PACK TWO ALBANY DATLT DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1918. Daily Democrat F. P. NUTTING Lessee. Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. t'ublished every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tues days and Fridays.. : BUSINESS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, $4.00 per yeai in advauic, - otherwise 40c per month. l.v ..-mil. xt end of vear 3.50 Hy mail in advance, per year 3.0i Scmi-Weeklv At end of year Sl.Su When paid in advance, one yr 1-K n RATES 1c per word for first publication; 4c per wora tnereaiier, psy-uic iu u vance. .Minimum cnargc oi -jc In orderiu changes of address, sub Kfibcrs should always Rive old a; well as new address. Established in 1865. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1916. JUGGLING WORDS. It is strange how some papers at tempt to twist things around for po litical effect .In nearly every instance though, so far, it has fallen flat" The Pendleton East Oregonian tells very effectively of such a case: Trying to be scornful an eastern newspaper refers to the Democratic party as the "pacifist party." Just how much reproach is carried in the fling depends upon the meaning of 'pa cifist" . If all who do not wish to see the country involved in war or have nc over-consuming desire to face bullet:' are pafifists, it might be good politka strategy for the Democrats to fly tht peaceful flag. Down on the bordei there are some SO or 100regiments o! national guardsmen and as a rule they are recruited to about one-half tin war strength. Though' earnestly calling for re crults, these regiments are not getting tflem very fast. At the present tinu out of some 100,000,000 people in tin United Slates, about 98,900,000 hav. entirely retrained from going to the front.. The figures may mean nothing but it is not far-fetched to say they indicate that the sentiment for war i5 not entirely unanimous. . However, if "pacifist" applies tc people who are willing to sacrifice im portant National rights or the coun try's honor for the sake of peace, the terra is not applicable to Woodrow Wilson and his backers. The McLemore "scuttle" resolution that would have given in to Germany on the submarine question developed that fact The administration was against that resolution and it was ta bled by Democratic votes. The ma jority of Republicans in the house, headed by Minority Leader Mann voted for the resolution.. In other words when some real business with a powerful nation was on tap the Re publican partyv as represented in con gress, was the party of the "white feather." Three weeks ago when the Mexican situation looked ominous and the na tional guard was called to the colors for anticipated action of what politi cal faftli were the newspapers, some in Oregon, that showed, a saffron streak by assailing the president "for getting the country into war?" For anti-Wilson newspapers to at tack the president as a pecifist is good. o BUSINESS THERMOMETER. Whenever you feel a little dubious about business conditions generally. just pick up a copy of Dun's report, one of the most reliable business ther mometers in the country, and have it abolished. Here is the newest report: Competitive buying has abated and business moves under reduced mo mentum, though with surprisingly lit tie shrinkage in its volume. This is the period of all others when a de cided halt is to be expected, and many plants ordinarily stop for needed re pairs, and inventories and vacations are calculated to bring comparative quiet in commercial channels. Yet this year is an exception and much less than the customary lull is now apparent, while indications fore-shadow unusual activity throughout the summer. Instead of being at low ebb as is often the case at this time, pro duction is maintained close to the re cent maximum and enforced shut downs at manufacturing works will, as a rule, be of short duration. Oper ations in numerous instances, how ever, continue hampered by the scarc ity of labor and other drawbacks, and it is still the fact that some mills are turning contracts away that cannot be filled as promptly as buyers desire This is particularly true of cotton and woolen lines, in which important gov ernment needs have accentuated the difficulties in making early' deliveries . on ordinary requirements. Large or ders focrmy shoes have also impart ed stimulus to footwear and leather, while in steel and iron the sustaineil foreign demands tend to offset the contraction in strictly domestic busi ness. ' MISFITS That's always a good story about the Irishman who had never spoken intt a t1nlin fitinlli iminir to one. and starting to speak just as a stroke of lightning lilt tne wire, tie juinpcu back, crving: "Sure, that's you, Biddy-" Some people seem to think it's a fine thing for their daughters to learn to play the piano, and, so it is, but piano playing is a mere jingle unless there is expression back of it. Some people arc .