Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 07, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Miu Beatrice Sndcri
Society Editor
Hell g-R
A very clever plan introduced hy
Mrs, I'', II, (icmlliniilil U iKii'K car
ried out liy t lie ladies of I lie Modern
Travelers, in whirl) a aerie (if ten
cent tcoa, benefitting' tin' I'ulilic l.i
lii'nry, began Monday with uhotit ten
of (lie mcmbera each entertaining tt'ii
gucts, Many of thr giicMs at theac
tcm will also be a hosleaa to one
during the week or next, Some of the
huhteHei for leas on Monday were
Mm. I'. h. Son, at whose home a
pleasant afternoon was punned. Iter
guest were Mcdamea L. li. IH.'iin.
I., li, Ilamillon, C. H. Sox, Otto l.ce,
1.. II, Fi.h. C. W. Hohrluniih, W. 11.
Khorica, (iiu. Curry, Sarah Wolf
Mm. C. It. lia'.cx and Mm. F. II.
(icarlhracht together entettained 20
giicsla nt a tea. Thou? present were
Mcadamca Geo. Tuylor, Griff King.
Seam, B K. Wallace, Wall, 1 1. in sock.
Ou Aliriihani, Chan. Quick, Tliui.
Hopkins, Pan Johnston, M. Mont
gomrry, Darnell, Green. A. C
Srhmitt, Sudtell, Keaumi and Mii
.Mm. S. K. Yoiiiik gave (he hospital
ity ofNier home for one of the ten
eent teat on Moiid.iy. McMlainca I1. A.
Young, I'., II, Ciunk, Owen Beam.
Mary Simpson, Willud Mark, Fred
Dawson, J. C. Chmity, Cha. Stew-
urt, Andrew Johnson, W, I). Stevens,
M. M, Gibson, Vum Taaacll, were
her guests.
Another tea waa vrcaided over by
Mm. J. K. Weatherford and Mm.
Coikerline. Guest present were the
Mcadamca S. A. Duwaon, E. L. Wil-
on, John French, John Ralalon, M
V. Wealhcrford, A. Howcm, li. C. An.
demon, Edward I'. Anderson, U. U.
Smith. K. A. Marsh, J. C. Irvine,
Mary llilycu, Wayne Stewart, lid, C.
Vieretk, II. K. Worth, Francis Ar
nol.l, J. K. Martin. I'. S. Crosby, II.
W. Darker, J. I.. White, Fred Wca
ihcrTord (Olex, Ore.)
Another lea wua nreaidrd over bv
Mm. M. I). Weill llcr guest lint in-
eluded the Mcadamca Fred Hough,
W. L. Jackson, G. W. WriKht, Hoop
er, Gen, li, Suuderii, Bert Sleventf,
Murry Marshull. Victor Olliver,
I. amh, Winnie Walker, and Miss Oro
llarkiirsa and Misa livelyn Marshall
The home of Mr. I'. A. Goodwin
was given for a ten cent tea Wednes
day afternoon, when she had at her
guests Mcadamca J. II. Howard, M
Montgomery, W. C. Tweedale. A. W
Dowcmox. Mm. llarkuena and Misses
Ora Darkness and lilla Mendc.
Mm. Wallace Howe l.ce waa a de
lightful hostess Monday aftcVnoon for
a Library Benefit lea. Those cnler
lained hy Mm. l.ce were Mcadamc
Sturnier, Amelia Miller, lid win Fort
miller, Geo. Crowell, I. D. Gilberl,
Fred Forliiiillrr, Karl Mcluloah, J.
F. Watson. Shearer and Mi Ham-
There's Miles of
Wear in Old Tires
If you have a blowout or
cut it can be made a
good as new at
Are your barn, filled for the Winter? Crop harvested? Hay In?
Everything mug and tight for the cold weather? How about your
self? How about your money? Where Is It? Why not tuck it away
in an Account here? Your money ia aafe and while It is here no
one knows anything about it. You have complete aecrecy. f
4 per cent Paid on Savings Accounts
Every Sunday
In October
Special Train to Newport
I.v. Albany 7:30 a. m.
I.v. Corvullis 8:05 a. in.
Ar. Newport 12:20 p.iu.
Lv Newport 5:00 p. in,
Ar Corvullis 9:15 p. in.
. Ar Albany 9:45 p. m.
The days arc delightful at the
Beach in October.
Ask local agent f"r information.
General Paasenge- Agent. Portland, Oregon
Mrs. W. L, Jackson and Mias Maud
Ifendvraon were hoateaacs at a ten
cent lea on Thursday afternoon. The
giicats invited for this were Mc
danica F. C. Veal, Alice Cockcrlinc,
K. A. Marsh, D. L. Morgan, J. II.
Ktiitcr, D. II. Morrison, Irvine Cady,
Ilcrtha Shradcr, W. M. Parker, F.
