THE WEATHER Tonight and Sunday nin. Fre.h, gusty Miutiicily wind.. ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT Established ia IMS Bat AewlWu M Uaa CeuBtT VOL. XX1 ALBANY. LINN COUNTY. OREO ON. 8ATUKDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1916. No. 191. DASTARDLY PLOI IS Plan to Blow Up James R. Mkner and Family Frus trated By Suspicion. TRIGGER BOMB IS RECEIVED BY MAIL Misner Discovered Hooker Un der His House In 1915. Bui Knows No Enemy. That )umi u MifoM ami fa mil) rrr not btoWfl tO MOWI last nlghl by a biinb w lii h Itc received in the mail 11 due tu ike MM OH Hi oprniiiu thia iMdt.ulai ( hn.tin.i pat katfe. An infernal tna.hinc, con tattling a powerful eapluaive, w re icncd at BOOM yrtcrd.s. an.) wlirn H urn set oft tol h in lit il lOTt a rude Ttt tlir rarlli a fnol deep and iu feci in diameter. lanir K MilBtf Is I bl inan win' .hi. i.s ii td Otlo Koofcti untfti house at K' tr U Ov. I'M 5, nil Ituokrl t -eti lattoaal ttcapa from the Stttt PHaoa htt liootitw tlu- hi Jctferaon and trw hour later kill tit. Ward n Harry Mwto three nOffi north D)l Albany, .uid r tiding in Patrolman Long, ui Portland. hootin H.ilti undrr Miner' hoicr Mimrr hid not t'omplrtrd hu hoaoj at tti ntiic. the fhmr Itrinit I'11' t'artly iknn In ner wii sleeping in thr untuu -bed hnute and lirard a i-ouifh. In ' led to the end of thr iimh hunt Miftncr n unaldr to BCCOtVM for an attempt on hi lil'r, OjUOM it nil lor the part he played in tnfmmihn (In ofiier H !:t-rijr ,a: II. lOBOVI Of hd rtrfotfet, at trait none who rtmid Ava S dr.idi Irtaigi aaint hint, and n a pnrt, peaceabh aasav The oitlv Itjaaflk that Mm. Mimrr did not uen tlr pi ka ;c and recei.e ihr full etaaraji i t!iat Loffy Hilyeti. thr mail earrier, forgot it mi hi firm trip in thr morning and hrouif'.t it hick .it nooi' Mr. Mttner a rrtiirning ( I li n lu r Mrnrr had opened all nthr: .. :.. received. The bo vrai iddriaato to "John H Miner. " kaflaad f JjlHt Hut the COVTflCl --tr'"! aJdrtOI i given : the tiritr of tl e Hookffi escape, thr papers rCOOTtfd MUnort name a "John R.' l ln. ma) bavc had aoRMh thiut; tn da With thr Oddrtai on lh botnli pa i ! Miner unwrapped it carefully, thinking at firt it k H I jVr; fir four i . live SaOtll and Tacoma paper covtrod the box, which anil about four htcttft MJUtrc, and ori: inalU contained cliloiidr f potat ium. Then Mincr heeanir Mipi. :cu. and lUdlng thr lid hick a litth di covered a srcnml lid ulued iiiiule It could In lean tli. i ( through a lit in the In awe lid a copper wire ran to the hi idr of the .pa k.te Met v Mitncr hecamc scared and. warning hu i.iiniK ii Irt it .ilotu laid tl.. I..s aiide until evening. At 7 o'clocR with hit, W. V. Mfltftr, tltc hox wa taken out xide, i acraw fastened into the lid and thr l" tied to an oak trcr With a 50 foot wire the lid wa pulled off, and an explosion rri tilted that. a heard ten (docks away. I 'oil matter I'. 11. Str art wan no tifird and is working on the case (iovernmtnt drteclixcn IrOtn I'ortlatid are glao here, lut liopt- at Iracinu the Mender down nceiiu lim. Miittirr i dttly frightened and i taking no chan eei after dark UaMa Rlfhta, OERMANS FOKCRD BACK (By United I'reaa) Petrograd. Dec. 2X It i annoitnc eil that thr RttasjMf forced the Gat man hark in Rottmania northwest, weit and mnitlnvent of Jvimnikaer There WM lively Hftltlng. The Rus 'tnv in the CvptthlAIM gave a Mtr prir attack ami destroyed four can non, and hayonrited a itaepAlg aqtHlaV roil. The RiiHsiaiw are cvuniatinK lohrndja. U. S. MAY ENTER EUROPEAN ALLIANCE the Agreement to Enforce Peace Operates WIN Be In It. Hy Kobert J. Hender, United Pitt Staff Correspondent " WuhiotUNli Dec, 2J Scerrlar I an-iii i; made t lit itutemVnt today Indicating that the United St.ttcina I liter into a luropran alliance f it tntOfl an inter national agreement to i n. or. i- peat t. Mr agld the dium liOR 1 1 jgajnarggl prrlii.itnrr. hut In Id that the United States will natural!) j"in nh the South Amrrn an nation and aUo certain luropean power in tin- t i-: n en alhaiwe i nactmrjf. A K A It I A NOT TRANSPORT Hy Carl 1) Groatt, United Press Suff Correspondent. WaablattoOt Dr. 2X Tbg SHtiah I ii i i ii me u t iuformrd thr Stili I puitiuetit that Ihr iNimai Arflbtl srOj not a tran-p.