THE WKATHKR Unsettled, probably rain or snuw to night and Tutsdsy. ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT Established in 1868 Advertising M Linn County VOL. XXIX. M.HANY, LINN COUNTY, OREOON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1916. No. IM. TRENCH RETAKEN BY ROUMANIANS After MtMiy Disasters They Rally and Defeat the Teutons. BROKEN MM RESULT OF COLLISION ON ELM ST. Dill CADIAIIC i'AUTIlUC IMPORTANT BRIDGEHEAD Austrian Aeroplanes Make a Succesislul Raid Hitting Three Hangars. (By lmied Ptrt) I'rlrntruil. I h It u anm-uu rl tli it tin- Ki'iimamana retrain d t lit position, ilong tltr PtoMti iwd Maaut hilmuy lliry viifuroutly COttftlfftd Jttcf tin Itutoim touk llieir It-in hi Par', DflC II. ll U antv u m rd lli.ii iair (nitti-m acioplaura were dr slroyrd suiilh of the Soianir. Ilil-t-tlllt It lt I t-aitttithaililiu ti i ' -4 t . . lit in. u i liofl Athens. Drf. 11 -Killtf I'onsUlitinC (..riMilly prolratrd o the WN j (tnt thr iiHiinmrtl hlocVadr ' tfrrk ports Sfi i. Die 1 1 - I he Unitarian. Oljtaild llic Western CatTMvMt bridgehead and announced that Ihflf fori mril thr Danube inlu KniitiMiii.i mm Sili tri.t, .ni l capturi-d rabpai. Sexcral runny Mardou a altuk Mrrr repulsed Btrltn, vit Snyvillc. Dec. 11. Th Austrian nr office announced r ut naval aeroplane- raided enemy tin. lions in Mcltfena. ami 1 Sohha Three h:tnunr. rrt BtlTMCN All I'll- rljrt returned unharmed. Iter I in. S . illr wireless, Ie. 1 1 It ii anfonn-rtl that thr Rouman ian arc ItfOMlj WlWl pursuit. Tpc GtrtMM t li-.n ha proctcdtd de- spite t lie tatu. tti titl ami dyu.miiH 'I I'ikUm. They captured several thou. Had prfltQfttrC, The l;r tich Vanillic position-, it, .itiial dettroyed. Sev en enemy aerc-plncs crr wrecked. I. E. CONN COUNTED THE FRENCH RINGS CORRECT LY UK wee' F. M French ft Son made .1 w in.1 t : 1 1 of l.lrv ring of all kind, aliaptl and . l.r. which i-iia ti.! 'i . . d dr .. attention dnr. rna ilir few day. they w'crr in the window. A ring was offered frr tic lir.t correct irrwrn. utd iS3 tried their heads .1 tl Moil of then nude ill actual eotni M tin ring-, or triad lo Only Iwtt had thr exact figures. I. F COMM. of Mam street, and Mi.. statu Walker, daughter of C W W ilkr' . but Mr. Conn a firnt. bclnn m mb 14. and Mi- WalWr t' c BOth. L I-'. McCHln, who nudr tl'r ("! .rnr w:i within ln of thr rirfllt MMbtT, Thr .malic ! K'" hi I., i UDO, rittotly iiirrrly iMWd Mar.hficld Co Bay R R l" in cerponMi for is.uti to bf)M and op- rate ;i railroad in Coo. (.'onnty. Automobile and Buggy Coming Together Causes Accident to Mat. Doste. Ai Ilir rriiilt q M Kcident. yrt Icrday aficrtiuon on South I I'n ?it-t fl I Iniira Dental bM a Itrokcn arm, and lit-r lofl Mith whom hr aa rul ing h Irw hruir Mr, Dokr anil hi Ihei wi riellflg outh ehni ilir treel on tlieil leey 10 l'i liomr, whm thry MBfOlcMel A boggy, with an MtO driven hy QtO Cililwrtl back I it llit. a almiit al I'culh slrrcl. Mr. I'eMwrll turnrtl nt ami puecel the other way running into ilir Dolu m irft, whit h wai upsct ami Mr. l)i''..t at il !t. Ilnkr erc thrown nit upon thr icrountl, Mr. IhAv strlViitf in burh a ;t to lirrak our of hn .univ Mr Cittlwcll tjeted hei to the notnc if hrr on, only a ltork r t-... awa. whrre tT'r hour wa rt ami h- !.. , -il Mr lo!.rs hruisr wrrr nol .criiMi. bell he reei M bin beel a heel 1 111 toP SUHMAK1NK AT ASTORIA (lly CnitrU PretatH t -r :a. Dec II -Coiumaml r llowr, of thr Unlttd Sntr Moiut. r rht yrnnr, ctmfvrrcd with hr Attorit MVfJ bate committer