Froman, Carrie Lilian!, G. W. Wright,
A. II. Martin, A, Johnaon, G. H
Hough, S. L, Hooper, Tomlinaon, M
E. Smith, J. B. Coiigil, M. Turner, C.
A. Powers, A. Pitman, E. Voia and
Mias Stella Durkhart.
On Tueaday Mm. S. I. McDanicI
gave a tea, the Mcadamcs Hoover,
Jackson, Tomlinaon, Haawell, Marsh
Promau, Wicks, Slonc, R'ohrbaugh
and Pariah, being gucata.
aPm. Louis Vicrcck entertained with
a library benefit tea Friday afternoon
A vocal solo, "Beautiful Staf," was
rendered hy Mrs. E. II. Iidgar and
several piano selections were given
by Miss Margaret Warlike. After re
freshments were served, a unique fea
ture was every guest wrote a will,
leaving the other guests each some
thing. Prcaent were Misa Minnie Por
ter aitd the Mcadamcs Wasbiirn, Jul
ius Voas, John McChcsncy, E. II. Ed
gar, Waldo Anderson, William Wea
ver, Marks, I., li. Moe, Emil Dohncrt.
Another Friday ten cent tea waa
liiveu at the home of hh. G. II.
Hough. Mcadamcs M. D. WcilU, Win
nifred Walker, W. U Jackson, J. li.
Cougle, lidwin Fortmillcr, Mary
Smith, George Crowell, Olive Hawtin,
Woodcock, J. II. Robnctt, were Mrs.
Hough's guests.
Mrs. Joseph Ralston and Mrs. Vard
Littler gave a ten cent tea on Wed
nesday. Guests were Mcsdanies Lc
Roy Wood. W. Merrill, John Penland.
Will Pollack, Jessie Wallace. John
Ralston, Earl Fisher, O. D. Austin,
Alton Coatcs, Dan Johnston, Allen
Stellmachcr, Rollin Hackleman, Ag
nes Warner, Willard Marks. Bessie
Simpson, Albert Senders and Misses
Kmc Stewart, Claire Tillman and Vcl-
ma Davis.
These library benefit tea should he
listed in the hook at the library as
soon as given, which will keep the
record oj ihein and it will go in with
the history of th elibrary.
The home of Mrs. S. N. Bradcn, 539
W. Si h St. waa the scene of gaily and
hilarity when Eighteen ladies assem
bled on Monday P. M. each bringing
the library dime. The time was digni
fied whin doll-dressing, relay races.
and fruit basket. Light refreshments
were served. Those present were
Mrs. O. A. Archibald, Mrs. Win. Ho-
flich. Mrs. C. W. Boetticher, Mrs. J.
B. Nanney. Mrs. G. A. Flood, Mrs. J
C. Way. Mrs. M. F. Dawson. Mrs. C.
A. Berry, Mrs. Ed Dcrry, Mrs. . E.
Phillips, Mrs. Spring, Mts. McClure,
Mra. F. M. French. Mrs. F. P. Nut
ting, Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Mrs. M. Mon
icith, Mrs. C. Meyers.
A charming social function of the
week was the reception on Tuesday
afternoon for which Mrs. P. A. Good
win was a most delightful hostess.
About filly ladies called during, the
afternoon and were received by the
Mesdaincs S. E. Young, J. K. Weath
erford, P. A. Young, C. E. Sox and
A. C. Schmitt. Henrietta and Jane
Davis assisted Mrs. Goodwin by re
ceiving the calling cards, and Mis
Violet Nii'.tiug assisted in the timing
room. The living room was given a
gay atmosphere by the pretty deco-
ratiom of loses, dahlias and green
cry. A pretty centerpiece of pink
sweet peas and larkspurs decked the
reception hall.
The first meeting of the Shake
spenre club for the season was held
Thursday afte.noon at ths home of
Mrs. O. D. Austin. The fiiih anni
versary of lb club was celebrated
and each memoer invited a gue.-t RoM
call was answered with, vacation
gleanings. A number of interesting
toasts were given by the members
and at the close of a pleusnn: after
noon refreshments were strvei.
iThc Thursday afternoon study club
held an interesting meeting this week
at the home of Mrs. Eari Br.indc
berry. Roll call was responded to
with current events and a paper on
"Romantic Ireland" read by Mrs. Earl
Mcintosh, was very much enjoyed
tyy thosexprescnt. -
I hrcc new members were taken in
to the club. They were Mrs. Albert
Senders. Mrs. Alton Coatet. and Mrs.
