a rri ALflANT DAILY DIMOCKAt, tHUrsdAV. N6VEMBER 4. 1616 Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. ' Entered at the poetoffice at Albany, Orceon, as second-clsss itmw. published every evening except Sun day. , Semi-weekly published Tues days and Fridays. '- - BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION. RATES Delivered bv carrier. $4.00 per year in advance, otherwise 40c per month. -. " By .nail, at end of year ' 3 50 Uv mail in advance, per yeur 3.00 Semi-Weeklr ' At end ol year . ..$1.50 When paid in advance, one yr...- 1.25 In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always frive old as we as e-ew-adaress. CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; He ' per word thereafter, payable in ad vajiget MtnimMm;ehargc of 25c BattblUhed in 1865. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1916 WHY FOR WILSON. (Judge Robt. S. Lovett in New York .;' , - : Times) ; "My firm conviction is that Wood row Wilson has more really great achievements to his credit than most . presidents who have preceded him. "He has given us business peace and an open field for a fair fight. He : has substituted the law as a rule of conduct for 'government by executive : order" and "presidential favoritism; and the. undesirable citizen' has had the same show as the most influential ; group or the biggest campaign con tributor. No special dispensations to form trusts have been granted, and it has not been necessary to consult the White' House, rather , than counsel, before , doing - business. " The status, and not the presidential feelings or state of mind, have been our guide. "Contrast this with the administra tion of his recent predecessors, when business men were, runted as "big game and the presidential choice bc- tween the 'good trusts' and the "bad ' trusts,' rather than the law, was the rule and guide. We have had none of ' this under Wilson. Each has gone his way without any fear of persecution with only the law for . his guide. v Friend and foe have been treated ''.alike.' -v. ,: "What president "has shown more loyal and consistent personal and of ficial friendship for every form of le gitimate 'business and enterprise? How refreshingly free from' dema- " gogy every utterance of his upon the subject has been. Even the railroad ' the favorite ; "field for political ex ploitation have received justice and fairness at his. hands except in the eight-hour day controversy; and that was a mistake in, supposing that the eight hour industrial day was appli- - cable to railroad train service. In the multitude of majters pressing upon him for attention, he was, like thous ands of others, misled, until, too late, by the shrewd plea for an eight-hour day, when only an increase of pay was involved. . , "But after'-all, would his opponent have done differently? This latetr was silent until he saw the popular side of the question. Not till then-did his indignation boil or find expression. And most of the House Republicans, including ex-Speaker Cannon, voted for the bill. . ' "And let us not forget what we owe Mr. Wilson for the present unexam pled industrial prosperity of the coun try. Nothing but Wilson's leadership and firm stand from the first for American trade rights for the right of bur manufacturers and traders to make and sell all articles of com merce to all comers secured to us the enormous trade, extending thru every line of industry, that has brought employment and high wages to millions of workmen and huge profits to our manufacturers. Let us do simple justice and remember these facts. ; Statesmen " and - ex-statesmen now criticising Wilson had not found themselves or their voices on this question until after he had taken his stand for American trade and indus try. . . ; .- ; A FIT MAN. Portland Journal: No more ca pable man for congress has ever been offered the people of the First Ore gon district than is Mark V, Weath ' erford.' - V.:' - Intellectually, he is in the earnc high class as the late Thomas Tongue who served as congressman . from that district for several years. In prin ciples, he is in full harmony with the : spirit of progress dominant in the masses of the Democrats, the spirit of progress that caused the great break-away of the Progressives and that is the true ideal of all Lincoln Republicans. Mr. Weatherford grew up on a farm and knows the needs of agri cultural Oregon as well as any man. He was educated at the Oregon Ag ricultural College, where he was a conspicuous and popular favorite with the student body. He was graduated in law at the University of Michigan, and in his law practice for several years at Albany he has been widely commended, for the straightforward and honorable course he pursues In the conduct "ol his cases, ; It is highly probable that President Wilson will be reelected. His great work is unfinished., The people ought to give him congressmen who will not oppose him but support him in the great program of legislation proposed for the new age of peace and perma nent prosperity in America. TIik baseball men like fairnlay, and so back east they have formed a base hnii Wilmn i-luli with such stars as Ty Cobb In it, and will help the pres- llouse on .March In. Our'giiess 351 to 180. Thr nearer tin- election irets. as usual the more both sides are sure ihey are going, to win. Pre-election claims sometimes, gel almost humorous. Misfits remembers a man running for-sheriff in the days of