Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    PAOK THNtt
tnan, Roy Gentry and Miss Rois.
i w w
Mri W U Mnlmaii im ntir(uininff
am tiip litttK iit Mra P. Wandell.
of Portland, who Is on her way to
,..tir. w -- n i-it will I.
You want to be well but not cxtrayagantly dressed; (
stylishly but not radically dressed - '!
uniuriiiH. iTira, tvuiiuvii i,i"
two wceki in before contin
uing on her trip. ,
Mlu Beatrice Sanders
8ocWty Editor
BtU 469-R
X delightful uffair o( TUtmnlay u(
tcriincin wii die party for which Mrs.
II. W. Barker ami Mrs. O. J. Ilawtin
were lioaicasca at the home of Mm,
'iljwlin, Several uucaK were present
mill enjoyed the afternoon panned in
fancy work. The chief diversion of
the afternoon win a uoulcat for which
Mra. C. It. WImii won the ric. The
Kiirats incluilvd Meailume K, l.iv
ellKooil, I.. II. I'iall. II. K, Wallace.
Alice Coikcrline. W, A. Harrctl, tiliaa.
Wicdcr, William I'friffcr, Ccorue
Taylor. Walton Worrell, Kraiu I'fcil
fer, J. II. Kulinell, II. II. Hewitt, John
i Siiiiuaon, Cecil Cathey. Geaclhraclit.
J, I., White, Robert lircriie, O. I).
Auaiin, W. C, Twccilalc, Charles Cu
Kick, J. R. Ilulliert, O. ll..lloiiKh, C. II.
Winn., M. MwitKOiiirry, Thou. Hop
kins, II. .M. Calmer, W. II. Chance, I.
A. McDowell, mid MUs Alive Clemen!
and Miaa Ball
9 9 9
Mm. II. Ji. Wallace wan hoatcaa tttio
week for the Monday evening llrldue
cltth. A ilelitihtful eveninu wan pancd
in her home, fancy work and hriilKc
heiiiK the diversions. Mn, Wallace's
Kiicala were the Mcadaiiica I'.dwin
I'nrlinillrr, Leonard Hunt, llcrl Sie
nna, U. K. Kiitx ami the Mlaica Zo
na llaiiiht, Louise Wieder, Marlon
Aii'lcrxfii, ami Winnie Auatin.
09 9 9
A jolly affair of but uibt waa the
ttfliitlitful daiicinu party for which
Miaa Muritaret Cathey waa hnatrsa.
Muaic for the dancers wan furnished
by Victrola. Dainty refreshments
were nerved later in the evening. The
merry party was rompoted of the
; Misses Dorothy Walker, Wilma Jnn
kin, Florence Kortmiller, Dorothy Ciil
berl, F.vclvn Kobnon, Olive Darker,
lanlha Smith and Klwnod Anderson,
Heverly Taylor, Hubert I'ortniiller.
Hoy Harris. Kalth Hecker. Karnesl
Dolinert, l.iman Palmer, Henry Wea
sel, and Albert Snider.
On Tucaday afternoon Mr. A. W.
. Iloweraox wa lioatca to the Jolly
Acme bridge club. Mm. Ilowcrox en-
' Irrtainrd an her ifiirati Mm. Joseph
Meyer, Mri. M. Montgomery, and
Mm. Alice Cockcrlinc. Ilridge
the. enjoyable divemion of the after
noon. 9 9 9 ,
In honor of .Miaa Rutin Hacon and
Minn Minna Ash, a jolly party will he
given tonight at tile home of Mix
liula Hand. A covered diali flipper
' will be given the firt part o fihe ev
ening with covers laid for the Misses Kortmiller, I.ncile Snyder, Ine
l.emke, Corintbn Hart, Carolyn
Wright, Ktitb l.ivcngood. Janet Daw
on .May Itallai-k and Hetrice Sander.
Later in the evening other giict will
come in and dancing will be the even
intt'a diversion. These Kticsta will br
the Mixet Marciel Auatin, Natbicl
Donaca. I.oiiinc Wieder. Wilma Jun
kin. and Messrs. Gilmorc, llccter.