rtardniK it1' im rmr Kt.ituin miil illlir .. Tin ("In t unc ami three U-lypr milnn.irim .or lirrr, thr!tilrd to kail to S.;ii Pedro tin target pra.liic. inr-ti,- I Ittg all pOffClble iHel ru routr. T "he engine of the Milnn.irinc 11-3 are diahlc d. E (2,500,000 SWINDLE IN EAST Prominent Financiers Do lip the Orphans and Widaws of Philadelphia. THEY SOLD STOCK ON WORTHLESS COMPANIES Several Cam Companies, Bank, Gas and Electric Com panies Involved. (By United Prc) 1'hiladelphij, Dec. II. Federal poetftl Inepcctori teehty tonduttcd a wholralr raid, arresting kecral ri i - 1 lorint rly pioniinriit in Phitadelph t f i.anc ia circle The official at - ilared tlir divio.eTtd .1 KiK"H: Kuindle itivohiiiK SJ.KI.OII) taken from widow and rphnn They d"i n ot t hie tock. Authorities aaid that tin otti; s invohed included the International Cm. Electffc (- 1 pany, the fffJChrTUB l-ank. Concord Can C pany. Sulmrhan Can Ctim pany. (iaftton Gas Ctmpany. GtaWS" town Railway and l.iht Company awl the Southern (ia and Klcctric Coin, pany. NO MORE TRAIN WRECKING FOR FRE00IE Lyons Boy Declared Delinquent and Parelled to Parents to Bright Lad. Freddy EIL-'.rtli hat deuded that putting uh.tarle. in the way of train, it not o mnch fun aftrr all TJir 11 year old .on 01 irank F.ll.worth, who placed ao cigfi car .take' on the track near Ljri " on Dec. I, a thi. aSaratag diclatrd delinquent by County Judge ' H McKniifht, and then paroled; 'hack to hi. parent. 7ndr McKnifhi a.e the boy one . f the beat talk, made by the Judk? during his career an an official. Freddie had an idea that be wanted to ee the tr:nu hump, o. on the morning of tV, 11 ifli, found a c by four uied In cart, and place ! a curve. Alio i i hid and waited When the e . which had bn Engineer Caite. : heard v,rnr,rl 1 i t) B CITY NEWS WOMEN OFFICIALS HAVE VERY NARROW ESCAPE The Charity Canvaaa .ociated ChSfitlce wilt hold a mCCtfam n tnc Commercial Cluh th I evening at 7 M to transact important bfaeineSf Sexeral of I he committee 'riling tickets Saturday met with Itiecete, hut there H still inn h w rk tr he dtne. Hie supply o, dothlng is cuminK in very slowly, donatiK Hi of neti'i ipptrel be i tig e- I 1 1 i.illy li.:i;t Or. Moore Here Dr. Jaine Motre. oj l iU' iic. Di , Sup! of the M B. Church, is in thr y lOdSJ Vaudeville Coming Meatgei lleytra i jcttinn bit vaudeville lined up for after the tiri of thr ear. Vlbany will be favon-d with one night a eek of llippodroi.t: v .ipdeMlle. Thr playerx who will !c seen here are on their way bank from i PkMcnirntN in ustralia, antl are better t-lent than i seen of tbe re; nUf hill- The sr.ison will st irt KHUfl alter January 1. i Sirnn Man at Globe (By United Press) . !. 'i..u- Hiatal vt 1 Boat OIL Dec. 11. Tive ban. p. ..pie ..ill have an opportun ,y , .ltod dollar, for relief of starving lo irr tin ItrOMfttt man ill the I'. i . Iidlli.on, who .loc. tonic frat. in'th. oi.rn ail-l 1 have i.l It rnaiilti ,,f itrahrht-1 We PMI Came Near Being Shut Out By Failure to Canvass the Vefea. (By Hatted Pro.) L'i latilla. Dec II. It i. Itmcd that Mayor-elect l.aura Starchcr an I llal .vomcn official, .cheduled to take their office J. nuary first were nearly di.'iualiiicd. Mayor St.irlir sudden ly remembered Saturday niitht that thfl council n.rot to canvas, the votes, lie hurriedly summoned the council and counted the ballot, jn-t before the four day time limit expired. Mr Starchcr said. "If we let the wo men be di.ipialified ire could never have gone home IgSSt. The world would