ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 87. 1916. PAGE THREE vvr Jo I : ( r l! s .' ! . " 0 ! low Cut open a Warner Corset Pull out the double boning ice how flexible it li. Test the clasp lit strength insures a firm, straight front. See the double In tcrllugs that keep the bonci from punching tlirouicli. Feel the fabric! they do not Mrclch or tear wash them at you will. Wear a Warner's feci the comfort ce the ahnpe, and you will be wearing your Warncr'i long after an ordinary cortel has gone to pieces. Boning Clasp intcrlidin Fabric Shape Warner's Rust-Proof Corset Guaranteed not to Rust, Break, or Tear $1 Up Cash Values Worth While O MeCMNT O SYNDICATE, m iHamiltons' 41 tao4WJ.T.HBW M f. ' CITY NEWS a8S:fcCD(9 8oap Mn II. K. l.owrlc. of the I. M. K. Soup Co., I'ortlund, has been in the cily. He formerly resided here, lis report cd a. fine business, steadily growing. Many of the sales are in barrel lot. The waterless soap proposition has met with favor. Returned to Portland' Carolyn Cannon, who wai here to attend the funeral of Inez I.emke, re turned to Portland yesterday, to re sume her studies; but will be back Thanksgiving day for turkey at the Mason home. Oregon' Total Vote The total vote in Oregon was 261, ftl4. Of this with a registration in his favor of over 100,000 Hughes has a plurality of only 6S44. Draw Trade Your f Way Crowds follow the light. The attraction of light is one of the secrets of modem merchandising. Make your store the lightest, most attractive to pnssenby at night by means of an '.'' Electric Sign At the least cost an IJIcctric Sign will flash your name, business and location into the eyes of all pasaersby act as a guide to your business a stimulant to sales. Oregon Power Co. "Reliable Service" Telephones 15 306 West Second St., That Old List The Democrat recently referred to an old Fourth of July subscription list in the possession of F. M. Trench. It was for the celebration of 1897, a notable-one, a feature of which was an athletic platform on the square in front of the court house, now covered, m which some Portland amateurs, in cluding a son of Senator Chamber lain, gave a performance. An analysis of the list is interesting. Of the 149 names on it only 47 are now in Al bany, 59 have moved to other .places and 43 arc known to be dead. The biggest givers were the saloons and brewery. A Big Load ; Yesterday on one motorcycle pass ing along the street were a man driv ing, a child on the handlebars, tnc wife sitting on the back scat sideways. holding another child; four on one motorcycle, a good load, getting along in fine shape. . o- A Fatl Fall. N'ew York. Nov. 27. Joseph Brooks a noted theatrical producer, fell from ih eichth' storv of an uptown apart ment and was instantly killed. It is unknown whether it was accidental. Brooks was aged 65 an.d handled many famous productions. - STOCK SHOW AT PORTLAND STARTS DECEMBER 4 Portland Nov 27 Tli Pacifit In ternational .Livestock Exposition, which holds its Sixth Annual show at the Portland Union Stock Yards, North Portland, December 4-9, hat been one of the big factors in the up building of the livestock industry of this entire western country. -' Entries which have just closed in the breeding classes indicate one of the biggest showings of beef breeds ever handled west of the Rocky Mountains, there being something like fifteen herds of shorthorns on the list of entries, including some of the besf known herds in the United Slates. The Holstein people have outdone themselves in their entries, while the Guernseys and Jerseys will be repre sented by the beu known breeders on the Coast. Hogs and sheep will make a fine showing, and for the first time, the four leading breeds oT draft hors es will be included. Judges of national reputation will tit ritttinni Mfn tilff. .IlinfterS of Iowa on shorthorns; Chas. L, Hill of Wisconsin, Jerseys and Guernseys; Moscrip of Minnesota, Holstcns; Moxlcy of Kentucky, Herelords; RrunW n( Oreimi. hotrs: with other well gnown men handling the other classes. The Granges of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho are taking an intense interest in this year's show and strong delegations will come from this west ern country. Th Governors of the Northwest iat have acccuted an invitation to be at the Show on I hursday, Decem ber 7, and their many trienas win hnUM in nnnartunitv in meet them in an informal way. Afterwards they will attend the banquet given in hon or of the breeders and feeders at the Multnomah hotel. Various breed associations are hold ing their annual meetings during this week and Portland will Be tnrongea u,;li farmers and livestock men. Th. 9,.tinn nf thr State Bankers' Association in appropriating $10,000 for this show is attracting aucnuu" all over the United States and at once ntari.. them in verv high estimation iimhini the hreedimr fraternity of this country; Portland chamber of commerce also included in jts budget $6000, while the state ot Oregon pro ri. -aiirnait, have granted a rate of a fare and tmra on tne cerniivi nl. from all Doints of this western