Henry l;lh, Orin Jenkins. Louis
Schiill. John Tate. Derril Austin.
Kramis Heal. Clav Cornctt, Ilul
liert. Hill Hodcn, Van Wieder, tieorge
C'uniek, Carlton Logan, Pete Miller
and David Wieder
9 9 9
The member of the P. E. . Sinter
hood met on Monday afternoon with
a business meeting, at, the home of
Mm. Fred Forimillcr. .
Mm. C. H. Iturggrnf wan hostes' to
ihc TweiiliethvCcniurv club on Fri
day afternoon. W invited guenu he
enterinined N'rs. A. W. Iloucmox,
"Mm. W. C. Tweedale, Mm. Fred
Ward. Mm. Criff King and Mm. C. B.
The Artcraft club was pleasantly
entertained at the home of Mrs,
Frank Meisler Tuesday afternoon
Ship Your Freight via Oregon
City Transportation Go.
Boat leaves Albany for Portland Monday, .
Wednesday, and Friday 7 a. m.
The new officer! of the club which
wore elected at the lunl meetin were
president, Mm. Mcintcr; vice presi
dent, Mm. Frank Skipton, and sccrc
tary, Mm, Elmer Oipe. Needle work
ti.ok up the afternoon'! time at the
clone of which dainty lunch wan
9 9 9 '
A very pretty wedding took place
in Tangent last Saturday, when the
marriiige of Minn Lydia M. Slcll
macker and Mr. G. H. Mom, wan sol
emnized. Kcv. G. H. Young perform
ed the ceremony and Mr. and Mm.
Harvey (ircll acted a beat man and
matron of honor. The bride wai pret
tily gowned in white crepe meteor
adorned with orientals overlacei and
a bridal veil of chiffon crowned with
9 9 9
The Prliplliii met on Thursday af
tiruoon at the home of Mm. Karl
Fisher. The invited gueata for thii Oc
eanian were Mrs, Martin and Mm. D
W. Merrill, who annintcd Mra. Fialici
in nerving lunch,
9 9-9
A coming event of intercut to Al
bany will be the dance given by Ihc
Daughlcra of Isabella, in the Moose
hall on Tuesday night of next week.
Many out of town gucsta will be in
Albany for t his occasion.
9 9 9
Mm. Walton Worrell wa a de
lightful hostess on Monday afternoon
when the entertained the Monday
Ilridge club. Mm. G. IC. Rigg was
taken into the club as a uem iiicmbei
and Mm. R. A. II. Veal wa the guesi
of Mm. Worrell for the afternoon.
On Tuesday evening at the homi
of Mr. L. G. I.eweliiug, a number
of ladies met and spent Ail enjoyable
evening together. Card playing and
I' sciinsimn on mines took up the
!. eiiing'n nine. The XKsdamca I.. II
!"Mi. O. IJ. Auatin J D. SmnmcrH
Far! llran-'rhcrry. S. t. Wvson. A. .1
i'olgea K. C. Gipe. I W. Merrill.
"Ims. Wieder, WV.tir Parker, were
.cci Mrt. C'we' nig.
9 9 9
Mis Eva Hughea returned from
Portland this week, where she ha
been spending a delightful vacation
9 9 9
Mrs. Max Hoflich was hostess to
the Thutsday Tatting club this week
The afternoon was eujoyably spent in
fancy work and reading. Before the
departure of the guests the hostess
served dainty refreshments, Mm. J. A.
Millard was the invited guest.
Mrs. 0.,-D. llyers entertained the
Kensington -rtub-nn Tuesday after
noon at het home on 1018 East 2nd St.
Games and fancy work were the af
ternoon's diversions, after which a de
licious three course lunch was served.
The members, present were Mendames
Orrin Anderson, K. E. Bc.nichamp,
W. K. Jone. J. F. Uu, McDonald.
Jack Minion, Lcroy Parker, and the
invited guests were Mendames Wil
liam Pnnck, II. Hancock, John Ryer
of Tangent.