-,11 physical, and hence failures, and some people are all spiritual, and hence almost un earthly. There is a golden mean. which people need to reach in their human associations. One can hardly have too much of either if it is under control. Big difference between the treat ment of boys today and forty years ago. Most of them are treated pretty well; but jome are not, and others are treated better than they should be for their own good. Give a boy everything he wants and spoil him. Give a boy nothing and drive him into evil. . ' ' . The old, musty parlor is a thing of the past, at least in Albany. We don't know of a single one. You would have to hunt in many homes to find a distinctive parlor; Misfits remembers an Albany moth er who made her boys take off their shoes when they went through the parlor. Nothing like that now. The concentrated power of wealth has certainly been well whacked at this Chautauqua, and it deserves it. 'We are almost appalled at the man ner in which fortunes are being made in the east, through the robber system of the day. . Overcharging is robbery, and thit is the system of the day. Many things have gone up hundreds of per cent merely for ungodly gain. Greed is at the bottom of most of the Mriking increases in the prices of things. After Jicaring several of the Chau tauqua lecturers, we are completely 'aligned that Albany is the most beau tiful spot on the face of the earth. We should keep it (lean, a garden spot, home town worth living in. Speedily, skillfully, economically, is he City Auto Transfer way. a!7tf adv Pound At the U. P. church a gold-headed umbrella, with the monogram HH. . j 10-12 POSITION WANTED Capable wo man wants housekeeping; care of invalid, or child. Bell phone 204. CHROMIC- DISEASES a Specialty. Cancer, Rheumatism, etc. Service reasonable. Consultation free. Elec trical and medical treatment. Call, I want to make your acquaintance. Office 405 E. 5th St. and R. R. St. Hours 8 to 11 a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. D: M. jones, M. D., Albany, Oregon. j26-a d&sw Real Estate for Sale Bargains in farm lands, city prop erty; money to loan, insurance written in the strongest old line companies. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St " Our Eye Helps Expert Exam inations. Glasses correctly made and fitted. Everything to better sight. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist El 1H1 Order your silo material from the Albany Lumber Co. Sawmill now run ning. Both phones. in4t f WEAVING Carpets and- rugs, in satisfactory manner. Phone 339-Y. Minnie Smith. f8tf WORK WANTED Washing out, or at home, house cleaning, etc, Mrs. .G. W. Kuthc, Bell phone 4-4-Y. Albany la good city. Albany's markets are better than the av. erage, NcbergaU's Market ranks, best in the state for sanitation and equipment Help a home in dustry and protect your health, by buying your meats from D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT COMPANY SECOND AND LYON STS. Both Fones 47 The Albany Bakery We Deliver to Any Part of the City 115-119 E. 3rd Street Bell 560 Party R Home 419 H. . FIRCHAU CO.- A. STARK, Physician and Surgeon Both phones 60 330 W. First St Albany, Ore. PlY KMOCKOt DON'T BLAMB THE COW For switching her tail around your neck, stamping on your foot, or knocking the bucket over the pail when you arc trying to milk dur ing fly-pest season. CONKEY'S FLY KNOCKER set tics that problem. . . Get it with money back guaran tee at; Murphy's Seed Store VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Cor. First and Ellsworth Street! Save Money Both country and city people will save money by trading at V . Parkers' Busy Corner Grocery ... We pay the highest price for eggs and produce, and sell on a low margin. Low rent to us means more profit to you. Parker & Parker Busy Corner Grocery W. E. PARKER 4th and Lyon street B A N Y loRgl U SAVINGS DANK County trips at reasonable ratas. City Auto Transfer. ' el7tf Milk and Cream CALL 17 BOTH PHONES Bottled milk from tuberculor tested herds. Bottled cream from Henry Stewart's full blooded Jersey herd. Milk and cream thoroughly pasteurised before bottling. ALBANY PURE MILK ft ' CHEESE CO. Sth and Jackson Sts. Fisher-Braden N Undertakers Lady assistant P, B. PHIPPS Graduate of the Weltmeir Institute Drugless Healing. Chronic, Nerv ous, Lung and Female Diseases. 734 Lyon St. Albany, Or. Home phone 2185. Bell 364-R. For Rent FINE STORE ROOM First Street All ready, with fix tures, furnace heated, Well located. See Dr. A. STARK SAVE $5.50 ON A - VACUUM CLEANER During Hotpoint Week July-3-8 and do your cleaning by The OUSTLESS, HEALTHFUL AND TIRELESS WAY. THE REGULAR PRICE OF THE HOTPOINT CLEANER IS $25 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF $1S.50 and SAVE the DIFFERENCE, $5.50 -FREE DEMONSTRATION RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Albany. Oregon. MACK PARKER U NATIONAL DANK Conservative Management and ' ' Strength commend this Bank to your consideration. THE CHECKING ACCOUNTS of individuals are especially welcomed. FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER OVER. LAND CAR Electric lights and starter. New casings and storage bat. tery. Extra seat coverings and chairs. Overhauled this spring and is in font class condition. A SNAP at $450.00. CaU 212 West 1st St Phone 5Q3L after 8:30. . . Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Masonic Building'. Albany, Or. Both phones. Lady Assistant Golden Rule Dairy MILK and CREAM 2 Daily Deliveries. Both phones - H. M. PALMER. Prop. Cabinet Work Albany Planing Mill Never Start, Never Save! If you keep on spending, youll end up NOWHERE. If you start, and keep on sav ing, you'll reach thetopmost rung of the ladder of success. The 4 per cent interest at bur Savings Department will help you mount Get your account started. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $90,000. J. W. CUSICK A CO., Bankers Albany, Oregon NEW RUGS MADE FRO' YOUR OLD CARPETS.. N. W. Rug Co, Portland, Of. M. L. SANDERS, Albany Agent Bell phone 377-R; Home 83 Jones Book Store Subscriptions received for Mag azines and periodicals. '333 West First St., Albany, Oregon. A QUALITY STORE We sell the bestat lowest prices Watch Repairing F. G. Will Feed Flour Lime Cement M. SENDERS ft CO. Open Saturday Evenings. ' Eli WANTED For Saw Mill , and Lumber Yard Inquire of Democrat office, or phone 358 Home Comfort Is greatly Increased by decorating your walls tnd ceilings with dainty, artistic wall paper. Wall Paper of this kind Is not expensive If pur chased from us. It is easy to select patlernsdalnty and artistic from our well selected stock. Won't you let us flfew"T6u early while eur stock Is unbroken? - We extend you a most hearty Invitation to see our samples and will do our best to make' you comfortable while looking them over. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists STETTER'S FOR GROCERIl.S AM) CROCKEKY THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES. PRODUCE nd FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones DUGAN & DENNY Dealers In second hand and new goods. Corner' 2nd and Baker streets. We compete with catalog hous es. Bring in your catalogs and compare prices. BUSINESS 0 j I Q Q I r I r fj WANT DIRECTORY U L H U U I f I L U ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTOR ELMER C. OIPE Chiropractor, Rooms 5, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bsnk Bldg. Nature cannot cure s disease unless the cause is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. LAWYERS. WLATHERFORD Jt WEATHER. FORD. Lawyers, Albany, Ore. C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law M-2 New First National Bank build iii). Albany, Oregon. L. G. LEWELLING Attorney at- law Notary public Albany, Oregon. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE ' E. F. SOX Real Estate, Loans, Fire Insurance. First National Bank Building ' H. F. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, 8ureiy Bonds Special attention given to care of property belonging to .non-residents. Room No. 1. Second floor, First Sav ings Bank building, Albany, Oregon. B. M. PAYNE Farm lands snd city property for sale. Real estate loam Fir insurance. Surety Bonds. Rooms 19-21, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, 423 W. 1st St. Reasonable price. Bell phone 312-R. m31tf FOR RENT New bungalow, six rooms. Dutch kitchen, screened sleeping porch. Full cement base ment. Phone Bell 117L. m24- FOR SALE FOR SALE, CHEAP New McCor mick binder; has cut only 40 acres. E. H. Holloway. 7-14d&sw FOR SAL&-For a quick sale, will sell one' of the best Mlllersburg 10 acre tracts for $1000, $500 cash, balance on time. This is. $50 per acre less' than cost. Call on J. V, Pipe. 203 West 2nd St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 10 million timber claim in Douglas county for city property or good farm land. Home 1143. flfitf E. L. -STIFF ft SON 215 to 317 Lyon St. New and Second Hand Ooods BotiRht and 8old. HAUL By CITY AUTO TRUCK CO, Unlit and heavy, all kinds promptly attended to. Office J. A. HOWARD. 325 W. 1st St; Bell loA-Ki llome 68. Hoar 7 a. in. to 6 p. m. Before and after. 456-Y Ucll; K-544 Home. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Ilnmmc! Hotel Building FOR SALE llygica Dairy, with out lit, busmen and slock, lllair & Sou, llcllj.hoiie 510-L. jlOtf FOR SAI.K N'inctccn-foot niotur boat. Good condition. Cheap if 1:ikcit at once. See A. II. Weather. '"' j!2-l4 WANTED Widow lady to keep house fur myself and hired man on poultry farm. Must he a good cook and housekeeper. Address Box No. 157, R. F. D. 5. J10-I5 WORK WANTED Will go out or take work home. Lace curtains a specialty. 25c per pair. Bell S96-J. or 323 E. 2nd. a4tf GIRL WANTED To wait on table. Apply at once at Carlton Kcr.taur ant. j2-U WANTF.I An experienced waitress. Call at Democrat office. JI2-14 HEMSTITCHING. 10c a yard. Sue Brcckcnridge, 1132 Ferry St. licit phone 502-Y. WANTS WORK-Lady wants work by day or hour, llome phone. 34K9. . n2"if 9? SA.LE Light roadstvr aulomrv bile.. First class condition. Recent ly overhauled. Address "Roadster" care Democrat. ,5if FOR TRADE Good modern dwell- ing, and private garage, in best part of Koscburg, for "Albany property. Hccker ft Ream, 133 Lyon. m31tf Mortgage Loans. . Have plenty of local money to loan on farms in amount, frn,,, ejimn $2500; also have Eastern money, and can make loans in amounts ranging from $3500 to $10,000 on good culti vated farms in Linn or Benton coun ties for long time. No delays In ob taining the loan. See J. V. PIPE, 203 West First St. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received by Ray J. Fox, clerk of School District No. 57, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon, for the erection and completion of a new school build ing to be limit in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by Arnold C. Jenkins, architect." Al bany, until 11 o'clock a. m July 15,1, lOlfi. Tl.- ..t,..i i . . ' ' : .t- r - .. uiru reserves llic ritrtit to reject any and all bids. Hy order of Hie school board. F. A. MARIELS, Ray J. Fox, Chairman. Clerk. Plans may be had by applying to the clerk or the architect. J3-I4 3?