRA6EDY ABOUNDS IN OFT-QUOTED PASSAGES More than any other of Shake IplUft 1 plays, "Romeo and Juliri,' In the Army Two Harrisburp boys. Wilbur Kel sey and Derrol Ingram, have joined the army and are no doubt getting their first lessons ere this. The ,or- ents of the Ingram boy arc making Wilbur Kelsey received tl e consent of hts -father. Bulletin. Pine Christmas Present Jack H annuel has returned from Astoria, where he placed a boiler for the Hammond Lumber Co. In fact he returned before Christmas. He says his wife was feeling pretty blue over not finding any Christmas pres ents for her on the trees up street: but when she went out to the garage the next morning and discovered a brand new Oakland Six, with he name on it. things chanced around the Hammti home. It was a Christ mas present for her. gofer, at the Al bany garage, and 3 good one. The Newtons Mr. and Mrs. Fred N'ewton. of PorllanH. have been voting two r three days :-t the horn of Mrs. ton's parents, Mr. and R. F. S-x. Jack Cummin gs Here J. A. Cummings, better known in Albany 15 or 20 years ago as Jack, arrived today on a visit with his many former Albany friends. He was in the drug business here for several years, selling to the Woodworth Drug company, a popular business man. I!e now resides in Los Angeles, where he went after leaving Albany. Shriners to Meet On Jan. 27 in Portland there MS be a great gathering of Shriners. They will come from all parts of the N'orth west. Many are planning on attend ing from Albany. Left for California R. F.. Mason and Dr. W. R. Bilyeti left this morning for Astoria, where they will board the Great Northern steamer "Northern Pacific," for San Francisco. They will combine busi ness with pleasure, enjoying the mild climate of the southland for a brief period. Will Attend Meeting Among Albany College professor to attend the educational meeting which opens in Portland today will be President Wallace Howe Lee, Prof. F. G Franklin and Prof. F. C. Kent. Prof. Kent will go down tomorrow. United Press Man Hugh Baillie, United Press repre sentative, of Portland, is in the city for a couple of weeks' vacation, en- joyed with his folks here. O. A. C. Band Left The O. A. C. Band left today for Eastern Oregon, where it will gire several performances before appear ing in the valley. The Albany date it Jan. 6. Among the members 1 Kenneth Stevens, of this city, who joined the hand at this city. Here Prom Seattle Mis Florenre Hoenck. a promin ent Seattle milliner, arrived last night on an Albany visit, and it the true t of Mi. Harriet Hamilton Mi Hoenck is a former milliner in the Hamilton Store. Funeral R. N. Morris Mr and Mrs. Geo. W. Harris, of belling against the inevitable fati which has made her !oer one of the hated house of Mant.igue, asks, "O Romeo. Romeo! wherefore art tho'i Romeo?" Still trying to convince herself that the mere fact that her beloved is a Montague is not sufficient to keep ner from lortng hini. Juliet argue- to her self, "That which we call a rose By any other name would trell a sweet. At the end of this saene. as the two lovers are saying farewell. Juliet's fin al words are: "Good night, good right parting i such sweet -.orrow That I shall -a good night ";1 " he morrow." After sentence of banishment has been passed on Romeo, and lie has spei t his lat few moments with Jul iet, she breathes the apostrophe to Fortune, which is among the most noted of Shakespeare's 'ines "O Fortune. Fortune! all Cues call thee fickle." Theda Bara and Hany Hillard have the leading roles In this grtat play at the Rolfe Friday Former Albany College Coach in Interview Compliments tlie Oregon Team. .Mr. a :d Mrs. O. H. Luck, oi Port land, spell Chriaiinai at the home of Mrs. Luck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A K Mci'oy Mr I uck is a former COttB oi AINan College, .lUo of Or Paw I'rm i it Set ore coining hcrr 1 he Oregonian this moratag gives Mr. Luck's ersiou pf the coming Pcnu.-l. O gimc a follows: The Univtnit of Oftgoo. iriU vril the football game with the I'tuver sity oi Penn-yl attia. ( II Luck, ex coach of IV Paiiw LnH si(. be lieves. Mr. Luck, who i now resi dent of Portland is familiar with hoth F.astern mid Western footbeUj li.tvinn coached teams in the Midtllc W ., and on the Pacific Coast. A few earj ago Mr Luck coached the foot ball team of Albany College which won the non-com erence collegiate hampionstiip of the state "I s;u Oregon plJ -rrr.i k'.tmes thi fall." n lid Mr. Lurk, " ind no eleven I have ever SeOB excelled it in power of attack and icneral excel lence on defense. In my judgment Pennsylvania has not shown this year the consistent good play that Coach IWdck' eleven UI di lHIOSUtl iMd " Mr. Luck is well acniainted with C. J. Hunt, coach of the Carlcton, Minn., eleven this year, who ha beeo signed to coach the University of Waslrn too football team net! sea son. When Mr. I. nek COMhad Dt Paiiw's rlcvrn lie .iy. Hunt a memtier or the tram. End the Year 1916 Right by heeomlnK a cuilomtr ol Tha Qoldtn Kul. Iht Mora thai always has the sains priies not up one day and down the nai to kaap you K..r .miik No bin hurrah salts to net you conlustd. You always know what to sxpact when you coma here Infants' knit hooteta 10V ISc,25: Infants' cashmere hos 19c Ladies' black hose 10c Oirls' fine rib hose ISc 12 I Jc outiiiKs always 10c 15c percsles 12 I -2c t$t table damask . Wc tl.00 tsble damask 6tc tl.SO table ilamask Mc Half wool Jo-ln. serge 25c Alt wool '6 in. ser(t . 