r AM TWO Daily Democrat F. P. NUTT'NG, La.CC Entered at the po6toif.ee at Albany, Oragon. a second-claa matter. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21. GIVE 'EM A CHANCE The man leaving the state peniten tiary is entitled to be given a chance, and not kicked farther down. When he leaves the walls ot the pen he should not be advertised to the world, something that serves as a warning, but be allowed to go iorth a iree man, and, it he has the right man hood, regardless ol what took him in to the prison, be given a show- again. Governor Wttliycombc and the pa role board have nailed the lid down on the cot tin ot one of the most of fensive cadavers that have dangled before the public eye in many years, ays Lend A Hand, the prison pub lication. The newspapers of the state have been asked to discontinue the practice of advertising the men who are released from this institution or those who arc restored to citizenship after making good on parole or con ditional pardon for a given time. For years it has been customary to furnish newspaper representatives with lists containing the names, sen tences, crimes and counties sent from of men who have been granted execu tive clemency. This advertisini: only Served to bring into the glare of pub licity the skeletons of the past, rattle their bones and arouse in the breast of society a feeling of suspicion and animosity toward the men. Many have been hindered in the'r efforts to rehabilitate themselves, and not a few have become recidivists because of the newspaper notoriety given them after they had paid their debt to the state. Roseburg News JUST RATS Mary Dudderidge. in Forecast: The annual rat-bill of the United States for food alone is $160,000,000. When one adds to this the cost of disease spread by "the only wild ani mal that lives under the roof with man," and the cost of repairing and cleaning buildings where rats have gained ingress, the total is appalling. This doesn't include the cost of fires. Building out the rat is recommended, and rat-proofing of buildings called "a cheap form of insurance against fire and pestilence." Concrete is the best protection, but it must not be forgotten that the building which will keep rats out will also keep them in. and every defence possible must be kept np. There is one strangely cur ious thing about the mental attitude of humanity towards plagues, diseases bad social and economic conditions in fact, towards everything evil. In spite of the wonders constantly being wrought by the minds and hands of men, the majority of them continue to harbor the lazy idea that because evil thinzs exist now we have to keep on standing for them. As a matter of fact, we do not have to stand for eviU of any kind. Uprooting them, one and all. from the whole course of life takes only this: First, the imag ination to see civilization free from the particular evil: second, the belief that the reform can be accomplished; third, the energy to get on the job: fourth, the perseverance to stick on the job nntil it is accomplished. Why pay millions of dollars and millions of !ive. and the comfort and joy of millions of people, for rat-bills or muddling' government, or bad eco nomics or anything else from which we need to be free? It isn't necessary Made in Albany "Hand Made" and "Albany Special Cigars. Excellent Christmas gifts. At all dealers. D16tf SEE SCOTTY For hot tamales at the O K. restaurant. 108 Fast 1st 5 Tel. 6RR. Will deliver. 