PAOK POUH ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY. AUGUST 14, 10i8: SUMMER-END SHOE BARGAINS SUMMER HAS JUST STARTED AND THERE'S MANY A DAY LEFT TO WEAR A PAIR OF THESE BARGAIN SHOES. OUR FALL STOCK IS FAST ARRIVING AND WE MUST HAVE MORE SHELF ROOM. SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT IN STYLE AT HALF THEIR FORMER PRICE. New Chiffon Taffetas 36 inches wide, in the same excellent quality we always show at $1.50 yd. Men's Suits Pick out that new fall suit now and get U at The Ooldtn Rule, and save from $5.10 to $8.50. You can do it. Others art every day. Blue urges, greys, browns and mixtures. $15,00 Suits, every day ., $20.00 Suits, every day $25.00 Suits, every day Your sise Is here $9.90 ,! ,. $12.50 ' 18.50 Comet in all the new .shades, indud-' ing navy, paon, military blue, old rose, wisteria, jnaUe, ...turquoise, ....nile, brown and black. Taffeta will be the leading silk for Fall. FLOOD'S STORE 334 West First St. Miss Anna Dawson returned to Newport this morning to join her mo ther and sister after spending two weeks in Albany. She was accompa nied by Miss Marion Anderson. LOST Pair of glasses, in French & Son case. Gold rims and bows. Finder please notify Ed. Blair, phone Bell 510-L. , a 14tf WANTED Two or three boarders and roomers, men. Mrs. Chandler. 226 West Sth St. al2tf WANTED $3,000 TO LOAN Have A 1 brick business property in Al bany, will give 1st mortgage and . carry insurance for full amount, will pay 7 per cent for 3 or S years. Address Owner, Box 216, Albany. Or. al2-18 FOR SALE Piano and china clos et.' Good as new. Am leaving the city. Call at 610 Ellsworth St. al2-15 Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, dry prop erty; money to loan, insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. tad St Where's the FIREMAN? PENDLETON HOUND UP SEEKING GREAT CURIOSITY Asked to Have a Moose Ele phant in Addition to Let'er Buck Attractions. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 14. President T. D. Taylor has received an auto graph letter from Colonel Theodore Roosevelt in which the famous Rough Rider advises that at present he can not accept the invitation to witness the 1916 Round-Up, September 21, 22 and 23, but if at a later date it is pos sible for him to make Oregon during the presidential campaign now on l.e will be glad to accept. The Round-Up management stilt has hopes that he will be able to come for it is certain that the 1916 attendance wilt break all records as it is and with Mr. Roose velt here it would be a high water year. As for the show it will be up to the usual Round-Up standard with many new, novel and daring features. Already ticket reservations are double those of last year and equal to ttiose of 1913. The prize list has been in creased a couple of thousand dollars which insures a big number of high class contestants. Committed to Asylum Hattie Garrett, of this city, was this morning committed to the Oregon State Insane Asylum. Nice Crisp Delicious Toast can be made on the AMERICAN ELECTRIC TOASTER Regular Price $4.00 This week only $3.00 Ralston's 310 West Second Street Groupe "A" WHITE AND BLACK LOW SHOES, MISSES AND CHIL DREN'S SIZES. BIG VALUES AT, PER PAIR 95c Groupe "B" EMMY LOU, MARY JANE AND PARADE PUMPS TO. CLOSE OUT AT $1.45 Groupe "C" ALL WHITE BOOTS 8 Inch Tops Sport shoes in leather and canvas. Reinskin and leather pumps in la dies' and misses' sizes. Snaps $2.95 Groupe "D" SPORT OXFORDS IN CANVAS AND GUN METAL AND LEA THER PUMPS, REAL BAR. GAINS AT $2.45 PATENT LEATHER PUMPS-Ladies,' M QC Groupe "E Misses,' and Children's sizes New Fall Shoes Now Showing Advance styles that will appeal to the lady who cares McDowell Shoe Co. "Quality for Les'' Everwear Hosiery West First St. ALL-DAY SUNDAY SCHOOL AT COBS A SUCCESS About Three Hundred Fifty At tended With Good Program and Dinner. The All-Day Sunday . School of the 'American Sunday School Union, held in Conner's Grove, a delightful place, yesterday was one of the best yet held. The attendance was large, about three hundred fifty being present. It was characterized by splendid order and close attention to the program, with much interest, three or four con versions being reported as the result of the work. E. R. Martin, in charge of the work in the N. W., was a prominent speaker, making an earnest appeal. Prof. White spoke , making an earnest appeal for the proper ob servance of the Sabbath. The Ham mer quartet led (he singing, and others from Albany took part in the music-; and also in the talks of the KING of SPORTS Deer Season Opens Tomorrow AUGUST 15 to NOVEMBER 1 Get right out while the season is young Come to us for correct equipment Rifles Shot Guns Ammunition Winchester, Savage, Remington Rifles HARD and TRUE SHOOTING PIECES WINCHESTER and PETERS AMMUNITION " TENTS COLLAPSIBLE STOVES REFLECTORS TINand GRANITE DISHES and UTEN SILS HUNTERS' CUTTLERY COMPLETE OUTFITTERS FOR SPORTSMEN Hulbert-Ohling