be too small to hold the men official." TO HELP STARVING Second Annual Ball Hope, to Clear Half a Million for Relief. httfldn 'I 1 he went below r stake, a long font hold lumber on ftv it on the track near .r a gulch. Then he ine .truck the stick, covered with fern, heard the noise and rumbling on the track. The tram was stopped within about 30O feet hut not until it had gone over a trestle spinning a gal Had the pole turned and CMtgSt in the tie, there no telling what would have happened Freddie aJ found nearby, watrrang the result of his work. A complaint was filed -y the S. P. Co., and the boy brought to Albany this morning for trial. Freddie i, a nice appearing I." bright and liknl le It is not thought that he had any idea of what he was doing, and did pot realize the serior. nes. of what muht happen. Hut af ter his experience and the fine talk given him by the Judge, Fred'! c promised to be more thoughtful in the future and was allowed to go bacx to his home. GEORGE'S ENERGY AFFECTS ENGLANO Believed He Has Completed Smashed Britrsh Con-servaVism. IS NOT A TOOL OF LORD NORTHCLIFFE Instead Has Appointed Two of Noathrfiffe's Worst Enemies to Cabinet. (By United Tress) London, Dec. 11 Lloyd-George suffered chili as a result of Offing 30 hours daily, and is confined to his bed. Despite his illnest the whole nation feel the effect of his energy. The public believes that British con servatism ii smashed. Sonic of "i ? newspapers charged Lloyd George with being a tool of Lord Xorthclifi'e. He stoppcti these rumors w hen he named Lord Hali'our and Lord Cecil at cabinet members. Lord Xorth clifi'e is '' to hate both. MAN ARRESTED FOR FORT Pin BOMB EXPLOSION MODERN PROBLEMS New York Legutlature to Attack Cost of Living Problem Jen. 3. OlIM-tS ening common horseshoes to lift in ; 20 nun. Tonight1 Johnson is at Ore gon City, wrrsllii g for the champion ship of thr co.twt Thr prica of ad mi lion vrhl rrmain tlir same, this betfi : an added attraction. Several hundred thousands doll ir-' worth of prics have been donated by business house all over the country and thr patrons of the bazaar Underwent Operation j contain. Mich names as Lady Aher- MUl Lucille Diven. daughter of 'deer. Winlhrop Ames, Robed Bacon. Rev. ami Mrs. R. J. Diven. of the J August Belmont. Lady Colcbrookc Grace rresbyteriin church, was oorr id o'hrrv The bazaar will continur ntil December 20. Mar 's ho I petal ihii K Wallace pe" ' I - POULTRY SHOW WILL OPEN WEONESOAY A. M. tied upon at St. morning. Dr. B ed the operation. Viaiting the Andertona Miss Verdi Pttgh, Of Brownsville, ha been the guest of Mr Carl fh defeOfl t!i pat two days. 0 .... - 1 BANDIT CAUGHT Plant trc alt eo nplete for hc opening of the CfOtrml Wtllamctlr Valley Poultry Show in the Armor, next Wcdnr-day morning. A contin uous At rin : of entries hive been com ing in and the indications are the show will be by far the larnest ever held in the Valley. Harry Collier of Ta. mna, Washintf Ion. one Of the best known pMitfJ iudyes on the tOall has been employ ed to 00 the )ndgh)gi Ml breeds of Lite Is will be on diplav Seventeen Silver Cups to'iethcr with large cash p'rlfCi are beinj provided for the winnerf. 