PAQB two ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, MONDAY, JULY 17, Iftlo. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING . Lessee. Entered at the postoffice it Albany, Oregon, ss second-class matter. published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues days and Friday. ' BUSINESS MATTER . SUBSCRIPTION RATES . Daily 1 Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per year in advance, otherwise 40c pet month. t'.y at end of year 3.50 liv mail in- advance, per year - 3.00 aemi-Weeklv At end of year " $150 . When Daid in advance, one yr 1.2a CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; 4s per word thereafter, payaote in aa vance. Mininaim charge of 25c iu ordering changes of addreas, sub scribers should always Rive old as wen as new address. Established In 1865. MONDAY, JULY 17. 1916. FIRE WITH FIRE. A subscriber thinks tbe following worthy of a place in-the columns ol the Democrat, a case of meeting tire with fire: "The boy was a fire fiend, fascinated by the play of flames, probably a "throwback" from Pagan times, when half the world paid adoration to the dread and mysterious gift of Prome theus. He loved "to see things burn" and, unable to control his passion, be came an incendiary. The law took him in hand. He was tried, convicted and remanded for sentence. A Psy ,-chologist one of the men who study the queer twists in human nature be came interested in the case and sug gested that " a hair of the dog that bit him" might cure the trouble. Instead of making a convict out of an other wise orderly youngster they made him a fireman set him to work stokin, furnaces provided an occupation that diverted an uncontrollable impulse to a useful purpose. , "Applying vocation to temperament promises to be one of the most impor tant activities of the future. As we grow to understand ourselves the so cial machine will develop fewer acci dents and breakdowns. Slipping cogs can be handled loose belts tightened it's all a matter of care and study. There's a practical use for every being if we can. find how to adjust him' to utility." WHAT ALCOHOL DOES. In the July American Magazine is an- article entitled, "Can You Drink and Hold Your Job?" by Dr. Edwin F. Bowers, who says: "American medical directors i of - three great life insurance companies estimate that from 7 to 43 per cent oi accidents are due, either directly or indirectly, to alcohol. Seven per cent of railway accidents, 8 per cent, of street car accidents, 10 per cent of au tomobile accidents, 8 per cent of those due to vehicles and horses, 43 per cent of heat prostrations and sunstrokes, 7 per cent of machinery accidents, 8 pci cent of all accidents in mines and quarries, 13 per cent of drownings, and 10 per cent of gunshot wounds, are sustained, either in whole or in part, because of alcohol. , "The widespread use of alcoholic beverages has been conservatively es timated as causing the loss of 21 per cent in the efficiency of the nation's workers. The production of wealth is reckoned at about thirty-two billion dollars; the loss due to deficiency (or diminished efficiency) in round num bers is therefore fully eight and one- - half billion dollars." ; IF WAR LASTS. A French financier has figured it out that if the European war lasts another year it will cost a grand total of $100, 000,000,000. At 5 per cent the interest on this would be $5,000,000,000 a year,' or a sura equal to one-half the value of the total annual crops of the United States. In other words the farmers of this county could just pay the interest with half their crops yearly. It would take all the crops of all kinds grown in the United States for ten years to pay the debt without interest, and with 5 per cent interest added it would take about 16 years. Ex. PASS THEM ALONG. "Pass on the good things, the happy experiences that come to you never - the unfortunate things. By the time we have come to realize our debt of . gratitude, too often our benefactor has - passed away and we cannot repay him. , But let us do as he did pass along all the good we can to others." J. M. Long in Farm and Fireside. Speedily, skillfully, economically, is he City Auto Transfer way. al7tf adv MISFITS A reader at Chautauqua gave the scene from Quo Vadis, where the giant mastered the bull, breaking his neck. At Philomath Buffalo Verdon, in a few seconds, threw a big black steer, and spit in his face. The modern bowboy could- show the old gladiators some things that would make their eyes bug out, . . 