49c All woci 4.' m tl strft 79c Cottott hlanktta $1.69 Wool blankrts $.' $.1 9H. $4 9H Kverylhinf Alwaya (or Men's heavy wool ... 2Sc Mtn'a ea. -heavy wool box 39c Mtn't flttct undtrwtar . 49c Men's rib undtrww Se Men's unions, wool tl.M. -" Men'a mackinaws 4-M. 17.90. Hoys' tnacklnawa ll.M, 4.M Boys' heavy rib host .... 25c Boys' sweattra 69c, 9Sc Boys' mafkmaw capa 49c Men's macklnaw capa 69c, 90c Men's dress shots) 12.91. It mi. $J 9. $4 50, $4.9. I'.vcrylhing Always lor Lost REAL COUNTESS IS SEEN IN "AN INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE' Claude Tliomii.on from Portland. the "An liitrrnalional .dm .. ;c' i .in ibnoal tvmjy4tV tatwaaDar baadliat The profahMOCa ki.'n tin cent ami the participaata h.r-. it n a subjacl oi inu.'h interest to the aUUc What their ai.e, riKc life i like i usually a paint f itcnoraiue with tn..i paaatt The lappoiltloil lieiiiK that they live ttpp) every alter The beat i'1'..'hlr m.ulit into the true i-onrlitionv,o difierrnt from Aiurrican home life it in the MofOJ .-o-Paramount pholoiday "An Interna tiiHial Marrbj Marring Kita Jortvti Mil.- lolhrtl i thorouglth aoaliflrd for the part'-heiitK an Italian eoun I iaaj by inarriaitr I Tin, juilit idtoloitrama under th l.thel i. the attravtion al the C.lohe Theatre tOalggl ! "An International Marrilce" iv prohahly the lavt hotoila thai Kil.i li-livet. ho ha. become the Cnuntes Cippieo, Mill make. Count Cippieo. who i, a n..t,.l ' ..r.rtiian. only allowed the Counle,. to inakr thi. Iloroaeo lrajooaal pro ductlon that is comiinr to the filohe a '. . . ihi'atie. hiaagag the contract was signed hcioie thnr narviaajn, KOUHKI) HANK illy United Prasa) i'eiuple. Okla. Dec O lUndit. blew the .iir of the hank si bason ui. I scaocd with S.I.MHI booty, Mid I .Ilia Sasith v.eut to CorTaUat Iht, inormnit lo look after business COnasjt lad with Ihe Sumh Suter mil linery .tore in that city. S. H. llclucl. a prtimaafnl Slay tun attorney, is in the dt) on hu.i nOM today Melt Scully returned to Portland aft) u-r inning al the home ui hi, wile, mother. Mr,, Sa'ah Irenntr, over Caristaaai Mr, ScnUrj .ill remain for a aMyg lonrer. WAN'TKU tiirl for uenrral house work. Apply MM Calapooia St; SSI K Uii f) WW TIvl) -Leghorn hen, not more than r.irlinnv B B, I'lein. Home pkoM K.1I5. or ,al at Hulbert-i hl bkfl D27JJ WAS'TKD Second hand l-'ord, road ,ter preferred K II Pfeiffer. both phone. I) 26-JM WAS' I I I) Woman lo do irenrral bouaairorll in .mall faiiuK S.t.' B Sbtth St Home phone MM l)2rlf Eugene, have been in the city toda. . ..niing here to attend the tuneral ol Mrs. Harris' brother, R. Norris Mor- i ris, this afternoon. Milton Morris, J of Eastern f tretfon, a cousin. i. among ' others here to attend the funeral. It was held this afternoon at the Chris tian church. Rev. Morgan preaching ' the sermon Big County Lvy The county tax levy will probably be I7.S mills. A tabulation with this as the total county levy has been prepared and is being considered by members of the county court. Guard Two Strangers III Two men who arrived in the city by freight are in the city jail being taken care of by Chief of Police Cat tin. One John Hutchins, who came up from California, has a bad case of grippe and fever, and the other, also a stranger, has th? feyer. Jnst what the character of his illness is. is hardly known yet. Pierce Funeral Today The funeral ol the late Mrs. R. A. Pierce was held from the First Meth odist Church this afternoon at 2 o' clock. Dr. Charles Gibson preached the funeral services. There were many beautiful floral offerings. Masonic Exercises Tonight The exercises commemoratimr St. John, the evangelist, will be held by the local order this evening. Among the numbers mentioned in yesterday's Democrat. Miss Hanel Hoikensmith will he heard in a vocal solo instead of a piano telertion. Judge .P. R Kelly will deliver the address of the day. i TODAY and THURSDAY iff -t 5 BpMtaew Em K (J1 lHtkss04$ainel BeeHa' g , . 77,- , - r. imp Beatriz Michelena in 'THE UNWRITTEN LAW" BIG SCOOP BIG SCOOP 7 BIG ACTS It's the Big Thing in Pictures Just Now -Is Any Wife Safe ? The Play of the Year Ad minion 15c Children 5c ROLFE DONT MISS IT! I