9 9 9 1 (By United l'ress) Albany. N V., Dec. II Many ma; tees now claiming the attention of the people will l brought up for consid eration in toe senate and assembly convening J.n uary J. One of these i the high coat of living. The VYkkl investigation ommittee. it is expect ed, will make i report and recommend legislation which will lighten the bur dens of the consumer. Kftorts will he made to secure legislation which will provide market facilities in New York and other large cities with a view of eliminating the middlemen. An act ot tin nature will be ircl by John J. Dillon. State Food and Market Commissioner. It it expected bills will be introdr ed to carr out the recommendation of Charles H Strong. Governor Whit" man's invcsti .ator of th- managemetu and affairs ot the State Board of Char ities. Strong recommended a reor ganixatiot) the State Board, favor ing a commiton of nine, instead of the present unpaid board of 12 Stror also recomjnenoed the abolition ot t: office of Fiscal Supervisor of State Charities, created during the adminis tration of Governor B. B. Odrll. On the other hand petitions from charit able societies will be sent to the legis- l.itnrc uriiiK that no ch:ntc be made in present form of the board. The mayor conference represent ing manv cities of the state has started a new campaign for home rule lchiis lation The mayors tk for a contti tntional nirtidment which will nice; the demand for genuine munlcif : home rule by delegatin; to cities def- i mite pov r to legislate on local ma: jters antl by prohibiting special lo el The annual firenuirs election is in 'r elation in the ttite 1c jislature. . I St.te ht'meer Prank H. VMinams ! will nrue the enactmenl of legislation naked and -lying noii-ocllincrents in ! v. trriiif,: nfOpe rs i4ie goal of the sec ond annual National Allied Bazaar i Mechanics Buudnvj lure Saturday. The baiaar last year was Kiven i'i Grand Central Palace. New York. ANNUAL ELECTION OF FIREMEN HELO T04AY NEW DEMURRAGE RULES BY PUBLIC SERVICE COM. Rate Will Be Increased on January One to a Maximum of $4 a Day. The Democrat hat received from the Public Service Commission of Oregon a copy of their new rules, orders and regulations relating lo demurrhage and reciprocal deinurr. hage. and the prompt transportation of Oregon and intrastate freight (in carload lots) to 1m effective January I. 1917. Under the new ruling a graduated charge it made instead of a $2 a day flat rate. The regular 48 hours of iree time remain. Four dollars will be the maximum charge. With it a system of crcditt. The scale of charges it the tamr against carriers as against shipper-. $2 first day after 48 hours. $3 second day and $4 third day and each day ar.d fraction thereafter. Sundays and 1c .;.il holidays are excluded. It is believed this will have a !r rided effect in relieving the car shortage. TROUBLE WITH Arnest of American Citizen Far Military Trial May It ' Serious. TAKEN TO VICTORIA RE GARDLESS OF PROTEST NEW CABINET (By L'nitcd Press) W'a.' iti'.'ton. Dec. 1 1 Amt.assarl -Sharj.c oaMrd that Premier Briaw had started orifanizinf; a new Fren I cabinet. Facts Reported to II. S. Gov ernment and Warning Given Carranzittas. (By United Pre,,) Brownsville. Dec. 11. Richard So- lis. an American citizen, was arrested at Matamoras last week on scrret harge, and taken lo Victoria for military trial, despite United State,' Consul Johnson', protests. The con- ul warned General Cabellero, the de facto Matamoras commandante. that the action will prohably result serious ly. He reported the fact, to Sec. Lansintr. Three Ottier Men Wanted For Complicity; Perhaps a Munition Plot. BERLIN HEARD FROM CBv United Pres Berlin. Dec. II. The American F.m hassy received Xjcrmany's reply to tN Belgian deportation protests. The were cabled to Washinjfton. wMct aho received explanation of the sirW inz of the steamer Lanao. 