Hardware Company The Hardwire Men Third and Lyon Streets FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Of Second Annual Fair and Exposi tion October 12-14, By the Fair Board. The Central Willamette Valley Fair and Exposition board begs leave to announce'to the farmers, merchants, manufacturers, educators, and to all those interested in a bigger and better Willmette Valley., that the second Annual Fair and Exposition will be held October 12, 13 and 14, at Al bany. The hoard has been rather slow in reaching this conclusion, ow ing to the lack of financial support. However, requests came from all ov er this section of the state urging your bo.Td to make this an annual event. So with the help of those deep ly interested in the welfare of this section of the valley, your hoard is able, at this time, to announce that we will hold a larger and bigger fair this fall than we had lar.t seson. The premium list will be much more extensive and the premiums of fered more substantial. On the whole we believe that this fair and Exposition will be outclassed only by the State fair at Salem. Some of the most substantial farmers, stock raisers and manufacturers are get ting under our fair and exposition project, and it promises to be even bigger and better than .last year. We want the best products in grains, and vegetables and fruits and live-stock and manufactures and fine arts that can be had. We are making ample provision for the housing and care of all of these. - . Shortly the premium list and detail ed program of events will be issued to the press, and will then be ready for distribution. If you do not receive one promptly, write us, and we will mail it to your forthwith. Arrangements have been made for public entertainments of various day.' Several loads of Albany people were present,, assisting in the exer cises. Several country Sunday Schools united in the promotion of the gather ing. At noon a fine dinner was served cafeteria style, with a menu of gqod things, such as the hospitable people of that section know so well how to furnish. G. W. Rorhbaugh, county superin tendent for the Union, is entitled to credit for the success of these county union Sunday schools, which are do- kinds, including educational talks, band music and addresses by some of the most prominent men in the state of Oregon. Let everyone arrange their plans so that they can spend several days at the exposition. Let us unite in making this the big educa tional and social event of the year Respectfully submitted, GOVERNING BOARD. To Advertise Northwest. (By United Press) Seattle, Aug. 14. George Hardy, former secretary of the Portland chamber of commerce will arrange a meeting here September 6, of rep resentatives of railroads and civic or' ganizations of many Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho cities, to arrange a central advertising bureau to boost the Northwest. They may establish a bureau at Seattle. Everything Always for Less "19 wM.-mhli.-i lmT Everything Alwys for Less Once upon a time a single model which was "the same yesterdsy. today and forever," was all that wis necessary to carry in stock, but "them happy days la past." Women are wiser now-a.days. They know that The Corset Decides Whether they look stylish or "frum py." All the art used by the great designers of suits or gowns cannot offset the effect of badly-designed or ill-fitted corset. The corset Is the foundstion of correct dressing, we would suggest therefore that you avail yourself of a Warner Corset, which represents the acme of style and comfort, affording all the desired support and yet possessing no ele ment of restriction. The selection we can offer to you is large one, Including both the medium ' and high busted corsets. The prices are: $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 An Inexpeniive but truly an efficient corset i FURTHERMORE at this store you are assured of correct fit, as you can be fitted by a complete and expert corsetlere, who has gained diplomas, and thoroughly knows her profession. CASH VALUES WORTH WHILE Deer Season Opens Tomorrow LET US OUTFIT YOU HIGH POWER RIFLES All calibres and prices in Win chester, Remington, Savage, etc. High power hard shooting rifles. HUNTING CLOTHES Come in and see the new whale back waterproof coat shirt. Red Shirts, Red Hats. Hunting clothes of all kinds. Comfortable and stand the wear AMMUNITION Bought here will assure you of fresh, powerful losds, the kind that carries true and penetrates. U. M. C Winchester, U. 8. and all standard loads, Hunters' Supplies of All Kinds HANDY FOLDING STOVES AND OVENS, UTENSIL KITS, KNIVES, HATCHETS, MATCH BOXES, COMPASSES, FLASH LIGHTS, CARBIDE LIGHTS, GUN GREASES, OILS, POWDER SOLVENTS ETC THER MOS LUNCH BOXES, PACK SACKS, FIELD GLASSES. ' Full line of Fishing Tackle, Rods at all prices Lines, Spinners, S. Allcock Flies, etc. Hauser Bros. PROPS. Albany Gun Store Albany Salem Eugene i ing an excellent work.