Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 09, 1916, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair Tonight and Sunday.
ol 0
Eat.bhi.b.d In 1861
Una County
No. 179.
It Premier Over Five British
Na'ions, a Man of Courage
and Convictions.
Georgs, AntlpoliticMMi Is Ex
pected to Put Fight Into
the Government.
By Lord Nortliclitfc, Whiten (or the
United Press.
t i r iu It t il 1916 I.) I 'nurd ProMi
Copyrighted in til cut Britain
mid Canada.
London, Dec. 9. Lloyd-George, thr
New Jticlnicr. hesd. live Itttlish I .i
lion, engaged in ar Britain, Can
ada. Australia. Nt Zealand ami Ninth
.Africa 11 these nation, and their at
lie. arc beaten n will he Anient.
turn neat. Every American .hoiild
know t irriiLiii) 'a Sritilh American
plana, ,nid halted i.( the Culled Stale.
Ugjsa OiaWgl it the only itienilu
of the government of tuffictent cotir
jge to rxhihit di.cot lent with out
feehlc. vacillating oar conduct He
has o, t a.itoiall) attempted tit tell thr
pcoplr the irtith, .ilttl ;il)i bM heeit
Itotvled down as unpatriotic.
LaSI week l.lod-t,corgr foilntl hi.
colleague' torpidity and .elf .atisfar
tiott impossible. He decided to .mah
Ihc party '.n.r Event, made bill
prcimri He wanted Hollar I aw. the
S. oli ltinan. appointed. He h id no
personal ambition. The British peo
ple are iircatly ditati ited with pol:
ii. Ian handltn.i of the war sine, it"
t,r .:itiiiitf Politic iufta refused to
the war , omitlg. and the connliy VI1
unprepared. Lloyd-George turned
aiiciii-t the Mlitician. with thr asit
ance of llonaw I .aw and Sir BdwsYI !
Carton, both holding opposite i"'
cal vieaa. If Uovd-Gcorge hid left
the Government a year ago and pri
ripllated a crisis, the war Vould -c
urratly advanced now.
Willie Cottfef Jr. who i. ataircd in
The Bugle OH." which play, at the
Globe Sunday, ha in thi. play ve
hicle written rape, tally for him hy C
Gardner Sullivan, Triangle's crack
accnario author It i good ona)
Troubles of Bohemian Family
Results In Their Losing
Three Children.
In thr j'ltenilr court ytttffdlj
ic-ritiMMt Judgi 1 B. M Kuii(lii lrilar
til (lie ! t'hiMri'ii n( Mr. ami Mr.
1 i link. Dobfkovt)kTi w!io rmitlt ncvnt
IttUfl BOrihsUl di S-1". lrlinturii,
unO efdtrcii three older onto,
I rnk Jr. I Mil umI lillu-. acnl to ihe
M) ami irl' Aid Society in I'ort
UmI. 'J he ihrrr uuii(Cit were alto
ctl lit rniiatin utiilrr llir tare of ihe
mother, fog her b.ltc, with the id
monition th it il any iiirthtr t r m l 1
feOHMI tip irt m I't'ii t Ii r pftfMtf Ihll
thry, ioOi woiiM hr taken away from
tl rir huliir.
Thr I.Mnuhl out irtiii.on that
wa everything from armiitnu to rc
rolttag and riY utiny Th homr lift
. thr lihr' fVilt wjs hv ii li
nrihhor to hr anything tint innlii.
i-jvc t't nornl rittrrnfthip. T ilr i how
thr father would tc-it rit il and otlu r
ihiiiira, and tend tttr , hildrrn to fete 1
FfOOl nt-iuhliork, w ere related. Tti
witntfaek told of thr iiunlttl 'tl in th
home, the lack of food and Jolhin
. of the eonl tut miarirU DCtWttH
thr htihand and wifr. Thr Uitnnte
i xaiinmd wrrc John t)noitr 4 mi R. K
ii irlcki, Bohenilant, wtio njto tried
jnti . I'irtrr. Mr. Anna UOailCH
ititl d-N t iro ( ,.u, l)rhlr Mr.
.nid Mtt Iolrkovky.
