NOVEMBER 10. 1910. HP FAOSTHMt Linn County, Oregon, Tract No. Two. Lot No, One in Block No. Twelve in Hobson's Addition to the Town of Mill City, Linn County, Oregon, being the lands mentioned and de scribed in said commission to me issued as aforesaid. Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the date of sale. Dated this the 31st day of October, 1916. JOHN A. SHAW, Sole Referee. iiM4-21-28 d5 b A Long Lived Plkt. - In 1407 an enormous pllm wasraught In a lake near Ilnlllcmm. In Kuabla. with a bran Hug attached tu It, en graved on which v un a statement that tlio flxli was put In the hike In the year 1230, thus Indicating I hat It must hare lived at least 207 yours. GLOBE THEATRE TONIGHT Which Shall It Be ? Would you give up the woman you loved, or your child, if you had your choke ? It it a hard question, but tee the answer in the . ..; , , ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, ; - w ' "" ii ii William Fox - Photoplay "The Unwelcome Mother" A most remarkable drama with Walter Law, Valkyrien, the beautiful Baroness De Witz TODAY and SATURDAY G&tfriiZi t2W: V Sis 'ArJiTZr fS Triangle-Keystone Comedy . Charles Murray and Louise Fazenda in "HER MARBLE HEART" Evenings 1 5c Matinees 10c Children 5o Notice of Sheriff's Sale. , Notice i hereby given Unit by vir tue of mi Execution ami onlcr to ell attached property, to me directed, Is uel out of the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon fur I.biic County, in llic case wherein the l.mie County Credit Association, a Corporation, in pluintiff, anil Win, G. Martin ami Ola Martin, lii wife, nro defendants, I will on Saturday the "III day if l'c ceinlirr, I V 1 0. at the hour of one o'clock p. in, at the front iloor of the Court llotiic, in Albany. I. inn Coun ty, Oregon, tell nl public auction, to tile ImkIic.i biibler for cash in hand the following described real property, lo-wit: llrginiiiug at a point on the section line between sections .1.1 and 34 in Tp. II S. It. I We.t Willamette Mer idian, Oregon, which in 12.25 chain south from the 'A Section corner, and runniuK Weil 20 chains, thence South 775 cbaini, tlieure Kasi 25 chains, thence North 775 chains, tlirncc Went 5 fliaiiM tn the nhce of bri?'n- uiiiii, containing 19.375 aero more or Iran in l.inn County, Orcicnn, to at imy a jiiilitiiient reisdercd in auiil caukc -iii favor of the above named plaintiff, Lane County Credit Alio chitioii, a Corporation, and against the defendant Win. G. Martin and Ola Martin, his wife, in the turn of One Hundred Forty Nine and 6U-IU0 Dollars, together with interest there on nt the rate of 6 per cent per an num from the 25th day of September, 1VI6, and the further sum of Ten and 40-100 Dollar! com and disburse menti of laid nit, together with the costs of and upon this execution and ale. Dated at Albany, Oregon, thin 3rd way of Novcmlier, 1916. I). H. IIODIXE. Sheriff nf l.inn County, Ore-jon. t7-l4-2l-28d5 Notice of Referee Sale. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to a commission issued out of the Circuit Court of tnc State nf Ore- lion, County of Linn, in the cause wherein Edith Kansoin was plaintiff and Lucille Ransom, Caroline Ran som, Mollis Ransom and Freddie Ransom were defendants, and to me directed as sole referee authorizing and empowering and directing me to make sale of the lands mentioned and described in said commission as by law directed. Now, Therefore, I will, as such ref eree, on the 9lli day of December, 1916, at the hour. of one o'clock p. m. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Albany, Linn County. Orciton, sell at public auction, to tile flintiest bidder, all the right, title and interest of the above named Edith Ransom, plaintiff, and Lucille, Ran som, Caroline Kansoin, Hollis Ran som and Freddie Ransom, defend ants, in and to the following describ ed lands, to-wit: Tract No. One. Lots three and hour in Block 21, in Hnhon' Addition to Mill Citv. GLOBE. Sunday, Nov. 12 Special Western Tour of America's Sweetest Singer Mr. JRichard J. Jose The Famous Contra Tenor OiTcrinrj u selected Program of those beautiful Song Gems ' made mortal by him ,.'