PAQSTWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. THURSDAY, JULY 10, Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the postoffice at Albiny, - Oregon, second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues - days and Fridays. - ' BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; - ; , Daily Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per yeat in advance, otherwise 40c per month. liy .nail, at end of year 3.50 tly mail in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly At end of year . $1.50 When paid in advance, one yr ! vim P !i CLASSIFIED RATES lc per word for first publication! J4c per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Miniiraim charge of 25c In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always Rive old as well as new address. Established in 186S. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1916. WILSON AS A TAMER The following by G. H. Bennett in the Oregon City Courier is a pretty good expression of the present sit- uation: -. Wilson has tamed the kaiser and the greaser. When the Lusitania went down the nation was shocked and outraged. Like a mighty wave the im pulse for prompt and drastic action swept over this country. The ene mies of President Wilson were loud in their demands, not for diplomacy, but for instant action but, listen; If the advice of the jingo G. O. P. had been heeded, Germany, flushed with slaughter on land and sea, and boasting of strength, would have risked an open ruture with us, and we would have been drawn into the maelstrom of war. But President Wilson chose the course of wisdom. A year later, when - Germany's strength had waned, Wil son's ultimatum tamed the kaiser. Submarining ceased. An open rupture was averted. We were saved fron ' war and all and more was gained for us and other neutrals than war ' could have gained. Wilson's wisdom and diplomacy saved ns from nation al disaster, while they also secured to us the kaiser's compliance with our . demands. This is the statesmanshir that will re-elect Wilson. Then came the overt act of war by Carranza, when our soldiers were massacred by treachery. True to bif oath of office, President Wilson arose in defense of the country. He order ed the mobilization of military forces . on the Mexican border, and of the na . val forces on the southern seas. This prompt naval and military demon stration has had a very salutary effect on the fiery Mexicans. Now they are ready to listen to reason. A better - feeling is growing, and Carranza bids fair to cooperate with our forces ir. putting an end to banditry in Mexico Wilson's administration is proposing . moral and financial, as well as mili tary aid to Carranza in pacifying Mex ico and opening to that afflicted peo- . . pie the doors of peace and progress. This is not intervention and it is not t war. It Is far better than either, for it will result in the pacification of that distracted nation with the minimum cost to ns in treasure and blood. This - is a measure divised by Woodrow Wilson,' our democratic president, and the G. O. P. leaders are throwing fits and tearing their hair because they never thought of it. Why didn't Taft, the jurist, and ; Roosevelt, the military statesman, propose such a plan for settling the Mexican problem? It is a plan that is bound to succeed here is another achievement of the statesmanship of Wilson and it will relect him next . November. o THE CRY OF WOLF. .M Under the head of "Hearst's Wolf! Wolf!" 'the San Francisco Bulletin, a red and green' hot San Francisco paper gets off the following very tor rid matter: If Hearst had had a wise prime minister he would not have adopted his present Mexican' policy. Hearst is like the shepherd boy who stirred up , the neighbors so often by crying "Wolf! Wolf!" when there was no wolf, that when a wolf did happen along and ate him up nobody would believe it but himself. By his obvious . misrepresentations as in the false report that General Trevino had re- volted against Carranza,. Hearst has created the impression that no trust - can be put In any word or line of his , ' personal brand of news. The result is that his elaborate staff of special and extra-special correspondents is : practically wasted; they write well but nobody can be certain that what . they write is true. Persons familiar ' with Hearst methods know that strange things have happened to "copy" of international importance . turned in at Hearst offices by honest newspaper men. One writer, well ' known in San Francisco, resigned from the Hearsl tefvice athe lime of the Niagara peace Conference because his accounts of that conference were "edited" in the New York offices in the interests of discord. If Mr. Hearst could be persuaded to tell the exact truth most of the time he would probably find that an occasional lie would be accepted without question,. His great error lies in the rejection of this strategy. MISFITS : Get out your diamonds. The jewel ers are coming. Albany will sparkle next , Monday and Tuesday. Help keep up Albany's reputation