ALBANY DAILT DEMOCRAT. WEDNESDAY, AUUUST J, 1916 PAGE TWO Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Leasee. Entered at the postoffice at Albany, OreRon, at second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun. day. Semi-weekly published Tues days and Friday. . BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per year in advance, oinerwue f- .u uiuuiu. en Kyi miil in advance, oer year J.w) At end of year When paid in advance, one yr- $1.S0 1.2S i Acenriirn HATES 1c per word for first publication! 4c per word tneceaner, pay.uic u u Vance, muiuiwiii " - In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always rive old as well as new aggress. Established in 1865. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2. 1916 WHAT WOULD HUGHES DO? Judge Hughes'' letter of acceptance is in keeping with his course since his name was first mentioned for the presidency, non-committal. He attacks the policies of the president; but fails to tell what he would do under like circumstances. -The president has kept this nation from war with the Teutons. What would Hughes have done? The president had several confer , ences with Germany after the sinking of the Lusitania, by his diplomacy set tling a matter that was full of uncer tainty. What would Hughes have done? Several serious matters have come up, which have been amicably settled, as they should hare been, some of .them after considerable delay, which was natural under the circumstances that have existed. What would Hughes have done? The administration permitted the sale of munitions by the manufactur ers of this country to any one who wished to buy. What would Hughes have done? In short why doesn't Mr. Hughes be constructive and tell what he would himself do, instead of criticis ing some one who has actually ac complished great things for his fel Jow citizens and nation. The truth is. Judge Hughes belongs on the bench, and not in a presiden tial campaign. He is afraid to make himself clear on important issues. He may have critical capacity, but he cer tainly has no constructive ability. His letter as a caimpaign document is a failure, a document that will strengthen the cause of Mr. Wilson, rather than detract from it. Hughes is. a good deal like critics of the Bible, the Ingersolls of the world. - - They attempt to tear it to pieces; but they give nothing in place of its teachings, and the good book grows stronger all the time. Mr. Hughes tries to tear down, the same way, the works of a great man that have done an immense service for the people; but he gives pothing in place of it The masses are not going to be de ceived. They can see with their own eyes the accomplishments of the pres ident, and criticisms are going to make friends for him, rather than en emies. ' '.. iiiV ROOSEVELT SIZED UP. " Eugene Guard: Colonel Roosevelt, who said last winter that he did not desire the republican nomination for president unless the nation was in " a mood for something heroic," has a full page article in Collier's con cerning the Americans who belong to the French aviation corps. The writer recounts their brave and brilliant ex ploits, and gives them unstinting praise. Every voter should read the inter esting article, for it reveals the inner workings of the colonel's heroic mind. After relating how several of the brave aviators were wounded and all but killed, our noble ex-president proceeds to regret that the young men of this country are denied the oppor tunity of showing their heroism. The colonel points out explicitly that the sinking of the Lusitania and killing of Americans in Mexico, of fered abundant opportunity to give Americans a chance to be heroic, but that a supine and cowardly adminis tration continues to heartlessly deny them. Is such a man sane? The article is an expression of disappointment and bitter criticism, because our young men are not given an opportunity to kill and be killed because some part of the world is not deluged with American blood. $50,000 GONE. Oregonians are just getting it "thru their heads that the last legislature threw nway $50,000 for flax experi ments at the state penitentiary. It is uM m h' mncticallv admitted that the money has been wasted with noth ing to show for it. All manner ot ex cuses are being made for the failure nf the matter: but the fact remains that there is nothing to show for the money. One paper says it is due to the use of blundering methods. What ever the fact is it is to be .regretted hot the experiment has failed, and also that $50,000 of the people's mon ey is gone. When the next legislature convenes it will probably be the same old story. along some other