"Shr tral my heart." aid L)hr-
Kovak) orl tlir wi!nr taiid. Hiranin
i.rraW hit heart lie cUlMfd that h
w 11 - t ohlrd ..nd alnuril him .ind in-ol
' 1 1 1 1 1 irrl hal IntJdi llfudiliittrd th.'-t
1r l.-i.l knot krd her doWll otu e. ttit it
Mrffafl fthown tliat lie had ticateii hrr
more ttuu oti. e PtUkoi wa rekort
rd to, hut Deputy Diftrict Attorney
Wdlaid I.. .Uik brotlfhl "Hi th, t ...
that thr man had no heart to hrrak
tha! iic iiad no more parental I OTI to
bit iSUtdrta than for hit pig, win. h
hr heat and hated around "hen h
nt to fred tlirm.
Mr claimed that eerythimr wa- In
wife's fault, hut testimony thowed
tint he treated In. htldrm o hadl
that they would tint call MM "papa '
rr otlier tuual term that a f;;ther t
UMiatly called. The children chin t-
ihrir mothcf! "howiuK that alir. at
leat. had a mother instinct and a lovi
lor her t.fliprinif.
The bo) ha. I LkMg hair and all wru
-.oor-ts dreed. itioM of their clothe
heing iVarity donations. The Ooh' -l;ok
hae had nine chiliiren. three
of whom died Sheriff Hodine" went
to Porttaiift with thr two Hoy thm
momlng, ami the irl wilt t'e taken
down next week.
G. T. llockenmith wmt to Port
land on huinet thi morninti.
Mho, Mary Irwin went to Turtu
thin morning.
Dr, and Mrv RileTi Goytord Dnirll
who har heen ueft of Dr. and Mr
B, Kult Wiltacc. left tin mriiintl
on their return to thnr hOfOC at Hrnn.
erton. Wnth,
rhil s. liate. pfooilnoni Porlnurf
nrwupiprr mm, wa in the city lat
Dr. Ii F, tiriffit'i, of Salem, airivcd
in tttr city InM eeenimr
A. K.' prominent I' irtland
attorney, it in th,- . n
Mm. N. II Kair. of Gate, returned
homr this morning after a ihopplntf
trip to thi city,
,1 K. yVcnthorford went st-n on
le vial husincM.
Spreadlnf to Differ it Citiss
Through the E tern
Cleveland, Kansas CMy and
Minneapolis Prepare For
'The Warning of Barbara
Worth" Bated on Important
Reclaimation Work.
A fair tized audJeoec witneaaed
"The Winning 01 Barbara Worth," a
dramatization of Harold tlcll Wright',
popular novtl. al tlir Glob laat niicht.
I hr play i. a (pod on, and a go.;d
rompany prra(n nl it in u w.iri!.;
The rolea ol 'tlfcraon W.trth, I'.ar
hara Worth. r.Wo the Mcai-ajt ih,
iUBOXnplwr. 1'-., Mulrlooii and Trx
aa Pitt, arm lapeclaily ci Uken,
and Abe l. and WOUrd B 'Iim.-,'
part, were well larried out. Waller
K11 Kytk, who played the part ol
Holme., wa. In Ubany but .ra.on
with the llringn . Up l ather" cum
pany. I he play aa a whole wa vood an l
(Hy Un:ted l-re.l
s ibbagtiaa, D v. It i Icamad
lliat thf Krand jury invctiKalioru of orthy of better lupport. The aceni:
d price, will probably tart at effect, were wdl portrayed, eapecially
1 lit. land, Katun, City and Minueap I Ih deert icene and the sand storm
Ii- .0011. In addition to Detroit, Chi- the firit act, and the pirit of tin
1 Ifo, and New York probe.. Attorn- j We.t wa. maintained throughout.
1 t tii-nrr.'l GrtaTBfy officially appror- ' "Any danger of your going into the !
ad the phut. He telrgrapheil the Fed- i movies r" Mi Virginia Hardy wa.
rral attorney. irdrring immediate aaked at the Hotti Mbanv thi. morn- i
Are in Buttle With the Carran
ziatat Ten Miles From
Whether Hampering Pursuit or
Preparing For Ajiother At
tack Not Known.
preparations The New York inmiirs
i, priii. ipatly an alletted coal cinapirr
aiy Prtrideill Wilson will probably
approv, llic plans Monday.