15c or tr for 25c to take home. dltf MAJESTIC AIR HEATER for that Cold Room $7.50 RALSTON'S 110 West Second St. T- ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, THUR8DAY. DECEMBER II. 1918 ItSflTS That peace dove his been pretty well shattered. Just before Christinas, too, when Sr. are netting ready to sing peace on earth good will towards all men. And just before the time for good resolutions, which often spasm out about this time of the year. Most resolutions are like froth, be cause made without backbone. Resolutions that amount to much .ire made NOW. without waiting even for the next day. It is always a splendid thing to start on a better life. People who are not big enough to ileal with humanity in its weakness have no business in the game, for weak it is and weak it will remain, as much as it improves. Take those poor youngsters down at Salem, playing a part in a doable tragedy, a striking example of hu man weakness. Young people in their associations do well to draw a line of purity, be yond which there shall never be a single step. It never pays to juggle. Forced piety doesn't amount to very much. Real piety is a personal matter, from within, not from with out. You may whitewash people and make them look good; hut. behold, inside the color is black, and black it will remain until whitened in. the proper way Here's hoping Or. will whip Penn. 14 to 0. "Biggest Christmas trade ever had" has been remarked by a number. Tiling, haven't gone to smash yrt since election day. Lord N'orthcliffe, F.nglsnd's great est newspaper man. recently said: "Newspapers can succeed only when they are newspapers and notli ing else, that is to say, when they print the news fully and fairly on one hand and on the other comment on it, having only the public interest at heart. No purse would he equal to the strain of owiting and running a new spaper as a personal or political organ to promote the fortunes of its owner. Nor could such a paper ever appeal to the public in a way hroa.l enough to form a hae on which to build a real newspaper success." NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS I have been instructed by the City Council to give notice to all property owners who arc delinquent in pay - ments of 6 months or more tor pav ing, sewers, grading and graveling that there has been issued a certificate of delinquency against each of these assessments. These certificates are drawing 15 per cent per annum. There has been application made to buy these certificates and to save them from going into private hands they should be taken up with the next few days. H. B. CUSICK. Dec J.V23 City Treasurer. GLYCERINE AND BARK PREVENT APPENDICITIS The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, astonishes Albany people. Be cause Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH low. er and upper bowel. ONE SPOON FUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas It remove! such surprising foul mat ter that a few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treat ment helps chronic stomach trouble The INSTANT, easy action of Adler. i-ka is astonishing. The Woodworth Drug Co. I If You Have Pictures to Frame See oar large stock of new mouldings. Oar PriMi Are Right Fisher-Braden Furniture Co. Special Christmas Dinner at Home Restaurant from 1 1 a. m. to 830 p. m. Salted Almonds Gibbet Gravy MENU Fruit Cocktail Olympia Oyster Soap Crisp Crackers Celery En Branches Roasted Young Turkey Staffed Cranberry Part ait Hot Mssbsd Potatoes Sugar Corn Cauliflower Salad With French Cream Dressing Home Made Mince or Pumpkin Pie Home Made Ch coiate Ice Cream with Fancy Cake Tea Coffee or Individual Bottle MUk After Dinner Russian Tea and Mints 60 Cents MUSIO AT ALL HOURS For Christmas a bos ol "Had Made or Albany Special Cigars. At all stores, or at Willamette Cigar Fsctory, 103 Lyon St. Dt6tf MISS ARMSTRONG'S ART CLASS Class days Friday afternoon ami Saturday morning at residence F. C Viereck. Orders taken for Christ mas cards, pictures in oil ami watet colors. Leave orders at Art Craft oMM Your Opportunity. To make good money selling our splendid line of Fruit. Ornamental an, I Nut Trees. Small Ktuits and Koscv Choice territory and prospects for h.