VAOETWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S4, 1918. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the postoffice t Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun . day. Semi-weekly published Tues- oays ana rriaays. BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RAXES Dally Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per year in advance, otherwise 40c per ' month. By .nail, at end of year . 3.50 By mail in advance, per year J.00 Semi-Weekly , At end of year i 150 when paid in advance, one yr. i.o CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; ySc . per word thereafter, payable in ad- vance. Minimum cnarge oi jc. In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always rive old as wen as new address. Established in 1865. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14. 1916. MAINE'S SIGNIFICANCE. . Maine Agoing Republican- at this time has little significance in connec tion with the ' presidential electon, though a childish effort is being made . , to impress people with -the fact that as Maine goes so goes the country. . Since the Civil war Maine has gone Democratic only once, then by a small plurality. It was the only state that gave Mr. Taft a plurality. Of all' the states in the union an election there has the least significance. Even though the Progressives there have generally returned to their former party its signifies nothing. As a mat ter of-fact if there is any consolation in the election It is for the Demo - crats, for the vote for the Democrat ic candidates is - considerably more than in 1912. In 1892 Maine went Re publican by a big majority, and that year the country was swept for Cleveland. The indications are that ' it will be the same this year, and the country will be swept for Wilson. Maine figures are interesting. Four years ago the combined vote of Taft and Roosevelt was 23,000 more than Wilson's. The present majority of the Republicans over the Democrats is only about 13,000 in the face of ' the fact that the total vote is 19,000 more than four years ago. The nor mal Republican majority in the state is about 30,000. Therefore it doesn't take much figuring to make the re- - suit of the election one that indicates very strongly the reelection of Pres ident Wilson, who will need only a small addition to the regular vote in pivotal states, like Indiana, Illinois, and .New York, to give the required . majorities. He will receive a much larger Progressive vote in most states than he received in Maine. A stranger in the city this week re marked: "I am not going to vote for Wilson; but he will be elected just the same." ' '' It is the business of the big papers to claim everything in sight for the prestige it gives. This fact is being learned so thoroughly that preelec tion assertions do not have the weight they had years ago. BUSINESS AT FULL SPEED. Duns: Business in nearly every line and in all sections of the country is - going ahead at full speed. The halt ing tendency of the preceding week, - due to the shadow of the threatened . railway strike and the -absence of many thousands of Labor Say vaca tionists, has been succeeded by ac tivity, which shows no signs of slack ening. The strength of the situation is reflected in the steady call from every section for all classes of mer chandise, even in those districts where crops would ordinarily have i resulted, in more or less depression, the demand being maintained in .re ' markably heavy volume by the ex- - ceptionally high prices received for all kinds of farm products. Jobber? : of dry goods report that fall trade is well above the average, and while buyers display a healthy conservation in their operations, they appear con- vinced that the prosperity of the peo ple, due to steady employment M . good -wages, will insure a profitable outlet for their purchases, in spite, of the advance in costs. Activity at tex tile centers is still pronounced, and more new business is being offered than producers are able to accept. Most industries are running full time and interruptions caused by labor troubles ..ave little noticeable effect. . The heavy consumption of goods and increasing retail distribution, due to the growing purchasing power of the consuming public, as! point to an un usually 'large fall and winter trade. Collections are generally satisfac tory. The crop outlook is fanning some