(By United Pre..)
Baker. Der 9 Thr PaatU huildinx
was burned today with a lo.. of $JI.
U)0 A defective flue was the oau.e.
A. F. DttnlMM drcbirrt! that a local
cttinrOyanl predicted the fire while
trllinir a fortune.
t a
rag. AbaoMtaJs none." wa. her re
ply. "Tl-.e raovit - are all riuht a. a
money making proportion, but I love
Ihe IcKitintate. Ike (oolliKht. and the
fle.h .ind blood acting too well to
(By United Pre)
B Paso, Dec. 9. The are
fighting the Carrmzi.ta. near Fresno,
ten mile, from Chihuahua. General
Murtfia ru.hed reinforcementi to re
lieve General Orunn'a cavalry. Th
United States agents learned that the
cavalry hail entered a bandit trap.
The refugees said the Villistas are
scattered along the Mexican North
western Railway, westward of Santa
Ysabel. Villa's headquarters are at
Military men believe that Villa b
merelv hamperin? his pvrsuers and
give it up." Mi.. Hardy, the pretts j ,nat he 4ori o,'intend to agrin at
Bain, lz - -
County Builds 70 Miles of New
Road and Makes Grade
For Much More.
A summary of the road work done
in Linn county for the year just clos
ing reveals the fact that 70 miles of
new road have been made, graded,
gravelled or rocked. Twenty-six
mile, have been put up to grade, but
no rock was put on. "There were 3i
miles of old grade regrad'd. These
figures do not include patch work or
Neither do they include the largf
amount of volunteer work done in the
county in 1916, which was worth at
least $15,000, and equal to another
half mill on the tax roll. The total
amount spent in Linn county for 1916
on roads and bridges was S 1 3 .'
Of thi. amount about $40,000 was
spent for bridges, including the new
bridge over the Santiam at Lcb.mor.
The year is jjot entirely over yet,
;tnd nit ire work -ill be completed be
fore Father Time. turns down the Uisi
page of the 1916 diary. The county
rock crusher on the banks of the Wil-
I lamette is busy every day and nearl
four carloads of crushed rock is be
ing hauled onto the roads in this vi
cinity and on the roads near'
lines in easy reach of the gravel car
The plans of the county court for
1917 include the spending of abou.
$131,000 on roads and bridges for nex-
vear. Ihr hrnlire lew win onlv t.c
Pressure of the Teutons It
Too Much For Weaker
respectively. aned back in her chair j XingUmtnt, nrond Chihuahua Cit
"No. n inovie for me.
(By United Press)
Portland. Dec. 9. As a result ci
the housewives' boycott the wholesab
price of eggs dropped from i2 to M
Cant, anil dealers notified poullryniri'
that thry are unable lo sell cgKs, an t
refused to buy. They reported thai
many poiillrvnu n tacr a serious aitOI
lion as a result of their inability to sell
In "Going Strai(ht." the new Tri
drama starring Norma Tal
madgc. to he een at the Globe to
night, Jimmie Briggs, a crook, recog
nizes in John Remington, a respect
,1.1,. mid prosperous real estate man,
bis former partner in crime. Hlgglns,
who is now ttoir.g Itfalght, Renting
ton and Grace, his wife, who formerlv
Here From Heppner
IM K llnetun, of Heppner, a Ha
lite of l.inn county, is in the city on
a visit with relatives. He has been a
rest, lent of Happner for ten or 12
years. Mrs. Huston is a sister of
Mrs )r W. H. Daris.
Formerly of Albany
Krs A M. Williams, of Seatle, rep
resenting the Presbterian board of
education and Suntl;i school work in
the Pacific Northwest, spent the fore
noon today with William. Moll Case,
pastor of the Central Presbyterian
church, anl left this morning for
Marshfield. Kiirfcne Guard.
Ill at Roaeburg
k. N. Morris, who for many years
was in charge of the grocery store at
the fait grounds, is reported seriously
ill at Roseburg. Sonic ago he
traded tor grocery lor a ranch near
koehurg. Salem Journal Mr. Mor
ris is a brother oi Mrs. F. T. Blount,
of this city.
Originated in Albany
Guessing Ihe number oi rings in the
front window of his store was ong-
btated bj t" M, French, of this city,
five years ago. Since then White.
