ALBAMY DAItT DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER . 1010. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the poitoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues . days and Fridays, BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES DaMy Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per year in advance, otherwise 40c per month. By mail, at end of year ,. 3 50 By mail in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly 'At end of year 4LS0 When paid in advance, one yr. 1.25 CLASSIFIED RATES le per word ior first publication; Vic per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c tn ordering changes of address, sub soribera should always five old as ' wH as new address. Established in 1865. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1916 A GREAT CANDIDATE. . The following in a dispatch from Berkeley shows to what extent the people are believing in Woodrow Wil son: . " "There will be no railroad strike on Monday for the same reason that there has been no war with Mexico nor with Germany. The man in the : White House will not allow this coun try to be plunged into disaster." This was . the statement made by William E. Smythe, California author . and lecturer, at a mass meeting called by the Woodrow Wilson Independent League which packed the auditorium of the Berkeley High school last night The statement was heartily cheered. Continuing his tribute to the genius ' of President Wilson, Smythe said: "Our president is big enough and brave enough to place the interests of the United States above all else. He is a true exponent of. the best American public opinion. Confronted by more tremendous problems than any other president, he has stood be tween America and disaster, time and again since he took office four years ago. He is truly great in the measure of things accomplished. "President Wilson's re-election will depend on the non-partisan vote. These votes belong to the individuals themselves and may be cast for the best man regardless of party affilia tions. They will determine the fate of - the 'republic. Partisanship is dead: instead, citizenship has sprung up in its stead. Any man who has made good deserves to be retained in of fice. That is the best reason for keep- ing President Woodrow Wilson in the White house." Referring to the accomplishments of President Wilson while in office, Smythe gave first place to the presi dent's selection of Louis D. Brandeis, the justice of the supreme court "Any other man would have wilted ' before the five months' fight waged by the moneyed power of Wall Street to keep Brandeis from the su preme bench," declared Smythe. "President Wilson knew Brandeis to be the good and true friend of the people that he is and stood firm for his appointment With Brandeis on the supreme bench, the people of the United States may rest assured that justice will be rendered." BENEFIT NOT CURSE. (Kansas City Star) In the campaigns for prohibition in Oregon and Washington the liquor in V' terests pointed to the big brewing plants, which would be closed, and the hundreds of men who would be thrown out of work if those states , became dry, and that argument had influence with many voters. But pro - hibition came in both those states and this is what happened: ' . Vou have seen in The Star a page advertisement of "Loju," a new fruit ' juice. That is a product of the brew eries of Oregon and Washington. Leopold F. Schmidt, founder and owner of great breweries in Olympia, Salem and Bellinghara, saw that pro hibition was coming. He believed in the future of fruit juices and he or ganized a company and before the prohibitory law went into effect he stopped making beer and equipped his three brewery plants to make "Loju," the juice of loganberries and "Appleju," the juice of ripe apples. The new fruit juices were liked by the public, the demand grew, the busi ness prospered and now, instead of . being closed, the three breweries are - - running at full capacity and more men are employed than formerly. And these men have the pride of knowing that they are in a clean business which is a benefit instead of a corse to mankind. - THE EDITOR "The greatest organizer in a com ' munity is frequently the editor who suggests community improvementsor it! needs, and who leads and Inspires and supports the campaign that suits in theif achievement," said' G. Lansing Hurd, Of the bureau of orga nization and Markets, O. A. C, in a recent address. "Wherever we live it seems that nothing is worth while without organization while we, arc forced to conclude that responsibility for lack of the factors that would con tribute to our comfort must in the fin al analysis, be placed upon lack of organization. We must agree with Carver that, 'An organized neighbor hood, can be what it wills to he, ait unorganized neighborhood is in :i stale of decadence.'" When a town backs a thing it goes as a rule. - . More enthusiasm for the work of our firemen will fill them with the snap that makes the sparks fly. These zeppelin raids continue to frighten people; but that's about all. We always did like. Tom Edison, a man with a great head. He can not only look into electri cal matters; but deep into political problems. Latest Twinkle. x (By Jerry Owen,, in Voter) The Bunny- Hug is out of date, The Kitchen Sink's departed, The Lead Your Dog, passe, toward Oblivion has started; For our Montrose, the connoisseur. Has sprung a Trot that Twinkles. Terpischore Would weep to see ' Our modern "stepping" wrinkles. Some Smart A smart New York girl at Newport last summer administered a clever rebuke to a blase patronizing young Englishman whom she met. The girl overheard her hostess say that she wished to introduce the Brit on to her (the New York girl) and the girl also caught his reply. "Very well, trot her out." 