concern, especially in the West, ind reductions in estimated yields are looked for. Good pcrmiums are si ready being paid for cash wheat, but the agricultural interest as a wlicli; seems likely to end the year with very tomfortable' net returns While the principal food crop! allow a fall' ing off, a fair surplus of trains has been carried over from the phenom enal yield of last year, and, as a rule higher prices are mire than com pensating for the reduced volume of the harvests. The domain! for frcigh' space is already bcginninii to show signs of taxing transportation facili ties. ... That barometer of business, the stock market, avJ a striking indi cation of the tren.i -if trading senti ment this week when" Steel ciminon rose above par for the firs: time in its history, and stimulated activity all through the list of industries. Really Maine doesn't fit into the election very much anyway, and never has. ' Speaking of Maine suggests a re cent statement of some one that con gress ueeds old Tom Reed some more. In the meantime the people are learning that the country needs men of the Wilson character. With one of the best schools in the state. Willamette University, the Salem Statesman says: - A large number of Salem young people are leaving for college this week. Registration at the two big in stitutions is now in progress, and both will draw heavily from the ranks of the local high school graduates. A good many go to the bigger colleges for the purpose of prestige. regardless of the fact that the most successful men in the country have been graduates of the smaller col leges. Some need .to do so because of specialties desired; but, as a rule.. it is more on account of the name and association, the pep furnished. Among general lines Albany Col lege offers as much as any of the big schools, and it has the advantage of better influences. Character ought to plav a bigger part in the educational program of the times. 1 Right in U. O. Town. Eugene Register: Three employes of the city, it seems, have been work ing eight whole hours a day and sev en days out of the week, thus burning up their vitality at a frightful rate. They are compelled to get down to work in the morning at 8 o'clock and don't dare knock off and call it a day till 5 in the afternoon. Think of it I No Eats Without Earns. (Driscoll in Mail) A lady-hog said .to her pig: f Tis time, my son, for you to dig! I'll not support you this-a-way In idleness another day. You've learned to squeal and kick and grunt; If you would have more grub, go hunt!" That pig sought food through rain and fog; He grew to be a noble hog. A human son I know about Has piggish taste and hoggish snout, But when his mother says, "My boy, Although you are my pride and joy. I have a hunch you ought to go And earn a little bit of dough," He says, "Now Ma, lay off that stuff! It seems to me life's hard enough!" . If only that poor patient Ma Would land a punch on Sonnie's jaw, Or smash upon his head a platd. When he strolls down to breakfast late, He might get mad and earn a dime. And maybe a man sometime! From every pig-sty we may learn This lesson, "He who cats must earn." IISFITS ALBANY COLLEGE Opens Its Fifty-first Year Sept. 18, 1916 ,With a strong faculty, reinforced by new teachers of exceptional training and wide range of experience. Special emphasis laid on the broad, fundamental lines of literary and classical education. ' . ' "' " " " ' The incoming class already enrolled is the largest in the history of the college. Exceptional opportunities offered in vocal and instrumental music. Correspondence invited. Address - ' PRESIDENT ALBANY COLLEGE, ' s Albany, Oregon, TO TRADE New 7 room house on 1-2 acre ground, ten minutes walk from carliue in Portland for prop- i erty in Albany. Call 171R Bell, A! baity or write Mrs. W. Sharp, 1184 Killingsworth Ave., Portland. si 2-14 CHRONIC DISEASES a Specialty. Cancer, Rheumatism, etc. Service reasonable. Consultation free. Elec trical and medical treatment. Call. I want to make your acquaintance. Office 405 E. 5th St. and R. R. St Hours 8 to 11 a. m. and 1 to 6. m. D. M. Jones, M. D Albany, Oregon. 