Wile & W.trner Civ. of Buffalo. N
Y.. have had ten salesmen who put
these sales op. all over the country,
the idea having become very popular
The company is the ItrgtSI exclusive
ring manufacturer in the world .
Chautauqua Meeting '
The stockholders of the Chautauqua
Association were scheduled to meet
last night but not a quorum of stock
holders were present so the meetin :
wa, postponed until next Tuesday eve
ning The election of officers, direc
tors, and the discussion of plan, for
and smiled.
thank you."
Theodore HanK. who calls Wash
ington, D. C . his home, was interest
ing to talk to. lie is an acter of the
old school, and he can act. He is
enthusiastic about the play that he
is starring in. He went into the de
tails that inspired Wright to compose
the story, and told about several of
the prototypes of the characters rep
resented. The character of Jefferson Worth.
played by Mr Hardy, is W. L. Holt.
of Rrdlands. Calif. He was a hanker
in Missouri who moved West 16 year
ngo. A man named Sears first got
the idea of irrigating the great stretch
of land in Southern California am!
Southeastern Arizona from the w-a-ters
of the Colorado, but Holt fur
nished the financial and executivc
.ibility. The town of Holtville was
named after : int. He is one of the
most popular : ,cn in the south. Mon
ey means little to him. except lo sup
ply his own wants.
Charlc Clark, of Tucson. Arizona,
is the engineer represented by Wil
fant Holmes. He is at present Pres
ident of toe -treet railway lines in
Tucson. He wr a civil engineer and
in anticipation of an attack. It is
reported that Villa announced his in
tention of reentering the city and tak
ing 200.000 pesos as ransom.
3 $ $ s s a a & a s s s
ft tiejSfSSJiJSISS
Appendicitis Operation
Wm. Gearhart. of Crabtree, was
operated upon last night for appendi
citis hy Dr. W. II. Davis at St. Mary's
hospital. Mr. Gearhart was sick at
his home at Crabtree and was so bad
that when he was brought to the
city last night six men had to stand
up in a dray and bold the stretcher
from the floor of the vehicle. He was
in intense pain and his condition,
which was very serious, would not
permit of very much jarring. This
morning he is said to be getting along
nicely. .
At Mrs. Johnson's
$105,000 to spend on the road propc
The ideas of the county court ami
State Engineer John H. Lewis coin
cidc on the road building proposition
and they will carry forward their plai
of bringing up to grade the roads o
the county and putting crushed rocv
ffl I on them as fast as possible.
The amount of colunteer work i:
view is yet problematical, but the
court expects to see at least as much
as was done last year
On ttie Wast Side Mil on th
Meuse the Center of
(By United Preas)
Petrograd. Dec. 9 It is announced
that the Roumanian and Russian
forces continued their Wallachian re
treat before the uncetsmg hostile
pressure of the German,, the Rouman
ians retiring eastward
The Russians captured two height',
west and south of Valepn'.na, 500 pris
oners, six roach irte guns, c ne cannon
and two mortars. Thi ad
vance continued on both banks of the
Tchebenisch. Repeated enemy attacks
forced the Russians to abandon the
height southwest of Sulti.
In the Carpathians the Russians'
stopped attempting to t apture the
height, and returned to their own
trenches. Scouts penettated the Ger
man barricade and captured the enemy
by ambuscade.
Paris. Dec. 9 The hill on the left
bank of the Meuse is still the center
of active artillerying. The commun
ique said the western from elsewhere
is quiet.
Linn County Getting As Wet
As Possible For Hie Long,
Dry Spell.
Mrs. George Bayne. of Peoria, is
in the city on a visit at the home of
her mother. Mrs. Major Johnson, ami
sister. Mrs Knighton. WM F.asl Fifth
responsible for the work in reclaiming street.
the land ami titling toe dam. there
sided in criminal srotk, have reformed tlc coming session w ill come up.
he cans, of their children. Then fol
lows a blackmailing game with nu
merous thrills.