line. MISFITS Anvbodv can criticise. In almost any neighborhood there are several people who can tear their neghibors who have actually accomplished things, to pieces. Just like Judge Hughes. The merchant who succeeds best is the one who runs his own business and builds it up on his own merit, re gardless of his competitor. ; j 1 What the world wants is something constructive. Mr. Wilson has probab ly been the most constructive presi dent in the history of the United States. He has had the initiative and kept it. Wade Hampton beat Bessie Mills at Ashland. No arrests. By the way both are race horses. An Ashland man has obtained some notoriety by walking fourteen miles backwards to the top of Mt. Ashland. taking about six hours. How easy is fame. Others go thru life in a hum drum way, hardly geting their names per s mally in the papers. A certain S. F. woman has a real cause for divorce. Her hubby allowed her only $500 a month pin money. Jack Burroughs in the Bulletin has a good one on the Egotist: The Egoist a helpmeet had; She helped him meet his bills; She did her part when times were bad In fever and in chills; For better or for worse she took This Egoist in hand And tried by every hook and crook To make his soul expand. And here is all the thanks she got "Since you're my property, I frankly tell you, you are not " Quite good enough for me. Your imperfections jar my nerves; Your manner's rude and coarse; I hate your angles ?"d your curves1 Let's solve it by divorce." RSAD OUR WANT ADS See the New Oakland 6 at the Albany Garage J. W. Hammell, Agent Before Buying For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Well located. See Dr. A. STARK VIERECK'S BATHS First-claM Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Stmti Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor tested herds. Bottled cream from Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly pasteurized before bottling. - ALBANY PURE MILK ft CHEESE CO. 5th and Jackson Sts, Fisher-Braden Undertakers Lady assistant We make a specialty of Friendship Engagement, and Wedding Rings F. M. FRENCH & SON Jewelers and Engravers ww 'vv. .- sv ' si' i r 1 1 r i "r rv It : - n II twvx Our Place is the Home of Long Mileage Tires We are headquarters for automobile supplies and our progressive policy includes nothing less than perfection in service. That is why, to give you the most Mileage, Riding Comfort and Economy of upkeep we recommend the durable, ever-reliable tires 1 i AH sixes and types always on hand. Non-iVid and smooth tread We advise you also to fill your kit with Firestone Ac cessories easy to apply sure to work. RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. m m r.W i II THE UNIVERSAL CAR I II There's style with quality in the H III I II . Ford Coupclct as well as Ford dur- I III III I ability in service and economy in l I I maintenance. Roomy interior excel- I III llll lently upholstered. Top raised or low- I III llll ered in two minutes. A car of super- llll ior class. Inspect it. '. llll The Coupelet $558; Runabout " llll $398.25; Touring Car $413.25; Town I III llll Car $648.25;- Sedan $698.25, f. o. b. I Albany. On sale at Crawford's gar- I I llll age, 9th and Baker Sts., Albany. llll SAVE MONEY Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parker's Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for egga and produce, and sell on low margin. Low rent to us means more profit to you, Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. Parker Mack Parker . 4th and Lyon St. Albany is a gdod city. Albany's markets are better than the av erage, Nebergall'a Market ranks best In the state for sanitation and equipment. Help a home in dustry and protect your health, by buying your meats from D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. Both Fones 47 P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 734 Lyon St. Albany, Or. Home phone 2185. Bell 364-R. . i COMING EVENTS. Aug. MO Supreme lodge K. of P. Portland. Nov. 1 Election. County trips at raiouatl ratst. City Auto Transfer. a!7tf For the BEST EATS at the RIGHT PRICES, go to Ideal Grocery 213 W. 1st Street Both phones 58 Oregon grown tomatoe, i lbs. for 25c. Good peaches, cantaloups and other fruits in season. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany. Or. Botb phones. Lady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Dally Deliveries. Both phon.i H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Never Start, Never Save! If you keep on spending, youll end up NOWHERE. If you start, and keep on sav ing, youll reach thetopmost rung of the ladder of success. The 4 per cent Interest at our Savings Department will help you mount Get your account started. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CU8ICK ft CO, Bankers Albany, Oregoa . NEW RUGS MADE FRV" YOUR OLD CARPETS. N. W. Rug Co, Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; Home 83 A QUALITY STORE W. nil th. lowest pries Watch Repairing F. G. Will Feed Flour Lime Cement M. SENDERS ft CO. ' Open Saturday Evenings. Our Eye Helps Expert Exam inations. Glasses correctly made and fitted. Everything to better sight. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist B A N Y iorI U SAVINGS DANK STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKER V THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both' Phones HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended to. Of-e J. A. HOWARD, 325 W Dell 166-R; Horn, ,,t 7 a. in. to 6 p. n. . and after, 456-Y Dell; . 'oiue. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. GIPB ( Chiropractor. ' Rooms 5, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure s disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. LAWYERS. WEATHER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law a)l-2 New First National Bank build m. Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWELLING Attorney at law Notary publit Albany, Oregon. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance First National Bank Building H. P. MERRILL .Insurance, Loans, 8urety Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to .ion-residents, Room No. 1. Seeond floor, First Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Fir insurance. Surety Bonds, Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE-pA 10 million timber clerra In Douglas county lor city property or good farm land. Home 1143. f!6tf FOR SALE Light roadster automo bile. First class condition Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" - care Democrat. 5tf MISCELLANEOUS. WEAVING Carpets and rugs. Will ' furnish material and make carpets at 40 cents a yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Smith, phone 339-Y. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St. Reasonable price. Bell phone 3I'-R. m31tf WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtains a . specialty. 25c per pair. Bell 596-J. or 323 E. 2nd. a4tf WANTS WORK Lady wants work by day or hour. Home phone, 3489. L n29tf FOR TRADE Good modern dwell- si NATIONAL DANK SERVICE The' steady growth of this bank during the past forty-five years is significant qmhirtciiiciit of the state ment; "A satisfied customer is the best advertise incut." Whether your business Involves a few dollars or many IhoiiuuuU It will he. given lirompt mid pains taking nlrinliuii at this bank. We Invite your account. The Albany Bakery Ws Deliver to Any Part ot the dtf 115-1H E. 3rd Street Hell 5ol Party R Horns 419 H . K1RCHAU CO. DONT BLAME THE COW For switching her tail around your neck, stamping on your foot, or knocking the bucket over the usil when you are trying to milk dur ing fly.peit season, CONKEY'S PLY KNOCKER set tles that problem. (Jet it with money back guaran tee at Murphy's Seed Store WANT ADS ing, and private garage, in best part of Roseburg, for Albany property. Hecker & Beam, IJ3 Lyon, ni31tf HEMSTITCHING. 10c a yard. Sue Ureckenriilge, 117 Ferry St. Bell phone 46S-R. TO CASCADIA Cancadia auto stage leaves Lebanon daily except Sun day for Cascadia at 8 a. m., operat ed by the Lebanon Jitney Co., inc. Headquarters at Ford Garage," Leb anon, Orcg. I'hone 986 Lebanon. j29al(l 'NOTICE You will make no mistake to call Dell 54(11. or Home 12-;. Wood sawed right at right prices. K. Holland. J27s3 POSITION WANTED Cac-able wo man wants housekeeping; care of Invalid, or child. Bell phone 204. WORK WANTfcD-Washlng out. or at home, house cleaning, etc. Mrs. G. W. Knthe, Bell phone 424-Yv FOR SALE For a quick sale, will sell one of the best Millersburg 10 acre tracts for $1000, $500 cash, balance on time. This Is $50 per acre less than cost. Call on J. V. Pipe. 203 West 2nd St. CHRONIC DISEASES a Specially. Cancer, Rheumatism, etc. Service reasonable. Consultation free. Elec trical and medical treatment. Call. I want to make your acquaintance. Office 405 E. 5th St. and R, R. St. Hours 8 to 11 a. in. and 1 to 6 p. m. D. M. Jones, M. D., Albany, Oregon. 26-a d&sw Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, city prop erty; money to loan. Insurance written In the strongest old line companies. Call on J, V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd Bt A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St. , Albany. Ore. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamme! Hotel Building