126-a dSsw HOW APPENDICITIS CAN BE PREVENTED Albany people should know that a few doses of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad-lcr-i-ka, often relieve or prevent appendi citis. This simple mixture removes such surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Adler-i-ka has easi est and most thorough action of any thing we ever sold. The, Wood worth Drug Co. Oregon Junk Co. Pays highest prices for hides, pelts and all kinds of junk. 10 horse power steam engine. Grain and potato sacks for sale. 315 E. 2nd St- Bell phone 72-J. A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St Albany, Ore. Fcsr Sale GRAIN SACKS PCAtO SACKS, TENTS. AND ALT CAMPING OU'iFITS. SUE ME AT THE . PACIFIC JUNK SHOP Bring your junk to me, trade or cash. E. KDGOWAY, 2nd and Baker Home phone 2227 Bell 3455 For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated. Well located. See Dr. A. STARK VIERECK'S BATHS First-cIaM Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Streets LAWYERS Abstracts examined. Corporation Law. financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deeds, Mortgages General practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. .Bank references. Fourteenth near. LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROrtHTV Mosessohn & Mosessohn 714.7tS.nt Chamber of Commerce BMt PORTLAND, OREOON COMING EVENTS, September 25 to 30. Oregon State hair. Oct. 12-14 Harvest Fcstval, Al hany. Nov. 7 Election, ' Dec. 13-16. 1916 Central Willam ettc Valley Poultry Show at Albany. FOR SALE OR RENT New strictly modern 5-room house with sleeping porch, full cement basement, two blocks from new central school. Call 640 W. 7th St. or phone 2120 Home phone, v , ' .. ' . s!3-19 WANTED , place for a girl to work and go to school. Home phone 1532. sl-M4 FOR SALE Good sewing machine hist lifetime. With attachments, $10. Phone 2J7-R. F. W, Gaines, city. sU-14 FOR SALE 20 head of stock sheep. Scott Ward. R. IX 1. Home X528. sU-19 PEACHES 50c per bushel. Orchard six miles southwest of llalscy and one-half mile west of Irish Mend Ferry. Archie limhrnui. " s7-20 o St. Francis lintel, Albany, Or. No extra charges for bridal chambers. We welcome you. sltf o County trips at reasonable rates. City Auto Transfer. aI7tf MEN WANTED for Saw Mill and' Yard Work Call 415 East First St., or phone 35S HAMMOND LUMBER CO. SAVE MONEY s Both country and city people will save money by trading st , Parker's Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, and sell on a low margin. Low rent to us means more profit to you. Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. Parker Mack Parker 4th and Lyon St. Albany is a good city. Albany's markets are better than the av erage. Nebergall's Market ranks best in the state for sanitation and equipment Help a home in dustry and- protect your health, by buying your meats from D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY . SECOND AND LYON STS. Both Fones 47 "Give your children a fair chance at school by allowing to to make sure that they can see well. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Harame! Hotel Building I V EYES- l Fisher:Bradeii Undertakers Lady assistant For Canning Pears per bushel 50c Prunes, per bushel .'... 65c Peaches per bushel , $1.00 Ripe Gravenstein apples .. .75c White pickling onions, lb, 10c' Cucumbers, per gal.... 10c to 20c Colo, per head Sc and 10c 1-3 Gal, Economy jars, doa $1.10 1-2 Gal. Everlasting jars, doa $1.00 Ideal Grocery 212 W. 1st Street Both phones 58 Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM . 2 Daily Deliver!. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop, Cabinet Work . Albany Planing Mill Many -Reasons are offered as to why you should have a Checking Ac count? Briefly summed up they are Security for Funds and Accom modation in business, and this bank can offer you both! Why not do your business through ' f CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK ft CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon NEW RUGS MADE FRO' YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N. W. Rug Co, Portland, Or.' M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; Home 83 A QUALITY STORE We sell the bestat lowest prices -Watch Repairing ( F. G. Will Feed Flour Lime-Cement " M. SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female. Diseases, 734 Lyon St. - Albany, Or, Home phone 2185, Bell 364-R. Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor tested herds. Bottled cream from Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly." pasteurized before bottling, , ALBANY PURE MILK ft CHEESE CO. 5th and Jackson Sts, A 1ST Y iori U SAVINGS DANK STETTER'S FOR GR0CKRII.S AND CROCKKRV , THE BEST BAKED GOODS . GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sin ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended to. Office J. A. HOWARD. 325 W. 1st St. tell 166-K: Home 68. Hours n. m. to 6 p. m. licforc and after, 456-Y Belli K-544 Koine. BUSINESS HI I P P I T I T WANT DIRECTORY ULnUUir.LlJ ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. GIPE Chiropractor. Rooms 5, 7, 9, in, Cusick Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed, Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. LAWYERS. WEATHER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C.'C. BRYANT Attorney al Law 111-2 New First Dunk build "g. Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWELLING Attorney at law Notary public Albany. Oregon REAL E8TATE ft INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loana, Fire Insurance. First Dank Iliiilding H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surely Bonds Special attention given to rare ! property belonging to .non-residents. Room No. 1. Second floor, First Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. B. M PAYNE Farm lands and city properly for sale. Real estate loans Firo insurance. Surety Bonds. i Rooms 19-21. Cusick Block, Albany, - Oregon MIBCKLLAtfKOUfl. WANTED Two or three boarders and roomers, men, Mrs. Chandler, 226 West 5th St. .nl2tf WEAVING Carpets and rugs. Will furnish material and make carpets at 40 cents a- yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Smith, phone 339-Y. WANTED Places for girls to work and go to college. Notify W. II. Lcc at Albany College. alptf CLEANING clover seed a specially. Exceptional fine work. Large capa city. II. F. Kocnig, J4. mile norlli Goltra station, Lebanon branch S. P. Bell 28F2. a!8ol8 FOR RENT A furnished 6 room cot tage. Also two- furnished house keeping rooms, Inquire at 333 S. Jefferson street,' Home .phone 4128. . ul7tf FOR SALE Lot ond small house 4 rooms, fruit, garden, well, icwcr, U NATIONAL DANK SAFETY and SERVICE An account with us assures not only Snfety but most satisfactory bunking service. This service moans as sistance in finding employment uud help as well 'as increasing your flank Account. The Albany Bakery W Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-118 IC. 3rd Street n. ll Son I'uny U Home 419 it . 1'IRCHAU CO. See the New Oakland 6 at llio Albany 4 Garage J. W, Hammcll, Agent Before ttuying etc. East front $650. 141)5 Fast Front. Home 1106. s5o6 WANTED To borrow $4(X for 3 years. Real estate security. No coin mission. Dr. W, A. Cox. 7-l.ltf PUKE CIDER VINliGAR-Will dc liver in city at 25c a gallon.' C. R. Widtucr, Home 2538. al7tf FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St. Reasonable price. Bell phone Jl?-R. mJltf WORK WANTfeD Wiahlng out, or at home, house cleaning, etc, Mrs. G. W. Kulhe, llell phone 424. Y. WANTS WORK-.ady warns work by day or hour. Home phone, 3484. n29if WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtains a specialty. 25c per pair. Bell 596-J. or 323 E. 2nd. 4tf WANTED Woman or strong girl as house keeper for modern cour.. try home. Call Hc'l 22:R after ( p. m- a2ltf LOST On Santiaiu Road between Sanderson bridge and 3 miles west, ladies' sin:ill handbag, conlaininj; between $4 and $5 In silver, few one cent stamps, crochet book, etc. Rc- Jiirn to 829 E. 2nd, W. O. Simons. FOR RENT .Modern funiMird . room $8 per mouth. Gciitlemin pre ferred. 321 W. 6th St. Hell phone S55R. IIEMSTITCIII.VO-lOc a yard. Sue Brcckenridge, 333 Second Si. Hell 96. Home 182. FURNISHED ROOMS lor rent. Down slairs. Good location, Call 4125 Home phone. 507 F 4 li. ' sStf FOR 8ALE FOR SALE llurrc and hiiugy .-md harness, $175 if taken at (nice. In fine 5 yi-nr old horse; rubber tired buggy. Sec Asa Kst burn or cull M 1181., II. 2228. 1 . b s8-IS FOR SALE Ripe ncachci al id. nr. chard, nt 75 ccnis n bmliH. Ilrinn your boxes. U. G. Sniiib, Home phone 8405. lt-l phone 609J2. ' s 2 tf FOR SALE 4 Room modern bouse located on W. 10th St. F.a,y Crml Call at Fortmiller Furn, Co. or 1086 W. 7th St. n7ttf ?? SA,VF ''i,'n, roartst. i nitomo. bile. First clnss rnmlitinn Recent ly n..rrba led. Address "Ronclsier" care Democrat 05,i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim In Douglas county for city property or fcood farm land. Home 1143. H6tl