Victor Olliver. The invited guests in
cluded Mrs. L. II . Fish, Mrs. O. J.
Hawtin, Mrs. M. D. Wcills, Mr?. Al
ice Cockcrlinc and Mrs. Okcy.
The Coterie Club held the first
meeting of the season at the home
of Mrs. Charles Curry on Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. A. B. Wilson
and Mrs. Ward Cyrus were taken in
to the club as new members.
The Paxtang club met at the home
of Mrs. A. Bowers on Friday after
noon. After a short business meeting
the remainder of the afternoon was
spent in playing cards and later the
hosteat served a lunch.
A surprise parly for which Mrs.
Emma Scully was the honorce, waa
given at the Brenner home, by a num
ber of friends. A musical program en
tertained the gueji. during the after
noon and gayies were enjoyed. The
gucata were Mccdamca Emma Scully,
A. Bowers, C. W. Scara, E. Merrill,
W. If. Stratton, Otto LaGrangc, E. I:
Warford, Geo. H. Young, M. Whin-
nery, Voss, Brenner, and the Misses
Minnie Merrill, Fannie and Lillian
Brenner and Bertha Worrell.
A number of neighbors gave a de
lightful little party in honor of the
birthday' of "Grrndma" Epperson,
which was cclebra'.ed Tuesday after
noon. Fancy work took 'the afternoon
time. A covered dish lunch Vas serv
ed. The guests were Mcadamcs W. A.
Harvey, Scherf, Davis, W. A. Cook,
Ira Cook, Kibby, Eby, Vanada, Roy
Epperson, A. Bowers.
Charles King was host on Friday
night to the S. O. F. boys and their
girl friends. A good time folowed
their arrival until a late hour.
The Neous Numphc Club held a
pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs.
Rufus Russell on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. E. W. Langdon and Misa
Grace Langdon are visiting with Mrs.
E. D. Cusick.
The conservatory faculty gave their
first recital for the season Monday
evening. Mrs. McNcal, appearing for
the' first time before an audience in
Albany, pleased a large crowd with
her sweet, clear soprano voice. Several
other numbers were enjoyed among
them with Mrs. South, talented violin
ist. Miss Clement, and Miss Bcrnice
Hackleman, featuring.
The Monday Night Covered Dish
Club was entertained this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. B.
Veal. Several invited guests enjoyed
the evening.
Mrs.' Tom Riley entertained a num
ber of members of the Priscilla Club
from Corvallis at her home Thursday
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Christian Church gave a recep
tion Friday evening to the high school
and college students. A musical pro
gram was given during the evening.
On Friday evening the college stu
dents were entertained at a social
given by the First Presbyterian
Nothing can be appreciated more
than a China Pheasant dinner and
the hunting season is open, Mr. ?nd
Mrs. S. E. Watson tcok advantage of
this opportunity and on Tuesday
evening several guests enjoyed a .five
course dinner at the Watson house
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Austin and fam-
ly, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Worrell and
little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. C
Pate were guests.
Giving a number of friends the op
portunity of meeting her sister, Mrs.
Fred Weatherford, of Oxcl, Oregon.
Mrs. Mark Weatherford entertained
on Tuesday aftcrnon'. An enjoyab'e
afternoon passed at the close of which
a dainty collation was served.
Mrs. A. B. Wilson delightfully en
tertained the members of the Needle
Craft club at her home Thursday af
ternoon. Two guests besides club
embers were present. These were
Mrs. Hunt (Kansas), and Mrs. Chas.
Curry. A dainty lunch was served by
the hostess.
Mrs. Ralph Knotts entertained ft"
the members of the Twilight club, at
her home Tuesday evening. A jolly
evening war- passed and delicious re
ft cshmcnts were served.
Miss Opal Marsh-was the inspira
tion for a delightful surprise party
celebrating her birthday on Wednes
day cvM':tig, Mrs. Marsh entertained
a number of the friends of Opal
Marsh with a theatre party. Light re
freshments were served at their home
arid a birthday cake cut before the
guests, chaperoned by Mrs. Robert
Marsh, Mid Mrs. Bert Stevens, vit'tel
the Globe. Guests were Wiima Jun
kin, Glcnna McDanicI, Dorothy Yalk-
er, Salome Cusick, Margaret Cathey,
Olga Jacobson, Dorothy Gilbert,
Florence Fortmillcr, Dorothy 'Cock-
erline, Uldcnc Piochnow, Margirjt
Matson and Opal Marsh. ,
s. '
The Acme Bridge club enjoyed the
first meeting of the season at the
home of Mrs. Edward Anderson on
Tuesday afternoon. Elcctio'i of offi
ces took place. Mrs. William 1'1'eif
Icr hciig elected president and Mrs
D. W. Merrill secretary. Substituting
for members absent were Mrs. G. E.
