PAM TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 40. lOlfl. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, ai second-class mailer. t'ublithed every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues day! and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES DaiW Delivered by carrier, $400 per year in advance, otherwise 40c per month. By uisil, at end of year '. . 3.50 By mail in advance, per year 3.03 Semi-Weekly At end of year -41.S0 When paid in advance, one yr CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; 4c per wora inecauer, payaotc in ad vance. Mininnim charge of 25c. lu ordering: changes of address, sub' aoriberi should always give old as wen as new address. Established in 1865. WEDNESDAY SEPT. 20, 1916. BIG-ONE ON HUGHES. Albert de Roodc. for six years as , aistant secretary of Civil Service Re form association and now its counsel, shows from the records that Mr. Hughes as governor of New York or dered 218 civil service exemptions in less than four years, as against 182 exemptions in Udell's four years and sixty-two in Higgins' two years. In addition, under the Hughes ad ministration there were 345 "special exemptions" with $1,076249.88. com pensation, where appointments were , made to competitive positions, creat ed under Gov. Hughes, served as dis pensers of over $1,000,000 in spoils. During the first year of the opera tion of the law sixty-seven positions were exempted by Mr. Hughes. "As a matter of fact," says Mr. de Roode, "those interested in civil ser vice reform made repeated efforts during the Hughes administration to have him appoint a vigorous com mission in full sympathy with the merit system, but without success." METHODS NOT DEEDS. The more, signal the service ren dered the people by any act of Pres ident Wilson, the more bitter the at tacks on him by Republican papers. He kept the country out of war. How they abuse his method of doing it He settled the strike situation by right How Republican editors rave over his method of doing it Hereto1 fore their slogan of criticism has been "words not deeds"; but now when his words are few and his action prompt they are even more vociferous in their abuse. , , Unhappy is the lot of Republican editors under the Wilson administra tion; in every case, to avoid palpa ble folly, they are forced to the tacit admission that either his action was Wght while his method only was wrong, or his method was right and his action wrong. One can detect a willing note, a minor chord of misery in all their objurations. CONTEMPT FOR LAW. ' The Brewers' Journal for Septem ber 1st, 1916, openly declares the con tempt of the liquor dealers for laws: "'A Perfect Stranger,'" it says, "writes three long columns in the De troit 'Saturday Night' to show that saloons are open in Detroit on Sun days. What a waste of time, paper and inkl Everybody knows that our large American cities, the centers of learn ing, industry, finance, fashion and in telligence, the inhabitants care not for 'laws' made by time-serving politi cians, at the behest of economically and intellectually limited theologians and their few and misled followers!" OLD GUARD COMMANDS. That the Republican party is a par ty of inaction as well as reaction is shown by the vote in tl.e senate on the Emergency Revenue measure. Ev ery Republican senator, save five, - when voting on that bill, voted against: 1. A non-partisan tariff commis sion. 2. Readjustment of tariff on dye stuffs. 3. Protection against post-bellum dumping. 4. Tax on excessive profits on war . munitions. - 5. Inheritance tax on swollen for tunes the most equitable of all tax- es. - 6. Increase in income surtaxes a kmall increase in the taxes of the - Very rich. . Of such are the leaders of the forces that nominated Hughes, and Who will be in power in the event of Republican success. t St. Francis Hotel is so home like; ' pay for what you eat. Rooms im . maculately clean and safe. sltf Dai) Democrat by Carrier, 94 Year, MISFITS Here's a really good eastern car toon without any mud in it. Hughes is pitching. Wilson is at the bat. G. O. P. is catching. Hughes pitches very wild. Below' is the reading: "Looks like he is going to walk him.'' The tremendous job of reconstruc ting the world will fall on the U. S it is declared. We need a big' man in the president's chair then, as we have needed one during the past two years and have been fortunate in having one of the right calibre. When Mr. Hughes' name was first mentioned for president this paper remarked that, though a good man personally, he was not of presiden tial calibre. That opinion has increas ed several fold. An eastern paper considers it a humorous matter that Mr. Hughes spoke in Portland in an ice palace. iConferesmaln Hawlcy lias begun the mud throwing tactics of Mr. Hughes in his campaign for re-elec tion. Personal abuse is a ooor argument. The public wants something besides criticism. . When a Man's a Man, by Harold Bell Wright, is a very readable story. But put it there, it's not being a cow boy or anything else