-rt and artJ OOl Admiralty mruir It Sfaj an ortlm at) poaaanga rimer arbeg isjbtnarined tritbolH warning. It admittrd abt carried a few gnrr rnaatnt pa'-nKert DKKSDKN FOOD RIOTS (By United Pret I ondou, Dec, B. Hottenim di h?.' - "-trd seriotii Dreaded j 'otiil.iy and Tn radsj "i . oiitat ) forcet fought a hioiuitu Moinrii. Three p Kccaai u were etfMaiMty onndrd T rda Moh .itt.i. ked thr hop- and :ar.tdrd pat thr palace demanding d-d Sharpest tu'litoiK ih unnl on Tueiday, Kidder Funeral The funeral of the latr Adeline Rid- ieH will be held from the family home near Snvrr tomorrow, Sunday at 1 o'clock. 9 CITY NEWS Si) M Will Go to Lebanon Mi Sue Breckenridgr and fatljet will ko to Lebanon tunik'ht tu remain until Ttl today evening. Mill Hreck enrldga will be in ber bemtiiching h-p In ihe Pegaoorai boilding ain Wcdnctday mot ning. No Democrat Monday Neeordrooj to a cnaton since itn ea- iubilnneut thr lt-mocrat' force will tbrr vr t In :tlma Day. and there til be no paper ined Monday. Humphrey's Appointment I h- ippointutrnt of Lester 1 turn- phtr a mitiistrr to Siam ba bcru mnoiimetl. and will probably he con firmed. He will succeed Hon. V. M Hornibrook. ownr oi the tUmocrat. ii" . on hi way to Cherokee, low a. for a viit with In- father and other ridatfeee before returning tt AlboOJ Mr Mtimphre)!! i a brother of J Muiiiphreys of the P. I .. a fbftnei Student of tin- ) A ( and I p.irtncr m' Senator Chamberlain in the law !uitn'si From Mynle Point- Roy Wbrtej and family, of Myrtlr Point, are in the city on a holiday with Mr. Wordy sinter, Mi Myrtle Worley tf the public reboots. ami mctiiiv Will Go to Coquille Mrs. Ch:i I'hochnow ami daugh ter I'blinc will leave tomorrow motn tux fiw CoquQIe to spend the holidays iili Mr. Prochnow, who ha a shoe bog there. The yexjiect to return on Nrw tOBtI Day. Ubrary Cloaed Xmaa Mra. I' it. Franklin announce that tie library will bt ctoatd all day Moil- Jay. There will be a special COgCtTl at thr library between 4 anil 5 o'clock tomorrow on the Star phonograph kindly loaned by W. O. Nisley, and operated by J- W Barton. Will Have Operation Win. Van Nurdcn, a mechanic at the round house, received a severe rupture while liftinn at the turntable this. week. The S. IV physician. Dr. K. K. Rc.uicbamp. has advised that Mr. Van Nurdcn ho to the company hospital at San Francisco at once ami nndrrgo IB operation Me ha not decided in -1 when be w ill gO down, but it will be soon. Not So Many Package Yesterday only 2& packages were received at the local postoffice for insurance. Thif was not up to the record of the day before, but i greater than the 175 icceivcd in 191" and 123 the Igfflf day in 1H. Body Found The body of Oliver l.u.idgren. drowned Hi Mary's River on Thurs day, was found this afternoon by Tom Graham and other firemen, after a long search, a ways below where he went down. VILLISTAS ARE May Attack Ctty Any Time, Ac cording to Report From El Pmo. CONTINUOUS FIGHTING GOING ON NEAR CITY Learned That Former Taking of City Was Secured With out a Fort. ' r, Umtrd Pre.) Kl J'a-o. Dcr. 2J. The American, onnccttd with lofttga tattrpffitti MCpd I" Aua CliMM bcfiirr irn. Villa captmtd (.'hiliiiahna. It i, Irarnrd thai Villa icnk the i ity ra.ily. The uoverninrnl i'rt'r were Prtpiffd 10 ear-ule when the lian ilit, apiieareil PaUowlaj one cla.h the Villitta. waiie.l nniil the evacua tion a coniileteil. , They entered iinoppo.ed. enrral Salazar, Villa thief lieutenant, i, occtipyinic a .tra teKic iio.ition .oilth of Chihuahua Cit Continuon. fiitlitinc i, report ed lciecn Salaar and Muryia. and .mother attack hi Chi'iuahua imminent. ENTENTE ANSWER TO GERMANY IS DELAYEO Will Not Be Presented For Ten Days; Wilson's Note Perhaps Responsible. (By United Press) Loudon, Dee. 23. I rott sources close to the Foreign Office t is di mtgad that the entente answer to Germany! peace proposal will prob ably not he delivered before ten days 1 'resilient VYilaOfl peace note will andonbicdly be partially responsible lor the delay. It is stated the delay it chiefly due to the fact tl at the allies mutt cxchant(c views before framing an answer. The Globe lias suggested that Pre Utent Wilson wrote the note lecause Grrmany threatened rnthlrsH fright -fulness unless the Uniti d States made a Mpreate peace effort It declared tneb an event was from a complete explanation of