-avv sales. ALBANY NURSFRII S. 1st National Bank Bldg.. Albany Oreg Mtt Nothing is more pleasing to the msn who smokes than a bos ol ci gars. "Hand Mads" and "Albany Specials" srs best. At the best stores. l)lo 1 1 FOR SAI.F Fine $55 ladies' wheel, at a bargain; will make good I'hrist maa present. Also an JrlNUi single harness, good an new. for $llUal il taken on or lielotc Saturday. I .ill evenings after 7 o'clock at 5.IJ Jack son Si. Both phones .'4 0X9 23 WORK WAN I I D -Man with lam il V needs work any kind Phone 193 Y. D1MI Mortgage Loan. Have plenty of local money to loan on farms in amounts from $llX to $25tJ0; also have Faitern money, and can make loans in amounts ranging from SJ500 to $101100 on good culti vated farms in Linn or Benton coun ties for long time. No delays in ob- tsining the loan. See J. V. PIPE, 203 West First St NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annual meeting ol the Mock- holders of the Albanv Creamery Assn. will be held in the office of the Cream rv on the litis day of lata, 1JI7, at the hour oi 1 o'clock p. in., tor the ptsrpoM oi transaction of any business that may come before the meeting. C L siiaw. Dec R .Ian 10 17 President Williamette Lodge No. 859 L. O. O. M. meets every Wed ev ening Moose Hall cor. 2nd and Lyon Sts. J. F. Kennedy, Sect. Visiting members welcome. Apples Baldwins, box Bsldwins. fncy Spiticnburg King 35c Sc 75c 75c Also full line of Fruits, Vege tsbles and Nuts, and special bar gains in Coffeea, Teaa and Can ned Goods. Ideal Grocery H. A. STEARNS 212 W. 1st Street Both phones 38 A A N Y S NATIONAL BANK To Our Customers and Friends: With best wishes for your prosperity and success for the coming yesr, we extend to you the GRKI'.TI NOS OF THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. rbRil U SAVINGS BANK TBI BUT II A k I'D GOOM UKOCKRILKS. PKODUCK and FRUITS t PARKKR'S "The Sign ol Duality" Mb 1 von St. Roth I'himrs I III HOME OK l.OOl) MEATS AND FISH Including LIN NOR K HAMS AND BACON D. K. NKMM.AM MEAT COTTAR Y Moth Phones 47 SECOND AND LYON SI'S. New Jitney Service with Closed Car Day and Night Headquarters ST. FRANCIS HOTEL Phones Bell 316: Home 20 Prompt service and courteous treatment P. B. PHIPPS Crsduste of the Weltmer Institute Druglcse Nesting. Chrsnic. Nerv ous, Lung snd Female Dlsesses. 714 Lyon St. Albany. Or. Home phone 218S. Bell 364 - K STETTER'S FOR GI0CBMK8 AM) (KOCKKKY ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kindt of Mill Work OSSM snd Wind Mn.lds. Fisher-Braden Undertakers Lady assistant Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, city prop erty: money to loan, insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Csll on J. V. Pipe. 203 W. 2nd St. Now is s good time to start trading with Sears Grocery. Best and most complete line of groceries, fruits, vegetables snd bskery goods. We solicit your patron age. Try us for one month. SEARS GROCERY and BAKERY lit Ferry Both Phones 51 Large and Small Checking Accounts Are invited by this bank which has for its recommendation a banking system that is SAFE and PROGRESSIVE a system which ssfcgusrds the interests of every depositor slike. On this bssis we cordially in vite your account. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK ft CO.. Bankers Albany. Oregon WHEN answering classified ads please mentloa the Democrst. Will's Quality Jewelry The Gifts Ideal Double the joy of giving by making your jewelry purchases from this store. Gift pieces chosen from this Immense snd well selected stock of jewelry, cut glsss, dismonds, hand-painted china, etc.. will go to "him" or "her" with the asaurance that you will hsve nothing to explain in the future. For "Her" For "Him" Diamond Gold Thimble Boudoir Clocks Gold Brooch Pesrl Necklace Dismond Ring Hsir B.ndeaus Fancy Barettes Manicure Sets Set Rings Silver Mesh Bsgs Silver Thimbles Parisian Ivory Silver Spoons Sewing Set Diamond Braas Aah Tray Cuff Links Watch Fobs Scarf Pins Necktie Holder Initial Rings Cigsrette Csses Pipes Diamond