9 (By United Press) Pitlslmrit, Dec. II. James Reed, ae 26, alleged German, has been ar rested in connection with the explo sion of tlic Fort Pitt works of the etna Chemical Company, in which three were killed. The officers pur sued Reed in an automobile. He was overhauled several miles away. The Federal officers are hunting three men suspected of complicity in bomb plots. Reed was employed in an Oakdale plant when it was dyna mited a few months ai;o. N.W. STOCK SHOW WAS A 6REAT SUCCESS The Northwest Stock Show- closed at Portland Saturday evening. It was an immense success, attracting na tional attention. Undoubtedly it was of great advantage to the stock in dustry in this part of the U S., one of the most important here, an in dustry that is progressing rapidly. sine ot me teatures was a oi ..amine. , , ot stock men and tneir wives ai me Multnomah Hotel, l.inn county peo ple attending were Hon. F. H. Porter. Mr. and Mrs 1 ft. Pfeiifer. F. W Cochran. F. W. Bryant and C. R. Ash by- Salem Northwest Fruit Products Co. has used 1.000 tons cull apples making sparkling beverages. North Bend promised here iROthel shipyard aca. two randt 1 1 Stnd Conrad ' Illy United Press) '& Pendleton. Dec. II ' BetMene. mi alleged baadtt and 0) fugitive from ti e count, jail. I ft captured at Henry Hendrick son's is-i.t nt chief there . h llu. morning. Sheriff dates. I'.nil Dawon i S Tavlor found his trail near Hnvh Meyer. For three members of the It Hell's farmhouse after Hensenc hoard of control stven candidates had burglaried the premises were being run. as follow s: Paul t He tracked, him through the y Miller. John Spooner. John Warner 9 snow. He fotind-Bcnsene fn bed. 1 oren trayis. ir'aiil tawson. Sanford It lie had applied for a job and re- ; Archibald and I vie Fieklin. ceived -hrltrr. Banks -United Ry busy with JO men on old survey up Wilson river. impress !;is afternoon with con-id erablr ot a contest on for s. me of the n It Inns The-e are sixty or seventy i 'vh will r-tihlish a harge canal rohrnteer firemen .oter. in the city. The election is being held at No. Js hall. . V l-asthnrn is bein : run ior chief enffineei vltboM opposition. I; traffic bureau. The obtect of the nrnnosetl bureau is to attract freight to the canal. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fnrtmi". turned last night from a i,it Portland. C. C. Robinson, of Lebanon, i' the city. Lester Waitgh ami '. W. C.raham. of Toledo, are Albany visitors V. B. Price, of Conallis. was in the city Saturday evening. X -O sr in I ? 'j f i 8 S S J 3 ! CITY NEWS i . ii ? ? ? f i t ! i J 3 5 : Seven Eclipses An Albany astronomer informs the Democrat tliat there wilt be seven eclipse, of the sun the coming yea: of which two will be total eclipses. Albany. This eclipses past eiforn for iriany years. Married On December II. at The Cotta r in Albany, by Rev. W. V. McGhc Elmer 11. I'.cnnctt and Miss iva G Hetrick were united in marriage. Wit nesses. Mary Bennett and J. B. He: rick. Visiting Here Leo Howard, a former Albany boy is in the city on a visit, now niort than a boy. Marriage License Elmer B. Bennett. 28, and Iva G Hetrick. 17. both of Shelburn. w.r. this morning granted a license to wed Answer Filed Defendant in the case of J. N Brown vs. Hiram Parker, has filed answer and cross bill to the coinp'.a: Here From Bend Chas. Redfield. of Bend, where he ;as charge oi tne nig irrigation j tern watering Jilt acres ot laml, reprc nearl. 