Vilson' note and Sec retary "Lansing's indiscreet comment." NOTED PUGILIST CAME TO U. S. IS STOKER Took Passage Under Assumed Name, and Says He Wants to Fight (By United Press) New York. Dec. 23 I-es Da rcy. ustralian middle eight and heavy weight champion, armed aboard 'the St uid ird til tanker Cusbing. He worked hi way from Australia as a Itpker, He used the name of Lester Dawson. He went tmutediately to a hotel. He denied evading military service. He declared that he intended to join the British army after meet m.; several American RgbtafK Ett i most eager to meet Mike Gibbons. Dnrcy recently mysteriously dis.Tj' pen fad iroin Australia, and it was re ported he wa dodging military serv- FEDERAL AWARD FAVORS R. R. MEN Switchmen's Union of North America Is Granted Demands. DEATH OF MRS. LONGBOTTOM IT KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE TO RECEIVE TIME AND HALF FOR OVERTIME Eight Hour Days Is Reoognizad and Five Cents How Increase. REMAINS GILBERT PARSONS TAKEN TO GRABTREE The remains of Gilbert Parsons, w ho died in San Franc isco on the 3Uih, were brought to Albany this morning, and sent to Crahtree, where the body will be buried tomorrow. Voting Parsons recently joined the V. S Army as a recruit. He was tak en with pneumonia, living only a short time He was a son of I. f Parsons of Crabtree, and leaves, he sides a mother, four brothers and a sister, besides other relatives, to mourn his death. The funeral service will be held at the Free M K. church. Crahtree. to morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. PERSONAL MENTION. S Miss Georgia Thompson. Albany , College student, left tins morning for her home in Moro, Sherman county, to spend the holidays. Shirley Smith, manager of the fur niture factory, will go to Portland this evening to pend the holidays. Ucan 0. H. Alden. . I Willamette l'niverity, who was one of the judges in the Lebanon-Albany debate at Leb anon last night, stopped off in this I city on his way home for a Christmas I visit with Prof and Mrs F. G. Frank- I lin. Ifiai Pearl Craft ha gone to Mos cow. Idaho, to spend Christmas with her sister. Mrs. L. A. Hurst went to Portland this morning to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. arrrj Mrs. J. B. Cof fee. Mr. Hurst will follow tonight Prof. W. V Ifodgfr: ,f Albany col Irtfe. left yesterday for Walla Walla Wash, where he will spend the holi days; with a iormer ila-smate at Yale, who i- now at the bead of the depart ment of chemistry .it Whitman Col lege. Walter D. Brown, Geary E. Garrett, Chas. F. Fntlnrton, Mark S. Skiff Jr.. George Vilas and Lloyd Kyle, all stu dents of O. A. C. attended the Mili tary Club dance last night on their way home for t!ic holidays. Oscar Tinkle, former night clerk at the Hotel Albany, but now of Eu gene, is in the city. He will be joined by Mrs. Tinkle and baby today and leave for ItcMinnvitle where they w ill spend Christinas K. K. HarteoCR and family went to En rene thi morning to visit over Christmas with Mr. Hartsock's par ent. MaU Anna Daw son arrived in the city from I ngene last' evening to spend the holiday- with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson. Miss Hazel Hockensmith is at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G T. Hockensmith, during the Xma holiday s at Willamette L'niversity. Mr. and Mrs H. C. Reeves will go to Portland tomorrow where Mr. Reeves will have a slight operation on bis hand. Carleton Logan, chief decorator at the Oregon Electric depot, has fit tingly decorated that edifice for the holiday season. Francll Tolles. Albany College stu dent, left yesterday for his home in Idaho to spend the holidays. Miss Velson McDonald went to Portland last evening to spend the bolidiys: (By United Press) New York, Dec. 23. The Federal rbitration Board filed the award ol the Federal Court partially granting the Sw itcht nen's Union of North America demands. The switehmen asked that 13 Kastern and Middic western railroads pay time and a half overtime. The board granted five Ctjnrtf an hour increae to conductors and helpers from today until Dec. 23. 