caucuses, who had sufficient promises for his nomination with numerous votes to spare. He received just one vote, which each of the promising delegates cast... The following was composed by Miss Roxana Fiske, daughter of the Dallas P. M., and sung at some Wil son meetings in Polk county; Aloha Oe. (Farewell to Thee) A-lo-ha, To the standpat judge Who made the race and lost it, Because he wanted deeds, not words, To govern this grand country of ours. ; . Farewell to Hughes, Farewell to Hughes, . Thou whiskered one who made the victory pertain. Our Woodrow Wilson gets the votes, And Hughes will never run again. A-lo-ha, To you and Teddy both, Ted was a bronk you could not ride. And both of you went down to . . gether. Forever and ever and for aye. Goodbye to Hughes, IISFITS -Vl: The Biggest Improve in Your Honie v The installation of Electricity in your home wil increase home comfort so tremenduously that yon will wonder how you ever managed to get tlong without this great est of modern conveniences. The mere turn of a switch will flood your home with soft, clear li;?lit. . ".v A score or more of Electrical appliances are ready to assist wiili your housework the instant your home is wired. . ,, . Oregon Power Co. "Reliable Service" Telephones 15 306 West Second St. ADVERTISE IN THE D , Goodbye td Hughes, Vour Golden Special did no good; Our women will vote for peace, ' Not war, for home and native land. A-lo-ha. To HughcsAnd warly talk. Safety, peace and prosperity Are good enough for us. . : Mexico for Mexico And the old U. S. for us. . ', . Bye bye Hughes, Bye bye Hughes, Yon kicked up lots of fun, But Wall street gold against the people Proved a losing game , tor Charles ' ; E-vason. - i , .. '-, o MANY IN ALBANY TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE Many Albany people are surprised at the QUICK action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. This simple remendy acts on BOTH upper and lower bow el, removing such surprising foul mat ter that ONE -SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. A few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stom ach trouble. The INSTANT, easy ac tion of Adler-i-ka is astonishing. The Woodworth Drug Co WANTED Boy to sell newspapers on train, Saturdays and Sundays. Newsstand, S. P, depot. ; o3ln2 WANTED A lady solicitor. Call at 1167 W. 11th St. Home phone "1384. . ; o31-n2 TO RENT A 7-room plastered building, just finished repapering and varnishing. Corner 6th and Thurston streets. Only $10 per month. See Griff King. .' o31n2 FOR TRADE What have you to trade for a $30 nickle-platcd B flat corne, with case. Call Bell phone 412-Y. . FOR SALE House, 7 rooms, bath cement basement, lights and water. 813 W. 10th. Also lot Ferry St, Central Ad. Powell and Sharp. agents. Easy terms. nl . . ii o WHEN answering classified ads. please mention the Democrat. SLADWOOD Orders delivered on short nslic E. R. Cummings There's Miles of. Wear in Old Tires If you have a blowout or cut it can be mad as good as new at HORSKY'S TIRE STATION EMOCRAT IT PAYS WORK WANtEtKWill go out ot take work home, Lace curtains specialty. 25c per pair Bell 596-J. or 323 E. 2nd, 4tf Turn Down Your Electric Light "Just Like Gas" with the ' DIM-A-LITE 5 Changes of Light AN ATTACHMENT NOT A LAMP Use Your Own Lamps Saves Current 3 to 80. Great for the Sick Room, Nursery, Hall, Bedroom, Etc. Price, S1.10. Ralston Electric Supply Co. THE CLEAR CRYSTAL LENSES, we uae in our glasses are the only sate Kind to use. common ready made glasses are decidedly risky. Besides, no two eyes are alike in their needs. So it follows that only by exDeft ex amination of each eye can proper glasses oe selected. E. C MEADE, Optometrist A QUALITY STORE We sail the bests! lowest pries Watch Repairing " F. G. Will Some Day You'll Tire of Working will you have 4 per cent In terest working for you? -. ; . In the days of your strength SAVE MONEY, and let the 4 per cent interest which our Sav ings Department pays keep ad ding to the amount, so that when you wish .to retire youll havs an inccme to depend upon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK ft CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St - Albany, Ore. For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street -All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Well located. See Dr., A. STARK p. v ' THE Ideal Grocery -V :V hat new crop of ) WALNUTS. FIQS, DATES, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, MA. PLE SYRUP, CAS ABAS, SWEET CIDER, DILL PICK. LES, SWEET PICKLE8, SWEET POTATOES and all vegetables in season, j 212 W. 1st Street j Both phones 38 SAVE MONEY Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parker's Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, and sell on a low margin. Low rent to us means more profit to you, Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. Parker Mack Parker 4th and Lyon 8t - ! VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only .Open from 7:30 a. m. to 7 p. m, Saturday 10 p, m. Cor. First and Ellsworth Streets Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill - P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmcr Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung snd Female Diseases. 