country. Selling dates will begin No vember 30, and last until uecemoer 6; good returning until December i . One of flic big features of the show it,:. vf m11 he the fat classes in the stock yards proper. Each year has the fact that the west can produce some of the finest cattle, hogs and sheep in the country, com petition will be very keen this year. Liner Catches Fire. (Ily United Press) Newport. Nov. 25. The liner Pow hsttan cau:;ht fire off Block Island Coast guard cutters rushed to her as sistance Admiral Knight, command ing the destroyer flotilla here, receiv ed a wireless saying that the blaze was under control and the danger past. G. CO. G. A. C. ALBANY SECOND IN DISTRICT SHOOT THAOC HAWt HlOlsTMlO Today and Tomorrow The man who la really happy U the man who Uvea In the future who antlcipatea. The man or woman who never takea thought of the futurj, of course, cannot look forward to the future with any hope or anticipation. The wise man says ''Look out for tomorrow and today will look out for Itself." The fool says, "Have a good time to day and let tomorrow worry about Itself." . .. Toda'y Savings Mean Tomorrow'a Comforts. ALBANY STATE BANK 4 per cent Paid on Savings Accounts svswkn will 5 ard A Real Thanksgiving 0,t The car owner who -L - knows how W lllard Service can help his bat tery performance has something to be truly thankful for. ' Auto Electric Shop . 118 West Second St. We'll e glad to test your battery at any time Third or Fourth For Bankers Trophy Wiii Cottage Grove First. SHOOT . . . G. Co., Coast Artillery, of thi scity, its team shoot for the district trophy of the C. A. C, held during the past week or two, closing yesterday, stands second among the ten teams competing, making a splendid record, only surpassed by that of Roseburg. The shooting began Saturday the 18th, and Roseburg had a fine day for shooting, while Albany had the worst day of the week, Saturday, a bad one for good work. Roseburg made 372 out of a pos sible 400 Albany 363, as follows: Sergt, Stechfield, 47 at 200 yards, 47 at 300 yards, total 94; Corp. McGhct, 48 at 200, 41 at 300; total 90; Mec. Lau, 44 at 200, 46 at 300; total 90; Lieut Collins. 48 at 200 yards, 41 at 300, total 89. Grand total 363. In the shoot for the bankers' trophy the company had to have in the shoot 30 per cent of the membership, which is 90, aad hence a number of mem bers who have practically had no practice, and yet their record gives the company third or fourth place for the trophy. Cottage Grove is first The totals of the members, out of a possible 100, at the two targets, 200 and 300 yards are as follows: yds. yds.tal Pure Brags . Did yon aver atop to think what pure drugs means to you when you are sick? Your physician wants you to know the purest drugs obtainable, and you get just that kind from us. We are In the drug baainaM, and we stand bads of every single Ham that leaves oar store. Make our store your home. Burkhart & Lee Druggists Setchfjeld. 2 M Sgt 47 McGhee, Corp 48 Lau, Mec 44 Collins, Lieut, 2nd., 48 Williams, Corp. -45 Churchill, Mus., .' 42 Plagmann, Pte., 41 Capt Knox, Captain 43 McChesney, Corp., .40 Shrader. Pte., .. 41 Irwin, Sgt., 39 Parsons, 1st Corp 40 Stewart, 1st. Sgt, '. 35 Baker, 1st Lieut., .......34 Jones, Corp., .39 Ltindy, Pte., 35 Kay. Pte.. -27 Applegate, Pte., Myers, Pte., Cade, Pte Jacobs, Pte., Wilcox. Pte., Jones. Pte., 2) 32 30 ...-24 .25 ...-38 Parsons, W., Pte.. . 'King, Mus Jones. Pte., Bilyeu, Cook, . Crawford, Sgt., 47 42 46 41 42 44 42' 36 38 37 35 33 36 35 30 31 39 33 28 27 26 25 10 17 21 27 23 13 Porter H Hon. F. H. Porter, of Halsey, was in the city yesterday afternoon and attended the social hygiene meeting at the Globe. Just Arrived Library Music ' By express this morning, a shipment At the library yesterday afternoon of a popular men's and young men's the large number present enjoyed the overcoats to retail at from $17.50 to music by the Star graphophone, play. $20. "Balmarne" loose-back style, and ed by W. O. Nisley, some splendid snappy patterns. Blain Clothing. Co. sacred selections being given. Exide Battery Service Station Starting and Lighting batteries, for all cars, for 1 sale. . . All makes of batteries overhauled, expert battery man in charge of this department. : ' Irvin's Garage 324 Broad albia St New Red Seal Records COME IN AND HEAR THEM . . .- t . . Wood worth Drug Co. r THE TURKEY EN- JOYS THE FEAST before Thanksgiving only. But your horse or other stock will enjoy a feast every day if you make it a practice to buy your feed here. It will pny you to do so too. Pay you in thrift ier stock, in. lessened feed bills. Make us prove it. Murphy's Seed Store The Talk Highways of the Land Millions of miles of Bell Tele phone wire at your beck and call When you've got to have quick action, remember that a word to the operator will clear the track, two miles or two thou sand, day or night. Prompt, re liable; and decisive ! ? . . Consult the list of toll rates to cities here abouts; it's in the front of your Bell directory , The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company