1917. eight hours a day and prorata overtime. Albany Woman token III While on a Visit and Died From Pneumonia. Mr.. Wi nnie Worrell last evening received a dispatch from Knoxvillc, Teas telling of the death of her mother, Mrs Longbottom, there at J o'clock in the afternoon. She was born near the place 58 years ago. and amc to Oregon with her family about 24 years ago. and to Albany several years ago. residing with her daugh ter. Mrs. Worrell. Four children sur- tve her; Ken. whose present address is not known; Burney, of Seattle, and Mrs. Worrell and Miss Lucille Long- bottom, of this city, besides other relatives. She was a member of the Cumber land Presbyterian church for many years, later of the Presbyterian church, a Christian woman of exem plary character, beloved by her fam ily and all knowing her well. It is thought the body will be ship ped here for burial, but as yet no dis patch has been received in reference to the funeral. ALBANY H. S. WINS DEBATES In Triangle Contest Defeats bcio at Albany, Lebanon at Lebanon. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT 600Y 6000 ONE AFTER CHRISTMAS (By L'nitid Pres.) Wa.hinirton. Dtc. 23 The State Department believe, that the Euro pean powers will not frame a peace answer until after Christmas. It is not known definitely when the allies will answer the German proposals. They believe t!ic allies' opinion of President Wilson's note will change later. According to a high school student the Albany high sclrool has three state championships thi. year: the best high .chool football team, the best student body and the best orches tra and band The meeting of the student body yesterday afternoon wa declared the beM yet. not only on account of the line program rendered, but as well bcCMpc of the splendid spirit and good order. The following program was render ed: Music hy orchestra. Piano Duet Hlepha Cummings and l.avcrne llotlich. Reading by Jean Salisbury. Vocal Solo by Frank F.aslburn. Awarding of official A's to members uf football team. -Piano solo by Jennings Bowers. Vocal solo by Miss- Lewis. Song hy Girls' Glee Club. Holv Xight by Student Body. Address by Rev. Morgan, a fine talk Vocal solo by Miss Paynter. Song by Boys' Glee Club Song !v Boys' and Girls' Glee Clubs. Music by orchestra. The members of the football team to whom letter, were awarded are I.ouis Schulti. captain and right half Zed Groves, fullback: Ralph Bilyeu left half: Roy Easthurn. quarter: Mer rill Gibson. left end: Pete Miller, left tackle: Roland Allen, left guard: Lo- ren (Tub) Davis, centre: George Mc Bride, right guard: Paul Miller, right tackle: Francis Beals. right end: Fred Michelson and Kenneth MeCune subs. NEUTRALITY CASE (By United Press) San Francisco. Dec. 2i. The case of Fran Bopp. German consul ac cused of violating neutrality, is ex pected to go to the jury Thursday Bopp's cross examination- will be concluded Tuesday. Three more de ense witnesses are scheduled to tes tily. S a CITY NEWS A No Christmas Dinner There will be do Christmas dinner at the Sl Charles Hotel The reg ular Monday dinner will be served. but there will be tew frills to it. The reason is that air. and Mrs. Grant Pirtle, the getlial host and hojtess are going to Portland to take Christ inas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. nderson and family. Their daugh ter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, are there. They will go down Monday morning. Here From Seattle Edwaid I-ee and Mrs Kate Blair and daughter, Mary Lee Blair, arrived in the city today to spend Christina, with their parents. Mr. and Mr.. Wallace Howe Lee. Mr. Win Blair will arrive Sunday. Wreck Near Turner This morning all trains were held up between here and Turner on ac count of a freight wreck at that place. Detail, of the affair are lack ing, but the trouble was sufficient to cause a delay of several hours and much annoyance to passengers. Weather Report Yesterday's temperature ranged be tween 31 and 43 degrees. The rain fall was .39 in . the snowfall .25 in.. and the river rose to 8.0 feet. Four Christmas Brides Countv Clerk Russell issued four marriage licenses today, one of whom p;hnrd-Coiisev. was married by- Judge McKnight this morning. They are: Lucas G. Vogt. 20, railroad man of Salem, and Ina Martin. 22. of Shel burn: Albert Richards. 25. logger, of Mill City, and Elsie Copsey. 16. of Albany: Lloyd L. Gabriel. 23. a me chanic, of Corvallis. and Trma L. Rarkman. 