734 Lyon St V Albany, Or. Home phone 2183. . Bell 364-R. Fisher-Braden Undertakers Lady assistant Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building1. Albany, Or. Both phones. Lsdy Assistant NEW RUGS MADE FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N. W. Rug Co., Portland, Or. M. L, 8ANDER8, Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; , Home" S3 Feed-Flour Lime Cement M: SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building A 1T Y or? El U SAVINGS DANK Mortgage Loans. Have plenty of local money to Ipan on farms in amounts from $1000 to $2500; also have Eastern money, and can muke loans in amounts running front $33(10 to $10,000 on good culti vated farms in I .tint or DenKiii conn 'ie for long time. No dcluys In ob taining the loan, See J. V. PIPE. 203 West First St. . "" WHEN answering ' classified ads, please mention the Democrat. i' ' STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND "CROCKERY ' THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE , and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sifn ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones DIRECTORY dllSSlFlE D ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms S, 7, 9, 10, Custck Bank Bldg. Mature cannot cure a disease unless ihe' cause is removed. Chiropractic idjustments remove the cause. The Chiropractor's Way is Nature's Way . Examination Free Dr. Oeo. J. Kenagy Suite 401-2 Nation al Bank Bldg. DRESSMAKING MRS E. M. HALL - Fashionable Dressmsking Dell phone MK-ft. State Bank Bldg. s27-o27 " . '' LAWYERS. Wr.ATHERPORD WEATHER FORD, Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT i Attorney at Law tll-2 New First National Bank build ng, Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWELLING Attorney at law Notary public Albany. Oregon. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city : property for sale. Real estate loans Fir insurance. : Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cuslck Block, Albany, Oregon. E. F. SOX Peal Estste, Losns, Fire Insurance. Firsl National Bank Building- H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to non-residents. Room No. 1. Second floor, First Sav ing's Bank building, Albany, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 4 Room modern house located on W. 10th St. Easy terms. Call at Fortmiller Furn. Co. or 1086 W. 7th St. " v. 7t tf HEMSTITCHING-IOc a yard. Sue Ilrcckenridge, 333 Second St, Bel! 96. Home 182, ., . FOR SALE Light roadster automo bile. First class condition Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" mrr Ppmmrat aSlI LOST Solid gold engraved Bracelet. Call 497R Bell phone. Mrs. Karl Fisher. .-- Sept, lOtf FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St. Reasonable price. Bell phone 3I?-R. m3ltf 1 NATIONAL DANK The Salaried Man QREAT WEALTH MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE FOR ALL SALARIED MEN, BUT INDEPEND ENCE AND EASE OF MIND MAY BE OBTAIN. ED BY PRACTICING THE HABJT OF SAVINO. St. Francis Mole) Albany, Or. No extra cluirgos for bridal chambers. We welcome you, illf ' "O ' Si, Fruucis Hotel Is o home like; lny for what you cut, Rooms lui- , ninculalrly cleun and sale, sill THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS AND FISH . . Including1 ' LIN NO R E HAMS AND BACON ' 1). K. NEBERCALL MEAT COMPANY Both Phones 47 8ECOND AND LYON 8T8. Golden Rule Dairy - MILK and CREAM 2 Dally Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. SWEET C1DF.R-Will make cider for public every Tuesday, starling Sept 26. Will deliver elder and vine gar In city at 25c a gallon. C. R, Widmcr, Home 2538. al7lf dl wk No cider made election week. Last time Nov. 14. EVERYBODY interestedln the or gauiiation of an Art Class here please leave name and address at the Albany Art Craft, or write me at 218 N. Ilih Si. Corvallls, Ore. Josephine Armstrong. o26if MEN WANTED To clear laud. Easy clearing. 1 1-2 miles west of Albany. Victor Ekslrand, phone Bell 9FI3. o3n3 WANTED Places for girls to work and go to college. Notify W, II, Lee at Albany College. ' a!9if GIRL WANTF.D to do general housework. Wages no object. 1032 Washington. Dell phone 588-1. o!7tf OLD Shoes made as good as new lor liltlc money. Hums the Shoe Doc tor, across from posloflice. dly wk o30f FOR SALE Hotstcin bull, 3 years old next spring. Registered, Also pony. Sec G, A. Asvhe, - It. D. 2. Home phone 8561. o37-n2 FOR SALE U. S. cream separator, new, 450 capacity, cheap. Call at the creamery at Shcdd. o9n9 1-OR SALE House nnd lot cheap. Reason for selling, owner going away. Enquire Fromaii ti Barton, o25nl FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 ' million timber claim in Douglas ' county for city property or (food farm land. Hrfme 114.1 (lotf WANTS WORK-Lady wants work by day or hour. Home phono, 3489. ' n29tf LOST Small black purse. Name of Albany Hank on it, and contains $6 or $7. Return to Tremont Hall, 5.16Y. . 0.IO11I FOR RjSNT Furnished room, large, east room. Mrs. W. R. Coin, 610 Ellsworth. o30nS WEAVING Carpets nnd rugs. Will furnish material and make carpet at 40 cents a yard. Satisfaction 'guaranteed. Minnie Smith, phone 339-Y. , WANTED A young lady over IS to learn telephone operating. Apply to chief operator, Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co. Real Estate for Sale Bargains In farm lands, city prop erty 1 money to loan, Insurance written In the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St Oregon Junk Co. Pays highest prices for hides, pelts and ah kinds of junk. 10 horse power steam engine, araln and potato sacks for sale 813 B, 2nd St.. Bell phone 72-J.