as a clean and hospitable city. s Things look fine in the pavement section; but out where the grass grows in the street and the big weeds reign it is not always thusly. Realty the war over the pond is which and tother asto advantage. . There is no glass strong enough to see the end. - What fools we mortals continue to B. v Wanted some good summer wea ther for theummcr resorts. Safe and sane should be the pro gram and all the affairs of life, busi ness and socially. Geei but we farmers do want good weather for a few weeks for our hay crop, and then wheat and oats. The straws all continue to be for Wilson. But the jingoists keep yelling with a yellow streak that Hughes will be elected. Pun Like Blazes. Roseburg Review: Let there be nc hasty words of judgment on account of the set-back given to the proposed building of a railroad to Rock Creek at the council last evening. What has been done has been done, and only time and patience can overcome such conditions. If there ever was a time in the history of the city of Rose burg when her progressive citizens should rally for a final victory, it is today; and hard words of, criticism will not help the cause for which we have labored so long and hard. Doing All the Time. These may be awful times, you sec, As everybody knows, For when a day begins, none dare To say how it will close; They're full of fearful accidents. Of war and cruelty, , But none can fair complain they hac Too much monotony. All sorts of things, all sorts of ways The papers tell us now. Of what they are, and why they are -And when they are and how; We read of things as real facts, Which in our younger days We read of in our story books ' As work of witch or frays. Great combats waged with giant force From wondrous science gained; : A commerce trip which has the might Of elements arranged; Great business in the millions brought Directly in our way We take the papers something there Is doing every day. ..-.V Ex... FOR SALE New S room modern bungalow in Sunrise. (Goltra Park Ad.) Plastered and tinted, electric lights throughout. Private sewer. Concrete foundation. 15 minutes' walk from the city. Bargain, cash or very easy terms. Why pay rent when you can pay towards a home of your own? . See Homer A. Dowd. Phone Home black 3541. jl9al9 . County trips at reasonable rates. City Auto Transfer. al7tf Fisher-Braden Undertakers Lady assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-clast Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Street! MORE MEN THAN WOMEN HAVE APPENDICITIS Surgeons state men are slightly more subject to appendicitis than wo men. Albany people should know that a few doses of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc, as mixed in Adler-i-ka, often relieve or prevent appendicitis. This mixture removes such surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. The INSTANT, easy action of Adler-i-ka is surprising. The Wood- worth Drug Co. o Order your silo material from, the Albany Lumber Co. Sawmill now run ning. Both phones. m4tf Speedily, skillfully, economically, is he City Auto Transfer'way. al7tf adv Notice to Automobile Owners Don't throw or give away your old tires. The Oregon Junk Co. will pay 4c per lb. for old tires. W alto pay highest price for junk and hides of alt kinds. BOTH PHONES 31 5 East Second Street Albany, Ore. Our Place is the Home of Long Mileage Tires We are headquarters for automobile supplies and our progressive policy includes nothing less than v perfection in service. That is why, to give you the most Mileage, Riding Comfort and Economy of upkeep we recommend the ' durable, ever-reliable tires All sizes and types always on hand, fyn-ikid and smooth tread. We advise you also to fill your kit with Firestone Ac cessories easy to apply sure to work. RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Save Money Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parkers' Busy Corner Grocery We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, and aetl on a low margin. Low rent to us means more profit to you. -' - Parker & Parker Busy Corner 4 Grocery W. E. PARKER B A N Y ore j savings dank WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtains a specialty. 25c per pair. Bell 596-J. or 323 E. 2nd. a4tf Albany it a good city. Albany's markets are better than tha av erage, Nebergall's Market ranks best in the. state for sanitation and equipment. Help a home in. dustry and protect your health, by buying your meats from I). E. NE BERG ALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. Both Fonea 47 Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor tested herds. Bottled cream from Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly pasteurized before bottling. ALBANY PURE MILK ft -CHEESE CO. 5th and Jackson Sts. ' P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Druglesa Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 734 Lyon St Albany, Or. Home phone 2185. Bell 364-R. m m W m m m m 1 I MACK PARKER 4th and Lyon ttreet U NATIONAL DANK Just a Few Dollars Ahead Puts a barrier