2.000 people, i, in t!:. citv on a .i-it with his father. F M Redfield. and sister, Mrs. J. M. Fren. Dr. Matthews Coming Dr. Mark Matthew, of Seattle, pa -tor of thejargest Presbyterian chur h in fie country, has been engaged by the Albany Ministerial Association to give a series of lectures in Mhan.y during the week of Feb. 5. 1917. The meetings will he held in the First Presbyterian church. Big Christmas Present Anions the brg intitutions that have had a big year in their hu inc;s i, the Western L'nion. The war has increased it enormously. Appreciat ing this fact the company his just n tifie.l all their agents that they will be -iven a Christmas present of sevtn per cent of their annual salary. DISASTROUS BOYCOTT (By United Pres,) Portland. Dec. 1L Several of Ore- gon s biggest poultry ranches are in imminent danger of ruin on account of the egg boycott. Big dealers and market experts received frantic let ters asking for relief. Andrew Eggi- man, of the Mountain View Poultry farm, said the boycott was hurting only the' poultrymen. TRAIN HITS AUTO BUT OCCUPANTS UNHURT Two occupants of a Maxwell auto mobile experienced all the thrills of collision with a train near Monroe Saturday, and came oif minus any in juries. Their car, however, was a total wreck. According to one of the trainmen, tile train was running north. The en gineer saw an auto standing off to the right of the track ahead.. All at once the car seemed to give a jump and landed right in the middle of the' track, where it stalled. The engine hi the machine square, demolishing it and throwing it off in the right of way. The men were thrown out of the car unhurt. The engineer stopped the train with in a car's length and went to the as sistance of the men. They got up, a surprised couple. They stated that they had stopped in the road, never dreaming that they were near a track. They had to cross a little rise to jet over the track and killed their en-rinc at the top. They had the side cur tains un and could not hear the train. Eugene Aggregate tax levy ll 18.75 mills for county and 42.9 mills for city. Wallace Reid. who will be seen wi h Cleo Ridgtey in "The Selfish Woman." at the Globe tonight. ntve) I 9 EIGHT HOUR TRIAL 9 9 S tBv United Press) S Washington. Deo. 11. The 9 9 Supreme Court agreed to hear the Adamson l.-w arguments on January 8. Th' government at- rSl .. ,cL..,l fn. ! -i,tr The law is effective January 1 The Government and the railr. I have agreed not to enforce the S tS I mmsII .1.- ..curt Hrid the case a .1 J f !l !. J 41 T " f Salem Bill prepared for teacher retirement fund. Free per cent of sal ary is to be set aside for a term of years, when the state is to add $2,000. MRS. ANNA MARKS DIEO HERE THIS M0RNIN6 Mrs. Anna Marks died this morning at the home oi her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Westbrook. aged 82 years. De ceased came to Oregon from Iowa 4J years ago. She has been visiting in Portland ron it -nmmer up to a short timej ago, when she was stricken with paralysis. She was brought home Ia; week and kept at the home of her daughter. Mrs Marks is survived by three . ; ildren. Mrs. A. B. Westbrook. of this city: Mrs. M. A Robert,, of Seio. and I.. C. Stover, of Wolf Point. Mon tana (Ine sister. Mrs. Mary Clow, of St. Johrij, Wash., also survive,. Funeral service- will be held Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Fort miller Funeral Chapel She will be taken to Shelburn Wednesday morn ing and buried in the cemetery at that . place.