.t .. it ,.i .1 . '
Ten pretty girls, in charge of five
pi oniiueiit w omen oi lite city, are out
vtoday selling tickets, for the Associated
Charities. The membership. Mt front
,,, .Inllar lin as hi -h as one wi.hcs to t.l K.,vr t. fir-t holiday concert on
give. A large numb, r were sold fori I be -treets this afternoon, at the
Ihe sake of charily, .mil will provide jw street intersections in the husi-
( I. much needed for the work of tiess districts. Under Prof. Moses 9)
Ihr Altatny High School bnnl
the Charities this winter.
il is doing p. ndid work, piob-
Firemen Election Monday
The .annual election of the Albany
Volunteer Fire Department will he
held Monday afternoon. The polls
w ill he open from 4 to 7 o'clock. The
election of a fire chief and an assist
ant chief to be ratified hy thr council
will come up.
Prof. Boyton to Speak
Prof. Boyton. of the UnWershj of
Oti it. will speak at the First Prc
hyterian church Sunday evening t
7 JO o'clock. His subject will be
S.icmc and Faith" Prof. Boyton i
in intete.ting peaker. and is regarded
as nn authority on scientific subjects.
His talk will be made interesting Its
was actually a break in the dam. anil
it wa Clark who stopped the leak
The money the project was really
famished by the Southern Pacific Co
after it faced failure.
Abe l ee. tlir other engineer in the
hook, lives in ihe original in F.I Cen
tre Calif. People of this country art
very proud of the fact that Wright
immortalized their land in hi hook.
Wright owns ;t ranch in the Imperial
Valley, and he has left strips of the
original desert between the green, ir
rigated fields to show what it really
was Barbara Worth was not a real
character, but was put in the book to
exert an influence over Worth to do
the things he did.
When Mr Hardy ,and company
plaved at Fl Cefilro. they were the
guests of Mr. Holt, and were taken
into Mexico, where the dam and pow
er house are located and were shown
all over the property. It is a great
work, says Mr. Hardy.
From here the company went to
Fugene. and after a jump to Ashland
they will double back, playing north
Donations of ilolbii J'r n"l com-, ably the best high school Darru in w
log ill gt fist as the) sbcmld Many , I Ihe state, a credit to this IfllBtcgl
article, have hr, t, rived, but more: center of the valley There ill j
hoes of all sizes, men's and boys', be another concert tonight at OF
shirts and underw ear, and miliar :ir- ti 7 .SI. also next aturiiay aurr- s- .
tides are needed Donation, mav tie pi noon .mil evening, ami n".
mooe sjreneaira
The Globe orchestra last ni-rht re-
ceived manv compliments. It will be
Mission at St. Mary'a Church
The mission services which are be
in ; held at St. Mary's church are at
tracting large crowds and much inter
est is being taken in the special course
of sermons which Father Chapotor ii
giving. Having given missions all
over the West and Middle West, the
speaker has acquired a remarl able ex
perience in this work ami is meeting
everywhere with the t'ullest success.
I he closing service will be held Sun
day evening at 7:30. The mltsionaT
will speak on the Hit feet ol Prrsever
ance in God's service an l in concsaV
sion will impart 'he Paoal blessing.
The Sunday morning er ices will be
at 8 and W:.10-a. -. he usual high
mass being sunz at the latter hOM.
The public is cordially invited to these
Weather Report
Yesterday's temperature was le-
twten 32 anil 47 degrees. The river
fell to 7.2 feet and the raintall was
.24 inches.
left at the Commercial ( bib. or uoti j the Saturday just before t bnt
fication sent to Chas. II. Bnrggraf or 0) mas
to Chas. P. Ohling. secretary ol the
t'ommei rial Club.
heard some more, a fine one.
The Hatsey F.nterprise has compiled
a list of figures obtained from stock
shippers, grain buyers, merchants who
buy produce, cream shippers and re
reiving station,, showing the dollar
and cents valuation of products raised
tributary to that town. Llsgatoeh
totals $77,000. not including thorough
bred sto. k .shipped hy local breeders;
horses. $2f.000; grains. $60,000: hay.
$50,000; clover seed. s-' W: potatoes.
$27,000; poultry, eggs, etc . $20,000:
cream, $20,000; beans. $7,250; wool.
$1.1.000 The total valuation of these
products i $.'27,250.
Booze, booze, oodles of booze !