between present prosperity and future ' needs, and turns all those petty trouble clouds around with the silver lining out instead of in. FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER OVER. LAND CAR Electric lights and starter, New casings and storage bat tery. Extra seat coverings and chain. Overhauled this spring. and ia in font class condition, A SNAP at $450.00. Call 212 West 1st St Phone 503 L after 6:30, - Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assislant Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Never Start, Never Save! If you keep on spending, you'U end up NOWHERE. If you start, and keep on sav ing, youll reach thetopmoat rung of the ladder of success. The 4 per cent interest at our Savings Department will help you mount .Get your -account started. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK 4 CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon NEW RUGS MADE Fpr" YOUR OLD CARPETS- N. W. Rug Co., Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; Home 83 Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodicals. 333 West First St, Albany, Oregon. A QUALITY STORE We sell the beat at lowest prices Watch Repairing F. G. Will Feed Flour Lime-Cement M. SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. Our Eye Helps Expert Exam inations. Glasses correctly made and fitted. Everything to better sight. E C. MEADE, Optometrist 13 Home Comfort Is greatly Increased by decorating your walla and ceilings with dainty, . artistic wall paper. Wall Paper of this kind la not expensive II pur chased from us. It la easy to select pattern! dainty and artistic from our weU selected stock. Won't you let ua show you early while our stock la unbroken? We extend you a most hearty Invitation to see our samples and will do our beat to make you comfortable while looking them over. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES. PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sijta ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended to. Office J. A. HOWARD, 325 W. 1st St. Hell 166-R; Home 68. Hours 7 a. ni. to 6 p. in. Ilcfore and after, 456-Y Bell; K-544 Home. BUSINESS k n I I Q Q I r I r n WANT DIRECTORY ULHuuiriLU ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C OIPE Chiropractor. Rooms S, 7, 9, 10, Cuskk Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the ciuse. LAWYERS. WUATHERFOKD & WEATHER. FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law 2(1 1 -J New First National Dink build ing, Albany, Oregon. L. G.. LEWELLING Attorney at law Notary public Albany, Oregon. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE E, F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Bank Building H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to .non-residents. Room No, 1. Second floor, First Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate loans Fir insurance. Surety Bonds, Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. ' , FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 . million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143. I16( FOR SALE Light roadstui automo bile, first class condition. Recent' ly overhauled. Address "Roadster' " care Democrat. aStf FOR RENT. FOR RENT New bungalow, six rooms. Dutch kitchen, screened steeping porch. Full cement base' . ment.' Phone Bell 117L. m24. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St, Reasonable price. Bell phone 312-R. m31tf MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED The people to know E. Holland succeeds E. J. Newman in his wood sawing. All his custom ers, and my old ones, as well as The Albany Bakery ,W Deliver to Any Part ol the ' City. 113-1)9 K. 3rd Street Hell 560 P-riy R Home 419 H. I. PIRCHAU CO. r . . I.V KMOCHM DON'T BLAME THE COW For sn itching her tail around your neck, ttnmpinK on your foot, or knocking the bucket over the ail when you are trying to milk dur ing fly-prut srannn. CONKEY'S FLY KNOCKER set tles t la it t problem, lict it with money back guaran tee nt Murphy's Seed Store new, wilt please call Bell phone . 540-L, or. Home 1229 for prompt service. jl52i FOR SALE One llarlry-Davidson motorcycle, 1914 model, 2 speed, cheap for cash. Hell phone 22 1' 15. C .M, Sarff, R. D. 2, JI8 24 HEMSTITCHING. 10c a yard. Sue llrcckenriilgc, 117 Ferry St. Hell phone 465-R. WANTS WORK-Lady wants work by day or hour. Home phone, 3489. nWtf FOR TRADE Good modern dwell ing, and private garage, In best part of Roseburg, for Albany property. Meeker & Beam, 133 Lyon. m31tf POSITION WANTED Capable wo man wants housekeeping; care of Invalid, or child. Bell phone 204. WEAVING Carpels and rugs, in satisfactory manner. Phone 339-Y. Minnie Smith. f28tf WORK WANTfcD-Washlng out, or at home, home, cleaning, etc. Mrs, G. W. Kuthe, Bell phone 424-Y. For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Well located. See Dr. A. STARK Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor ' Hnmmc! Hotel BtiililitiK A. STARK, ' Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St. Albany, Ore. L"FTOB COKKfY'a