particularly that makes real men. It's meeting the sit uation and rising above the failures that face one on every hand. There are REAL MEN all around tis, those absolutely trustworthy and clean, in the city just as much as out in the fields. You don't have to go into the country to find nature shout ing. . Now it transpires that the big jug gernaut used by the English so ef fectively in the war recently was made in the U. S. A. We have been furnishing some of the best machines of the entire outfit. If the United states was actually to get into war within two years the world would be gasping at our in genuity. The Morgans, et ai., who furnished the money for the big loan to Eng land, enough to fight the Germans for nearly a month, are all strong Hughes men, with practically all the Pure Did you ever stop to think what pure drugs means to you when you are sick? Your physician wants you to know the purest drugs obtainable, and yon get just that kind from us. We' are in the drug business, and we stand back of every single item that leaves our store. Make our store your home. Burkhart & Lee Druggists DRINK IT TO GET WELL Cascadia Mineral Water A fresh supply just received. A case of 24 bottles $2.75 with an allowance of 75c when case and empty bottles are returned MURPHY'S SEED STORE DRINK IT TO other big interests. A drummer for an eastern house in the city this week said there, is practically nothing to the coming election but Wilson, whose election, he said, is almost a certain! v. He de clared that fully 75 per cent of the men he met are for Wilson, regard less of party. Joke Without a Kernel. Corvallis G.-T.: Call for Mr. Nut ting! With her usual modesty, Al bany is claiming. to have the largest single tree yield of walnuts in the world. We gladly concede to Albany the distinction of having the most nuts of any place in the world. Dr. Stone's Heave Dtopa cures h.raves. Price $1; for sale by all drug gists. a?tf YES, those who know say The CASCADE STEAM WASHER ' is "EASILY HANDLED" ABOLISHES RUBBING" "Makes washing a pleasure" and much more. See it at 1C6 East Fourth, or phone Home 2433 and it will be brought to your residence for demonstration. Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, city prop erty; money to loan, insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St Albany, Ore. ' For Sale GRAIN SACKS POTATO SACKS, TENTS. AND ALL CAMPING OUVFITS. SfStS ME AT THE PACIFIC JUNK SHOP Bring your junk to me, trade or cash. E.ROGOWAY, -2nd and Baker Home phone 2227 BeU 3455 Drugs KEEP WELL COMING EVENTS. September 25 to 30. Oregon' State rair, . Oct. 12-14 Harvest Festval. Al bany. Nov. 7 Election. Dec. 13-16, 1916 Central Willam ette Valley Poultry Show at Albany. , o PEACH l!S 50c per bushel. Orchard six miles southwest of Halsey and one-half mile west of Irish Bend Ferry. Archie Iniihram. s7-20 WANTED Men to work. Apply nt prune packer, 8th and Montgomery. Phone Home 500, Mcll 82J. sl8-20 WANTED A young lady over 18 to learn telephone operating. Apply to chief operator, Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. WANTED A lady to patch sacks. Oregon Junk Shop. s 16-20 o St. Francis Hotel Albany, Or. No extra charges for bridal chambers. We welcome you. sltf Oregon Junk Co. Pays highest prices for hides, pelts and all kinds of junk. 10 horse power steam engine. Grain and potato sacks for sale. 315 E. 2nd St.. Bell phone 72-J. MEN -WANTED for Saw Mill and Yard Work Call 415 East First St., or phone 358 HAMMOND LUMBER CO. SAVE MONEY Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parker's Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, and sell on low margin. Low rent to ut means more profit to you, Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. Parker Mack Parker 4th and Lyon St Albany is a good city. Albany's markets are better than the av erage. Nebergall's Market ranks best in the state for sanitation and equipment Help a home in dustry and protect your health, by buying your meats from D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. Both Fones 47 "Give your children a fair chance at school by allowing to to make sure that they can see well. '' E. C. MEADE, Optometrist Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamtne! Hotel Building jm cHDRENSffl I K EYES Fishcr-Bradcn Undertakers Ludy assistant For Canning Tomatoes, per bushel SOc Prunes, per bushel 65c Huckleberries, per lb 12 l-2c Ripe Grsvenstein apples ....75c White pickling onions, lb. 10c Green Peppers, 3 lbs for 25c Cucumbers, per gal.... 10c to 20c Colo, per head 5c and 10c 1-2 Gal. Economy jars, doa $1.10 1-2 Gal. Everlasting jars, doa u $1.00 Weal Grocery 212 W. 1st Street Both phones 58 Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Many Reasons are offered as to why you should have a Checking Ac count? Briefly summed up they are Security for Funds and Accom modation in business, and this bank can offer you both I Why not do your businesa through CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK ft CO, Bankers Albany, Oregon NEW RUGS MADE FRO" YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N. W. Rug Co, Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent BeU phone 377-R; Home S3 A QUALITY STORE . We sell the lowest p'rio Watch Repairing F. G. Will Feed Flour Lime Cement M. SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 734 Lyon St Albany, Or. Home phone 2185. Bell 364-R. Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor tested herds. Bottled cream from Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly pasteurized before bottling. ALBANY PURE MILK ft CHEESE CO. 5th and Jackson Sts. B A N Y foRih U SAVINGS DANK Mortgage Loans, Have plenty of local money to loan on farms in amounts from $1000 to $-'500; also have Eastern money, and can make loans in ninuiints ranging from $3500 to $10,000 on good culti vated farms in Linn or llenlon conn ics for long time. No delays in ob taining the loan. See J. V. PIPE, 203 West First St. WHEN answering classified ads, please mention the Democrat. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AM) CK0CKEKV THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sin ol Quality" 136 Lyon Sf. Both Phones BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED. BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms 5, 7, 9, 10, Cusklc Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. LAWYERS. WEATHER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law .111-2 New First National Bank build ing, Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWELLING Attorney at law Notary public Albany. Oregon REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insursnce. First National Bank Building H. F. MERRILL ' Insurance, Loans, Surety Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to aon-rcsidents Room No. 1. Second floor, First Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sate. Real estate loans Firp insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. MISCELLA NKOU8. WANTED Two or three boarders and roomers, men. Mrs. Chandler, 226 West 5th St. al2tf WEAVfNG Carpets and rugs. Will furnish material and make carpets at 40 cents a yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Smith, phone 339-Y. WANTED Places for girls to work and go to college. Notify W. II. Lee at Albany College. a!9tf CLEANING clover seed a specially. Lxccptiotinl fine work. Large capa city. H. F. Koenig, 4 mile north Goltra station, Lebanon branch S. P. Bell 28F2. nI8o!8 FOR RENT A furnished 6 room cot tage. Also two furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire at 333 S. Jefferson street. Home phone 4128. a!7tf FOR. SALE Lot and small house, 4 rooms, fruit, garden, well, sewer, U NATIONAL DANK SAFETY and SERVICE An account with us assures not only Safety hut inuil satisfactory hanking service. Thit service meant as sistance in finding employment and help as well u increasing your flank Account. The Albany Bakery We Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 K. 3rd Street IWII 560 I'nriv K Home 419 II. . FIRCHAU CO. For Rent FINK STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated. Well located. See Dr. A. STARK VIERECK'S BATHS First-cUst Workmen Only Car. First mad Ellsworth Streets WANT ADS etc. East front $650. 1405 East Front. Home-1106. 5o6 WANTED To borrow 400 fur 3 years. Real estate security. No com mission. Dr. W. A. Cox. s7-IJtt PURE CIDER VINEGAK-Will de liver In city at 25c a gallon. C. R. Wiilmcr, Home 25J8. a!7tf FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St. Reasonable price. Dell phone 31?-R. m31tf WORK WANTED Wwshlng out, or at home, house cleaning, etc. Mrs. G. W. Kulhe, Bell phone 424. Y. WANTS WORK-Lady wants work by day or hour. Hnme phone. 3489. ; nif WORK WANTED Will go out or lake work home. Lace curtains a specialty. 25c per pair. Bell S96-J. or 323 E. 2nd. a4tf WANTED Woman or strong girl as house keeper for modern coun try home. Call Bc'l 2.SR after f p. m- a2lif LOST, STRAYED OR STOI.EN Ouc black mare, while hind feet, one black gelding, anil one black yearling colt. Coniniunciiilc , with John J. Cramer, Ilarrisburg, Ore. 118-23 FOR RENT Modern furnished room $8 per month. Gentleman pre ferred. 321 W. 6th St. Bell phone ' 555 R. HEMSTITCHING-lOc a yard. Sue Breckenridgc. 333 Second St. Belt 96. Home 182. 'OR, RENT Five roomed collage. Inquire of E. B. Williamson at the Albany Stale Hank. , 15.22 WANTED Girl to do general house work, 341 E. 2nd. Hell 596R; Home 1360. Mrs. C. M. Smith. s!9-2l WANTED Wagon and harness in good condition. Cull Home phone X52S- sl4-21 FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Ripe peaches nt the or chard, nt 75 cents a bushel. Bring your boxes. U. G. Smith. Home . phone 8405. Bell phone 609J2. s 2 t'f FOR SALE 4 Room modern house located on W. 10th St. Easy terms. Call at Fortmillcr Furn. Co, or 1086 W. 7th St. tft tf F9? SALE Light roadste, sutomo bile. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat. ,stf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGR A 10 iiiuion umner claim In Douglas farm land. Home 1143. flfltf r (ft