- In conjunction with the Master Photo Drama Silver Threads Among the Gold" In six great parts Thrilling heart story of city and country life. The "Way Down East" of the screen, and the show chosen to open the Madison Square Theatre, N. Y. A Wonderful Combination of Song, Laughter, and Heart Throbs Prices 25c, 35c, 50c Taotful Olsorttlon. "But you listen to people who talk I gossip." ' ! "Always," replied Miss Cayenne, "so as to know what topics to avoid In my own conversation." Washington Btar. His Lesson, nut, yon silly boy. If I married you Willi your menus yoa rnnldn'l oven dress me." "Perhaps wltb a few lemons I could learn." Kxenungc. Weathor Note. ' Mistress Well. Cooper, what Is the weather to be like? (Jiinlenor Well, nitiin, I dumio, but the pner do aay "forecast." London Punch. , To please, one mnst make up his mind tn tie taught many things which he already knows by people who do not know them. Oils mfort StThV" ."SSwct fb" p. PRICES: Evenings 15c, Matinees 10c, Children Sc W00DR0W WILSON President of the United States . GLYCERINE AND BARK PREVENT APPENDICITIS The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, astonishes Albany people. Be cause Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH low er and upper bowel, ONE SPOON FUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas It removes such surprising foul mat ter that a few doses often relieve on prevent appendicitis. A short treat ment helps chronic stomach trouble. The INSTANT, easy action of Adler. i-ka is astonishing.. The Woodworth Drug Co. ' ;-' '. READ OUR WANT ADS. Saturday Market ' , The ladies of the M. E. church will hold a Saturday market at the Ham ilton store tomorrow, with a good menu to select from. Home cooking for Sunday. '; ' ' -; ; Social Tonight The ladies of the U. P. church to night will hold a ten cent social in the basement of the church, with a good program, a feature of which will be an old-fashioned school program. All will be welcome. i -' COME AND GET IT A big pile of heavy wrapping paper at the Dcmo ! crat office. Free. o22tf Now Is the Time to Purchase That New SUIT or COAT FALL COATS $795 to $25 If you haven't prepared against the coming cold days, do so at once, and start tomorrow by inspecting our . stock of coats.: ' '-i " ' " 1-,: You will find beyond all questioin, the largest assortment and the choic est and most exclusive styles in this city. Coats for every occasion in cluding dazzlingly beautiful wraps for evening. Coats of velvet, satin, velour de laine, Bolivia doth, chinchilla, Jer sey cloth- zibelines, diagonals and heather mixtures. Sixes 16 to 46. FALL SUITS ml '$15 S&Ls9 I I I and amen II 1 I S I III i r. ' WOMEN'S SHOP. J (W o -v I Scene from "The Unwelcome Mother" at the Rolfe tonight. THE SAMPLE STORE BULLETIN November, 1916. Men's Bulls Eye Hip Bootr....... I $5.SS Men's Jungle Hip Boot S4.9S Men's short gum boot $2.85-3.85 Men's Bulls Eye Hy Pac $2.93 Boys' Gum Boots - $2.20 Men's Rubbers...... 49c, 79c, 85c Men's Chippewa High Top plain tog shoes $3.65 Men's Tan Chippewa high top shoes ' . $3.85 Men's high top shoes, various leathers and styles $4.85, $5.65 up $7.45 , Men's heavy work shoes, plain or cap toe . $2.45, $2.95, $3.20, $3.45 up $4.85 Men's Gun Metal Button shoes $3.20, $3.45, $3.85 Men's tan blucher $3.45-3.85-4.20 Men's gun metal blucher ' $3.45, $3.85 Men's pliin toe lace or con gress $2.85, S2.98 Boys' high top shoes $2.25, $2.65, $3.20 Boys' Dress shoes, lace or but ton ....$2.10, $2.25, $2.39, $2.79 22 STORES TRADE AT C. J. BREIER CO. OR WE BOTH LOSE MONEY 22 STORES