21. of Brownsv-lle: and to Clarence Underwood, over 21. a hor ticnlturalist. of North Yakima, and Vera Margaret For.ter. over 18. of Tangent. COMPULSORY HEALTHY INSURANCE WELL HANDLED to the steadily increasing company of Readers of the Democrat, and to All the Rut of the World, though not fortunate in being Member of this family paper's circle i T i .ataaaLsa tsbbbbbbbbbWsOV From California After an unbroken absence of nearly five years. Albert Gloor. son of Mrs. L. Pautmeier of this city, will return tonight on No. 14 from California. aoccmpanied by his niece. Agnes L. lngleroek. Albert wjll visit with his parents a few weeks, then expects to return to Sutter Co.. Cal.. and engage in fruit growing Little Agnes will probably remain here and go to school and take advantage of better facilities here for a musical education. She is the daughter of C. S. lngleroek, form erly a well known S. P. Co. conduct or now engaged in the raisin-growing industry in the Sacramento Valley near Yuba City. I Left for Florence Irvin D. Custer, of the Y. St. C. A.. left today for Florence for a Christ ma, visit with Miss Ruth Knowles, a former fellow college student. Albany Will Next Tackle De baters From One of Other District. Winning both the affirmative and negative in the triangle high school debates last night the team, of the Albany high school made a splendid start for the championship oi Ore gon. In both case, the decision, were unanimous. Under the splendid coaching of Mis. Burch the two aide, of the question were searched to the bottom. resulting in effective argument., backed by the talent, of the students. In the Albany debate Rev. G. H. Young presided, giving a short sketch of the debatiug organization, with the question and debaters. The question proved a very inter esting one, one that must be settled by state legislatures, here as well as elsewhere, for it is a modern propo sition: Resolved that Oregon should adopt a health insurance law embody ing the essential ieaturc, of the stan dard bill of the American Associa tion for labor legislation. Mis, Velma Kizer, leader for the Albany high school, opcued the de bate, stating the r.utvl feature, of the proposed law, under which the employer carric two-thirds, the em ploye two-thirds and the state a third in a sick benefit risk There are pro vision! for funeral expense, and ma ternity. The other speaker for the affirma- ' live was Miss Mable Anderson. They based their argument, on three main things: The system i, more effective than anything now in use. giving facts: second, it is the best that has been conceived, and third, it will be practical. Their arguments were strongly presented, with force, both good speakers. The speakers for the negative were Lavina Bauman and Florence Smith, who put up a good detense, which tacked effectiveness. Mis, Smith, leader, had a strong rebuttal; but it was prepared beforehand and read in anticipation of the arguments of the affirmative. Her delivery is un commonly good. The argument, of the negative were that the proposed system takes independence from workingmen. that it advance, class distinction. thr.t it is socialistic, that it is too expensive, that it i, promot ed by men not themseive, interested. and would operate iu the interest, of politicians. Mis. Kizer made an uncommonly strong rebuttal, which played a big part in the unanimous decision ren dered by the judge, in favor of the affirmative. The judges were Dean Straub, of the U. O.. and Profs. Ber chtold and Baldwin of the O. A. C. Three things are considered by the judge, in their decision, argument, re buttal and effectiveness. An interesting fact in connection with the work of the judge. i the fact that thi. was the 13th debate Prof. Straub has officiated in within a few years, every decision being ac cording to his vote. In the Lebanon debate Miss Arti. Pittman a:id Harold Michelson were contended against Chris Kowitz and Herschel Graves, putting up convinc in2 arguments with effectiveness, re ceiving te unanimous decision of the judge,. The next debates will be on Jan uary 12 with Ihe winners of the Cor- vallis-Philomath night. dual debate, last Divorce I. Oranted Jndire P. R Kelly today granted a divorce to Lulu Piper from Win 8. Piper, on ground, of desertion. The couple formerly lived over near Nashville on the C. ft &