Sanders, Mrs. Alice Cockcrline, Mrs.
G. M. Junkin, and Miss Marion An-
Rather Cool Mornings and
Evenings Eh !
. , Why don't you come in now and V
choose one of those overcoats that
' are here for you? If you want a long
overcoat we have them, but the ma
jority of overcoats this year are me-dium-short
and loose fitting, Youll '
be greatly pleated with one of our
Kuppenheimer Overcoats
or any other of our makes of coats, . , ' ,
and that "Fall chill" will not bother '
you, and youll be dressed stylishly.
It won't cost you any more today
. 1 than later and you will have the easry f
wear out of it.
ERCOATS cost from
$10 to $25
$7 to $10
1 . 6 A
The Blain Clothing Co.
224-226 West First Street
demon. f
The Friday Bridge club was enter
tained this week at the home of Mrs.
S. E. Watson. Invited guests passing
the afternoon at her home were Mrs.
Earl Brandcberry, Mrs. Mary Bilyeu,
Mrs. Hoevet, Mrs. G. E. Riggs, Mrs.
Grant Pirtle, Mrs. Chas. Okcy, and
Mrs. J. D. Summers. A dainty lunch
closed the afternoon's pleasures.
The Modern Travelers met this af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. C. B.
Winn. Roll call was answered with
current events. An interesting paper
on "Christian Spain and the Perpet
ual Crusade" was read by Mrs.W. H.
Lee, and Mrs. Henrietta Brown gave
a paper on "Literature Modern
Drama etc."
TK Indifa of 5st Ma'rir's church
Thursday afternoon tendered Super
ior Sister Mary , Placide, a surprise
party, at the academy, with it giving
hf a clintvr r.f different thinirs. need
ed in her work. She had been at Eu
gene the day before, while there ar
rangements being' made for the sur
prise, which was complete, ihe Sis
ter Superior is very popular in the
T?..;.lii. vtninir th AmnmaS S. S.
rl.-i of the Raotist S. S. met at the
home of one of their old members, a
recent bride, Mrs. Alice Mubcr Oott,
and spent a very happy hour with
fancy work nl hemming napkins
fr,r Mrs Gott. Damtv refreshments
were served at the close of the cven-
Wednesday -t five o'clock Mr. and
Mrs V. C. F::ikl:?rt were clnrm ng
h-..t at a .'i: o clock china pneis-
ant dinner. P'vos were laid for Kev.
and Mrs. G. H Ycung and son Hub
ert. Mr. and Mr-. Alan H. Ba.)i:s and
Mr. and Mrs. Bnrkhart.
On Friday evening Miss Eeatrkc
Sanders entertained several friends at
a vcrsr .i:.'o im! dancing party. Minif
was I'u.-.ish.d by victr.;'. tc '.e
dancers will remained unti a late
The regular meeting of the Pythian
Sisters was held Tuesday evening in
the lodge building. A social evening
was enjoyed by the members.
An enjoyable meeting of the Rural
Ladies' club was held this week on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. P. F.
Alterniatt and Mrs. Nelson Altermatt
as hostesses. A social afternoon was
passed and refreshments were served.
Present were Mrs. Virgil Looney and
daughter Mary, --Mrs. Ashton, Mrs.
p,i 5,-l,n,.. Mrs. McFarland and Miss
Hazel Ashton. Guests were Mrs. Hud
son and Vra and Nellie Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Goodwin will
soon leave for an extended trip thru
the east! where they will visit the
points of interest.
, . ' .
! Mrs. Richard Thorn was hostess on
Thursday for the H. D. W. club. Her
invited guest was Mrs Hendryx. An
enjoyable afternoon was passed and
refreshments were served by the hos
tess, v '
Pure Drugs
Did you ever atop to think what
pure drugs means to you when you
are sick? Your physician wants you
to know the purest drugs obtainable,
and you get just that kind from us.
We are in the drug business, and we
stand back of every single item that
leaves our store. Make our store
your home. .,
Burkhart & Lee
Make Delicious Toast
Right at the fable
Half the enjoyment of breakfast de
pend on the toast.
- Electrical Toasters satisfy every indi
vidaul taste.
Inexpensive in first cost and oper
' ation.
See your electrical dealer.
See your electrical dealer.
Oregon Power Go.
"Reliable Service"
Telephones 15 306 West Second St.