1 By the way, these round-ups, in few years promise to be as common as automobiles. A mile gain in the war scents to be something great. But where wU it all end, that s the rub. When is one side going to yell "enough?" That's what we're inter ested In. Every Chaut. Albany people learn something new, particularly those who sweat blood to make a success of it One thing is that as an independent Chautauqua it may be a good thing to break loose from the attractions shown all around us and go it alone. .icrhaps a difficult thing to do. Hot Stuff. Salem Capital Journal: Tall Timothy Geer, who was gover nor of Oregon once upon a time to he intense dissatisfaction of his con stituents, is out in a communication to the" Oregonian demanding war with Mexico. He would shoot real bullets instead of notes. Dean Collins, an empty-headed scribbler, whose poeti cal efforts constitute about the worst conceivable outrage upon the public. contributes to the same issue a de mand for a surge of blood to purge the stain from the sands of Carrizal." Great Opportunity. To the Editor: I am known as a widow twice of Virginia, have four children, two small, and two of school ige, am looking for a husband. I can live on the place and take care of things alone. Would like to hear from men who are not over forty years of age, single men that have no children, that have farmed and would be willing to live on a farm and take interest in the place and help as a life companion. Call and sec me before cropping time. One with horses preferred, as I have none. I have all except horses and a true husband. Downey (Idaho) Ida hoan. - A Contrast. A barefoot boy, A white birch pole; ' A can of worms, A swimmin' hole. A baited hook, A tug and sw'sh; A steady haul, A string of fish. A white duck suit, A-cnnvas bor.t; A costly rod, A patent float. ' A gaudy fly, A cast and swish; A pretty sight, - But nary a fish. Fisher-Braden Undertakers Lady assistant VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Streets THE "HULL" DETCHABLE HANDLE SUMMER UMBREL LA. The latest umbrella is the Theda Bara Blue, purple, green, black, fancy borders F. M. FRENCH & SON Jewelers and Engravers Selling agents for Albany WANTED Experienced girl to do general housework. Call . 1032 Washington street. - jl5-18 WOULD LIKE TO STORE good piano with responsible family where it will be given good care, or will sell cheap. Send name and nd- ' dress to Box 125, Albany, Or. "'-':' , J15-21 County trips at reasonable rales. City Auto Transfer. al7tf . o , Order your silo material from the Albany Lumber Co. Sawmill now run ning. Both phones. m4tf Studebaker Agency and Service Station have been moved to TYLER & GEORGE GARAGE West Second St. G. T. Hockensmith Agent for Linn Co. ' i tarn Our Place is the Home of Long Mileage Tires We are headquarters for automobile supplies and . our progressive policy includes nothing less than perfection in service. That is why, to give you the most Mileage, Riding Comfort and Economy of upkeep we recommend the durable, ever-reliable tires 1 mi All sizes and typej always smooth tread Mm We advise you alio to fill your kit with Firestone Ac cessories easy to apply sure to work. RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Save Money Both country and city people will save money by trading at Parkers' Busy Corner ;j Grocery We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, and sell on a low margin. Low rent to us means jnore profit to you. Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. PARKER 4th and Lyon U NATIONAL DANK Just a Few Dollars Ahead Puts a barrier between present prosperity and future needs, and turns all those petty trouble clouds around with the silver lining out instead of in. B A N Y OBE WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtains t specialty. 25c per pair, Bell 596-J. or 323 E. 2nd. . i4tf Albany is a good city. Albany's market are better than the av. rage. Nebcrgall's Market ranks beat in the state for sanitation and equipment. Help a home in dustry and protect your health, by buying your meats from i D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY SEQOND AND LYON STS, . Both Fones 47 Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor tested herds. Bottled cream from . Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly pasteurized before bottling. ALBANY PURE MILK ft CHEESE CO. 5th and Jackson Sts. P. B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmer Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 734 Lyon St - Albany, Or. Home phone 2185. Bell 364-R. m m on hand, Non-skid and if MACK PARKER street ' mm torn J SAVINGS DANK FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER OVER . ; LAND CAR Electric ' lights and starter. New casings and storage bat tery. Extra seat coverings and chairs. Overhauled this spring and Is in font class condition. A SNAP at $450.00. CaU 213 West 1st St Phone S03L after 8:30. i Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building, Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant - Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Dally DaUveries. Both phones H. M. PALMER, Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Never Start, Never Save! If you keep on spending, you'U end up NOWHERE. If you start, and keep on sav ing, youH reach thctopmost rung of the ladder of success. The 4 per cent Interest at our Savings Department will help you mount. Get your account started. . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS i $90,000. h W. CUSICK ft CO, Bankers Albany, Oregon NEW RUGS MADE FRCV' YOUR OLD CARPETS. N. W. Rug Co., Portland, Or. M. L. SANDERS. Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; Home 83 Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodicals. 333 West First St., Albany, Oregon. A QUALITY STORE We soli the bastat lowest pricas ' Watch Repairing F.G.WHI Feed Flour Lime Cement M. SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. Our Eye Helps Expert Exam inations. Glasses correctly made and fitted. Everything to better sight. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist Home Comfort Is greatly Increased by decorating your walls and ceilings with dainty, artistic wall paper. Wall Paper of this kind la not expensive If pur chased from us. It Is essy to select patterns dainty and artistic from our welt selected stock. Won't you let us show you esrly while our stock Is unbroken? We extend you a most hearty Invitation to see our samples and will do our best to make you comfortable while looking them over. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AM) CROCKERY THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Light and heavy, all kinds promptly attended ' to. Oflice J. A. HOWARD, 325 W. 1st St. Hell 166-R; Home 6H. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. in. Ilcfore and alter, 456-Y Bell: K-544 Home. 1 1 CLASSIFIED 1 1 wr. BUSINESS OIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER a GIPB Chiropractor. Rooms S, 7. 9. 10. Cuskk Bank Bids Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the riuse. LAWYERS. WUATHERFORD ft WEATHER FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law 301-2 New First National Bank build ing, Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWELLING Attorney at law Notary public nipaay, yregon, REAL E8TATB ft INSURANCE E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Bank Building H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, 8urety Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to .non-residents. Room No. 1. Second floor. Firm Sim. ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. B. M. PAYNE Farm lands and city property for sale. Real estate losns Fire insurance. - Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Hdrae 1143, f!6tf FOR SALE Light roadster automo- one. rirst ciass condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat. - s5t( FOR RENT. FOR RENT New' bungalow, six rooms. Dutch kitchen, screened sleeping porch. Full cement base ment. Phone Bell 117L. m24-' FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St. Reasonable price. Bell phone 312-R. m31tf POR RENT A plastered house of tour rooms, near creamery, both well and city water. Only $5.50 per month. See Griff King. J14-17 The Albany Bakery W Deliver to Any Part ol the City 115-119 K. 3rd Street Hell 560 Party H Home 419 H. PIRCHAU CO. KhV KMOCKW DON'T BLAME THE COW For switching her tail around your neck, Mumping -on your foot, or knocking the bucket over the pail when you are trying to milk (lur ing fly-nut seaon. CONKEY'S FLY KNOCKER set lira that problem. Get it with money back guaran tee at , Murphy's Seed Store MlFCRLLAMKCaia WANTED The people to know E. Holland succeeds K. J. Newman in his wood sawing. All his custom ers, and my old ones, as well as new, will please call Bell phone 540-L, or Home 1229 for prompt service. jlS-22 HEMSTITCHING. 10c s yard. Sue llreckcnridge, 1132 Fersy St. Bell phone 502-Y. WANTS WORK-Lady wants work by day or hour. Home phone, 34K9. - nWtf FOR TRADE Good modern dwell ing, and private garage, in bent part of Rosehurg, for Albany property, flecker & Beam, 133 Lyon. , m3lif POSITION WANTED Capable wo man wants housekeeping; care of invalid, or child. Bell phone 204. WEAVING Carpets and rugs, in satisfactory manner. Phone 339-Y. Minnie Smith. fffltf WORK WANTfeD-Washlng out, or at home, house cleaning, etc. Mrs. G. W. Kuthe, Bell phone 424-Y. For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated. Well located. "See Dr. A. STARK Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Hamme! Hotel Building A. 8TARK, Physician snd Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St. Albany, Ore. r