More booze was shipped into Liar
County during the month of Novem
ber than in any other 30 day period
of the year. With 11 out of 14 sta
tion, heard irom the total to date
amounts to 1.120 shipments of. th.
joy fluid. But December will be th
record breaker.
Devotees of the cup that cheers an
getting every drop that is within their
power or reach. Whole families are
ordering which, by the way. is agains-
the law. But father orders his win-
key, mother a couple of bottles c
wine or a case of beer. Lizzie ijet
some wine while Brother John send
for a bottle of Scotch and a bottle of
Rve. or similar combinations. Johr
may get a few bottles of seltzer wa
ter to make the Scotch go further
Many men arc getting two or three
hipments a month. An order fo
tjt.o quarts is placed at Albany, one
sent for delivery to Corvallis, and one
for delivery in Marion county. ff
these were traced out some on-.-would
get in trouble. But it is doubt
ful if any tracing is done, for ship
ments will soon be a thing of the past
The shipments received at the var
ions towns w-ere:
Albany, 575; Lebanon, 191: Ilarns
htrr, 86: ScJo. 73: Halsev .19; Lyons
is Brownsville. 34: Shedd. 29: Shel
burn, 18: East Corva'lis. 10.
The shi-ments received in October
were 818: September. 656. and 593 iu
l!Tt. i
Berlin, via Sayville. Dec. 9. It it
announced that in the general Rou
manian retrcaf. started since ftecem-
her 1st. the Germans have captured
70.000 prisoners, three hundred can
non and machine guns. The booty
and war material' is incalculable. The
-lead and wounded are the heaviest
losses sustained by the Roumanians,
Paris, Dec. 9. The Briand miniatry
is redoubling its war efforts as a re
sult of the British ministry ahLkeup.
They may name a supreme execative
aead to direct the fighting. It was
suggested to give the President prac
tical dictatorship.
Al Gordon and 30 or 40 other Odd
Fellows will go to Halsey tonight to
have a time with the Odd F.ellows of
that city.
A Hen Scheme
A. S. Hulbert. on the Oakville road,
was in the city today with a crate ol
eggs which he shipped to Portland,
getting 50 cents there for them. He
has four or five hundred hens, which
Mrs. Hulbert generally looks after;
but not being well recently Mr. Hul
bert has taken charge of them. Hunt
ing eggs he says is such a task that
he has concluded to b"y baskets and
hang them to all the layers.
Juvenile Caae Monday-
Mrs. W. F. Jones and son Kenneth
went to Salem today'.
Marion A. Young and wife to Ar
chie L. Adainson. Dec. 4th. 1916;
lands in claim 43. Tp. 15 S. R. 3 West;
The f!'l of Freddie Ellsworth. who
put an eight foot stick on the C ft If)
K track at Lyons on December 1 am Lg
tried to see wiiat wotiirt napps-n.
hc held Monday in Jnd :e McKn uht s
luvenile Court.
Sunday Concert
The Snndav concert in the eitv Ii
i.rarv will be eiven between the hours
of 4 and 5 o'clock tomorrow bv P. O.
Woodwortt, on one of hit Utile S-ew
art phonographs lavst Stindav over
80 people heard the concert given hv
C H. Cusick. whicil was enjoyed.
Jimmy Van Winkle and his football
team this afternoon were play-inn
Charley Anderson't team at Corvallis.
(By I'nited Pressl
Salem. Ore.. Dec. 9. Governor
S Withycombe today appointed E.
C. Kirkpatrick. of Dallas, judge
of Polk county succeeding John
Teal, who resigned This will be
effective immediately. Mr. Kirk-
Patrick is mayor of Dallas.
Mr. Kirkpatrick was an Albany
printer about 30 years, and will
make a competent judge as well
9 as a popular one. s
Walter Hunter, who had the mis
fortune to break his leg playing foot
ball a couple, of months ago. rebroke
it last evening about 4 o'clock. The
leg had impi -sd sufficiently for him
to be out walking with a crutch. He
thought he could ride a bicycle, and
made the attempt near the Y. M. C.
A., working the pedal with one foot:
bat .t was too much for him, the ma
chine wobbled and ha was tlow to
the ground, hitting la such a way aa
to cause the bone to break again In
the same place. He waa taken to the
hospital and the bone wa, rtset.