'When the Englishman was pre sented to the girl, she bowed, care fully surveyed him from head to foot and then quietly said to her hostess: "Thank you. Now trot him back, please." : Peace or War. By Alfred D. Cridge. . Look at it this way, and read it that. Before you hurrah and swing your hat The Republican platform says it flat War! . Wilson did all that man could do Kept us at peace and respected, too; Only one thing more Hughes could do Warl The limit is reached when you go too far. Another hot word, and there you arc Mexico, Germany.England? Pshaw War! Hughes said that it wasn't done right He would have settled it over night, Ordered out warships and started a fight! War! Men by the million, all our boys; Volunteers and lots of noise Pure MISFITS .. Did you ever atop to think what pure drugs means to you when you are sick? Your physician wants you to know the purest drugs obtainable, and you get just that kind from us. We are in the drug business, and we stand back of every single item that leaves our store. Make our store your home. Burkhart & Lee Druggists Blood and death the Devil enjovs - Warl Vote for Hughes, and risk the rest! Mothers of Oregon, is that best? Sons will be torn from your breasts Warl Now -we have peace on every hand Peace and plenty nil over the land, With Wilson and Teace I would rather stand ' NOT warl Fenton Retires-i- Wm. D. Fenton, for 25 years attor ney for the S. P. has retired to devote his time to his private practice. He has been in Albany many times in battles legal for the Southern Pacific, an able lawyer and pleasing gentle man personally. Mrs. Cummings Campaign- Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummings, re publican candidate for county school superintendent, was in the city yester day in the interest of her candidacy. tor which she is making an aggressive campaign. t FURNISHED ROOMS for rent . Down stairs. Good location. Call 4125 Home phone. 507 E. 4th. sStf For Sale GRAIN SACKS POTATO SACKS, TENTS. AND ALI. CAMPING OUiflTS. SU ME AT THE PACIFIC JUNK SHOP Bring your junk to me, trade or cash. E. ROQOWAY, 2nd and Baker Home phone 2227 BeU 3455 For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street " All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Well located. See Dr. A. STARK VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First mni Ellsworth Streets LAWYERS Abstracts examined. Corporation Law. Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Testates probated. Collec tions, Deeds, -Mortgages. General practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth year. LOANS PUCED ON P0RTUMD PROfOtTT Mosessohn&Mosessofan n4.IU.71S Chamber of Commerce BMs PORTLAND, OREGON DruMs Dr.- Stone's Heave Drops cures h.-aves. .Vrlce $1; for sale by all drug gists, aftf County trips at reasonable ratss. City Auto Transfer, al7tf Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, city prop erty; money to loan. Insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St. MEM WANTED ! Opportunity for employment in logging camp. Previous exper ience not necessary if good worker. Fireman, $2.50, 1 man Wood.bucker, $2.50, 1 manx Rigging men, $3.00, 6 men Chasers, $3.00, 2 men Engineer, $3.25 Snipers, $2.75, 1 man Second loader, $3.00 Bucker, $3.00, 3 men Hook tender, $4.50 Mill and yard men, $2.25 2 men R R. Graders, $2.50, 20 men Indicates position open today.- Watch this space. Apply-4t5 East First Street, or phone 358, both phones, Al bany, Or. SAVE MONEY Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parker's Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for f,A nwr. .nri ..II a low margin. Low rent to us 1 means more profit to you. Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. Parker Mack Parker 4th and Lyon St Albany is a good city. Albany's markets are better than the av erage. Nebergall's Market ranks best in the state for sanitation and equipment Help a home in dustry and protect your health, by buying your meats from D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. ' Both Fones 47 Halting Readers Freuqently we find that a child will do much better work in all other branches than in reading. When he attempts to read, he does so. with hesitation. This deary in dicates defective vision. Bring your children to me and I will fit them with glasses. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Ham me! Hotel Building imVcH I io RE NS h I ft EYES I I J E XAM I NEDl Fishcr-Bradcn Undertaken ' Lady assistant Peaches PEACHES FOR CANNINQ. Early Crawfords and Albertas, 40c per box. $1.00 per bushel Pears 50c to $1 bushel Ideal Grocery 212 W. 1st Street Both phones 58 Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building. Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady. Assistant Golden Rule Dairy - MILK and CREAM 2 Dally Deliver!.. Both phones -H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill With Age Comes Knowledge! This bank is 24 years old, dur ing .each successive year it has learned the needs of the neople of this city and vicinity, and ca tered to them, thus becoming more useful to Firms, Merch ants and Farmers yearly. Your account Invited. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK ft CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon NEW RUGS MADE FRO" YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N. W. Rug Co., Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell phone, 377-R; Home S3 A QUALITY STORE W. sell the best.t lowest pries Watch Repairing F. G. Will Feed Flour Lime Cement M. SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. - P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 734 Lynn St Albany, Or. Home phone 2185. ' Bell 354-R. Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor . tested herds. Bottled cream from Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly pasteurized ' before bottling. ALBANY PURE MILK ft CHEESE CO. 5th and Jackson Sts. ' A N Y IoreI H SAVINGS BANK STETTER'S FOR GROCF.RII.S AND CROCK KRV THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE ' and FRUITS PARKERIS "The Sign ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Bolh Phones HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended to. Office J. A. HOWARD. 325 W. 1st St. Hell lfiJvK : Hume ftS. Hours 7 u. in. to 6 p. in. licforc and after, 456-Y Dell: K-544 Home. BUSINESS Ol A C C I C I C fl WANT DIRECTORY ULnUUlrlCU ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. GIPE Chiropractor. Rooms S, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments rcmOve the cause. LAWYERS. WEATHER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law .111-2 New First Xulinnal lUiik bulbi ng. Albany, Orciton. L. G. LF.WF.LLING Attorney at law Notary public Albany. Oregon REAL E8TATE ft INSURANCE E. P. SOX Reel Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. , First Na'ion'il Bank Building H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surely Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to .non-residents. Room No. 1. Second floor, First Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. B. M. PAYNE -Farm lands and city property for aula. Real estate loans ' File insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Bl.ick, Albany, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR TRADE Good modern dwell ing, and private garage, in best part of Roscburg, for Albany property, flecker & Beam, 133 Lyon. m31tf WANTED Two or three boarders and roomers, men. Mrs, Chandler, 226 West 5th St. a!2tf WEAVING Carpets and rugs. Will furnish material and make carpets at 40 cents a 'yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Smith, phone 339-Y. WANTED Places for girls to work and go to college. Notify W. II, Lee at Albany College. al9tf CLEANING clover seed a specialty. Exceptional fine work. Large capa city. H, F. Kocnig, y mile north Goltra station, Lebanon branch S. P. Bell 28F2. n!8ol8 FOR RENT A furnished 6 room cot tnc. Also two furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire at 333 S. LT NATIONAL DANK SAFETY and SERVICE An account with n assures" not only Safety 'but most jv satisfactory bunking service. Tills service means sistnncc in finding employment mid help us well us increasing your flunk Account, The Albany Bakery W Deliver to Any Part of the City 111 119 K. 3rd Street 5'., ft, y K uome 419 II .. FIRCIIAU CO. See the New Oakland 6 lit the ' Albany Garage J. W. Hummcll, Agent Before Buying Jefferson street. Hume phone 4128. a!7tf WANTED Work, by lady ior bach elors, widowers, restaurant, hotel, hoarding or rooming limine 4I7K Lyon St. Hell, phone J68.J. Apart ment 2. s2-K I'URE CIDER VINEGAR-Will dc liver in city at 25c a gallon. C. R. Widmcr, Home 2538. a!7tf LOST Gold cuff button. Initial "B." l'lrae leave ut NcbcrgaU's Market - FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W, 1st St. Reasonable price. Bell phone 3l?-R, m3Jtf WORK WANTf.D Washing out, or at home, house cleaning, etc, Mrs. G. W. Kuihc, Brll phone 424-Y. WANTS WORK-Lady wants work r by day or hour. Home phone, 3489. n29tf WORK WANTED Will go out or lake work home. I.ace curtains a specialty. 25c per pair, Bell 596-J. -or 323 E. 2nd. s4,if WANTED Woman or strong girl as house keeper for modern com:- ' try home. Call Ilc'l 22Mt after ( p. m. a2,f LOST On Santiam Road between Sanderson bridge and 3 miles west, ladies' snnll handbag, containing between $4 and $5 in silver, few one cent stamps, crochet hook, ere. Re turn to 829 E. 2nd, W. O, Simons. HOP PICKING Will begin picking hops the A. F. Luther yard Tucs- -dy, Sept. 5. Fifteen more pickers Tsf wanted, Daily transportation to nitd from Albnny. Home phone M545, lor 3520. ,4.7 FOR KENT Modern furnished room $8 per month. Gentlcniin pre ferred. 321 W, 6th St. Hell phone 555 R. HEMSTITCH I XG-IOc a yard. Sue Brcckcnridgc, 333 Second St. Bel! 96. Home 1H2. REWARD Will pay $5 for arrest and conviction of anyone rnnght stealing the Orcfroniati.. Hen Clclcn, 2-9 ' Agent. FOR SALE FOR SALE 4 Room modern house located on W. 10th St. Easy terms. Call at Fortmiller Film. Co. or 1086 W. 7th St. a7t tf FOR SALE Light roadstut automo bile. First clans condition Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster1' care Democrat, 5tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANOP. A 10 million timber claim In Douglas county for city property or good farm land. florae 1143. f!6tf 4