Studs Wstch Fountsin Pen Cigsr Csse Key Chain BUY A WILL DIAMOND With s stock of dismonds comsining stones of every imaginable size snd quslity snd our ability to mount them any way. F. G. WILL DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELER Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Huilding, Albany. Or. Both phones. lady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MUX .nd t'HKAM 2 Daily D.livrL. Both pkoa.s IL M PALMER. Prep. Oregon Junk Co. Pay hihcat price for hides, pelt, wool and fur, rubber, metal, rag, and nt-'chinery 10 hottc power en gine for tale. J1S K. 2nd St. Hell ILL A QUAUTY STOKE W. t.ll 111. b.al.t luwsssl pries W.i, h Repairing F. G. Will BUSINESS HI I 0 P I T T ) WANT DIRECTORY ULHJUIMLlI ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMF.K C. OIPK Chiropractor. Knomi 5. 7, 9, in, l usick flank Rldg N'ature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic sdjustn-ents remove the cause il MIS1TNS KTSMStS The Chiropractor. Way is Nature'. Way WAN rKD- To buy M taasUMtl p&gi C II Scttlcnicir. r.iugrni; Hell fP4-Ji, )9 tf FOR SAI.F OR RENT Two A ,,, 11 r th Albany improved (iood, new house, funis and berries K F Clem, Home phone KJI5. D7tl F' ir SALE, r 1 1 il Kstty . rta ami stool goes kasjam, est) urms. .all llc'l afci tie 41 J, - addrisi 2.W West Per i St. d5 lis w l semination FIN BOARD 'l KonM I r. inont Hall oilers hoard and room to young women after Jan I Make arraliifrin. tils now. DI5tf Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy Suite 401 2 Nation al Bank Bldg. RBAL 1ST AT B a INSURANCE B. M I'ATNE Farm lands and city property for sale Real estate loans Fire insurance Sure'y Bonds Rooms 19-21. Casks Block, Albany. I rei(on R F SOX Real E.tate, Loans, Fire Insurance First National Bank Building H. P. HHBLL Insursaaa, Lassm. arssy Bands ,ssial irssnsswn ftf.n to care of profsrty trslengjng Is ien-r.idsnt Room Ms. I Baeand Hear, First 9st ingi Bask buttling Albany. Oregon MIBULLANKOUS HEMSTITCHING We a yard. Sue Brerkenridge. 333 Second St Bel! Home 182 FOR SALE One Chalmers M, and two Studcbaker 3fi These us were taken in on new Buicks, and will he sold at attractive prices J. L Irvin. 1)12 19 FOR SAI.F OK RF. NT-Farm of M a.rrs suitable (or t6.k or Krain near IMainvirw. Will coi.ider trade (or iitiiiuuiulicrrd iti.time property Price, tsMQ per acre. Term. $5.is) .Ion it. hal pa Inn.; time Al... 'in. a d'srlliug louse barn and ..vet an -i -r in Itarrl woo.l Addition lo. rent chea.i. Al so a furnished Hal in Ini.-k for rent cheap Write r ph nr. iim. W Wright. 1 1 I "i 22 FOR SAI.F. One A. J. C. C. Jersey Hull six months old l ull brother of the winner of the butter contest at the WU Albany show. Price rinht. Dent P. Stewart. DIMS FOR SA Lb Fresh cows on easy terms. H. Bryant. I)4tf FOR R F N'T 5-roont, modern house, 115 Madison St. Call Hub Dye Works, or 904 F. First St n-Ntf FOR KF N'T Two acres good land; house and barn. Fdc of city, near depot. Call W. B. Chance. IM Baal Siith St. n2H d28 WANTED Woman wants washing to do at home. Will go away to work on Saturdays. Home phone 3372. nl.ltf inn 5EKEEPEB WANTED My widower living on a .Vl-arre f;irm I'rcf.'rablv woman of from 40 to 45. Address H. S., rare Deni'icrat. DI8-J0 FOR RFN'T Furnisheil room, light and heat, 413 Washington St Bell 292-J. Dec2tf THOROUGHBRED ROtSTEIM Bull for sale or trade for good cows Write or phone C R Widmer. R. D. 4. Home 25.W dAwk n6tf (live your tired eyes a Christmas Present of a new pair of glasses. Other Christmas Gifts Here. Too, I orgnrttrs, Id a. ling GhsstS, I " . v Bytglaag Cords, all practical and prices rrason.iMr. E. C. MEADE. Optometrist Human HairGoodi Swltcfltt. tflQlfortlMtioill, puffs - urli. Wt-flf toMprfv .loll Irtfls to yniir onlrr, ftMfintted first nality hair. Your COWbtagl anil nM .witcl' H msclt- gfp The Better Way W. H. OIRARD III Writ Third St . Alk ny. rf