An old fashioned "quilting party"
was the occasion of Wednesday af
ternoon at the home of Mm. F. H.
Gcsclbracht. The members of the La
dies' Aid Society of the first Presby
terian church met and made an old
fashioned fuilt, besides enjoying a
covered dish feed. In the afternoon a
business meeting was held.
9 9 9
Mm. D. D. Hackleman and Mrs. II.
W. Taylor, were hostesses Wednes
day afternoon to the Ladies' Aid So
ciety of the Grace Presbyterian
ihiirch. The home oi Mn. ll.tcklcm.v
was used for this occasion, where M
Indies met and passed an enjoyable
afternoon. After a short business
meeting fnncv work took the rest of
the afternoon's time, at the close of
which a dainty lunch was served by
the hostesses, assisted by "the Missc
Geneva T.ivlor and Norcnc Riley.
The complimented guests were MeS'
dames O. W, liyers, Clyde Ailey, Mc
Vi..i Stm--, A. Koss, T. P. Haekle-
There's Miles of
Wear in Old Tires
If you have a blowout or
cut it can be made as
.. ; .-' ;." good as new at r - ,
w V w
n U.nInu" ollrninii Ufl C, T.
I rnlj,nmitl, nrf nirod number of
friend at a library ten cent tea. The
Mcadamca P. D. Gilbert1, John Rob-
unn lv rlil.ttrtn I. (? Hlllltillon.
Coilgil, 11. M. Merrill, A. N. Minton,
t. li, Llillord, J1. wiener, l,. ii.
Fish, O. D. Austin, W. ri. Lee, tart
ftrandeherrv. Ed. Derrv. .enioved the
afternoon at' Mrs. Hockensinitli's
Cin N,vnitr third Mra Phiiitin
and Mm. Krotchel gavv a library tea.
They entertained a their guests Mrs.
Dowd, Mrs. W. If. Weaver, Mm. D.
K. Nebcrgall, Mm. Carter, Mrs. W. II.
Chance, Mrs. L. II. Weaver, Mrs.
John Kobnon, Mr. N'ebergall, Mr.
J. S, Van Winkle nnd Mrs. Pate.
Mrs. I.. E. Blain was hostess to a
library tea on November second. She
entertained as her guests, Miss Lucy
Gard, Mrs. Alton Coatcs, Mrs. John
Kohaon, Mrs. J. L. Irvin.'Mr. C. II.
Stewart, Mrs, Hridgcford, Mrs. E.'T.
Cooper, Mrs. V. J. Miller, Mrs. J. C.
Irvine, Mrs. F. E. Livengood, and
Mrs. S. A. Dawson,
9 9 9
' Miss Letlia McCullough entertain
ed with a library ten cent tea. Her
gucsta were the Meadames j. c Ir
vine, Charles Ohlinz and the Misses
Nellie Pate, Lottie Morgan. Mabel
(C ti4 Pg 4.)
ja T7 T7 m r
Operatic Score by Big Orchestra of Traveling
E Sherman's March Storming of Atlanta Battle of Peters
U burg Lee and Grant at Appomattox Assination of Lincoln
liL-i Wild Rides of the Ku Klux Klans
Cowrtrkt ll
T1 Hobw iA XvppcahddMS
-'1 Elliott and Sherman Present
W; Griffith's Mighty Spectacle
1st 12 rows 50c
Last 3 rows $1
r H E AT R!
-Thursday, Nov.
Matinees at 2:15 Nights 8:15
Side scats 50c
1st 3 rows balcony 50c
are the best made clothes In America. They embody more quality
cloths, more real tailoring, more perfect styles than any tailoring house
in America. The Kuppenheimer manufacturers' work on a smaller margin
of profit and depend on a larger output
These clothes cost only a little more, say 5.00 to $10.00 per year, and
you have the best that American affords.
The Blain Clothing
Last 3 rows balcony 25c
Loges and boxes $1 'r
1 5-16
to Make